We love the range of Topics on HubPages. We go deep and we go wide (sometimes we even get lost in our Hubs). Were passionate about discovering and sharing information. And about creating a community. In a very real sense, were in this to make an impact, to grow, to learn, to share knowledge, to connect to each other and to something bigger. We get excited by our company, by our Hubbers every day. Were in it to change the world, in our own small way.
How to fix orange hair
Have you tried to go blonde and ended up orange? Find out how to fix orange hair and reach a more pleasant shade...
Understanding Psychology of Gifted Children
Gifted children are often overlooked. Maximizing their gifts and creativity help gifted children positively bloom. Is your child gifted? Find out by taking a free online gifted screening test to know.
Year in Review: 2014 Memorable Lines on HubPages
2014 was a memorable year of reading great writes here on HubPages. All writers desire that their work is memorable. Let us strive to write memorable work for future generations to relish!
How to Get a Bigger Booty In 3 Weeks
On my own journey in search of a bigger butt, I started out on Google, to do the research. I found a lot of nutritional/expert information claiming that you can't really "grow" your butt, at least not...
26 DIY Valentine Gifts for Him
Valentines Day is a time to show your other half a token of your love. Take a look at these ideas for inspiration.
20 Two-Ingredient Cake Mix Recipes
These easy recipes require only a box of cake mix, and a mix-in. That's it, 2 ingredients that you probably have on hand. You'll find 20 enticing combinations with instructions and photos.
How to Remodel a Home on a Shoestring Budget
Cheap ideas to save money while repairing, updating, rehabbing, and beautifying your home to increase the market value and appeal to buyers.
11 Sites Like eBay - Other Websites To Buy And Sell On
Can't find what you want on eBay? Or are you looking for somewhere else to sell your products? There are plenty of sites like eBay available (for both buyers and sellers). eBay started in 1995 as a simple place to...
Pastures for Meat Goats
Goats grazing high quality pastures produce better quality meat and milk, at a lower cost to the producer, than goats grazing poor quality pastures or goats fed stored feeds.
How and when to induce vomiting in your dog
A time may come where you may need to induce vomiting in your dog. If your vet recommends this, do you know what to do and what type of hydrogen peroxide to use? Read on for some tips.
Rarest Eye Color in Humans
Ever wonder what the rarest eye color in the world is? Find out the rarest eye color in humans. Find out what makes certain eye colors rarer than others.
DIY: Egg White Face Mask Recipes for Beautiful Skin
Did you know that egg white is an incredibly rich, readily available face mask ingredient available right in your kitchen? Containing a host of skin boosting nutrients; protein, vitamins...read more
How to dye blonde hair brown
If you want to dye blonde hair brown, you can't just apply a brown hair dye. Doing so could result in green hair or other mistakes. Find out how to dye your hair brown properly...
Comparing Shark vs Dyson Vacuum Cleaners - An Indepth Review
At a glance, when comparing these two vacuum cleaners against each other, there seems to be many similarities except for the price tag. A good example of this would be Shark's Navigator Lift-Away Vacuum and Dyson's...
8 Animes Like Death Note - Try These Psychological Animes
Are you a fan of Death Note? Are you looking for an anime like Death Note? There are plenty of great animes like Death Note available, check out our list of animes like Death Note and find the anime for you. Death...
Hide the Homeless...Ignore the Problem
The homeless on our streets are a global phenomenon. Anti-homeless measures and an attitude where the homeless should be moved on and out of sight is arrogant and far from addressing the problem.
Vet-Approved Dog Upset Stomach Home Remedies
Learn some effective vet-approved dog upset stomach, natural remedies to treat your dog's stomach problems at home. Easy to make dog bland diet recipe, straight from your kitchen's pantry!
8 Best Android Real-Time Strategy Games
There are very few decent real-time strategy games for Android. Some are inspired by multiplayer online battle arena games, whereas others have gameplay features similar to current gen strategy titles.
Best Laptop for Photo Editing in 2014
Finding a laptop that is good for editing photos can be challenging. But the advent of notebooks with excellent IPS screens and powerful processors and GPUs makes it possible to find some.
What Should a Kindergartener Know?
What your child should know before entering Kindergarten and what they will be required to learn and understand throughout the year with ideas on how to help them excel.
DIY: Egg Yolk Face Mask Recipes for Glowing Skin
Egg yolks are nutritional powerhouses with almost all nutrients needed for healthy skin. Egg yolk contains many vitamins that are great for skin. Here are 3 easy egg yolk face mask recipes that you
Homemade Orange Peel Face Mask Recipes for Bright Skin
Orange peel face mask recipes are easy to make at home, using common ingredients available in your kitchen. Orange peel is nutrient-rich and has many benefits for skin, not only skin lightening.
DIY Homemade Face Scrub Recipes for Oily Skin
Got oily skin? Harsh store-bought face washes and face scrubs can dry out your skin and cause it to produce oils on overdrive! Show your face some love by DIY homemade face scrub recipes for oily skin
6 Best Apps to Hide Pictures and Videos on Android
Some Android apps allow you to hide pictures and videos on your phone or tablet PC. They may hide images behind an innocent-looking media player, password-protect them, or create a fake app.
50 Creative Photography Name Ideas
Picking a business name is a task that should not be taken lightly! Take a look at our list of 50 creative photography name ideas for some inspiration!
Possible Causes of Bump on Roof of Mouth
Lumps sometimes appear in various places on the body. One common area is the roof of the mouth, but finding a lump on the roof of your mouth is not necessarily a problem.
How to Make a Money Rose
Learn how to turn a few bills of any denomination into a pretty flower that's fun to give as a gift for weddings, graduations, birthdays or any other occasion.
10 Sites Like YouTube - YouTube Alternatives
Interested in an alternative to YouTube? There are plenty of video sites like YouTube available to watch and share video content. YouTube is currently the most popular video sharing website available and is owned by...
11 Games Like Age of Empires - Real-Time Strategy Games
Are you a fan of the popular Age of Empires game series? Looking for other real time strategy games like Age of Empires? This page features a collection of games like Age of Empires (including free and online games). ...
Neuropsychology: The Curious Case of Phineas Gage
Phineas Gage suffered the most horrific of injuries in an accident with an iron rod, experiencing clear personality changes as a result. This case study greatly advanced neuropsychology and our understanding of damage...
Dreaming of Death and Dying: The Meaning of Death Dreams
An article exploring the meaning of death & dying in dreams. The importance of the context of the dreamer's experience & the idea that the dreamer is the expert of his/her own dreams is highlighted.
Queen Victoria's Grandchildren- the effect on World War One
Victoria and Albert were married for 21 years- not a particularly long marriage but their nine children and 36 grand children had a great effect on the shaping of the world in the early twentieth century
Ten Rules to Better Role-Playing in Skyrim
Are you looking for a deeper role-playing experience? Skyrim was made for role-players, and gives you plenty of ways to lose yourself in another time and place. These 10 tips can help make your role-playing experience...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tool: Behavioral Chain
Behaviors can be analyzed clearly through the useful tool of behavioral chains. CBT and DBT are treatments that look for ways to change thoughts and increase one's ability to cope with stress.
Best Inspirational Songs of Bollywood
The ten greatest inspirational songs of Bollywood, all great musical masterpieces, with a message that emphasizes the essence of human life and convince you of its resilience... with videos & credits.
10 Free Android Collectible Card Games
Some amazing Android collectible card games (trading card games) for your mobile and tablet PC, with endless deck-building possibilities.
5 Delicious Juice Recipes for Weight Loss
If you're looking for easy and delicious juicing recipes to help you lose weight, check out this article. Find out which fruits and vegetables to juice for maximum result.
10 Drinking Games for Two People
10 simple games for two people to get drunk! No cop-outs like movie games (drink when ____ says ____ is overdone!). Only 1 requires cards.
Metal Detectors in Schools
The argument for and against the installation of metal detectors in schools is growing. This article shares both sides and takes a look at the school environment around this issue.
How to Connect a Macbook to a TV Using HDMI
This guide explains how to connect a Macbook to a TV using HDMI. Depending on what version your Mac is, you'll need a Mini-Display Port-to-HDMI-Adapter, which supports both audio and video data.
DIY Hair Care: Best Hair Masks for Dry Hair
Discover 3 different hair masks for dry hair with intense action for moisturizing, hydrating and nourishing hair follicles from within, all with natural ingredients from your kitchen!
Best Acoustic Guitar Under $500 2014
Compare the top 5 best acoustic guitars under $500 and learn why you needn't spend a fortune to land a great acoustic guitar in 2014!
Top 10 Fruits High in Iron - Increase Haemoglobin Level
Easily increase your haemoglobin level in blood and resolve iron deficiency by eating these top 10 fruits rich in iron, as a regular part of your diet. Increasing iron does not have to be chore.
Top 3 Coconut Oil Face Mask Recipes for Healthy Skin
Coconut oil is a rising star in the beauty world, & with good reason! It's a natural sunscreen, too! Incorporate this miracle oil into your face masks with 3 sensational coconut oil face mask recipes.
Ten Genius Things You Can Do With A Glue Gun
In the past crafters used glue guns to piece things together easily and quickly, but now we are discovering that the glue gun has many other uses. Here are my favorite ten.
Games to Play in the Dark
This article features tons of spooky and fun game ideas to play in the dark, including night versions of "Hide and Seek" as well as games designed just for the darkness, like "Monsters in the Dark."
Mama Ruby Made From Scratch Caramel Cake Recipe(s)
I love caramel cake. My mom's is the best! She gave me permission to share this with you! This lens deals with caramel cake and other caramel and cake recipes. The recipe is my mama's popular recipe for made from...
Why I Eat McDonald's
We all have reasons why we do the things we do, often tying excuses like convenience or finances to justify specific actions. Digging deep within, we may find there is a more sinister force at work.
20 Reasons Not to Move to Florida
Florida has a lot to offer, and that is why the state is growing in population. A lot of people want to live there. Thinking of moving to Florida? Here are 20 reasons to think again.
Advice to Nightclub Rookies on How to Order Drinks
This is a rantmost bartenders/ servers will relate. Please understand it was written half drunk and very tongue-in-cheek! I loved my job and I love peopleplease don't take it too seriously!
How to Display Large Photos in Craigslist Classified Ads
Craigslist forces all the photos and images in online ads to a small, 300 x 225 size. The purpose of this page is to show you an easy way to 'make' craigslist display large photos full-size. Free online classified...
British/English Chefs - The Top 10 Famous Celebrity Chefs
Jamie Oliver also known as the Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver is a very popular television celebrity known for cooking and absolutely nothing with being nude. He didnt even agree with the title of...
Relationship Advice: How To Get Over Being Played
How many times do you find yourself wondering "what happened" in a relationship? This article offers relationship advice and tips on recognizing deceit. Learn how to close the door on the humiliation of being...
What Are Shadow People
Shadow people are being seen all over the world by many different people. You see them discussed on the TV ghost shows. They appear to be ghosts but are different from residual hauntings or intelligent hauntings.I...
Nose Piercing Healing Issues
As a follow-up to Everything About Nose Piercings, this Hub offers information on healing and aftercare. Get advice on jewelry issues, keloids or bumps, changing jewelry and more.
The 10 Funniest, Best Big Bang Theory Episodes
Looking for a list of the top 10 Big Bang Theory episodes? Here are my 10 favourite episodes of the brilliantly-scripted hit TV show The Big Bang Theory. WARNING - MANY SPOILERS BELOW!
Wedding Poems, Wedding Blessings
I present my selection of timeless wedding poems and blessings from multiple cultures around the world to serve as a boilerplate from which you can create your own personal wedding vows and love poems to show your love,...
Types of Plants (with Pictures)
There many different types of plants, ranging from grand trees to tiny algae. This is an overview with pictures.
Who Killed Leila Adele Welsh?
This article is about Leila Adele Welsh, a victim of a brutal crime during the early morning hours of March 9, 1941 in Kansas City, Missouri. After 72 years, her case remains unsolved.
How to Build Interesting Characters in Skyrim
Skyrim gives you a lot of freedom to create exactly the kind of character you want to create. For a lot of people, however, it's almost too much of a good thing. How do you create really interesting and really...
Top 10 Best Electro House Songs
Electronic house music: electro house, with its heavy drops and mind-blowing synth. These are the top 10 artists, from Swedish House Mafia to Deadmau5 to Knife Party.
The Meaning of Tree Tattoos
Getting a tattoo is permanent, and while some people like to just grab something that catches their fancy because its pretty or scary or popular, others like to do research and spend some time figuring out...
How to Exercise Transverse Abdominal Muscles
Looking for a quick weight loss program, how to lose baby fat, or how to lose abdominal fat? Learn how to flatten your stomach with the best stomach exercises. Get ripped with transverse ab workouts.
Fruit Peel Benefits | Benefits of Orange Peels
From now onwards, don't throw away orange peels because the benefits of orange peels are many! Orange peels are a highly versatile fruit peel that can be used in many beneficial ways, from beauty to a
10 Most Effective Tips to Forget an Ex
Having trouble forgetting your ex? Do you want to move on but don't know how and where to start? Well, it's about time to end that emotional torture. Here are 10 of the best & effective ways for you.
Decorating Your Fish Tank: Do's and Don'ts
There are many different options for decorating a fish tank. How can you be sure that what you are adding is appropriate for your fish? This article should answer all your questions.
Turmeric Face Mask Recipes: True Secret to Glowing Skin
For beautiful, glowing skin, treat yourself to these true beauty secrets that have been used since ancient times. Use these turmeric face mask recipes to earn the most gorgeous skin you've ever had.
9 Animes Like Maid Sama (Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama)
Are you looking for an anime like Maid Sama (Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama)? There are plenty of animes like Maid Sama that offer similar themes. Maid Sama follows Misaki Ayuzawa, the head of the student council at a once all...
9 Animes Like Naruto - Action Animes
Are you a fan of the popular action anime series Naruto? Looking for another anime like Naruto? There are plenty of great animes like Naruto available and there is definitely at least one that will suit your preference...
Top Ten .45 Pistols To Own
Whether you are a recreational gun owner, one who uses a gun or guns for home defense, or both, you will highly appreciate this lens. We will discuss and review the top ten .45 pistols available, based upon performance,...
Exploring bismuth, what is it, what can it do, where is it found? What can anti-gravity properties do? Can it enhance space travel, technology and medicine? Why is it used in jewelry? Ingot wealth.
How to Discover Your Best Possible Self
By living in a world of perfection, we have an ideal image for ourselves. Don't let that idealism keep you from the best possible you. Use positive psychology to help you reach your goals.
The Secret Benefits of That Dreaded Writer's Block
How to escape and find new hope as a writer during a quiet writing period and the hidden gems that may arise during that time. Rediscover the spark and don't fear the dreaded writer's block.
The Most Amazing Human Reproductive Records
How many children can one woman give birth to in a lifetime? How many children can one man father? Who is the oldest and youngest mother, father, and grand parent on record? How big was the world's heaviest infant?...
The 5 Best Handheld Document Scanners
The best handheld document scanners are ideal for copying whole pages or sections of text and they are invaluable for...
Murderous Children: 11 Year Old Serial Killer Mary Bell
It was the summer of 1968 in Scotswood, a community north of London in England. Martin Brown's lifeless body was discovered lying on the floor inside a boarded-up, condemned house, with blood and saliva trickling down...
How to Take Screenshots in Skyrim
If you've played Skryim, then you know how magnificent the view can be. Don't let those moments slip away: capture them with a screenshot! This guide will show you how to take a screenshot with or without the HUD and...
How To Find Out If My House Is Haunted
If you're anything like me, one of the searches in Google you might type could be "how to find out if my house is haunted". Maybe you're truly wondering if your house is indeed haunted...maybe you need some...
How to Treat an Itchy Ear Canal
There is nothing more irritating and distracting than an itchy ear canal. Anyone who has ever suffered from this common ailment knows how infuriating it can be to experience a constant and intense itch inside the ear....
How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your House | 10 Great Tips
Dust mites are the scourge of allergy sufferers everywhere. There are literally millions of them living and feeding inside your bed, carpets, soft furnishings, clothes and anywhere where dust tends to accumulate. Dust...
Real Georgia Ghost Stories: The Surrency Ghosts
One of the most frightening Georgia ghost stories is a true ghost story, and it is one that scared me even more than the famous Bell Witch haunting. This real Georgia ghost story is called the Surrency Ghosts. The ghost...
5 Day Toning Workout Routine
This is a 5 Day Toning Routine to get the body you've always wanted! Includes information about nutrition and supplements.
Fast and Easy Ways to Grow Taller Naturally
A guide to the fastest and easiest ways to gain height naturally. It includes tips and specific exercises. Read on to find out how to grow 3-6 inches!
How to Find Real Fairies
Have you ever wondered if fairies are real? I'm here to tell you, my friend, that indeed they are real. Knowing that these otherworldly beings are real, perhaps you're wondering how to find real fairies...
15 Creative Theme Ideas for Gala Dinner Events
Selecting perfect theme for your gala can really make or break the success of your gala dinner/event. Ensure that your guest list is full and that the guests in attendance have a night to remember by choosing a theme...
Top 10 Crazy Anime Fights
An anime series is boring without ferocious fights between heroes and villains. In fact, most anime fans are looking forward for action rather than a series story. This cant be helped since watching...
Ten Best Lullabies or Lori Songs of Bollywood
The ten greatest ever lullabies or lories of Bollywood. These sweet songs of parental reassurance meant to put kids at rest are also the most soothing pieces of great music composed in Hindi films.
How to Create an Internet Meme
Many people on the internet try to create memes on a daily basis. Some catch on, some don't. Learn what you need to know to make a meme that will catch on and spread throughout the internet.
Liver Pain - Location, Causes and Treatment
Are you worried about the pain in the right upper abdomen ? Are you thinking about the liver ? This article is about clearing all your doubts on liver pain !
Khorne Lord of Skulls: Stats, Review, & Tactics
Khorne Lord of Skulls review, stats, and tactics. This model is for use in the new Apocalypse 40k expansion It will then look at tactics for using this model in battles. Khorne Lord of Skulls!
100 Science Topics for Research Papers
Great topic ideas for Science Essays. Links to articles to start your research, writing tips for research and step by step research instructions.
Various Facts About Pain around Belly Button
Pain around the navel or belly button, especially if it persists, may be a reason to visit your doctor. Here's a list of possible causes and treatments of belly button pain.
Homemade Honey Face Mask Recipes for Beautiful Skin
Looking for honey face mask recipes that you can make at home? I've shared 3 awesome honey face masks that actually work! Get to know the real benefits of honey for skin, and how you can make the most
Drinking Fennel Seed Water for Weight Loss
Learn how to drink fennel seed water for maximum weight loss properties. Fennel seed water boosts metabolism and has intense fat burning properties that you can use to help you in your weight loss.
Top 3 Homemade Face Scrub Recipes for Blackheads
Face scrubs are one of the best homemade treatments for blackheads. Check out these homemade face scrub ideas that really help to clean out blackheads from the root. These are safe and cheap too!
The Best Wood To Burn In A Wood Burning Fire Pit
To keep safe and enjoy your fire pit to the max, learn which wood to burn in your wood burning fire pit. Keep the sparks to a minimum...unless you want them. Learn which wood will burn the longest.
How to Decorate Your House in Minecraft
Is the inside of your Minecraft home looking empty or dull? Discover how to decorate your house by recreating basic furniture, including a fireplace, television, refrigerator and more!
Tips For Canoeing With Your Dog
Canoeing with your dog doesn't have to be stressful. Learn how to introduce your dog to a canoe, tips for keeping your dog safe on the water and a check list for necessary items to take with you.
26 Easy DIY Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast
Is dandruff your everlasting problem? Fear not! These quick and simple tips give you everything you need to stop dandruff. Know what is and what causes dandruff and choose the best treatment from the list...
How to dye your hair blonde without bleach
If you want to dye your hair blonde without bleach, it is possible. However, you'll need to be careful and become more accustomed with high lift dyes...
10 Ways to Surprise Your Valentine
Do you want to TRULY surprise your valentine this Valentine's Day? Let's look beyond the breakfast in bed, roses at work and glittery jewelry. Treat your Valentine to something special and unique?
Best New York Strip Steak Marinade
When you choose a good cut of meat like a New York Strip and combine it with a good marinade you can't go wrong. Here is simple preparation for a flavourful steak.
11 Sites Like Facebook - Other Social Networking Sites
Are you tired of using Facebook? Or simply interested in what other social networks are available? There are many sites like Facebook available that offer a variety of features to differentiate themselves from the...
9 Sites Like Amazon - Other Online Retailers
Amazon is the top online retailer but there are plenty of other sites like Amazon available. Maybe you couldn't find what you wanted on Amazon or simply had a bad shopping experience. Whatever the reason these 9 online...
7 Games Like Second Life - Popular Virtual Worlds
There are plenty of games like Second Life available if you are looking to start exploring another world filled with delights, activities and other like minded people. These virtual alternatives offer a variety of...
9 Games Like RuneScape - The Best Free MMOs
There are many online free MMORPG games like RuneScape available if you are looking to move away from RuneScape or are just looking for a good online or downloadable game with a fantasy setting. RuneScape has long...
How to Paint Wine Glasses
There are plenty of absolutely beautiful hand painted wine glasses that you can order online, but have you thought about painting your own? Hand painted by you wine glasses make a great, personalized gift or can be a...
Why Do People Hate Redheads?
Why do some people just hate redheads? If you have ever experienced inexplicable redhead hate, this page may be just for you! If you can relate, please leave your comments so others don't feel alone!
Feeding Meat Goats
The proper feeding of meat goats is important for keeping them healthy and productive. The most efficient way to feed goats is to let them harvest their own feed from good quality pasture forages.
How to Raise Free Range Rabbits
Housing, feeding, and health care of naturally raised rabbits are all explained in this article.
Healthy Cooking - Gooey Pumpkin Cupcakes
Getting veggies in our diets can be tricky when we want to keep our meals healthy, exciting & yummy. These pumpkin cupcakes are delicious & so easy to make. Only the best ingredients included!
All About Nose Piercings
Learn all about different types of nose piercings, jewelry styles, see nose piercing videos and get information and advice before getting your nose pierced.
10 Most Talented Japanese Actors/Idols
Japanese idols have to be more than just good looking. They also need to be multi-talented. Out of an industry that traffics in talent, there are some who rise to the top.
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Study on 1000 year regn of Yeshua
Revelation 20:1-10 And I saw a cherub coming down out of Heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain in his hand. (2) And he laid hold of the dragon, the old serpent who is the Devil, and Satan, and bound...
Iris: Japanese Iris
Add an exotic look and prolong the iris season by planting Japanese iris. They are hardy, easy to grow plants for the moister areas of your yard.

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