How to Show Off Your Shoulders
Whether the sun is heating up or winter is in full bloom, there are always occasions to bare your shoulders. Women of all ages can flaunt their shoulders in aRead More

How to Get a Thicker Mustache
To many men, mustaches serve as a symbol of masculinity and strength. Powerful men throughout history, including United States presidents, great thinkers and wealthy celebrities, have made a thick, fullRead More

How to Use Beeswax as a Deodorant
Deodorant helps to mask odors caused by sweat. Many commercial products on the market are laden with chemicals to make you smell good. For some users, however, deodorant solutions mayRead More

Guide to Sun Lotion
Before you hit the beach, pool or even the ski slopes, keep your skin safety in mind. More than 1 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer every year --Read More

Self Tanners That Don't Look Blotchy and Orange
Creating a dewy sun-kissed glow without the aid of the sun is a healthy alternative to avoid a dose of harsh UV rays. However, one too many females have experiencedRead More

What Is Different Between Cream, Lotion & Butter?
With so many moisturizing products on the market, it can be tough to figure out which one is best for you. We all know that body butters, creams and lotionsRead More

Healthy Skin & Cold Showers
French women are known for their beautiful skin, and many tout the benefit of a cold shower for giving them that healthy glow. Though the idea of taking a coldRead More

What Natural Oils Are Good to Soften Calluses?
The thick layers of skin called calluses form as your bodys natural protection from friction and daily pressure. They often occur on hands or feet as a result of repetitiveRead More

Waxing vs. Shaving Legs
Shaving and waxing are two effective ways to temporarily remove hair on your legs. You can get your legs waxed at a salon or do it yourself with a safetyRead More

Do Girdles Reduce Your Stomach Size?
Nothing beats a regimen of exercise and a healthful diet when you're seeking to shed pounds. However, even if you incorporate these practices into your lifestyle, there are a fewRead More

Analyzing Award Show Diets
Imagine starting your year not only with the proverbial fitness or weight loss goals, but knowing you'll soon strut yourself before millions and your appearance may make tabloids, talk showsRead More

How to Measure Your Natural Waist
The term "natural waist" refers to the narrowest point between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis. You may sometimes need to know your natural waist measurement toRead More

How to Dress With a Pudgy Stomach
A pudgy stomach can cause embarrassment for men and women, young or old. The way you dress can have an enormous impact on how noticeable your stomach is to others.Read More

Fun Stuff to Do for a Spa Day Slumber Party
Girls' slumber parties often need a theme or adult direction to keep the girls occupied and entertained. One such theme is spa day. This theme not only keeps girls occupied,Read More

How to Make Lotion With Fresh Papayas
If you enjoy customizing your face and body lotions, or would like to try it, consider incorporating papaya into the mixture. A tropical fruit, papaya contains restorative antioxidants and nutrientsRead More

How to Decrease the Appearance of Indented Scars
Reducing the appearance of an indented scar can make the difference between feeling confident and self-conscious. When skin is wounded, it produces scar tissue to replace the damaged skin. AnRead More

How to Get Rid of Coarse Black Chin Hairs
During various times in your life, you may experience unexpected physical changes due to hormones or medical conditions. Finding yourself with coarse black chin hairs can be aggravating, especially ifRead More

How to Get Rid of Dark Underarms With Cucumbers & Lemons
If you have resisted wearing your favorite sleeveless shirt or tank top for fear of dark underarm stains, you can take it out of the drawer again. Using some ingredientsRead More

How to Get a Bronzed Look Without Tanning
If you want the look of a tanned body without catching some rays, smooth on some sunshine with a self-tanner. To get the look of sun-kissed skin, self-tanning products willRead More

Making Foot Powder
Inspired by a flurry of product label warnings and a growing physical sensitivity to commercially made products, many people are making their own health and beauty items from scratch. CreatingRead More

How to Make a Handmade Bath Puff
Bath puffs, the netting balls with a spongy texture, are an essential tool for the bath and shower. They scrub away the dead skin cells that would otherwise sit onRead More

How to Exfoliate the Face During the Sauna
Facial exfoliation removes dead skin cells and stimulates underlying tissue. The process keeps pores from becoming clogged and creates a healthy, vibrant appearance. Meanwhile, the heat from a sauna alsoRead More

How to Get an Even Complexion on Your Bald Head
Balding is a problem that often makes recipients uncomfortable with themselves and their appearance. Baldness is largely a genetic trait, so there's not much you can do to prevent itRead More

Homemade Face Masks With Cinnamon to Glow
Cinnamon is an astringent; it helps plump your skin cells and increase circulation to areas where it meets the skin. Cinnamon is an ideal ingredient in face masks where youRead More
How to Remove White Spots From Tanning Scars
White spots on your skin are the result of tanning scars. These white spots are a condition where skin pigmentation is lost. While this can happen without the help ofRead More

How to Get Silky Smooth Feet at Home
Feet can become dry and rough for a number of reasons. These include going barefoot or wearing sandals in summer, exposure to dry winter air, and wearing heavy socks andRead More

What Can I Do to Make a Tattoo Hurt Less?
Tattoos are a method of self-expression. They can showcase a part of your personality, serve as a memorial to a loved one, or remind you of a certain time inRead More

What Home Products Can You Put in a Bath to Relax?
You can transform your bathing experience into a relaxing and pampering spa-like encounter without using expensive bath salts, bubble baths, oils and crushed flower petals. Save money -- and exerciseRead More

How to Loosen a Tight Ball on an Eyebrow Piercing
Several areas of the face, including the eyebrow, are open for piercings. The piercing will either go horizontally above your eyebrow or vertically through the eyebrow. Eyebrow piercings including ringsRead More

How to Make Droopy Eyelids Appear Less Droopy
Droopy eyelids -- known as ptosis to doctors -- can be caused by injury, previous eye surgery or just as part of the aging process. This can result in eyeRead More

How to Use Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oil
Tanning outdoors allows you to get a healthy glow naturally, and Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oils make the process even easier. There are five varieties of Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oils available,Read More

How to Make Bubble Bars Like Lush
Bubble bars give you the same relaxing feeling as a bubble bath, but provide thicker foam and a more intense smell than liquid bubble bath. Bubble bars comes in solidRead More

Dry Exfoliation for the Legs
Dry exfoliation for the legs involves using a scrub or brush to slough away dead skin cells. This smooths your legs and can also help to make the skin lookRead More
How to Avoid Getting Keloids From Ear Piercings
Keloids are a type of fibrous scar tissue that can form around body piercings. They are a result of excessive collagen that forms during connective tissue repair. Everyone is susceptibleRead More

Vegan Alternatives to Lanolin in Homemade Beauty Products
Lanolin is an emollient used in numerous beauty products, including lotions and creams. Though emollients don't introduce moisture into the skin, they form a barrier preventing moisture loss. Emollients mayRead More

How to Take the Color Out of Bruising
For many, the skin discoloration of bruising adds insult to the injury. Bruises can appear in all shapes and sizes, ranging in color from red, to black, to green, toRead More

How to Avoid Biting Your Tongue Ring
Body piercing is not without risk. Besides the possibility of infection and rejection of piercing jewelry, each type of piercing has a hazard associated with it. A primary concern forRead More

How to Get Rid of Holes Due to Nose Piercings
Making the choice to have your nose pierced can feel momentous at the time, but because the nose heals quickly, the lasting consequences are usually small. There might be timesRead More
Instructions on Monroe Piercings
Proper aftercare of your Monroe piercing is essential for a healthy recovery. The Monroe piercing is located directly above the upper lip, on either the left or right sides. GatheringRead More
How to Make a Posing Suit
Making your own posing suit is simple, and it's easy to produce a piece exactly right for you. Everyone's body is different, so creating your own suit to your exactRead More

How to Make a Fake Belly Button Ring Without Glue
Body piercings, such as a belly button or navel piercing, is a look many want. But, not everyone is willing to commit to a piercing. Using fake body-piercing jewelry canRead More

Easy Ways to Get Rid of a Farmer's Tan
Whether you are a farmer, a gardener or someone with a passion for outdoor activities, the sun can be a formidable enemy. While tanning is fashionable, a farmer's tan isRead More

Is Baking Soda Good for Cleaning Your Knees & Elbows?
Baking soda is commonly used for baking and cooking purposes. This white crystalline powder is highly versatile and has been used for many other purposes. It can deodorize, freshen, cleanRead More

How to Get Rid of Mehndi Henna From the Hands
Henna tattooing is a Middle Eastern and Indian tradition of dyeing the nails, skin and hair with decorative designs. The act of henna is traditionally done to enhance the naturalRead More

How to Stop a Tan From Fading
Tanning is not just about achieving that perfect bronzed glow --- that's half the work. It's also about maintaining what you've got once you've reached your desired shade. With easyRead More

How to Clean Earrings & Ear Piercings
Approximately three-quarters to four-fifths of American women have pierced ears, according to a 2004 article from Medical News Today. This prevalence can make the procedure seem safe and harmless. TheRead More

How to Get a Strong Chin
Wanting a more defined chin is a common aesthetic goal for both men and women. While some people are genetically gifted with strong chins, others are predisposed to storing fatRead More

Portuguese Tattoo Ideas
The permanence of a tattoo practically screams a message to the world and is a passionate way to show off national pride. Some tattoo designs are obvious ways to representRead More

Uses of Egyptian Oil
Egyptian oils have countless medicinal and therapeutic benefits. You can use them topically or for aromatic purposes. Egyptians have produced oils for thousands of years using compound plants, and theyRead More

Exfoliating Scalp Treatments
Your scalp deserves the same special treatment as you give the rest of your skin. In fact, it needs special treatment to stay healthy. Dead skin and product buildup canRead More

Facts About High Pressure Tanning Beds
There are two main types of indoor tanning booths: low pressure and high pressure tanning beds. While low pressure beds are the most common, your tan will develop quicker ifRead More

How to Tell If You Have an Hourglass Figure
Movie bombshells like Sophia Lauren and Marilyn Monroe had enviable classic hourglass figures, with amply proportionate busts and hips and small waists. Yet only about 8 percent of American womenRead More

The Positive Consequences of Oversleeping
A restful night's sleep affects every area of daily life; yet most people don't realize how much sleep is required. According to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult requires sevenRead More

How to Change Cartilage Jewelry
When you first get a cartilage piercing, you are pierced with initial body jewelry that you must not remove until your piercing has fully healed. To prevent your piercing fromRead More

How to Tape Your Chest
There are many reasons for taping your chest. For women, taping can sometimes increase the natural cleavage. For transsexual men, taping can eliminate the appearance of breasts. Taping can alsoRead More

Quick Fixes for Runny Homemade Lotion
Creating your own lotions at home allows you to control the ingredients and fragrance. But if your lotion comes out too runny, it will be difficult to apply. Basic lotionRead More

The Effects of Aluminum in Deodorants
Sweating is a body function that regulates the body's temperature; however, most individuals dislike the odor that accompanies sweat. To diminish or eliminate this odor, most individuals use deodorant. MostRead More

Most Painless Way to Remove a Very Stuck Earring
Earrings are a fashion statement and add a nice touch to any look. Sometimes they get stuck and if not handled properly can lead to a host of other problems.Read More

Breast Firming Methods
Age, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, genetics and improper support can cause your breasts to start drooping and sagging; they lose their perkiness and firmness. Women with large breasts are more likelyRead More

How to Bind a Chest
Chest binding is a practice that has been used since ancient times. The use and purpose of chest binding changed based on the culture and time period in which itRead More

How to Soak Your Foot in Warm Epsom Salt
After a long day, soaking your feet is a great way to unwind and destress. Epsom salts are have been used for a number of years and offer many healthRead More

How to Practice Mehndi Designs
Mehndi refers to temporary skin decoration with a dye derived from the henna plant. This is traditionally a key piece of South Asian bridal adornment. Women of that region applyRead More

How to Cover Track Marks
Track marks are unsightly areas of damage caused by intravenous drug use. The site of a needle injection may become swollen or infected, especially if the skin is abused byRead More
How to Clean Smiley Piercings
People choose to express themselves in many different ways, and piercings and tattoos are one method of making a statement. Once considered taboo, piercings are now more accepted by society.Read More

How to Darken Tattoos
Tattoos are a popular form of body art for young adults, but as skin ages the tattoo also fades over time. Tattoos fade from improper aftercare, overexposure to the sunRead More

The Best Natural & Organic SPF Body Moisturizers
Skincare is important, especially when it comes to the sun's harmful rays, which can cause painful sunburn and increase your risk of wrinkles and more dangerous issues, such as skinRead More

Facts on Microdermal Piercing
Most people have seen or had their ears pieced, but piercings can be much more complex, bordering in some cases on medical procedures. Transdermal implants, surface piercings and dermal anchoringRead More

The Pros & Cons of Black Light Tattoos
Human beings have tattooed their bodies for religious, decorative and even camouflage purposes for countless generations. As the 20th century advanced, people in many cultures began using various forms ofRead More

How to Suntan With Olive Oil
It's no secret that olive oil is a natural beauty aid that will strengthen nails and add shine to hair. Did you know that olive oil is also great forRead More

How to Sleep With a Nose Piercing
Proper aftercare is crucial anytime you get a new piercing, including a nose piercing. While you can easily remember to keep the piercing sanitary and unobstructed while you are awake,Read More

How to Darken Faded Tattoos
A new tattoo's colors are always crisp and vivid, but as any seasoned tattooed person will tell you, eventually the lines will soften and the colors will mellow; that's aRead More
How to Take Care of an Industrial Piercing
An industrial piercing is when holes are pierced through the cartilage atop and halfway down the ear and a thin metal rod is placed through the two holes. Since thisRead More

Things You Can Find at Home to Put in the Tub to Help You Relax
Few things feel as relaxing as a soak in a hot bathtub after a long, hard day. You can find several items at home that will help you relax inRead More

Basic Procedures for Nose Piercings
Nose piercings are culturally significant pieces of jewelry that can indicate the marriageability, social status or wealth of the wearer. The jewelry can also be worn to form an alternativeRead More

How to Heal an Earring Hole That's Stretched
Heavy, dangling earrings may be fashionable, but they can pull down on the tissue of the earlobe (and sometimes tear the hole through to the end of the ear). ItRead More

The Best Lotion Tanners
Look like you've taken a beach vacation without ever seeing the sun. Lotion tanners allow you to get a healthy, sun-kissed glow without harmful UV rays. Lotion tanners bronze skinRead More

How to Cover Piercings
People get piercings for many reasons, and like to show them off. But sometimes it may not be appropriate to do so. There are times when you may need toRead More

Tips on Sexy Glistening Arms & Legs
Caring for and enhancing the skin does not have to be limited to the face. Sexy glistening arms and legs make you feel confident in your skin. It is notRead More

How to Fade Tattoos
Tattoos have become a great avenue for self-expression. However, what seems like a good idea at the time often turns to regret when a tattoo no longer has meaning orRead More

How to Use Beets to Get a Good Suntan
There is a health move afoot to replace traditional tanning and sunless tanning products with a fake tan that is not only better for your skin, but also for theRead More

How to Hide a Lip Piercing the First Day You Get it
Wanting to hide a recent lip piercing is understandable, especially if you work or go to school in a setting that has based its dress code on more traditional values.Read More

How to Wax Armpits at Home
For those who havent tried it, waxing can seem like a daunting procedure. But you can avoid the stress by taking the process slowly and preparing yourself. Most women desireRead More

Walking Tips for Poise & Grace in Beauty Pageants
If you're competing in a beauty pageant, you'll want to master the art of walking with grace and poise. An awkward walk can make even the most beautiful woman appearRead More

The Bausch & Lomb SofLens Natural Colors
You think you are all ready for a night out on the town. You have picked out the perfect outfit, your hair is styled just so and your makeup isRead More

How to Cover Hickeys
While necking with your sweetheart may be a fun and harmless activity, blemishes known as hickeys can cause embarrassment, especially when we think of anyone seeing them. They make theRead More

The Best Smelling All-Natural Perfumes
Over 3,100 chemicals, many of them potentially dangerous, can be used in a synthetic fragrance. Natural perfumes allow you to smell great without exposure to toxic or irritating ingredients. JustRead More

Pros & Cons About Tanning Towels
Tanning towels are a relatively new product in the self-tanning market. Tanning towels contain self-tanner to create a bronze glow in about 2 to 4 hours. Tanning towels are popularRead More

How to Get Rid of Gum Balls in Your Mouth
It was all fun and games putting the brightly colored spheres of sugary gum into your mouth, but now there's a serious problem at hand; how to get them out.Read More

How to Find Out Your Gauge Size
When an individual decides to gauge their piercings, eventually they need to change out the jewelry. Whether you used a non-traditional object to gauge your ears, or you had yourRead More

How to Avoid Getting a Rash From Self-Tanners
Self-tanners are a great way to get a bronze glow without all of the harmful effects of the sun's rays. However, self-tanners can present their own sets of problems. AfterRead More

Parts of My Tattoo Are Getting Lighter
Getting a tattoo is likely to be something that you have thought long and hard about. It's a permanent mark and it should be something you are proud to have.Read More

Corsets That Train Your Waist
Corset training as a form of body modification began in the Victorian period. Corset training shifts the individual's skeletal structure, creating an hourglass shape. Tight-lacing a corset can be extremelyRead More

Easy Ways to Make a Man Look Like a Woman
Whether you are a male seeking to dress as a female on a daily basis or you simply want to dress as a woman for a special occasion, such asRead More

List of Foods for Reducing Cellulite
Cellulite is the bumpy, orange-peel appearance of fat deposits under the skin. It usually occurs in women on the buttocks, thighs and hips. It is caused by the break downRead More
Good Cover-Up-Name Tattoo Ideas
Many people get a partner's name tattooed on their bodies, only to regret it later. If a relationship ends and feelings change permanently, the name tattoo itself may begin toRead More

Psalm 23 Tattoo Ideas
So you've decided to get a tattoo. You've even chosen to incorporate Psalm 23. But you have a lot of preparations before you can proudly show off your new ink.Read More

How to Shape up Breasts After Breasfeeding
Your bundle of joy is born and after some time breastfeeding, you decide to stop. Your breasts, which were once perky and firm, now look like deflated balloons on yourRead More

Simple Ways to Get My Feet Soft and Smooth Fast
Dry, cracked heels and ragged cuticles are a sandal-lover's worst nightmare. If wearing heels or sandals is too embarrassing right now, consider some of these options to get your feetRead More

How to Create False Cleavage Without Tape
If your profile is a little too sleek and streamlined for your liking, you may be lacking curves up top. You could seek a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation thatRead More

The Best Leg Tanners
A sun-kissed glow often makes people appear healthier, more toned, and all around more cheerful. But with a tan comes the negative effects associated with UV rays such as skinRead More
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