My Latest Movie Fights Appearance!
Hope you're all having a keen 2015 so far! Last month, I made my third appearance on Screen Junkies' "Movie Fights", and this battle came right down to the wire. I had a lot of fun on this episode talking about everything from the merits of Big Trouble in Little China to why I think The Secret of Monkey Island could make for a great movie, and much more. You can watch it here:
[click here for high quality video]
Thanks for watching the show, and in case you missed the announcement, our all new pixel posters are finally available for purchase. If you enjoy what we do on I-Mockery and wanna help support the site while simultaneously getting something awesome to display on your wall, please order one today!
[click for ordering info]
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Christmas Aftermath 2014.
Ho-ho-hope everybody had a great Christmas holiday! So what did Santa leave under your Astro-Weenie Christmas Tree this year? Yeppers, you know the drill... post what gifts you received over the holidays this year so we can all be extremely jealous and decide who we need to burglarize in the future. Post lists of whatcha got and feel free to include photos of your Christmas holiday hauls! Let's see just how spoiled you bastards really are!

Our New 8-Bit Worlds Collide Pixel Posters Finally Arrived! Order Now!
[click to enlarge]
I'm happy to announce that our new "8-Bit Worlds Collide" pixel poster is now in stock and ready to ship out in time for this holiday season! Pox and I decided to pit our favorite pixels against one another for an all-out brawl of epic proportions, and with so many battles going on, this is easily our most ambitious poster to date. Imagine how awesome your wall will look when you have this beautiful print featuring over 170 unique characters hanging on it. You and your friends will stare at this for ages, discovering new things each time. Plus, if you made suggestions for the poster, there's a good chance some of them made the cut! Just visit the store page to see some close-up detail shots of it to see what I mean. Also, after many requests, this is our first print that comes in a standard 18" x 24" framing size, so no more worries about having to search everywhere for a frame that it will fit in!
Please help show your support for all the hard work we do here on I-Mockery each year and order a poster (or two... or twenty) whether it's a gift for yourself or for somebody else. As always, I promise you'll end up staring at it for a loooooong time to come and it makes for a hell of a conversation piece for whenever you have friends over. If you're a fan of isometric pixel art along with basically anything we've ever written about on this site, then you're going to LOVE this poster. You can order yours on our store page or right here:
8-Bit Worlds Collide Pixel Poster: $20 (plus $5.00 s&h)
United States Orders
8-Bit Worlds Collide Pixel Poster: $20 (plus $15.00 s&h)
International Orders
I hope you all really dig the new poster, and please drop a comment below to lemme know what you think of it. Thanks again for the support and please share these pixel posters with anybody who you think might enjoy them!

My Recent Appearances On Screen Junkies And Movie Fights!
You may recall I was on Screen Junkies back in May to discuss some of my favorite movie monsters when the new Godzilla movie was hitting theaters. Just this past week, they had me back on along with Alison Haislip and Maddox to have a bracket-style tournament so we could try to decide what our favorite Christopher Nolan movie was in preparation of Interstellar hitting theaters. Here's the episode:
[click here for high quality video]
Shortly after the Screen Junkies shoot, I was invited back to appear on their "Movie Fights" show, and it was an incredibly fun & passionate hour-long debate about various movie topics including the new Star Wars title, Interstellar, the best directors working today, and more. We laughed a lot during that hour and I can't wait to do it again. Here's the show:
[click here for high quality video]
You can also listen to the episode on iTunes if you prefer it in podcast form.
Hope you enjoy both of these shows as it's always a great time talking with them and I'm glad we'll be doing more in the future. Lemme know what you think of both episodes and if you agree/disagree with what I had to say in the comments section below. Speaking of shows, I've posted some new videos to my YouTube channel recently, so be sure to check 'em out if you haven't already. That's all for now, but plenty o' updates coming soon!
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My New Comikaze 2014 Videos!
This past weekend, I attended the 2014 Comikaze expo and once again had a blast meeting fans, seeing some incredible cosplayers, talking with Tommy "The Room" Wiseau and Troma's LLoyd Kaufman, and running into some icons from my childhood including John "Jambi" Paragon. As it always seems to be the case with any convention I visit, I got a bit overexcited and started yelling at absolutely everything in sight. Fortunately, we filmed every bit of it, so I hope you enjoy my Comikaze 2014 coverage in the two videos below:
[click here for high quality video]
And here's part 2:
[click here for high quality video]
Hope you enjoyed the new videos, because this was easily the most fun we've had at Comikaze so far! Big thanks to John (Dr. Boogie) for following me around all day with the camera. As always, please drop a comment on the video pages and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already. More videos coming soon!

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeen!
[click to enlarge]
Every year, I turn my television into a Halloween Horror Movie Altar by surrounding it with some of my favorite lights and decorations, and it has certainly served me well this season. I feel like I've been watching a nonstop loop of horror movies and Halloween TV episodes for the past two months. Or has it been years? I tend to lose all track of time whenever my favorite season rolls around. But today is Halloween, and we're lucky enough to have it fall on a Friday this year, so I hope you'll all get out there and do as many Halloweeny activities as you possibly can tonight and throughout the weekend! Go trick-or-treating, put together a killer costume and go to a Halloween party, go see a horror movie marathon with your friends, turn your home into a haunted house, visit your nearest graveyard and high-five a zombie... whatever it is you wanna do, just enjoy it! Halloween is all about fun and you need to do something to celebrate it!
Halloween marks the culmination of two lengthy months of nonstop, obsessive work dedicated to my favorite holiday, so that combined with the all the fun activities going on is all the reason I need to celebrate it until my body demands that I allow it to rest. Then I eat more candy and force it to stay awake for another five hours. I dedicate an entire two months to Halloween every year. It's a huge undertaking that swallows my life from September 1st - October 31st, but it's always an absolute blast to work on and it's incredibly awesome that so many of you have made it part of your annual celebrations as well. Knowing you're enjoying all this spooky stuff I do is what keeps me going. As always, there have been a ton of updates to the site over the past two months, so here's a handy recap of some of the highlights you may have missed:
-We saw Boo Berry and company each receive retro and modern Monster Cereal box designs.
-We learned all about how many classic Pinball Machines can entertain and horrify us.
-We made more Halloween Club Packs than ever before, and they still completely sold out once again. (Thank you!!)
-We saw Protocomics tell us tales involving Werewolves and Theatre, both equally terrifying.
-We were baffled by how Night Trap was such a controversial video game for the Sega CD system.
-We listened to more tunes on the Jack-O-Juke - our Halloween music jukebox with over 200 spooky songs and counting!
-We saw Doc Mock do his best to get the Domino Rally Ghost Ride playset to actually work.
-We ate bowls of Candy Corn Pebbles cereal and discovered it tastes like maple syrup for some inexplicable reason.
-We learned just how awful Jaws IV: The Revenge truly is.
-We saw some new entries added into ever-growing list of the Greatest Horror Movie Moments.
-We devoured Krispy Kreme Ghostbusters Donuts and walked away with a slime bucket.
-We proved that wearing Slimer on your head is always fashionable.
-We took a trip back east and paid a visit to a Monster Mini Golf course in New York.
-We learned some valuable life lessons from Serial Mom.
-We visited Son of Monsterpalooza and saw an incredible gallery dedicated to the Bride of Frankenstein.
-We marveled over how Eerie Magazine produced some truly amazing covers during its run.
-We agreed that a Monster Cereal Mansion is the best home anyone could ever hope to live in.
-We saw the fantastic return of Tales From The Longbox, with an in-depth review of the original Nightmare on Elm Street comic books.
-We saw some bootleg Sungold Monster Toys, including a Freddy Krueger figure with a face tattoo.
-We were invited to another Los Angeles Halloween Convention and had a fantastic time.
-We were hypnotized by the Radko Halloween Candolier and its magical pumpkin bubbles.
-We discovered that Horror Movie Paperback Covers are often better than the movie posters.
-We conducted yet another massive and extremely thorough Halloween Candy Taste Test.
-We saw another collection of amazing and insane Foreign Horror Movie Posters.
-We laughed at just how wonderfully ridiculous Leprechaun In Space really is.
-We cringed at the Worst Halloween Costumes of the 2014 season.
-We were totally surprised when General Mills sent us an amazing Monster Makeover collection of their Monster Cereal boxes.
-We learned that the music video for "Torture" by The Jacksons is just as important to watch in October as Thriller.
-We saw how Universal Studios Party Monsters celebrate the season better than any of us.
-We were happy to see The Creature from the Black Lagoon get an art show dedicated all to him!
-And last but not least, we decided that Nightmare Feddy is even better than Freddy Krueger, and we all want to be his friend.
You know there is no time I enjoy more than Halloween each year, and having so many of you making I-Mockery your online Halloween home truly makes it all the better. I really try to give you guys the best and widest variety of Halloween coverage you'll find anywhere online every season - from visiting haunts and reviewing movies, to taste testing candies and tracking down the most absurd novelties and more, I always try to make every season special and filled with surprises. Please stick around and continue to share the site with your friends, and I'll do my best to keep that tradition going strong for years to come.
I'll likely have some post-Halloween photos up here along with some other big site updates soon, so be sure to check back often. As always, I must thank Dr. Boogie and Protoclown for their fantastic contributions to our Halloween celebration. I also gotta give Re major credit for allowing me to make our home look like it was hit by a Halloween hurricane these past few months.
Of course, a huge thanks again to you for sticking with us during our annual "Two Months of Halloween" celebration. It's a lot of work to put all this content together, but it's a lot of fun too, and your continued feedback definitely helps keep my energy up throughout the season. If you haven't already, please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and uh... tumble us on Tumblr. This is a completely independent web site, and we rely entirely on people like YOU to spread the word about it, so please do so if you can... it helps more than you could imagine!
Please drop a comment below (whether you're logged in or not) and lemme know what you thought of the Halloween season and what your favorite articles were. Also, let me know what your Halloween plans are and feel free to post photos of your costumes if you're dressing up or your decorations or any other Halloweeny things you like!
Thanks again everyone and have a keen Halloweeeeeen!
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