Prop 19 Questions,1999:blog-20725787213320452332014-12-16T02:30:19.201-07:00Prop 19 QuestionsI created this blog because I have many questions about what will happen if Proposition 19 passes in California.I hope to stimulate discussion on this issue and I welcome answers, opinions, and additional questions from anyone and everyone.If Proposition 19 passes, I think this blog will still to be useful to answer questions or discuss ongoing developments.prop19questions, 19 health effects, pot and antidepressants, marijuana potency, stay high longer, CYP inhibitors, The Downside of HighI am not a doctor. I have no medical training. Medical information is provided with no guarantee of its accuracy. The information in this post was gathered online.<br /><br />Let me start by saying this. The <a href="">liver</a> is a vital organ, necessary for survival. The liver is the organ that <a href="">gets rid</a> of most drugs and toxins and <a href="">xenobiotics</a> that people ingest. <a href="">Cytochrome P450</a> (CYP) enzymes are the major enzymes involved in drug metabolism, accounting for about 75% of total drug metabolism. Most CYP enzymes catalyze the oxidation of organic substances. CYP enzymes in humans are located in the inner membrane of mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells. CYP enzymes play an important role in the breakdown of drugs and toxins and are present in most tissues of the body. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum in liver cells is the main location of drug metabolism. There are at least 57 genes in humans that code for various CYP enzymes. CYP enzymes have been found in all <a href="">kingdoms</a> of life.<br /><br />I mention a lot of different drugs in this blog post. Some people may be curious about experimenting with various drugs I mention. If you're planning on mixing drugs with marijuana (or mixing drugs in general) &mdash; <b>know your dose, know your limits, know the <a href="">drug interactions</a></b>. Certain drug combinations or overdosing on certain drugs can cause <a href="">hepatotoxicty</a> and <a href="">liver failure</a> and death. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> 50% of all <a href="">acute liver failures</a> and 5% of all hospital admissions are due to drug-induced liver injury. <a href="">Acetaminophen</a> (Tylenol, Paracetamol) is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the US, and causes three times as many cases of liver failure as all other drugs combined. While 25% of a liver can regenerate into a whole liver (the liver is the only internal organ in humans that can naturally regenerate lost tissue), a <a href="">liver transplant</a> is the only option for people with irreversible liver failure. <br /><br />Using marijuana while taking a prescribed dose of one other medication may not cause liver injury, but there can definitely be unexpected side effects. Also, if someone uses marijuana and two or more additional substances, those substances could potentially cause liver injury. If you're taking medications or other drugs, research online, or better yet, ask a doctor or pharmacist before using marijuana (or any other drugs or substances -- even things like <a href="">fruit juices</a> can have harmful interactions with certain drugs).<br /><br />Now that that's out of the way, back to my post.<br /><br /><b>Table of Contents</b><br /><ol id="toc"><li><a href="#health">Prop 19 health effects</a></li><li><a href="#cannabinoids">cannabinoids</a></li><li><a href="#CBD">marijuana strains high in CBD</a></li><li><a href="#potency">marijuana strains high in THC</a></li><li><a href="#concentrate">marijuana concentrate potency</a></li><li><a href="#THC metabolism">THC metabolism</a></li><li><a href="#high">stay high longer</a></li><li><a href="#antidepressant">marijuana and antidepressants</a></li><li><a href="#cyp">CYP inhibitors</a></li><li><a href="#CYP2C9">CYP2C9 inhibitors</a></li><li><a href="#CYP2C19">CYP2C19 inhibitors</a></li><li><a href="#CYP2D6">CYP2D6 inhibitors</a></li><li><a href="#CYP3A4">CYP3A4 inhibitors</a></li><li><a href="#schizophrenia">schizophrenia</a></li><li><a href="#downside">The Downside of High</a></li><li><a href="#dronabinol">dronabinol</a></li><li><a href="#dronabinol drug interactions">dronabinol drug interactions</a></li><li><a href="#thc cbd">other drugs that contian THC or CBD</a></li><li><a href="#marijuana interactions">marijuana interactions</a></li><li><a href="#experience reports">experience reports</a></li><li><a href="#search ideas">search ideas</a></li><li><a href="#books">books</a></li></ol><br /><a name="health"><h3>Prop 19 health effects</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On October 5, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> about marijuana's health effects appeared in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>, written by Itai Danovitch, a member of the California Society of Addiction Medicine's Committee on Public Policy, and assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.<br /><br />He wrote that the health risks of marijuana are often overlooked in the debate over marijuana legalization. He referred to a RAND study which said legalization will almost certainly lead to a price drop for weed, and increased usage. He said increased use means increased health risks. The California Society of Addiction Medicine is concerned that the Prop 19 initiative spreads misinformation in its text. Prop 19 says, in the <a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_%28California%29#A._Findings">Findings</a> section, that "Cannabis is not physically addictive, does not have long term toxic effects on the body..." Danovitch wrote that about 9% of adults who use cannabis develop an addiction to it (about 1/11 people). Among people who start smoking pot before 18, as much as 17% of them develop an addiction to it (about 1/6 people). Danovitch said that marijuana addiction doesn't cause dramatic physical dependence, but it can lead to problems regarding work, relationships, and education. Addiction is defined "by the inability to stop using despite recognition of harmful consequences."<br /><br />Danovitch wrote that short-term, cannabis intoxication impairs memory and learning. It also causes a two to three-fold increase in accidents. He wrote "Though not as dramatic as the fifteenfold increase in accidents caused by alcohol intoxication, marijuana's impact on traffic safety does have significance." He said smoked marijuana can lead to respiratory inflammation and bronchitis. He said smoked cannabis has been linked to precancerous changes in the lungs, although it has not definitively been shown to cause cancer.<br /><br />Danovitch wrote that long-term, marijuana use can reveal pre-existing vulnerabilities to schizophrenia. He said that there is evidence that over time, marijuana use may actually make anxiety and depression worse. He said the toll of long-term cannabis use appears to be the greatest among people who start smoking during adolescence, while the brain is still maturing. He wrote that there is evidence that brain processing of highly complex information is slowed. He said long-term marijuana users abstaining for 28 days and undergoing brain scans showed less activity in brain regions for learning and memory. Although long-term cannabis use hasn't been shown to reduce intelligence.<br /><br />Danovitch said that there is widespread consensus among treatment professionals that incarcerating people for use/possession is wrong, and that a different policy is long overdue. But "we need to anticipate and deal with the consequences of our policy decisions." He wrote that with legalization, there will be an increased necessity for drug treatment services, drug education, and drug prevention programs.<br /><br />He wrote that "although marijuana is less hazardous to health than many other legal or illegal drugs, it is not without risk, and voters and potential users need to fully understand this." He said voters need to vote based on accurate facts. He wrote that if Prop 19 passes, Californians should insist that revenue from weed taxes goes toward "any problems that arise from increased usage."<br /><br />On October 9, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Shari Roan in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> discussed the potential fallout on people's health if Prop 19 passes.<br /><br />She wrote about Carol McDonald who was supposedly addicted to marijuana for 19 years. A few months after she smoked weed for the first time in 1969, she was smoking it every day. She smoked before going to work, she smoked if she was upset, she smoked for celebrations. Roan wrote that there has been scant "discussion on the potential fallout on people's health" if Proposition 19 passes. Roan wrote that addiction counselors in California are split on Prop 19, yet public health experts nationally are mostly against legalization (which they say will increase the number of addicts, contribute to more automobile accidents, and harm school performance).<br /><br />People for and against legalization can both point to studies on marijuana's health effects that support their position. Roan wrote they agree that marijuana should be avoided during pregnancy (however, some pro-legalization advocates may point to a study on pregnant Jamaican mothers regarding that), and that marijuana is harmful for people with mental illness or who are at risk for developing a serious mental illness like schizophrenia. (However, some people tend to think that marijuana can help people with mental illnesses, or that people with mental illnesses or are pre-disposed to mental illnesses use marijuana to self-medicate.)<br /><br />Roan said that federal data shows that marijuana is addictive for about 9% of adults who use it (vs 15% for people who use alcohol and 15% who use cocaine). She wrote that marijuana dependence is more common in America than addiction to cocaine or heroin because marijuana is the most widely used illegal substance in the country.<br /><br />Roan wrote about a study published in 1998 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration which found that the effects of cannabis alone on driving "were small or moderate, but severe when combined with alcohol." But a study published in the journal <i>Accident, Analysis and Prevention</i> in 2004 showed "no increased risk of motor vehicle accidents causing traumatic injury among drivers using marijuana." [Anecdotally, many marijuana users say they drive better under the influence of marijuana.]<br /><br />She said that experts widely disagree on the overall cognitive effects of marijuana. Dr. Tim Cermak said that among 14 and 15-year-olds who start smoking weed, 17% will be dependent within 2 years. Cermak said that adolescent marijuana use could impact their life permanently, saying "When you take a vacation from development in school for five years, you just don't get to the same endpoint that was available to you earlier in life."<br /><br />Roan said that nobody knows how many more people will try weed if Prop 19 passes. She said some experts predict a 50% increase but others say the numbers are unlikely to increase since California's medical marijuana laws already make pot easy to get. Stephen Gutwillig, the California director of the Drug Policy Alliance, says "it's a vast exaggeration that more people will take this up." [But none of that speaks to increases in usage by people who reside outside of California, in the US and other countries.] Stephen Gutwillig also said you can't overdose on marijuana. [I think he meant to say that there have been no reported overdoses from people smoking unadulterated cannabis. However, it *is* possible to overdose on concentrated THC.]<br /><br />Among the California Society of Addiction Medicine members, over 66% believe marijuana addiction will increase if Prop 19 passes. And nearly 70% believe there will be increased use by adolescents. The association takes no position on Prop 19, but their website lists controls that should be enacted if marijuana is legalized, such as: advertising/marketing rules, warning labels, fees and taxes from sales to fund marijuana addiction treatments, treatment instead of legal punishment for adolescent users, restrictions to minimize minors' access to marijuana, and periodic evaluation of the law's effects on public health and people driving intoxicated.<br /><br />Cermak said Prop 19 lacks many of those safeguards and that the initiative's assertion that pot is not physically addictive is a myth.<br /><br />Carol McDonald had a $5,000/year pot habit and chronic bronchitis. She tried to quit many times over the years but short periods of abstaining were following by relapses. After several months without using, her depression without marijuana was so great she tried to kill herself by taking "every pill in the house" at age 42. Five years later she checked into a rehab program in St. John's Hospital and smoked her last joint in the car on the way there.<br /><br /><a href="">Erowid</a> lists several health effects of cannabis.<br /><br /><a name="cannabinoids"><h3>cannabinoids</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Wikipedia <a href=""></a> says the cannabis plant produces cannabinoids "when an enzyme causes <a href="">geranyl pyrophosphate</a> and <a href="">olivetolic acid</a> to combine and form <a href="">CBG</a> (cannabigerol)."<br /><br /><a href="">This 2005 study</a> cites a 1998 study that says CBGA, a precursor of THCA, is a product of the "alkylation of olivetolic acid with geranyl pyrophosphate by an enzyme called geranylpyrophosphate:olivatolate geranyltransferase."<br /><br />Wikipedia says then two separate synthase enzymes convert <a href="">CBG</a> to either <a href="">CBD</a> or CBC. <a href="">CBD</a> is then enzymatically cyclized (undergoing a chemical reaction where one part of a molecule becomes linked to another to form a closed ring) to THC.<br /><br />Wikipedia says CBD has shown sedative effects in animal tests, although some research shows CBD can increase alertness. CBD can relieve anxiety, nausea, convulsions, inflammation, and inhibit cancer growth. CBD can be used as an atypical antipsychotic to treat schizophrenia. CBD may also relieve <a href="">dystonia</a> (a movement disorder where sustained muscle contractions cause abnormal postures or twisting and repetitive moments). CBD can make people more sociable. CBD acts an an indirect antagonist of cannabinoid agonists and has no affinity for the CB1 or CB2 receptors. CBD has also been shown to act as a <a href="">5-HT1A receptor</a> agonist, which gives it antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and <a href="">neuroprotective</a> effects. Wikipedia says under acidic conditions, CBD cyclizes to THC. Wikipedia says cannabis uses the same metabolic pathway to produce CBD and THC, until the last step when CBDA synthase performs catalysis instead of THCA synthase.<br /><br />On October 11, 2010, an article by Jonah Lehrer was published on entitled <a href="">"Why Are the Effects of Marijuana So Unpredictable?"</a>. He wrote that cannabis "can trigger dramatically different symptoms depending on the strain and context" unlike alcohol, which has mostly predictable effects. He said that the THC/CBD ratio seems to be a key variable.<br /><br />He linked to an article on <a href=""></a> about a study published in the <i>British Journal of Psychiatry</i> which suggested that CBD can mitigate THC's impact on memory formation. People who smoked marijuana low in CBD (under 0.14%) were significantly worse at remembering text than when sober. People who smoked marijuana high in CBD (over 0.75%) showed no such impairment.<br /><br />Lehrer wrote "it's very difficult to generalize about the effects of most drugs." He said marijuana can relax people, make them paranoid, cause uncontrollable laughter, lead to runaway anxiety. He said that one's mental state when using can profoundly influence the outcome. (Indeed. Timothy Leary coined the term <a href="">"set and setting"</a> in the 1969 book <i>The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead</i>.)<br /><br />Lehrer also linked to <a href="">research</a> about endocannabinoids in rough-skinned newts. The researchers hypothesis was endocannabinoids "might be involved in coordinating multiple physiological and behavioral functions during acutely stressful events."<br /><br />Lehrer wrote "Too often, we forget that drugs work their magic on a brain that's never the same", and concluded that it shouldn't be very surprising that cannabis (which has <a href="">over 2,000 strains</a> and) which has various THC/CBD ratios which act on "context-dependent neural pathways" would have such a wide variety of effects on people. Furthermore, at least 85 cannabinoids have been found in marijuana.<br /><br />On a related note, in March 2010 an article appeared on entitled <a href="">Longtime Pot Smoking May Raise Psychosis Risk</a> with the sub-title "Longtime Marijuana Users More Likely to Report Hallucinations." The article referred to a study published in the May 2010 issue of the <i>Archives of General Psychiatry</i> which involved 3,801 young adults. Researchers asked young adults up to 21 years old who were born between 1981 and 1984 about their pot use. 14.3% has smoked pot for 6 or more years. Researchers wrote that young adult who had 6 or more years since they first smoked weed were twice as likely to develop a non-affective psychosis (such as schizophrenia or delusional disorder) compared to those who had never used weed. Also, young adults who had at least 6 years since they first smoked weed were 4 times as likely to have high scores on a measure of delusionary experiences.<br /><br />I've read elsewhere that THC can have psychotic effects and CBD can have anti-psychotic effects. I've read that Cannabis indica strains have higher CBD and lower THC levels than Cannabis sativa strains. Indica effects include a lethargic heavy body stone, a "couchlock" effect. I've read that CBD can have a sedative effect, and that CBD tends to postpone the beginning of a high but can make it last twice as long. A high THC content can cause a cerebral high, increased pulse, and lead to paranoia.<br /><br /><a name="CBD"><h3>marijuana strains high in CBD</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Incidentally, Harborside Health Center in Oakland <a href="">offers</a> strains that are <a href="">high in CBD</a> for patients who want the anti-inflammatory and anti-spasm effects of cannabis but not the "high" that THC offers. (Elemental Wellness <a href="">might also carry</a> CBD-rich products.)<br /><br />The following are advertised products at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with high CBD content (sorted by highest reported CBD %):<br /><ul><li>True Blueberry x OG Kush, 5.26%/12.75% THC/CBD as of <a href="">7/29</a>; 5.26%/12.71% THC/CBD as of 7/29, <a href="">8/4</a>, 8/6; 5%/12.5% THC/CBD for $17/g, $60/8th as of <a href="">7/30</a>, 7/31; 4.9%/9.7% THC/CBD as of <a href="">5/19</a>, 5/20, 5/21, 5/24</li><li>Harlequin, 5.72%/9.54% THC/CBD as of <a href="">8/19</a>, 8/20, 8/23, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26, 8/27; 5.2%/8.4% THC/CBD as of <a href="">6/24</a>, 6/28, 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 7/5, 7/6, 7/7, 7/8, 7/9, <a href="">7/12</a></li><li>Incredible Romulan Rx, 4.84%/9.12% THC/CBD as of <a href="">7/13</a>, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/19, 7/20, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23; 5.66%/6.97% THC/CBD as of <a href="">10/7</a>, 10/8, 10/11, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14; 3.22%/5.59% THC/CBD for $13/g, $40/8th as of 9/16, <a href="">9/17</a>, 9/20, 9/21</li><li>Incredible Romulan, 4.8%/9.4% THC/CBD as of <a href="">6/9</a>, 6/10, 6/11, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/21, 6/22</li><li>Rx Red, 9.6%/9.04% THC/CBD as of <a href="">6/1</a>, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4, 6/7, 6/8; 8.77%/7.57% THC/CBD as of <a href="">9/22</a>, 9/23, 9/24, 9/28, 9/29, 10/1, 10/5, 10/6</li><li>Jamaican Lion, 5.54%/8.91% THC/CBD as of <a href="">6/15</a>, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/21, 6/22, 6/23</li><li>Stinky Purple, 7.3%/8.1% THC/CBD for $13/g, $40/8th, $240/oz as of <a href="">7/1</a>, 7/2, 7/3, 7/5</li><li>Rx (HHCSJ), 4.7%/7.75% THC/CBD for $15/g, $50/8th, and $325/oz as <a href="">10/11</a></li><li>Soma A+, 8.59%/7.25% THC/CBD as of 7/27, 7/28, 7/29, 7/30, <a href="">7/31</a>; 6.6%/6.31% THC/CBD as of <a href="">5/24</a>; ; 7.3%/4.88% THC/CBD as of <a href="">8/31</a>, 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/6, 9/7, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10</li><li>Trainwreck Bubble, 43.81%/5.8% THC/CBD for $25/g as of <a href="">7/20</a>; 51.23% THC for $30/g as of <a href="">6/22</a>, 6/23, 6/24, 6/28, 6/30, 7/1</li><li>CBD-Rich Glycerine Tincture for $20 as of <a href="">10/6</a>, 10/7, 10/8</li></ul><br /><a href="">Romulan</a> is a well-known medical marijuana strain. The "Incredible Romulan Rx" which Harborside sells might be <a href="">Rx</a> which is Romulan x <a href="">Fucking Incredible</a>. It might be Romulan x Rx.<br /><br />On July 21, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Charles Manley entitled "Marijuana Facts: Health Impacts of California's Legalization Proposal" was published on <a href="">Associated Content</a>. Associated Content lets anyone publish their own original content on any topic. His article later appeared on <a href="!_News">Yahoo! News</a> on <a href="">October 14, 2010</a>.<br /><br />On September 20, 2010 a <a href="">blog post</a> by Matt Coker entitled "Dueling Sides on Prop 19 Trot Out Research" appeared on <a href=""><i>OC Weekly</i></a>. He referred to statements by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, as well as statements by its chairman and CEO retired General Arthur T. Dean. The CADCA opposes Prop 19. CADCA said "After years of decline marijuana use among adolescents has been slowly climbing up again because fewer kids see it as harmful and more view it as socially acceptable." CADCA said "Since research shows a direct link between a decrease in perception of harm and social disapproval and an increase in drug use, there is no doubt that Proposition 19 will only lead to more marijuana use among youth." Dean said "Marijuana already costs the United States $181 billion annually in increased health care and treatment costs, crime and lost productivity. So any revenue gained by taxing marijuana would be far outweighed by the healthcare and criminal justice costs to the state."<br /><br />The Marijuana Policy Project said the FBI's Uniform Crime Report shows that over half of all US drug arrests in 2009 were for marijuana. And that the National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that 16.7 million people in the US used marijuana in the past month, an increase of 8%.<br /><br />Coker wrote that MPP executive director <a href="">Rob Kampia</a> said "decades of law enforcement efforts have absolutely failed to reduce marijuana's use or availability, and that it's simply an exercise in futility to continue arresting hundreds of thousands of Americans for using something that's safer than alcohol."<br /><br />Coker ends by noting that the California Beer and Beverage Distributors association, and the California Police Chiefs Association and the California Narcotics Officers Association, are opposed to Prop 19. Coker concludes "All they need now is for Mexican drug cartels to join them and the holy alliance will be complete." As far as I know, no drug cartels have come out in opposition to Prop 19, and a recent RAND study stated that Prop 19 would not cripple drug cartels (I'll write more on that in a later blog post).<br /><br />On October 12, 2010, a blog post by Jann Gumbiner, Ph.D. appeared on <a href=""><i>Psychology Today</i></a> entitled <a href="">"Does Marijuana Impair Cognition? Implications for Prop 19"</a>.<br /><br />She wrote that when deciding to vote yes on Prop 19, police consider criminal consequences, lawyers consider legal consequences, businesspeople consider financial consequences, and "I think through the health implications and even more specifically, the mental health implications." She wrote that cannabis has helped thousands of cancer patients cope with pain, eat better, and sleep better. Then asked "Does marijuana impair cognition?"<br /><br />She referred to a 2001 study published in <i>Nueropsychopharmacology</i> by Hart, et al called Effects of Acute Smoked Marijuana on Complex Cognitive Performance. Experienced users were given single joints with 0% or 1.8% or 3.9% THC, provided by NIDA. The subjects then took a computerized test called The Micro-Cog, a standardized test that measures attention, memory, reaction time, digital recall, mental calculation, visuospatial processing, etc. Subjects given 0% or 1.8% or 3.9% THC were compared by cognitive ability. People who smoked 3.9% THC gave accurate math answers, but it took them longer. She said that "slowed reaction time is consistent with anecdotal observations."<br /><br />Gumbiner wrote that smokers should not drive. [<a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_(California)">Prop 19</a> itself does not allow cannabis consumption by the operator of any vehicle while its being operated.] She did say that "this one small study implies that there are no serious cognitive effects to getting high" and that "I can find no health reason justifying criminalizing marijuana." But THC levels over 3.9% are quite common nowadays. <br /><br /><a name="potency"><h3>marijuana strains high in THC</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The following are reported THC levels for various cannabis strains according to various online seedbanks (I've linked to strain pages at Seedfinder, but THC % comes from seedbanks). These are the marijuana strains with the highest THC levels I could find:<br /><ul><li><a href="">Red Dragon</a> (Utopia Haze x Himalayan, Afghani) can have 23% to 28% THC.</li><li><a href="">Satori</a> can have 23% to 28% THC.</li><li><a href="">Beyond the Brain</a> (a Satori cross) can have 23% to 25% THC.</li><li><a href="">White Widow</a> can have 20% to 25% THC.</li><li><a href="">LSD</a> (Mazar x Skunk #1) can have 24% THC.</li><li><a href="">Hawaiian Snow</a> (Hawaiian x Laos) can have 23.7% THC.</li><li><a href="">Super Lemon Haze</a> (Super Silver Haze x Lemon Skunk) can have 23% THC.</li><li><a href="">Afghan Kush</a> can have 22% THC.</li><li><a href="">Arjan's Haze #1</a> can have 22% THC.</li><li><a href="">Vanilla Kush</a> can have 22% THC.</li><li><a href="">Violator Kush</a> (Malana x Hindu Kush) can have 22% THC.</li><li><a href="">White Russian</a> (AK47 x White Widow) can have 22% THC.</li><li><a href="">Amnesia Haze</a> can have 20% THC.</li><li><a href="">Big Bud</a> can have over 20% THC.</li><li><a href="">Domina Star</a> (Sensi Star x Black Domina) can have 20% THC.</li><li><a href="">Morning Glory</a> ((Hawaiian x Afghani) x Shiva Skunk) can have 20% THC.</li></ul><br />Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> some strains of cannabis contain as much as 29% THC.<br /><br />The following are some advertised THC levels for several cannabis strains via Twitter at Harborside Health Center in Oakland (and Harborside San Jose), which are <a href="">lab tested</a> by <a href="">Steep Hill Lab</a> (sorted by highest THC report):<br /><ul><li>25.72% Strawberry Cough, as of <a href="">5/14</a>; 16.59% as of <a href="">6/22</a>; 16.50% as of 6/3, 6/4, 6/14; 14.26% as of 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21</li><li>24.40% Jack's Haze, as of <a href="">9/22</a>; 15.54% as of 9/16, 9/17; 15.49% as of 9/2; 15.4% as of 7/14, 7/15, 7/16; 15.25% as of 7/31; 14.5% as of 5/18, 5/19; 13.31% as of 6/14, 6/15</li><li>23.60% Super Silver Haze, as of <a href="">10/11</a>; 19.19% as of <a href="">9/6</a>; 18.89% as of 9/20; 18.09% as of 8/6; 16.79% as of 10/5, 10/6; 16.0% as of 6/28; 14.5% as of 5/24</li><li>22.74% Chem Dawg 4, as of <a href="">7/12</a>; 22.7% as of 7/7; 21.54% as of 6/23; 21.53% as of 6/7, 6/23; 19.8% as of <a href="">7/15</a>; 18.7% as of 9/23; 18.5%</li><li>22.50% Hawaiian Sativa, as of <a href="">5/18</a>, 5/19</li><li>19.65% Headband, as of <a href="">7/21</a>; 17.8% as of 8/23, 8/24; 16.97% as of 5/28, 5/29; 16.63% as of 7/1, 7/2; 16.05% as of 6/28, 6/29; 15.5% as of 9/2, 9/3, 9/6; 14.2% as of 6/18; 14% as of 7/12; 13.31% as of 6/21, 6/23; 11.6% as of 5/21</li><li>19.63% XJ-13, as of <a href="">9/23</a>, <a href="">9/29</a>; 16.58% as of <a href="">10/11</a>, <a href="">10/12</a>; 14.8% as of 8/31, 9/1, 9/2, 9/3; I've also seen 16.6% and 15.9% on</li><li>19.24% Tahoe OG, as of <a href="">5/20</a>; 18.49% as of 9/24; 16.83% as of 6/3, 6/4; 16.73% as of 10/1, 10/5, 10/6; 16.56% as of 7/7, 7/8; 16.53% as of 6/8; 15.00% as of 6/11; 14.9% as of 6/21</li><li>19.21% Chem Dawg '91, as of <a href="">9/9</a>, 9/10; 16.55% as of 7/21; 14.25% as of 6/18</li><li>18.50% Dream Queen, as of <a href="">9/23</a>; 16% as of 9/16; 15.22% as of 6/3; 13.4% as of 8/19; 12.2% as of 5/17; (I've read this is also known as Green Crack)</li><li>18.40% Velvet Kush, as of <a href="">6/23</a></li><li>17.60% Sour Headband, as of <a href="">7/20</a>, 7/21; 16.5% as of 6/2, 6/3, 6/4</li><li>17.51% White Rhino, as of <a href="">10/6</a>, 10/7; 16.13% as of <a href="">9/9</a>, 9/10; 16.08% as of <a href="">9/22</a>, 9/23; 15% as of <a href="">7/14</a></li><li>17.36% OG Kush, as of <a href="">8/20</a>; 16.86% as of 9/21; 16.62% as of 8/27; 16.30% as of <a href="">7/27</a>, 7/28; 16.27% as of 9/16, 9/17; 16.5% as of 7/30, 7/31; 15.86% as of <a href="">6/24</a>; 15.37% (Fire OG Kush) as of 7/14; 14.80% as of <a href="">6/1</a>, 6/12; 14.0% (Intensive Care OG Kush) as of <a href="">9/28</a>; 13.94% as of 6/18; 13.76% as of 5/28, 5/29; 13.4% as of 6/17; 13.18% as of 10/7, 10/8</li><li>17.30% Skywalker OG, as of <a href="">6/9</a>, 6/10; 15.76% as of 9/1, 9/2, 9/3; 15.21% as of 9/21, 9/22, 9/23</li><li>17.24% The White, as of <a href="">9/17</a>; 15.96% as of 8/31, 9/1</li><li>17.24% Pineapple Kush, as of <a href="">6/24</a>; 16.8% as of 6/1, 6/2; 16.32% as of 5/26; 14.53% as of 7/7, 7/9, 7/13; 14% as of 9/24, 10/1, 10/5</li><li>17.21% Ultraviolet, as of <a href="">7/23</a></li><li>17.04% Dutch Treat, as of <a href="">10/7</a>; 17.03% as of 7/13, 7/14; 15.79% as of 9/20, 9/21; 15.37% as of 9/29; 14.50% as of 5/26, 5/27; 13.81% as of 5/13, 5/14</li><li>16.80% Jack Pot (Jack Herer x Super Silver Haze), as of <a href="">6/24</a>; 15.2% as of <a href="">7/28</a></li><li>16.45% Blackberry Kush, as of <a href="">8/27</a>; 15% as of 7/27, 7/28, 7/29; 14.4% as of 6/7, 6/8; 11.6% as of 5/13, 5/13, 5/17</li><li>16.20% Spicy Jack, as of <a href="">10/5</a>, 10/6, 10/7</li><li>16.17% Double Sour Diesel, as of <a href="">7/15</a>; 16.16% as of 10/13, 10/14; 15% as of 7/31; 12.8% as of 7/30</li><li>16.04% Tangerine Kush, as of <a href="">9/20</a>, 9/21, 9/22; 14.62% as of 10/1, 10/5</li><li>15.62% East Coast Sour Diesel, as of <a href="">10/1</a>; 15.34% as of 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, 9/24; 15% as of 6/8; 12.56% as of 5/26, 5/27, 5/28, 5/29</li><li>14.73% Grape, as of <a href="">6/28</a>, 6/29, 6/30; 14.7% as of 6/21, 6/22; 14.53% 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, 9/24; 13.45% as of 6/8, 6/9, 6/10, 6/11; 12.56% as of 7/9; 12.4% as of 5/13, 5/14, 5/17</li><li>14.46% Master Kush, as of <a href="">6/22</a>, <a href="">6/23</a>; 13.01% (Intensive Care Master Kush) as of <a href="">9/1</a>, 9/2, 9/3</li><li>13.92% 707 Headband, as of 6/3, 6/4; 13.26% as of 8/31, 9/1</li></ul><br />Those are all strains that Harborside patients grew at home and sold to Harborside.<br /><br /><a name="concentrate"><h3>marijuana concentrate potency</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The following are some advertised THC levels for several concentrates, hash, oil, melts, and other products via Twitter at Harborside Health Center in Oakland (and Harborside San Jose), which are <a href="">lab tested</a> by <a href="">Steep Hill Lab</a>:<br /><ul><li>74.69% Chem Dawg Oil, $40/g as of <a href="">9/1</a>, 9/2, 9/3</li><li>71.72% Chem Dawg 4 Oil, $30/g as of <a href="">9/22</a>, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a>; 69.05% $30/g as of <a href="">9/17</a>; 68.68% $50/g as of 6/2, 6/3; 68.68% $50/1.4g as of 6/4, 6/7, 6/8, 6/9, 6/10, 6/11</li><li>71.02% Purple Oil, $30/g as of <a href="">9/6</a>, 9/7, 9/8; 51.36% $40/g as of <a href="">10/14</a></li><li>69.21% THC Gold, $35/0.5g or $60/g as of 6/17, 6/18, 6/21, 6/22, 6/23, 6/24, 6/28, 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 8/31, 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/6, 9/7, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10, 9/17, 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a>, 9/28, 9/29, 10/1; 61.82% $30/0.5g or $60/g as of 7/8, 7/9, 7/12, 7/13, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/19, 7/20, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/27, 7/28, 8/4, 8/19, 8/20, 8/23, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26, 8/27</li><li>69.06% Purple Dream Oil, $30/g as of <a href="">10/5</a>, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8</li><li>67.95% Blackberry Kush Oil, $30/g as of 10/11, <a href="">10/12</a>, 10/13, 10/14</li><li>66.43% MK ULTRA Oil (SJ), $30/g as of <a href="">10/10</a></li><li>66.27% Purple Oil (SJ), $30/g as of <a href="">10/10</a></li><li>65.19% Dream Queen Oil, $40/g as of <a href="">9/17</a>, 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, 9/24, 9/28, 9/29</li><li>63.44% Skywalker CO2 Melt (SJ), $45/g as of <a href="">10/10</a></li><li>61.17% Blue Dream Super Melt, $50/g as of 8/24, 8/25, 8/26, <a href="">8/26</a>; 54.74% $50/g as of 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, <a href="">10/8</a></li><li>60.30% Jack Herer Super Melt, $50/g as of <a href="">6/1</a>, 6/2, 6/3; $45/g as of 6/4, 6/7, 6/8, 6/10, 6/10, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/21, 6/22, 6/23, 6/24</li><li>59.00% Headband Super Melt, $40/g as of <a href="">6/17</a>, 6/18; 52.51% $40/g as of 7/8, 7/9, 7/12, 7/13, 7/14</li><li>57.46% Velvet Kush Bubble, $30/g as of <a href="">8/4</a></li><li>56.93% Afgooey Super Melt, $50/g as of <a href="">6/17</a>, 6/18, 6/21, 6/23, 6/24, 6/28, 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/5, 7/6, 7/7, 7/8, 7/9, 7/12, 7/13, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/19, 7/20, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/27, 7/28, 8/4 ($35/g), 8/19, 8/20; 51.11% $45/g as of 10/11, <a href="">10/12</a>, 10/13, 10/14</li><li>56.09% Velvet Kush Hash, $20/g as of <a href="">10/5</a>; 44.56% and $25/g as of <a href="">10/14</a></li><li>54.37% Nitro Gold, $50/g as of <a href="">9/20</a>, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a>, 9/28, 9/29, 10/1, 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8, 10/11, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14; 50% $50/g as of 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/6, 7/7, 7/8, 7/9</li><li>54.26% Jack Flash Super Melt, $45/g as of 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8, <a href="">10/11</a>, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14</li><li>54.07% Space Queen & Pandora's Box Super Melt, $50/g as of 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a></li><li>53.90% Master Kush Oil, $35/g as of <a href="">8/4</a></li><li>53.37% Kushage Full Melt, $35/g as of <a href="">9/17</a>, 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a>, 9/28, 9/29, 10/1</li><li>52.61% Blackberry Kush Super Melt, $50/g as of <a href="">9/28</a>, 9/29, 10/1</li><li>52.57% Kush Bubble Hash, $20/g as of 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a></li><li>52.50% Headband Oil, $40/g as of <a href="">7/28</a></li><li>52.10% OG Kush Bubble, $20/g as of <a href="">7/27</a>; 47.37% $30/g as of 9/9</li><li>51.44% Headband Bubble Hash, $25/g as of <a href="">9/28</a></li><li>50.52% Skywalker OG Bubble, $25/g as of <a href="">8/31</a></li><li>50.52% OG Kush x Sweet Tooth Full Melt, $35/g as of 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a></li><li>50.06% Durban Bubble, $30/g as of 9/28, 9/29, 10/1, <a href="">10/5</a></li><li>48.60% Super Silver Haze Bubble, $20/g as of <a href="">9/1</a></li><li>48.35% Sour Cream Oil (SJ), $35/g as of <a href="">10/10</a></li><li>48.18% Headband Full Melt, $30/g as of <a href="">10/8</a>, $35/g as of <a href="">10/12</a></li><li>47.73% Purple Dream Queen Oil, (tastes like ruby red grapefruit), $40/g as of <a href="">8/19</a>, 8/20, $35/g as of 9/7, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10</li><li>46.56% Blackberry Kush Full Melt, $35/g as of <a href="">5/19</a></li><li>46.21% Master Kush Bubble Hash, $25/g as of <a href="">9/29</a></li><li>45.42% Dream Queen Hash, $15/g as of <a href="">7/23</a></li><li>45.16% U2 Melt (SJ), $35/g as of <a href="">10/10</a></li><li>45.15% Headband Hash, $10/g as of <a href="">9/22</a>, 9/23, 9/24; 40.36% $25/g as of 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8, 10/11, 10/12, 10/13; 40.36% $20/g as of 10/13; 38.39% $15/g as of <a href="">9/2</a>, 9/3; 36.16% $15/g as of <a href="">8/26</a>, 8/27</li><li>44.91% Purple Dragon Bubble Hash, $25/g as of <a href="">10/11</a></li><li>44.03% OG Kush Full Melt, $35/g as of <a href="">5/19</a></li><li>44.03% Chocolate Chunk Melt (SJ), $35/g as of <a href="">10/10</a></li><li>42.13% GDP Hash, $10/g as of <a href="">9/29</a>; 37.73% $15/g as of <a href="">10/11</a>, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14; 37.44% $15/g as of 7/5; 34.44% $15/g as of 7/3; 29.35% $15/g as of 7/13, 7/14; 27.57% $15/g as of 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8</li><li>41.60% AK-47 Hash, $15/g as of 9/23, <a href="">9/24</a>; 37.79% $10/g as of <a href="">10/5</a></li><li>38.96% OG Kush Kief, $10/g as of <a href="">10/14</a></li><li>36.63% White Rhino Gold Bud, (bud covered in concentrate), as of <a href="">8/27</a></li><li>33.64% Headband Honey Bud, $35/g as of <a href="">7/8</a>, 7/9</li><li>25.70% Chem Dawg 4 Kief, $15/g as of <a href="">10/6</a>, 10/7, 10/8</li><li>23.60% Super Silver Haze Hash, $15/g as of <a href="">10/11</a></li></ul><br />Harborside buys concentrates from patients who make them at home (although I suppose it's possible that Harborside might also make concentrates).<br /><br />Percentages may vary from plant to plant, grower to grower, sample to sample, and concentrate to concentrate. Harborside buys product from various patient homegrowers (I've read maybe 400). Oils and melts and hashes are not standardized.<br /><br />Are there any scientific studies on the effects of cannabis concentrates in animals or humans? There <a href="">are</a> published <a href="">LD50</a> levels for THC in mice, rats, dogs, and monkeys. For dogs, the LD50 of oral THC is 525mg/kg. So if 10 six-pound (2.72kg) chihuahuas each eat 1.428 grams of THC, at least 5 will die. (1.428g of THC can be found in 1.93g of 74% THC hash oil, or 5.71g of 25% THC bud (about 1/8th plus 2/3rds of an 8th)).<br /><br />Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> metabolism of THC occurs mainly in the liver by <a href="">cytochrome P450</a> enzymes <a href="">CYP2C9</a>, <a href="">CYP2C19</a>, and <a href="">CYP3A4</a>.<br /><br />At least 85 cannabinoids have been found in cannabis. I would be interested in finding out which CYP enzymes metabolize each of those cannabinoids, as well as which substances act as inhibitors of those CYP enzymes. <br /><br />I would also be interested in learning about marijuana <a href="">contraindications</a> (factors that increase the risks involved in using a particular drug). Google <a href="">cannabis contraindications</a> and <a href="">marijuana contraindications</a>. I'd also like to learn more about <a href="">adverse drug reactions</a> related to marijuana. How many substances can you combine with marijuana? How many <a href="">combinations</a> can be made with various substances and <a href="">over 2,000 marijuana strains</a>? Could one substance react one way with one certain strain, and another way with another certain strain? Could Prozac have 2,000 slightly different effects when used with 2,000 different marijuana strains?<br /><br /><a name="THC metabolism"><h3>THC metabolism</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />I've noticed on Google Scholar that THC is "metabolized by <a href="">CYP3A4</a>, CYP2C11, and to a lesser extent <a href="">CYP2C9</a>." (<a href="">Google CYP3A4 THC.</a>) I've <a href="">read</a> that THC is rapidly metabolized in the liver to an active metabolite (<a href="">11-hydroxy THC</a>) which is then converted to inactive metabolites and excreted in urine/stool. That site mentions CYP3A3, CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C6.<br /><br />In biochemistry, a <a href="">substrate</a> is a molecule upon which an enzyme acts. Wikipedia lists THC as a minor substrate of <a href="">CYP3A4</a>. THC is also a substrate of <a href="">CYP2C19</a>. <br /><br /><a href="">This study</a> says the CYP3A4 enzyme is the most active metabolizer of 7a and 7ß-hydroxy-delta8-THC.<br /><br /><a name="high"><h3>stay high longer</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />I've read that consumption of marijuana along with Cytochrome P450 2C9 inhibitors (aka <a href="">CYP2C9</a> inhibitors) leads to extended intoxication.<a href="">(source)</a> If that's true, that means that people using marijuana along with CYP2C9 inhibitors can stay high longer or stay stoned longer. (Also see this <a href="">Google Scholar search</a> for Cytochrome P450 2C cannabis, and this <a href="">Google Scholar search</a> for CYP2C9 cannabis.)<br /><br />[Speaking of enzyme inhibition, earlier this month I <a href="">blogged</a> about URB937 (<a href="">Google URB937</a>) which inhibits FAAH, therefore boosting <a href="">andandamide</a>, an endocannabinoid neurotransmitter discovered in 1992. Or as another website put it: URB937 <a href="">kills pain like marijuana without getting you stoned</a>.]<br /><br /><a name="antidepressant"><h3>marijuana and antidepressants</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Speaking from personal experience, the first time I smoked marijuana I was intoxicated for more than 48 hours but less than 72 hours. I wouldn't exactly call it a pleasant experience. Looking back, I would say that I experienced prolonged mania, psychosis, and delirium. Incidentally, the Wikipedia article for <a href="">delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol</a> lists a <a href="">half-life</a> (the time it takes for a substance to lose half of its pharmacologic, physiologic, or radiologic activity) for THC of up to 59 hours. At the time I first smoked marijuana I was taking either Prozac (fluoxetine), or Paxil (paroxetine), or Effexor (venlafaxine) (possibly Effexor XR). I've had prescriptions for and have taken all three of those drugs before but I currently don't recall which one I was taking at the time (or had possibly discontinued days before). I would actually recommend that people NOT smoke weed while taking antidepressants. Don't smoke marijuana on antidepressants.<br /><br /><a href="">Fluoxetine</a> (Prozac) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) as well as a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor, a CYP2C19 inhibitor, a CYP3A4 inhibitor, and one of the drugs patients should tell their doctor they're taking before taking dronabinol (capsules containing THC). CYP2D6 metabolizes fluoxetine into the biologically active metabolite <a href="">norfluoxetine</a>. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> fluoxetine and it's active metabolite norfluoxetine are both potent CYP2D6 inhibitors, as well as mild to moderate CYP1A2 inhibitors, CYP2B6 inhibitors, CYP2C9 inhibitors, CYP2C19 inhibitors, and CYP3A4 inhibitors. Fluoxetine and norfluoxetine also inhibit the activity of <a href="">P-glycoprotein</a> (aka permeability glycoprotein, P-gp, Pgp, ABCB1, MDR1, PGY1, CD243), an <a href="ATP-binding cassette transporter">ATP-binding cassette transporter</a>, which transports drugs across extra- and intra-cellular membranes. P-glycoprotein also functions as a transporter in the <a href="">blood-brain barrier</a>. ABCB1 transports various substrates across the cell membrane. It's involved in regulating the distribution and bioavailability of drugs, and the removal of toxic metabolites and xenobiotics from cells into urine, bile, and the intestine. Google <a href="">prozac marijuana</a>.<br /><br /><a href="">Paroxetine</a> (Paxil) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) as well as a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor. Google <a href="">paxil marijuana</a>.<br /><br /><a href="">Venlafaxine</a> (Effexor) is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) as well as a substrate of CYP2D6, meaning that the CYP2D6 enzymes metabolizes it. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> venlafaxine is extensively metabolized in the liver via CYP2D6 to desvenlafaxine, which is just as potent an SNRI as venlafaxine. Google <a href="">effexor marijuana</a>.<br /><br />On January 24, 2001, there was an <a href="">article</a> in <a href=""><i>USA Today</i></a> called "Marijuana and antidepressants don't mix" by Mike Falcon and Stephen A. Shoop, MD. It mentioned that Mike Tyson told reporters five weeks before "his most recent bout" that he was taking Zoloft, an SSRI. The <i>Detroit News</i> quoted a member of the Michigan Board in Control of Athletics who said that Mike Tyson's October 2000 post-fight urine sample tested positive for marijuana. Tyson claimed he discontinued Zoloft before fights, but <i>USA Today</i> said that doctors say the combination of marijuana and antidepressants, even if separated by weeks, "could make even the toughest customer punchy or worse."<br /><br />Dr. Gabriel Nahas, editor of <i>Marijuana and Medicine</i>, and pharmacology research professor at NYU Medical Center, said the combination of cannabis and antidepressants "is a cocktail which can confound and confuse even the most determined and experienced psychiatrist." Nahas said "the effects on the patient can be very confusing, disorienting, and dangerous."<br /><br />Dr. Abraham Kryger, a family physician in Monterey, California, said the combination of antidepressants and marijuana is probably severely under-reported. There are patients who have been prescribed antidepressants who don't tell their physicians they smoke pot, even if their doctor asks them. So physicians see side effects "which may or may not be due to the anti-depressant alone." In 2001, <i>USA Today</i> said cannabis contains at least 66 cannabinoids (the number is at least 85 as of 2010). <i>USA Today</i> said "It's therefore impossible to precisely define the effects produced by cross-medicating marijuana with antidepressants."<br /><br /><i>USA Today</i> said there are many studies proving marijuana's effectiveness "in treating nausea, glaucoma and intra-ocular eye pressure, migraine headaches, suppressed appetite in AIDS patients, and specific types of pain. Some studies also suggest applications in movement and neurologic disorders."<br /><br />Nahas said marijuana's drawbacks include addictive effects ("Nobody can argue that habitual use of marijuana does not exist"), memory impairment, distance and time distortion, behavioral responses, amotivational syndrome (caused by temporary low levels of testosterone according to Istvan Boksay), and disease. Nahas said marijuana can destroy gametes in both men and women, changing reproductive systems irreversibly.<br /><br /><i>USA Today</i> wrote that <i>Marijuana and Medicine</i> has shown possible interactions between marijuana and antidepressants such as additive tachycardia, accelerated heartbeat, hypertension, drowsiness, transient delirium, cognitive problems with tricylic antidepressants; and severe mania with psychosis on fluoxetine (Prozac, which <i>USA Today</i> incorrectly calls Luvox; Luvox is fluvoxamine). <i>Marijuana and Medicine</i> said THC <i>may</i> inhibit serotonin uptake and increase it's synthesis. Istvan Boksay, a research pharmacologist at NYU Medical Center, and chief of psychiatry at the Aging and Dementia Research Center, said cannabinoid receptors in the brain are not SSRI-mediated and not serotonin-mediated. But marijuana can affect dopamine and norepinephrine.<br /><br /><i>USA Today</i> said not all SSRIs are affected equally by cannabis. Prozac and Paxil have "greater inhibitory effects" on P450 enzymes which metabolize many drugs. The paper said that taking SSRIs "could prolong the excretion of marijuana from the body."<br /><br />Dr. Lester Lee, director of Arista Medical in Huntington Beach, California and the former head of the US Olympic Committee's drug-testing arm, said SSRIs are excreted before THC so SSRIs "can and will elevate levels of THC in urine."<br /><br /><i>USA Today</i> concludes "Taking prescription antidepressants and simultaneously self-medicating with marijuana is not a good idea. And not telling the physician who prescribes your antidepressants that you use marijuana is simply a poor and potentially dangerous decision."<br /><br />In July 2007, CNN <a href="">reported</a> that the CDC said antidepressants were the most prescribed drugs in the US. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examined 2.4 billion drugs prescribed in 2005. 118 million were for antidepressants. CNN said that adult usage of antidepressants almost tripled between 1988-1994 and 1999-2000. The CDC reported that the use of antidepressants rose 48% between 1995 and 2002.<br /><br />Dr. Kelly Posner, an assistant professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, said 8% of adolescents will have a major depressive episode in their lifetime, and 25% of adults will. Posner said 55% of African-Americans who have depression don't seek treatment for it. Posner thinks depression is driving the number of prescriptions but Dr. Robert Goodman says marketing by pharmaceutical companies to doctors and consumers is the real driving force.<br /><br />I don't know how many Californians currently have antidepressant prescriptions, but suppose the number of antidepressant prescriptions in California was relative to the proportion of California population to the total US population. As of October 19, 2010 the <a href="">US Population Clock</a> estimates the US population at 310,518,117. California is the most populous state in the US, with an estimated 36,961,664 people in 2009. That's 11.9% of the US population. 11.9% of 118 million antidepressant prescriptions (in 2005) is a potential 14.042 million antidepressant prescriptions in California. If any of those millions of people in California currently taking antidepressants start using marijuana, they may soon discover that marijuana use with antidepressants has unique side effects.<br /><br />The CDC also has stats on drug use in the US <a href="">here</a>. From 2003 to 2006, 47% of Americans used at least one prescription drug in the past month.<br /><br /><a name="cyp"><h3>CYP inhibitors</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a name="CYP2C9"><h3>CYP2C9 inhibitors</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Going back to CYP2C9 inhibitors, which Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> can lead to extended marijuana intoxication, most inhibitors of CYP2C9 are <a href="">competitive inhibitors.</a><a href="">(source)</a> In competitive inhibition, when the inhibitor binds to the active site on the enzyme, it prevents binding of the <a href="">substrate</a> and vice versa. <br /><br />Noncompetitive inhibitors of CYP2C9 <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">6-hydroxyflavone</a> (found in the leaves of <a href="">Barleria prionitis</a> (aka the porcupine flower)</li><li><a href="">medroxyprogesterone acetate</a> (aka MPA; a synthetic variant of the human hormone progesterone; used as a contraceptive and in hormone replacement therapy) (Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), also known as Depo-Provera, is a hormonal contraceptive birth control drug injected every 3 months. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> a depot injection is an injection, usually subcutaneous or intramuscular, of a pharmacological agent which releases its active compound in a consistent way over a long period of time.)</li><li><a href="">nifedipine</a> (a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker used as an antianginal and antihypertensive; also used for premature labor, esophageal spasms, and <a href="">Raynaud's phenomenon</a>)</li><li><a href="">phenethyl isothiocyanate</a> (no WP page) (aka PEITC; an anti-carcinogen found in cabbages and other cruciferous vegetables) <a href="">(Google search)</a></li><li><a href="">tranylcypromine</a> (which acts as a non-selective and irreversible <a href="">MAOI</a>; used as an antidepressant and anxiolytic; aka Parnate, Jatrosom)</li></ul><br />Strong CYP2C9 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">benzbromarone</a> (a <a href="">uricosuric</a> agent for treating gout)</li><li><a href="">amentoflavone</a> (present in several plants like <a href="">ginkgo biloba</a> and <a href="">St John's wort</a>)</li><li><a href="">sulfaphenazole</a> (a <a href="">sulfonamide</a> antibacterial)</li><li><a href="">fluconazole</a> (an anti-fungal drug sold under the trade names Diflucan, Trican, and Alfumet)</li><li><a href="">valproic acid</a> (an anticonvulsant and mood-stabilizing drug sold under the brand names Depakote, Depakote ER, Depakene, Depacon, Depakine and Stavzor)</li></ul><br />Weak CYP2C9 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">amiodarone</a> (an antiarrhythmic medication used for irregular heart beat)</li><li><a href="">chloramphenicol</a> (a bacteriostatic antimicrobial; a broad-spectrum antibiotic; may cause bone marrow toxicity)</li><li><a href="">cimetidine</a> (a <a href="">H2-receptor antagonist</a> used to treat heartburn and peptic ulcers, marketed as Tagamet, Tagamet HB, Tagamet HB200)</li><li><a href="">fenofibrate</a> (a fibrate used to reduce cholesterol levels, reduce LDL, reduce VLDL, increase HDL; marketed as Tricor, Trilipix, Lipofen, Lofibra, Lipanthyl, Lipidil, Supralip, Fenocor-67, Fenogal, and Antara)</li><li><a href="">flavones</a> (a class of flavonoids). Natural flavones include (some of these could be exceptions):</li><ul><li><a href="">6-hydroxyflavone</a> (found in the leaves of <a href="">Barleria prionitis</a> (aka the porcupine flower)</li><li><a href="">apigenin</a> (aka <a href="">Chamomile</a>?) (Wikipedia says it's a potent CYP2C9 inhibitor)</li><li><a href="">baicalein</a> (found in the roots of <a href="">Baikal Skullcap</a> and in <a href="">Indian trumpet flower</a>)</li><li><a href="">chrysin</a> (found in <a href="">Chamomile</a>?) (found in the <a href="">Blue Passion Flower</a> and <a href="">Indian trumpet flower</a>)</li><li><a href="">luteolin</a> (one of the more common flavones; found in leaves, celery, thyme, dandelion, rinds, barks, clover blossom, ragweed pollen, Salvia tomentosa, green pepper, perilla, chamomile tea, carrots, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, oregano.)</li><li><a href="">scutellarein</a> (found in <a href="">Scutellaria lateriflora</a> (aka Blue Skullcap aka Hoodwort aka Virginian Skullcap aka Mad-dog Skullcap)</li><li><a href="">tangeritin</a> (found in tangerine and other citrus peels)</li><li><a href="">wogonin</a> (found in <a href="">Baikal Skullcap</a>; is also the active ingredient in the herbal supplement <a href="">Sho-Saiko-To</a> (aka Minor Bupleurum Formula aka Xiao Chai Hu Tang)</li></ul><li><a href="">flavonols</a> (a class of flavonoids present in many fruits and vegetables). Flavonols include (some of these could be exceptions):</li><ul><li><a href="">3-hydroxyflavone</a> (the backbone of all flavonols; not found naturally in plants)</li><li><a href="">azaleatin</a> (found in 44 <a href="">Rhododendron</a> species, found in in <a href="">Plumbago capensis</a> (aka Blue plumbago aka Cape plumbago aka Cape leadwort), in <a href="">Ceratostigma</a> willmottianum (aka Chinese Plumbago aka Willmott Blue Leadwort), found in <a href="">Carya pecan</a>, and in the leaves of <a href="">Eucryphia</a>)</li><li><a href="">fisetin</a> (found in many plants such as <a href="">Acacia greggii</a> (aka Catclaw Acacia, Catclaw Mesquite, Gregg's Catclaw, Devil's Claw, Paradise Flower, Wait-a-minute Tree, and Wait-a-bit Tree), <a href="">Acacia berlandieri</a> (aka Berlandier Acacia, Guajillo Acacia, guajillo, huajillo; which also contains trace amounts of <a href="">amphetamine</a>, <a href="">methamphetamine</a>, <a href="">dimethylamphetamine</a>, <a href="">norpholedrine</a>, <a href="">para-methoxyamphetamine</a>, <a href="">DMT</a>, <a href="">nicotine</a>, and <a href="">mescaline</a>), found in <a href="">Butea frondosa</a> (aka Palash, Dhak, Palah, Flame of the Forest, Bastard Teak, Parrot Tree, Keshu, Kesudo), in <a href="">Gleditsia triacanthos</a> (aka Honey Locust), in <a href="">Quebracho colorado</a> (red quebracho tree), in the genus <a href="">Rhus</a> (Sumac), in <a href="">Callitropsis nootkatensis</a> (aka Nootka Cypress, Yellow Cypress, Alaska Cypress). And perhaps in <a href="">mangoes</a>. (Incidentally, do a <a href="">Google search for mango and marijuana</a>. I've read that mangoes and mango juice (and perhaps <a href="">myrcene</a> in it) maybe can enhance a high).</li><li><a href="">galangin</a> (found in the root of <a href="">Alpinia galanga</a> (aka greater galangal aka Thai galangal aka blue ginger aka Thai ginger)</li><li><a href="">gossypetin</a> (found in the flowers and calyx of <a href="">Hibiscus sabdariffa</a> (Roselle))</li><li><a href="">isorhamnetin</a> (found in <a href="">Tagetes lucida</a> (aka Mexican marigold, Pericón, Mexican mint marigold, Mexican tarragon, Spanish tarragon, Texas tarragon))</li><li><a href="">kaempferide</a> (found in <a href="">Kaempferia galanga</a> (aka kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry, resurrection lily))</li><li><a href="">kaempferol</a> (found in brussel sprouts, apples, tea, broccoli, grapefruit, <a href="">Delphinium</a> (aka Larkspur), <a href="">Witch-hazel</a> (aka winterbloom), in the flowers of <a href="">Acacia decurrens</a> (aka Acacia bark, Early black wattle, Green wattle, Sydney wattle, Wattle bark), and in the flowers of <a href="">Acacia longifolia</a> (aka Acacia Trinervis, Aroma Doble, Golden Wattle, Sallow Wattle, Sydney Golden Wattle))</li><li><a href="">morin</a> (found in <a href="">Maclura pomifera</a> (aka Osage-orange, Horse-apple, Bois D'Arc, Bodark), <a href="">Maclura tinctoria</a> (aka Old Fustic, Dyer's mulberry), and in the leaves of <a href="">Psidium guajava</a> (aka apple guava, common guava))</li><li><a href="">myricetin</a> (found in walnuts; found in many grapes, berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other plants; present in red wine)</li><li><a href="">natsudaidain</a> (found in <a href="">citrus</a> plants such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes.)</li><li><a href="">pachypodol</a> (found in Pachypodanthium confine, Agastache folium, in the leaves of <a href="">Agastache rugosa</a> (aka Korean Mint, Blue Licorice, Purple Giant Hyssop, Huo xiang, Indian Mint, Patchouli Herb, Wrinkled Giant Hyssop))</li><li><a href="">quercetin</a> (found in <a href="">black and green tea</a>, <a href="">capers</a>, <a href="">lovage</a>, <a href="">apples</a>, onions (particularly in red onions and in outermost rings), red grapes, citrus fruits, tomatoes (especially organic tomatoes), broccoli, other leafy green vegetables, berries including cherry, raspberry, bog whortleberry, lingonberry, cranberry, chokeberry, sweet rowan, rowanberry, sea buckthorn berry, crowberry, prickly pear cactus fruit; also found in honey, including honey made from eucalyptus and tea tree flowers.)</li><li><a href="">rhamnazin</a> (found in Rhamnus petiolaris (a buckthorn plant in Sri Lanka))</li><li><a href="">rhamnetin</a> (found in <a href="">cloves</a>)</li></ul><li><a href="">fluvastatin</a> (a statin used to treat hypercholesterolemia and prevent cardiovascular disease; marketed as Lescol, Canef, Vastin</li><li><a href="">fluvoxamine</a> (an SSRI antidepressant marketed as Luvox, Fevarin)</li><li><a href="">isoniazid</a> (a first-line anti-tuberculosis medication; marketed as Laniazid, Nydrazid)</li><li><a href="">lovastatin</a> (a statin used to treat hypercholesterolemia and prevent cardiovascular disease; naturally found in oyster mushrooms and red yeast rice; sold under the brand names Mevacor, Altocor, Altoprev, Stratosan, and Advicor (combined with niacin)</li><li><a href="">probenecid</a> (a uricosuric drug that increases uric acid excretion; used to treat gout and hyperuricemia)</li><li><a href="">setraline</a> (an SSRI antidepressant sold under the brand names Zoloft, Selectra, Eleva)</li><li><a href="">sulfamethoxazole</a> (a sulfonamide bacteriostatic antibiotic; abbreviated SMX; often combined with trimethoprim as SMX-TMP, known as Bactrim, Septrin, Septra, Biseptol)</li><li><a href="">teniposide</a> (a podophyllotoxin derivative used to treat childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia; known as Vumon, VM-26)</li><li><a href="">voriconazole</a> (a triazole anti-fungal medication generally used to treat serious, invasive fungal infections; known as VFEND)</li><li><a href="">zafirlukast</a> (a <a href="">leukotriene receptor antagonist</a> (LTRA) for the maintenance treatment of asthma; marketed as Accolate, Accoleit, Vanticon) [<a href="">Singulair</a> is another LTRA]</li></ul><br /><a name="CYP2C19"><h3>CYP2C19 inhibitors</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Regarding CYP2C19, about 15-20% of Asians and 3-5% of Caucasians are poor metabolizers with no CYP2C19 function. (Although <a href="">this site</a> says the poor metabolizer CYP2C19 genotype occurs in 1-3% of Caucasians.) Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> that THC is a substrate of CYP2C19 (meaning, the CYP2C19 enzyme metabolizes THC).<br /><br />Strong CYP2C19 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">moclobemide</a> (an MAOI used to treat depression and social anxiety; tradenames Aurorix, Manerix; not approved for use in US)</li><li><a href="">fluvoxamine</a> (an SSRI antidepressant marketed as Luvox, Fevarin)</li><li><a href="">chloramphenicol</a> (a bacteriostatic antimicrobial; a broad-spectrum antibiotic; may cause bone marrow toxicity)</li></ul><br />Other CYP2C19 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">cimetidine</a> (a <a href="">H2-receptor antagonist</a> used to treat heartburn and peptic ulcers, marketed as Tagamet, Tagamet HB, Tagamet HB200)</li><li><a href="">felbamate</a> (an anticonvulsant used to treat partial seizures and epilepsy; increases risk of aplastic anemia and/or liver failure; brandname Felbatol)</li><li><a href="">fluoxetine</a> (aka Prozac, Sarafem; an SSRI antidepressant)</li><li><a href="">indometacin</a> (aka indomethacin) (an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) used to reduce fever, pain, stiffness, swelling; tradenames Indocin, Indocid, Indochron E-R, Indocin-SR)</li><li><a href="">ketoconazole</a> (an antifungal drug used to treat skin and fungal infections; tradenames Nizoral, Sebizole; been largely replaced by fluconazole and itraconazole)</li><li><a href="">lansoprazole</a> (a proton-pump inhibitor which prevents the stomach from producing gastric acid; brandnames Prevacid, Helicid, Zoton, Inhibitol; available as a generic)</li><li><a href="">modafinil</a> (an analeptic drug used to treat narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea; tradenames Provigil, Alertec, Modavigil, Modalert, Modafinilo, Carim, Vigia; is unapproved for but may be effective in treating depression and schizophrenia)</li><li><a href="">omeprazole</a> (a proton pump inhibitor used to treat dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), laryngopharyngeal reflux, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; tradenames Losec, Prilosec, Antra, Gastroloc, Mopral, Omepral, Zegerid, Prilosec OTC, Zegerid OTC, Segazole, OMEZ, Ulcozol, Xelopes)</li><li><a href="">oxcarbazepine</a> (an anticonvulsant and mood stabilizing drug used to treat epilepsy; also anxiety and mood disorders, benign motor tics; tradename Trileptal)</li><li><a href="">probenecid</a> (a uricosuric drug that increases uric acid excretion; used to treat gout and hyperuricemia)</li><li><a href="">ticlopidine</a> (an antiplatelet drug and adenosine disphosphate receptor inhibitor; may increase risk of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and neutropenia, so largely replaced by the drug clopidogrel)</li><li><a href="">topiramate</a> (an anticonvulsant drug used to treat epilepsy; brandname Topamax)</li></ul><br /><a name="CYP2D6"><h3>CYP2D6 inhibitors</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />(The Wikipedia page for poor metabolizer currently redirects to <a href="">CYP2D6</a>, although it should probably redirect to <a href="">drug metabolism</a>. <a href="">This website</a> has a good overview of the difference between poor metabolizers, rapid metabolizers, and ultra-rapid metabolizers.)<br /><br />Due to genetic polymorphism, CYP2D6 shows the largest phenotypical variability among the <a href="">CYP</a> enzymes. People with the poor metabolizer CYP2D6 genotype have little or no CYP2D6 function.<br /><br />About 6-10% of whites and 2% of Asians have the poor metabolizer CYP2D6 genotype. The frequency of poor metabolizers is greater in blacks than whites. CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers is greater among Middle Eastern and North Africa populations.<br /><br />Substrates of CYP2D6 (substances that CYP2D6 metabolizes) include beta-blockers, antiarrythmics, all tricyclic antidepressants, most SSRIs, venlafaxine (Effexor) (an SNRI), opioids, antipsychotics, DXM, etc.<br /><br />Strong CYP2D6 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">SSRIs</a></li><ul><li><a href="">citalopram</a> (aka Celexa, Cipramil; an SSRI used for depression, and off-label for anxiety)</li><li><a href="">fluoxetine</a> (aka Prozac, Sarafem; an SSRI antidepressant)</li><li><a href="">paroxetine</a> (aka Paxil, Aropax, Seroxat; an SSRI used to treat depression, OCD, panic/social anxiety/anxiety disorders)</li></ul><li>Other antidepressants</li><ul><li><a href="">bupropion</a> (aka Wellbutrin, Zyban, Voxra, Budeprion, Aplenzin; a dopamine reuptake inhibitors and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist; used as antidepressant and smoking cessation aid)</li><li><a href="">duloxetine</a> (brandnames Cymbalta, Yentreve; an SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) used for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder; also relieves pain related to fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy)</li></ul><li><a href="">terbinafine</a> (a synthetic allylamine antifungal; sold as Lamisil, Corbinal, Zabel, Sebifin, Zimig)</li><li><a href="">quinidine</a> (a stereoisomer of quinine originally derived from cinchona tree bark; acts as a class I antiarrhtymic agent)</li><li><a href="">MDMA</a> (aka ecstasy, E, X; a recreational empathogen which can induce euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, diminished anxiety and depression; may be effective in the treatment of PTSD and anxiety associated with terminal cancer; possibility of neurotoxic damage to the central nervous system)</li></ul><br />Weak CYP2D6 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">buprenorphine</a> (tradenames Subutex, Temgesic, Buprenex, Suboxone; a semi-synthetic opioid that is used in lower doses to control moderate pain in non-opioid tolerant individuals and in higher doses to treat opioid addiction)</li></ul><br />Other CYP2D6 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">amiodarone</a> (an antiarrhythmic medication used for irregular heart beat)</li><li><a href="">dronedarone</a> (aka SR33589, Multaq; an antiarrhythmic used for irregular heart beat; used to treat atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter)</li><li><a href="">anti-histamines</a></li><ul><li><a href="">chlorphenamine</a> (a 1st generation alkylamine antihistamine; aka chlorpheniramine; available in chlorphenamine maleate as Chlor-Trimeton, Piriton, Chlor-Tripolon, HISTA-12; relatively weak sedative effects vs other 1st gen antihistamines; may be effective for depression and anxiety)</li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a> (aka DPH, DHM, Benadryl, Dimedrol; found in Nytol, some Unisom products, Tylenol PM, Midol PM, Advil PM; a 1st gen anti-histamine in the ethanolamine class of antihistaminergic agents; used to treat allergies; has a powerful hypnotic effect, can be used as sleep aid and anxiety relief; antiemetic; can be used to treat side effects such as tremors of many antipsychotics)</li></ul><li><a href="">antipsychotics</a></li><ul><li><a href="">chlorpromazine</a> (aka Thorazine, Largactil, CPZ (chlorpromazine hydrochloride); an typical anti-psychotic synthesized in 1950; a prototype for phenothiazine drugs; has anticholinergic, antidopaminergic, anxiolytic, antihistaminic, and weak antiadrenergic effects; its anticholinergic effects include constipation, sedation, hypotension, nausea relief; its antidopaminergic effects include restlessness, dystonia; can cause tardive dyskinesia which can be irreversible; has been largely superseded by newer atypical antipsychotics)</li><li><a href="">haloperidol</a> (a typical antipsychotic in the butyrophenone class; used to treat schizophrenia, acute psychotic states, delirium; tradenames Haldol, Aloperidin, Bioperidolo, Brotopon, Dozic, Duraperidol, Einalon S, Eukystol, Halosten, Keselan, Linton, Peluces, Serenace, Serenase, Sigaperidol)</li></ul><li><a href="">celecoxib</a> (NSAID) (aka Celebrex, Celebra, Onsenal; a sulfa NSAID used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain, painful menstruation and menstrual symptoms, reduce numbers of colon and rectum polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis) (Wikipedia says it's metabolized mainly by CYP2C9)</li><li><a href="">cimetidine</a> (a <a href="">H2-receptor antagonist</a> used to treat heartburn and peptic ulcers, marketed as Tagamet, Tagamet HB, Tagamet HB200)</li><li><a href="">clomipramine</a> (a tricyclic antidepressant developed in the 1960s; aka Anafranil)</li><li><a href="">chloramphenicol</a> (a bacteriostatic antimicrobial; a broad-spectrum antibiotic; may cause bone marrow toxicity)</li><li><a href="">cocaine</a> (a crystalline tropane alkaloid found in coca leaves; a central nervous system stimulant, appetite suppressant, topical anesthetic; a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor; addictive) (Wikipedia mentions metabolism by CYP3A4)</li><li><a href="">doxorubicin</a> (aka hydroxydaunorubicin; sold as Adriamycin, Adriamycin PFS, Adriamycin RDF, Rubex; a photosensitive anthracycline antibiotic used in chemotherapy; used to treat hematological malignancies, many carcinomas, and soft tissue sarcomas; can cause heart damage) (Wikipedia mentions metabolism by CYP3A4)</li><li><a href="">metoclopramide</a> (an antiemtic and gastroprokinetic agent, used to treat nausea/vomiting, migraine headaches, facilitate gastric emptying for gastroparesis; tradenames Maxolon, Reglan, Degan, Maxeran, Primperan, Pylomid, Cerucal, Pramin; the most common cause of drug-induced movement disorders)</li><li><a href="">methadone</a> (a synthetic opioid used as an analgesic, antitussive, and maintenance anti-addictive for patients on opioids; developed in Germany in 1937; acts on opioid receptors and produces many same effects; used in managing chronic pain; used to treat opioid dependence, mitigate opioid withdrawal syndrome; high doses can block euphoric effects of heroin, morphine, similar drugs; found in levomethadone, Polamidone, Heptadon, found in Methadose)</li><li><a href="">moclobemide</a> (an MAOI used to treat depression and social anxiety; tradenames Aurorix, Manerix; not approved for use in US)</li><li><a href="">quinidine</a> (a stereoisomer of quinine originally derived from cinchona tree bark; acts as a class I antiarrhtymic agent)</li><li><a href="">ranitidine</a> (a histamine H2-receptor antagonist that inhibits stomach acid production; used to treat peptic ulcer disease, GERD; used along with fexofenadine to treat hives; brandnames Zantac, Zinetac)</li><li><a href="">ranolazine</a> (antianginal) (an antianginal medication used to treat chronic angina pectoris; aka Ranexa, Ranozex)</li><li><a href="">ritonavir</a> (tradename Norvir; an anti-retroviral drug used to treat HIV and AIDS)</li><li><a href="">doxepin</a> (a drug with tricyclic antidepressant and anxiolytic properties; aka Aponal, Adapine, Deptran, Sinquan, Sinequan, found in creams to treat dermatological itch (Zonalon, Xepin); used to treat insomnia (Silenor))</li><li><a href="">halofantrine</a> (a drug used to treat malaria; marketed as Halfan) (Wikipedia says it is CYP3A4 mediated)</li><li><a href="">imipramine</a> (a tricyclic antidepressant of the dibenzazepine group; used to treat major depression, enuresis (the inability to control urination); sold as Antideprin, Deprimin, Deprinol, Depsonil, Dynaprin, Eupramin, Imipramil, Irmin, Janimine, Melipramin, Surplix, Tofranil; aka melipramine; may be effective for panic disorder)</li><li><a href="">levomepromazine</a> (an aliphatic phenothiazine neuroleptic drug; an antipsychotic about half as potent as chlorpromazine with strong analgesic, antiemetic properties; known as methotrimeprazine in the US; sold as Nosinan Nozinan, Levoprome; marketed as Neurocil, Nozinan in Europe, Canada; serious side effects include tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome; known as a <a href="">"dirty drug"</a>) (marijuana is also <a href="">known</a> as a "dirty drug")</li><li><a href="">pimozide</a> (aka Orap; an antipsychotic drug of the diphenylbutylpiperidine class; high potency vs chlorpromazine; based on weight even more potent than haloperidol; has special neurologic indications for Tourette syndrome and resistant tics; side effects include akathisia, tardive dyskinesia; rarely neuroleptic malignant syndrome and long QT syndrome)</li><li><a href="">thioridazine</a> (aka Mellaril, Novoridazine, Thioril; an antipsychotic drugs in the phenothiazine group; previously widely used to treat schizophrenia and psychosis; now reserved for patients who fail to respond to or have contraindications for other antipsychotics due to concerns about cardiotoxicity and retinopathy; can cause potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome)</li></ul><br /><a href=""></a> says although 14 families of CYP enzymes have been found in humans, about 95% of all drug oxidation is done by 6 CYP enzymes: <a href="">CYP3A4</a>/5, <a href="">CYP2D6</a>, <a href="">CYP2C8</a>/<a href="">9</a>, <a href="">CYP1A2</a>, <a href="">CYP2C19</a>, and <a href="">CYP2E1</a>. That site says CYP enzyme activity may vary in people based on medical, environmental, and dietary factors; as well as different racial populations. That site has a pie chart that shows the percentage of drugs metabolized by CYP enzymes:<br /><ul><li>36% CYP3A4/5</li><li>19% CYP2D6</li><li>16% CYP2C8/9</li><li>11% CYP1A2</li><li>08% CYP2C19</li><li>04% CYP2E1</li><li>03% CYP2A6</li><li>03% CYP2B6</li></ul><br /><a name="CYP3A4"><h3>CYP3A4 inhibitors</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> in humans, the CYP3A4 protein is encoded by the CYP3A4 gene, which is part of a cluster of cytochrome P450 genes on chromosome 7q21.1. It also says CYP3A4 is absent in fetal liver but increases to approximately 40% of adult levels in the 4th month of life and 72% at 12 months. CYP3A4 has also been found in the brain. Wikipedia says CYP3A4 is involved in the metabolism of approximately half the drugs which are used today.<br /><br />Strong/moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">protease inhibitors</a></li><ul><li><a href="">ritonavir</a> (tradename Norvir; an anti-retroviral drug used to treat HIV and AIDS)</li><li><a href="">indinavir</a> (tradename Crixivan; used as a component of highly active anti-retroviral therapy to treat HIV and AIDS)</li><li><a href="">nelfinavir</a> (tradename Viracept; an anti-retroviral drug used to treat HIV)</li></ul><li><a href="">antibiotic macrolides</a> (FDA approved)</li><ul><li><a href="">clarithromycin</a> (used to treat tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute maxillary sinusitis, acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, skin infections, Legionellosis, Helicobacter pylori, and Lyme disease; aka Crixan, Biaxin, Klaricid, Klabax, Klacid, Claripen, Clarem, Claridar, Fromilid, Clacid, Clacee, Vikrol, Infex, Clariwin)</li><li><a href="">dirithromycin</a></li><li><a href="">erythromycin</a> (commonly known as EES; often used for people allergic to penicillin)</li><li><a href="">roxithromycin</a> (derived from erythromycin; tradenames Roxl-150, Roxo, Surlid, Rulide, Biaxsig, Roxar, Roximycin, Roxomycin, Tirabicin and Coroxin; used to treat urinary, soft tissue, and respiratory tract infections; anti-malarial)</li><li><a href="">telithromycin</a></li></ul><li><a href="">antibiotic macrolides</a> (non FDA approved)</li><ul><li><a href="">carbomycin a</a></li><li><a href="">josamycin</a> (known as Josalid, Josacine, Iosalide, Josamina, Wilprafen, Josamy)</li><li><a href="">kitasamycin</a></li><li><a href="">midecamycin</a></li><li><a href="">oleandomycin</a> (weaker than erythromycin; previously sold as Sigmamycine)</li><li><a href="">spiramycin</a> (tradename Rovamycine; used to treat toxoplasmosis)</li><li><a href="">troleandomycin</a> (sold as Triocetin, Tekmisin)</li><li><a href="">tylosin</a> (used in veterinary medicine to treat bacterial infections; also used as colitis treatment in companion animals)</li></ul><li><a href="">azole antifungals</a></li><ul><li><a href="">imidazole antifungals</a></li><ul><li><a href="">bifonazole</a></li><li><a href="">butoconazole</a></li><li><a href="">clotrimazole</a></li><li><a href="">econazole</a></li><li><a href="">fenticonazole</a></li><li><a href="">isoconazole</a></li><li><a href="">ketoconazole</a></li><li><a href="">miconazole</a> (used to treat athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, yeast infection, the lip disorder angular cheilitis)</li><li><a href="">oxiconazole</a></li><li><a href="">sertaconazole</a></li><li><a href="">sulconazole</a></li><li><a href="">tioconazole</a></li></ul><li><a href="">triazole antifungals</a></li><ul><li><a href="">fluconazole</a> (tradenames Diflucan, Trican, Alfumet, Candivast; used to treat/prevent superficial/systemic fungal infections)</li><li><a href="">isavuconazole</a></li><li><a href="">itraconazole</a></li><li><a href="">posaconazole</a></li><li><a href="">ravuconazole</a></li><li><a href="">terconazole</a></li><li><a href="">voriconazole</a></li></ul><li><a href="">thiazole antifungals</a></li><ul><li><a href="">abafungin</a></li></ul></ul><li><a href="">nefazodone</a> (aka Serzone, Nefadar; an antidepressant; discontinued in some countries in 2003 due to rare liver damage; Serzone was discontinued in US/Canada in May 2004 but generics exist)</li><li><a href="">bergamottin</a> (a natural furanocoumarin found in grapefruit juice) (many drugs are <a href="">affected by grapefruit juice</a>) (also found in <a href="">bergamot orange</a> oil, and the essential oils of other citrus fruits)</li><li><a href="">quercetin</a> (found in <a href="">black and green tea</a>, <a href="">capers</a>, <a href="">lovage</a>, <a href="">apples</a>, onions (particularly in red onions and in outermost rings), red grapes, citrus fruits, tomatoes (especially organic tomatoes), broccoli, other leafy green vegetables, berries including cherry, raspberry, bog whortleberry, lingonberry, cranberry, chokeberry, sweet rowan, rowanberry, sea buckthorn berry, crowberry, prickly pear cactus fruit. Also found in honey, including honey made from eucalyptus and tea tee flowers.</li><li><a href="">aprepitant</a> (an <a href="">antiemetic</a>; tradename Emend; used to treat prevent post-op and chemotherapy-induced nausea/vomiting)</li><li><a href="">verapamil</a> (a calcium channel blocker used to treat hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, cluster headaches, migraines; tradenames Isoptin, Verelan, Verelan PM, Calan, Bosoptin, Covera-HS)</li><li><a href="">chloramphenicol</a> (a bacteriostatic antimicrobial; a broad-spectrum antibiotic; may cause bone marrow toxicity)</li></ul><br />Weak CYP3A4 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">cimetidine</a> (a <a href="">H2-receptor antagonist</a> used to treat heartburn and peptic ulcers, marketed as Tagamet, Tagamet HB, Tagamet HB200)</li><li><a href="">buprenorphine</a> (tradenames Subutex, Temgesic, Buprenex, Suboxone; a semi-synthetic opioid that is used in lower doses to control moderate pain in non-opioid tolerant individuals and in higher doses to treat opioid addiction)</li><li><a href="">cafestol</a> (a diterpene molecule in unfiltered coffee; has anticarcinogenic properties in rats; may inhibit the progress of Parkinson's disease)</li></ul><br />Other CYP3A4 inhibitors <a href="">include:</a><br /><ul><li><a href="">amiodarone</a> (an antiarrhythmic medication used for irregular heart beat)</li><li><a href="">ciprofloxacin</a> (antibiotic)</li><li><a href="">ciclosporin</a> (an immunosuppressant)</li><li><a href="">diltiazem</a> (a calcium channel blocker)</li><li><a href="">imatinib</a> (an anti-carcinogen)</li><li><a href="">echinacea</a> (an immunostimulator)</li><li><a href="">enoxacin</a> (an antibacterial)</li><li><a href="">ergotamine</a></li><li><a href="">metronidazole</a> (an antibacterial)</li><li><a href="">mifepristone</a> (an abortifacient)</li><li><a href="">norfloxacin</a> (an antibiotic)</li><li><a href="">tofisopam</a> (an anxiolytic)</li><li><a href="">non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors</a> (NNRTIs)</li><ul><li><a href="">delavirdine</a></li><li><a href="">efavirenz</a> (I've read that this may induce CYP3A4 and therefore decrease THC levels)</li><li><a href="">etravirine</a></li><li><a href="">nevirapine</a> (I've read that this may induce CYP3A4 and therefore decrease THC levels)</li></ul><li><a href="">gestodene</a> (a hormonal contraceptive)</li><li><a href="">mibefradil</a></li><li><a href="">saquinavir</a> (a protease inhibitor; an antiretroviral drug used in HIV therapy; tradenames Invirase, Fortovase; a component in highly active retroviral therapy)</li><li><a href="">selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors</a> (SSRIs) (used as antidepressants, to treat anxiety disorders, some personality disorders, premature ejaculation, some cases of insomnia)</li><ul><li><a href="">fluoxetine</a> (aka Prozac, Sarafem; an SSRI antidepressant)</li><li><a href="">fluvoxamine</a> (an SSRI antidepressant marketed as Luvox, Fevarin)</li></ul><li><a href="">carambola</a> (aka star fruit; the fruit of the <a href="">Averrhoa carambola</a> tree native to Philippines, Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka)</li><li><a href="">piperine</a> (the alkaloid responsible for the pungency of black pepper and long pepper; used in traditional medicine and as an insecticide; long pepper has 1-2%, white and black pepper has 5-9%; can be extracted from black pepper using dichloromethane)</li><li><a href="">milk thistle</a> (a flowering plant of the daisy family native to Mediterranean regions of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East; seeds have been used as liver tonics for centuries; used to treat liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, toxin induced liver damage, and gallbladder disorders)</li></ul><br /><a name="schizophrenia"><h3>schizophrenia</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On June 24, 2010 Jessica Ward Jones MD, MPH <a href="">wrote</a> that marijuana use appears to worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia. She referred to a <a href="">study</a> in the June 2010 issue of the <i>British Journal of Psychiatry</i> entitled "Psychosis reactivity to cannabis use in daily life: an experience sampling study." Schizophrenics display symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized behavior, sometimes a <a href="">flattened affect</a> (where they show little emotion), lack of <a href="">motivation</a>, <a href="">alogia</a> (lack of additional information in responses), and <a href="">lack of desire to form relationships</a>.<br /><br />In June 2010, JR Minkel of LiveScience <a href="">wrote</a> about the same study in an article entitled "Marijuana Worsens Schizophrenia" (although the article refers to 48 patients and 47 healthy people).<br /><br />Dr. Cecile Henquet of Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands <a href="">followed</a> a group of 42 people with schizophrenia who were daily marijuana users and 38 healthy people, and asked what they were doing and how they felt 12 times a day for 6 days.<br /><br />The schizophrenics reported a significantly increased feeling of well being and improved mood after using pot than healthy subjects. But hours later, the schizophrenics had a decreased mood, more hallucinations, increased vulnerability to psychosis, and overall worsening of symptoms compared to healthy people. The study concluded that "Patients with psychosis are more sensitive to both the psychosis-inducing and mood-enhancing effects of cannabis."<br /><br />THC was suspected as the chemical responsible for the worsened symptoms. A previous <a href="">study</a> published online in January 2005 ("Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol effects in schizophrenia: Implications for cognition, psychosis, and addiction") concluded that THC was associated with "transient exacerbation in core psychotic and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia" and might "differentially affect schizophrenia patients relative to control subjects." Schizophrenics had "enhanced sensitivity to the cognitive effects" of THC.<br /><br />Also in January 2005, a <a href="">study</a> by Henquet's team was published in the <i>British Medical Journal</i> ("Prospective cohort study of cannabis use, predisposition for psychosis, and psychotic symptoms in young people"). Study participants included 2,437 people aged 14 to 24-year-old with and without predisposition for psychosis, and were followed for 4 years. The study concluded that "Cannabis use moderately increases the risk of psychotic symptoms in young people but has a much stronger effect in those with evidence of predisposition for psychosis." Jones also wrote that "Additional research by Henquet showed that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in this predisposition."<br /><br />A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine appeared in the July 2008 issue of <i>Archives of General Psychiatry</i>. David A. Lewis, MD, said that heavy marijuana use, especially in adolescence, appeared to be "associated with an increased risk for the later development of schizophrenia, and the course of illness is worse for people with schizophrenia who use marijuana." Regarding the study, Rick Nauert, PhD <a href="">wrote</a> that the brains of schizophrenics have significantly reduced expression of <a href="">cannabinoid receptor type 1</a>. He wrote that reduced <a href="">GABA</a> is known to be present in schizophrenics. GABA is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. He wrote that marijuana use by schizophrenics appears to worsen the deficit in GABA synthesis since activation of the CB1 receptor impairs signaling by GABA.<br /><br />Wikipedia says <a href="">schizophrenia</a> is a mental illness with a global lifetime prevalence of about 1.5%, meaning about 1 in 67 people will get schizophrenia in their lifetime, worldwide. California has a population of over 36.9 million people. 1.5% of 36.9 million is 553,500 people. Schizophrenia commonly manifests as bizarre or paranoid delusions (that are often <a href="">persecutory</a>), disorganized thinking and speech, auditory hallucinations, and is accompanied by significant occupational and social dysfunction. People with schizophrenia are likely to have additional conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders. Social problems like homelessness, poverty, and long-term unemployment are common. The suicide rate of schizophrenics is about 5% higher than others. The lifetime occurrence of substance abuse is about 40%. Contributing factors to schizophrenia include genetics, early environment, psychological and social processes, and neurobiology. Some drugs appear to cause or worsen symptoms.<br /><br />On July 21, 2010, an article by Maia Szalavitz appeared on entitled <a href=",8599,2005559,00.html">A Complex Link Between Marijuana and Schizophrenia</a>.<br /><br />Szalavitz said studies have repeatedly found that people with schizophrenia are about twice as likely to smoke pot as those without. But also, studies suggest that people who smoke pot are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as non users. A 2007 review of research concluded that smoking pot just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of psychotic disorders. But schizophrenia rates in the US have remained the same or possibly decreased. Schizophrenia has been found to affect about 1% of people.<br /><br />She wrote that maybe people who are genetically predisposed to schizophrenia also happen to especially enjoy marijuana. Some studies suggest smoking pot can trigger schizophrenia earlier in people who are predisposed, yet overall schizophrenia rates are not increasing, and the average age of onset is not decreasing. [This is just a guess, but perhaps many people are going undiagnosed.]<br /><br />She wrote than genes and family history account for 50% of the risk for schizophrenia. And that "about 10% of healthy people have personality features that, when intensified, may characterize schizophrenia", like paranoia.<br /><br />She also referred to the Henquet study which found that schizophrenics who smoked pot experienced stronger mood-lifting effects than non schizophrenics. They also had less anxiety, and were less socially withdrawn.<br /><br />In July 2010, a study by researchers at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Long Island was published in <i>Schizophrenia Research</i>. The research on 455 people with schizophrenia showed that those who smoked pot had better memory, greater verbal ability, and faster brain processing speed than those who didn't smoke. Pamela DeRosse said "in order to go out to even find cannabis, enough to become dependent or abuse it, requires that you be more cognitively intact than the average patient with schizophrenia."<br /><br />Szalavitz wrote that "many schizophrenia patients who smoke pot smoke enough to become addicted." Henquet said schizophrenics "are apparently more sensitive to the addictive potential than other people" because they experience short-term gain associated with pot, but long-term troubles seem unrelated.<br /><br />Szalavitz wrote that that THC in marijuana is known to cause hallucinations in high doses and can even make healthy people have brief psychotic episodes or feel paranoia. But CBD in marijuana has anti-psychotic effects.<br /><br />Onset of symptoms peak in late adolescence and early adulthood. Among people diagnosed with schizophrenia, 40% of men and 23% of women are diagnosed before age 19. Symptoms lasting less than a month may be diagnosed as <a href="">brief psychotic disorder</a>. Various psychotic conditions may be classified as <a href="">psychotic disorder not otherwise specified.</a> Symptoms lasting over a month but under six months will be diagnosed as <a href="">schizophreniform disorder</a>. Symptoms that are continuous for at least six months will be diagnosed as schizophrenia according to DSM-IV-TR.<br /><br />There is sometimes confusion when diagnosing psychotic symptoms. Psychotic symptoms can also be present in drug-induced psychosis, drug intoxication, <a href="">bipolar disorder</a>, and <a href="">borderline personality disorder</a>. Delusions can also occur in <a href="">avoidant personality disorder</a>, <a href="">social anxiety disorder</a>, <a href="">delusional disorder</a>, and <a href="">schizotypal personality disorder</a>. It can be difficult to distinguish delusions of schizophrenia from obsessions that occur in <a href="">obsessive-compulsive disorder</a>.<br /><br /><a name="downside"><h3>The Downside of High</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href=""><i>The Nature of Things with David Suzuki</i></a> is Canada's longest running documentary series. This year the series featured a documentary called The Downside of High, written and directed by Bruce Mohan. It was produced by Sue Ridout for Dreamfilm Productions of Vancouver, and story-produced by Maureen Palmer. A <a href="">MetaFilter</a> post said the documentary aired January 28, 2010 on CBC, and that Bruce Mohan decided to make the film after his nephew became mentally ill. The CBD site also said the documentary <a href="">aired</a> August 26, 2010 on <a href="">CBC TV</a> and September 2, 2010 on <a href="">CBC News</a>. The 45-minute film can also be <a href="">watched online </a>.<br /><br />The film follows three young adults from British Columbia who believe (along with their doctors) that their schizophrenia was triggered by marijuana use. All of them spent months in psych wards and still struggle with mental illness. In the documentary, some of the world's top schizophrenia experts conclude that teens who start smoking pot before age 16 are 4 times more likely to become schizophrenic. They also said that for all young adults, smoking pot nearly doubles the risk of developing paranoia, hallucinations, and recurring psychosis -- which are symptoms of schizophrenia. Cannabis high in THC may be a big part of the problem. But breeders have also been breeding out CBD which buffers the effects of THC. So much of today's marijuana contains more psychosis-inducing THC and less protective CBD.<br /><br /><a href="">Facts</a> in the film, according to the CBC site, include the following. A 2009 UN Drug Report said that marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the world. Over 31 million people in North America use pot at least once a year, or about 10% of people age 15 to 64; in Europe, it's 5.2%. In Canada, the average use is 14.1%. British Columbia has the highest usage in Canada, with 16.8% of people over age 15 using (about 1/6 people). RCMP said that according to Health Canada, marijuana confiscated in 1988 had an average THC level of 4.8% and in 2008 had an average level of 11.1%. THC triggers an increase in dopamine, which leads to heightened awareness, which can lead to paranoia and hallucinations associated with schizophrenia. Dr. Jim Van Os said people who use pot before 16 are 4 times as likely to become schizophrenic. And that regular pot smokers have double the chance of becoming schizophrenic as non users. A report by the Schizophrenia Society of Canada said over 230,000 people in Canada have schizophrenia and that 1 in 100 people will develop schizophrenia in their lifetime. [I have seen schizophrenia rates reported as 1% and also 1.5% of global population. As of October 14, 2010, the <a href="">world population clock</a> estimated global population at 6,875,096,753 people. 1% would be 68,750,967.53 or 68.75 million schizophrenics worldwide. 1.5% would be 103,126,451.295 or 103.12 million schizophrenics worldwide.]<br /><br />Risk factors for schizophrenia include a history of childhood trauma, a psychosis-prone personality, family history of mental illness, and environment (people living in urban areas have higher rates of schizophrenia). Scientists believe that any substance that interferes with <a href="">neural pruning</a> in teens can have potentially devastating and long-lasting psychological effects. Evidence suggests that marijuana use precedes schizophrenia, but also people with pre-existing mental instability may self-medicate.<br /><br />On September 7, 2010, ScienceDaily <a href="">reported</a> on a study on the association between psychotic disorders and urban living. It was supported by the National Assembly for Wales and Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research. The <a href="">study</a>, "Individuals, Schools, and Neighborhood: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study of Variation in Incidence of Psychotic Disorders", appeared in the September 2010 issue of <i>Archives of General Psychiatry</i>. The study looked at 203,829 people: everyone born in Sweeden in 1972 and 1977. Researchers concluded that "The association between urbanicity and psychosis appears to be a reflection of increased social fragmentation present within cities." It said "certain characteristics that define individuals as being different from most other people in their local environment may increase risk of psychosis." The study also said that "being raised in more urbanized areas was associated with an increased risk of developing any nonaffective psychotic disorder."<br /><br />Speaking of population and urban areas, <a href="">California</a> is the most populous state in the US with over 36.9 million people, it has 8 of America's 50 most populous cities, and it has the 2nd and 6th biggest census statistical areas in the US. If California was a country, it would be the 35th most populous country on Earth, after Poland. Los Angeles County alone is more populous than 42 US states. <a href="">Here</a> is a list of urban areas in California by population. Also, the UN <a href="">Food and Agriculture Organization</a> said that over 50% of the planet's 6.9 billion people already live in cities. And that by 2050, about 6.6 billion of Earth's 9.2 billion people will be living in cities, or over 70%. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> if population trends continue, the world's urban population will double in size every 38 years.<br /><br />The CBC site also <a href="">said</a> a gene called COMT which regulates dopamine levels was discovered in 2002. (This is inaccurate. I've read that COMT is an enzyme that degrades dopamine; the COMT gene encodes the COMT enzyme. However, there was <a href="">study</a> in 2002 among Ashkenazi Jews entitled "A highly significant association between a COMT haplotype and schizophrenia" that "found a highly significant association between schizophrenia and a COMT haplotype." The study mentioned a microdeletion on chromosome 22q11. (There is also a syndrome called <a href="">22q11.2 deletion syndrome</a>, and microdeletions on 22q11.2 are associated with a 20 to 30 times increased risk of schizophrenia. Most people with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome are missing about 3 million base pairs of DNA on one copy of chromosome 22 in each cell of their body.) Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that a COMT gene variant was discovered in 2002.) The CBC sites said the COMT gene has 2 variants, and one's susceptibility to marijuana-induced psychosis depends on the combination of variants a person has. (<a href="">Google Scholar</a> search for COMT haplotype) (<a href="">Google Scholar</a> search for COMT allele.) Also Google COMT val158met schizophrenia. Val158Met is also known as <a href="">rs4680</a>, a genetic variant and single nucleotide polymorphism in the COMT gene.<br /><br />Wikipedia says that <a href="">COMT</a> (catechol-O-methyltransferase) is one of several enzymes that degrade <a href="">catecholamines</a> like <a href="">dopamine</a>, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. The enzyme was discovered in 1957 by Julius Axelrod.<br /><br />The CBC website also said in the 1960s, marijuana had less THC but also more CBD, which buffers psychotic effects. CBD was discovered in the 1930s. In the 1970s, studies found that CBD could reduce convulsion in rats. So marijuana contains a substance that can trigger psychosis and another substance that can treat it. Dr. Robin Murray said that extreme beliefs about marijuana -- that pot is the work of the devil, and that pot is a sacred herb -- are not practical. He said people need to know that if they smoke a lot of pot, or very potent pot, they're more likely to go psychotic.<br /><br />The <a href="">MetaFilter</a> post about the film The Downside of High said that experts estimate that 8% to 13% of all schizophrenia cases are linked to marijuana use during teenage years.<br /><br />In January 2010, an article by Vanessa Richmond on <a href=""><i>The Tyee</i></a> talked about The Downside of High. (The article also appeared on <a href="">Huffington Post</a>.) One of the main researchers in the documentary is Dr. Robin Murray of the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London. He said that the vast majority of people have nothing but enjoyment from cannabis. But he was convinced after reading a Swedish study that followed 50,000 military recruits over 15 years.<br /><br />Dr. Jim Van Os of the University of Maastricht said by the mid 1980s, "we started to observe that 80 to 85% of people who came in with their first psychotic episode were smoking marijuana."<br /><br />Murray said "everyone varies in their genetic susceptibility. Some of us can happily take cannabis without developing a problem; others of us are more prone."<br /><br />One of the teens profiled in The Downside of High is Ben, who said most of his friends smoked pot regularly with no problems. But at 16 he starting fearing demons, little men with knives, and anacondas in his house. (Had he seen The Exorcist, Cat's Eye, and Anaconda?) He jumped off the roof twice and stayed in a hospital for over a year.<br /><br />A psychiatrist at B.C.'s Children's Hospital, Dr. Shimi Kang, said they're seeing more and more problems with pot than ever before. Teens say their parents smoked weed and were fine, and wonder why they're having problems. Corporal Richard DeLong of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said THC levels in the 60s and 70s were 1 to 3%. But in labs today, THC is showing as 18 to 25%. Also, marijuana usage in North American doubled in the 90s.<br /><br />Narrator David Suzuki said in some people too much THC in the brain can trigger too much heightened awareness, anxiety, and cause them to attribute too much meaning to mundane events. The film says that increased dopamine levels conclusively lead to psychosis and schizophrenia.<br /><br /><a name="dronabinol"><h3>dronabinol</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href="">Dronabinol</a> (aka Marinol) is an oral capsule that contains THC. I've <a href="">read</a> that Marinol caps contain 2.5 mg of pure THC. <br /><br />In contrast, a single joint with 1g of 25% THC bud contains 250mg of THC (100x more THC), plus other cannabinoids. A single joint with 400mg of 5% THC bud contains 20mg of THC (8x more THC), plus other cannabinoids. Inhaling marijuana smoke can produce a different experience than orally consuming marijuana (although I've heard that oral consumption can lead to a longer high). In <a href=""><i>The Biotechnology of Cannabis sativa</i></a> it says that burning THCA (<a href="">delta 1-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid</a>) produces THC; burning THCA causes a <a href="">decarboxlyation</a> reaction converting THCA to the psychoactive THC molecule. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> the same thing. In 2003, <a href="">Ed Rosenthal</a> in <i>Cannabis Culture</i> magazine <a href="">said</a> when marijuana is smoked, the carboxyl group (COOH) is released from THCA as CO2 and water vapor producing the psychoactive THC molecule.<br /><br />Dronabinol is used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. It's also used to increase appetite. Dronabinol may be habit forming. Patients suddenly stopping dronabinol may experience withdrawal symptoms like irritability, insomnia, restlessness, hot flashes, sweating, runny nose, diarrhea, hiccups, and loss of appetite.<br /><br />Before taking <a href="">dronabinol</a>, patients should tell their doctor if they are taking:<br /><ul><li><a href="">amphetamine</a></li><li><a href="">methamphetamine</a></li><li><a href="">dextroamphetamine</a> (in Adderall, Dexedrine)</li><li><a href="">atropine</a> (found in <a href="">nightshades</a> like <a href="">Atropa belladonna</a> (aka belladonna aka deadly nightshade), <a href="">jimson weed</a>, <a href="">Mandragora officinarum</a> (aka mandrake), and others.)</li><li><a href="">anticoagulants</a> (blood thinners)</li><li><a href="">antidepressants</a></li><li><a href="">amoxapine</a> (a tetracyclic antidepressant; marketed as Asendin, Asendis, Defanyl, Demolox, Moxadil)</li><li><a href="">antihistamines</a></li><li><a href="">barbituates</a></li><li><a href="">buspirone</a> (aka BuSpar; used to treat generalized anxiety disorder)</li><li><a href="">diazepam</a> (aka Valium; a benzodiazepine derivative drug; used to treat anxiety, spasms, seizures, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, alcohol withdrawal, benzodiazepine withdrawal; can cause memory loss)</li><li><a href="">digoxin</a> (aka digitalis; marketed as Lanoxin, Digitek, Lanoxicaps; extracted from <a href="">Digitalis lanata</a> (aka Woolly Foxglove, Grecian Foxglove); used to treat various heart conditions)</li><li><a href="">disulfiram</a> (aka Antabuse, Antabus; produces an acute sensitivity to alcohol; used to support treatment of chronic alcoholism)</li><li><a href="">fluoxetine</a> (aka Prozac, Sarafem; an SSRI antidepressant)</li><li><a href="">ipratropium</a> (an anticholinergic used to treat COPD and asthma; aka Atrovent, Apovent, Aerovent; combined with albuterol as Combivent, Duoneb, Breva)</li><li><a href="">lithium</a></li><li>medications for <a href="">anxiety</a>, <a href="">asthma</a>, <a href="">colds</a>, <a href="">IBS</a>, <a href="">motion sickness</a>, <a href="">Parkinson's</a>, <a href="">seizures</a>, <a href="">ulcers</a>, and <a href="">urinary</a> problems</li><li><a href="">muscle relaxers</a></li><li><a href="">naltrexone</a> (an opioid receptor antagonist used in the management of alcohol dependence and opioid dependence; aka Revia, Depade)</li><li><a href="">narcotic painkillers</a></li><li><a href="">propranolol</a> (a non-selective beta blocker used to treat hypertension; marketed as Inderal, Inderal LA, Avlocardyl, Deralin, Dociton, Inderalici, InnoPran XL, Sumial, Anaprilinum, Bedranol SR)</li><li><a href="">scopolamine</a> (found in nightshades such as <a href="">henbane</a>, <a href="">jimson weed</a>, <a href="">datura</a>, <a href="">brugmansia</a>, and <a href="">duboisia</a> (aka corkwood tree).</li><li><a href="">sedatives</a></li><li><a href="">sleeping pills</a></li><li><a href="">tranquilizers</a></li><li><a href="">theophylline</a> (aka dimethylxanthine; used to treat COPD and asthma; trace amounts found in tea; also found in <a href="">Chuao</a> cocoa beans)</li></ul><br />Patients should also tell their doctors if they've ever used marijuana or other illegal drugs, if they drink or have ever drunk large amounts of alcohol, if they have or have ever had high blood pressure, seizures, heart disease, dementia, a mental illness such as mania, depression, or schizophrenia. Mothers should not breastfeed when taking dronabinol. Users should not drive a car or operate machinery until they know how dronabinol affects them. Alcohol can make the side effects of dronabinol worse.<br /><br /><a name="dronabinol drug interactions"><h3>dronabinol drug interactions</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href=",1115-648"></a> lists some drug interactions between dronabinol (THC) and Prozac. In addition, Dronabinol <a href="">interacts</a> with over 460 drugs. There are 5 drugs with minor interections with dronabinol. There are 452 drugs with moderate interactions with dronabinol. says <a href="">5 drugs</a> are known to have major interactions with dronabinol:<br /><ul><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">propoxyphene</a> (found in Darvon, Darvocet); <a href="">interactions</a></li><li>aspirin/caffeine/propoxyphene; <a href="">interactions</a></li><li><a href="">levomethadyl acetate</a>, (aka Orlaam; a synthetic opioid structurally similar to methadone; used to treat opioid dependence; removed from EU market due to reports of life threatening ventricular rhythm disorders; discontinued in the US in 2003); <a href="">interactions</a></li><li><a href="">propoxyphene</a>; <a href="">interactions</a></li><li><a href="">sodium oxybate</a>; (aka Xyrem; a prescription drug used to treat cataplexy, excessive daytime sleepiness, and disrupted sleep all associated with narcolepsy); <a href="">interactions</a></li></ul><br />The following is a list of all 462 drugs that interact with dronabinol (THC) <a href="">according to</a>. All the following substances have moderate interactions with dronabinol except the 10 that have "(major interaction)" or "(minor interaction)" on the line. Presumably, all of these drugs interact with marijuana as well. [In other words, at least 420 drugs interact with marijuana. Coincidentally, 462 is 420 + <a href=",_the_Universe,_and_Everything#Answer_to_the_Ultimate_Question_of_Life.2C_the_Universe_and_Everything_.2842.29">42</a> (10% of 420).]<br /><ul><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in some cold medications, some hay fever medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Dimetapp Allergy Sinus, Dimetapp Cold and Flu ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Comtrex Acute Head Cold, Dristan Cold Maximum Strength ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">butalbital</a> ; found in Axocet, Bucet, Bupap, Cephadyn, Dolgic, Phrenilin, Phrenilin Forte, Sedapap ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">butalbital</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a> ; found in Fioricet, Esgic, Esgic-Plus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">butalbital</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Fiorinal#3 with Codeine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Hycomine Compound ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Sinapils ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a> ; found in Panlor DC, Panlor SS, Trezix, Zerlor ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">magnesium salicylate</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Durabac Forte, Cafgesic Forte, Combiflex ES ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Flextra, Flextra Plus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a>/<a href="">salicylamide</a> ; found in Cafgesic, Durabac, Combiflex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a> ; found in Congestant, Coricidin HBP Cold & Flu ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Cotabflu ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Colrex Compound, Colrex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a> ; found in Vicks Formula 44 Custom Care Cough & Cold PM, Children's Tylenol Plus Cough & Runny Nose, Mapap Cough & Sinus Formula, Triaminic Flu, Cough & Fever ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime Caplet, Tylenol Cold Head Congestion Nighttime, Children's Tylenol Plus Multi-Symptom Cold, Children's Tylenol Plus Flu ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Comtrex Maximum Strength Cold Relief, Comtrex Cold and Flu Maximum Strength, Contac Severe Cold and Flu Maximum Stength ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Tylenol Cold, Theraflu Flu, Cold and Cough Powder, Cough Formula M Multi-Symptom, Genacol Maximum Strength ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Gelpirin-CCF ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold, Pyrroxate, Protid, Dristan Cold Multi Symptom Formula ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Covangesic ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Norel SR, Trital SR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">salicylamide</a> ; found in Rhinogesic ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Coricidin D, Sinulin, Alumadrine, Duadacin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Kolephrin, Sinarest, Codimal, Simplet ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">clemastine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Tavist Allergy/Sinus/Headache ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Tylenol with Codeine #3, Tylenol with Codeine, Tylenol with Codeine #4, Capital with Codeine Suspension ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Phenflu CD, Phenflu CDX ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Maxiflu CD, Maxiflu CDX ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Drixoral Cold/Flu, Complete Sinus Relief, Sinadrin Plus, Drixoral Allergy Sinus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a> ; found in Diabetic Tussin Night Time Formula ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Respa C&C ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Contac Day and Night Cold and Flu ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">doxylamine</a> ; found in Vicks NyQuil Multi-Symptom, Coricidin HBP Nighttime Multi-Symptom Cold, Clear Cough PM Multi-Symptom, Tylenol Cough & Sore Throat Nightime ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">doxylamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Cold Formula Liquid Gels, Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime Liquid, Alka-Seltzer Plus Day & Night Cold Formula (Night Cold) Liquid Gels, Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Cold Formula Liquid ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">doxylamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in NyQuil, Nyquil Cold Medicine, NyQuil Multi-Symptom, All-Nite Cold ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">dichloralphenazone</a>/<a href="">isometheptene mucate</a> ; found in Midrin, Epidrin, Amidrine, Duradrin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a> ; found in Tylenol PM, Excedrin PM, Legatrin PM, Unisom with Pain Relief ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Sudafed PE Severe Cold, Children's Tylenol Plus Cold And Allergy, Benadryl Allergy Plus Cold, Sudafed PE Nighttime Cold ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Benadryl Cold (discontinued), Benadryl Severe Allergy & Sinus Headache (discontinued), Contac Day and Night Allergy, Sudafed Sinus Nighttime Plus Pain ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">doxylamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Tylenol Sinus NightTime, Tylenol Sinus Day/Night Convenience Pack ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a> ; found in Vicodin, Norco, Lortab, Lorcet 10/650 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">oxycodone</a> ; found in Percocet, Roxicet, Percocet 5/325, Endocet ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">pentazocine</a> ; found in Talacen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Percogesic, Dologesic, Relagesic, RhinoFlex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a>/<a href="">salicylamide</a> ; found in Duraxin, Ed-Flex, Anabar, Be-Flex Plus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">propoxyphene</a> ; found in Darvocet-N 100, Darvocet-N 50, Darvocet A500, Balacet ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (major interaction)</li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">triprolidine</a> ; found in Actifed Cold and Sinus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetaminophen</a>/<a href="">tramadol</a> ; found in Ultracet ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">acetylcarbromal</a> ; found in Paxarel ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">alfentanil</a> ; found in Alfenta ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">alprazolam</a> ; found in Xanax, Xanax XR, Niravam, Alprazolam Intensol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aluminum hydroxide</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">lidocaine</a>/<a href="">magnesium hydroxide</a>/<a href="">simethicone topical</a> ; found in FIRST Mouthwash BLM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aminophylline</a>/<a href="">amobarbital</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a> ; found in Asthmacon ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aminophylline</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a> ; found in Mudrane GG ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aminophylline</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a>/<a href="">potassium iodide</a> ; found in Mudrane ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amitriptyline</a> ; found in Elavil, Endep, Vanatrip ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amitriptyline</a>/<a href="">chlordiazepoxide</a> ; found in Limbitrol, Limbitrol DS ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amitriptyline</a>/<a href="">perphenazine</a> ; found in amitriptyline/perphenazine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ammonium chloride</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Rolatuss ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ammonium chloride</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">ipecac</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Quelidrine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amobarbital</a> ; found in Amytal Sodium ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amobarbital</a>/<a href="">secobarbital</a> ; found in Tuinal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amoxapine</a> ; found in Asendin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">amylase</a>/<a href="">cellulase</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">lipase</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a>/<a href="">protease</a> ; found in amylase/lipase/protease/cellulase/hyoscyamine/phenyltoloxamine, Digex, Gastrinex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href=" iodide">anhydrous calcium iodide</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Calcidrine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">apomorphine</a> ; found in Apokyn, Uprima, APO-Go, APO-Go Pen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">apraclonidine ophthalmic</a> ; found in Iopidine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aprepitant</a> ; found in Emend, Emend 3-Day, Emend 2-Day ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aripiprazole</a> ; found in Abilify, Abilify Discmelt ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">armodafinil</a> ; found in Nuvigil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (minor interaction)</li><li><a href="">asenapine</a> ; found in Saphris ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in upper respiratory medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">butalbital</a> ; found in Axotal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">butalbital</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a> ; found in Fiorinal, Fiormor, Fiortal, Fortabs, Laniroif ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">butalbital</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Fiorinal#3 with Codeine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a> ; found in Synalgos-DC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">orphenadrine</a> ; found in Norgesic, Norgesic Forte, Orphengesic Forte, Orphengesic ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">propoxyphene</a> ; found in Darvon Compound-65, Propoxyphene Compound 65, PC-CAP, Darvon Compound 32 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (major interaction)</li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">carisoprodol</a> ; found in Soma Compound, Carisoprodol Compound ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">carisoprodol</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Soma Compound with Codeine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a> ; found in Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu Formula ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; used in some upper respiratory medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Formula ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; used in some upper respiratory medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Empirin with Codeine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a> ; found in Alka-Seltzer PM, Bayer PM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; used in some upper respiratory medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a> ; found in Lortab ASA, Damason-P, Panasal 5/500, Azdone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">meprobamate</a> ; found in Equagesic, Micrainin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">methocarbamol</a> ; found in Robaxisal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">oxycodone</a> ; found in Percodan, Endodan, Percodan-Demi, Roxiprin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">pentazocine</a> ; found in Talwin Compound ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">aspirin</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Momentum ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">atropine</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">scopolamine</a> ; found in Atrohist Plus, Deconhist LA, Rolatuss-SR, Protuss Tablet ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">atropine</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">scopolamine</a> ; found in AccuHist LA, Bellahist-D LA ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">atropine</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">scopolamine</a> ; found in Stahist, Respa-AR, Ru-Tuss ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">atropine</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a>/<a href="">scopolamine</a> ; found in Donnatal, Antispasmodic, Donnatal Extentabs, Elixiral ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">atropine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a> ; found in Antrocol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">azatadine</a> ; found in Optimine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">azatadine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Trinalin Repetabs ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">baclofen</a> ; found in Lioresal, Lioresal Intrathecal, Kemstro ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">belladonna</a>/<a href="">butabarbital</a> ; found in Butibel ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">belladonna</a>/<a href="">caffeine</a>/<a href="">ergotamine</a>/<a href="">pentobarbital</a> ; found in Belcomp-PB, Cafatine PB, Micomp-PB, Ergocomp-PB ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">belladonna</a>/<a href="">ergotamine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a> ; found in Bellergal-S, Bellamine S, Bellamine, Bellaspas ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">belladonna</a>/<a href="">opium</a> ; found in B & O Supprettes ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">benztropine</a> ; found in Cogentin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">biperiden</a> ; found in Akineton, Akineton HCl ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">bosentan</a> ; found in Tracleer ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brimonidine ophthalmic</a> ; found in Alphagan, Alphagan P ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brimonidine</a>/<a href="">timolol ophthalmic</a> ; found in Combigan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">bromocriptine</a> ; found in Parlodel, Cycloset ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">bromodiphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Ambenyl, Ambophen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a> ; found in Lodrane 24, Lodrane 12 Hour, Brovex, Dimetapp Allergy, an antihistamine used to treat allergies, colds, hay fever, urticaria ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Vazotan, Trexbrom, BetaTan, Seradex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in SymPak II ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Nalex AC, EndaCof-AC, BroveX CB, BroveX CBX ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Poly-Tussin AC, BroveX PB CX, M-End PE, BroveX PB C ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Dimetane DC, Myphetane DC, Poly-Histine CS, Trihist-CS ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Accuhist PDX, Bromhist-PDX, AccuHist PDX Syrup, Uni-Hist PDX Syrup ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Acutuss DM Pediatric ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Histacol DM Pediatric Syrup, Bromhist-DM, Uni-Hist DM Pediatric Syrup, AccuHist DM Pediatric Syrup ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Alahist DM, BroveX PEB DM, Alacol DM, Lortuss DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Highland DM, Polytine DM, DM Cold and Cough, Histinex DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Bromfed DM, Carbofed DM Syrup, Resperal-DM Drops, BroveX PSB DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Poly-Tussin DHC, EndaCof-DH ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in J-Cof DHC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a> ; found in Ala-Hist ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Ala-Hist D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Canges-HC, VasoTuss HC, BPM PE HC, Canges-HC NR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Bromplex HD, Anaplex HD, Endacof HC, Brovex HC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Vazotab, Bromfed, VazoBid, Seradex-LA ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Dime Time Extended Release ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Myphetapp, Dibrom, ENT, Altatapp ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">brompheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Lodrane, Lodrane 24D, LoHist-12D, Lodrane 12D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">bupivacaine</a>/<a href="">fentanyl</a> ; found in some narcotic analgesic medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">bupivacaine</a>/<a href="">hydromorphone</a> ; found in some narcotic analgesic medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">buprenorphine</a> ; found in Subutex, Buprenex, Butrans ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">buprenorphine</a>/<a href="">naloxone</a> ; found in Suboxone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">buspirone</a> ; found in BuSpar, Vanspar ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">butabarbital</a> ; found in Butisol Sodium, Busodium ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">butabarbital</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">phenazopyridine</a> ; found in Pyridium Plus, Pyrelle HB, PhenazoForte Plus, Urelief Plus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">butalbital</a> ; a barbiturate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">butorphanol</a> ; found in Stadol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbamazepine</a> ; found in Tegretol, Carbatrol, Tegretol XR, Epitol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a> ; found in Solotuss ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Aridex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a> ; found in Tussi-12, Tannate 12 S, Trionate, Tannic-12 S ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Rynatuss, Rentamine, Quadratuss, Quad Tuss Pediatric ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Carbaphen 12, XiraTuss, Tanni-Hist 12 RF, Tannate-12 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a> ; found in Dytan-AT, D-Tann AT ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Dytan-CS, D-Tann CT, Uni-Tann CS, Dytan-CD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a> ; found in Exall, Carba-XP, Expectuss, BetaVent ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Aquatab C, Levall, Carbatab-12, Phencarb GG ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Levall-12, Uni All 12, L-All 12, Re All 12 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">potassium guaiacolsulfonate</a> ; found in Cophene-X ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">potassium guaiacolsulfonate</a> ; found in Carbatuss-CL ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Tussi-12D, Tussi-12D S, Tannihist-12D, Tannate 12D S ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Corzall, Respi-Tann, Allres Pd, Re-Tann ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Corzall Plus, Zotex-D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbetapentane</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Pyrlex CB ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbidopa</a>/<a href="">entacapone</a>/<a href="">levodopa</a> ; found in Stalevo, Stalevo 100, Stalevo 150, Stalevo 200 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a> ; found in Palgic, Pediatex, Carboxine, Pediox ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in DMax, Dacex-A, DMax Syrup, DMax Pediatric ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Andehist DM NR, Biodec DM, Pseudo Carb DM, Carbodex DM Drops ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Max HC, Excof-SF, Excof, Donatussin MAX ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Histex HC, Mintex HC, Tri-Vent HC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Pannaz, Pseudox M, Nacon, Pannaz S ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Aridex-D Pediatric, Norel LA, XiraHist, HistamaxD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carbinoxamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Maldec, Andehist, Palgic-D, Palgic DS ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">carisoprodol</a> ; found in Soma, Vanadom ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">cellulase</a>/<a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">pancrelipase</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; in the digestive enzyme drug class ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">cetirizine</a> ; found in Zyrtec, Zyrtec Hives, All Day Allergy, Children's Zyrtec ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">cetirizine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Zyrtec-D, Zyrtec-D 12 Hour, Wal-Zyr D, Cetiri D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlophedianol</a> ; an antitussive used to treat cough ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlophedianol</a>/<a href="">dexchlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Vanacof ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlophedianol</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Vanatab DX, Vanacof DX ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chloral hydrate</a> ; found in Somnote, Aquachloral Supprettes ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlordiazepoxide</a> ; found in Librium, Mitran ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlordiazepoxide</a>/<a href="">clidinium</a> ; found in Librax, Clindex, Chlordinium ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlordiazepoxide</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a> ; an anticholinergic, antispasmodic used to treat enterocolitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, peptic ulcer ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlormezanone</a> ; found in Trancopal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorphenesin</a> ; found in Maolate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a> ; found in Chlor-Trimeton, Aller-Chlor, ChlorTan, Chlorphen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a> ; found in Endacof-C, Cotab A, Notuss-AC, Z-Tuss AC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in T- Koff ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">potassium iodide</a> ; found in Pediacof, Pedituss, Demi-Cof ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Phenylhistine DH Expectorant, Dihistine DH, Phenylhistine DH, Decohistine DH ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a> ; found in Scot-Tussin DM, Tricodene SF, Tricodene Sugar Free, QC Cough/Cold ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in SymPak DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Quartuss, Donatussin, ChlorDex GP, Genelan NF ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a> ; found in Extendryl DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in C-Phen DM, Ceron-DM, Rondec-DM, Sildec-PE DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Triphenicol, Kophane, Tricodene NN, Cheracol Plus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Creomulsion Cough/Cold/Allergy, Nyquil Child Cough and Cold, Pediacare Cough and Cold, Pediacare Nightrest, Rescon-DM, Rhinosyn-DM, Robitussin Pediatric Night Relief, Triaminic Night Time, Triaminic Softchew Cold and Cough, Vicks 44M Pediatric, Pediacare Cough-Cold Chewable, Creomulsion Pediatric, Kidcare Cough and Cold, Childrens Night Time, Childrens NyQuil, Vicks Pediatric Formula 44M, Triaminic Cold and Cough, Tanafed-DM, C-Phed DM, T-Tanna-DM, M-End DM, Atuss-12 DM, Robitussin PM Cough & Cold, Dicel DM, Atuss DS, Pediatric Cough & Cold Medicine, Neutrahist PDX Drops, AccuHist PDX Drops, Triaminic Multi-Sympton, Allres DS, Triaminic-D Multi-Symptom Cold, Entre-S ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in DiHydro-PE, Novahistine DH, Despec-PD, Pancof-PD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in upper respiratory drugs ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Dihydro-CP, Pancof, Tricof, Hydro-Tussin DHC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a> ; found in Bronkotuss ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">epinephrine</a> ; found in Ana-Kit ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Z-Tuss 2 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in SymPak ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Carbatuss, Donatussin Pediatric, Qual-Tussin Pediatric, P Chlor GG ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Lemohist Plus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a> ; found in Tussionex Pennkinetic, TussiCaps, Novasus, HyTan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Hydrocodone CP, Hydrocodone HD, Histinex HC, Histussin-HC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Notuss, Atuss HD, Tussend, Hyphed ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">ibuprofen</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Advil Allergy Sinus, Advil Children's Allergy Sinus ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a> ; found in AlleRx DF Dose Pack, Ryneze, Dexodryl, AlleRx DF ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Dallergy, Rescon, Duradryl, PCM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in AlleRx Dose Pack ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Rhinolar ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">methscopolamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in DuraHist, Hista-Vent PSE, Coldamine, Mescolor ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenindamine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Amilon, Nolamine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Rynatan, R-Tanna, AlleRx, Rondec ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Hista-Vadrin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Sinucon, Naldecon, Nalspan, Nalphen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Histalet Forte, Vanex Forte ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Coldex, Nalex-A, Chlorex A, Rhinacon A ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Triplex AD, Ru-Hist Forte, Poly Hist Forte, Phena-S ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Triaminic, Condrin, Ornade Spansules, Teldrin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Deconamine, Deconamine SR, Anaplex, Sudal-12 Chewable ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorpromazine</a> ; found in Thorazine, Ormazine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorthalidone</a>/<a href="">clonidine</a> ; found in Clorpres ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">chlorzoxazone</a> ; found in Parafon Forte DSC, Paraflex, Relaxazone, Remular ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">citalopram</a> ; found in Celexa ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clemastine</a> ; found in Tavist, Allerhist-1, Tavist-1, Dailyhist-1 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clemastine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Tavist-D, Allerhist-D, Dayhist-D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clomipramine</a> ; found in Anafranil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clonazepam</a> ; found in Klonopin, Klonopin Wafer ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clonidine</a> ; found in Catapres, Catapres-TTS, Clonidine ER, Duraclon ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clorazepate</a> ; found in Tranxene, Tranxene T-Tab, Tranxene SD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">clozapine</a> ; found in Clozaril, FazaClo, Clopine, Zaponex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a> ; a antitussive and narcotic analgesic, used to treat cough, diarrhea, pain ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">dexchlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Vanacof CD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Airacof, Endal CD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a> ; found in Cheratussin AC, Robitussin-AC, Iophen-C NR, Tussi-Organidin NR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Tridal, Maxiphen CDX, Maxiphen CD, Giltuss Ped-C ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Alphen Expectorant, Efasin Expectorant SF, Enditussin Expectorant, Endal Expectorant ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Cheratussin DAC, Robitussin-DAC, Biotussin DAC, Dihistine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">sodium citrate</a> ; found in Tussirex, Tussirex Sugar Free ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Ala-Hist AC, Notuss-PE ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">promethazine</a> ; found in Promethazine VC with Codeine, Phenergan VC with Codeine, M-Phen, Promethazine VC w/Codeine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Codimal PH, Zotex-C, Dicomal-PH ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">promethazine</a> ; found in Promethazine with Codeine, Phenergan with Codeine, Codeine Phosphate-Promethazine HCl, Promethazine HCl and Codeine Phosphate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Notuss-DC, Nucodine, Nucofed, KG-Fed ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">codeine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">triprolidine</a> ; found in Trifed C, Triacin C, Allerfrin with Codeine, Triafed & Codeine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">conivaptan</a> ; found in Vaprisol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">conjugated estrogens</a>/<a href="">meprobamate</a> ; found in PMB ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">cyclizine</a> ; found in Marezine, Bonine for Kids ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">cyclobenzaprine</a> ; found in Flexeril, Amrix, Fexmid, Comfort Pac with Cyclobenzaprine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">cyproheptadine</a> ; found in Periactin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dantrolene</a> ; found in Dantrium, Dantrium Intravenous ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dasatinib</a> ; found in Sprycel ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">deferasirox</a> ; found in Exjade ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">delavirdine</a> ; found in Rescriptor ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (minor interaction)</li><li><a href="">desipramine</a> ; found in Norpramin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">desvenlafaxine</a> ; found in Pristiq ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Dexall, Tussall, Y-Cof DM, Tussall-ER ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Poly Tan DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Cytuss-HC NR, H-C Tussive-NR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Poly Tan D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Drixoral, Disophrol, Dixaphedrine, Disobrom ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexbrompheniramine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Poly Tan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexchlorpheniramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in EndaCof-Plus, Hydex PD, Notuss PD, Zotex HC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dexmedetomidine</a> ; found in Precedex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Duratuss AC 12, D-Tann DM, Dytan-DM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dextromethorphan</a>/<a href="">promethazine</a> ; found in Promethazine with DM, Promethazine DM, Phenergan with Dextromethorphan, Promethazine with Dextromethorphan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dezocine</a> ; found in Dalgan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diazepam</a> ; found in Valium, Diastat, Diastat AcuDial, Diazepam Intensol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a> ; found in J-Max DHC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Hydro-Tussin EXP, Welltuss EXP, Pancof EXP, DiHydro-GP ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dihydrocodeine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Alahist DHC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a> ; found in Benadryl, Benadryl Allergy, Diphen, Sleep ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a> ; found in some cold medications ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Endal HD, Dytan-HC, Tussinate, Hydro-DP ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">ibuprofen</a> ; found in Advil PM, Motrin PM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">magnesium salicylate</a> ; found in Doans PM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Alahist LQ, Benadryl-D Allergy Plus Sinus, Diphentann-D, Aldex-CT ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Tekral, Benaphen Plus, Benadryl Allergy Sinus (discontinued), Actifed Allergy Day/Night ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">diphenhydramine</a>/<a href="">tripelennamine topical</a> ; found in Di-Delamine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">divalproex sodium</a> ; found in Depakote, Depakote ER, Depakote Sprinkles ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">doxepin</a> ; found in Sinequan, Silenor, Adapin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">doxepin topical</a> ; found in Zonalon, Prudoxin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">doxylamine</a> ; found in Unisom SleepTabs, Equaline Sleep Aid, Doxytex, Aldex AN ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">droperidol</a>/<a href="">fentanyl</a> ; found in Innovar ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">duloxetine</a> ; found in Cymbalta ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">dyphylline</a>/<a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a> ; found in Lufyllin-EPG ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">efavirenz</a> ; found in Sustiva ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">efavirenz</a>/<a href="">emtricitabine</a>/<a href="">tenofovir</a> ; found in Atripla ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">entacapone</a> ; found in Comtan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">hydroxyzine</a>/<a href="">theophylline</a> ; found in Marax, Hydrophed, Ami-rax, Hydroxy Compound ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a>/<a href="">potassium iodide</a>/<a href="">theophylline</a> ; found in Quadrinal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ephedrine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a>/<a href="">theophylline</a> ; found in Theodrine, Tedrigen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">escitalopram</a> ; found in Lexapro ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">estazolam</a> ; found in Prosom ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">eszopiclone</a> ; found in Lunesta ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ethanol</a> ; aka ethyl alcohol, the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, also used as a antiseptic and germicide, can be found in hand sanitizers ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ethosuximide</a> ; found in Zarontin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ethotoin</a> ; found in Peganone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">etravirine</a> ; found in Intelence ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">felbamate</a> ; found in Felbatol ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fentanyl</a> ; found in Fentanyl Transdermal System, Duragesic, Actiq, Fentora ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fentanyl</a>/<a href="">ropivacaine</a> ; in the narcotic analgesic drug class ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">flavoxate</a> ; found in Urispas ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fluoxetine</a> ; found in Prozac, Sarafem, Prozac Weekly, Selfemra, an SRRI used to treat anxiety, depression, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, schizoaffective disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, hot flashes, vulvodynia, stress, bulimia, premature ejaculation, dysautonomia, and fibromyalgia ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fluoxetine</a>/<a href="">olanzapine</a> ; found in Symbyax ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fluphenazine</a> ; found in Prolixin, Prolixin Decanoate, Permitil, Prolixin Enanthate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">flurazepam</a> ; found in Dalmane ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fluvoxamine</a> ; found in Luvox, Luvox CR, an SSRI used to treat depression, anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, social anxiety disorder, stress, post traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fosaprepitant</a> ; found in Emend for Injection ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">fosphenytoin</a> ; found in Cerebyx ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">gabapentin</a> ; found in Neurontin, Gabarone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a> ; found in Narcof, Hycotuss Expectorant, Vi-Q-Tuss, Vortex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in S-T Forte ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; a drug in the upper respiratory class ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Ambi 5/15/100, Levall 5.0, Crantex HC, Atuss G ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Dynex HD, Deconamine CX, Poly-Tussin XP, Spantuss HD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">guaifenesin</a>/<a href="">hydromorphone</a> ; found in Dilaudid Cough Syrup ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">halazepam</a> ; found in Paxipam ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">haloperidol</a> ; found in Haldol, Haldol Decanoate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">homatropine</a>/<a href="">hydrocodone</a> ; found in Hycodan, Hydromet, Tussigon, Hydrotropine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a> ; an antitussive and narcotic analgesic ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">ibuprofen</a> ; found in Vicoprofen, Reprexain, Ibudone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Rolatuss with Hydrocodone, Statuss Green, Ru-Tuss with Hydrocodone, Vetuss HC Syrup ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a> ; found in Lortuss HC, Tusdec-HC, Phenylephrine HD, Nalex-DH ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Dicomal-DH, Trimal DH, Tussplex, Codal-DH Syrup ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a> ; found in Hycomine, Codamine, Hydrocodone PA Pediatric, Hycophen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">potassium guaiacolsulfonate</a> ; found in Prolex DH, Protuss, Marcof Expectorant, Hy-KXP ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">potassium guaiacolsulfonate</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Protuss-D, Procof D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a> ; found in Detussin, Hytussin, Histussin D, Tussafin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydrocodone</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">triprolidine</a> ; found in Zymine HC ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydromorphone</a> ; found in Dilaudid, Exalgo, Dilaudid-HP, Hydromorph Contin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hydroxyzine</a> ; found in Vistaril, Atarax, Vistazine, Hyzine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">hyoscyamine</a>/<a href="">phenobarbital</a> ; found in Levsin with Phenobarbital ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ibuprofen</a>/<a href="">oxycodone</a> ; found in Combunox ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">iloperidone</a> ; found in Fanapt ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">imipramine</a> ; found in Tofranil, Tofranil-PM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">isocarboxazid</a> ; found in Marplan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ketamine</a> ; found in Ketalar ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">lamotrigine</a> ; found in Lamictal, Lamictal XR, Lamictal ODT, Lamictal CD ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">lapatinib</a> ; found in Tykerb ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">levetiracetam</a> ; found in Keppra, Keppra XR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">levocetirizine</a> ; found in Xyzal, Levrix ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">levomethadyl acetate</a> ; found in Orlaam ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (major interaction)</li><li><a href="">levorphanol</a> ; found in Levo-Dromoran ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">lithium</a> ; found in Lithobid, Eskalith, Eskalith-CR, Lithonate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">lopinavir</a>/<a href="">ritonavir</a> ; found in Kaletra ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (minor interaction)</li><li><a href="">lorazepam</a> ; found in Ativan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">loxapine</a> ; found in Loxitane, Loxitane C, Loxitane IM ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">magnesium salicylate</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a> ; found in Myogesic, Tetra-Mag, Magsal, Mobigesic ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">maprotiline</a> ; found in Ludiomil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">meperidine</a> ; found in Demerol, Meperitab ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">meperidine</a>/<a href="">promethazine</a> ; found in Meprozine, Mepergan Fortis, Mepergan ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">mephenytoin</a> ; found in Mesantoin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">mephobarbital</a> ; found in Mebaral ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">meprobamate</a> ; found in Miltown, Equanil, MB-TAB ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">mesoridazine</a> ; found in Serentil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">metaxalone</a> ; found in Skelaxin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">methadone</a> ; found in Dolophine, Methadose, Methadone Diskets ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">methocarbamol</a> ; found in Robaxin, Robaxin-750, Skelex, Carbacot ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">methsuximide</a> ; found in Celontin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">metoclopramide</a> ; found in Reglan, Maxolon, Metozolv ODT ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">mibefradil</a> ; found in Posicor ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">midazolam</a> ; found in Versed ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">mirtazapine</a> ; found in Remeron, Remeron SolTab ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">modafinil</a> ; found in Provigil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (minor interaction)</li><li><a href="">molindone</a> ; found in Moban ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">morphine</a> ; found in MS Contin, Kadian, Morphine Sulfate ER, Avinza ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">morphine liposomal</a> ; found in DepoDur ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">morphine</a>/<a href="">naltrexone</a> ; found in Embeda ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">nalbuphine</a> ; found in Nubain ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">naloxone</a>/<a href="">pentazocine</a> ; found in Talwin Nx ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">nefazodone</a> ; found in Serzone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">nilotinib</a> ; found in Tasigna ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">nortriptyline</a> ; found in Pamelor, Aventyl Hydrochloride ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">olanzapine</a> ; found in Zyprexa, Zyprexa Zydis, Zyprexa Intramuscular, Zyprexa Relprevv ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">olopatadine nasal</a> ; found in Patanase ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">opium</a> ; found in Paregoric, Opium Tincture, Deodorized, Opium Deodorized ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">orphenadrine</a> ; found in Norflex, Flexon, Norflex Injectable, Antiflex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">oxazepam</a> ; found in Serax ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">oxcarbazepine</a> ; found in Trileptal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">oxycodone</a> ; found in OxyContin, Roxicodone, OxyIR, Oxyfast ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">oxymorphone</a> ; found in Opana, Opana ER, Numorphan, Numorphan HCl ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">paliperidone</a> ; found in Invega, Invega Sustenna ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">paraldehyde</a> ; found in Paral ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">paramethadione</a> ; found in Paradione ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">paroxetine</a> ; found in Paxil, Paxil CR, Pexeva ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pentazocine</a> ; found in Talwin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pentobarbital</a> ; found in Nembutal, Nembutal Sodium ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pergolide</a> ; found in Permax ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">perphenazine</a> ; found in Trilafon ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">phenacemide</a> ; found in Phenurone ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">phenelzine</a> ; found in Nardil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenylpropanolamine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Poly-Histine-D, Multihistamine-D, Polytine D, Trihist-D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a>/<a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Quadra-Hist D Pediatric, Quadra-Hist D ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pheniramine</a>/<a href="">phenyltoloxamine</a>/<a href="">pyrilamine</a> ; found in Poly-Histine, Tri-Histine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">phenobarbital</a> ; found in Luminal, Solfoton ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">phensuximide</a> ; found in Milontin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">phenylephrine</a>/<a href="">promethazine</a> ; found in Neo-Synephrine, Sudafed PE Nasal Decongestant, Nasal Decongestant PE, Dimetapp Toddler's Drops Decongestant ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">phenytoin</a> ; found in Dilantin, Phenytoin Sodium, Prompt, Phenytek ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pimozide</a> ; found in Orap ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pramipexole</a> ; found in Mirapex, Mirapex ER ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pregabalin</a> ; found in Lyrica ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">primidone</a> ; found in Mysoline ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">procyclidine</a> ; found in Kemadrin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">promazine</a> ; found in Sparine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">promethazine</a> ; found in Phenergan, Promethegan, Phenadoz, Phenazine 50 ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">propiomazine</a> ; found in Largon ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">propoxyphene</a> ; found in Darvon, Darvon-N, PP-Cap ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (major interaction)</li><li><a href="">protriptyline</a> ; found in Vivactil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">pseudoephedrine</a>/<a href="">triprolidine</a> ; found in Actifed, Aprodine, Allerfrim, Triacin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">quazepam</a> ; found in Doral ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">quetiapine</a> ; found in Seroquel, Seroquel XR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">remifentanil</a> ; found in Ultiva ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">rifapentine</a> ; found in Priftin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">risperidone</a> ; found in Risperdal, Risperdal Consta, Risperdal M-Tab ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ritonavir</a> ; found in Norvir, Norvir Soft Gelatin ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (minor interaction)</li><li><a href="">ropinirole</a> ; found in Requip, Requip XL, Requip Starter Kit, Repreve ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">rotigotine</a> ; found in Neupro ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">secobarbital</a> ; found in Seconal, Seconal Sodium, Seconal Sodium Pulvules ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">sertraline</a> ; found in Zoloft ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">sibutramine</a> ; found in Meridia ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">sirolimus</a> ; found in Rapamune ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">sodium oxybate</a> ; found in Xyrem ; <a href="">THC interactions</a> (major interaction)</li><li><a href="'s_wort">St. John's wort</a> ; found in Hypericum perforatum, klamath weed, John's wort, amber touch-and-heal, goatweed, rosin rose, milleperituis ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">sufentanil</a> ; found in Sufenta ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tacrolimus</a> ; found in Prograf ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tapentadol</a> ; found in Nucynta ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">telithromycin</a> ; found in Ketek, Ketek Pak ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">temazepam</a> ; found in Restoril ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tetrabenazine</a> ; found in Xenazine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">thalidomide</a> ; found in Thalomid ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">thiopental</a> ; found in Pentothal ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">thioridazine</a> ; found in Mellaril, Mellaril-S ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">thiothixene</a> ; found in Navane ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tiagabine</a> ; found in Gabitril ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tizanidine</a> ; found in Zanaflex ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tolcapone</a> ; found in Tasmar ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">topiramate</a> ; found in Topamax, Topamax Sprinkle, Topiragen ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tramadol</a> ; found in Ultram, Ryzolt, Ultram ER, Rybix ODT ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tranylcypromine</a> ; found in Parnate ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">trazodone</a> ; found in Desyrel, Oleptro, Desyrel Dividose ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">triazolam</a> ; found in Halcion ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">trifluoperazine</a> ; found in Stelazine ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">triflupromazine</a> ; a phenothiazine antiemetic/antipsychotic ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">trihexyphenidyl</a> ; found in Artane, Trihexane ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">trimeprazine</a> ; found in Temaril ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">trimethadione</a> ; found in Tridione ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">trimipramine</a> ; found in Surmontil ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">tripelennamine</a> ; found in PBZ, PBZ-SR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">triprolidine</a> ; found in Zymine, Zymine XR, Tripohist ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">valerian</a> ; found in Valerian Root ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">valproic acid</a> ; found in Depakene, Depacon, Stavzor ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">venlafaxine</a> ; found in Effexor, Effexor XR ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">vigabatrin</a> ; found in Sabril ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">zaleplon</a> ; found in Sonata ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ziconotide</a> ; found in Prialt ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">ziprasidone</a> ; found in Geodon ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">zolpidem</a> ; found in Ambien, Ambien CR, Edluar, Zolpimist ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li><li><a href="">zonisamide</a> ; found in Zonegran ; <a href="">THC interactions</a></li></ul><br /><a href="">Dronabinol</a> may cause the following side effects:<br /><ul><li>anxiety</li><li>confusion</li><li>dizziness</li><li>feeling like you are outside of your body</li><li>hallucinations</li><li>high or elevated mood</li><li>memory loss</li><li>nausea</li><li>sleepiness</li><li>stomach pain</li><li>strange or unusual thoughts</li><li>sudden warm feeling</li><li>unsteady walking</li><li>vomiting</li><li>weakness</li></ul><br />Dronabinol may cause other side effects, and some side effects can be serious:<br /><ul><li>fast or pounding heartbeat</li><li>seizures</li></ul><br />Symptoms of <a href="">dronabinol</a> overdose include:<br /><ul><li>changed awareness of time</li><li>constipation</li><li>decreased coordination</li><li>difficulty speaking clearly</li><li>difficulty urinating</li><li>dizziness or fainting when standing up too fast</li><li>drowsiness</li><li>extreme tiredness</li><li>fast heartbeat</li><li>feeling that you are outside of your body</li><li>inappropriate happiness</li><li>memory problems</li><li>mood changes</li><li>red eyes</li><li>sharper senses than usual</li></ul><br />I would think that many precautions and side effects of dronabinol could also apply to marijuana. Wikipedia also has an article on the <a href="">effects of cannabis.</a><br /><br /><a name="thc cbd"><h3>other drugs that contain THC or CBD</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href="">Cannador</a> is an oral capsule with a standardized THC and CBD content, in a THC/CBD ratio of about 2 to 1. Cannador is used as a painkiller after major surgery. One <a href="">study</a> used Cannador capsules that contained 2.5mg THC and about 1.25mg CBD.<br /><br /><a href="">Nabilone</a> (marketed as <a href="">Cesamet</a>) is a synthetic THC analogue that binds to the CB1 receptor. It's used to treat vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy, as well as other conditions.<br /><br /><a href="">Sativex</a> is a mouth spray with a THC/CBD ratio of 1:1. Minor cannabinoids and terpenoids are also present. Sativex was approved in Canada as an adjunctive treatment for neuropathic pain in adults with MS, and for cancer pain. Wikipedia says each spray of Sativex contains 2.7mg THC and 2.5mg CBD.<br /><br />I've also found the following: <a href="">Review on clinical studies with cannabis and cannabinoids 2005-2009</a><br /><br /><a name="marijuana interactions"><h3>marijuana interactions</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />WebMD lists <a href="">several drug interactions with marijuana</a>.<br /><br />WebMD says do not take the following drug combinations. Major marijuana interactions include:<br /><ul><li>marijuana and <a href="">barbituates</a> or <a marijuana and href="">sedatives</a> might cause too much sleepiness</li><li>marijuana and <a href="">sedatives</a> (CNS depressants) might cause too much sleepiness. Sedatives include</li><ul><li><a href="">clonazepam</a> (Klonopin)</li><li><a href="">lorazepam</a> (Ativan)</li><li><a href="">phenobarbital</a> (Donnatal)</li><li><a href="">zolpidem</a> (Ambien)</li><li>et cetera</li></ul><li>marijuana and theophylline might decrease the effects of <a href="">theophylline</a> (aka dimethylxanthine; used to treat COPD and asthma; trace amounts found in tea; also found in <a href="">Chuao</a> cocoa beans)</li></ul><br />WebMD says be cautious with the following drug combinations. Moderate marijuana interactions include:<br /><ul><li>marijuana and Antabuse (<a href="">disulfiram</a>). Using marijuana and disulfiarm can cause "irritability, agitation, trouble sleeping."</li><li>marijuana and Prozac (<a href="">fluoxetine</a>) (aka Sarafem) might cause people to feel "irritated, nervous, jittery, and excited. Doctors call this hypomania."</li></ul><br />WebMD says be watchful with the following drug combinations. Minor marijuana interactions include:<br /><ul><li>marijuana and <a href="">warfarin</a> might increase the effects of warfarin, might increase the chance of bruising and bleeding. <a href="">Warfarin</a> is a <a href="">vitamin K</a> antagonist and a synthetic derivative of dicoumarol; is the most widely prescribed anticoagulant drug in North America; it was originally used as a rodent poison; found to be effective and safe for preventing thrombosis and embolism; many drugs and some foods (like plant-based food containing vitamin K) interact with warfarin; brandnames Coumadin, Jantoven, Marevan, Lawarin, Waran)</li></ul><br />I'll repeat this again: Certain drug combinations or overdosing on certain drugs can cause <a href="">hepatotoxicty</a> and <a href="">liver failure</a>. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> 50% of all <a href="">acute liver failures</a> and 5% of all hospital admissions are due to drug-induced liver injury.<br /><br /><a name="experience reports"><h3>experience reports</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Google searches for the following will show experience reports for people under the influence of marijuana and additional substances:<br /><ul><li><a href="">erowid marijuana prozac</a></li><li><a href="">erowid marijuana paxil</a></li><li><a href="">erowid marijuana effexor</a></li><li><a href="">erowid marijuana luvox</a></li><li><a href="">erowid marijuana zoloft</a></li></ul><br /><a name="search ideas"><h3>search ideas</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />For more information, try Googling the following (also make sure you check Google Scholar and Google Books):<br /><ul><li><a href="">cyp metabolism cannabinoid</a></li><li><a href="">cbd cyp</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana prozac</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana paxil</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana effexor</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana luvox</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana zoloft</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana cymbalta</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana celexa</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana wellbutrin</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana antidepressant</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana benadryl</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana ginkgo biloba</a></li><li><a href="'s+wort">marijuana St John's wort</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana topamax</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana depakote</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana zantac</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana prilosec</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana prevacid</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana lithium</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana valium</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana adderall</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana buspar</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana ambien</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana warfarin</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana mango juice</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana orange juice</a></li><li><a href="">marijuana grapefruit juice</a></li></ul><br />Also Google marijuana and (other CYP inhibitors I've listed above).<br /><br /><a name="books"><h3>books</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The following books/resources maybe be useful in further research:<br /><ul><li><a href=""><i>Physicians' Desk Reference</i></a> (PDR)</li><li><a href="">Physicians' Desk Reference online</a> (free to US doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical students, residents, and other "select prescribing allied health professionals")</li><li><a href=""></a>, from the publishers of <i>Physicians' Desk Reference</i></li><li><a href="">Information on</a> which replaced previously available PDR consumer information</li><li><a href=""><i>Cannabinoids and the brain</i></a>, 2008, Attila Köfalvi</li><li><a href=""><i>Cannabinoids</i></a>, 2005, Mary Ellen Abood, Roger G. Pertwee</li><li><a href=""><i>Cannabinoids</i></a>, 2004, Vincenzo Di Marzo</li><li><a href=""><i>The medicinal uses of cannabis and cannabinoids</i></a>, 2004, Geoffrey William Guy, Brian Anthony Whittle, Philip Robson</li><li><a href=""><i>Cannabinoids in Nature and Medicine</i></a>, 2009, Didier M. Lambert</li><li><a href=""><i>Marijuana and the cannabinoids</i></a>, 2007, Mahmoud A. ElSohly</li><li><a href=""><i>Goldfrank's toxicologic emergencies</i></a>, 2006, Lewis R. Goldfrank, Neal Flomenbaum</li><li><a href=""><i>The Biotechnology of Cannabis sativa</i></a>, 2009, Sam R. Zwenger</li><li><a href=""><i>Cannabinoids as therapeutics</i></a>, 2005, Raphael Mechoulam</li><li><a href=""><i>Cannabis and cannabinoids: pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutic potential</i></a>, 2002, Franjo Grotenhermen, Ethan Russo</li><li><a href=""><i>Human Drug Metabolism: An Introduction</i></a>, 2010, Michael Coleman, pp 304,305,318</li></ul><br />Again, I am not a doctor. I have no medical training. This information is provided with no guarantee of its accuracy, although I've tried my best to present it accurately. Reader beware.prop19questions, articles for and against Prop 19On October 3, 2010, an opinion piece by NORML was <a href="">published</a> on entitled "Calif. Prop 19 Even Better than Marijuana Decriminalization."<br /><br />On October 14, 2010, an article by Ruben Navarrette Jr. <a href="">appeared</a> on CNN called "Legal pot in California a big mistake."<br /><br />On October 19, 2010, an article by Jeffrey A. Miron <a href="">appeared</a> on CNN entitled "Don't buy the hype on pot legalization", saying "Most claims on both sides are exaggerated or misleading. Legalizing marijuana is the right policy for California and the nation. But in considering Prop 19, everyone should start with a balanced assessment of its likely impact."<br /><br />On October 20, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Laura Flanders on a blog on <i>The Nation</i> about former surgeon general Joycelyn Elders who thinks marijuana should be legalized.<br /><br />On October 20, 2010, an article by Tracy Clark-Flory <a href="">appeared</a> on <i>Salon</i> entitled "Meet the 'stiletto stoners'", saying "Activists are promoting the image of sophisticated female pot-heads in their push to legalize marijuana."<br /><br />On October 21, 2010, an article by Evan Wood entitled <a href="">Why conservatives should favor legalizing marijuana</a> appeared on CNN.<br /><br />On October 25, 2010 an article by George Skelton of <i>Capitol Journal</i> <a href=",0,3642267,full.column">appeared</a> on the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> entitled "A bad law is like bad pot."<br /><br />On October 25, 2010, an article by John Hoeffel <a href=",0,5860469,full.story">appeared</a> in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> entitled "Marijuana: Prop. 19 would propel California into unknown territory."<br /><br />On October 26, 2010, an article by Katia Lopez-Hodoyan appeared on <a href="">NBC San Diego</a> entitled "Moms for Legalizing Marijuana."<br /><br />On October 28, 2010, an opinion piece by Nicolas D. Kristof was published in the <i>New York Times</i> entitled <a href="">End the War on Pot</a>.<br /><br />On October 29, 2010, a blog post by John Hoeffel <a href="">appeared</a> on L.A. NOW on the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> called "Marijuana legalization backers plan final ad blitz."<br /><br />On October 31, 2010, an opinion piece by NORML appeared on entitled <a href="">Final Plea: Vote YES on Legal Marijuana, Prop 19</a>.<br /><br />On November 2, 2010, Dennis Romero <a href="">blogged</a> on <i>LA Weekly</i> in a pro Prop 19 article called "No On Prop. 19 Campaign Already Practically Claiming Victory In Its Battle Against California Marijuana Legalization."prop19questions, 19 results update<a href="">CNN</a> has information on Proposition 19 results.<br /><br />I'll blog more about final results later.prop19questions, 19 and the Feds, Eric Holder, rescheduling, Lee BacaOn October 10, 2010, there was an <a href="">article</a> on CBS News by Bill Whitaker entitled "Legalizing Pot May Take More Than a Vote in CA", with the subheading "Even if Proposition 19 Passes in Calif. and Marijuana is Legal, the Federal Government May Step In."<br /><br />Whitaker said even if Prop 19 passes, "the federal government almost certainly will challenge it." <br /><br />Denise Davis of the California Chamber of Commerce, which has run radio ads against Prop 19, told CBS News that Prop 19 opens the door "for the ability of employees to smoke pot at work." Whitaker said "employees couldn't be fired for smoking pot unless employers prove that the drug impaired job performance."<br /><br />Whitaker said even if Prop 19 passes, marijuana will "still be illegal under federal drug laws", and likely be challenged in court, which "means the whole controversial issue could just go up in smoke."<br /><br />California passed Prop 215 in 1996, but marijuana remained a controlled substance under federal law. Years later there was a case, <a href=""><i>Gonzales v. Raich</i></a>, (originally named Ashcroft v. Raich since Ashcroft was the US Attorney General when the case began). On August 15, 2002, DEA agents and officers from the Butte County Sheriff's Department destroyed all 6 of Diane Monson's marijuana plants since marijuana was and still is a Schedule I drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act (as well as California Health and Safety Code as far as I know). Angel Raich of Oakland, CA, Diane Monson of Oroville, CA and 2 anonymous caregivers sued the government on October 9, 2002 for injunctive and declaratory relief to stop the government from interfering with their right to grow and use medical marijuana, claiming that the Controlled Substances Act was not constitutional as applied to their conduct. They said that enforcing the Controlled Substances Act against them would violate the doctrine of medical necessity, the <a href="">10th amendment</a>, the <a href="">9th amendment</a>, the Due Process Clause of the <a href="">5th amendment</a>, and the Commerce Clause. The US Supeme Court rule on June 6, 2005 that Congress may ban homegrown marijuana even if states have approved medical marijuana, under the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution.<br /><br />On October 15, 2010, CNN <a href="">reported</a> that Attorney General Eric Holder said in a letter than the federal government will continue to enforce federal marijuana laws in California even if Prop 19 passes. The letter said "Regardless of the passage of this or similar legislation, the Department of Justice will remain firmly committed to enforcing the Controlled Substances ACT ("CSA") in all states." The letter said "the Department of Justice strongly opposes Proposition 19." CNN stated that Holder's letter was a response to an August 24 letter from 8 former directors of the DEA urging the White House to block Prop 19 if it passes, urging Holder to use the "supremacy clause" to pre-empt such laws. Holder's letter said "the Department is considering all available legal and policy options in the event Proposition 19 is enacted."<br /><br />Even if Prop 19 passes on November 2, 2010, cannabis will still be a Schedule I drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act. And I'm not a lawyer, but it appears to me that Prop 19 itself doesn't even reschedule cannabis in California, it makes no mention of scheduling.<br /><br /><a href="">California Health and Safety Code</a> Section <a href=""></a>11054</a> (a) currently says "The controlled substances listed in this section are included in Schedule I."<br /><br />subdivision (d) says:<br /><br /><i>(d) Hallucinogenic substances. Unless specifically excepted or<br />unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture,<br />or preparation, which contains any quantity of the following<br />hallucinogenic substances, or which contains any of its salts,<br />isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of those salts,<br />isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific<br />chemical designation (for purposes of this subdivision only, the term<br />"isomer" includes the optical, position, and geometric isomers):</i><br /><br />and contains:<br /><br />(13) Marijuana.<br />(20) Tetrahydrocannabinols...synthetic equivalents, derivatives<br /><br />So in California, marijuana is currently scheduled under Health and Safety Code Section 11054 subdivision (d) paragraph (13), and tetrahydrocannabinols are currently scheduled under Section 11054 subdivision (d) paragraph (20).<br /><br /><a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_%28California%29">Prop 19</a> does say in <a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_%28California%29#C._Intent">C. Intent</a> that "This Act is intended to limit the application and enforcement of state and local laws relating to possession, transportation, cultivation, consumption and sale of cannabis, including but not limited to the following, whether now existing or adopted in Health and Safety Code"..."11054 [relating to cannabis or tetrahydrocannabinols]." But that's the only part of Prop 19 that mentions 11054. The Intent section won't be amended to the California Health and Safety Code. Although Section 11054 (d) *does* say "Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule" and I guess one could argue that Prop 19 creates that specific exception, but does the specific exception have to exist in another schedule?<br /><br />Does Prop 19 reschedule cannabis in California? If not, does Prop 19 make lawful a Schedule I drug? Does Prop 19 provide an exception for marijuana in Section 11054? Does Prop 19 lay out lawful activities that can be performed with a Schedule I drug?<br /><br />In California, marijuana is currently scheduled under Health and Safety Code Section 11054 subdivision (d) paragraph (13).<br /><br /><a href="">Heath and Safety Code Section 11350</a> (a) says:<br /><br /><i>11355. Every person who agrees, consents, or in any manner offers<br />to unlawfully sell, furnish, transport, administer, or give (1) any<br />controlled substance specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or<br />paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in<br />paragraph (13), (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section<br />11054, or specified in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11055, or<br />specified in subdivision (h) of Section 11056, or (2) any controlled<br />substance classified in Schedule III, IV, or V which is a narcotic<br />drug to any person, or who offers, arranges, or negotiates to have<br />any such controlled substance unlawfully sold, delivered,<br />transported, furnished, administered, or given to any person and who<br />then sells, delivers, furnishes, transports, administers, or gives,<br />or offers, arranges, or negotiates to have sold, delivered,<br />transported, furnished, administered, or given to any person any<br />other liquid, substance, or material in lieu of any such controlled<br />substance shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for<br />not more than one year, or in the state prison.</i><br /><br /><b>Although perhaps Prop 19, by declaring certain activities <a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_%28California%29#Section_3:_Lawful_Activities">lawful</a>, makes it so current California codes regarding unlawful activities and marijuana no longer apply.</b> Although I guess that might be challenged by the federal government.<br /><br />But will marijuana still be a Schedule I drug under California code if Prop 19 passes? Will marijuana still be a controlled substance under California code? I assume the answer is yes, since possession of more than 28.5g of cannabis will still be a <a href="">misdemeanor</a> with a $500 fine and up to 6 months incarceration.<br /><br /><a href="">Health and Safety Code Sections 11357-11362.9</a> also deal with marijuana.<br /><br />California <a href="">Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.7-11362.83</a> outline California's medical marijuana program. I don't know, but perhaps the language in Prop 19 was patterned after that code in order to create a specific exception in California code.<br /><br />Can state ballot measures and initiatives remove any substance from drug schedules in state codes?<br /><br />In <a href="">this previous blog post</a>, I wrote that in August 2009 the Oregon legislature passed SB 728, which directed the Oregon Board of Pharmacy to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II, III, IV or V. On June 16, 2010 the Oregon State Board of Pharmacy voted 4-1 to move marijuana from Schedule I to II, to recognize that cannabis has an acceptable medical use. Marijuana is now a Schedule II controlled substance in Oregon, the first state in the US to make marijuana a Schedule II drug. In February 2010, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy recommended its legislature reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to II, recognizing its medical use. But even if all 50 states reschedule marijuana, that does not mean that marijuana will be rescheduled federally. The US is still a party to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, and the federal Controlled Substances Act is based on that international treaty.<br /><br />Wikipedia says the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs can <a href="">reschedule cannabis</a>. Congress can reschedule cannabis. The Executive Branch can reschedule cannabis. The US Attorney General can reschedule cannabis. The DEA supposedly looks at petitions to reschedule cannabis. The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services can reschedule cannabis. But the US still ratified the treaty the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Cindy Fazey said total legalization would require the US to denounce that treaty, amend the treaty, or reinterpret it (which would probably be opposed by the International Narcotics Control Board.)<br /><br />On August 3, 2010, an article in the <i>East Bay Express</i> by Robert Gammon said that according to <a href=""><i>The Bay Citizen</i></a> the DEA was making inquiries into the Oakland ordinance (13033) which allows for four large-scale marijuana grow permits. I discussed the Oakland ordinance as well as some companies seeking permits in <a href="">this previous blog post.</a><br /><br />On October 15, 2010, Robert Faturechi <a href="">blogged</a> on L.A. Now on the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> that Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca said if Prop 19 passes that marijuana enforcement by LA County sheriff deputies would not change. At a news conference on October 15, 2010 at LA County sheriff's headquarters in Monterey Park, Baca said "Proposition 19 is not going to pass, even if it passes." Baca said Prop 19 is superseded by federal law and would be found unconstitutional if passed. LA County DA Steve Cooley stood by Baca. Baca strongly said he had never experimented with marijuana. Baca said legalizing marijuana would have repercussions like traffic accident, labor disputes with employees getting high on the job, increased costs of drug rehab, and giving safe cover for drug cartels selling harder drugs. Baca said people smoking marijuana in their homes in California is already a non-priority for police agencies. The LA County sheriff's departments targets dealers. According to Faturechi, at the news conference Baca said local law enforcement agencies in California "should abide by federal drug laws prohibiting marijuana even if the state measure passes."<br /><br />On October 20, 2010, Dennis Romero <a href="">blogged</a> on <i>LA Weekly</i>, with the headline "If California Legalizes Pot, The Feds Might Sue: Boy, The Obama Administration Really Doesn't Want Us To Vote For Prop. 19."<br /><br />Romero wrote about US drug czar, Director of ONDCP Gil Kerlikowse, telling the AP that if Prop 19 passes, the DOJ may sue, arguing that California has no right to legalize a drug that's still a Schedule I drug federally. That was after the announcement by US Attorney General Eric Holder. Kerlikowse said "I think it's also important the people of California get the facts, and the way this proposition is being sold doesn't hold up to scrutiny."<br /><br />Romero said "This all sounds like a scare tactic to us -- a move by federal officials to prevent votes for Prop. 19. And it makes us want to vote for it even more."<br /><br />Prop 19 creating a conflict with federal law was on the reasons that the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> opposed Prop 19, which I previously <a href="">blogged</a> about here.<br /><br />Alan Markow, in an article published October 20, 2010 on CAIVN, The California Independent Voter Project, also <a href="">doubted</a> the statements by Eric Holder. Markow said "it was a genuine head-scratching moment for advocates of legalizing the general use of cannabis." Markow wrote "only a few years ago, the feds decided not to prosecute licensed medical marijuana distribution and consumption. So why the change?"<br /><br />Markow wrote that apparently the DOJ doesn't want to see a precedent based on code alteration in a single state. He said "there's something that just doesn't ring true about Holder's out-of-the-blue announcement."<br /><br />Markow linked to a <a href="">blog post</a> by Jacob Sullum of Reason magazine, which gives some statistics related to marijuana. It said in 2008 there were 848,000 marijuana arrests, and only 1% of them were made by the feds. Also, there are only 5,500 DEA agents in the US, but 70,000 cops in California. Markow said Sullum said the Department of Justice "certainly can make trouble, but it simply does not have the resources to bust a significant percentage of the state's marijuana offenders now, let alone after every adult is allowed to grow his own pot." Markow said the DOJ can try to influence voters.<br /><br />Stephen Gutwillig of the Drug Policy Alliance said 14 states and DC now have medical marijuana laws, 80 million people live in those places, and "All that happened without a single change in federal law."<br /><br />Markow said, "Holder's posturing is more likely an effort to put up a tough front for his DEA enforcement team and to undermine potential political leverage for Republicans should the Obama administration show any support whatsoever for softening its position on drug laws."<br /><br />Markow brings up prohibition, saying "If you believe that there is no greater harm to society from marijuana usage than there is from tobacco or alcohol, marijuana laws are simply a repeat of alcohol prohibition..."<br /><br />But passing Prop 19 will be nothing like <a href="">repealing alcohol prohibition</a>. The <a href="">21st Amendment</a> repealed the 18th Amendment nationwide. Proposition 19 applies to California only. Marijuana will still be a Schedule I drug under the <a href="">Controlled Substances Act</a>. The CSA is the implementing legislation in the US for the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Marijuana will still be a Schedule IV drug under the international treaty <a href="">Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs</a>. Article 23 and <a href="">Article 28</a> of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs require cannabis-producing nations to have a government agency that controls cultivation. In the US, the National Institute on Drug Abuse does that.<br /><br />There will be one place in the world where marijuana will be "legal", while it will be illegal nearly everywhere else. Drug smugglers and criminals will flood California.<br /><br />In all likelihood, the Feds will continue to bust weed stores in California just like medical dispensaries are still raided now. The DEA enforces the Controlled Substances Act, and if Prop 19 passes, I'm sure the DEA will continue to enforce the Controlled Substance Act in California. If there are only 5,500 DEA agents in the US, wouldn't the federal government hire more after Prop 19 passes? There will be an explosion of drug trafficking out of California.<br /><br />If there are 70,000 cops in California, will interdiction of drug smugglers fall mainly on California police officers, putting them at risk?<br /><br />On October 15, 2010, there was an <a href="">article</a> by Chris Good in <i>The Atlantic</i> entitled "If Prop. 19 Passes, Can the Feds Overturn It?"<br /><br />Chris Good referred to an article in <i>National Journal</i> and quoted Ted Ruger, a constitutional law professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Ruger said "Constitutionally, California will have a valid law" and "State officers don't enforce federal law and can't be made to enforce federal law."<br /><br />Then was Lee Baca making empty threats when he said that Los Angeles County sheriff deputies would pay no attention to Prop 19?<br /><br />President of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation Eric Sterling said Prop 19 is about California attempting to authorize a form of regulation of commerce, contrary to the Controlled Substances Act. Sterling said a legal challenge to the commercial section of Prop 19 wouldn't involve a federal "commandeering" of California law enforcers or judges, and may succeed in federal court.<br /><br />On October 18, 2010, Andrew Sullivan wrote an <br /><a href="">article</a> on The Daily Dish on <i>The Atlantic</i> asking "What Will The Feds Do If California Legalizes Pot?."<br /><br />On October 15, 2010, an article by Daniel B. Wood appeared on <a href=""><i>The Christian Science Monitor</i></a> entitled <a href="">Marijuana in California: Prop. 19 won't stop federal drug enforcement</a>.<br /><br />Wood said that Carmen Trutanich, Los Angeles City Attorney, had contacted the DOJ asking them to file an injunction against Prop 19.<br /><br />Tom Angell, spokesman for Yes On 19, said passing Prop 19 will jump-start a national dialogue about changing marijuana policies, so it would still be a victory even if challenged by the federal government.<br /><br />Stephen Gutwillig of the Drug Policy Alliance said "The federal government may criminalize marijuana, but it can't force states to do so, and it can't require states to enforce federal law."<br /><br />Which makes me wonder: What exactly can American voters legalize in their states by ballot measure or ballot initiative that is currently against federal law? Could heroin be legalized by a ballot initiative? Cocaine? Meth? Mushrooms? MDMA? Every drug scheduled in the Controlled Substances Act? If Prop 19 passes, which drug will be legalized next in California? What other things that are currently against federal law could be legalized by state ballot measure or initiative?<br /><br />On October 25, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Ryan Tracy appeared on <i>Newsweek</i> entitled "What the Feds Can Do if California Passes Prop 19."<br /><br />On October 27, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> appeared on the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> entitled "Prop. 19: Feds will stop playing nice", a reference to Holder's statements in 2009 that feds would go easy on medical marijuana. But if Prop 19 passes, the paper said "Washington will come down hard." The paper said "Holder signaled a legal kitchen-sink approach was in the works if Prop. 19 wins. He would go after sellers and organizations that distribute the weed. The attorney general would also go to court to stop the measure from taking effect."<br /><br />The paper "The ballot measure effectively unbalances a delicate truce in the marijuana wars." I've seen opinions of people online that Prop 19 is simply asking for too much, and that greedy voters may end up "ruining a good thing" regarding medical marijuana.<br /><br />The paper said Prop 19 welcomes trouble "in combatting illegal drug use and interferes with efforts to 'target drug traffickers who frequently distribute marijuana alongside cocaine and other controlled substances.'"<br />prop19questions, questions about Prop 19I've asked 1,500 questions about Proposition 19 over the course of <a href="">three</a> <a href="">blog</a> <a href="">posts</a> in the last two months. (Although I've also asked some questions in other blog posts during that time).<br /><br />Today is election day, and California voters will be voting on Prop 19 among other issues.<br /><br />Here are all 1,500 questions about Prop 19 in a single post.<br /><br />The following questions are from <a href="">this blog post</a> by me.<br /><br />Will homegrowers be able to grow (and keep) as much as they can in 25 square feet every month? Will the 25 square feet limits be enacted statewide? Can it be grown in plain view of the public? Will there be any cities/counties where it will be illegal to grow at home? What if cops see a minor tending a homegrow? Will medical growers be restricted to 25 square feet? Will any recreational homegrowers/sellers use medical marijuana cards as an excuse to grow in spaces larger than 25 square feet? Does harvesting count as processing? Will gangs and cartels take advantage of legal grow limits? Will they hire/employ more homegrowers? Can someone have 5 lbs of purchased weed inside their house as long as they also buy some plants to make it look like they're a personal grower? Will possession limits apply to only bud or also leaves, stems, seeds? Will possession limits only apply to the percentage of psychoactive chemicals in a bag of marijuana?<br /><br />Is "any harvest" some sort of unlimited loophole? Can someone convert a grain tower silo into a 5' W x 5' L x 50' H vertical grow op for "personal consumption"? A 5' diameter bush outside that's 12' tall? 25 single-cola 8' plants growing outside trimmed to each fit in its own one square foot area? Does the 25 square feet have to be in one single area? Could someone have two 2x2 grows? What if someone has a larger grow space than 25 square feet but there are less than 25 square feet of plants growing in it at the time? If someone owns multiple parcels of land, can they have 5x5 personal grows on each one? Can landowners subdivide existing land into smaller parcels to have more personal grow spaces? Can there be a grow on every level of an apartment fire escape? Will people convert entire floors of apartment buildings or motels into residential grow ops to compete with commercial growers? Will landlords pay tenants to grow in their apartments? Will people set up cubicles in loft apartments to take advantage of residence grow limits? Will people convert capsule hotels to take advantage of residence grow limits?<br /><br />Will there be more indoor or outdoor industrial commercial growers? Will outdoor commercial growers use greenhouses more than open-air growing to prevent fertilization of female plants? Will indoor or outdoor industrial growers produce more? Will indoor or outdoor growers use pesticides? Will an increase in indoor homegrows and industrial grows increase the chance of blackouts? Will indoor commercial growers in certain areas be restricted to certain hours when they can turn their lights on to prevent blackouts? Will the power grid in California be able to handle the demand? Will California have to build more peaking power plants? Will there be restrictions on exhaust in commercial and home grows? Will exhaust systems no longer be needed in homegrows? Will a strong smell of marijuana near a residence no longer be probable cause for police? Will there be a public tipline set up to snitch on people? Will it be legal to burn stems and leaves and waste plant matter in power plants? Will there be a market for plant waste/cellulose? How can it be used? How can it be transported? How must commercial cannabis waste be disposed of? Will industrial growers burn their own waste? Sell it? Will cannabis stems and leaves become a major source of biomass? Can it be used to make biofuel? Fermented to make methanol?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in electrical fires related to homegrows? Will fire departments have to hire more people to combat more electrical fires? Will there be special procedures in dealing with homegrow fires? Industrial marijuana fires? If a commercial crop is ruined somehow, how must the cannabis be disposed of? Will there be weed farm/factory inspectors? Will there be some sort of stamp of approval? Will it fall under FDA or USDA jurisdiction? Will the FDA have to approve cannabis products or will it be classified as an herb? Will the California Department of Public Health inspect retail weed stores?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes I think there will be an explosion in the number of weed stores, weed bakeries, weed cafes, smoking bars, hydro stores, grow supply stores, weed clothing companies, seed companies, breeders, glass blowers, 5x5 tent manufacturers, souvenir/poster/novelty item makers, tourist shops, tourist traps, etc. Can a 16-year-old be a cashier in any of them? Will you have to be 21 to even enter? Will under-21 employees at California medical dispensaries be laid off? Will there be a push to allow anyone 18-years-old or older to be able to legally purchase/smoke marijuana?<br /><br />Will California become the largest importer of fertilizers? HID lighting? Will lightbulb/ballast manufacturers have increasing sales? Will it to be lawful to sell grow equipment, seeds, marijuana, marijuana products, smoking/vaporizing equipment door to door? Will any California weed companies grow large enough that they'll produce all of their growing equipment in-house? Will California weed companies buy/lease equipment factories in China or start their own?<br /><br />Where are the weed stores allowed to buy their weed from? Can a medical dispensary and recreational business be located in the same building? Share the same counter? Use the same supplier? If someone shows their medical card will they be subject to a lower tax rate in combination outlets? Will medical/retail weed prices be the same? Will weed prices go down? Will weed companies/stores engage in price fixing? If a city applies a higher tax to recreational marijuana, will purely medical dispensaries be subject to that higher tax as well? Will many current medical dispensaries just change their sign and become retail weed stores? Will people be allowed to form and sell out of co-ops?<br /><br />Will every city and county in California approve retail weed stores? Will there still be black markets in California? Will some buyers stay loyal to their former marijuana dealers? Will retail weed stores be English-only? Will owners/operators be allowed to speak any foreign language? Will niche stores spring up among various demographic groups? Will there be zoning limits on how close an indoor cannabis growing facility can be located to other structures? Size limits of retail weed stores? How about the distance between grow areas and retail weed stores? How about distances between homegrows and schools, churches, etc? How about zoning limits on outdoor marijuana farms? Will there be a limit on how many acres they can be? Will there be restrictions on how it can be harvested? Will female plants only be allowed to grow in certain areas? How about male plants? Will all male plants be culled? Will they be sold to breeders? Destroyed? Made into paper? Will the paper be required to have under a certain THC content? Where can cannabis products not made from bud be sold? Will non-marijuana crops be allowed to grow in the same building or field as marijuana? Will marijuana be allowed to be processed in the same facility as non-marijuana? Will there be requirements on fences and security systems for commercial grows? Will felons be allowed to work at weed farms/factories/stores? People previously imprisoned for marijuana-related offenses? Parolees? People on probation? Prisoners on work release? Will prisons allow commercial marijuana cultivation onsite using low-wage prison labor?<br /><br />It won't be legal to transport over one ounce of "personal consumption" cannabis. Can a city change that? What if a caregiver transports over one ounce of medical marijuana to a dispensary? How about a trafficker claiming to be a caregiver? Can one apartment tenant share two ounces with his next door neighbor, but only if he makes two trips? You could never have over one ounce of "personal consumption" weed in a vehicle. What about medical weed in a vehicle? Will people have to show proof that recreational cannabis was bought legally? If you're found in possession of under an ounce will you have to show your weed store receipt to prove you bought it legally to avoid a citation? Will you have to provide evidence you are a homegrower? What qualifies as evidence? What if a truck driver has one ounce on him and a passenger also has one ounce on him? Can people grow in vehicles? What if a guy's car is his residence? What if a commercial truck driver has one ounce on him in his truck and lives out of his truck and sleeps on a bed in the cab? Do tents on private property count as a residence? What about grow ops in motor homes? Trailers? Trailer parks? What about marijuana growing along the freeway? In sidewalks? On parking strips? In parks?<br /><br />How many times can someone buy one ounce at the weed store in a day? Where do they have to leave it before they can buy again? Can they walk in, buy an oz, give it someone outside, repeat? Can people buy one ounce daily as long as they store it all at home? Can weed stores sell cuttings? Will weed stores be able to sell cuttings that weigh over one ounce since they couldn't be transported? Can weed stores sell pollen? Seeds? How does weed have to be presented in weed stores? Behind glass counters? In glass jars? Will THC percentage have to be displayed by strains? Can weed stores operate out of malls? Suites? Skyscrapers?<br /><br />Will anyone and everyone try to buy low in California and sell high in other US states? Are drug gangs going to employ buyers to buy weed in one ounce increments and pool it together for mules to transport and sell out of state? If five people on a Greyhound bus to Vegas each have one ounce of legally purchased weed in their own luggage, is the driver liable? Will Greyhound allow weed on their buses in California? Will public transit in California allow each passenger to have up to one ounce on their person? One ounce among all passengers? No weed on any buses or trolleys? Will public transit allow stoned passengers to ride? Will drug gangs buy up or start their own bus companies?<br /><br />In July Congress passed <a href="">S.258</a> which makes it unlawful for anyone 18+ to make or distribute a Schedule I substance (like marijuana) combined with a candy product or marketed/packaged to look like a candy product. Do sugar or other sweeteners qualify as a candy product and would weed bakeries be affected? Do artificial sweeteners count as a candy product? Can someone make marijuana flavored or THC-containing chewing gum? Spreads? Pastes? Gels? Lozenges? Drops? Cubes of butter? Teas? Will soft drink manufacturers, snack food makers, or ice cream makers be allowed to use marijuana in their products? Can someone make cannabis "chew" and sell it in tins or pouches? Will any food company be allowed to use marijuana in their products? Where can such products be sold? Does a THC spray count as a food or drug product? Will cannabutter be sellable in grocery stores? Will any restaurant be allowed to cook with marijuana? Will street vendors be allowed to cook with marijuana?<br /><br />Will head shops be able to sell weed? Will customers be able to mention marijuana in head shops? Will weed stores be able to also sell smoking equipment and supplies, vaporizers, vaporizer accessories, grow books, growing supplies, detox kits, hash, hash oil, hash making equipment, extracts, pastes, gels, bhang, tea, candy, snacks, soft drinks, packaged food, scales, baggies, lighters, torches, legal drugs, adult videos, adult sex toys, comics, zines, as well as rooms for smoking on the premises? What about online sales? Will weed stores be able to have try-before-you-buy taste testing? Will customers be legally allowed to smoke or vape inside weed stores in front of weed store counters? Will customers be allowed to touch and smell product before they buy? Will head shops be allowed to sell gas masks, diving helmets, spaced suits, smoke domes or other self-contained breathing equipment? Can they perform on-site suit inflation?<br /><br />Will there be regular as well as organically grown weed? Where can it be sold? Will cities allow weed farmers' markets? Will Whole Foods stock marijuana? Will Walmart stock marijuana? 7/11? Gas stations? Will there be limits on the THC content or weight of weed sold in gas stations or other businesses? Will there be weed vending machines? Will weed vending machines only be allowed inside/in front of certain businesses? Weed automats? Will you be able to know where your weed comes from? Will weed have to be sold with a UPC? Where do you put a UPC on weed? Will loose weed be illegal to sell over the counter? Will joints/blunts be sold in packs/cartons? Will it be legal to sell a pack/carton of blunts/joints containing various strains? Will you be able to buy joints a la carte? Will there be limits on commercial joint/blunt sizes/shapes? Could a weed store sell one ounce blunts? A dozen joint roses? Will buds be vacuum packed? Will weed be sold in packages with RFID tags? What about the manufacture/sale of bud pellets pressed into various shapes and sizes? Bud within gelcaps inside a simulation prescription bottle?<br /><br />Will a law enforcement presence be required at every weed store? Will law enforcement attach GPS trackers to vehicles leaving weed stores if a driver or passenger is seen leaving with a large package? Will police use infrared scanners to detect homegrows over the legal limit? Will weed stores be required to have barred windows? Security guards? Alarm systems? Outdoor ID checks? Video surveillance? Will local governments require online streaming video surveillance in every commercial grow or retail weed store? Will retail weed store customers be targeted by anti-corporate activists? Will any weed store found to be in the slightest violation be busted? Will weed stores that comply with California state and county and city law be busted by Feds anyway?<br /><br />Will commercial weed growers or weed stores be able to vaporize marijuana and store/sell the vapor in containers? Will only certain container materials be allowed? Gas cylinders? Steel cartridges similar to CO2 cartridges? Bags? Balloons? Aluminum cans? Beer bottles? Will vapor containers have size limits? Will there be pressure requirements? Can weed stores sell vapor balloons? Will helium be unusable in them? Will it be illegal to pop vapor balloons in public? Will vaporizing/smoking in public be allowed if the user is wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus? Will the United States Department of Transportation oversee transportation of high pressure vapor cylinders? Will containers only be allowed to contain the vapor from 1 oz of marijuana? Will weed stores be allowed to sell vapor bags that would hold the vapor from over 1 oz of marijuana? Will weed stores be allowed to sell home vapor storage systems? Home gas cylinder systems? Will transport of over 1 oz of vapor be illegal? Will it be lawful to bring or puncture vapor bags at concerts, fairs, festivals, or other crowded areas? Will it be lawful to manufacture/convert/sell plug-in air fresheners or timed misters containing cannabis smoke or vapor? What about aerosol or atomizer sprayers? Liquids for use in such devices? Will it be lawful to operate a vapor bar? One where customers bring their own product for vaporization? Can a vaping/smoking bar also be an oxygen bar? Can a smoking club or bar or indoor concert employ women or use a machine to blow smoke contained in bubbles? Will someone invent a reliable THC breathalyzer? Will it be used by cops and will there be legal THC driving limits? Will there be a large market for marijuana detection systems? Sniffers? Instant blood tests?<br /><br />Will the statewide California tobacco smoking ban in all enclosed workplaces also apply to cannabis? Will cannabis smoking only be allowed in workplaces with five or less employees and if all workers consent and if no minors are allowed inside? Will cannabis smoking be allowed in private smoking lounges? Bars? Restaurants? Clubs? Casinos? Conference rooms? Indoor conventions halls? Hotel/motel rooms? Art classes? Tattoo parlors? Truck cabs and tractors? Employee breakrooms? Warehouses with over 10K sq ft and 20 or less fulltime employees? Weed factories? Outdoor dining areas? Within 20 ft of public buildings or bus stops? Parks? Trails? Sidewalks? Streets? Beaches? Will cannabis smoking only be legal in private residences? Any private business? Private property? What about vaporizing in all of the above? Will public vaporizing be lawful anywhere? Will it be legal to carry weed in California parks? National parks in California? Will marijuana smoking/vaping be allowed on employee smoke breaks?<br /><br />Will there be weed stores with drive-though windows? Will there be over-21 weed movie theaters that sell weed and allow smoking/vaping on the premises? BYOW? Will strip clubs be able to sell weed and/or allow smoking/vaping on the premises? Other sexually oriented businesses? Can someone operate a weed bed-n-breakfast? Will motels/hotels allow cannabis smoking or vaporizing in their rooms? Will restaurants have smoking/non-smoking/marijuana smoking/vaporizing sections? Will someone be able to run a marijuana botanical garden? Golf resorts with marijuana forests? What about marijuana theme-party stores? Marijuana theme-weddings? The manufacture/sale of fireworks related to marijuana?<br /><br />If Propositon 19 passes, will it later be seen as ceding power to corporations? As a step backwards? Will it create Big Weed? Will Big Weed be demonized like Big Tobacco? When's the last time non-shareholders and non-politicians and non-addicts praised Big Tobacco? Will there be lawsuits against Big Weed? Will existing agricultural corporations take over marijuana in California? Will existing pharmaceutical companies take over? Will existing corporations avoid cannabis production, distribution, and sales altogether in order to avoid federal lawsuits? Will Prop19 create "black market corporations" in California operating illegally under federal law?<br /><br />Will Prop 19 create a Big Weed lobby in DC? Will Big Weed become political? Will corporations who make the biggest campaign contributions or have the best political ties get the grow contracts? Will cannabis corporations run political ads supporting/opposing political candidates? Will it be impossible to get rid of cannabis corporations once they start wielding political influence and buying politicians? After Prop19 passes, will it be seen as giving up what some consider a sacred plant over to corporate control with a singular goal of profit, expansion, and positive quarterly reports? Will people regret a new labyrinth of rules? Will people resent a new corporate drug pusher? Will people resent being incarcerated for years and then local governments getting in on the action, while people still get incarcerated? Will Big Pharma create and patent new medicines derived from cannabis? Will people smoking certain strains be infringing on those patents?<br /><br />Will people be happy buying corporate weed from AgraMed or other corporations? Will there be conspiracy theories where the public thinks corporations are selling marijuana to them or putting something in it to make the public stupid or docile or gullible enough to buy other products? Will corporate cannabis be a boon to capitalism and consumerism? Will existing companies swallow up start-up weed companies? Will the number of weed companies eventually get smaller and smaller in California as they are bought up by larger companies? Will it be lawful to operate a weedbank where people can deposit/withdraw weed? Will weed act as a currency in certain localities? Will investment banks be allowed to give loans to weed companies? Where will weed companies be able to get loans? Will banks giving loans to weed stores or commercial grows be flagged for potential money laundering?<br /><br />Will a commercial weed company ever have an initial public offering? Will marijuana be bought and sold as a commodity on stock exchanges? Will it be traded in bushels? Will contracts for bushels be bought and sold? Will people be able to buy stock in weed companies? Will derivatives based on marijuana be allowed? Will global investors, criminal organizations, or foreign states be able to invest in California weed companies? Will betting on marijuana related issues be allowed in California? Will marijuana lotteries be allowed? Will marijuana promotions be legal? Buy a car and get one free ounce of marijuana? Will any billionaires or millionaires become angel investors in the commercial marijuana industry? Will the amount of millionaires in California increase? Will marijuana become California's #1 export?<br /><br />Will weed production affect food production in California? Will weed be more profitable to farm in California than other crops such as oranges? Will the weed industry take over other sectors of the Californy economy by GDP? Will the need for more land lead to deforestation? Will it be legal to plant marijuana forests and designate them national parks or wildlife refuges? Will marijuana be allowed to grow legally in national parks or wildlife refuges? Will it be legal to feed cattle marijuana? Sell marijuana milk? Instead of Kobe beef, Kush beef? Will it be lawful to give marijuana to an animal? Will videos of Californians giving marijuana to animals or pets flood YouTube? What would happen legally if someone blew marijuana smoke in a minor's face?<br /><br />Will the passage of Prop19 create an ideological schism in the national legalization movement? Will many people think that California settled on Prop 19? Soldout? What environmental impact will industrial weed farming have? Would environmentalists or anti-corporate activists ever sabotage a weed company? Would someone ever sabotage a commercial grower with mold or mildew, by breaking lights, by altering nutrient reservoirs or soil conditions? Would competitors sabotage rival weed stores with mold or mildew? Will someone engineer a virus or disease that attacks the cannabis plant? Will corporatization of cannabis inspire a Weed Is Murder or Free The Weed movement among biocentrists or deep ecologists, fighting for plant rights? Will mechanical harvesters be sabotaged so cannabis could grow freely under the sun? Will someone want to marry a cannabis plant? You know there's gonna be that guy.<br /><br />Will cities allow cannabis churches in their communities? Will there be a rise in new cannabis cults, new age religions, or self-proclaimed gurus? Is the concept of cannabis spirituality diametrically opposed to cannabis corporatization? Has anyone ever felt spiritual after buying something from a corporation?<br /><br />Will corporatization of marijuana create potential public health problems such as foodborne illnesses? Will sanitation be ignored as long as the cannabis is burned when consumed? Could there be any E. coli outbreaks related to commercially grown marijuana? Could nearby cattle or pig ranches contaminate irrigation water near outdoor marijuana fields? Could marijuana field workers introduce diseases onto crops through unsanitary handling practices? Could mechanical harvesters introduce petroleum products onto crops or soil? Could mold or mildew or pesticides on commercially grown marijuana pose lung problems? Could commercial curing processes introduce pathogens? Will there ever be any weed recalls? Will any commercial growers use nicotine as a pesticide on cannabis crops? Will commercial growers be allowed to combine marijuana with nicotine or other chemicals and sell it?<br /><br />Will Prop 19 affect pregnant women in any way? Fetuses? Will secondhand marijuana smoke pose a risk to anyone? Will Prop 19 lead to an increase of cannabis research grants? Will colleges begin offering new courses related to marijuana? New degrees?<br /><br />How much will usage rise? How many tons of marijuana will California produce in the first year after Proposition 19 passes? How many pounds of marijuana will California consume in the first year after Proposition 19 passes? How much the next year? How about usage in America as a whole? How much will usage rise in surrounding states? Will everyone in California be stoned all the time? Will Californians eat more fast food? Will obesity rates go up? Will certain fast food chains open more stores in California? Will everyone in certain cities be stoned all the time? Will stoned texting become a big problem on roads? Will Proposition 19 make pot uncool? Will the public say that corporations or the government took all the fun out of it? If marijuana use becomes mainstream and lame, will harder illegal drugs become the new cool thing to do? Will people who used pot before Prop 19 passes look down on users who started after Prop 19 passed? Will employees/buyers of corporate weed be disdained, spit on, attacked by purists as traitors or sellouts? Will there be protests/picketing with signs saying "Just Say No To Corporate Weed"? What events will weed companies be allowed to sponsor? How can that sponsorship be displayed?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how will tobacco usage in California be affected? How will alcohol usage in California be affected? Will weed affect tobacco prices? Will criminal organizations or the DEA drop or fog defoliants or herbicides on commercial outdoor marijuana grows? Will commercial growers themselves use herbicides on their marijuana crops to control weeds? Will rival companies or law enforcement or moles or monkeywrenchers introduce male pollen onto sensimilla crops, perhaps by airplane or ventilation systems? Will all large-scale outdoor marijuana farms naturally produce pollinated females? Will this leave a demand for sensimilla on the black market? Will commercial weed be looked down upon as "that seedy shit"? Will homegrowers who are employed on weed farms or in weed factories accidentally or perhaps intentionally introduce male pollen onto sensimilla crops? Will indoor weed factory employees be required to wear cleanroom suits to prevent accidental fertilization by male pollen? How often will employees steal seeds or cuttings? If an employee is stealing weed or seeds or cuttings and is discovered, will they just be fired or will other state/federal laws apply?<br /><br />Will people be allowed to carry up to one ounce of weed in California airports? Will the TSA ramp up screening for weed in California airports? Will obviously stoned passengers be allowed on commercial flights leaving California? Will California airports allow cannabis smoking/vaping bars? Will pilots be allowed to enter them? Will bus tours be able to enter California and take people to various shops or country weederies, as long as there is no weed on the bus when it leaves California (or as long as no weed is every carried on the bus)? Will limos or cabs allows marijuana smoking/vaporizing in the back?<br /><br />What if a guy gets pulled over for speeding on the way to Nevada, 3 miles from the border and admits to there being 10 lbs of weed in the trunk. Does the oz possession limit no longer apply to him because he claims he "harvested it for personal consumption"? Does the possession limit not apply to him because he's not carrying those 10lbs on his person? What if he also has a gun in the car? Is he in violation of the law simply because he's transporting over one ounce of weed? What if he claims he's a medical grower delivering to a medical dispensary in Nevada (or California) and is a caregiver and shows his MMJ card? What if a homeowner with a 5x5 grow has a gun in the house? Will people with concealed carry permits be allowed to bring firearms into weed stores or onto weed farms/factories?<br /><br />Is letting each city and county decide its own laws meant to encourage people to support Proposition 19 or is it meant to generate chaos so that statewide uniform regulation will be enacted? Will a website have to be set up explaining the varying laws from city to city? Will the varying laws create pockets of black market opportunities? Will police departments be stressed by a societal sea change? If Proposition 19 passes, can it be reversed and if so how soon? If it is reversed, will it hurt the chances of other future initiatives in California or initiatives in other states?<br /><br />Will weed prices drop? How much money will local governments be able to collect in taxes and fees? Will any tax money be collectible seeing as how buying/selling/possessing marijuana is still against federal law? Will a drop in price affect the amount cities can collect in taxes? If cities put tax rates too high, will people just buy on the untaxed black market?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 create jobs? What will be the fasting growing jobs if Proposition 19 passes? Weed store cashiers, growing supply stores, electricians, botanists, budtenders, budtrimmers, budpickers, glass blowers, seed companies, snack food distributors, bakers, seed patent offices, weed lawyers, weed lawfirms, in-home grow experts, smugglers based in California, drug gangs, drug cartels, interstate bus companies/drivers, global corporations, Big Agro, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, Big Chemical, fertilizer makers, large-scale growers, breeders, THC analysis companies, genetic engineering labs, gene sequencing labs, drug test makers, detox kit makers, police, prison guards, SWAT team members, DEA agents, fire-prevention companies, firefighters, weed store/farm/factory inspectors?<br /><br />Proposition 19 won't legalize marijuana. Possession and transport over one ounce will still be illegal. Possession under one ounce has only been a $100 fine for years in California. Every transaction over one ounce is still black market. How often do drug cartels transport under one ounce now? How much of each cartels' profits come from selling under one ounce within California alone? If someone wants to buy more than one ounce, who will be selling it?<br /><br />Proposition 19 does nothing regarding prohibition in other states. Weed will be legal to grow and buy in California, yet be illegal in surrounding states. A black market will still exist. Drug cartels might no longer have to worry about smuggling marijuana into California from Mexico or Canada. Will smuggling from Mexico into Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico increase? Will smuggling from California to Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona dramatically increase? Will smuggling from retail weed cities to non-retail weed cities increase?<br /><br />Will drug violence along the Mexican border shift to the US states bordering California as gangs/cartels fight over turf? Will California become a safe haven for marijuana growing/distributing? Will Los Angeles become the #1 hard drug hub in North America? How long until the first stabbing or shooting near a weed store? How often will weed stores be robbed? How often will homegrowers be robbed? How long before the first burglary of a major commercial grow facility? Will there be arson of commercial weed facilities? Will there be wildfires due to gangs torching corporate fields? Will gangs employ rippers to steal from corporate fields? How often will people be robbed on the street for their legally purchased weed? Will people currently imprisoned for growing under one ounce be released? Will there be prison riots as people incarcerated for marijuana crimes get angry over their non-release? Will marijuana be considered contraband in prisons? Will public marijuana smoking be illegal statewide? Will vaporizing in public be lawful? What if people carry smoking/vaping equipment in brown paper bags?<br /><br />Will previously law abiding citizens start buying low in California and selling high in other US states in order to capitalize on Proposition 19? Will out-of-state trafficking dramatically increase? Will stopping out-of-state shipments fall largely upon California law enforcement, state officers in surrounding states at the borderline, or federal agents? Will permanent checkpoints be set up on all major roads leaving California? Will criminal organizations burglarize weed stores? Kill growers? Take over businesses? Create protection rackets? Hijack commercial weed shipments? Fight over drug turf in California and elsewhere?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 cripple drug cartels? Will cartels smuggle less marijuana from Mexico to California? Will Proposition 19 only affect marijuana shipments from the Tijuana cartel? Will other cartels be largely unaffected? I've read that the Beltran-Levya cartel also has territory in California and the Gulf cartel uses Los Angeles as a major distribution hub. Will LA become an even bigger global distribution hub? Will drug cartels increase other criminal activity? Will cartels give up marijuana smuggling into the US altogether? Will cartels increase their efforts on smuggling from California into Nevada and Oregon and Arizona? Will they prefer car, truck, motorcycle, plane, tunnel, bus, or something else? Will there be cartel massacres within California or surrounding states?<br /><br />Will smuggling out of California on ships increase? Will inspection of ships leaving California increase? Will inspection of ships entering other countries increase? Will California export more marijuana to foreign countries and islands? Will cartels operate commercial grows in California for plane/ship/submarine distribution worldwide? Will there be turf wars over ports? Will existing gangs or cartels bribe people in commercial grows to alter production numbers and redirect shipments? Will corporate weed be reported as ruined or destroyed but end up on the black market? Will workers in commercial grows form their own drug gangs to steal product for resale in black markets? How will cities/counties know that all of the marijuana produced by a company is being sold only in retail stores in-state?<br /><br />Can California expect a new wave of immigrants from Mexico, other US states, or worldwide? Will 2010 be remembered as the start of a new California Green Rush? Will California become more known for Cannabis Valley than Silicon Valley? Will the population of California dramatically increase? Will there be weed shanty towns? Will comedy writers, musicians, artists relocate to California? Will drug tourism dramatically increase? Will tourism bring much needed money into California's economy? Will drug tourism lead to an increase in certain areas of crime?<br /><br />Will drug tourism in the Netherlands or elsewhere in the world go down if Prop19 passes? Will the High Times Cannabis Cup be permanently relocated to California? Will a San Francisco Cannabis Cup begin? How long after Proposition 19 passes will the first cannabis cup be held in California? Will cities ban or limit the number of public weed gatherings that can take place?<br /><br />Proposition 19 isn't going to end the war on drugs. It won't even end marijuana prohibition. There are 478 cities and 58 counties in California and they'll each get to decide whether to tax and sell pot commercially. Unless every city approves retail sales, there will still be black markets in California. If Prop19 passes will less people be imprisoned for marijuana-related crimes? People will only be able to possess up to one ounce under Proposition 19, but that's already not an arrestable offense in California. People possessing over one ounce are arrested now. After Prop19 they will still be arrested. People selling on the black market are arrested now. After Prop19 they will still be arrested. Will less homegrowers go to prison? If they sold before they could have ended up in prison and if they sell after Prop19, they may still end up in prison. If they give someone more than one ounce they may still end up in prison. Will less people be imprisoned for homegrowing? How many homegrowers in California who only get high on their own supply, don't sell, and who grow in under 25 sq ft go to prison now? Will arrests for out-of-state trafficking go up? I guess that depends on law enforcement border control. Will arrests for inner-state trafficking go up? Will arrests in other states for trafficking out of California go up?<br /><br />Will homegrowers be able to sell to weed stores? Will homegrowers or gangs or cartels sell to minors since retail weed stores won't? Will gangs corner the market on sales to those under 21? Or will minors be able to get the weed they need by stealing from their parents' personal grows? Will homegrower parents be required to put locks on their grow rooms? Will corporate weed or companies like AgraMed put mom and pop growers out of business? Will corporations flood the market with cheap weed and then when they've put competitors out of business raise the price?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will 18 to 20-year-olds be allowed to legally consume medical cannabis? What if a 21-year-old non-medical cardholder hands an 18-year-old medical cardholder a bag of medical weed? What if a 25-year-old medical cardholder dispensary cashier sells an 18-year-old medical cardholder a bag of medical weed? Will medical users who smoke in their home be arrested if their children live with them? What about vaporizing in the same space as a minor? What about smoking/vaping in the same space as a pet? What if a mom publicly admits to giving her autistic child marijuana? What if it turns out neither has a doctor's recommendation? Will users interpret Prop 19 one way and cops/judges another way? Will bribes to law enforcement, attorneys, and local officials and contributions to politicians increase? Will Feds crack down even harder on California? Will Feds continue to enforce federal drug laws and raid commercial ops they deem in violation of the Controlled Substances Act? Will bugging/wiretapping of commercial weed facilities become commonplace? Will weed store owners be harassed, followed, their phones wiretapped, their residences bugged?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 endanger the status of medical marijuana in California or nationwide? Will pharmaceutical companies be allowed to breed their own strains? Will they be able to advertise their strains on television in California? Will marijuana advertisements be acceptable anywhere? In niche magazines, on the radio, on TV, on billboards, signs, banners, graffiti, posters, plush joint mascots on street corners? What restrictions will be placed on signage and logos outside weed stores/grow facilities? Will images of marijuana leaves be banned in public?<br /><br />Will cheap California weed flood every other US state? Will weed prices drop in Reno and Las Vegas? Will prices stay the same on the east coast? Will selling on the east coast become more profitable due to profit margins on cheap Cali weed? Will an ounce in California cost less than a medical eighth in other states? Will that affect medical dispensaries out-of-state? Will medical dispensaries out-of-state be forced to illegally import from California to compete with black market prices in their own state? Will they have to sell their self-grown weed for less?<br /><br />Will Oakland have a natural monopoly if Proposition 19 passes? Will its licensing system set the trend for the entire state? How much will people who work in industrial weed factories make? How much will people picking weed on farms make? Will outdoor weed farms employ mainly illegal immigrant laborers? Will companies ship in illegal immigrants much like slaughterhouses in the south do? Will weed farms/factories provide health insurance? How will the mandate to purchase health insurance interact with the effects of Proposition 19? Will there be a spike in emergency room visits? Traffic accidents? Traffic accidents among 21 to 25-year-old drivers? Workplace accidents? Workplace/college absenteeism?<br /><br />Will unemployment in California go down? Will unemployment in certain areas go up? Will there be an increase in foreclosures among people currently growing and selling marijuana as the legal price drops? Will Humboldt County or Mendocino County go through a recession? Marijuana is one of the biggest cash crops in America. If people are unemployed they can always grow & sell marijuana to make ends meet. If marijuana production by corporations becomes legal, then what? "Look, you can always get a job at the weed farm or processing factory making minimum wage. You should be grateful they're giving you a job."<br /><br />Will the demand for feminized seeds increase due to corporate buying? Will global seedbanks see a spike in sales until California establishes legal seedbanks? Will global seedbanks suffer as seed prices plummet in California? Will it still be illegal to import seeds into California from elsewhere? Will it be legal to operate a seed company in California? Will they be allowed to patent strains? Will people be allowed to patent specific cannabis terpenes? Will seedbanks sue growers for patent infringement? Will gene sequencing of all cannabis strains be lawful in California? Will genetic engineering of cannabis be outlawed? Will there be free reign? Will corporations genetically engineer female plants that can't be pollinated? With bigger yield? Shorter flowering time? With certain aromas or flavors? Will they engineer other plants to contain THCA synthase? Will a corporation create a strain dubbed "Frankenweed" by critics? Will corporations only grow weed with over a certain percentage of THC in order to make hash or extracts? Will there be a THC limit on weed for commercial production/sale? Will someone produce an injectable THC liquid? How long before Monsanto creates a transgenic Roundup-resistant cannabis strain? Will farmers/growers be sued for keeping certain seeds for next season? Will there be lawsuits over growers growing breeders' seeds without permission? Will monkeywrenchers steal seeds from corporations and give them away?<br /><br />Will only retail weed stores be allowed to possess scales and not for sale? Will scales in homegrowers' residences or vehicles be seen as evidence of intent to sell? Will someone be arrested if a used pipe or other smoking/vaping equipment is found in their vehicle? What would happen if cops are called to a residence and their are 10 people there having a party and cops find 5 oz of weed sitting on a table which was brought by 5 different people and the weed is in 5 separate baggies? What if it's all laying on the table together in one big pile? What if a 20-year-old is there?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes will existing users use more? Will there be more new users? Will homegrowers sell to their friends? Will homegrowers sell in black markets in California or out-of-state? Will homegrowers still be competing with drug gangs/cartels for black market sales? Will black market prices change in relation to legal prices? Will many people find out they suck at growing?<br /><br />Will it be lawful to have a grow specialist come to your house and construct a grow for you as your guest? What if he brings seeds that came from outside California? Will housecall grow specialists make customers responsible for obtaining their own seeds? Will weed stores be able to sell seeds? Will it be legal to send cannabis seeds in the mail within California? Will it be lawful to transport cannabis seeds in California? Will all mail packages leaving California be X-rayed? There are over 2500 strains of cannabis. What if the taste/experience of a retail strain is not the same as the black market/homegrown strain? What if someone is growing a strain not native to California? Is that evidence of illegally importing a foreign strain? How does one determine if a strain is now native to California? Will people be able to lawfully possess/transport more than one ounce of seeds? By vehicle? By mail? Will all strains be legal for homegrowing? Commercial production/sale? Will certain strains be outlawed? Will certain seed strains require identifiable markers on the seeds or packages they come in? What if a commercial grower obtained seeds or cuttings from a medical grower but the medical grower obtained seeds from out of state?<br /><br />Will it be lawful to have a grow doctor come to your house and diagnose/treat your plants' nutrient deficiencies, mold/mildew problems, or pests, and give tips, tricks on increasing yield, etc? Where can a grow specialist/grow doctor lawfully advertise his services? Will they need to be licensed by a city or state? Will grow workshops/conferences be legal? Can they only be held in certain buildings? Will private businesses be able to decide whether to allow smoking on the premises? Will cannabis colleges like Oaksterdam University be lawful statewide? If someone purchases a large amount of grow supplies (more than seems necessary for a 5x5 grow), will they be flagged or arrested? Will people need a certain license to purchase grow supplies in bulk? Will Internet grow/head shops licensed in California be subject to random searches? Will it be lawful for a weed store in California to sell bongs and pipes or any products over the Internet?<br /><br />What sort of product names will be allowed to be trademarked? Will anyone be allowed to make a registered trademarks out of the words "hydro", "sensimilla", "weed", "grass", "dank", "nug", "Cali", "bud", "chronic", "420", etc? Will the names of weed sold in stores be untrademarkable? If one weed store sells marijuana labeled as one name, and another weed store sells different marijuana labeled as the same name, can the first store sue the second to stop? Will there be an official cannabis strain naming authority in California? Will all marijuana sold in weed stores be tested to ensure that it is in fact the strain the seller says it is? Will it be lawful to make/sell home test kits to detect THC in purchased marijuana, detect strains, detect THC in urine/hair, etc?<br /><br />Will people be able to spin the name or slogan of an existing product and use it for their weed business or strain? What about the public display of parodies of existing product logos altered to reflect marijuana in some way, similar to Wacky Packages? Will that count as fair use? What about display online? Will we see weed strain trading cards? Marijuana videogames? Browser games on social networks? Stoner trading cards? Will marijuana-themed commercial logo parodies or trading cards be banned under S.258 as marketing to children? What about colored joints or blunts packaged like crayons? What about colors on packaging? Will we see new patent applications for growing methods, smoking products, vaporizers, etc?<br /><br />Will certain strains become very common in weed stores? Early flowering strains? Autoflowering strains? Will prices for various strains vary widely? Will there be an explosion of websites listing legal weed prices in California much like sites list gas prices today? Will magazines and awards set trends? Will celebrities set trends? Will people start plugging various strains by various companies in ads? Can we expect ads that bash other strains? Will there be an increase in weed magazines and awards? Will there ever be a televised award show called The Weedies? Will commercial weed be inferior or superior to homegrown weed? Will people be allowed to possess more than one ounce in their residence as long as they claim they harvested it or if they also have plants in their residence (perhaps that they recently bought). What if they claim they bought it on different days at legal stores?<br /><br />Will cartels take advantage of legal grow limits per residence? Pool people together, apartments, parcels of land? Will gangs and cartels control certain territories? Will gangs or cartels buy/rob from homegrowers, employ homegrowers, rob/loot/set fire to rival weed stores or factories, take over weed factories, bribe truckers at commercial companies to ruin or lose shipments or give them a cut? Will cartels invest in or operate weed factories and weed stores? Will criminal organizations run weed factories? Weed farms? Weed stores? Head shops? How can you prevent criminal organizations from doing that? Will criminal organizations sell harder more profitable drugs out of weed stores? If less cartel weed is purchased on the black market in cities that have approved retail weed outlets, will cartels simply open, own and operate their own legal retail weed stores there? Will cartels use retail weed stores as fronts to fund the rest of their illegal activities or launder money? Will they be able to make a significant percentage of their profits perfectly legal (or appear perfectly legal)?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 put cartel California guerrilla growers out of work? Will cartels stop growing in California national parks? Will they continue in attempts to avoid permits, regulatory fees, licenses, insurance requirements, and electrical costs for commercial grows? Will cartels sell guerrilla grown weed to retail stores? In cities that have approved the existence of retail weed stores, will any weed purchased there be cartel grown? Will cartels sell it through retail weed stores they operate themselves? Will cartels funnel it through commercial growers?<br /><br />Will cartel mules legally buy weed in California for transport out-of-state? Will mules be supplied by cartel stores? Will drug gangs attempt to corner the market on particular strains? Will cartels buy out the entire stock of certain strains in rival stores? Will cartels or gangs be able to manipulate strain supplies day to day? Will corporations?<br /><br />Transporting over one ounce will still be illegal and transporting it over the California border into surrounding US states will still be illegal, but cartels and drug gangs deal with that already. If cartels can legally operate commercial weed factories in California, will they be able to transport more or less weed out of California into other states? In weed factories or commercial weed fields, will the low-paid workers be predominantly Spanish-speaking? Will there be a rise in new independent drug rings? Will it be easy to plant cartel moles in non-cartel factories? Will cartels be able to siphon off product, money, or get them into legal trouble? Will cartels sabotage competitors and their crops/seedlines?<br /><br />Homegrowers might buy less weed on the black market. But not if a strain they want is only available on the black market. Or if they buy weed, seeds, or cuttings from their homegrower friends or online. In California will there be more legal "sharing"/trading/bartering for goods and services (and not just weed to weed)? Will Craigslist allow weed sales/trades? Will eBay allow weed listings? Will seedbay allow non-seed marijuana listings?<br /><br />Will people living in California near the Oregon border travel across the border to buy their weed there to avoid paying sales tax or weed tax? Will crime rates go up? Will crime rates go down? Will violence go down? Will theft rise? Will motor vehicle theft rise? Will the number of meth labs rise? Will the price of heroin go up? Will hard drug use go down? Up? Will school shootings go down? Will pawnshops be allowed to buy/sell weed?<br /><br />How will employers react? Can an employer refuse to hire someone based on the fact that they were seen entering a weed store or previously worked in one? Will people with certain professions be banned from ever using legal cannabis off the job? Will people be able to use food stamps to purchase weed?<br /><br />How will it affect indoor and outdoor concerts in California? Outdoor festivals? Outdoor events? Sporting events? Extreme sport festivals? Street festivals? Will there be weed festivals? Cannabis talent shows? Marijuana beauty pageants? Will smoking contests be banned? Will the culture change in California?<br /><br />How will the Internet change? Will Google allow people to mark favorite retail weed locations on Google maps and review them? Will Yelp allow reviews of weed stores? Will there be an explosion of strain/store review sites/blogs? Daily weed deal listings? Will Foursquare allow people to check in to weed stores? Will Facebook, Youtube, Twitter allow people to discuss marijuana use on their sites? Will videos of marijuana smoking/vaporizing in California be allowed on YouTube? On the TV news? Will such footage affect national legalization movements? Will people who live in California be able to legally order weed online? Will people in California attempt to sell weed online worldwide? Will home delivery be allowed? Weed on wheels?<br /><br />Will adult film producers in California be able to lawfully make videos with on-screen marijuana use if everyone involved is 21+? Will they be able to sell those videos online? Air them on cable channels? Will it be illegal to view them outside of California? How about adult photoshoots involving marijuana use? Photoshoots available online? Will someone come out with Barely 420 Legal magazine? Cannabis snob magazines? Anti-Prop19 magazines or zines?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, can we expect cover after cover of news magazines with marijuana on the cover? Possibly of a marijuana leaf shaking hands with a corporation? Can we expect tabloids to be full of celebrity opinions on marijuana and Prop 19? Can we expect a flood of news articles and books with titles like "How Marijuana Became Legal" "How Richard Lee Saved California" "How Prop 19 Went Wrong" "How NORML Sold Out" "How You Can Profit Off Prop 19" "Making Money In the New Gold Rush" "WeedWorld" "When Corporations Rule The Weed"? Will some marijuana book become the #1 seller on Amazon? Will cannabis entrepreneurs become celebrities? Will they appear on late night or daytime talk shows? Will guests on TV talk shows be allowed to smoke/vape marijuana while being interviewed? Will cooking shows based in California be allowed to air footage of cooking with marijuana? What kind of shows related to marijuana could be aired on TV? This Old Growhouse, Extreme Homegrow Makeover, Pimp My Grow, The Strain Hunter, Lifestyles of the Stoned and Famous, MTV Grows, Dank'd, Ace of Baked, Best Weed Ever, Cannabis Wars, $420 A Day, Good Weeds, Guy Off the Hookah, Have Pot Will Travel, Snoop Dogg's Father Hood, The Cypress Hill/Kottonmouth Kings Smile Time Variety Hour? Will High Times start a TV network? Will there be multiple cable channels dedicated to marijuana programming? Weed Network, FuctNews, Chillum, The Strain Discovery Channel, 420, THC, CBG, CBD, TokeTV, WeedyGuide, DIY Grow Network, JointVenture?<br /><br />If someone comes up with an idea or invention under the influence of corporate weed, will corporations seek to obtain partial ownership of the idea or co-author status? Will someone invent/convert a vehicle that runs on weed or weed biodiesel or seed oil? Can cannabis seed oil be sold in any store? Will there be infomercials on how inventors can market/profit from their weed ideas?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will all the people who voted for it be able to live with all the potential consequences? Will society breakdown? Will everyone live in peace and love and harmony? Will people who voted against Proposition 19 commit vandalism or violence against weed stores, commercial grow ops, or people leaving weed stores? If Proposition 19 fails, will it be more difficult to collect signatures for another initiative? If Proposition 19 passes will it turn out to be a disaster and stall legalization efforts in other states? Will the rest of America look to California for what not to do? If Proposition 19 passes, will users face serious stigma, perhaps nationally?<br /><br />Will marijuana really be treated like alcohol? People are allowed to buy and possess more than one ounce of alcohol. Can alcohol and marijuana be sold in the same place? Can a bar with a liquor license also obtain a weed license or vice versa? Will it be illegal to sell marijuana on certain days, say, election days? Will retail weed stores have set hours of operation? Can a brewery use cannabis in their products? Will the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control be in charge of regulating alcohol products made with cannabis? Will that also apply to tinctures? Will California create a California Department of Cannabis Control? Will the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives become the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, Firearms and Explosives? Will people be allowed to "fortify" weak marijuana like people fortify Salvia Divinorum now? 10x, 20x, 40x? Will any agency oversee fortified marijuana? Will products with over 90% THC be legal? What if a commercial weed store laces their product with illegal drugs? Will there be an increase of psychotic episodes with high THC products? Is it possible that more people in California will be diagnosed with schizophrenia?<br /><br />Who will count the votes for Proposition 19? Stalin said those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything. Will there be a paper trail? Is there a chance that Proposition 19 will pass but the media will report that it failed? If Proposition 19 doesn't pass will there be theories that the California government or federal government or mainstream media wouldn't allow it? If Proposition 19 does pass, will there be theories that corporate interests were behind it?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, how will the mainstream media spin it? "Here we go..." "Finally!" "What have we done" "Noone knows how this new social experiment will play out..." "How will it affect you" "What does it mean for..." "In a time of economic crisis, California has chosen to" "Hidden dangers..."? Will it be used to drum up ratings with nightly scare stories? If Proposition 19 passes, how soon will there be a petition going around to collect signatures to reverse it? Will it be considered a failed experiment? If certain demographics overwhelmingly vote in favor of Prop19, how will that be spun by the media on television and radio and on the Internet? How will it be used as an issue by pundits on TV, radio, and the Internet? How long will Prop 19 remain in the daily news cycle? How will political parties, politicians, pundits spin it if Prop 19 passes?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 fails, how will the mainstream media spin it? As just one particular flawed initiative? A momentum killer? By claiming that stoners must have "spaced the date"? That California "came to their senses?" "Stepped away from the brink"? "Hit the breaks"? That California "sobered up"? Will they spin a failure as a "return to sanity"? Will such descriptions harm future initiatives in and out of state?<br /><br />Before the November election, will there be a flurry of anti-Prop19 ads on television? What's most likely to scare voters into voting no? Will Prop19 supporters have a response? Who's most likely to bankroll anti-Prop19 ads? Will there be a flurry of pro-Prop19 ads by corporate interests? Who's most likely to pay for pro-Prop19 ads? Will Proposition 19 lead to similar initiatives in other US states much like Proposition 215 did years ago? If Prop19 passes, how will politics change in California? If a political party comes out in strong opposition to/favor of to Prop19 before the vote, will they win votes among certain demographics? How will politics change in America? How will Proposition 19 affect television and movies coming out of California? News broadcasts? Talk shows? Will the news report on a new marijuana study every week? Will the news report on the effects in California every day, week?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how soon will things change in California? Is it possible that looting/riots could occur on the day Proposition 19 passes/fails? Massive public smoking gatherings/demonstrations? Arrests at gatherings/demonstrations? Will it be challenged in court? Will there be a legal limbo for a few years? Will entrepreneurs jump the gun and possibly be incarcerated? If Prop 19 passes, in hindsight will it be seen as a vote for freedom or a vote for corporate profits?<br /><br />The following questions are from <a href="">this blog post</a> post by me.<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will it the media say that California has voted to "open Pandora's box" or "open the floodgates"?<br /><br />If the public votes in favor of Proposition 19, how will the California State Legislature respond? California has 58 counties: Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, Yolo, and Yuba County. How will each county respond? California has 480 incorporated municipalities. If Proposition 19 passes, how soon after will cities/counties pass new legislation related to it? What if a municipal government disagrees with its county government? California has one consolidated city-county, San Francisco. Is it true that county ordinances do not apply to cities unless they are ratified by each individual city? How will Proposition 19 affect the 527 named islands off the California coast?<br /><br />Will the passage of Proposition 19 initiate a cascade of cannabis legalization nationwide or worldwide? Will the passage of Proposition 19 unleash a legal nightmare? If Proposition 19 passes will it make it to the Supreme Court of California? The Supreme Court of the United States? What will the Office of National Drug Control Policy be able to do? The United States Congress? If Proposition 19 passes, what will the President of the United States be able to do? If Proposition 19 passes under the first black president, how will that be spun in the media and on the Internet?<br /><br />How much money will local police departments lose in asset forfeitures? Will police departments continue to seize property despite Proposition 19? What will police do if a person calls 911 because someone stole their weed or robbed their homegrow? How will police respond to weed store robberies, burglaries, and theft? Can weed store owners have firearms for defense on site? Will California have to create a new separate police force to respond to the effects of Proposition 19? Will pawnshops be able to buy/sell growing equipment or seeds? How will insurance companies react to Proposition 19 passing? The headquarters of D.A.R.E. America are in Inglewood, California. If Propositon 19 passes, will DARE change their curriculum in California or nationwide, and if so how?<br /><br />Will only California residents be able to legally buy weed in weed stores? Will weed stores or commercial grow facilities allow photography inside? Cellphones? Smartphones? Who would show their face in a weed store? Can weed stores plaster their walls with nug porn? Can weed stores have on display marijuana plants/trees with thick trunks? Can weed stores have on display marijuana plants that customers pick from themselves? Can customers share weed inside of weed stores? Will some weed stores be overwhelmed by customers? Will there be mob looting? Will certain weed stores often be out of stock? Will demand outpace supply?<br /><br />Will weed photography or marijuana macro photography undergo a boom? Can a store legally sell a fog machine that uses cannabis oil or that actually vaporizes? Will stores be allowed to sell ornamental cannabis plants? Will people be allowed to legally display ornamental cannabis plants in public? Will landscapers be allowed to plant cannabis in existing home/business/city gardens or parking strips? Can home and garden stores legally sell pre-made marijuana growing kits/structures? What if they're marketed towards tomato growers?<br /><br />What's the most/the least a city will tax commercial marijuana? Will there be a set monetary tax per gram, per ounce, per joint, per blunt, per pack, per bud? A percentage of the retail price? Will home gardens be taxed?<br /><br />Can a real estate company sell a house with a grow room already set up? What if plants are already growing in it? What kind of personal vertical grows will be developed? Ones with towers, columns, spiral staircases, scaffolding? Can a homeowner or real estate company or landlord sell/rent a house/apartment that contains multiple harvests of homegrown weed? When people move out of a house or apartment, will they be required to take all of their weed with them? If someone owns a mansion or estate with multiple rooms or multiple outbuildings, can they grow 5x5 in each one? Can a repo company repossess growing equipment or plants or buds?<br /><br />Which stores in California will do the most business? Will smoking lounges/weed stores near the Los Angeles International Airport do the most business? Will private shuttles take people from LAX to nearby weed stores/smoking lounges? Will pilots and air traffic controllers be banned from using marijuana off duty? How will Proposition 19 affect the stock market? Which stocks will go up or down? Will Proposition 19 lead to any Mexican cartel bosses becoming billionaires? Will it lead to any person becoming a millionaire or billionaire?<br /><br />Will rich people hire in-house weed gardeners? Will rich people hire multiple personal gardeners around a city or area who will give/share most or all of their harvest to their employer? Will rich people hire marijuana shoppers? Can a celebrity carry one ounce of marijuana on their person, and each bodyguard or person in their entourage also carry one ounce? Will they have to ride in separate vehicles? Will rich people employ weed carriers? Will stoned celebrities be commonly shown on TMZ? What if someone is carrying brownies or other edibles made with one ounce of marijuana but the edibles weigh over one ounce? How will agents and PR companies manage celebrities who are out with their marijuana use?<br /><br />How will the passage of Proposition 19 affect traffic within California? Traffic entering California? Could the passage of Proposition 19 affect air quality, smog, or visibility? If Prop 19 passes, will people who voted against Proposition 19 move out of Calfornia as they tire of its effects? Will California see an increase in spaced out people, drivers, workers, pedestrians? Will it be legal for drivers or passengers to smoke or vaporize in stationary or moving vehicles? Vehicles with tinted windows? Windowless vans? How will Proposition 19 affect elderly drivers and drivers under 25? Will rental car companies in California ban marijuana smoking/vaping in their vehicles? Will all of their rental cars smell like marijuana smoke anyway? Can someone lawfully make or sell an electric vehicle that emits marijuana smoke/vapor exhaust? Would cannabis vapor exhaust pass a California emissions test? Can someone lawfully manufacture a vehicle with a built in vaporizer? Can someone lawfully make/sell a cannabis vaporizer with a DC connector or that hooks up to a DC connector in an automobile cigarette lighter receptacle? Will cars manufactured in California after the passage of Proposition 19 omit cigarette lighter receptacles to discourage use as a joint or blunt lighter?<br /><br />Can commercial truckers legally transport over 1 oz of weed? If a commercial truck carrying a weed shipment overturns on the freeway, will there be a special quick response team? Looting? What about marijuana field fires next to roads and highways? If commercial transport of over 1 oz is unlawful, will all commercial weed stores be located in the same building as commercial grows? Can a weed store employee lawfully carry over 1 oz of marijuana at a time? If possession/transport of over 1 oz of marijuana is illegal, will all commercial buds over that size have to be cut? Will commercial growers legally be allowed to grow Big Bud or Big Bud-related strains? If commercial growers/sellers are limited to selling buds under 1 oz, will there be a black market for buds over 1 oz? Will transport of marijuana (possibly over 1 oz) by balloons, kites, gliders, RC planes/copters/boats, UAVs, drones, robots, and automatons in-state and out-of-state increase? What if someone drops joints out of a balloon or plane onto a community? Will marijuana be parachuted in or out of state, manned or unmanned?<br /><br />Will weed stores be able to offer free samples? Will there be free marijuana edibles samples in grocery stores? Will it be lawful to promote a company, store, product, club, show, or event by giving away free marijuana or marijuana products? Can a weed store offer free seeds with the purchase of certain products? Can any store? Will weed stores have "buy one get one free" offers? How about "buy one ounce get one free for your friend" offers? Will grocery stores be allowed to sell weed? Will it have to be sold next to alcohol or far away from alcohol? Where tobacco is sold? In a different aisle than tobacco but presented similarly to tobacco? Will barbershops and hair salons be able to legally sell weed? Existing tobacco smoke shops?<br /><br />Will people be able to legally sell used smoking/vaping equipment at yard sales? Flea markets? Can they donate them to goodwill or secondhand stores? Can goodwill or secondhand stores sell smoking/vaping equipment? What about the sale of products at yard sales or markets which include a free gift of marijuana? What about raffles or contests with marijuana prizes? What about the sale of any new or used good that includes a free gift of marijuana or marijuana product?<br /><br />How will the music industry change, the rap industry, comedy clubs, jazz clubs? Will there be an explosion of jam bands in California? Will the cannabis industry employ illegal immigrants who smoke that evil marihuana?<br /><br />Can someone lawfully operate a cannabis catering company? Will there be a limit to the events they can legally cater? Will they be limited to 1 oz total of marijuana or 1 oz total of THC in their products? Could weed delivery guys lawfully transport over 1 oz? Can a pizza place also sell weed? Can they use weed as a pizza topping? Can the delivery guy deliver pizza and weed at the same time? Can any place that sells food offer weed on their menu? Who can lawfully make/sell marijuana-infused pastries? Cakes? Pies? Fillings? Jams? Frostings? Soups? Salads? Sandwiches? Cooking oils? Cooking sprays? Perfumes? Colognes? Incense? Candles? Scented stickers? Soaps? Shampoos? Lotions? Creams? Lip balm? Lipstick? Beauty products? Lubes? THC-dipped condoms and sex toys? Glass dildo pipes? Dildo bongs? Smokable/edible panties?<br /><br />Can people legally consume marijuana in campgrounds? Can people legally grow or buy or consume marijuana on military bases? In ski resorts? Will it be lawful to smoke while cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, scootering? What about consumption on stage, like in a play or musical? Does vaporizing or inhaling from a compressed vapor cylinder underwater at a beach or pool count as smoking in public? At outdoor festivals will sale/consumption of marijuana be limited to weed gardens? If smoking or vaping in public is banned, can someone be arrested based on a digital photo or video of themselves engaging in such activity? Photos or videos found online? Someone smoking from a bong in front of their house on Google Street View? How will vindictive exes use Proposition 19 to their advantage?<br /><br />Will the THC content of commercial strains gradually rise? Will a commercial strain ever reach 30% THC content? 50%? Over time, THC degrades into CBN. Will commercial weed have sell-by dates? Will older stocks be sold on clearance? Will the usage of older marijuana contribute to accidents? Will there be a market for "aged" marijuana? Cannabis cured in certain environments or containers? Sprayed with scents or flavorings? Will California laboratories be able to legally synthesize THC and sell it? Can someone lawfully possess up to one ounce of pure THC crystal?<br /><br />Will companies or people be allowed to make THC concentrates? Will homegrowers be allowed to make as much THC extract as they possibly can? Will there be an increase in deaths related to solvents used by homegrowers to make hash oil? Will the sale of butane increase as more people attempt to make hash oil themselves? Can weed stores sell 1 oz bottles of hash oil? On necklaces? What about hash oil in a glass-like form? Hash oil frozen into various shapes? Instruction guides/books on making hash oil? Refridgerated 1 oz (or smaller) pure THC rocks? How much will 1 oz pure THC rocks sell for? Can weed stores sell kief, kief screens/sieves, resin bricks, pollen presses? Do possession limits apply to male pollen since it contains no THC?<br /><br />Will people throw or give weed to animals in zoos, parks, wildlife refuges, anywhere? Will veterinarians see an increase in pets brought in for marijuana-related incidents? If Proposition 19 passes, will any human or animal die from an overdose of THC? If some 60lb Labrador retrievers each eat 3/5th oz of pure THC, half will die. If some 6lb chihuahuas each eat 1.4g of pure THC, half will die. Will there be an increase in marijuana-related emergency room visits by people?<br /><br />Will California employers no longer be eligible to receive federal government grants or contracts greater than $100,000? Will employers no longer be able to drug test for marijuana? Would an employer be unable to take any disciplinary action against an employee unless their marijuana use "actually impaired" employee performance? Will employers be unable to fire stoned workers until they prove their performance has been impaired? Can an employee fired for marijuana use sue their employer if they can prove they only used a month or week ago?<br /><br />Will K through University schools in California lose as much as $9.4 billion in federal funding? How will Proposition 19 affect test scores in California? College rankings? Will colleges and universities allow smoking/vaping/growing in dorms or classrooms?<br /><br />How will Proposition 19 affect holidays? Can we expect marijuana decorations in commercial stores prior to April 20th? Plastic marijuana plants? Marijuana turkey stuffing? Will there be marijuana Christmas trees? What if a minor trick-or-treating on Halloween comes home with a marijuana edible? Can someone lawfully make/sell Halloween costumes related to marijuana in some way?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how many incidents will there be per year of minors bringing marijuana products to school? What about incidents of minors selling? If a minor brings marijuana edibles to school, what kind of charges will parents be facing? Is cooking with marijuana or a marijuana product in the space of a minor a crime? Is orally consuming a marijuana product in the space of a minor a crime?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in incidents of people putting lit joints/blunts/pipes or automatic smokers/vaporizers/misters inside air conditioning or heating ducts? Will blowing marijuana smoke or vapor with a mechanical fan be outlawed in certain areas? What about with handheld fans? Will Proposition 19 trigger any incidents of mass hysteria? What urban legends will develop after the passage of Proposition 19?<br /><br />Where can marijuana related jewelry legally be sold? Can people make pipe necklaces? Stash necklaces or rings? What existing commercial products can be legally converted into pipes/bongs and sold commercially? On what commercial products can a marijuana leaf be displayed? Where can leaf displaying products be sold? Will there be a marijuana fashion industry? What will marijuana fashion be like? Can someone legally make a dress out of a marijuana leaves? What if they're male leaves? Can someone lawfully make/sell cannabis seed husk pillows? Bud filled pillows or bedding? Marijuana inhalers? Suppositories? Can there be weed spas, saunas, yoga, acupuncture, earcandling, massage therapy? Can weed stores offer any of those in the same building? Can alternative medicine or healing centers sell marijuana, allow smoking on premises?<br /><br />Will existing corporate clothing manufacturers use hemp in their products? Will clothing factories be relocated to California in order to make hemp products? Where can hemp clothing be sold? Hemp lingerie? What kind of products can lawfully be made from hemp? Backpacks? Dog collars? Will hemp jeans outsell denim jeans in California? Where can hemp rope be sold? What business sectors will allow the use of hemp rope? Can people manufacture hemp flags? Hemp books? Cannabis-based inks? Where can hemp books be sold? Can libraries stock hemp books? What kind of marijuana-related books and movies can libraries carry? Will it be lawful to burn hemp products in public? Hemp flags? Hemp books?<br /><br />Will cannabis cultivar names be regulated by the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and have to be registered with an International Cultivar Registration Authority and have to conform to the rules of the International Society for Horticultural Science Commission for Nomenclature and Cultivar Registration? How will Proposition 19 interact with plant breeders' rights? Will a US office for cannabis be established in California where breeders can submit seeds and be granted exclusive rights for 20 years and be able to sue to enforce their rights and recover damages from infringement? Can they sue companies as well as homegrowers? Will the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970 apply to cannabis strains in California, giving breeders 20 years of exclusive control over new, distinct, uniform, and stable cannabis plants? To be eligible for a certificate under the PVPA a plant variety must be new, meaning that propagating or harvested material has not been sold or otherwise disposed of for purposes of exploitation for more than one year in the US or more than four years in any foreign jurisdiction. Will every cannabis seed in the US qualify as a new strain since it hasn't been legally sold for more than one year in the US? Will any seed sold by a foreign seedbank since 2006 qualify as a new strain? Will any strain 5 years or older be fair game for any company or homegrower? Will no cannabis breeders be eligible for plant breeders' rights since cannabis is a Schedule IV drug under the international treaty Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs? Will any California company be able to exclusively profit from any specific cannabis strain?<br /><br />Is a cannabis strain considered intellectual property? What about landraces? What about strains created pre-Prop19? Can cannabinoids be patented? Can THC to CBD ratios be patented? There are over 2500 strains of cannabis. Will weed companies start crossing them, creating an explosion of new strains? Will they cross all of them, producing over 6.2 million strains? Will someone release a Strain Bible? Will a company be started that analyzes strain lineages and genealogies in labs? Will there be niche companies that focus on specific cannabis strains? Niche stores? Niche growers? Niche magazines? Niche awards? Niche TV shows? Niche web shows? Niche websites? Will companies make shirts or other apparel for specific cannabis strains? Will supplies for every strain be nearly unlimited?<br /><br />Will commercially sold marijuana cigarettes require filters? What's the cheapest price a 1 gram joint will be sold for individually or in 24 or 28-packs? What about 1.5 gram joints individually or in 18-packs? What will be the most expensive price? Can loose weed be sold in empty glass bottles or empty liquor bottles? Bongs? Gift wrapped? Will there be weed knockoffs? Which agency will ensure that commercially sold cannabis does not contain adulterants? How can consumers be sure that weed companies are not engaging in price gouging, price fixing, or dividing territories? How many fly by night weed stores will be set up? How will the Better Business Bureau be affected?<br /><br />Will the commercial market be split between people in it for the love of money and people in it for the love of the plant? What will be the first weed company to gross over $100 million in revenue? $500 million? $1 billion? Will weed companies with the biggest revenue be targeted for raids by the federal government? Will the federal government or DEA only go against smaller growers since the bigger ones can buy political influence? Will they only go after the largest companies? Will the federal government wage war on California? Will the federal government use aerials UAVs in California for reconnaissance and surveillance? Will wiretapping all over California increase? If the federal government cracks down hard on California's commercial weed industry, will there be a movement by California to secede?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how will it be seen by the green movement, environmentalists, anti consumerism proponents, etc? Will opposers have massive public protests? Would anyone commit suicide to protest after the passage of Proposition 19? Will there be a schism between "old skool" and corporate cannabis culture? Will people complain that marijuana became too corporate or too popular or too mainstream? Will Proposition 19 be seen as a corporate takeover of cannabis culture? Another attempt to co-opt or appropriate counter-culture for profit? If marijuana is no longer seen as counter-cultural or rebellious, which illegal drug will people flock to? Will there be vandalism of commercial weed stores/facilities?<br /><br />Will existing marijuana awards be split into homegrown/seed company/corporate categories? Will people complain that cannabis award shows became "too corporate"? Will award shows be televised? Shown on YouTube? Shown on the Interent? Which stores can sell DVDs of award shows? Will we see a new subculture that breeds for the worst genetics and worst phenotypes, in order to fuck with or sabotage commercial weed companies? Will we see awards for worst commercially sold cannabis strain, like the Golden Raspberry Awards -- maybe called The Golden Blueberry Awards, The Ditchies, The Brickies, The Schwaggys?<br /><br />Can a cannabis church legally have more than one ounce of marijuana inside their building and also allow smoking on the premises? Will it be protected by First Amendment rights guaranteeing freedom of religion? Which buildings can be designated cannabis churches? Can a home or apartment in a residential area be designed a cannabis church meetinghouse? In Islam, the use of cannabis is generally forbidden. How will Muslims in California react to the passage of Proposition 19? Will Rastas, Hindus, sadhus, sufis, Ethiopian Zion Coptics, and others be able to possess more than one ounce of marijuana according to freedom of religion under the First Amendment? Will Rastafaris see Prop 19 as giving their sacrament over to control by Babylon? Is Proposition 19 what Peter Tosh had in mind when he sang "Legalize it"?<br /><br />Will growing or usage of marijuana be allowed in trailers on movie sets? Will actors or extras be allowed to be stoned on film? Will TV shows provide weed in green rooms? Will people under the influence of marijuana be allowed to appear or perform on live TV or on stage? Will there be weed reality shows? So You Think You Can Grow, Red Eye For the Straight Guy, Project Weedway, How I Met Your Grower, Big Brother: Hotbox Edition, The Ultimate Toker, Smokeout, Takhashy's Castle? What about marijuana use on existing reality shows located in California? Can a reality show be filmed in a weed store, bakery, confectionary, commercial growing facility, farm? Will there be TV infomercials for highdeas? Can cartoons or animated shows that depict marijuana use be lawfully aired in California? Who determines if an animated show is a cartoon or not? Can we expect a flood of primetime TV specials? Can we expect multiple documentary or fiction films based on Proposition 19? Will there be a rise in professional marijuana critics? Which media companies will feature their work? What about shows on the Internet?<br /><br />Will cannabis seed oil be produced on a mass scale? Where can it legally be sold? Who can legally use it to cook with and where? Will it ever be produced on such a scale that a cannabis seed oil spill on the freeway is a possibility? Will there ever be cannabis seed oil pipelines?<br /><br />How will hermaphrodite plants affect commercial growing facilities? Will weed stores sell seeded product for less than sensimilla? Will weed stores be required to separate all seed from their buds? Will weed stores willingly separate all seed from their buds to prevent free homegrowing?<br /><br />What's the most powerful gun a personal homegrower can have at home? Is a homegrower within their right to kill home intruders? Can a homegrower legally set boobytraps on their private property to protect outdoor grows?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will violent crime go down? Will murders in California decrease? Will Proposition 19 affect divorce or separation rates? AA meetings, NA meetings? Prescription drug usage? Will existing black market drug dealers transition to harder drugs? Will existing homegrowers transition to growing shrooms or cooking meth? How long until the first shooting inside a cannabis store or facility? Will theft of weed vending machines be a problem? Will there be a rise in date rape? Will hit-and-run accidents increase in California? Will drownings increase? Animals attacking people under the influence? How prevalent will shoplifting be at weed stores? Will seed theft be a crime? How often will weed stores have their windows broken? Will there be videos of people damaging or destroying marijuana plants on YouTube? Breaking pipes or bongs? Dissecting commercial smoking or vaping equipment? Will damage to other people's plants or growing equipment be considered property damage? Can it be taken to small claims court? Will there be drive-by shootings of weed stores or homegrowers? Will there be weed store or commercial growing facility bombings? Will anyone crash a plane into a weed facility? Will any cannabis entrepreneurs be assassinated?<br /><br />Will marijuana still be a banned substance for athletes in California? Will cannabis specific sports be invented? Sports where participants will be required to consume marijuana beforehand? Will they be televised or shown on the Internet? Will there be a Canna Bowl? What about world records related to marijuana? What about world records broken under the influence of marijuana?<br /><br />Will cities allow cannabis conventions or expos? Will colleges allow marijuana clubs? What kind of roadside attractions related to marijuana will be allowed? Can someone build a marijuana themed amusement park? Will marijuana museums or traveling exhibits be allowed? What about historic marijuana farms? Cannabis historical reenactments? Will there be a High Times dinner theater chain or High Times resorts? Will California or California cities advertise weedcations, potcations, vapecations? Will it be lawful to manufacture/sell Proposition 19 commemorative coins, plates, flags, mugs, spoons, collectibles, pipes, smoking/vaping equipment? Will the sale of 420 watt power supplies or 420 watt bulbs increase? 430 watt power supplies/bulbs marketed as 420 watt? If Proposition 19 passes, what kind of marijuana related apps will be allowed on smartphones? Will home glassware parties be lawful? Marijuana multi-level marketing companies? Will marijuana parades be allowed? Will there be any trample deaths at marijuana events?<br /><br />Can bars with liquor licenses use cannabis extracts as add-ins or mixers in drinks? Only if they also have a weed license? Can stores sell buds submerged in glass bottles full of alcohol? Will people be allowed to legally homebrew with marijuana?<br /><br />Will cannabis research increase by universities and corporations and private companies? If California passes Proposition 19, will it change the legal status of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists/antagonists? Will it be lawful to manufacture a cannabinoid superagonist? Will a company be allowed to apply CB1 selective antagonists to marijuana products to eliminate psychoactive effects or counteract appetite stimulation? If marijuana cures cancer, what did Bill Hicks and Dennis Hopper and Bob Marley die from?<br /><br />How many people in California used marijuana in the past month? If Propositon 19 passes, how will that number change over time? How many people in California currently don't use marijuana because it's illegal? How many currently don't use marijuana simply because they're dry? If Proposition 19 passes, would anyone in California ever be dry ever again? What about current and future usage in surrounding states? Will the use of Federal Reserve Notes to purchase marijuana be outlawed? Will local currencies spring up, perhaps backed by and redeemable in marijuana?<br /><br />Will all cannabis waste have to be disposed of in California? Will it all be burned? Will new biomass plants be constructed in California specifically for cannabis? Can industrial cannabis waste be put on barges or transported out of state? How much cannabis green waste will end up in garbage cans, dumpsters, garbage trucks, and landfills? What about commercial cannabis packaging? Will all commercial cannabis packaging be required to be recyclable or made from recycled materials? Will waste cannabis plant matter be accepted by green waste facilities? How much fertilizer waste will go down the drain in California?<br /><br />Why buy marijuana in a store when you can grow it for free at home? Why pay taxes on marijuana in a store when you can consume it tax free at home? Why grow marijuana at home when you can simply rip off someone's personal outdoor grow? Why buy marijuana in a store when you can just rob some grower's house? Why would teens buy marijuana from dealers when they could just rip off someone's personal outdoor grow or steal from their parents' grow? How often do people who grow their own tomatoes go to the store and buy tomatoes?<br /><br />Will the homeless population of California increase? If a homeless person admits to growing marijuana, will they be imprisoned since they have no residence? If homeless people have no residence to legally grow in, will homeless people be the main customers at weed stores? If a homeless person lists a shelter as their residence, can they legally grow elsewhere? What distance outside a weed store can a homeless person legally panhandle at? Will it be lawful for homeless people to panhandle for weed? Will it be lawful for someone to give a homeless person weed? What if it turns out the homeless person is a minor? Will people have to check a homeless person's ID before giving them weed? How many homeless people carry ID? Will it be legal to busk for weed? Will it be legal to give buskers weed? If Proposition 19 passes, can someone be paid in weed? If Proposition 19 passes, consumption of cannabis by persons over 21 will be lawful in a "residence", which includes temporary dwellings on public property. Will it be lawful for homeless people to smoke in cardboard boxes on the street or elsewhere in tents?<br /><br />There are nearly 100 Federal Indian reservations in California, over 100 federally recognized tribes, and about 40 Indian groups seeking federal recognition. According to the 2000 Census, there were over 220,000 American Indians living in California.<a href="">(source)</a> <a href="">This map</a> shows Indian reservations, rancherias, and colonies in California. If Proposition 19 passes, how will it apply to tribal lands and Indian reservations in California, or will it have no affect whatsoever? Can tribal councils come up with their own marijuana laws? Have American Indians always been able to legally grow marijuana on their reservations? If Indian reservations have no growspace limits, will corporate growers or criminals flock to them? Can Native Americans legally grow marijuana forests on tribal lands? Can tribes grow marijuana on their reservations for sale on and off the reservation? Would they have to pay county or city taxes, fees, licenses? Can Indian casinos legally grow/sell/make marijuana and marijuana accessories and allow smoking on site? Will Indian grown marijuana be sold alongside corporate marijuana in stores? If Proposition 19 fails, can Indian tribes grow or sell or consume marijuana (or allow outsiders to) on tribal lands and reservations anyway?<br /><br />In unincorporated areas or census-designated places in California, will anyone be able to legally grow or sell as much as they want with no growspace limits? Will growing/selling in those areas be against the law? Will people living in such areas have to defer to county law? There are 469 census-designated places in California. What will the passage of Proposition 19 allow people to do in Cabazon, California which unincorporated in 1975?<br /><br />Several lakes overlap California's border. Goose Lake is on the border between California and Oregon. Lake Tahoe is on the border between California and Nevada. Lake Havasu is on the border between California and Arizona. Will marijuana smuggling across lakes between California and Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona increase? Or will it be easier and simpler to smuggle across the California border on roadways? Can someone operate a weed store on the California shores of Lake Tahoe or Lake Havasu or Goose Lake? How close to the shore? What about weed stores on ships? Can people legally grow or consume marijuana on or in houseboats? Any other boats? Will there be an increase in boating accidents in California? There are two marinas on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. Will law enforcement increase interdiction efforts at those two marinas? If federal or Nevada law enforcement does lock down those two marinas, will Lake Tahoe smugglers simply head for other parts of the shoreline?<br /><br />The California Department of Food and Agriculture along with county Agricultural Commissioners maintain over 63,000 detection traps statewide for exotic fruit flies. Federal and state quarantines protect against the entry of exotic pests which could damage California produce. There are 16 Border Protection Stations located on major highways entering California, operating under the authority of the California Food and Agricultural Code. If Proposition 19 is passed, will existing stations begin looking for pests and organisms that affect cannabis? Will temporary or permanent cannabis border protection stations or checkpoints be built on major roads leaving California and entering Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona in order to prevent smuggling?<br /><br />Will smuggling into and selling in Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona be lucrative or will many residents of those states just drive to California to buy their weed? If Proposition 19 passes, will Weed, CA be an extremely popular drug tourist destination? Who will smuggle more marijuana out of California for sale, California residents or non-California residents? Will out-of-state residents mainly smuggle marijuana out for personal use or for sale? Will weed smuggled into surrounding states primarily be smuggled into further US states? Will California weed stores near the California state lines do the most business? Are California counties situated along the Oregon/Nevada/Arizona borders more likely to allow weed stores or not? Will weed stores in Calfornia border counties revitalize towns and communities? Will weed stores located near the borders of surrounding states allow cars with Oregon/Nevada/Arizona or other out-of-state license plates? Will they allow people to drive away with marijuana? Will police hang out at border stores and target cars with Oregon/Nevada/Arizona license plates? Will Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona lower speed limits on roads near the California border exiting California in order to set up speed traps in the hopes of interdicting marijuana and seizing vehicles?<br /><br />Who will be dubbed California's "Prince of Pot" and end up in federal prison for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana like Marc Emery?<br /><br />The following questions are from <a href="">this blog post</a> by me.<br /><br />Tobacco products in the US carry health warnings on their packaging. Alcoholic beverage containers in the US carry Surgeon General's warnings on their packaging. Will legal marijuana sold in California carry health warnings, and if so, what will marijuana health warnings say, and can local governments create their own health warnings? Will health warnings only be displayed on packs of joints or blunts? If all marijuana sold must carry a health warning, will the sale of loose weed be banned, or be required to be sold in a container carrying a health warning, or be sold in a store displaying health warning signs? Will consumers acknowledge or dispute any health risks of smoking or using marijuana?<br /><br />For years people have said "legalize it!" If Prop 19 passes, will it be as great as everyone imagined for all those years?<br /><br />Can someone lawfully possess under one ounce of marijuana in multiple baggies, multiple containers, multiple joints? Will any of those qualify as possession with intent to sell? How many consumers in California will sell or give a commercial joint to a minor? Will mass produced commercial marijuana joints become the most used form of marijuana by minors in California? How many minors in California will be found in possession of commercial marijuana joints, or marijuana that was packaged in commercial marijuana joints?<br /><br />Which venture capitalists/venture capitalism firms will invest in the legal California marijuana industry?<br /><br />Will marijuana workers join or form unions? Will there be a statewide Calfornia marijuana workers union?<br /><br />Will any marijuana monopolies develop in California?<br /><br />Can passengers in stationary/moving vehicles lawfully use marijuana as long as the driver is not impaired? If a cop sees passengers in a moving vehicle using marijuana, will that be enough for him to pull the car over?<br /><br />How will Proposition 19 affect <a href="">Coachella</a> and <a href="">Burning Man</a>?<br /><br />Will marijuana be smuggled out of California on planes, helicopters, hot air balloons, or other aircraft? Can someone legally create a marijuana smoke-or-vapor-filled blimp? Will cannabis be dropped across state lines, or onto barges in the ocean, or into the Pacific? Will fishing vessels be a popular way to smuggle marijuana to Japan and other countries? Will inspections by the Los Angeles Port Police increase? Will the Los Angeles Port Police or other port police hire more officers? How often will underwater smuggling out of California occur? Will any tunnels be built under the California state line to facilitate smuggling? Will there be a movement to build a California border fence?<br /><br />When a private jet enters California airspace, can the passengers legally light up?<br /><br />Will it be legal to use marijuana in bathroom stalls?<br /><br />Can a weed store sell vapor bags that contain cannabis vapor from two or more strains? Can a vapor bar legally vaporize two or more strains at once in a single vaporizer? Can a weed store sell joints or blunts that each contain marijuana from two or more strains? What can blunt wraps legally be made of? Will we see products like Blue Widow joints and Blue Widow deconstructed joints (which contain bud from Blue Widow's parents, Blueberry and White Widow)? What will be the maximum number of different strains that a single joint or blunt can legally contain? Could someone legally sell a one ounce blunt that contains bud from 28 different strains? 100 different strains? Will there be legal limits on the number of different strains that can be extracted and present in containers of oils, tincture, hashes, drops, or edibles? Will it be legal to consume hash oil, tinctures, drops, and other cannabis extracts in public or in private businesses? Can someone patent, trademark, or copyright vapor ratios or joint ratios (for example 1 part OG Kush, 1 part Super Silver Haze, 2 parts Strawberry Cough)? Will it be lawful to flash freeze marijuana buds, plants, seeds?<br /><br />Will home and garden stores or nurseries be allowed to carry cannabis seeds, seedlings, or mature plants?<br /><br />Can cannabis legally be used to make flour, pasta, bread, cake, cookies, chips, crackers, pretzels, donuts, bagels, gravy, sauces, glazes, pudding, granola bars, or italian ices, sorbets, popsicles, snow cones, granitas, gelatos, or other frozen desserts? Can someone legally sell deep fried marijuana or deep fried food made with marijuana? Does S.258 affect marijuana products that contain any sugar or other sweeteners? Will any marijuana products be required to carry nutrition facts, expiration dates, or sell-by dates?<br /><br />Can ice cream trucks also sell weed? Will someone be able to lawfully operate a marijuana truck or WeedMobile for mobile sales, or a mobile headshop, or a mobile grow equipment vehicle? Will a local government enact a law or ordinance that allows for licenses for people or companies to transport over one ounce of marijuana and sell it out of a vehicle? Will there be limits on the other products they can sell out of the vehicle?<br /><br />Will there be a restriction on various other products that weed stores will be allowed to sell?<br /><br />Can we expect gift packages containing complete sets of High Times Cannabis Cup awards winners from the past decade and beyond? Complete lines of other cup winners? Can they be sold in California airports? Will they be a seasonal item that appears in stores before April 20th? <br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, what will happen in California on April 20th, 2011?<br /><br />Will old strains considered to be rare or no longer available, re-emerge commercially if Prop 19 passes?<br /><br />Where can marijuana grinders and choppers, designer gravity bongs, designer roach clips, designer stash boxes, and weed diversion safes be sold? Will it be legal to transport diversion safes in vehicles? If a cop pulls someone over and discovers a diversion safe with under an ounce of marijuana in it, will the driver be charged with anything?<br /><br />Will there be height or size requirements on bongs made/sold?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 allow local governments to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in their jurisdiction since many if not all dispensaries are commercial enterprises?<br /><br />Will people be allowed to carry up to one ounce of weed on trains, including trains heading out of state, and can train passengers legally consume marijuana on trains?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will weed stores be able to set up Facebook pages? Will minors be able to Friend them or Like them? Will weed stores be able to list prices and sales on Facebook or Twitter?<br /><br />Can a California marijuana business set up an online store and accept online orders from California residents and ship to California residents? What kind of images or photographs or pictures or video or flash or HTML5 or content will they be allowed to display? Will minors be able to access the sites easily? Will users have to go through an extensive screening process or age verification or identity verification before being able to access the site?<br /><br />Can a California company set up an online auction site specifically for person to person marijuana transactions? Will any local government or tribal council in California grant limited use marijuana sales licenses to sellers for such transactions, or perhaps allow a company to act as a some kind of broker or escrow service where a provider gives marijuana to the licensed broker, the broker accepts a donation from an interested party and keeps a commission, then gives the goods to the interested party, and donates money to the provider?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will there be an explosion of cybersquatting related to marijuana related domain names? Will California enact laws pertaining to the websites of weed stores and commercial growing companies? Will the United States Congress? What kind of online marketing can California marijuana businesses engage in? Can Calfornia marijuana businesses upload videos to Youtube, Google Video, or other online video sites? Will California marijuana businesses with a large online presence be targeted by the federal government?<br /><br />Will it be legal to make/sell e-joints (electronic joints) or e-blunts (electronic blunts), much like e-cigarettes? Will there be laws on where they can be used? Can e-joints or e-blunts be used legally in public? Will it be legal to make/sell electronic bud changers (or hash, oil, tincture changers) which switch between strains for bongs or other devices? Will it be legal to make/sell cartridges for specific smoking/vaporizing devices? Will it be legal to make/sell USB devices or electronic storage drives shaped like marijuana leaves, joints, bongs, etc? An electronic device called a HotBox? Will it be legal to make/sell digital bongs or other smoking devices that connect to the Internet and send updates upon use? Will companies be allowed to sell marijuana themed computer casemods or equipment to perform them?<br /><br />Will it be legal to make/sell a bong or pipe that looks like a firearm? Will it be legal to convert an existing firearm into a smoking device (a shotgun for example)? Will the sale of firearm smoking devices be limited to gun stores? Will there be limits on what legal pipes, bongs, and other smoking devices can be manufactured to look like? Will there be restrictions on smoking devices that perform additional functions? Can someone make/sell a cellphone that is also a vaporizer? Can someone make/sell an e-joint or vaporizer that plugs into a USB port or other port on a mobile electronic gadget or other computer device?<br /><br />Will people in California applying for marijuana related patents or trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office be subject to federal prosecution?<br /><br />Will it be legal to bring a gun into a weed store, marijuana bar, marijuana restaurant, or any business that sells marijuana products (including mobile businesses)?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in 911 calls where people say someone stole their marijuana or growing equipment or is trying to break into their growhouse? Will police be able to do much about such theft? How often will police arrest the person who was robbed? What kind of 911 calls related to marijuana will be considered appropriate?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will it be legal for people to produce cannabis extracts and add them to other plant matter and sell it as potpourri or incense without a license?<br /><br />Will companies be allowed to make/sell plastics derived from cannabis?<br /><br />Will California residents who work for the United States Postal Service or other organizations that drug test be allowed to use legal marijuana when not at work? Any federal employees in California? People working for federally funded research and development centers in California? How about people employed or interning within the government of California or other state government agencies, departments, and commissions? Will employees in California have privacy rights regarding their cannabis usage when not at work? Will admitting to cannabis usage affect anyone's position in various organizations?<br /><br />As of <a href="">June 2010</a>, the average retail price of electricity to consumers in California was $0.1551/kWh for the residential sector, $0.1498/kWh for the commercial sector, $0.1127/kWh for the industrial sector, $0.0839/kWh for the transportation sector, and $0.1441/kWh for all sectors. If Prop 19 passes and there is an increase in industrial growing and homegrowing using HID lighting, will power companies in California raise their rates to take advantage of the spike in power usage? Will they raise their rates to dissuade use or strengthen their infrastructure? <br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will the increase in industrial indoor cannabis production as well as homegrown indoor cannabis production, coupled with the popularization of electric vehicles, put a large strain on California's electrical infrastructure? Will increased electrical usage output more greenhouse gases or carbon into the atmosphere? What quantity of greenhouse emissions will be produced by electrical use by the indoor commercial marijuana industry or the indoor homegrow culture?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will cities and counties pass laws saying that homegrowers must have their indoor grow rooms inspected by a licensed professionals?<br /><br />Can homegrowers legally burn waste cannabis plant matter in their yards? Will anyone make washing machine hash as described by Jorge Cervantes, but end up damaging their machine? Will anyone attempt it with a washing machine in a laundromat? If Prop 19 passes, will there be a large legal hash making industry in California? Will there also be a large underground hash making industry in California? Will commercial growers sell waste plant matter to hash making companies? Will it be legal to transport over one ounce of non-bud cannabis plant matter in California? Will the use of hash and other marijuana concentrates increase in California jails and prisons, and will it be evident by an increase in seized contraband?<br /><br />How much more waste associated with marijuana growing will end up in landfills? Will any industrial wastewater end up in rivers, lakes, or groundwater? What about the effect of homegrow wastewater on water systems and water supplies?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will homegrowers without patient cards be able to sell their product to medical marijuana dispensaries? If Prop 19 passes, will dispensaries and collective stop buying product from patient members?<br /><br />Will there be limits on how much marijuana can be bought by a customer daily in medical marijuana dispensaries? If there is no limit, will medical marijuana be priced higher than weed in legal weed stores to dissuade smuggling?<br /><br />In October 2010, there was an incident on Falcon Lake on the US/Mexico border on the Rio Grande where Mexican pirates shot and killed a man jetskiing named David Hartley. The lead Mexican investigator in the case, police commander Rolando Armando Flores Villegas, was <a href="">decapitated</a> and his head was delivered in a suitcase to the Mexican military. If Prop 19 passes, will there be drug smuggling pirates on Lake Havasu and Lake Tahoe? Can we expect beheadings of California officers and detectives? Can we expect killings of people in California attempting to smuggle marijuana out of California, or people mistakenly believed to be smuggling and/or part of a rival organization?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, what kind of lawsuits will be filed afterwards?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in break-ins or thefts of cars that have marijuana and/or marijuana products inside? Will parking lots of weed stores be a popular spot for criminals?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, eventually will California supply most of the cannabis consumed in the US, or possibly in the world? Years later will marijuana farming and/or marijuana product manufacturing be outsourced to low-wage or slave laborers in China or India?<br /><br />How many substances can users combine with marijuana, and how many combinations of substances and 2,000 marijuana strains are there, and what effect will all of those combinations have on people?<br /><br />Will companies be able to make/sell marijuana joints with menthol? Can a company lawfully use CYP inhibitors as an additive in their marijuana products? What additives can be used in the production of marijuana products? Will a company be allowed to purchase hashes, oils, tinctures, waxes, drops, or other cannabis concentrates and add them to their own products? Will a company be allowed to purchase hash oils wholesale in bulk and mix them all in any way they want? Will the Food and Drug Administration regulate marijuana products in California, or will local agencies perform that function?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will the security industry in California explode due to the security needs of marijuana businesses, with thousands and thousands of security contractors, ex-military, private military companies, and mercenaries entering California (including perhaps ex-members of the Mexican Armed Forces, possibly with ties to Mexican drug cartels, or security contractors with ties to any criminal organizations)?<br /><br />Since Prop 19 claims intent to limit Health and Safety Code sections 11014.5 and 11364.5 relating to drug paraphernalia, does Prop 19 also legalize all drug pipes used in California, or provide a plausible cover story for possession of any and all drug pipes in California?<br /><br />Will California companies be able to legally sell marijuana or marijuana products that were imported from foreign countries? What if the company selling the product didn't do the importing, someone else imported the product and the company purchased it from them for resale? If the sale of foreign cannabis imports is not allowed in California, will that also apply to imported cannabis seeds? If company in California is found to be selling imported cannabis seeds within California, will they simply have to pay a fine? What will happen if any of those seeds are found leaving California or found outside California?prop19questions, more questionsThe following 150 questions brings the grand total to 1,500 questions about Proposition 19. <br /><br />(Although I've also asked questions about Prop 19 in other blog posts besides <a href="">Initial questions</a> (850), and <a href="">500 more questions</a> (500).)<br /><br />Tobacco products in the US carry health warnings on their packaging. Alcoholic beverage containers in the US carry Surgeon General's warnings on their packaging. Will legal marijuana sold in California carry health warnings, and if so, what will marijuana health warnings say, and can local governments create their own health warnings? Will health warnings only be displayed on packs of joints or blunts? If all marijuana sold must carry a health warning, will the sale of loose weed be banned, or be required to be sold in a container carrying a health warning, or be sold in a store displaying health warning signs? Will consumers acknowledge or dispute any health risks of smoking or using marijuana?<br /><br />For years people have said "legalize it!" If Prop 19 passes, will it be as great as everyone imagined for all those years?<br /><br />Can someone lawfully possess under one ounce of marijuana in multiple baggies, multiple containers, multiple joints? Will any of those qualify as possession with intent to sell? How many consumers in California will sell or give a commercial joint to a minor? Will mass produced commercial marijuana joints become the most used form of marijuana by minors in California? How many minors in California will be found in possession of commercial marijuana joints, or marijuana that was packaged in commercial marijuana joints?<br /><br />Which venture capitalists/venture capitalism firms will invest in the legal California marijuana industry?<br /><br />Will marijuana workers join or form unions? Will there be a statewide Calfornia marijuana workers union?<br /><br />Will any marijuana monopolies develop in California?<br /><br />Can passengers in stationary/moving vehicles lawfully use marijuana as long as the driver is not impaired? If a cop sees passengers in a moving vehicle using marijuana, will that be enough for him to pull the car over?<br /><br />How will Proposition 19 affect <a href="">Coachella</a> and <a href="">Burning Man</a>?<br /><br />Will marijuana be smuggled out of California on planes, helicopters, hot air balloons, or other aircraft? Can someone legally create a marijuana smoke-or-vapor-filled blimp? Will cannabis be dropped across state lines, or onto barges in the ocean, or into the Pacific? Will fishing vessels be a popular way to smuggle marijuana to Japan and other countries? Will inspections by the Los Angeles Port Police increase? Will the Los Angeles Port Police or other port police hire more officers? How often will underwater smuggling out of California occur? Will any tunnels be built under the California state line to facilitate smuggling? Will there be a movement to build a California border fence?<br /><br />When a private jet enters California airspace, can the passengers legally light up?<br /><br />Will it be legal to use marijuana in bathroom stalls?<br /><br />Can a weed store sell vapor bags that contain cannabis vapor from two or more strains? Can a vapor bar legally vaporize two or more strains at once in a single vaporizer? Can a weed store sell joints or blunts that each contain marijuana from two or more strains? What can blunt wraps legally be made of? Will we see products like Blue Widow joints and Blue Widow deconstructed joints (which contain bud from Blue Widow's parents, Blueberry and White Widow)? What will be the maximum number of different strains that a single joint or blunt can legally contain? Could someone legally sell a one ounce blunt that contains bud from 28 different strains? 100 different strains? Will there be legal limits on the number of different strains that can be extracted and present in containers of oils, tincture, hashes, drops, or edibles? Will it be legal to consume hash oil, tinctures, drops, and other cannabis extracts in public or in private businesses? Can someone patent, trademark, or copyright vapor ratios or joint ratios (for example 1 part OG Kush, 1 part Super Silver Haze, 2 parts Strawberry Cough)? Will it be lawful to flash freeze marijuana buds, plants, seeds?<br /><br />Will home and garden stores or nurseries be allowed to carry cannabis seeds, seedlings, or mature plants?<br /><br />Can cannabis legally be used to make flour, pasta, bread, cake, cookies, chips, crackers, pretzels, donuts, bagels, gravy, sauces, glazes, pudding, granola bars, or italian ices, sorbets, popsicles, snow cones, granitas, gelatos, or other frozen desserts? Can someone legally sell deep fried marijuana or deep fried food made with marijuana? Does S.258 affect marijuana products that contain any sugar or other sweeteners? Will any marijuana products be required to carry nutrition facts, expiration dates, or sell-by dates?<br /><br />Can ice cream trucks also sell weed? Will someone be able to lawfully operate a marijuana truck or WeedMobile for mobile sales, or a mobile headshop, or a mobile grow equipment vehicle? Will a local government enact a law or ordinance that allows for licenses for people or companies to transport over one ounce of marijuana and sell it out of a vehicle? Will there be limits on the other products they can sell out of the vehicle?<br /><br />Will there be a restriction on various other products that weed stores will be allowed to sell?<br /><br />Can we expect gift packages containing complete sets of High Times Cannabis Cup awards winners from the past decade and beyond? Complete lines of other cup winners? Can they be sold in California airports? Will they be a seasonal item that appears in stores before April 20th? <br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, what will happen in California on April 20th, 2011?<br /><br />Will old strains considered to be rare or no longer available, re-emerge commercially if Prop 19 passes?<br /><br />Where can marijuana grinders and choppers, designer gravity bongs, designer roach clips, designer stash boxes, and weed diversion safes be sold? Will it be legal to transport diversion safes in vehicles? If a cop pulls someone over and discovers a diversion safe with under an ounce of marijuana in it, will the driver be charged with anything?<br /><br />Will there be height or size requirements on bongs made/sold?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 allow local governments to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in their jurisdiction since many if not all dispensaries are commercial enterprises?<br /><br />Will people be allowed to carry up to one ounce of weed on trains, including trains heading out of state, and can train passengers legally consume marijuana on trains?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will weed stores be able to set up Facebook pages? Will minors be able to Friend them or Like them? Will weed stores be able to list prices and sales on Facebook or Twitter?<br /><br />Can a California marijuana business set up an online store and accept online orders from California residents and ship to California residents? What kind of images or photographs or pictures or video or flash or HTML5 or content will they be allowed to display? Will minors be able to access the sites easily? Will users have to go through an extensive screening process or age verification or identity verification before being able to access the site?<br /><br />Can a California company set up an online auction site specifically for person to person marijuana transactions? Will any local government or tribal council in California grant limited use marijuana sales licenses to sellers for such transactions, or perhaps allow a company to act as a some kind of broker or escrow service where a provider gives marijuana to the licensed broker, the broker accepts a donation from an interested party and keeps a commission, then gives the goods to the interested party, and donates money to the provider?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will there be an explosion of cybersquatting related to marijuana related domain names? Will California enact laws pertaining to the websites of weed stores and commercial growing companies? Will the United States Congress? What kind of online marketing can California marijuana businesses engage in? Can Calfornia marijuana businesses upload videos to Youtube, Google Video, or other online video sites? Will California marijuana businesses with a large online presence be targeted by the federal government?<br /><br />Will it be legal to make/sell e-joints (electronic joints) or e-blunts (electronic blunts), much like e-cigarettes? Will there be laws on where they can be used? Can e-joints or e-blunts be used legally in public? Will it be legal to make/sell electronic bud changers (or hash, oil, tincture changers) which switch between strains for bongs or other devices? Will it be legal to make/sell cartridges for specific smoking/vaporizing devices? Will it be legal to make/sell USB devices or electronic storage drives shaped like marijuana leaves, joints, bongs, etc? An electronic device called a HotBox? Will it be legal to make/sell digital bongs or other smoking devices that connect to the Internet and send updates upon use? Will companies be allowed to sell marijuana themed computer casemods or equipment to perform them?<br /><br />Will it be legal to make/sell a bong or pipe that looks like a firearm? Will it be legal to convert an existing firearm into a smoking device (a shotgun for example)? Will the sale of firearm smoking devices be limited to gun stores? Will there be limits on what legal pipes, bongs, and other smoking devices can be manufactured to look like? Will there be restrictions on smoking devices that perform additional functions? Can someone make/sell a cellphone that is also a vaporizer? Can someone make/sell an e-joint or vaporizer that plugs into a USB port or other port on a mobile electronic gadget or other computer device?<br /><br />Will people in California applying for marijuana related patents or trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office be subject to federal prosecution?<br /><br />Will it be legal to bring a gun into a weed store, marijuana bar, marijuana restaurant, or any business that sells marijuana products (including mobile businesses)?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in 911 calls where people say someone stole their marijuana or growing equipment or is trying to break into their growhouse? Will police be able to do much about such theft? How often will police arrest the person who was robbed? What kind of 911 calls related to marijuana will be considered appropriate?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will it be legal for people to produce cannabis extracts and add them to other plant matter and sell it as potpourri or incense without a license?<br /><br />Will companies be allowed to make/sell plastics derived from cannabis?<br /><br />Will California residents who work for the United States Postal Service or other organizations that drug test be allowed to use legal marijuana when not at work? Any federal employees in California? People working for federally funded research and development centers in California? How about people employed or interning within the government of California or other state government agencies, departments, and commissions? Will employees in California have privacy rights regarding their cannabis usage when not at work? Will admitting to cannabis usage affect anyone's position in various organizations?<br /><br />As of <a href="">June 2010</a>, the average retail price of electricity to consumers in California was $0.1551/kWh for the residential sector, $0.1498/kWh for the commercial sector, $0.1127/kWh for the industrial sector, $0.0839/kWh for the transportation sector, and $0.1441/kWh for all sectors. If Prop 19 passes and there is an increase in industrial growing and homegrowing using HID lighting, will power companies in California raise their rates to take advantage of the spike in power usage? Will they raise their rates to dissuade use or strengthen their infrastructure? <br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will the increase in industrial indoor cannabis production as well as homegrown indoor cannabis production, coupled with the popularization of electric vehicles, put a large strain on California's electrical infrastructure? Will increased electrical usage output more greenhouse gases or carbon into the atmosphere? What quantity of greenhouse emissions will be produced by electrical use by the indoor commercial marijuana industry or the indoor homegrow culture?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will cities and counties pass laws saying that homegrowers must have their indoor grow rooms inspected by a licensed professionals?<br /><br />Can homegrowers legally burn waste cannabis plant matter in their yards? Will anyone make washing machine hash as described by Jorge Cervantes, but end up damaging their machine? Will anyone attempt it with a washing machine in a laundromat? If Prop 19 passes, will there be a large legal hash making industry in California? Will there also be a large underground hash making industry in California? Will commercial growers sell waste plant matter to hash making companies? Will it be legal to transport over one ounce of non-bud cannabis plant matter in California? Will the use of hash and other marijuana concentrates increase in California jails and prisons, and will it be evident by an increase in seized contraband?<br /><br />How much more waste associated with marijuana growing will end up in landfills? Will any industrial wastewater end up in rivers, lakes, or groundwater? What about the effect of homegrow wastewater on water systems and water supplies?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will homegrowers without patient cards be able to sell their product to medical marijuana dispensaries? If Prop 19 passes, will dispensaries and collective stop buying product from patient members?<br /><br />Will there be limits on how much marijuana can be bought by a customer daily in medical marijuana dispensaries? If there is no limit, will medical marijuana be priced higher than weed in legal weed stores to dissuade smuggling?<br /><br />In October 2010, there was an incident on Falcon Lake on the US/Mexico border on the Rio Grande where Mexican pirates shot and killed a man jetskiing named David Hartley. The lead Mexican investigator in the case, police commander Rolando Armando Flores Villegas, was <a href="">decapitated</a> and his head was delivered in a suitcase to the Mexican military. If Prop 19 passes, will there be drug smuggling pirates on Lake Havasu and Lake Tahoe? Can we expect beheadings of California officers and detectives? Can we expect killings of people in California attempting to smuggle marijuana out of California, or people mistakenly believed to be smuggling and/or part of a rival organization?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, what kind of lawsuits will be filed afterwards?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in break-ins or thefts of cars that have marijuana and/or marijuana products inside? Will parking lots of weed stores be a popular spot for criminals?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, eventually will California supply most of the cannabis consumed in the US, or possibly in the world? Years later will marijuana farming and/or marijuana product manufacturing be outsourced to low-wage or slave laborers in China or India?<br /><br />How many substances can users combine with marijuana, and how many combinations of substances and 2,000 marijuana strains are there, and what effect will all of those combinations have on people?<br /><br />Will companies be able to make/sell marijuana joints with menthol? Can a company lawfully use CYP inhibitors as an additive in their marijuana products? What additives can be used in the production of marijuana products? Will a company be allowed to purchase hashes, oils, tinctures, waxes, drops, or other cannabis concentrates and add them to their own products? Will a company be allowed to purchase hash oils wholesale in bulk and mix them all in any way they want? Will the Food and Drug Administration regulate marijuana products in California, or will local agencies perform that function?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, will the security industry in California explode due to the security needs of marijuana businesses, with thousands and thousands of security contractors, ex-military, private military companies, and mercenaries entering California (including perhaps ex-members of the Mexican Armed Forces, possibly with ties to Mexican drug cartels, or security contractors with ties to any criminal organizations)?<br /><br />Since Prop 19 claims intent to limit Health and Safety Code sections 11014.5 and 11364.5 relating to drug paraphernalia, does Prop 19 also legalize all drug pipes used in California, or provide a plausible cover story for possession of any and all drug pipes in California?<br /><br />Will California companies be able to legally sell marijuana or marijuana products that were imported from foreign countries? What if the company selling the product didn't do the importing, someone else imported the product and the company purchased it from them for resale? If the sale of foreign cannabis imports is not allowed in California, will that also apply to imported cannabis seeds? If company in California is found to be selling imported cannabis seeds within California, will they simply have to pay a fine? What will happen if any of those seeds are found leaving California or found outside California?prop19questions, near the California borderThe following are places near the California border. If Prop 19 passes, California border towns with legal weed stores may do a lot of business among out-of-state residents. I've also included cities with large populations that are somewhat close to the California border. Traffickers may originate in those cities. This blog post is primarily about potential smuggling on California roadways if Prop 19 passes, although there are several other ways of smuggling marijuana out of California. <br /><br />People with a doctor's recommendations might currently grow and smuggle, ship, transport marijuana out of California, but Prop 19 makes homegrowing legal for <i>every</i> person in California. More growers means more smugglers. And if cities allow weed stores and produce industrial volumes and prices drop, high amounts of cheap available California weed means more profit for smugglers if street prices stay relatively high elsewhere in the US. Prop 19 creates incentive for criminals or criminal organizations to relocate to California or increase their presence in California since growing marijuana will be legal, buying cheap marijuana will be legal in cities that allow weed stores, and industrial volumes of cannabis might be produced in California. More growers also means more opportunities for theft. And a wave of international drug tourists means more opportunities for hard drug sales.<br /><br />For some perspective, California is the most populous state in the US with over 36.9 million people, 8 of America's 50 most populous cities, and has the 2nd and 6th biggest census statistical areas in the US. California has the largest GDP in the US, and is responsible for 13% of US GDP. California's GDP is larger than all but 8 countries in the world.<br /><br />California has 840 miles of coastline. The Port of Los Angeles/Port of Long Beach is the largest in America, and handles 1/4 of all container cargo traffic in the US. There are 10 deep water seaports in California: Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Port Hueneme, Redwood City, Richmond, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, and Stockton.<br /><br />California has 300 airports. Of those, 128 are general aviation airports. LAX is the 6th busiest airport in the world with over 56.5 million passengers last year. SFO is the 24th busiest airport in the world with over 37.3 million passengers last year.<br /><br />California is 3rd largest US state by area with over 163,000 square miles. It borders 3 US States: Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. The California/Oregon border is about 219 miles long. The California/Nevada border is about 609 miles long. The California/Arizona border is over 158 miles long. Six Interstate Highways pass through California: I-5, I-8, I-10, I-15, I-40, and I-80. Seven U.S. Routes go through California: US 6, US 50, US 95, US 97, US 101, US 199, and US 395.<br /><br />Los Angeles County is the gang capital of America with an estimated 120,000 gang members and it alone has over 1,300 gangs. Mexico and Tijuana Cartel turf in Mexico are adjacent to California. The California/Mexico border is about 140 miles long. There are 6 US/Mexico border crossings in between California and Mexico. California also borders Arizona which borders Mexico. There are already drug cartels present in California. If Prop 19 passes, I can only imagine an increase in their illegal activity (and now legalized activity). <br /><br />Prop 19 will allow anyone in California to legally homegrow, regardless of criminal record or gang affiliation, but perhaps a <a href="">gang injunction</a> could be used to ban gang members from growing or transporting marijuana. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> Los Angeles experimented with gang injunctions in the 1980s. But the first gang injunction to make headlines was one in 1987 by LA City Attorney James Hahn vs the Playboy Gangster Crips based in West LA. In 1993, the LA City Attorney office filed for an injunction against 500 members of the Blythe Street Gang of Panorama City. The ACLU opposed the injunction but it was issued anyway. Gang injunctions have also been issued in Burbank, Modesto, Oxnard, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, San Diego, San Jose, and Westminster. Wikipedia <a href="">says</a> there are currently 37 gang injunctions in Los Angeles, against 11,000 gang members in 57 gangs. Wikipedia says from 2001 to 2006, gang membership in Los Angeles declined 33%, from 57,000 members to approximately 39,000 members. (Incidentally, a RAND paper from July stated that about 20,000 houses in California could supply the entire US, like I <a href="">blogged</a> about here. Prop 19 supporters have argued that Prop 19 could cripple Mexican drug cartels, but why wouldn't drug cartels move to California or employ Californians and look to eliminate their smuggler competition? Earlier I <a href="">blogged</a> about Prop 19's potential impact on drug cartels.)<br /><br />Drug smugglers traveling on California roadways might take these routes. Smugglers might smuggle from small towns near the California state line to small towns on the other side of the state line, they might smuggle from small towns near the California state line to large cities in other states, they might smuggle from large cities in California to small towns on the other side of the state line, they might smuggle from large cities in California to large cities in other states. There may be smugglers originating Calfornia that do all the above. If Prop 19 passes, criminal organizations will fight over territory and trafficking routes. Independent smugglers may very well be robbed or killed by large crime syndicates.<br /><br />There may be more smuggling from cities/counties that allow retail weed stores if retail marijuana is priced considerably lower than the current street value of marijuana in other states (or other cities/counties in California. Currently only 1 out of 10 cities in California allow legal medical marijuana dispensaries). Although Prop 19 will allow legal homegrowing statewide. Homegrowing near the California state line would allow for quick trips across the border (or even underground tunnels), although law enforcement may have a large presence in California counties along the California state line.<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, smugglers could homegrow legally in under 25 square feet and keep any harvests, and groups of smugglers could legally transport 28g of marijuana separately until near the California state line, where perhaps their goods would be combined in one or more vehicles for transport across the California border and into other US states (although it might be less risky for them to just leave big cities with pounds and pounds of marijuana and drive a straight shot over the border, possibly changing cars in another state). Criminal organizations could legally grow as much as possible, and legally funnel their harvests to central locations near the California border, where possession would also likely be legal, since possession of any harvest in a residence would be legal. Smugglers would only have to worry about (1) loading more than one ounce into a vehicle for crossing the border, (2) hiding it, (3) crossing the border. (But there are plenty of ways to smuggle things out of California besides driving a vehicle over the border, although vehicle smuggling may be the most popular.) If the goal of smugglers is to smuggle high amounts of cannabis over the California border, they might as well do their legal growing as close to the Calfornia border as possible to cut the distance where they're at risk for arrest in California (although they'll be at risk for arrest the entire time while in other US states). If criminal organizations already have large existing presences in California cities, they may do all their growing there, and their growers would not stand out in the population. Then they would combine their harvests, and employ mules to do the border crossing.<br /><br />I've marked many of these places on <a href=" 103497440553802576651.0004903c7042d3fbfa16f">this custom public Google map</a>.<br /><br /><small>*most data on population and housing units is from the 2000 Census, some figures are newer</small><br /><br /><b>Table of Contents</b><br /><ol id="toc"><li><a href="#or">Places in northern California near the Oregon border</a></li> <li><a href="#nv">Places in eastern California near the Nevada border</a></li> <li><a href="#az">Places in south-eastern California near the Arizona border</a></li> <li><a href="#mx">Places in southern California near the Mexico border</a></li> </ol><br /><a name="or"><h2>Places in northern California near the Oregon border</h2></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The California counties that border Oregon are <a href=",_California">Del Norte</a>, <a href=",_California">Siskiyou</a>, and <a href=",_California">Modoc County</a>. As of the 2000 Census, Del Norte County had over 27,500 people, Siskiyou County had over 44,300 people, and Modoc County had over 9,400 people. The only incorporated city in Del Norte County is Crescent City. The biggest city in Siskiyou County is Yreka. The only incorporated city in Modoc County is Alturas.<br /><br />I've read that <a href=",_California">Khoonkhwuttunne, CA</a> in Del Norte County is a (perhaps former) Tolowa Indian settlement at the mouth of Smith River.<br /><br />I've read there are about 1,200 Tolowa members of Tolowa Nation, Smith River and Elk Valley Rancherias and they still live in their traditional territories. <a href=",_Oregon">Harbor, OR</a> is a place very close to the California border along the Pacific coast. Khoonkhwuttunne, CA to Harbor, OR is a 8.8 mile, 17 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Harbor,+OR">drive</a> on <a href="">U.S. Route 101</a>, the Oregon Coast Highway. Harbor, OR is a CDP with over 2600 people, and is 1.2 miles from <a href=",_Oregon">Brookings, OR</a>, which has over 6,400 people and an airport. The total population of the Brookings area is over 13,000, which includes Harbor and other areas. <br /><br />South of Khoonkhwuttunne is <a href="">Tolowa Dunes State Park</a>. The supermax prison <a href="">Pelican Bay State Prison</a> is west of US 101 and east of Tolowa Dunes State Park. In April 2001, Mike Geniella of the <i>The Press Democrat</i>, a daily newspaper published in <a href=",_California">Santa Rosa</a> with the largest circulation on the <a href="</a>California North Coast</a>, wrote about prison gangs such as the <a href="">Aryan Brotherhood</a>, <a href="">Black Guerrilla Family</a>, <a href="">Mexican Mafia</a>, <a href="">Nazi Lowriders</a>, and <a href="">Nuestra Familia</a> coordinating outside operations via secret communications inside Pelican Bay's Security Housing Unit.<a href="">(source)</a><br /><br />Further south on US 101 is <a href=",_California">Crescent City, CA</a>, the only incorporated city in Del Norte County. It has a population over 7,300, over 1,750 housing units, and is about 20 miles from the Oregon border. Crescent City, CA to Harbor, OR is a 25 mile, 36 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Harbor,+OR">drive</a> on US 101. Nine miles east of Crescent City on <a href="">U.S. Route 199</a> is <a href="">Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park</a>. It was established in 1929 and covers 40 square kilometers.<br /><br />South of Del Norte County is <a href=",_California">Humboldt County</a>, which is known for its marijuana (particularly the Trainwreck strain), and has an estimated population of 129,000. <a href=",_California">Eureka, CA</a> is the county seat of Humboldt County, has over 26,000 people, and over 11,600 housing units. The greater Eureka area has over 42,200 people. Eureka, CA to Harbor, OR is a 109 mile, 2 hour 4 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Harbor,+OR">drive</a> on US 101. Near Eureka is the 56,585-acre <a href="">Yurok Indian reservation</a> in Del Norte and Humboldt Counties. There are over 3,500 enrolled Yurok tribal members and they live on the Yurok Reservation, and the Big Lagoon, Blue Lake, Elk Valley, Resighni, Smith River, and Trinidad rancherias as well as areas near and in Humboldt County. The Yurok tribe is the largest Indian tribe in California.<a href=",_California">Arcata, CA</a> in Humboldt is home to Humboldt State University, and has over 17,000 people. Arcata, CA to Harbor, OR is a 102 mile, 1 hour 57 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Harbor,+OR">drive</a> on U.S. Route 101.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Gasquet, CA</a> is an unincorporated community northeast of Crescent City, and is 22 miles south of the Oregon border, and has a population over 500. Gasquet, CA to Cave Junction, OR is a 37.5 mile, 57 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Cave+Junction,+OR">drive</a> on <a href="">U.S. Route 199</a>. <a href=",_Oregon">Cave Junction, OR</a> has over 1,750 people. <br /><br /><a href=",_California">Hornbrook, CA</a> in Siskiyou County is a CDP with a population over 280. Hornbrook, CA to Ashland, OR is a 24 mile, 29 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Ashland,+OR">drive</a>. <a href=",_Oregon">Ashland, OR</a> has over 21,600 people and over 9,000 housing units. Ashland, OR to Medford, OR is a 13 mile, 22 minute <a href=",+OR+to+Medford,+OR">drive</a> north. Hornbrook, CA to Medford, OR is a 37.1 mile, 46 minute <a href=", CA to Medford, OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5. <a href=",_Oregon">Medford, OR</a> has over 77,000 people and over 26,000 housing units. The Medford metro area has over 207,000 people, the 4th largest in Oregon.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Yreka, CA</a> is the county seat of Siskiyou County and has over 7,200 people and over 3,300 housing units. Yreka, CA to Ashland, OR is a 38 mile, 44 minute <a href=", CA to Ashland, OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5. Yreka, CA to Medford, OR is a 51.2 mile, 61 minute <a href=", CA to Medford, OR">drive</a> north on <a href="">Interstate 5</a>.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Weed, CA</a> is in Siskiyou County and has over 2,900 people. The greater area has over 6,300 people. Weed, CA to Ashland, OR is a 66 mile, 73 minute <a href=", CA to Ashland, OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5. Weed, CA to Medford, OR is a 79.2 mile, 1 hour 29 minute <a href=", CA to Medford, OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Dorris, CA</a> is a city in Siskiyou County with over 880 people and over 390 housing units. Dorris, CA to Klamath Falls, OR is a 20 mile, 25 minute <a href=", CA to Klamath Falls, OR">drive</a> on <a href="">U.S. Route 97</a>. <a href=",_Oregon">Klamath Falls, OR</a> has over 21,300 people and over 8,700 housing units. Dorris, CA to Altamont, OR is a 22.6 mile, 28 minute <a href=", CA to Altamont, OR">drive</a> on U.S. Route 97. <a href=",_Oregon">Altamont, OR</a> is an unincorporated community and CDP with over 19,600 people and over over 8,300 housing units.<br /><br /><a href="">California State Route 161</a> runs along the California/Oregon stateline.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Tulelake, CA</a> is a city in Sikiyou County with over 1,000 people and over 450 housing units. Tulelake, CA to Malin, OR is a 7.4 mile, 18 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Malin,+OR">drive</a> across the state line. <a href=",_Oregon">Malin, OR</a> has over 630 people and over 210 housing units. Tulelake, CA to Merrill, OR is a 9 mile, 12 minute <a href=", CA to Merrill, OR">drive</a> on CA 139 and OR 39. <a href=",_Oregon">Merrill, OR</a> is a city in Klamath County with over 890 people and 380 housing units.<br /><br /><a href="">Goose Lake</a> overlaps the California/Oregon border and is 26 miles long and 9.3 miles wide.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Davis Creek, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in Modoc County near Goose Lake. 100 people may live there. Davis Creek, CA to New Pine Creek, OR is a 19.3 mile, 24 minute <a href=" Creek, CA to New Pine Creek, OR">drive</a> on U.S. Route 395. <a href=",_Oregon">New Pine Creek, OR</a> is an unincorporated community on U.S. Route 395 near the California border. Further north is Lakeview, OR. Davis Creek, CA to Lakeview, OR is a 33.6 mile, 42 minute <a href=" Creek, CA to Lakeview, OR">drive</a> on <a href="">U.S. Route 395</a>. <a href=",_Oregon">Lakeview, OR</a> is the county seat of Lake County, has over 2,600 people and over 1,200 housing units. South of Davis Creek is Alturas, CA. <a href=",_California">Alturas, CA</a> is the county seat of Modoc County. It has over 2,800 people and over 1,300 housing units. Alturas, CA to Lakeview, OR is a 53.7 mile, 69 minute <a href=", CA to Lakeview, OR">drive</a> on U.S. Route 395.<br /><br />In 2008, the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> <a href="">reported</a> that 12 counties along the CA/OR border wanted to secede and form the <a href="">State of Jefferson</a>.<br /><br /><a name="nv"><h2>Places in eastern California near the Nevada border</h2></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href=",_Nevada">Washoe County</a>, Nevada is bordered by 5 counties in California: <a href=",_California">Modoc County</a>, <a href=",_California">Lassen County</a>, <a href=",_California">Sierra County</a>, <a href=",_California">Nevada County</a>, and <a href=",_California">Placer County</a>. Areas of <a href=",_California">Plumas County</a> are also very close to Washoe County (via Lassen County). The county seat of Washoe County is Reno.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Cedarville, CA</a> is a unincorporated community in Modoc County 23 miles east of Alturas, CA. It has has over 800 people, and over 450 housing units. From Cedarvilla, CA you can enter Nevada via <a href="">California State Route 299</a> to the east, or via Surprise Valley Road and <a href="">Nevada State Route 447</a> to the south. Cedarville, CA to Gerlach-Empire, NV is a 87 mile, 2 hour 13 minute <a href=", CA to Gerlach-Empire, NV">drive</a> on Suprise Valley Road and Nevada State Route 447. <a href=",_Nevada">Gerlach-Empire, NV</a> is a CDP in Washoe County with a population over 500, over 290 housing units, and is part of the Reno/Sparks metro area.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Chats, CA</a> is a (perhaps former) settlement in Lassen County on the NevadaCaliforniaOregon Railway. Chats, CA to Cold Springs, NV is a 12.7 mile, 19 minute <a href=", CA to Cold Springs, NV">drive</a> on <a href="">U.S. Route 395</a>. <a href=",_Nevada">Cold Springs, NV</a> is a CDP in Washoe County with a population over 3,800, over 1,300 housing units, and is part of the Reno/Sparks metro area. <br /><br /><a href=",_California">Chilcoot-Vinton, CA</a> is a CDP in Plumas County, has over 380 people and over 200 housing units. Chilcoot-Vinton, CA to Cold Springs, NV is a 15.7 mile, 21 minute <a href=", CA to Cold Springs, NV">drive</a> on <a href="">California State Route 70</a> and <a href="">U.S. Route 395</a>. Chilcoot-Vinton, CA to Reno, NV is a 29.7 mile, 36 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on US 395.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Portola, CA</a> is a larger city to the west in Plumas County, has over 2,200 people, and over 1,000 housing units. Portola, CA to Cold Springs, NV is a 33.3 mile, 38 minute <a href=", CA to Cold Springs, NV">drive</a> on California State Route 70. Portola, CA to Reno, NV is a 47.3 mile, 53 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on California State Route 70 and US 395.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Loyalton, CA</a> is a city in Sierra County, has over 860 people, and over 340 housing units. Loyalton, CA to Cold Springs, NV is a 28.1 mile, 34 minute <a href=", CA to Cold Springs, NV">drive</a> on California State Route 49, California State Route 70, and U.S. Route 395.<br /><br /><a href=",_Lassen_County,_California">Doyle, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in Lassen County, and has over 1,100 people. Doyle, CA to Cold Springs, NV is a 29.5 mile, 35 minute <a href=", CA to Cold Springs, NV">drive</a> on U.S. Route 395.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Susanville, CA</a> is the county seat of Lassen County, has over 13,500 people, and over 3,800 housing units. It is the home of the high security California High Desert State Prison and the minimum/medium security California Correctional Center. Susanville, CA to Cold Springs, NV is a 70.4 mile, 78 minute <a href=", CA to Cold Springs, NV">drive</a> on U.S. Route 395. Susanville, CA to Reno, NV is a 84.4 mile, 93 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on US 395.<br /><br /><a href=",_Nevada">Sun Valley, NV</a> is a CDP in Washoe County, a northern suburb of Reno, has over 19,400 people, and over 6,700 housing units. Sun Valley is 6.5 miles and 15 minutes from the heart of Reno. Cold Springs, NV to Sun Valley, NV is a 15.5 mile, 21 minute <a href=" Springs, NV to Sun Valley, NV">drive</a> on U.S. Route 395.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Floriston, CA</a> is a former settlement in Nevada County. Floriston, CA to Verdi-Mogul, NV is a 13.5 mile, 15 minute <a href=", CA to Verdi-Mogul, NV">drive</a> on <a href="">Interstate 80</a>. To the southwest of Floriston is Truckee, CA. <a href=",_California">Truckee, CA</a> is a town in Nevada County with over 13,800 people and over 9,700 housing units. Truckee, CA to Reno, NV is a 32 mile, 38 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 80. Truckee, CA to Verdi-Mogul, NV is a 25.3 mile, 30 minute <a href=", CA to Verdi-Mogul, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Nevada">Verdi-Mogul, NV</a> is a CDP in Washoe County with over 2,900 people and over 1,200 housing units. Two of the closest Nevada casinos to California are in Verdi-Mogul, Gold Ranch Casino and Boomtown Hotel & Casino.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Yuba City, CA</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_California">Sutter County</a>. It has over 60,300 people and over 13,900 housing units. As of March 2010 Yuba City has the 3rd highest unemployment among US cities, with 20.8%. The Yuba City metro area has over 164,300 people, the 21st largest in California behind Redding and Chico. Sacramento, CA to Yuba City, CA is a 43.2 mile, 48 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Yuba+City,+CA&sll=38.81627,-121.498708&sspn=0.509327,1.148071&ie=UTF8&z=8">drive</a> north on CA 99. Yuba City, CA to Reno, NV is a 123 mile, 2 hour 24 minute <a href=" City, CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on CA 20 and Interstate 80.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Chico, CA</a> is the most populous city city in Butte County with over 87,000 people and over 24,300 housing units. The Chico metro area has over 212,000 people and is the 14th largest metro area in California. Chico, CA to Reno, NV is a 162 mile, 3 hour 10 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on CA 20 and Interstate 80.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Roseville, CA</a> is a city in Placer County in the Sacramento metro area. It has a population over 112,000 and over 31,900 housing units. Roseville, CA to Verdi-Mogul, NV is a 109 mile, 1 hour 57 minute <a href=", CA to Verdi-Mogul, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 80. Roseville, CA to Reno, NV is a 115 mile, 2 hour 5 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 80.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Sacramento, CA</a> is the capital of California and the county seat of <a href=",_California">Sacramento County</a>. It has over 486,000 people, is the 7th largest city in California, and has over 163,900 housing units. The Sacramento metro area has over 2.1 million people. <br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Reno, NV is a 132 mile, 2 hour 23 minute <a href=", CA to Reno, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Nevada">Reno, NV</a> is the county seat of Washoe County, has a population over 220,000 and is the 4th most populous city in Nevada. The Reno/Sparks metro area has a population of about 420,000. <br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Elko, NV is a 420 mile, 6 hour 51 minute <a href=", CA to Elko, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Nevada">Elko, NV</a> is the county seat in Elko County, has over 16,980 people and over 6,900 housing units. The Elko micropolitan area has over 46,900 people.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Bend, OR is a 437 mile, 7 hour 56 minute <a href=", CA to Bend, OR">drive</a> on Interstate 5 and US 97. <a href=",_Oregon">Bend, OR</a> is the largest city in Central Oregon and the county seat of <a href=",_Oregon">Deschutes County</a>. It has over 82,200 people estimated, and over 22,500 housing units. The Bend metro area has over 170,700 people estimated, the 5th largest in Oregon.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Eugene, OR is a 474 mile, 8 hour 4 minute <a href=", CA to Eugene, OR">drive</a> on Interstate 5. <a href=",_Oregon">Eugene, OR</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Oregon">Lane County</a>, and is the 2nd largest city in Oregon with over 154,000 people and over 61,400 housing units. The Eugene/Springfield metro area has over 345,000 people, the 3rd largest in Oregon, and the 144th largest in the US. The University of Oregon is located in Eugene.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Boise, ID is an 553 mile, 9 hour 48 minute <a href=", CA to Boise, ID">drive</a> on Interstation 80 and <a href="">U.S. Route 95</a>. <a href=",_Idaho">Boise, ID</a> is the most populous city in Idaho, the county seat of <a href=",_Idaho">Ada County</a>, and the capital of Idaho. Boise has over 205,000 people and over 77,800 housing units. Boise is the 98th most populous US city, the 3rd largest city in the Pacific Northwest, and the largest city between <a href=",_Oregon">Portland, OR</a> and <a href="">Salt Lake City, UT</a>. The Boise metro area has over 585,000 people estimated.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Twin Falls, ID is a 585 mile, 9 hour 38 minute <a href=", CA to Twin Falls, ID">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Idaho">Twin Falls, ID</a> is the largest city in <a href=",_Idaho">Twin Falls County</a>, the largest city in a 100 mile radius, and is the county seat. It has over 40,300 people estimated, and over 14,100 housing units.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Salt Lake City, UT is a 649 mile, 10 hour 23 minute <a href=", CA to Salt Lake City, UT">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href="">Salt Lake City, UT</a> is the capital of Utah in <a href=",_Utah">Salt Lake County</a>, and is the most populous city in Utah with over 183,000 people, and over 77,000 housing units. The Salt Lake City metro area has over 1.13 million people estimated. The <a href="">Wasatch Front</a> urban area has over 2.29 million people estimated.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Pocatello, ID is a 698 mile, 11 hour 29 minute <a href=", CA to Pocatello, ID">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Idaho">Pocatello, ID</a> is the largest city in <a href=",_Idaho">Bannock County</a> and is the county seat. It has over 53,900 people estimated, and over 20,600 housing units. Pocataello is the 4th largest city in Idaho, the home of Idaho State University, and a portion is on the <a href="">Fort Hall Indian Reservation</a>.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Evanston, WY is a 730 mile, 11 hour 38 minute <a href=", CA to Evanston, WY">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Wyoming">Evanston, WY</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Wyoming">Uinta County</a>, has over 11,500 people, and over 4,600 housing units.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Idaho Falls, ID is a 744 mile, 12 hour 12 minute <a href=", CA to Idaho Falls, ID">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Idaho">Idaho Falls, ID</a> is the largest city in eastern Idaho and the county seat of <a href=",_Idaho">Bonneville County</a>. It has over 50,700 people, over 19,700 housing units, and over 122,900 people in the metro area.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Green River, WY is a 816 mile, 12 hour 53 minute <a href=", CA to Green River, WY">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Wyoming">Green River, WY</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Wyoming">Sweetwater County</a>, has over 11,800 people, and over 4,400 housing units.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Rock Springs, WY is a 833 mile, 13 hour 10 minute <a href=", CA to Rock Springs, WY">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Wyoming">Rock Springs, WY</a> is a city in <a href=",_Wyoming">Sweetwater County</a>, has over 18,700 people and over 8,300 housing units. The Rock Springs micropolitan statistical area has over 37,900 people.<br /><br />Sacramento, CA to Laramie, WY is a 1,038 mile, 16 hour 18 minute <a href=", CA to Laramie, WY">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Wyoming">Laramie, WY</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Wyoming">Albany County</a>, has over 27,200 people, and over 11,900 housing units. Sacramento, CA to Cheyenne, WY is a 1,086 mile, 17 hour 1 minute <a href=", CA to Cheyenne, WY">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href=",_Wyoming">Cheyenne, WY</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Wyoming">Laramie County</a>, the largest city in Wyoming, and the capital of Wyoming. It has over 57,600 people and over 23,700 housing units. Sacramento, CA to Denver, CO is a 1,183 mile, 18 hour 32 minute <a href=", CA to Denver, CO">drive</a> on Interstate 80. <a href="">Denver, CO</a> is the most populous city in Colorado and the capital. Denver is a consolidated city-county with over 610,000 people, making it the 24th most populous US city. The Denver/Aurora/Broomfield metro area has over 2.55 million people estimated, making it the 21st most populous US metro area. The Denver/Aurora/Boulder combined statistical area has over 3.11 million people estimated, making it the 16th most populous US metro area. Denver has the largest population within a 500 mile radius and is the 2nd largest city in the Mountain West/Southwest after Phoenix.<br /><br /><a href="">Los Angeles, CA</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_California">Los Angeles County</a>, and is the most populous city in California and the western US and the 2nd most populous city in the US. There are over 3.83 million people within city administrative limits which cover an area of 498 square miles. The urban area beyond administrative city limits is the 14th largest megacity in the world with over 14.8 million people. The LA/Long Beach/Santa Ana metro area has over 12.9 million people, and the LA/Long Beach/Riverside area has over 17.8 million people. Los Angeles is the 3rd most economically powerful city in the US (behind New York City and Chicago), is the 8th most economically powerful city in the world, and the LA combined statistical area is the 3rd largest economic center in the world after the Greater Tokyo Area and New York metro area. Los Angeles, CA to Phoenix, AZ is a 373 mile, 5 hour 58 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Phoenix,+AZ">drive</a> (8 hours in traffic) on <a href="">Interstate 10</a>. I think this would be an extremely popular route among drug smugglers.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Redding, CA</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_California">Shasta County</a> with over 80,800 people and over 33,800 housing units. Redding is the 4th largest city in the Sacramento Valley and the largest city in California north of Sacramento. It's also the largest city on the 470 mile section of Interstate 5 between Sacramento, CA and Eugene, OR. Redding, CA to Ashland, OR is a 137 mile, 2 hour 24 minute <a href=", CA to Ashland, OR">drive</a> on Interstate 5. Redding, CA to Klamath Falls, OR is a 142 mile, 2 hour 34 minute <a href=", CA to Klamath Falls, OR">drive</a> on Interstate 5 and US 97. Redding, CA to Medford, OR is a 150 mile, 2 hour 40 minute <a href=", CA to Medford, OR">drive</a> on Interstate 5. Redding, CA to Bend, OR is a 279 mile, 5 hour 22 minute <a href=", CA to Bend, OR">drive</a> on US 97. Redding, CA to Eugene, OR is a 315 mile, 5 hour 29 minute <a href=", CA to Eugene, OR">drive</a> on Interstate 5.<br /><br /><a href=",_Oregon">Corvallis, OR</a> is a city in central western Oregon and the county seat of <a href=",_Oregon">Benton County</a>. It has over 55,000 people estimated, and over 20,900 housing units. The Albany/Corvallis/Lebanon combined statistical area has over 181,000 people. Redding, CA to Corvallis, OR is a 359 mile, 6 hour 17 minute <a href=", CA to Corvallis, OR">drive</a> on north on Interstate 5. Sacramento, CA to Corvallis, OR is a 517 mile, 8 hour 51 minute <a href=", CA to Corvallis, OR">drive</a> north on Interstatet 5.<br /><br /><a href="">Seattle, WA</a> is the northernmost major city in the lower 48 States, the largest city in Washington, the county seat of King County, and the largest city in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle is a seaport at the center of the Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue metro statistical area, the 15th largest in the US, and the largest in the northwestern US. Seattle had over 617,000 people as of April 2009, with about 3.4 million people in the metro area. As of 2006 there were over 258,000 households in the city. Seattle is about 170 miles north of Portland and 140 miles south of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Redding, CA to Seattle, WA is a 595 mile, 10 hour 9 minute <a href=", CA to Seattle, WA">drive</a> north on Interstate 5. Sacramento, CA to Seattle, WA is a 753 mile, 12 hour 43 minute <a href=", CA to Seattle, WA">drive</a> north on Interstate 5.<br /><br /><a href=",_Washington">Spokane, WA</a> is the county seat and largest city in Spokane County, located on the Spokane River about 271 miles east of Seattle and about 110 miles south of the Canadian border. The city has over 202,000 people as of 2008, making it he 2nd largest city in Washington, and the 3rd largest in the Pacific Northwest behind Seattle and Portland. When the 2010 Census is tallied, the Spokane Metro Statistical Area is expected to be combined with Kootenai County and likely to be named the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Metro Area no later than 2013, and by that time the area will have over 650,000 people. As of the 2000 Census, there were over 81,500 households in Spokane. Redding, CA to Spokane, WA is a 663 mile, 12 hour 22 minute <a href=", CA to Spokane, WA">drive</a> north on US 97.<br /><br /><a href=",_New_Mexico">Albuquerque, NM</a> is the largest city in New Mexico, the county seat of <a href=",_New_Mexico">Bernalillo County</a>, has over 528,000 people, and is the 34th most populous city in the US. Albuquerque has over 198,400 housing units and the Albuquerque metro area has over 869,000 people estimated, the 57th largest in the US. The Rio Grande flows through the city, north to south. About half the people in New Mexico live in the Albuquerquer area.<br /><br />Needles, CA to Albuquerque, NM is a 530 mile, 8 hour 11 minute <a href=", CA to Albuquerque, NM">drive</a> east on Interstate 40.<br /><br />Barstow, CA to Albuquerque, NM is a 673 mile, 10 hour 23 minute <a href=", CA to Albuquerque, NM">drive</a> east on Interstate 40.<br /><br />Victorville, CA to Albuquerque, NM is a 704 mile, 10 hour 51 minute <a href=", CA to Albuquerque, NM">drive</a> east on Interstate 40.<br /><br />San Bernardino, CA to Albuquerque, NM is a 742 mile, 11 hour 29 minute <a href=" Bernardino, CA to Albuquerque, NM">drive</a> east on Interstate 40.<br /><br />Riverside, CA to Albuquerque, NM is a 754 mile, 11 hour 41 minute <a href=", CA to Albuquerque, NM">drive</a> east on Interstate 40.<br /><br /><a href=",_Arizona">Tucson, AZ</a> is the county seat of Pima County, 118 miles southeast of Phoenix, and 60 miles north of the US/Mexico border. As of 2009, the city's population was estimated at over 548,000. As of July 2008, the metro area was estimated at over 1.02 million. Tucson is the largest city in southern Arizona and the 2nd largest city in Arizona after Phoenix. In 2005, Tucson was the 32nd largest city in the US and the 52nd largest metro area. Indio, CA to Tucson, AZ is a 362 mile, 5 hour 53 minute (7 hours in traffic) <a href=", CA to Tucson, AZ">drive</a> east on Interstate 10. Riverside, CA to Tucson, AZ is a 437 mile, 7 hour 7 minute <a href=", CA to Tucson, AZ">drive</a> east on Interstate 10. Oceanside, CA to Tucson, AZ is a 440 mile, 7 hour 0 minute <a href=", CA to Tucson, AZ">drive</a> east on Interstate 8.<br /><br /><a href=",_Oregon">Salem, OR</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Oregon">Marion County</a> and the capital of Oregon. It's located along the <a href="">Willamette River</a>. Salem has over 154,500 people, over 53,800 housing units, and is the 3rd largest city in Oregon after Portland and Eugene. The Salem metro area has over 383,000 people, the 2nd largest in Oregon. Redding, CA to Salem, OR is a 378 mile, 6 hour 36 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Salem,+OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5. Sacramento, CA to Salem, OR is a 536 mile, 9 hour 10 minute <a href=", CA to Salem, OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5.<br /><br /><a href=",_Oregon">Portland, OR</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Oregon">Multnomah County</a>, is the most populous city in Oregon, and the 30th most populous in the US. Portland has over 582,000 people and over 237,000 housing units. Portland is the 3rd most populous city in the Pacific Northwest after <a href="">Seattle</a> and <a href="">Vancouver</a>. The Portland metro area has about 2.2 million people, the 23rd most populous in the US. Redding, CA to Portland, OR is a 422 mile, 7 hour 23 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Portland,+OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5. Sacramento, CA to Portland, OR is a 580 mile, 9 hour 57 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Portland,+OR&sll=43.452919,-122.827148&sspn=7.592011,18.369141&ie=UTF8&ll=42.293564,-122.431641&spn=7.735555,18.369141&z=5&saddr=Sacramento,+CA&daddr=Portland,+OR">drive</a> north on Interstate 5.<br /><br /><a href="">Lake Tahoe</a> is the largest alpine lake in North America and exists in two California counties, <a href=",_California">Placer</a>, and <a href=",_California">El Dorado</a>, as well as three Nevada counties, <a href=",_Nevada">Douglas</a>, <a href=",_Nevada">Washoe</a>, and <a href=",_Nevada">Carson City County</a>. Lake Tahoe is about 22 miles long, has 72 miles of shoreline, and a surface area of 191 square miles. There are 12 California marinas for Lake Tahoe: North Tahoe, Sierra Boat, Tahoe City, Sunnyside, Homewood, Obexers, Meeks Bay, Camp Richardson, Tahoe Keys, Timber Cove, Ski Run, and Lakeside. There are 2 Nevada marinas for Lake Tahoe: Round Hill Pines and Zephyr Cove. <br /><br /><a href=",_California">Kings Beach, CA</a> is a CDP in Placer County on the north shore of Lake Tahoe, and has over 4,000 people and over 2,280 housing units. Kings Beach, CA to Crystal Bay, NV is a 1.6 mile, 4 minute <a href=" Beach, CA to Crystal Bay, NV">drive</a> on California State Route 28 along the north shore of Lake Tahoe. <a href=",_Nevada">Incline Village-Crystal Bay, NV</a> is a CDP in Washoe County on the north shore of Lake Tahoe. It has over 9,900 people, over 7,600 housing units, and the main campus of Sierra Nevada College is in Incline Village. Kings Beach, CA to Carson City, NV is a 30.4 mile, 42 minute <a href=" Beach, CA to Carson City, NV">drive</a> on <a href="">U.S. Route 50</a> and <a href="">Nevada State Route 28</a>. <a href=",_Nevada">Carson City, NV</a> is an <a href="">independent city</a> and the capital of Nevada. Carson City has a population over 52,000 and over 21,200 housing units. Carson City, NV to Reno, NV is a 30.1 mile, 40 minute <a href=" City, NV to Reno, NV">drive</a> on U.S. Route 395.<br /><br /><a href="">California State Route 28</a> and <a href="">California State Route 89</a> run along the north and western shore of Lake Tahoe. Other areas along the California shore of Lake Tahoe in Tahoe National Forest include Tahoe Vista, Carnelian Bay, Dollar Point, Tahoe City, Sunnyside-Tahoe City, Homewood, Tahoma, Meeks Bay, and Frosts. <a href=",_California">Tahoe Vista, CA</a> is a CDP on the north shore of Lake Tahoe with over 1,600 people and over 1,200 housing units. <a href=",_California">Carnelian Bay, CA</a> is an unincorporated town on the north shore of Lake Tahoe with over 870 people. <a href=",_California">Dollar Point, CA</a> is a CDP on the northwest shore of Lake Tahoe with over 1,500 people and over 1,800 housing units. <a href=",_California">Sunnyside-Tahoe City, CA</a> is a CDP on the northwest shore of Lake Tahoe with over 1,700 people and over 2,100 housing units. <a href=",_California">Homewood, CA</a> is an unincorporated community on the west shore of Lake Tahoe with about 200 people and home of the Homewood Mountain Resort. <a href=",_California">Tahoma, CA</a> is an unincorporated community on the west shore of Lake Tahoe, 2 miles southeast of Homewood.<br /><br /><a href="">Nevada State Route 28</a> runs along the north and east shores of Lake Tahoe in Nevada. Part of it runs through Lake Tahoe State Park. The Sand Harbor Beach State Recreation Area is near Nevada State Route 28 in Lake Tahoe State Park, has a large beach on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe near Sand Harbor, and has a boat launch. Further south in Lake Tahoe is Secret Harbor, Skunk Harbor, and Glenbrook Bay. <a href=",_Nevada">Glenbrook, NV</a> is the oldest settlement on Lake Tahoe. It's an unincorporated community in Douglas County. Part of U.S. Route 50 runs along the east shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada. Further south is <a href=",_Nevada">Zephyr Cove-Round Hill Village, NV</a> which is a CDP in Douglas County, and has over 1,600 people and over 1,400 housing units.<br /><br />Lake Tahoe's largest city is <a href=",_California">South Lake Tahoe, CA</a> in the Sierra Nevada mountains with a population over 23,000 and over 14,000 housing units. It's the home of Heavenly Mountain Resort, Lake Tahoe's highest ski resort. South Lake Tahoe, CA to Stateline, NV is a 3.6 mile, 9 minute <a href=" Lake Tahoe, CA to Stateline, NV">drive</a> on U.S. Route 50. <a href=",_Nevada">Stateline, NV</a> is a CDP in Douglas County on the east shore of Lake Tahoe. It has a population of over 1,200 and over 560 housing units. The population increases during the winter and summer seasons.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Mesa Vista, CA</a> is a CDP in Alpine County with over 180 people and over 80 housing units. Mesa Vista, CA to Gardnerville Ranchos, NV is a 9.6 mile, 20 minute <a href=" Vista, CA to Gardnerville Ranchos, NV">drive</a> on NV 88. <a href=",_Nevada">Gardnerville Ranchos, NV</a> is a a CDP in Douglas County with over 11,000 people and over 4,100 housing units. Mesa Vista, CA to Minden, NV is a 11.6 mile, 21 minute <a href=" Vista, CA to Minden, NV">drive</a> north on Nevada State Route 88. <a href=",_Nevada">Minden, NV is a CDP in Douglas County and the county seat, with over 2,800 people and over 1,200 housing units.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Cabazon, CA</a> is a CDP in Riverside County with a over 2,200 people and over 720 households. It disincorporated in 1975 and is home to the Morongo Band of Mission Indians. Cabazon, CA to the Banning Municipal Airport is a 6.3 mile, 12 minute <a href=",+CA+to+the+Banning+Municipal+Airport">drive</a>. Cabazon, CA to Palm Springs, CA is a 17 mile, 22 minute <a href=", CA to Palm Springs, CA">drive</a> on Interstate 10 and CA 111. <a href=",_California">Palm Springs, CA</a> is a city in Riverside County in the Coachella Valley about 37 miles east of San Bernardino. It has over 42,800 people, and over 30,800 housing units. Cabazon, CA to Tijuana is a 138 mile, 2 hour 21 minute <a href=",+CA&daddr=Tijuana,+Baja+California,+Mexico">drive</a> on <a href="">Interstate 15</a>. Cabazon, CA to Quartzsite, AZ is a 155 mile, 2 hour 32 minute <a href=", CA to Quartzsite, AZ">drive</a> east on Interstate 10.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Coachella, CA</a> is a city in <a href=",_California">Riverside County</a> in the Coachella Valley 28 miles east of Palm Springs. Coachella has over 22,700 people, over 5,000 housing units, and was one of California's fastest growing cities in the late 20th century.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Loope, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in <a href=",_California">Alpine County</a> on Monitor Creek. Loope, CA to Wellington, NV is a 32.8 mile, 38 minute <a href=", CA to Wellington, NV">drive</a> on CA 89 (which is closed winters) and NV 208. <a href=",_Nevada">Wellington, NV</a> is an unincorporated town in Lyon County with over 1,100 people.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Coleville, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in <a href=",_California">Mono County</a> on the West Walker River in Antelope Valley with over 70 people. Coleville, CA to Wellington, NV is a 22.7 mile, 27 minute <a href=", CA to Wellington, NV">drive</a> on US 395 and NV 208.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Bridgeport, CA</a> is an unincorporated community, the county seat of Mono County, and has over 800 people. Bridgeport, CA to Smith Valley, NV is a 45 mile, 70 minute <a href=", CA to Smith Valley, NV">drive</a> on CA 182 and NV 338. <a href=",_Nevada">Smith Valley, NV</a> is a CDP in Lyon County with over 1,400 people and over 600 housing units.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Benton, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in Mono County, with over 190 people, and is about 6 miles southwest of the Nevada state line. Benton, CA to Dyer, NV is a 47.5 mile, 46 minute <a href=", CA to Dyer, NV">drive</a> on US 6 and NV 264. <a href=",_Nevada">Dyer, NV</a> is a village in Esmerelda County with about 110 people; 6 miles southeast is the Dyer public airport.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Big Pine, CA</a> is a CDP in <a href=",_California">Inyo County</a> with over 1,300 people and over 660 housing units. It's located in between Kings Canyon National Park and Death Valley. Big Pine is the headquarters for the Big Pine Band of Owens Valley Paiute Shoshone Indians. Big Pine, CA to Dyer, NV is a 55 mile, 82 minute <a href=" Pine, CA to Dyer, NV">drive</a> on CA 168.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Bishop, CA</a> is the largest city in Inyo County. It has over 3,500 people and over 1,800 housing units. Bishop, CA to Tonopah, NV is a 115 mile, 1 hour 52 minute <a href=", CA to Tonopah, NV">drive</a> on US 6 and US 95. <a href=",_Nevada">Tonopah, NV</a> is a CDP and the county seat of Nye County. Tonopah has over 2,600 people and over 1,500 housing units.<br /><br />The <a href="">Timbisha</a> tribe live in <a href="">Death Valley</a>. The Death Valley Timbisha Shoshone Band of California was federally recognized in 1982. <a href=",_California">Indian Village, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in Furnace Creek, Death Valley. Indian Village is located in their reservation, the Death Valley Indian Community. <a href=",_California">Furnace Creek, CA</a> is a CDP in Inyo County, located 190 feet below sea level, making it the lowest CDP in the US.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Shoshone, CA</a> is a CDP in Inyo County on the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad. It has over 50 people and over 30 housing units, as well as a single airstrip. Shoshone, CA to Pahrump, NV is a 27.1 mile, 32 minute <a href=", CA to Pahrump, NV">drive</a> on CA 178 and NV 372. <a href=",_Nevada">Pahrump, NV</a> is a CDP and unincorporated town in Nye County, the largest town in the county, and has over 41,600 people and over 11,600 housing units.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Tecopa, CA</a> is a CDP in Inyo County in the Mojave Desert, with over 90 people and over 130 housing units. Tecopa, CA to Enterprise, NV is a 68.2 mile, 99 minute <a href=", CA to Enterprise, NV">drive</a> on the Old Spanish Trail Highway and NV 160. <a href=",_Nevada">Enterprise, NV</a> is an unincorporated CDP in <a href=",_Nevada">Clark County</a> with over 78,000 people and over 6,600 housing units. Enterprise, NV to Las Vegas, NV is a 9.5 mile, 15 minute <a href=", NV to Las Vegas, NV">drive</a> on Blue Diamond Road and Interstate 15.<br /><br /><a href=",_Nevada">Henderson, NV</a> is city in the Las Vegas metro area in <a href=",_Nevada">Clark County</a>. It has over 252,000 people estimated, over 71,100 housing units, and is the 2nd largest city in Nevada after Las Vegas. Baker, CA to Henderson, NV is a 90 mile, 1 hour 34 minute <a href=", CA to Henderson, NV">drive</a> north on Interstate 15. Needles, CA to Henderson, NV is a 99.3 mile, 1 hour 57 minute <a href=", CA to Henderson, NV">drive</a> north on US 95. Barstow, CA to Henderson, NV is a 153 mile, 2 hour 36 minute <a href=", CA to Henderson, NV">drive</a> north on Interstate 15.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Mountain Pass, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in San Bernardino County with 30 people. Molycorp Minerals plans to reopen the <a href="">rare earth element open pit mine</a> there in 2011. Mountain Pass, CA to Jean, NV is a 44.5 mile, 45 minute <a href=" Pass, CA to Jean, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. <a href=",_Nevada">Jean, NV</a> is a commercial town in Clark county with no residents about 30 miles south of Las Vegas. It contains the Gold Strike Hotel and Gambling Hall with 811 rooms, a Nevada Highway Patrol substation, and Jean Conservation Camp, a minimum security all female Nevada correctional facility. <br /><br /><a href=",_California">Nipton, CA</a> is an unincorporated town in San Bernardino County on the northern edge of the Mojave National Perserve, which home of the Kelso Dunes. It has a population of 20, a five-room hotel, a trailer park, a general store, a cafe, and an 80KW solar generator. Nipton, CA to Searchlight, NV is a 21.6 mile, 26 minute <a href=", CA to Searchlight, NV">drive</a> east on NV 164. <a href=",_Nevada">Searchlight, NV</a> is a CDP in Clark County with over 570 people, and over 440 housing units. Two miles south of the central business district is Searchlight Airport (about 70 miles south of Las Vegas), which has one asphalt runway, no services, and is unlighted, unmanned, and uncontrolled.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">San Bernardino, CA</a> is the county seat of San Bernardino County. It has a population over 207,000 and over 63,500 housing units. It's the 18th largest city in California and the 99th largest in the US. <br /><br />San Bernardino, CA to Las Vegas, NV is a 220 mile, 3 hour 35 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Las+Vegas,+NV&sll=35.209722,-116.125488&sspn=4.272244,9.18457&ie=UTF8&ll=35.119909,-116.323242&spn=4.27696,9.18457&z=6&saddr=San+Bernardino,+CA&daddr=Las+Vegas,+NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. San Bernardino, CA to Henderson, NV is a 222 mile, 3 hour 43 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Henderson,+NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. San Bernardino, CA to Phoenix, AZ is a 321 mile, 5 hour 8 minute <a href=" Bernardino, CA to Phoenix, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 10.<br /><br />Oakland, CA to Reno, NV is a 212 mile, 3 hour 46 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Reno,+NV">drive</a> northeast on Interstate 80.<br />Oakland, CA to Las Vegas, NV is a 555 mile, 9h hour 18 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Las+Vegas,+NV&sll=37.370157,-117.641602&sspn=8.30903,18.369141&ie=UTF8&ll=36.368222,-118.828125&spn=4.210472,9.18457&z=6&saddr=Oakland,+CA&daddr=Las+Vegas,+NV">drive</a> on Interstate 5, CA 58, and Interstate 15.<br /><br /><a name="az"><h2>Places in California near the Arizona border</h2></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Baker, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in <a href=",_California">San Bernardino County</a> with over 900 people. Baker, CA to Primm, NV is a 75 mile, 1 hour 16 minute <a href=", CA to Primm, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. <a href=",_Nevada">Primm, NV</a> is a small community in Clark County with over 430 people. A convenience store on the California side of the border is the closest place for people in Nevada wanting to play the California State Lottery and is reported to be the highest selling location in California. Baker, CA to Las Vegas, NV is a 88.5 mile, 1 hour 26 minute <a href=", CA to Las Vegas, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Baker, CA to Henderson, NV is a 90 mile, 1 hour 34 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Henderson,+NV&sll=32.715329,-117.157255&sspn=1.099994,2.296143&ie=UTF8&z=8">drive</a> on Interstate 15.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Barstow, CA</a> is a city in <a href=",_California">San Bernardino County</a> with over 24,600 people and over 9,100 housing units. Barstow, CA to Baker, CA is a 64 mile, 63 minute <a href=", CA to Baker, CA">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Barstow, CA to Searchlight, NV is a 134 mile, 2 hour 23 minute <a href=", CA to Searchlight, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Barstow, CA to Mohave Valley, AZ is a 150 mile, 2 hour 31 minute <a href=", CA to Mohave Valley, AZ">drive</a> on Insterstate 40. <a href=",_Arizona">Mohave Valley, AZ</a> is a CDP in Mohave County with over 13,600 people and over 6,600 housing units. Barstow, CA to Las Vegas, NV is a 151 mile, 2 hour 28 minute <a href=", CA to Las Vegas, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Barstow, CA to Henderson, NV is a 153 mile, 2 hour 36 minute <a href=", CA to Henderson, NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Barstow, CA to Kingman, AZ is a 205 mile, 3 hour 14 minute <a href=", CA to Kingman, AZ">drive</a> on Insterstate 40. Barstow, CA to Flagstaff, AZ is a 354 mile, 5 hour 28 minute <a href=", CA to Flagstaff, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 40.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Victorville, CA</a> is a city in <a href=",_California">San Bernardino County</a> in Victor Valley, with over 112,000 people estimated, and over 22,400 housing units. Over 50% of the population is Hispanic or Latino of any race. Victorville is 81 miles northeast of LA, 34 miles south of Barstow, 48 miles east of Palmdale, and 37 miles north of San Bernardino. Victorville had the 2nd highest population growth rate in the US for the year ending July 2007, rising 9.5%. Victorville is the fastest growing city over 100,000 people in California for the decade ending July 2009. Northwest of Victorville is the federal prison <a href=",_Victorville">United States Penitentiary, Victorville</a>. It was opened in October 2004 and is <a href=",-117.373972&sll=34.565528,117.373972&sspn=0.016822,0.035877&g=34.565528,117.373972&ie=UTF8&ll=34.569906,-117.343597&spn=0.134567,0.287018&z=11"></a>located</a> on the grounds of the former <a href="">George Air Force Base</a>.<br /><br />Victorville, CA to Las Vegas, NV is a 182 mile, 2 hour 56 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Las+Vegas,+NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Victorville, CA to Henderson, NV is a 184 mile, 3 hour 5 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Henderson,+NV">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Victorville, CA to St. George, UT is a 304 mile, 4 hour 52 minute <a href=",+CA+to+St.+George,+UT">drive</a> on Interstate 15. Victorville, CA to Phoenix, AZ is a 360 mile, 5 hour 45 minute (7 hour 10 minute in traffic) <a href=",+CA+to+Phoenix,+AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 10. Victorville, CA to Tucson, AZ is a 475 mile, 7 hour 40 minute (9 hour 40 minute in traffic) <a href=",+CA+to+Tucson,+AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 10. Victorville, CA to Grand Junction, CO is a 693 mile, 10 hour 46 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Grand+Junction,+CO&sll=35.817813,-115.444336&sspn=4.240037,9.18457&ie=UTF8&z=5">drive</a> on Interstate 15 and Interstate 70.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Needles, CA</a> is a city in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County on the western banks of the Colorado River. Needles, CA has over 5,700 people and over 2,500 housing units. Part of the <a href="">Fort Mojave Indian Reservation</a> is located in Needles, CA, with a population of over 200 in that portion. The Fort Mojave Indian Reservation covers over 96 square kilometers in Arizona, 51 square kilometers in California, and 23 square kilometers in Nevada. About 1,100 members of the Mohave tribe live there. There are two tribal casinos on the reservation. Less than 50% of residents on the reservation are Native American. Much of the land has been leased to soybean, corn, and cotton farming companies which employ a large number of Mexican Americans and whites. <br /><br />Needles, CA to Arizona Village, AZ is a 2.2 mile, 6 minute <a href=", CA to Arizona Village, AZ">drive</a> on Leevee Way across the Colorado River and Plantation Road. <a href=",_Arizona">Arizona Village, AZ</a> is a CDP in <a href=",_Arizona">Mohave County</a> with over 350 people and over 90 housing units. Needles, CA to Topock, AZ is a 14.1 mile, 17 minute <a href=", CA to Topock, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 40. <a href=",_Arizona">Topock, AZ</a> is an unincorporated community in Mohave County. Needles, CA to Kingman, AZ is a 62.7 mile, 61 minute <a href=", CA to Kingman, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 40. Needles, CA to Bullhead City, AZ is a 22.3 mile, 37 minute <a href=", CA to Bullhead City, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 40. <a href=",_Arizona">Bullhead City, AZ</a> is city in Mohave County with over 40,900 people, and over 18,400 housing units. The greater Bullhead area has about 75,000 people. Bullhead City is about 100 miles south of Las Vegas, is located on the Colorado River directly across from Laughlin, NV, and is a few miles north of the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation.<br /><br /><a href="">Lake Havasu</a> overlaps the California/Arizona border. On the east shore is Lake Havasu City, AZ. <a href=",_Arizona">Lake Havasu City, AZ</a> is a city in <a href=",_Arizona">Mohave County</a> with over 56,300 people and over 23,000 housing units. Six miles north of the central business district is <a href="">Lake Havasu City Airport</a> which covers 646 acres.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Parker Dam, CA</a> to Casa Del Rio Resort in Arizona is a 1.7 mile, 3 minute <a href=",+CA&daddr=3246+N+Parker+Dam+Rd,+Parker,+AZ+85344-9624+(Casa+Del+Rio+Resort)&geocode=FYUuCwId5VAy-SnL1RLqAyjSgDFurp3yJLMxqA%3BFX8nCwIdaWky-SFvIHOpFRGhsCnl5XIhGSjSgDHI_WPQlCIWuA&hl=en&mra=pd&mrcr=0&sll=34.13684,-114.257766&sspn=0.541055,1.148071&ie=UTF8&ll=34.290056,-114.138851&spn=0.016877,0.035877&z=14">drive</a> on Parker Dam Road and AZ 95. Parker Dam, CA to Lake Havasu City, AZ is a 25.1 mile, 35 minute <a href=" Dam, CA to Lake Havasu City, AZ">drive</a> on Parker Dam Road and AZ 95.<br /><br /><a href=",_Arizona">Phoenix, AZ</a> is the county seat of <a href=",_Arizona">Maricopa County</a>, the capital of Arizona, and has over 1.6 million people. Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona, and the 5th most populated city in the US (after NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston). The Phoenix metro area has over 4.3 million people, the 12th largest in the US. <a href=",_California">Indio, CA</a> is a city in Riverside County in the Coachella Valley, 125 miles east of LA. It has over 49,000 people and over 16,900 housing units. Indio, CA to Phoenix, AZ is a 247 mile, 3 hour 57 minute <a href=", CA to Phoenix, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 10. Riverside, CA to Phoenix, AZ is a 323 mile, 5 hour 9 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Phoenix,+AZ&sll=36.88271,-112.92669&sspn=8.362864,18.369141&ie=UTF8&z=6">drive</a> on Interstate 10.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Bluewater, CA</a> is a CDP in San Bernardino County with over 260 people and over 640 housing units. Bluewater, CA to Bluewater, AZ is a 5.3 mile, 11 minute <a href=", CA to Bluewater, AZ">drive</a> on Parker Dam Road. <a href=",_Arizona">Bluewater, AZ</a> is a CDP in La Paz County with over 730 people, and over 530 housing units.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Earp, CA</a> is an unincorporated townsite in the Sonoran Desert in San Bernardino County close to the California/Arizona state line. Earp, CA to Parker, AZ is a 1.4 mile, 4 minute <a href=", CA to Parker, AZ">drive</a> on CA 62. <a href=",_Arizona">Parker, AZ</a> is the county seat of Paz County on the Colorado River, has over 3,100 people and over 1,150 housing units.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Blythe, CA</a> is a city in Riverside County in the Palo Verde Valley. It has over 12,100 people and over 4,800 housing units. The population of the area within 50 miles of Blythe has exceeded 500,000 in winter months. Blythe, CA to Quartzsite, AZ is a 22.5 mile, 26 minute <a href=", CA to Quartzsite, AZ">drive</a> east on Interstate 10. <a href=",_Arizona">Quartzsite, AZ</a> is a town in <a href=",_Arizona">La Paz County</a> directly on Interstate 10, with a population over 3,400 and over 3,100 housing units.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Bard, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in <a href=",_California">Imperial County</a>. Bard, CA to Fort Yuma Riviera, AZ is a 3.8 mile, 12 minute <a href=", CA to Fort Yuma Riviera, AZ">drive</a> on Ross Road and Levee Road without having to cross the Colorado river. Bard, CA to Yuma, AZ is a 9 mile, 16 minute <a href=", CA to Yuma, AZ">drive</a> on County Hwy S24.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Winterhaven, CA</a> is a CDP in <a href=",_California">Imperial County</a> with over 520 people and about 220 housing units. The town's eastern border is the Colorado River and the town is partly Quechan Indian reservation. Winterhaven, CA to Yuma, AZ is a 1.4 mile, 6 minute <a href=", CA to Yuma, AZ">drive</a> on across Winterhaven Drive. <a href=",_Arizona">Yuma, AZ</a> is the county seat of Yuma County, with over 90,000 people and over 34,400 housing units. The Yuma metro area has over 194,300 people estimated, although over 85,000 visitors make it their winter home.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Holtville, CA</a> is a city in Imperial County with over 5,600 people and over 1,600 housing units. Holtville, CA to Yuma, AZ is a 48 mile, 49 minute <a href=", CA to Yuma, AZ">drive</a> on Interstate 8.<br /><br /><a name="mx"><h2>Places in southern California near the Mexico border</h2></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />There are 6 US/Mexico border crossings in between California and Mexico<a href="">(source)</a>. <br /><ul><li>San Ysidro, San Diego to Tijuana: via <a href="">Interstate 5</a> in <a href=",_San_Diego,_California">San Ysidro, San Diego, California</a> to <a href="">Mexican Federal Highway 1</a> in <a href="">Tijuana</a>, Baja California.</li> <li>Otay Mesa, San Diego to Tijuana: via <a href="">California State Route 905</a> in <a href=",_San_Diego,_California">Otay Mesa, San Diego, California</a> to Blvd. Garita de Otay in <a href="">Tijuana</a>, Baja California.</li> <li>Tecate to Tecate: via <a href="">California State Route 188</a> in <a href=",_California">Tecate, CA</a> to Avenida Presidente Lázaro Cárdenas in <a href="">Tecate</a>, Baja California.</li> <li>Calexico to Mexicali: via <a href="">California State Route 111</a> in <a href=",_California">Calexico, CA</a> to Calzada Adolfo López Mateos in <a href="">Mexicali</a>, Baja California.</li> <li>Calexico to Mexicali: via <a href="">California State Route 7</a> in <a href=",_California">Calexico, CA</a> to Blvd. Abelardo L. Rodríguez in <a href="">Mexicali</a>, Baja California.</li> <li>Andrade to Los Algodones: via <a href="">California State Route 186</a> in <a href=",_California">Andrade, CA</a> to Avenida Azucena in <a href=",_Baja_California">Los Algodones</a>, Baja California.</li> </ul><br />There are 71 United States Border Patrol Interior Checkpoints in the US, which includes 32 permanent traffic checkpoints.<a href="">(source)</a> In and near California are the San Diego, El Centro, and Yuma border patrol sectors. As of August 2009 there were 8 permanent checkpoints in California.<a href="">(source)</a> Permanent checkpoints in California include one 7 miles south of San Clemente on Interstate 5, one 24 miles north of Escondido on Interstate 15, one 3 miles east of Pine Valley on Interstate 8, and one 24 miles east of San Diego on CA 94.<a href="">(source)</a><br /><br /><a href="">San Diego, CA</a> is the county seat of San Diego County, the 2nd largest city in California (after LA), the 8th largest city in the US, and the 5th wealthiest city in the US. It has over 1.35 million people, 450,691 households as of the 2000 Census, the urban area has over 2.88 million people, and the San Diego/LA metro area has over 22 million people. San Diego, CA to Tijuana is a 19.5 mile, 26 minute <a href=" Diego, CA to Tijuana">drive</a> on Interstate 5.<br /><br /><a href="">Tijuana</a> is the sister city of San Diego on the US/Mexico border, is the largest city in Baja California, Mexico, and the 28th largest city in the Americas. Tijuana is the westernmost city in Mexico, and one of the fastest growing cities in Mexico. As of 2009 the Tijuana metro area has over 1.78 million people estimated, the 5th largest in Mexico. The San Diego/Tijuana metro area has over 5.1 million people estimated, making it the 2nd largest metro area in the Californias and 22nd largest metro area in the Americas. An estimated 300,000 border crossings occur daily at the two border crossing stations from Greater San Diego to Tijuana.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Calexico, CA</a> is a city in Imperial County along the Mexican border with over 39,000 people and over 6,900 housing units. Over 60,000 people pass through Calexico daily. Calexico, CA is across the border from Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. <a href="">Mexicali</a> is on the US/Mexico borer, is the capital state of Baja California in Mexico, and is the northernmost city in Latin America. Mexicali has over 653,000 people and over 1 million in the metro area.<br /><br />Calexico, CA to Yuma, AZ is a 53.6 mile, 56 minute <a href=",+CA+to+Yuma,+AZ&sll=32.717977,-115.059814&sspn=1.099937,2.296143&ie=UTF8&z=9">drive</a> east on CA 98 and Interstate 8.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Portrero, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in <a href=",_California">San Diego County</a> with over 850 people. Portrero, CA is fairly close to Tecate, Mexico.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Campo, CA</a> is an unincorporated town in <a href=",_California">San Diego County</a> with over 3,200 people. Campo, CA is fairly close to Tecate, Mexico.<br /><br /><a href=",_California">Dulzura, CA</a> is an unincorporated community in <a href=",_California">San Diego County</a> about 10 miles north of the US/Mexico border and 25 miles east-southeast of San Diego. Dulzura has a population of about 700 people. Dulzura, CA is fairly close to Tecate, Mexico.<br /><br />prop19questions, cartels, RAND study, FSO, assassins, Pelosi, Tijuana bust, Los ZetasOn October 12, 2010, an article by Martha Mendoza of the Associated Press was <a href="">published</a> on MSNBC entitled "Study: Legalizing pot won't hinder Mexican cartels." The study was released October 12, 2010 by the RAND Drug Policy Research Center, and the study's lead author was co-director of the RAND Drug Policy Resarch Center Beau Kilmer. The study found that under $2 billion of cartel profits come from marijuana, and only about 3% of Mexican marijuana sales are in California. Mendoza said Prop 19 "will do little to quell the drug gangs' violent and sophisticated organizations that generate billions of dollars a year" according to the study. <br /><br />The study found that Californians already tend to buy marijuana grown in California, and grow marijuana at a higher rate than surrounding states. Mendoza said Californians make up 14% of the US marijuana market. Mendoza said Mexico President Felipe Calderon and US President Barack Obama "agree the vast profits cartels collect in the US", an estimated $18 to $35 billion annually, "fuel drugs wars" in Mexico. Since Calderon cracked down on organized crime in 2006, over 28,000 people have died due to drug violence in Mexico. <br /><br />Mendoza said Prop 19 supporters say they are focused on weed tax revenue, want to save money on prison costs, and that Prop 19 would reduce violence associated with the black market. <br /><br />Head of the US ONDCP, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske told the AP "This report shows that despite the millions spent on marketing the idea, legalized marijuana won't reduce the revenue or violence generated by Mexican drug trafficking organizations." But former LAPD police deputy chief Stephen Downing said "It's ridiculous to claim that ending prohibition won't have a big financial impact on these violent criminals' bottom lines." (I think Downing is ignoring that Prop 19 will not end prohibition in 49 US states, or anywhere else on Earth. And if only 10% of California cities allow weed stores (which is about the percentage that currently allow medical marijuana dispensaries), there will still be a black market in 90% of California cities, as well as a statewide black market for minors. If "prohibition" is only ended in California, wouldn't criminal organizations just relocate to (or increase their presence in) California in order to legally homegrow? If some cities allowed industrial marijuana production, marijuana prices in California would probably fall. Lots of cheap weed in California means bigger profits in black markets worldwide.)<br /><br />According to Mendoza, the study said if legal marijuana growers took over cartel distribution in the US, that would be the only way to cut into cartel profits. Mexican drug traffickers currently provide at least 50% of the marijuana in America, and would lose about 20% of their total drug revenue, but profits from heroin and cocaine would continue. Beau Kilmer said "If that happens, then legalization could reduce some of the Mexican drug violence in the long run."<br /><br />But isn't Mexican drug violence over territory and against rival smugglers and people that have betrayed them or refused to cooperate with them? Why wouldn't cartels move to Calfornia? Wouldn't drug cartels fight over territory and drug trafficking routes and seek to eliminate rivals in California and other US states? And wouldn't cartels sell hard drugs to all the drug tourists coming to California (or sell to people selling to tourists)?<br /><br />But the study authors said they don't believe the federal government will stand idly by if home-grown smugglers were to capture the entire national market now held by Mexico-sourced marijuana. Economist John Carnevale of the ONDCP said smuggling marijuana out of California will be easy, and that there is anecdotal information that marijuana smuggling through the mail system is already happening.<br /><br />Joseph McNamara questioned the study's assumptions about sales and use, and said Prop 19's key objective isn't resolving Mexico's drug violence. I suppose McNamara is technically correct, "resolving Mexico's drug violence" is in fact not Prop 19's main goal. And yet Prop 19 supporters often claim that Prop 19 will reduce drug violence, mistakenly believing that Prop 19 means "no black markets."<br /><br />In this <a href="">pro Prop 19 ad featuring Joseph McNamara</a>, McNamara says Prop 19 will "generate billions of dollars for local communities, allow police to focus on violent crimes, and put drug cartels out of business." (At the bottom of the ad it says "Yes on 19. Tax Cannabis 2010. Sponsored by S.K. Seymour LLC, a Medical Cannabis Provider, dba Oaksterdam University, a Cannabis Educator" -- which is also displayed on the bottom of<br /><br />Prop 19 itself doesn't generate any tax revenue (although local ballot measures like Measure V in Oakland supposedly would if Prop 19 passes and Measure V passes on November 2, 2010). As seen in Fresno and Oakland, there are already violent crimes associated with medical marijuana. Violent crimes associated with medical marijuana homegrowing is one of the reasons the Oakland City Council enacted ordinance 13033 to allow for large-scale grow permits. And I think the RAND study makes it clear that Prop 19 will not put drug cartels out of business. To me it seems like Prop 19 would give drug cartels a legal business to get involved in. Cartel members or people employed by cartels could legally grow in California. Legal weed stores could act as fronts to launder money. Maybe cartels could even purchase marijuana cheaply at wholesale from industrial marijuana growers. If Prop 19 passes, why wouldn't criminal organizations increase their presence in California?<br /><br />On October 7, 2009, Steve Fainaru and William Booth of the <i>Washington Post</i> <a href="">wrote</a> that according to the White House ONDCP, over 60% of cartel revenue, $8.6 billion out of $13.8 billion in 2006, came from US marijuana sales. At the time, the article said "now as much as half [of marijuana consumed in the US] is produced domestically." The article said according to government estimates, Mexico produced 35 million pounds of marijuana in 2008. (A 2010 <a href="">study</a> by Joanne Brion of Brion and Associates estimated that California currently grows approximately 8.6 million pounds of marijuana a year.) The Fainaru/Booth article said a marijuana farmer in Sinaloa might make $25 a pound, which could sell wholesale for $550 a pound in Phoenix, and that Mexican drug cartels could be selling $20 billion worth of marijuana in the US each year.<br /><br />On October 13, 2010, the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> published an <a href="">article</a> by John Hoeffel entitled "Legalizing pot in California would hardly dent cartels' revenue, report says" and that Prop 19 "would do little to curtail the violent Mexican cartels that smuggle marijuana across the border." Researchers at RAND estimated that cartel income from marijuana exported to the US was $1.5 billion, far lower than previous federal government reports which estimated as much as $14.3 billion.<br /><br />The RAND study dismissed an often quoted estimate by the ONDCP that marijuana sales make up 60% of cartel export revenue. The researchers could find no data to back the figure up. The paper said the 60% figure "appeared out of nowhere" and "has acquired great authority", but "should not be taken seriously." The paper said marijuana sales make up probably 15 to 26% of cartel export revenue. If Calfornians consume 14% of the marijuana consumed in the US, 14% of 15% of cartel revenue is about 2%, and 14% of 26% of cartel revenue is about 3.6% -- 2 to 4%.<br /><br />Stephen Gutwillig of the Drug Policy Alliance said prohibition of marijuana has failed because it's created a massive underground black market controlled by violent criminals. He said California can't put cartels out of business by itself, but Prop 19 is a "crucial first step." But I thought Joseph McNamara said Prop 19 would put cartels out of business in that Prop 19 support ad? And how would Prop 19 be a first step in putting cartels out of business if the "massive underground black market" still exists in 49 US states, (and likely 90% of California cities), and is still controlled by violent criminals? Even if Prop 19 passes, there will still be a black market for minors in California. <br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, California homegrowers should mail all their weed out of state to thwart cartels? What if cartels also do the mailing?<br /><br />The paper said Mexican marijuana has a US market share of 40 to 67%, and contains less THC than marijuana grown in California. The researchers figured that the average joint weighs 460mg. The paper concluded that violence might even increase as gangs fight over small revenue.<br /><br />An <a href="">overview</a> of the RAND study "Reducing Drug Trafficking Revenues and Violence in Mexico", by Beau Kilmer, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Brittany M. Bond, and Peter H. Reuter can be found on <a href=""></a>. A <a href="">PDF</a> of the full study can be downloaded online. There is also a <a href="">PDF</a> of appendixes for the study.<br /><br />It's interesting to me how the RAND study has been described online (and spun) by various groups.<br /><br />A <a href="">press release</a> for the study on from October 12, 2020 is entitled "Legalizing Marijuana in California Will Not Dramatically Reduce Mexican Drug Trafficking Revenues."<br /><br />A blog post about the study by Gene Maddaus of <i>LA Weekly</i> was entitled <a href="">Legalizing Pot Would Cut Mexican Cartel Revenues Only Slightly, Could Boost Violence, Study Finds</a>. Maddaus wrote that besides the 15-26% of export revenue cartels get from US pot sales, the rest comes from cocaine, meth, and heroin. Gutwillig of the DPA said the study "misses the mark" and any step towards legalization would cut into cartel profits. Gutwillig said Proposition 19 "is bad for their bottom line and a direct challenge to the monopoly they currently enjoy over their most lucrative product."<br /><br />An article on NPR from October 30, 2010 about the study was entitled "<a href="">Study: Legalizing Pot In Calif. Won't Hurt Cartels</a>."<br /><br />Meanwhile, a <a href="">post</a> by Jon Walker on, (firedoglake <a href="">claims</a> to be a progressive blog and activist hub, and Just Saw Now is a campaign for marijuana legalization) about the RAND study is entitled "Rand Study: Marijuana Legalization Would Markedly Cut Mexican Drug Cartel Profits."<br /><br />Walker began by saying "The Rand Corporation is notorious for its history of pro-drug-war studies." And said "the Rand Corporation buries the lede from their own study, one which strongly [supports] the anti-cartel claims made by marijuana reformers." Walker wrote "The study determines legalizing, taxing and regulating marijuana could eliminate all the profits the Mexican drug cartels currently make thanks to cannabis prohibition." Even if that's true, that's kind of a misleading way to say that nationwide marijuana legalization might possibly eliminate 15 to 26% of Mexican drug cartel revenue, which currently comes from US pot sales.<br /><br />Walker quotes part of the study, in part "<i>Thus, the needs of the California market would be supplied by the new legal industry. While, in theory, some DTO employees might choose to work in the legal marijuana industry, they would not be able to generate unusual profits, nor be able to draw on talents that are particular to a criminal organization</i>."<br /><br />By "the new legal industry", does that refer to legal homegrowers or commercial growers (which cities may or may not allow)? Criminal organizations could get involved in either. <br /><br />Personally, I disagree with the study's claim that crime syndicate members "would not be able to generate unusual profits nor be able to draw on talents that are particular to a criminal organization" if Prop 19 passes. <br /><br />While some criminals may work in the legal marijuana industry, profits would not come in the form of their wages there. It would come from learning more efficient ways to grow, embezzling, investing dirty money in commercial grows or weed stores, theft of bud/clones/seeds, drug rings at places of employment, sabotage of crops or seeds, destruction to weed stores and commercial grows, extortion or harassment or murder of marijuana company owners or employees, falsifying production yields, redirecting or funneling product to smugglers, selling product to smugglers, etc. <i>Los Zetas</i> is a Mexican drug cartel made up of ex-military from Mexico. Members previously worked as security for another cartel. Private security companies will be in high demand in California if Prop 19 passes and if cities allow commercial grows. Gropech said they were in talks with ex-military regarding security. If Mexican drug cartels can kill nearly 30,000 people while fighting over territory and fighting rivals, what's going to stop them from raiding industrial marijuana grows?<br /><br />California currently produces about 8.6 million pounds of marijuana per year. If marijuana was legalized and industrialized, California could produce hundreds of millions of pounds of cannabis per year, cannabis that is currently worth 1/4th its weight in gold outside of California. You might argue that if Prop 19 passes, marijuana prices will drop nationwide based on the idea that supply will outweigh nationwide demand (if only 100 million Americans consume marijuana and they only consume a few ounces per year on average and they only buy what they consume and don't buy any more for resale elsewhere), or the idea that there will be more sellers than buyers, or that smugglers will try to undercut each other, or that smugglers will be forced to sell for less to offload product. Marijuana prices might drop nationwide if Prop 19 passes, but I haven't seen any predictions on nationwide price drops, only possible price drops in California. If Prop 19 passes, there will be no place in the US where marijuana sells for $300/oz? Over 2,000 strains will all sell for under $300/oz? Medical marijuana dispensaries in 14 states and DC will all stop selling marijuana for $20/g? People and criminals will no longer make concentrates? Medical marijuana dispensaries will stop selling concentrates? If Prop 19 passes, will there be a global price drop? Why wouldn't big smugglers hold onto product to create artificial scarcity and keep prices high and seek to eliminate others selling for less? If the price of marijuana drops globally, would the price of concentrates also drop in a relative manner?<br /><br />Walker said "their press release was shaped to encourage the media to write stories with a fairly negative spin on Prop 19." Walker said "This leads to a finding by Randwhich they try to present as damaging to pro-legalization argumentsthat the passage of Prop 19 would only eliminate about two to four percent of cartel profits." And yet Jon Walker of Just Say Now wants to claim "Marijuana Legalization Would <i>Markedly</i> Cut Mexican Drug Cartel Profits." Walker says "No one has been claiming just the passage Prop 19 alone would eliminate all of the Mexican drug cartels marijuana profits across the whole country." But I've certainly heard plenty of general arguments by Prop 19 supporters that sound like that.<br /><br />Walker said "The study shows legalizing and regulating marijuana in one region would effectively shut down the cartels' lucrative marijuana trade to that location." But wouldn't it <i>enable</i> cartels' marijuana trade <i>from</i> that location? Why bother growing marijuana in Mexico and trying to smuggle it across the US/Mexico border when you can relocate to California and grow it legally anywhere in the state and have 3 state borders and the Pacific Ocean to choose from? Not only by automobile, but ship, plane, train, mail, etc.<br /><br />Walker concluded "Whether legalizing marijuana would make the murderous cartels terrorizing Mexico $6 billion a year poorer or a mere $2 billion, I still think it is a very good idea to take the first step toward depriving dangerous criminals of billions of dollars in revenue." Yet Walker seems to ignore the other part of the study that says that cartel violence might increase as they fight over smaller and smaller revenues. Why do cartels terrorize Mexico now? They're fighting over drug turf and fighting rivals and fighting the Mexican government. Do we want cartels moving to California en masse and fighting over drug turf and fighting rivals and fighting state and federal law enforcement agents here? Prop 19 doesn't make "dangerous criminals" any less dangerous. It gives incentive for criminals to move to California.<br /><br />Jon Walker's article also appeared on <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>. Pete Guither of said "Jon Walker has the true story of the newest Rand report, and how some of the intellectually dishonest 'academics' at Rand are trying to spin it." I don't know exactly how it's "intellectually dishonest" for the RAND study to claim that Prop 19 "will not dramatically reduce Mexican drug trafficking revenues" based on the estimate that Prop 19 would only affect 2 to 4% of cartel revenue. We're talking about the quantity of Mexican brick weed currently sold and consumed in California (and I don't know, but perhaps also marijuana grown by cartels on public land in California). That leaves 96 to 98% of cartel revenue untouched by Prop 19. Who's doing the spinning here?<br /><br />And that doesn't even factor in potential increases in sales of cocaine, heroin, and meth (which account for 74 to 85% of cartel revenue) to waves of drug tourists coming to California if Prop 19 passes. And what about the black market sale of marijuana concentrates, easily produced in washing machines full of ice, with large supplies of cheap legal weed or legally homegrown weed? What about the black market sale of commercial or homegrown marijuana laced with cocaine, heroin, or meth?<br /><br />On October 12, 2010, NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano <a href="">blogged</a> about the RAND study, with the headline "Someone Is Lying: Latest RAND Reports Disputes Feds Longstanding Cartel Claims." Armentano said the claim from the ONDCP that marijuana accounts for 60% of gross drug export revenue for Mexican drug traffickers "is not credible" according to RAND.<br /><br />Armentano asked "So who should we believe? On the one hand we have the federal government, which consistently lies about marijuana to further their own agenda. On the other hand, we have RAND, which also isnt above making its own specious claims to further their own agenda which in this case seems to be opposing Californias Prop. 19." Um, several RAND papers state outright that much of the information in them is speculative.<br /><br />Armentano said "the criminal prohibition of marijuana fuels an underground, unregulated, black market economy that empowers criminal entrepreneurs and jeopardizes the publics and the marijuana consumers safety." But Prop 19 won't end the "prohibition of marijuana". Cananbis will still be a Schedule I drug federally. Prop 19 won't even end prohibition in California. Only 10% of California cities currently allow medical marijuana dispensaries. It's likely that 90% of cities will not allow retail weed stores either, so there will still be black markets in those cities. And there will still be a black market economy statewide for minors looking to buy weed. If Prop 19 passes, anyone selling marijuana without the proper license from their local government will be part of the black market economy. Which "fuels" the underground economy more? Medical growers in California now who can legally homegrow, or every adult in California being able to legally homegrow? Many medical marijuana patients in California currently sell to dispensaries. If Prop 19 passes, dispensaries may no longer buy product from patient farmers, instead opting for commercially grown weed. Patients who expect that regular income might then look for buyers on the black market. More homegrowers means more people selling weed without a license. Who would buy weed from them? People who want certain strains or clones or seeds, minors, people who live in the likely 90% of cities that won't allow retail weed stores, people out of state, etc.<br /><br />On October 19, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by William Booth and Nick Miroff appeared in the <i>Washington Post</i> entitled "Threat grows as Mexican cartels move to beef up U.S. presence."<br /><br />On July 23, 2010, a <a href="">press release</a> by the <a href="">United States Attorney's Office</a> in the Southern District of California, part of the <a href="">Department of Justice</a>, regarding Operation Luz Verde was published on the Federal Bureau of Investigation website, San Diego Division. It said a criminal complaint was unsealed that day charging 43 defendants with a federal racketeering influenced and corrupt organization (RICO) conspiracy.<br /><br />The <i>Washington Post</i> article came 3 months after that press release. And I suppose the headline may have been written to grab attention before the vote on Proposition 19. It mentioned, on July 23, 2010, a federal racketeering indictment was unsealed which described stash houses, smuggling crews, marijuana and meth distribution, weapon trafficking, money laundering, and robberies. And the collection of drug debts, with non-payment met with murder or kidnapping in California and Mexico.<br /><br />The <i>Washington Post</i> article was about a "savage trafficking ring" called the Fernando Sanchez Organization, an offshoot of (and a weaker syndicate than) the <a href="">Tijuana cartel</a> (aka Arellano-Félix Organization which is led by <a href="">Luis Fernando Sánchez Arellano</a>). The organization moved aggressively to set up operations in San Diego, working out of an apartment called "The Office."<br /><br />Booth and Miroff wrote that it's not unusual for cartels to place representatives in large cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta to manage large drug deliveries, or for leaders and underlings to move north to seek refuge. But the FSO was building a network in San Diego with senior managers. Prosecutors said the organization functioned almost like a franchise "giving it greater control over lucrative smuggling routes and drug distribution networks north of the border." It recruited people from Latino street gangs based in the US. FSO lieutenants lived in San Diego and ordered murders and kidnappings in Mexico according to assistant US attorney Todd Robinson who will prosecute the alleged drug ring in 2011.<br /><br />The FBI obtained "roving" wiretaps for 44 people in February 2010 that let investigators track their movements by GPS. US authorities tapped cellphones for 6 months and recorded over 50,000 calls, which helped build a case against 43 suspects. The case is known as Operation Luz Verde (Green Light) and the <i>Washington Post</i> said it shows how Mexican cartels are trying to increase their presence in the US. US agents were able to eavesdrop on calls between two cellphone callers in Mexico due to towers on the north side of the border. Phones were quickly discarded and people spoke in Spanish, in code, with lots of street slang. Top lieutenants often used personal assistants who took messages so the boss wouldn't be heard on the line. Based on information from informants and wiretaps, the suspects hired US teenage girls to smuggle quarter pounds of meth across the border for $100 per trip. The wiretaps helped save the lives of 2 Mexican police officers and a cartel associate who had disrespected druglords in Tijuana and was going to be killed.<br /><br />Jesus Quinones Marquez, codenamed "The Kidney", was an international liaison and adviser to Rommel Moreno, the Attorney General of Baja California, and passed along information to cartel bosses. The father of 3 was arrested on July 22, 2010 in a setup at the San Diego police department.<br /><br />Of the 43 people indicted, 12 have alleged gang affiliations in San Diego, 8 are women, and 6 are current or former Mexican law enforcement officers. 35 suspects are currently in US jails. 8 others are still at large. One cartel leader was a former homicide detective from Tijuana.<br /><br />On October 16, 2010, an article in <i>The Washington Times</i> by Jerry Seper was published, entitled <a href="">Mexican hit men stalk U.S.</a>. The Fox News headline was <a href="">Mexican Assassins Headed to Arizona, U.S. Warned</a>. <br /><br />In May 2010, the Department of Homeland Security warned authorities in Arizona law enforcement with a memo stating that drug smuggling gangs in Mexico sent 15 well equipped assassins with bullet proof vests who would be disguised as backpackers carrying empty boxes covered in burlap into Arizona to draw out bandits ambushing/stealing loads of cocaine, marijuana, and heroin headed to US buyers and kill them.<br /><br />The federal government put up signs along Interstate 8 warning travelers the area is unsafe due to drug/illegal alien smugglers. The local sheriff said Mexican drug cartels no control some parts of Arizona.<br /><br />According to Fox News, on October 15, 2010 the Department of Homeless Security released a statement saying "This particular information proved to be inaccurate." Fox News went on to say "But Sheriff Babeu said there was already a hit carried out by these cartel assassins, when deputies found two men shot to death in the desert earlier this year."<br /><br />On October 23, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Mark Potter appeared on MNSBC entitled "Drug war next door linked directly to U.S." and said "Federal authorities say traffickers are now entrenched in at least 270 American cities." Potter wrote that the DEA says that US sales of cocaine, heroin, meth, and marijuana by Mexican trafficking organizations generates $19 to $39 billion annually. DEA chief for global enforcement operations David Gaddis said transnational drug trafficking "is our country's number one organized crime threat."<br /><br />Anthony Coulson, who was a supervisor and ran the DEA's Tuscon District Office until he recently retired, said the amounts of illegal drugs coming into the US from Mexico and the violence has never been higher, and that cartels have never been in control of more territory or more powerful than now. Coulson said "It's getting worse. I've never seen it at this level before."<br /><br />Potter said "Political and law enforcement leaders in both countries agree that American drug users fuel the Mexican trafficking cartels by purchasing their illicit products." Tony Payan, a drug cartel expert and teacher at the University of Texas at El Paso said he doesn't think it's a winnable war since the US "is not addressing the consumption part. It's not doing its part to reduce the market itself."<br /><br />According to Potter, Gaddis said "extreme violence is the result of traffickers being threatened and cut off from their normal smuggling activities by the Mexican police and military."<br /><br />On October 26, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Ryan Grim appeared on Huffington Post entitled "Pelosi: Mexican Officials Lobbying Against Pot Legalization." House Speaker and San Francisco representative told the Huffington Post that "I have the Mexicans coming in here and saying, 'Oh, my gosh, this is going to be problematic if in fact there's the decriminalization of marijuana.'" <br /><br />Grim wrote "Mexican officials worry that legalization would lead to increased demand, which could funnel more money to the cartels. Backers of the initiative, however, note that under legalization, regulated production would take place within the state rather than in Mexico, cutting out the cartels."<br /><br />And that's only if cities allow regulated production, which might be 10% of California cities if Prop 19 passes. And as if drug cartels couldn't relocate to California. You could argue that drug cartels wouldn't be able to compete in California with industrial cannabis production, but they can always pay legal homegrowers. And can California marijuana corporations deal with violent criminals who've killed nearly 30,000 people? That's like 10 9/11's.<br /><br />Grim wrote "RAND, which is a largely government-funded operation, reported to the media that its study found there would be little effect on the cartels if Prop 19 passed."<br /><br />Grim quoted from the study, saying legalizing marijuana in California would effectively eliminated Mexican drug-trafficking organization revenues that come from supplying Mexican grown marijuana to the California market. And that is California exports marijuana to the rest of America (which would be illegal drug trafficking), cartels could lost 20% of their revenue.<br /><br />Pelosi said she has supported medical marijuana for a long time, and was pleased with SB 1449, but hadn't taken a position on Prop 19.<br /><br />On October 21, 2010, an article by Randal C. Archibold was <a href="">published</a> on the <i>New York Times</i> saying 134 metric tons of marijuana, the most ever seized in Mexico, was seized October 17, 2010 in Tijuana after local police "happened on a convoy and were fired upon." Local police and state police and the military found 3 tractor-trailers and a smaller track in an industrial neighborhood near the border. The marijuana was in 15,300 bales wrapped in plastic and aluminum foil, some labeled with apparent labels or brands for US drug distributors. The seizure was announced October 18, 2010 and later burned. A 2010 US DOJ report said marijuana production in Mexico had increased 59% since 2003, due to a 48% decrease in eradication efforts since 2006.<br /><br />On October 20, 2010 (last updated October 28, 2010) an <a href="">article</a> by Chris Arsenault appeared on Al Jazeera entitled "US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico." The article said "Founders of the <a href="">Zetas</a> drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage." Arsenault said "Some of the cartel's initial members were elite Mexican troops, trained in the early 1990s by America's 7th Special Forces Group or "snake eaters" at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, a former US special operations commander has told Al Jazeera."<br /><br />Arsenault said they "came from the Airmobile Special Forces Group (GAFE), which is considered an elite division of the Mexican military" and their training in the US "was designed to prepare them for counter-insurgency and, ironically, counter-narcotics operations."<br /><br />Craig Deare, a former special forces commander and current professor at the US National Defence University estimated that "probably more than 500" GAFE personnel received special forces training. Arsenault wrote "The Zetas came to the attention of Mexico's Attorney General's office in 1999."prop19questions, Soros supports Prop 19Wikipedia says <a href="">George Soros</a> is "a Hungarian-American currency speculator, stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, and social activist" born on August 12, 1930. Forbes lists his net worth at $14.2 billion. During the <a href="">Black Wednesday</a> crisis in 1992, Soros made a reported $1 billion when he bet that the British government would have to devalue the pound sterling. Soros is a former member of the Board of Directors of the <a href="">Council on Foreign Relations</a>. Soros is also on the <a href="">board of directors</a> of the <a href="">Drug Policy Alliance</a>. George Soros is the Chairman of <a href="">Soros Fund Management</a> and the <a href="">Open Society Institute</a>. <br /><br />In March 2010, it was reported that Soros Fund Management <a href="">increased</a> their position in Monsanto by over 240%, according to holdings filed as of December 31, 2009 with the SEC. Soros Fund Management increased its position in Monsanto by 244.4%. According to 13F filings, 3.6% of Soros Fund Management assets were in Monsanto, making Monsanto 4th in the hedge fund's top 15 holdings in its portfolio. I found this amusing: said "And while Soros sold off POT, they massively added to MON, another agricultural giant." POT is the ticker symbol for Potash, and MON is the ticker symbol for Monsanto. said "Assets reported on the 13F filing were $8.8 billion this quarter compared to $6.2 billion last quarter, over a 40% increase in exposure", although the filings "are not representative of the hedge fund's entire base of AUM." 3.6% of $8.8 billion is $316.8 million, which I believe is how much Soros Fund Management has invested in Monsanto. Yahoo! Finance <a href="">says</a> Monsanto currently has a market cap of $31.6 billion. Although Soros Fund Management is not <a href="">listed</a> as a major holder of Monsanto common stock.<br /><br />Wikipedia says <a href="">Monsanto</a> is Earth's biggest seed company, the company genetically engineered glyphosate-resistant soybeans, 93% of US soybeans are now Monsanto beans, and they like to protect their intellectual property. (I can easily imagine how Earth's biggest seed company could profit off marijuana legalization. From what I've seen, online seedbanks currently sell marijuana seeds for $1.50 to over $33 per seed.) The documentary <a href=""><i>Food, Inc.</i></a> discusses Monsanto and Monsanto soybeans. And Monsanto set up a <a href="">website</a> to answer questions people had related to the film <i>Food, Inc</i>. (The book <a href=""><i>The Biotechnology of Cannabis sativa</i></a> discusses genetically engineering cannabis, which I assume would be legal if Prop 19 passes, unless prevented by federal prosecution.)<br /><br />On September 9, 2010, there was a <a href="">blog post</a> by "radicaljusticeman" which mentioned Monsanto and George Soros on a website for listeners, programmers, and staff of <a href="">KPFZ</a> 88.1 FM in <a href=",_California">Lakeport, California</a>. Lakeport is the county seat of Lake County, at 1,355 feet on the west shore of Clear Lake. The city had a population of 4,820 and 1,967 households as of the 2000 census. The blog post was also <a href="">mirrored</a> (and/or submitted) on the Coalition of the Obvious blog, which <a href="">claims</a> to be "a group of people who openly recognize that corporations are destroying Earth, our home; that the enemy of every social justice cause is a corporation; that corporations have purchased governments around the world; that mainstream media is corporate propaganda; and that the first step out of the Corporate State is to expose the truth." The post also appeared on <a href="">Infowars Ireland.</a><br /><br />On October 26, 2010, Kevin Fagan <a href="">blogged</a> at the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> that "billionaire financier" George Soros donated $1 million to the Drug Policy Alliance, one of the main supporters of Prop 19. (Soros donated $1 million to a non-profit organization that he's on the board of directors on?) Fagan said over $4 million had been raised by the pro Prop 19 campaign, and about $300,000 by the anti Prop 19 campaign. (More on donations in another blog post). Soros has long supported changing marijuana laws, but Fagan said Prop 19 opponents noticed that the donation seemed a little late.<br /><br />Spokesman for <a href=""></a> Roger Salazar said "We've been outspent from day one, but the more they spend, the more the public becomes aware of the flaws of Prop. 19 and the further they drop in the polls." The California Chamber of Commerce is airing radio ads saying Prop 19 would be bad for employers.<br /><br />Spokeswoman for <a href=""></a> Dale Sky Jones said "It's mostly really fear and ignorance we're fighting" and said an automated poll by SurveyUSA (which I mentioned in <a href="">this blog post</a>) showed Prop 19 winning. Dale Sky Jones is the wife of Jeff Jones, who is the co-sponsor of Prop 19, and she is also "executive chancellor" of Oaksterdam University. Fagan said the pro Prop 19 side began airing TV ads with Joseph McNamara, former San Jose Police Chief, saying the war on drugs is a failure.<br /><br />Shira Ovide also <a href="">blogged</a> on the Deal Journal at the <i>Wall Street Journal</i> about the following op/ed. Ovide mentioned how Soros <a href="">supported</a> a 2008 initiative decriminalizing marijuana possession in Massachusetts, as well as other state initiatives to decriminalize minor marijuana possession.<br /><br />Aaron Smith of CNN also <a href="">wrote</a> about the following opinion piece, and said that according to Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance (which Soros donated $1 million to according to Kevin Fagan, and which Soros is on the board of directors of according to the DPA website) said Soros has donated about $75 million towards drug policy reform since 1995. Nadelmann said this is the first time Soros has outright supported legalization. Jeff Miron of the Cato Institute estimated that Prop 19 could save $960 million annually in law enforcement costs.<br /><br />On October 26, 2010, Aliya Shahid of the <i>New York Daily News</i> <a href="">wrote</a> about Soros's op/ed piece in the <i>Wall Street Journal</i> and mentioned the $1 million donation.<br /><br />John Hoeffel also <a href="">blogged</a> about the donation by Soros, on an <i>Los Angeles Times</i> blog. He wrote that the donations makes Soros the biggest donor to the pro Prop 19 campaign after Richard Lee, who's spent at least $1.5 million towards it. Hoeffel wrote that Soros has contributed approximately $3 million to help pass 3 California initiatives, including Prop 215 which legalized medical marijuana in 1996. Hoeffel said that the Yes On 19 campaign began running cable TV ads in the LA area on October 26, 2010.<br /><br />Torey Van Oot <a href="">blogged</a> on October 28, 2010 on the <i>Sacramento Bee</i> that the Yes On 19 campaign planned to air ads on Comedy Central during <i>The Daily Show</i> and <i>The Colbert Report</i>, and linked to the <a href="">ad on YouTube</a>.<br /><br />On October 26, 2010, the <i>Wall Street Journal</i> published an op/ed by <a href="">George Soros</a> entitled <a href="">Why I Support Legal Marijuana</a>.<br /><br />Soros wrote that America's cannabis laws are doing more harm than good, and haven't prevented marijuana from becoming the most widely used illegal drug in the US. But they have resulted in negative consequences and high costs.<br /><br />My question is, how would Prop 19 prevent marijuana from becoming the most widely used drug in California, or the US? It wouldn't prevent marijuana use, it would promote it. Soros mentions high costs and negative consequences associated with current laws, but fails to mention any costs or negative consequences that may result from Prop 19.<br /><br />Soros said that there are approximately 750,000 arrests annually for marijuana possession, over 40% of all drug arrests. He said that billions of taxpayer dollars are spent "trying to enforce this unenforceable prohibition." Soros said police should focus on serious crime, and that regulating and taxing marijuana would reduce violence, crime, and corruption linked to drug markets. He said regulation would save billions of dollars spent on law enforcement and incarceration.<br /><br />But in California, possession of 28.5g or less of marijuana "is not an arrestable offense" already, <a href="">according</a> to NORML. NORML says an officer will not arrest an offender "as long as the offender can provide sufficient identification and promises to appear in court." NORML also says "upon conviction of the misdemeanor charge the offender is subject to a fine of $100." And since Prop 19 doesn't allow possession over one ounce, people with over one ounce will still be arrested. NORML says currently that "possession of greater than 28.5 grams is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $500." Since Prop 19 doesn't allow for sales without a license, people selling marijuana without a license will still be arrested. NORML says that currently "selling marijuana in any amount is punishable by 2 to 4 years in the state prison. Giving away less than 28.5 grams is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $100." Since Prop 19 doesn't allow for selling or giving to minors, people who do that will still be arrested. NORML says "sale of marijuana to a minor is punishable by 3 to 5 years in prison" and a felony if the minor is over 14. If the minor is under 14, sales, offering, inducing, distributing, employing is a felony punishable by 3 to 7 years in prison. Prop 19 doesn't allow people to transport over one ounce of marijuana, so people that do will still be arrested. And starting on January 1, 2011, possession of under one ounce of marijuana in California will no longer be a misdemeanor, due to Senate Bill 1449 which governor Schwarzenegger <a href="">signed</a> on September 30, 2010. Josh Richman of the <i>Oakland Tribune</i> <a href="<a href="">said</a> SB 1449 was introduced by state senator Mark Leno, a Democrat from San Francisco. People charged for possession of under one ounce of marijuana will no longer have a permanent criminal record of it. California Drug Policy Alliance director Stephen Gutwillig said the signing of SB 1449 was "certainly made possible and perhaps made necessary by the apparent popularity" of Proposition 19.<br /><br />Since Prop 19 allows people statewide to keep any harvests of marijuana grown in under a 25 square foot area, and allows people to legally share marijuana with adults, will there be no possession limits whatsoever inside residences? What if someone has 20 pounds? 50 pounds? 100 pounds? 300 pounds? 500 pounds? At what point does a red flag go off that someone may be a drug smuggler? Will it matter if it's all in glass jars? In trash bags? In boxes? Pressed into bricks? If law enforcement is called to a residence containing marijuana, what do they have to determine? If the grow area is under 25 square feet? If people have receipts for purchased weed? If there are minors in the home? Does their need to be evidence of a growing operation? Is it enough for someone to claim that someone gave them the marijuana and no money was exchanged? How could anyone know whether or not money was exchanged?<br /><br />And regarding the regulation of marijuana reducing violence, previously I've <a href="">blogged</a> about how Fresno County banned outdoor marijuana growing for 45 days after a Fresno man was shot and killed by a medical marijuana patient who suspected thieves were stealing his crop. And like I <a href="">blogged</a> about here, in July the Associated Press reported that the Oakland police department said in the last 2 years, marijuana grows have been linked to 8 robberies, 7 burglaries, and 2 murders.<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, more people in California will legally homegrow a renewable commodity worth one-fourth its weight in gold on the street outside California. More growhouses means more robberies. More robberies means more potential violent confrontations between growers and thieves. Commercial grows and weed stores may be large targets for robbers and thieves, in addition to vehicles in their parking lots and customers. And criminal organizations and smugglers and traffickers will want to protect their grows, and their territory, and trafficking routes.<br /><br /><a href="">This blog post</a> by lawyer Jennifer Soares asks how many arrests Prop 19 will stop. Notice how many felony arrests Prop 19 could possibly affect.<br /><br />On October 3, 2010, there was an <a href="">article</a> by Josh Richman in the <i>Oakland Tribune</i> called "Hazy math: How much do we spend to incarcerate pot users? Not as much as they say."<br /><br />Richman wrote that according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the California Department of Justice, in 2009 there were 61,164 arrests for possession of under one ounce of marijuana, currently a misdemeanor (but it will only be an infraction as of January 1st). (And see again the <a href="">blog post</a> by the lawyer Jennifer Soares and notice how the Department of Justice defines "arrest.") The maximum fine for each arrest is $100. (As I mentioned in <a href="">this blog post</a>, LEAP member Nate Bradley claimed those fines cost counties $1,000 to process, and that $60 million per year could be saved if police just stopped writing those tickets.) In 2009, there were 17,008 felony marijuana arrests according to the California Department of Justice according to Calfornia NORML. As of the end of 2009, 1,639 people were incarcerated in state prisons for all marijuana offenses. About 0.9% of the California state prison population were inmates held on marijuana offenses. The cost of their incarceration was $52,363 per person, or a total of $85.8 million. The Campaign Against Marijuana Planting or CAMP, an inter-agency marijuana eradication program, costs about $1 million per year. CAMP has eradicated about 3.5 million plants so far in 2010, with an estimated street value of $12.3 billion. Professor Mark Kleiman of the UCLA School of Public Affairs and director of its Drug Policy Analysis Program said the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement's CAMP program would probably end if Prop 19 passes since it wouldn't be worth the time and money for criminals to operate illegal grow ops on remote public lands.<br /><br />Richman said Prop 19 supporters like to talk about all the money Prop 19 would save in criminal justice costs, but he said that the numbers don't really back them up. Richman referred to Senate Bill 1449 and said it means "most of the prosecution and court costs formerly associated with such cases already have been eliminated."<br /><br />George Soros said nationwide enforcement of the marijuana portion of the Controlled Substances Act costs billions. I suppose that money goes toward law enforcement agencies and jails and prisons and courts and lawyers and judges and the DEA and eradication programs.<br /><br /><a href=""></a> says Prop 19 would save "hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year." California criminal justice expert and professor Michael Vitiello of the University of the Pacific's McGeorge School of Law said "it seems like real exaggeration." Richman said that in actuality, California doesn't spend very much arresting nonviolent marijuana users. Alameda County Sherriff's Office spokesman Sgt. J.D. Nelson said the county jail probably has zero inmates in for minor marijuana possession, and maybe some growers but very few. Vitiello said some offenders have pleaded down from more serious charges to a marijuana charge. And some inmates may be in prison for violating parole by possessing marijuana. Which brings up another point, it appears that parolees won't be able to possess marijuana even if Prop 19 passes, they'll go back to prison.<br /><br />Jimmy Lee, spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Ofice, said in a recent month, county jails had 6 arrests for cultivation and 19 bookings for marijuana possession under an ounce. The other arrests for marijuana would still be illegal after Prop 19. <br /><br />And Prop 19 will not change federal law (more on that in another blog post). Marijuana will still be a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act even if Prop 19 passes (which is one of the reasons the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> opposed it, which I <a href="">blogged</a> about here.)<br /><br />Richman said the Moscone Act which took effect January 1, 1976 and decriminalized marijuana in California, made possession of under one ounce of marijuana the only misdemeanor in California not punishable by jail time. He wrote that someone found in possession of marijuana "need not even be formally arrested or booked on the misdemeanor charge." Richman said one study estimated that California saved $1 billion in the the next decade in arrest, court, prison, and parole costs. Richman said people arrested for misdemeanor possession that have other marijuana convictions in the last 2 years are eligible for a "diversion program", maybe community service, maybe treatment, to have the charges dismissed. Richard said Proposition 36 in the year 2000 made 1st and 2nd time drug offenders charged only with possession should go to treatment not jail, and their conviction will be erased if they finish a court supervised treatment program.<br /><br />Soros wrote that Prop 19 would reduce civil liberty violations, saying that currently blacks are 3 to 5 to 10 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than others. California NAACP president Alice Hufman said the criminal justice system does more harm to people than cannabis, and a permanent drug arrest record does nobody any good. Soros also said that marijuana was criminalized in the early 20th century mainly due to racial prejudice against Mexican immigrants. Richman said blacks are about three times more likely to be charged with marijuana possession in California than whites (or even more in some cities), and DPA director Stephen Gutwillig said "there's no reason to believe policing practices are going to change simply because the technical nature of the offense has." Gutwillig said if Prop 19 fails, it's possible some law enforcement agencies will issue even more citations than they do now since the tickets won't result in misdemeanor court appearances.<br /><br />Richman also referred to an op/ed by ONDCP directors which said legal marijuana would create criminal justice costs that would exceed any tax revenue brought in, just like alcohol and tobacco do now. Prop 19 creates new crimes, like ingesting marijuana in the same "space" as a minor. And Prop 19 allows every city and every county to come up with their own unique laws regarding commercial regulation and sales. They said Prop 19 would burden law enforcement officers with "new and complicated enforcement duties." (Indeed, the cost of new code enforcement was one of the reasons Rancho Cordova proposed to tax homegrowers, which I <a href="">blogged</a> about here.)<br /><br />Soros said that major criminal organizations benefit the most from illegal marijuana, and that they would likely be weakened if marijuana was legalized. Soros mentioned how the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, which includes former president of Mexico <a href="">Ernesto Zedillo</a>, former president of Colombia <a href="">César Gaviria</a>, and former president of Brazil <a href="">Fernando Henrique Cardoso</a>, recommended that marijuana be decriminalized.<br /><br />But recently it's been reported that drug cartels don't stand to lose much money if Prop 19 passes (more on that in another blog post). Major criminal organizations surely benefit from illegal marijuana now, but if Prop 19 passes, marijuana will still be illegal in 49 states. If Prop 19 passes, criminals can also benefit from legal marijuana, growing legally, buying cheap weed legally, in addition to selling huge volumes of legal homegrown or legal commercial marijuana for big profits everywhere in the world outside of California. There will still be a black market for minors in California. And currently only 1 out of 10 cities in California allow medical marijuana dispensaries. If a city won't allow medical dispensaries, are they likely to allow retail weed stores? I doubt it. That means 90% of California cities will still have black markets. People who live in those cities may drive to cities that allow weed stores, or legally homegrow, <br /><br />Who benefits the most from marijuana being legalized in California only? Large criminal organizations who will be able to grow it legally, buy it legally from licensed distributors, and smuggle it out of California and sell it for much much more worldwide. As well as large corporations who will be able to grow it in California, sell it in California, patent it, etc. As well as investors like George Soros. Luisa Kroll, who <a href="">blogged</a> on Forbes about the donation and the opinion piece, called George Soros "the world's richest hedge fund manager."<br /><br />Although, corporations may face federal prosecution. Large corporations could probably afford long and costly lawsuits, or wait to see how other lawsuits play out before entering the legal market. But criminal organizations wouldn't care, crime <i>is</i> their business. They don't have to play by any rules corporations may be required to. Even if large marijuana corporations avoid federal prosecution in California, they'll still only be able to lawfully sell their products in California. Criminal organizations have the entire planet as their market. It's entirely possible that criminal organizations would do the most buying from California marijuana corporations.<br /><br />Someone might argue that Californians would benefit the most from legal marijuana, since they'd no longer have to fear arrest or "persecution" or stigma, but crime syndicates and corporations will be making more money. And they could still fear arrest by the feds. Besides, THC can induce paranoia and persecutory delusions in even legal pot. Someone might argue that taxpayers benefit the most since supposedly tax money would no longer be used on arresting, and incarcerating people for marijuana offenses, but like Josh Richman said, California taxpayers don't spend as much on incarcerating those people as Prop 19 supporters claim. And what about the potential costs of arresting and incarcerating more drug smugglers and unlicensed sellers in California? And consumers will be paying a special tax on marijuana they buy from licensed retailers. Someone might argue that cities benefit the most from legal marijuana, because of additional tax revenue, but how many California cities will allow retail weed stores? 10%? How many people will pay taxes on weed when they can homegrow tax free? Will taxes even be collectible since companies will be federal criminals? How much weed tax revenue will be used up by regulatory agencies set up by local governments?<br /><br />Soros said he was worried about young people getting involved with marijuana and other drugs, but that honest drug education is the best solution. Soros said teens can find marijuana easier than alcohol, and have more access to marijuana than most adults. Soros said legalizing marijuana "can hardly make it any more accessible to young people."<br /><br />Can Prop 19 supporters agree on what honest drug education regarding marijuana is? Have any Prop 19 supporters agreed that packs of joints should carry health warning labels, or what marijuana warning labels might say? Maybe that's the responsibility of the <a href="">Surgeon General of the United States</a>. I guess you could argue that people are waiting until Prop 19 passes and local governments create commercial regulations to get into the specifics of health warnings. If Prop 19 passes, does each local government in California get to decide their own warning labels? Proposition 19 doesn't mention health warnings at all, although in the <a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_%28California%29#A._Findings">Findings</a> section it says "Cannabis has fewer harmful effects than either alcohol or cigarettes, which are both legal for adult consumption. Cannabis is not physically addictive, does not have long term toxic effects on the body, and does not cause its consumers to become violent." Is that a sufficient health warning? "Cannabis is not physically addictive, does not have long term toxic effects on the body, and does not cause its consumers to become violent"? Like I <a href="">blogged</a> about, Dr. Tim Cermak said Prop 19's assertion that pot is not physically addictive is a myth. And Itai Danovitch, a member of the California Society of Addiction Medicine's Committee on Public Policy, and assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, wrote that about 1/11 adults who use marijuana develop an addiction to it, and that as many as 1/6 people who start smoking marijuana before 18 develop an addiction to it.<br /><br />And Prop 19 lets anyone in California legally homegrow. Does George Soros think that the number of growers in California will remain the same if Prop 19 passes? Does Soros think that no parents in California will start homegrowing if Prop 19 passes? More and more parents legally homegrowing means more marijuana available to young people. More and more people growing, perhaps visible from the street, means more marijuana available to young people. Industrial volumes of commercial joints means more marijuana available to young people. How many strains of marijuana can a typical teen in California currently obtain in the next hour? Is that number going to go down if Prop 19 passes? Prop 19 supporters like to say that "dealers don't check for ID" but if Prop 19 passes, dealers will *continue* to sell marijuana to minors on the black market, and not check for ID.<br /><br /><a href="">This</a> article in the <a href=""><i>The Atlanta Journal-Constitution</i></a> from July 2009 discusses the pros and cons of anti-tobacco ads. The pro side by Michael Eriksen, former director of the Office on Smoking and Health at the CDC, said "Rigorous scientific research has shown that price increases, strict advertising restrictions and clean indoor air laws are effective in reducing smoking for everyone, but are particularly effective among young people." The con side by Michael L. Marlow, an economics professor at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California, said "Statistical analysis that I've conducted shows that there is a very tenuous link between cigarette sales and state anti-tobacco spending. At best, spending large amounts of money on anti-tobacco programs seems to produce a trivial drop in cigarette sales less than a pack a year per capita."<br /><br />Anti-marijuana ads on television are routinely criticized by marijuana users. Also, on May 28, 2005, <a href="">research</a> on anti-weed ads was presented by Dr. Harvey Ginsburg of Texas State University, San Marcos at the American Psychological Society's yearly convention in Los Angeles. Ginsburg said "These findings are roughly consistent with independent evaluations showing that the anti-marijuana ads failed to produce positive impacts and may actually boomerang" and that "Any White House conclusions that their ads have caused a national reduction in marijuana use are not warranted." <a href="">This webpage</a> on the Common Sense for Drug Policy website features headlines such as "The Persistence Of Folly: ONDCP's Anti Drug Media Campaign", "House Appropriations Committee Reduces National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Funding", "ONDCP Spends Millions On Ads In Spite Of Federal Research Proving Campaign Is A Failure", "NIDA Issues Final Evaluation Through 2003 Of Media Campaign -- No Changes, Ad Campaign Still A Failure", "The More Things Stay The Same: ONDCP Again Launches New Ads In Super-Expensive Super Bowl As Feds Release Report Calling Anti-Drug Media Campaign A Failure", "Federal Evaluation: ONDCP Ad Campaign A Failure, Yet Czar Begs Congress To Fully Fund Program." If anti-marijuana ads fail to reduce teen marijuana use, why would that change after Prop 19 passes? Will anti-marijuana ads suddenly become effective after the passage of Prop 19?<br /><br />Soros said Prop 19 won't solve all of the problems associated with marijuana but it would be a major step forward, and experience could be used to correct any deficiencies. Soros said that states began repealing alcohol prohibition laws leading to the 21st amendment which repealed alcohol prohibition nationwide, and that US states must begin repealing marijuana prohibition laws. Soros said California voters have an opportunity to lead the nation like like they with Prop 215 in 1996 which legalized medical marijuana.<br /><br />Since marijuana is a controlled substance federally and in all 50 states, isn't talk about "repealing marijuana prohibition laws" actually referring to controlled substance scheduling? In August 2009, the Oregon legislature passed SB 728, which directed the Oregon Board of Pharmacy to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II, III, IV or V. On June 16, 2010 the Oregon State Board of Pharmacy voted 4-1 to move marijuana from Schdule I to II, to recognize that cannabis has an acceptable medical use. Marijuana is now a Schedule II controlled substance in Oregon, the first state in the nation to make it a Schedule II drug. In February 2010, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy recommended its legislature reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to II, recognizing its medical use. But even if all 50 states reschedule marijuana, that does not mean that marijuana will be rescheduled federally. The US is still a party to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, and the federal Controlled Substances Act is based on that international treaty.<br /><br />Wikipedia says the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs can <a href="">reschedule cannabis</a>. Congress can reschedule cannabis. The Executive Branch can reschedule cannabis. The US Attorney General can reschedule cannabis. The DEA supposedly looks at petitions to reschedule cannabis. The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services can reschedule cannabis. But the US still ratified the treaty the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Cindy Fazey said total legalization would require the US to denounce that treaty, amend the treaty, or reinterpret it (which would probably be opposed by the International Narcotics Control Board.)<br /><br />Soros said just the fact that Proposition 19 is on the 2010 ballet has "elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana and marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined a year ago."<br />prop19questions,, weGrow/Gropech, AgraMed, upscaling homegrowing methods for industrial cannabis production, RAND study(This blog post was inspired by <a href="">this article</a> in <i>East Bay Express</i> from May 2010 entitled "Huge, Legal Cannabis Farm Study Surprises Industry, Officials".)<br /><br /><b>Table of Contents</b><br /><ol id="toc"><li><a href="#fisher">an era of factory farmed pot</a></li> <li><a href="#dhn">Dark Heart Nursery</a></li> <li><a href="#igrow">weGrow, formerly know as iGrow</a></li> <li><a href="#gropech">Gropech wants an Oakland permit</a></li> <li><a href="#walmart">Oakland's Walmart-ization of weed</a></li> <li><a href="#harborside">Harborside Health Center</a></li> <li><a href="#wilcox">Jeff Wilcox</a></li> <li><a href="#brion">Brion study</a></li> <li><a href="#speculation">speculation regarding the Brion study</a></li> <li><a href="#lighting">lighting</a></li> <li><a href="#gpw">grams per watt</a></li> <li><a href="#58lbs">speculation on 58 pounds per day</a></li> <li><a href="#lumismart">cutting electricity usage by lights</a></li> <li><a href="#agramed">speculation on AgraMed grow methods</a></li> <li><a href="#prices">wholesale/retail prices</a></li> <li><a href="#harborsideprices">example prices at Harborside</a></li> <li><a href="#profit">wholesale AgraMed weed and Harborside profit</a></li> <li><a href="#homegrow">homegrowing methods and homegrowing scaled up</a></li> <li><a href="#abf">ABF SOG</a></li> <li><a href="#elec">electricity usage in California</a></li> <li><a href="#tax">tax revenue</a></li> <li><a href="#joints">speculation on industrial joints</a></li> <li><a href="#deficit">budget deficit</a></li> <li><a href="#vert">one vertical grow</a></li> <li><a href="#clonelights">lights for clones</a></li> <li><a href="#clonespec">clone lighting speculation</a></li> <li><a href="#industrialvert">industrial vertical growing</a></li> <li><a href="#5by5">5x5 homegrows</a></li> <li><a href="#crisis">California electricity crisis</a></li> <li><a href="#abfyearly">ABF SOG annual homegrowing</a></li> <li><a href="#smuggling">smuggling out of California into the US</a></li> <li><a href="#yields">other potential homegrow yields</a></li> <li><a href="#bigyield">high yielding marijuana strains</a></li> <li><a href="#commercialstrains">qualities commercial marijuana growers might look for</a></li> <li><a href="#outdoors">outdoor growing</a></li> <li><a href="#etc">other grow methods</a></li> <li><a href="#greenhouses">greenhouses</a></li> <li><a href="#permit">Oakland industrial medical marijuana permits</a></li> <li><a href="#deadlines">dates concerning Oakland industrial medical marijuana permits</a></li> <li><a href="#impact">negative impacts of homegrowing in Oakland</a></li> <li><a href="#allow">California cities and counties that currently allow medical marijuana dispensaries</a></li> <li><a href="#rand">RAND's estimated cost of production for legal marijuana</a></li> </ol><br /><a name="fisher"><h3>an era of factory farmed pot</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On July 20, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Max Fisher appeared on <i>The Atlantic Wire</i> entitled "Is California Ushering in an Era of Factory Farmed Pot?" That was before the Oakland City Council approved a proposal to set up 4 marijuana factory farms. Fisher mentioned and linked to 4 articles: <a href="">Oakland Pot Growers Fear "Wal-Marting" of Weed</a> from July 19, 2010 by the Associated Press, via CBS News. An article by James Joyner seen on Outside the Beltway entitled <a href="">Big vs Small Business</a>. <a href="">Pot Factory Farms</a> by Ewen MacAskill of <i>The Guardian</i>. And an article from July 20, 2010 in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> by John Hoeffel entitled <a href=",0,3128251.story">Oakland's Choice</a>. <br /><br />In the article <a href="">Big vs Small Business</a> by James Joyner seen on Outside the Beltway, Joyner said "the fact of the matter is that [government regulation] almost always is demanded by big players in the industry in an effort to thwart competition." <br /><br />On July 19, 2010, in the <a href="">Oakland Pot Growers Fear "Wal-Marting" of Weed</a> by the Associated Press, the AP said California medical marijuana growers "complain that industrial-scale gardens would harm the environment, reduce quality and leave consumers with fewer strains from which to choose." One of the 400 patient growers who sell marijuana to Harborside said "Nobody wants to see the McDonald's-ization of cannabis." I suppose you could say that current growers are afraid that WeedMart will shut down their business, and their option would be to work for WeedMart.<br /><br />On July 20, 2010 in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>, (before the Oakland City Council approved Ordinance No. 13033 C.M.S.) the article <a href="">Oakland's Choice</a> by John Hoeffel stated that passing the ordinance "could usher in the era of Big Pot." Hoeffel wrote "The proposal is a testament to just how fast the marijuana counterculture is transforming into a corporate culture." Dale Gieringer, the head of California NORML said "the ordinance basically sets up an oligopoly." He said "We'd like to see lots of microbreweries, rather than Budweisers."<br /><br />Stephen DeAngelo of Harborside, the largest legal marijuana retailer in the world, reportedly stirred up much of the opposition to the ordinance, fearing for the livelihoods of his patient-farmers. DeAngelo said "It's not the role of government to decide the winners and losers in the marketplace."<br /><br />I'm not so sure how much Harborside <i>really</i> cares about its patient farmers though, since the proposed AgraMed site is right next to Harborside, and Jeff Wilcox, the owner of AgraMed, concluded that a large-scale indoor marijuana farm was a good business opportunity after speaking to Stephen DeAngelo. Surely AgraMed would supply Harborside if AgraMed obtains a large-scale grow permit in Oakland.<br /><br /><a name="dhn"><h3>Dark Heart Nursery</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Dan Grace, owner of Dark Heart Nursery, said the ordinance was "not providing a pathway for folks to become more legitimate." According to Hoeffel, Grace said his operation could triple in size if Oakland allowed it.<br /><br />Dark Heart Nursery is one of the the approximately 400 vendors to Harborside (their products are labeled "DHN" in <a href="">HHCOAK tweets</a>). According to Hoeffel, DHN raises about 10,000 marijuana clones per month in a 3,000 square foot space. Many (if not all) DHN clones each retail for $14 plus tax at Harborside (if not $14 then at least $12).<br /><br />According to the <a href="">vendor</a> page at the Harborside website, Harborside buys clones Monday through Friday from 1PM to 6PM and pays $6 per stem. Clones should be "healthy, green, and have ample, bright white roots." Clones cannot have burnt leaves, twisted growing shoots, bugs, mildew, or algae. Harborside prefers clones in rockwool slabs of 50 cubes per tray. Vendors supplying clones to Harborside for the first time should bring 1 or 2 trays (50 to 100 clones). That would mean that Harborside pays $300 per tray of clones.<br /><br />If Dark Heart Nursery sold all 10,000 clones to Harborside for $6 per stem, then DHN generates $60,000 a month. That would be 200 trays a month, or about 50 trays a week, or about 10 trays daily Monday through Friday totaling 500 cuttings. If Harborside sold all of those clones for $14 per stem in one month, Harborside would generate $80,000 from DHN clones alone. Examples of strains that DHN makes cuttings from and sells to Harborside include Blue Dream, Chem Dawg 4, Dream Queen, Romulan x Grapefruit, and Space Queen. Like I mentioned in <a href="">this blog post</a>, according to <a href="">HHCOAK tweets</a>, Chem Dawg 4 can contain up to 22.74% THC, Chem Dawg 4 Oil can contain up to 71.72% THC, and Dream Queen can contain up to 18.5% THC. If clones are not sold they could always be planted in soil and later sold as mothers. Also, I'm not sure if they do this but I suppose Harborside could even grow purchased clones to maturity and sell the bud or make it into concentrates. I mention clones at Harborside some more in another section <a href="#harborsideprices">below</a>.<br /><br /><a name="igrow"><h3>weGrow, formerly know as iGrow</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The July 20 article by John Hoeffel also mentioned iGrow, a 15,000 foot hydroponics store which 26-year-old Dhar Mann opened in January 2010. It was pitched as the first such store to openly cater to medical marijuana growers. According to Hoeffel, Dhar Mann said he put together a team "to design an energy-efficient proposal for a large cultivation facility that would stack pallets of pot plants as high as five levels." In another section <a href="#vert">below</a> I discuss a homegrow vertical growing method with four levels.<br /><br />On July 19, 2010, in the article <a href="">Oakland Pot Growers Fear "Wal-Marting" of Weed</a> by the Associated Press, the AP mentioned that iGrow planned to apply for 1 of the 4 permits in Oakland. Ryan Indigo Warman, a teacher at iGrow, said that large-scale grows in Oakland would create hundreds of jobs and anyone who says the ordinance (Ordinance No. 13033 C.M.S.) was not good for Oakland "is only protecting their own interests." (Which begs the question, whose interests are weGrow formerly iGrow protecting?)<br /><br /><a href="">This website</a> lists details about a lawsuit, GCH, Inc. v. Igrow LLC et al, filed April 28, 2010 in California Northern District Court regarding trademark infringement. Dharminder Mann (Dhar Mann) of Igrow LLC was the defendant. GCH, Inc. filed a "COMPLAINT FOR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT; FALSE DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN AND DILUTION; UNFAIR COMPETITION; FEDERAL CYBERSQUATTING; AND FALSE ADVERTISING: DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL; against Igrow LLC, Dharminder Mann." <a href=""></a> also has information about the lawsuit.<br /><br />I've noticed there is a GCH Inc in Long Beach, California with the website <a href=""></a>. I think there is also a G C H Inc in Santa Barbara, California.<br /><br />There is also an iGrow, LLC in Loveland, Colorado, with the website <a href=""></a>, which says they are not affiliated with any IGrow in California.<br /><br />Dhar Mann's iGrow changed its name to weGrow Hydroponics (perhaps due to the above trademark lawsuit). <br /><br /> <a href="">says</a> a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for IGROWHYDRO on March 25, 2009, owned by GCH, Inc. of Long Beach, California. The description provided was "Online retail lawn, garden and nursery store services." The United States Patent and Trademark Office gave the IGROWHYDRO trademark serial number 77699032.<br /><br /><a href=""></a> says a U.S. federal trademark registration for WEGROW GARDEN SUPPLY was filed on June 15, 2010 by iGrow, LLC, 70 Hegenberger Loop, Oakland, CA 94261. The description provided was "Retail stores featuring plant grow lights, hydroponic garden supplies and equipment; On-line ordering services featuring plant grow lights, hydroponic garden supplies and equipment." The <a href="">United States Patent and Trademark Office</a> gave the WEGROW GARDEN SUPPLY trademark serial number 85062767.<br /><br /><a href=""></a> now displays the weGrow logo. There is a <a href="">PDF</a> on that mentions GCH, INC. The PDF shows a diagram of a Sentinel CTC-1 hooked up to a CO2 generator or regulator, an EVC-2, a de-humidifier, and a vent fan. Below it says COPYRIGHT 2007 GCH, INC. The website is <a href=""></a>. The PDF shows the address of locations in Long Beach and Santa Barbara. And it mentions the name GREENCOAST HYDROPONICS (the website mentions the name GreenCoast Hydroponics).<br /><br /> has a <a href="">press release</a> from October 2, 2010 entitled "60,000 sq. ft. Marijuana Cultivation Facility to be Unveiled near Oakland Airport." The press release said the 15,000 foot iGrow Hydroponics facility opened in January 2010. It said weGrow has over 75 franchise stores already under contract in under 8 months. It contained the "University of Cannabis", an onsite doctor for medical marijuana evaluations, live grow demonstrations, and a "Bloom Room" for "in-home technician build-outs." <br /><br />The press release said scheduled events on October 3, 2010 at weGrow Hydroponics at 70 Hegenberger Loop in Oakland, California included from 10:30AM a luncheon and mixer for VIPS, media arrival, a press conference with comments by political leaders and community leaders in Oakland, question and answer period, ceremonial tree planting; general doors open, tours of the remodeled facility, the start of the main event party; an outdoor expo with free food, live music, and entertainment; the announcement of silent auction winners, with the party ending at 6PM.<br /><br />The press release said Oakland City Councilmember Larry Reid, Oakland Mayoral Candidate Jean Quan, and Oakland Mayoral Candidate Don Perata would attend the unveiling. It said over 50 small business vendors and over 1,000 people were expected to attend. It said a video of 3D architectural renderings of their proposed 60,000 square feet LEED-certified marijuana cultivation facility would be presented. And that weGrow would submit via its sister company <a href="">Gropech</a> an application to be one of Oakland's 4 large-scale grows. I talk more about Gropech in another section <a href="#gropech">below</a>.<br /><br />Eddie Piatt, the LEED-certified architect of Gropech, would "unveil a first look" of the proposed facility (which I assume means he would show the CGI video). The press release said the new facility will "replicate a medical laboratory", include 53ft mobile hydroponic grow rooms, and live demonstrations of cannabis cultivation "from seed to sale." It said if Oakland grants them a permit, the facility will go live in late January 2011. It would supposedly produce nearly 350 pounds of marijuana per week (which would be 18,200 pounds of marijuana per year, the press release says "approximately 20,000 pounds"), employ over 200 Oakland residents, and generate an estimated $5 million in tax revenue for the city of Oakland.<br /><br />18,200 pounds of marijuana would be worth:<br /><ul><li>$87,360,000 at $4,800/lb aka $300/oz on the black market</li> <li>$50,960,000 at a wholesale price of $2,800/lb aka $175/oz</li> </ul><br />Gropech's estimated production of 18,200 pounds of marijuana a year is less than AgraMed's estimated production by Brion and Associates of 21,270 pounds of marijuana year. The AgraMed facility was also estimated to create 371 jobs vs the 200 jobs for the Gropech facility.<br /><br />The press release lists the weGrow website as <a href=""></a><br /><br />Other articles I found online that mention weGrow include:<br /><ul><li><a href="">Rise of a 'ganjapreneur'</a> by Angela Woodall, September 6, 2010, <i>Oakland Tribuen</i> via <i>San Jose Mercury News</i></li> <li><a href="">Proposed 60,000 sq. ft. marijuana growing facility in Oakland announced</a> by Ryan Van Lenning, October 4, 2010,</li> <li><a href="">Oakland City Leaders Attend Reopening Of Marijuana Megastore</a> by Steve Elliott, October 4, 2010,</li> <li><a href="">Walmart of Weed: weGrow a national enterprise</a> by Ye Tian, October 6, 2010, <i><a href="">Oakland North</a></i></li> <li><a href="">The Big Business of Marijuana</a> by Tom McNichol, October 27, 2010, <i>The Atlantic</i></li> </ul><br /><a name="gropech"><h3>Gropech wants an Oakland permit</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On October 4, 2010, <a href=""><i>The Atlantic</i></a> magazine had an <a href="">article</a> by Kyle Berlin called "Tour the High-Tech Cannabis Factory of Tomorrow." That was 2 days after the press release and 1 day after the scheduled unveiling of the weGrow/Gropech facility.<br /><br />Berlin started by saying "It's no secret that weed is a big agricultural business, so it's only natural that it's made it to the next stop on its way to a full capitalist makeover: mass production."<br /><br />He linked to a video which is a part of a proposal by Gropech, a non-profit which applied for a permit in Oakland. The video shows a 60,000 sq ft facility in Oakland that would contain 30,000 cannabis plants and could produce up to $50 million worth of weed per year. Gropech promised the Oakland City Council that if they got a permit, they would reinvest profits in the Bay Ara and create hundreds of union jobs. The site would supply marijuana to medical marijuana dispensaries across California (although if Prop 19 passes, I'm sure it would also supply marijuana to recreational weed stores). The co-founder of Gropech, Derek Peterson, said the medical marijuana laws in California "were sort of backward because they addressed retail sales before wholesale production." He said "It would be like if you built a bunch of liquor stores, and only afterward built distilleries." Peterson said much of the marijuana sold in dispensaries is grown in unregulated and often unsanitary environments, in basements and garages.<br /><br />On a related note, Harborside buys their medical marijuana and concentrates from about 400 patient farmers. (I did find a record of <a href="">this</a> tweet online where someone said there were not very happy with the <a href="">kief</a> from Harborside, saying that they found numerous animal hairs, human hairs, and/or carpet fibers in it. I suppose the incident was an anomaly. Product going into to Harborside changes constantly. And I don't know if Harborside was lab testing at that time.)<br /><br />Gropech reportedly brought in horticulturalists and electrical and mechanical engineers to advise them how to build environmentally friendly lab-quality growing facilities. The Gropech proposal will supposedly produce no wastewater and use solar energy; they are aiming for <a href="">LEED</a> certification, an internationally recognized green building certification system.<br /><br />Gropech co-founder Derek Peterson said pests and mold are two of the biggest issues that indoor growers have to deal with. Pesticides and fungicides can be harmful to medical marijuana users, and Berlin said "there is currently no regulatory body to monitor the presence of such contaminants." (It should be noted that Harborside Health Center in Oakland claims on their website that all product they purchase from patients is <a href="">lab tested</a> for mold and potency by <a href="">Steep Hill Lab</a>.)<br /><br />Peterson said "Water, high energy, and plant material are just a perfect recipe for fires." And Berlin said security is a major issue for any cannabis factory, since weed sells at about the same price per ounce as gold. (While the first part is true, the second part is inaccurate, even though cannabis *is* currently very valuable compared to the value of other crops. Marijuana certainly sells closer to the price of gold than any currently legal agricultural crop. As of October 28, 2010 at 1:44AM NY time, gold was was selling for $1,327 USD per troy ounce, which is 31.1034768 grams. (It was also reported as that on <a href=""></a>). 1 ounce is 28.3495231 grams. So at that time gold was worth $1,209.51 per ounce. High quality marijuana often sells for $300/oz. Some strains sold at Harborside sell for $325/oz on sale. So cannabis is worth about 1/3.7 or 1/4th as much as gold per ounce. However, cannabis is a renewable resource.)<br /><br />Peterson said Gropech was in talks with security contractors such as ex-military and ex-Navy SEALs. He said if there's a break-in, if an employee is hurt, or if somethings happens to the marijuana plants, "then every naysayer is going to come out of the woodwork and say, 'I told you it couldn't be done'."<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, I'm sure industrial grow consulting and homegrow consulting will be a big business. Although I suppose the federal government could charge consultants with conspiracy to manufacture marijuana.<br /><br />What will happen when the DEA runs into ex-military during raids of commercial grows?<br /><br /><a name="walmart"><h3>Oakland's Walmart-ization of weed</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On July 28, 2010, there was an <a href="">article</a> on by Ariel Schwartz entitled "How Oakland's Walmart-ization of Weed Could Choke Out Small-Time Growers." At the time, Schwartz wrote "Oakland, California, became the first city this week to allow large-scale industrial marijuana cultivation." 192 people applied for permits and paid the $5,000 application fee (which I talked a little about in <a href="">this blog post</a>) to cover administrative costs for background checks and to review site/business plans. Schwartz said that according to the <i>San Franscisco Bay Guardian</i>, crops could be ready for harvesting as early as next June. Schwartz mentions Jeff Wilcox, and I'll talk more about him below. Schwartz also said that a Mendocino County sheriff said that their county only has "government and weed" to rely on for jobs, in an interview with <i>SF Weekly</i>. Schwartz said marijuana industrialization could be a tax windfall for local governments, but legalization and industrial weed could also cause unemployment in many parts of California. (In <a href="">this blog post</a>, I discussed medical vs recreational marijuana tax rates in Oakland, and potential tax revenues.) I also discuss potential tax revenue in this post.<br /><br /><a name="harborside"><h3>Harborside Health Center</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br /><a href="">Harborside Health Center</a> in Oakland is the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the San Francisco Bay area, and was <a href="">founded</a> four years ago on October 4, 2006. Harborside has also opened a location in <a href="">San Jose</a> (you can read reviews of that location <a href="">here</a>.)<br /><br />On July 20, 2010 John Hoeffel of the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> <a href="">wrote</a> that Harborside is the largest legal marijuana retailer in the world. Harborside founder and Executive Director <a href="">Stephen DeAngelo</a> runs Harborside, and his 80 employees daily sell about 8 pounds (128 ounces or 1024 8ths) of weed in about 100 varieties to over 600 patients.<br /><br />Harborside has a network of over 400 "patient-farmers." Harborside currently buys medical marijuana from collective <a href="">vendors</a> (homegrowers) for about $3,000 to $4,000/lb ($187.50 to $250/oz) for indoor cannabis and $1,500 to $3,200/lb ($93.75 to $200/oz) for outdoor cannabis, contingent on mold test results and depending on bag appeal. They also purchase clones and concentrates. Harborside <a href="">tries to carry</a> over 40 different types of bud, 30 different concentrates, as well as edibles. All medical marijuana bud and concentrate they accept for distribution is <a href="">lab tested</a> by <a href="">Steep Hill Lab</a>. Testing techniques include <a href="">flame ionization detection</a>, <a href="">plate culture</a> analysis, and <a href="">gas chromatography-mass spectrometry</a>. Product is screened for mold contamination, and also analyzed for potency of the cannabinoids <a href="">THC</a>, <a href="">CBD</a>, and <a href="">CBN</a>. Over time, THC degrades into CBN.<br /><br />Harborside also sells cannabis <a href="">seeds.</a> As of <a href="">August 29, 2010</a>, Harborside carried the following seeds:<br /><ul><li>707 Truthband</li> <li>Alien Bubba</li> <li>Alien Dog V2</li> <li>Alien OG</li> <li>Apollo 13 bx</li> <li>Blue Dream x Velvet Elvis</li> <li>Blue Dream</li> <li>Blue Moon Rocks</li> <li>Blueberry Diesel</li> <li>Blueberry x Cheese</li> <li>C13 Haze</li> <li>Cheese Quake</li> <li>Chem 3 OG</li> <li>Chem 4 OG</li> <li>Chem Valley Kush</li> <li>Cloud 9</li> <li>Dairy Queen</li> <li>Dawg Daze</li> <li>Double Koosh</li> <li>Epik Purple</li> <li>Fat Elvis</li> <li>Flav</li> <li>Green Manalishi</li> <li>Hair of the Dawg</li> <li>Hashplant Haze</li> <li>Jack the Ripper</li> <li>Jojo Rizzo's</li> <li>Knight's Templar F2</li> <li>LA Woman (feminized)</li> <li>Malibu Fire Thai</li> <li>Mendo Express</li> <li>Mendo Montage</li> <li>Ocean Grown Truth</li> <li>OGiesel</li> <li>Oriental Blue</li> <li>Pure Royal</li> <li>Pure Royal 2</li> <li>Pure Truth</li> <li>Qleaner</li> <li>Qrazy Train</li> <li>Raskal's OG</li> <li>Razorback</li> <li>Sour Aliens</li> <li>Sour Cream</li> <li>Sour Daze</li> <li>Sour OG</li> <li>Sour Turbo</li> <li>Spacebomb</li> <li>Super Silver Haze x Romulan x Blue Elvis</li> <li>Tahoe OG</li> <li>The Truth</li> <li>The Void</li> <li>Vanilluna</li> <li>Velvet Elvis</li> </ul><br /><a name="wilcox"><h3>Jeff Wilcox</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Jeff Wilcox is a retired construction company owner who owns a seven-acre four-building parcel near <a href="">I-880</a> and <a href=""></a>the Embarcadero</a> in Oakland, California, which abuts the Harborside Health Center.<br /><br /><img src=",OmjF5R3GY_7AeTobOpPn5Dw6_ttvTmMdn7HoEPDkeA5CBz0iX7ZxSAVJET0_Z-BqzpvCEBnM0sLe2f_zPgnWMkDNogiFIIqmhG8fh3RAZjfhWMp9Zj57ciE" alight="left"></img><br /><br />Wilcox spoke to Harborside founder and Executive Director <a href="">Stephen DeAngelo</a> and concluded that a large-scale indoor marijuana farm was a good business opportunity, and founded AgraMed. Jeff Wilcox asked the City of Oakland in 2009 if they were interested in licensing large-scale marijuana grows. They said they were interested, and then he consulted economists who would be willing to crunch the numbers and publish their findings. AgraMed is a non-profit mutual benefit company set up specifically to grow medical marijuana, but if Prop 19 passes, presumably the AgraMed facility would grow marijuana which would be sold through medical dispensaries and also through legal weed stores. Wilcox is now on the Proposition 19 steering committee. Jeff Wilcox has also <a href="">donated</a> $10,173.19 to the Proposition 19 campaign as of September 2010. AgraMed office manager Martin Kaufman has also <a href="">donated</a> $1,000 to the Prop 19 campaign as of June 2010. The LA Times has a <a href="">CSV</a> (right click save as) of all the donations for and against Prop 19.<br /><br />On July 2010, John Hoeffel of the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> <a href="">said</a> Jeff Wilcox, already incorporated as AgraMed, "plans to manufacture growing equipment, bake marijuana edibles in a 10,000-square-foot kitchen and use two football fields of space to grow about 58 pounds of marijuana every day, many times the amount now sold in Oakland."<br /><br /><a name="brion"><h3>Brion study</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />According to David Downs of the <a href=""><i>East Bay Express</i></a>, in late May 2010, a 6-month $16,000 <a href="">study</a> by Joanne Brion of Brion and Associates, commissioned by Wilcox, was <a href="">released</a>.<br /><br />On June 16, 2010, David Downs of <a href=""><i>East Bay Express</i></a> <a href="">said</a> that UC Berkeley's <a href="">Goldman School of Public Policy</a> was doing research to either support or refute Wilcox's data. And that the Rand Corporation was also doing its own independent research on the economics of cannabis cultivation. On July 8, 2010, the RAND Corporation released a <a href="">study</a> called Assessing How Marijuana Legalization in California Could Influence Marijuana Consumption and Public Budgets. (<a href="">PDF</a> (right click save as)). I discuss another RAND study in another section <a href="#rand">below</a>.<br /><br />Brion's report found that Wilcox's seven-acre facility could <a href="">produce</a> on average 58 pounds of cannabis per day (21,170 lbs per year), generating $59 million gross revenue annually (at $2,800/lb $175/oz wholesale, 21,170 lbs of weed would be worth $59.276 million). The yield estimates were based on the number of lights the facility could handle as well as quantity-per-light marijuana yields (perhaps grams per watt aka GPW). It said the facility would create up to 371 union jobs with an average salary of $53,700/year (which is a combined $19,922,700 in salaries a year). The facility could produce 1/4th of 1% of the estimated 8.6 million pounds of cannabis grown yearly in California. The Brion report is the first analysis on industrial cannabis cultivation. It took into account things such as security, the cost of weed, potential yields, construction and operating costs, and profit margins. The AgraMed site would require 1 employee for every 270 square feet of working space, although an existing wholesale warehouse might only need 1 employee for every 500/600/1200 square feet.<br /><br /><a name="speculation"><h3>speculation regarding the Brion study</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Since I haven't seen the Brion report, the following is my personal speculation. If those 371 jobs were all growspace workers, the facility has a maximum of 100,170 square feet (9,306 square meters) of working space (unless a building has more than one floor inside). However, growing space would be less than that due to walls, support beams, shelves, aisles, equipment space, harvesting and curing areas, trimming areas, packaging areas, storage space, etc. I've also read that the AgraMed facility will have a 10,000 sq ft kitchen. Germination areas, seedling areas, and cloning areas may limit mature growing space too, but lights might be swapped out as needed. Light movers might also be used for uniform lighting. Perhaps plants might be transported into different areas by forklift. Perhaps greenhouses could also be built on the roofs. If the facility also intended to produce cannabis seeds or cross their own strains, it would also have separate fertilization areas or structures. Conveyor belts could be used to move plants or move lights or inspect/package harvested bud. And not all employees would be growspace workers, it would require security guards, managers, accountants, etc.<br /><br />A seven acre parcel is 304,920 square feet or 28,328 square meters. If fully utilized, that's equivalent to 12,196.8 legal Prop19 5x5 homegrows. <a href="">This</a> article by David Downs says the facility next to Harborside has 170,000 square feet (15,793 square meters), and would generate at least $2 million in tax revenue annually.<br /><br /><a name="lighting"><h3>lighting</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The AgraMed facility might use <a href="">HPS bulbs</a>, <a href="">MH bulbs</a>, CFW bulbs, or even fluorescent bulbs. I guess it might use <a href="">xenon bulbs</a>. It's possible to use incandescent bulbs, <a href="">mercury-vapor bulbs</a>, LEDs, new <a href="">ESL</a> bulbs, or <a href="">other bulbs</a>, but I doubt they would. HPS bulbs are available from 9w to 1000w as far as I can tell. HPS bulbs give off more red light; red light can aid germination and induce flowering in cannabis. MH bulbs vary from 32w to 400w to 1000w as well as 1500w, 2000w, 2500w, 3000w, 4000w, 6000w, 12,000w, and 18,000w. MH bulbs give off more blue light. Often, MH bulbs are used for vegetative growth, and HPS bulbs are used for flowering growth. However, many strains of cannabis can be grown without a vegetative stage of 24/7 light at all. The high price of higher watt MH bulbs, the risk of breakage, the possibility of burning crops, efficiency, life expectancy, and existing electrical wiring in the facility may rule out very high watt MH bulbs. The life expectancy of various bulbs would also be a factor. At the end of life, HPS bulbs and MH bulbs both go through cycling. Sophisticated ballasts can detect cycling and give up trying to start the lamp. I think it's likely that the facility would use digital ballasts.<br /><br />There is also the burn position of bulbs (horizontal, vertical) to consider. And the lumens output. And <a href="">foot-candles</a> (lumens per square foot). And watts per square foot. Cost per lumen is another factor. And <a href="">color temperature</a> in Kelvin (I've seen mentions of 6500K, 2700K, 5100k, 5500k, 3000k, etc). I've read that the sun <a href="">shines on the Earth</a> at 1,368 watts per square meter (about 127 watts/square foot) -- although it varies during the day and year. I've read that daylight has a color temperature of about 6500K. Full sunlight has an intensity of about 10,000 lumens/square foot. On an overcast day there is about 1,000 lumens/square foot.<br /><br />I've read that seedlings and clones need 375 lumens/sq ft (or 400-500; or 1,500 lumens/sq ft), that vegetative growth needs about 2,500 lumens/sq ft, and that flowering needs about 10,000 lumens/sq ft. The <a href="">inverse-square law</a> for light would also play a role (lumens / distance from source, squared). Perhaps 18,000w MH bulbs could be used for industrial cannabis production if placed at a proper distance from plants. I've read about 18,000w MH bulbs that are 5600K and output 1,650,000 lumens. I think a 1,650,000 lumen bulb could output 10,000 lumens/sq ft on an 165 sq ft area (12.84 ft x 12.84 ft). That would be about 109 watts/sq ft.<br /><br />A 1000w 2100K 150,000 lumens HPS bulb could output 10,000 lumens/sq ft over 15 sq ft (3.87ft x 3.87ft). I've noticed that there are 6500K CFL bulbs. I've also noticed 400w 6500K MH bulbs with 32,000 initial/24,000 mean lumens. I've also noticed 24w 6500K 2,000 lumen 2ft T5 fluorescent tubes; I suppose those might be good for seedlings and clones.<br /><br />I'm not sure, but perhaps <a href="">spectral power distribution</a> and <br /><a href="">standard illuminant</a> would also be factors.<br /><br />As of <a href="">June 2010</a>, the average retail price of electricity to consumers in California was $0.1551/<a href="">kWh</a> for the residential sector, $0.1498/kWh for the commercial sector, $0.1127/kWh for the industrial sector, $0.0839/kWh for the transportation sector, and $0.1441/kWh for all sectors.<br /><br /><a name="gpw"><h3>grams per watt</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The Brion report estimated that the AgraMed facility could produce 58 pounds of cannabis per day on average (21,170 lbs per year). The grams-per-watt rate could vary depending on cannabis strain grown at any time, and will likely not be uniform; although an average GPW rate could probably be determined per strain, or for the entire facility.<br /><br />GPW rates online are often given as GPW per harvest. But I think 2.0GPW harvested after 6 weeks is different than 2.0GPW harvested after 18 weeks. In the first instance, you're harvesting 2.0GPW three times as often as the second instance. It seems to me that 2.0GPW for a 6 week strain is different than 2.0GPW for a 18 week strain, considering yearly yields and electrical costs. 2.0GPW after 42 days is 0.048GPW per day, and 2.0GPW after 126 days is 0.016GPW per day. Perhaps GPW rates should be discussed as GPWH (grams per watt hour aka g/Wh) or GPKWH (grams per kilowatt hour aka g/kWh). There is a <a href="">thread</a> on from July 2009, and a <a href="">thread</a> on rollitup from January 2010 that mention a gram per watt calculator, and a garden efficiency (GE) rating.<br /><br />As far as I can tell, in order to determine a grow's GE rating:<br /><ol><li>Take the total wattage of the bulbs and divide by 1000 to determine kilowatts</li> <li>Multiply that result by the hours of light used daily to determine kilowatt hours</li> <li>Multiply that result by total days until harvest to determine total kilowatt hours consumed</li> <li>Determine the yield in grams</li> <li>Divide the yield in grams by kilowatt hours</li> </ol><br />I have seen online reported GE ratings of 1.43, 1.58, 1.63, 1.75, and 1.89. I suppose GE (garden efficiency) could also be called g/kWh (grams per kilowatt hour). However, the formula above doesn't take into account energy used for fans, pumps, other grow lights, air conditioning, etc. I suppose a homegrower could easily determine their total g/kWh with a scale and something like a P3 Kill A Watt, which costs under <a href="">$20 shipped</a> in the lower 48 states.<br /><br /><a name="58lbs"><h3>speculation on 58 pounds per day</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Suppose the AgraMed facility only used 1,000w HPS bulbs for maturing female clones, and skipped the vegetative growth stage, meaning, grow lights would be on 12 hours a day, off 12 hours a day for flowering, perhaps staggered in various areas or buildings to allow continuous production (ignoring for one moment lights used for seedlings, mothers, and new clones). I've if <a href="">figured</a> this right, for example, 12 hours of 26.31 kw and another 12 hours of 26.31 kw would be 26.31 kw * 24 hours, and cost the same as 52.62 kw * 12 hours (unless off-peak time cost less). It would take at least 6 or 7 weeks until first harvest starting from seed, less if starting from clones or starter plants.<br /><br />In order to produce indoors 58 lbs of cannabis (26,308.3575 grams) per harvest:<br /><ul><li>Yields of 0.5GPW would require over 52 1000w bulbs</li> <li>Yields of 1.0GPW would require over 26 1000w bulbs</li> <li>Yields of 1.5GPW would require over 17 1000w bulbs</li> <li>Yields of 2.0GPW would require a little over 13 1000w bulbs</li> </ul><br />If you harvested daily, and produced 58 lbs every harvest, for yields of 2.0GPW per harvest would you need over 13 1000w bulbs for each and every harvest. (Does that mean 13 1000w for each day, for each group of plants?)<br /><br />58 lbs a day is 21,170 lbs a year. I suppose it depends on how many harvests a facility performs in a year. With cannabis that matures in 6 weeks, you could harvest those plants 7 times a year for each new plant. For 8 week plants, 6.5 harvests/year for each new plant. For 10 week plants, 5.2 harvests/year for each new plant. For 12 week plants, 4.3 harvests/year for each new plant. For 14 week plants, 3.7 harvests/year for each new plant. For 16 week plants, 3.25 harvests/year for each new plant. For 18 week plants, 2.9 harvests/year for each new plant. If you started as many cuttings daily as plants you harvested daily, you could harvest continually. And perhaps larger cuttings from flowering plants could mature in a shorter period of time.<br /><br />If one harvested once a year, in order to produce 21,170 lbs of cannabis (9,602,550.47 grams):<br /><ul><li>Yields of 0.5GPW would require 19,205,100.94 watts, or over 19,205 1000w bulbs</li> <li>Yields of 1.0GPW would require 9,602,550.47 watts, or over 9,602 1000w bulbs</li> <li>Yields of 1.5GPW would require 6,401,700.31 watts, or over 6,401 1000w bulbs</li> <li>Yields of 2.0GPW would require 4,801,275.24 watts or over 4,801 1000w bulbs</li> </ul><br /><a name="lumismart"><h3>cutting electricity usage by lights</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />It may be possible to cut electricity usage by lights in the facility by 30 to 40% by installing <a href="">LumiSmart Intelligent Lighting Controllers</a> developed by Cavet Technologies, which <a href="">cut the power</a> to bulbs for nanoseconds at a time. That article says a controller for each lamp takes 20 minutes to install and costs $2,000 (although I suppose bulk orders may cost less). (Can a single controller control more than one lamp?) The <a href="">Cavet</a> site says the controller is "connected to individual dedicated lighting circuits at the electrical panel" and takes 30 to 60 minutes to install by a licensed electrician. Using the calculator on, an ABF facility with 28,000 square meters of indoor growspace, producing 108,810 pounds of cannabis per year, and consuming 55.202 million kWh annually at the industrial rate of $0.1127/kWh, with 30% savings would save $1.866 million/year and 40% savings would save $2.488 million/year in electrical costs. I don't know how much electricity the controllers themselves use, but I suppose it's negated by the savings. I also don't know how a LumiSmart controller would affect the life expectancy of bulbs or how cannabis plants might be affected while growing under those conditions.<br /><br /><a name="agramed"><h3>speculation on AgraMed grow methods</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />It's likely that the AgraMed facility would not grow in soil. Some US states require a soil medium in order to obtain <a href="">organic certification</a>. <a href="">Hydroponics</a> using various mediums might be used. Eurofresh Farms in Willcox, Arizona is currently the largest commercial hydroponics facility on the planet. Eurofresh has about 1/3rd of the commercial hydroponic greenhouse area in the US, with 129 hectares (318.77 acres) under glass. In 2005, the company sold 56 million kilograms of tomatoes (123,458,867 pounds) which were grown without pesticides in rockwool using the <a href="">run to waste</a> method. That's 387,297.63 pounds of tomatoes per acre per year. Suppose Arizona legalized marijuana and Eurofresh switched over to cannabis cultivation. 123,458,867 pounds of cannabis would be worth: $49.3 billion at $25/oz, $98.7 billion at $50/oz, $197.5 billion at $100/oz, $296.3 billion at $150/oz, $345.6 billion at $175/oz, and $592.6 billion at $300/oz. Many hydroponics facilities do not use any herbicides or pesticides, and use <a href="">integrated pest management</a>. The AgraMed facility may use <a href="">controlled-environment agriculture</a>. The facility might also utilize CO2 enrichment.<br /><br /><a href="">Aeroponics</a>, growing in no medium with a fine mist of nutrient solution, uses 65% less water than hydroponics. And NASA has demonstrated that plants grown using aeroponics have an 80% increase in dry weight biomass vs plants grown using hydroponics, and require 1/4th of the nutrients that hydroponically grown plants do. Clones of cannabis are also propagated very successfully using aeroponics and plain water, and plants grown using aeroponics will not suffer transplant shock if transplanted to soil (unlike hydroponically grown plants). Hydroponics can also create conditions conducive to growth of salmonella. However, I have seen skepticism online regarding the ability of aeroponic systems to grow plants yielding 4 pounds of bud each.<br /><br /><a name="prices"><h3>wholesale/retail prices</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The Brion report estimates the average wholesale prize of medical marijuana at $2,800 per pound ($175/oz). The following are some current retail prices as of early October 2010 at Harborside Health Center in Oakland, next to the AgraMed site:<br /><br /><a name="harborsideprices"><h3>example prices at Harborside</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Specials offered on October 7, 2010 at Harborside Health Center in Oakland included:<br /><ul><li><a href="">Phantom Diesel</a> for $14/g, $45/8th, $295/oz.</li> </ul><br />Specials offered on October 6, 2010 at Harborside Health Center in Oakland included:<br /><ul><li><a href="">Pre-rolled joints: </a> $10 for 1.05g, $12 for 1.25g, $15 for 1.05g with kief, $15 for 1.05g with hash.</li> <li><a href="">THCheesecake in cherry, peach, or plain</a> for $12.</li> <li><a href="">GDP Hash</a> for $15/g.</li> <li><a href="">Purple Big Bud</a> for $12/g, $35/8th, $240/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Jilly Bean</a> for $14/g, $45/8th, $295/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Jack Flash Super Melt</a> concentrate for $45/g.</li> <li><a href="">Super Diesel</a> for $15/g, $50/8th, $325/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Cotton Candy</a> for $15/g, $50/8th, $325/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Headband Hash</a> for $25/g.</li> <li><a href="">All starter plants</a> for $16+tax unless other marked, <a href=""></a>such as</a> 707 Headband, Durban #10, and Chocolope.</li> <li><a href="">All clones</a> for $12+tax unless otherwise marked including:<a href="">[1]</a><a href="">[2]</a><a href="">[3]</a><a href="">[4]</a><a href="">[5]</a><a href="">[6]</a><a href="">[7]</a><a href="">[8]</a></li> <ul><li>Afghan Kush by SCM</li> <li>Atomic Northern Lights</li> <li>Blue Cream by MO</li> <li>Blue Dream</li> <li>Blueberry x Cheese by MO</li> <li>Boulder Creek Kush by SCM</li> <li>Boyzenberry by MO</li> <li>Bubba Kush</li> <li>Buddha's Passion</li> <li>Candy Kush</li> <li>Cherry Punch</li> <li>Cloud 9 by MO</li> <li>Cotton Candy by MO</li> <li>Devil's Weed</li> <li>GDP</li> <li>GDP by SCM</li> <li>Grape by SCM</li> <li>Harlequin by HOD (CBD-rich)</li> <li>Headband</li> <li>707 Headband by HOD</li> <li>Kushadelic</li> <li>Kushage</li> <li>LA Woman</li> <li>Lemon Kush by HOD</li> <li>LSD</li> <li>Northern Lights #5</li> <li>NYC Diesel</li> <li>Pure Kush</li> <li>Purple Kush</li> <li>Romulan by MO</li> <li>Silver Kush</li> <li>Sour Diesel</li> <li>Sour Flower</li> <li>Sour Wreck</li> <li>Special AK-47</li> <li>Super Grape Ape by MO</li> <li>Super Lemon Haze</li> <li>Super Silver Haze</li> <li>Super Silver Haze by MO</li> <li>Sweet Tooth</li> </ul><li>Clones for $14+tax each including:</li> <ul><li>Blue Dream by DHN</li> <li>Chem Dawg 4 by DHN</li> <li>Dream Queen by DHN</li> <li>Romulan x Grapefruit by DHN</li> <li>Space Queen by DHN</li> </ul></ul><br />Specials as of October 5, 2010 included:<br /><ul><li><a href="">Velvet Kush Hash</a> for $20/g.</li> <li><a href="">AK-47 Hash</a> for $10/g.</li> <li><a href="">GDP Hash</a> for $15/g.</li> <li><a href="">Purple Dream Oil</a> for $30/g.</li> <li><a href="">Durban Bubble</a> hash for $30/g.</li> <li><a href="">Spicy Jack</a> for $15/g, $50/8th, and $325/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Sweet OG</a> for $15/g, $50/8th, and $325/oz.</li> </ul><br />Prices as of October 1, 2010 included:<br /><ul><li><a href="">Phantom Diesel Hash</a> for $15/g.</li> <li><a href="">Top</a> <a href="">shelf</a> items included East Coast Sour Diesel, GDP x Hindu Kush, Pineapple Kush, Tahoe OG, and Tangerine Kush.</li> <li><a href="">Gelatos</a> for $12.</li> <li><a href="">Pre-rolled joints</a>: $10 for 1g, $15 for 1g with kief.</li> <li><a href="">Humboldt Afgoo Kief</a> for $15/g.</li> <li><a href="">THC Gold</a> for $35/0.5g, $60/g.</li> <li><a href="">Trainwreck</a> for $14/g, $45/8th, $295/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Super Silver Haze</a> for $13/g, $40/8th, $260/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Hawaiian Red</a> for $12/g, $35/8th, $240/oz.</li> <li><a href="">Sage Kush</a> for $14/g, $45/8th, $295/oz.</li> <li>All <a href="">clones</a> for $12+tax unless otherwise marked, including:<a href="">[1]</a><a href="">[2]</a><a href="">[3]</a><a href="">[4]</a><a href="">[5]</a><a href="">[6]</a><a href="">[7]</a><a href="">[8]</a><a href="">[9]</a></li> <ul><li>707 Headband by HOD</li> <li>Atomic Northern Lights</li> <li>Blackberry</li> <li>Blue Cream by MO</li> <li>Blue Dream</li> <li>Blueberry x Cheese by MO</li> <li>Buddha's Passion</li> <li>Casey Jones by QB</li> <li>Chem Dawg</li> <li>Cherry Punch</li> <li>Cloud 9</li> <li>Cloud 9 by MO</li> <li>Cotton Candy by MO</li> <li>Devil's Weed</li> <li>Dream Queen</li> <li>G-13 x Amnesia Haze by QB</li> <li>GDP</li> <li>God Bud</li> <li>Grape</li> <li>Green Kush</li> <li>Gummi Bear OG</li> <li>Harlequin by HOD (CBD-rich)</li> <li>Hindu Skunk</li> <li>Kushadelic</li> <li>Kushage</li> <li>Kushberry by QB</li> <li>LA Woman</li> <li>Lemon Kush by HOD</li> <li>Lemon OG</li> <li>Mako Haze by QB</li> <li>Martian Mean Green</li> <li>NYC Diesel</li> <li>OG Kush</li> <li>OG Kush by SFV</li> <li>Pine OG</li> <li>Pure Kush</li> <li>Purple AK-47</li> <li>Purple Kush</li> <li>Red Cherry Berry by QB</li> <li>Romulan x Grapefruit by DHN ($14)</li> <li>Santa Cruz Kush</li> <li>Santa Cruz Kush by SCM</li> <li>Silver Kush</li> <li>Sour Diesel</li> <li>Sour Flower</li> <li>Sour Wreck</li> <li>Space Queen by DHN ($14)</li> <li>Special AK-47</li> <li>Super Lemon Haze</li> <li>Super Silver Haz by QB</li> <li>UK Cheese</li> <li>Urkulan</li> <li>Violator Kush by QB</li> <li>White Widow x Bubblegum</li> </ul></ul><br />Reoccuring sale prices for various strains at Harborside as seen on Twitter include:<br /><ul><li>$09/g, $20/8th, $145/oz</li> <li>$11/g, $30/8th, $215/oz</li> <li>$12/g, $35/8th, $210/oz</li> <li>$12/g, $35/8th, $225/oz</li> <li>$12/g, $35/8th, $240/oz</li> <li>$12/g, $35/8th, $260/oz</li> <li>$12/g, $35/8th, $280/oz</li> <li>$13/g, $40/8th, $260/oz</li> <li>$14/g, $45/8th, $295/oz</li> <li>$15/g, $50/8th, $325/oz</li> <li>$20/g, $35/8th, $280/oz</li> <li>$25/g, $35/8th, $280/oz</li> <li>$25/g, $40/8th, $320/oz</li> <li>$25/g, $45/8th, $320/oz</li> </ul><br /><a name="profit"><h3>wholesale AgraMed weed and Harborside profit</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />If Harborside purchased weed wholesale from AgraMed at $175/oz ($21.875/8th, $6.17/g):<br /><ul><li>$12/g retail is $5.83 profit/g, $35/8th is $13.125 profit/8th, $240/oz is $65 profit/oz</li> <li>$13/g retail is $6.83 profit/g, $40/8th is $18.125 profit/8th, $260/oz is $85 profit/oz</li> <li>$14/g retail is $7.83 profit/g, $45/8th is $23.125 profit/8th, $295/oz is $120 profit/oz</li> <li>$15/g retail is $8.83 profit/g, $50/8th is $28.125 profit/8th, $325/oz is $150 profit/oz</li> </ul><br />Suppose Harborside purchased AgraMed's entire yearly harvest of 21,170 lbs of cannabis for $2,800/lb wholesale ($175/oz) and sold it all. Harborside would spend $59.2 million ($59,276,000) obtaining a year's worth of product. 1 pound is 16 ounces. 1 oz is 28.3495231 grams (although Prop 19 <a href=",_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_%28California%29">defines</a> 1 oz as 28.5 grams). An eighth of one ounce is 3.54369039 grams (although this is often rounded to 3.5 grams which is 1/8.09986374, not 1/8; incidentally 1/8 of 28.5 grams is 3.5625 grams). 21,170 lbs is 338,720 ounces; or 2,709,760 eighths (based on multiplying ounces by 8, not dividing grams by 3.5 which would be 2,743,585.85 eights -- or 33,825.85 more eighths); or 9,602,550.47 grams (although it would be 9,653,520 grams if you multiplied pounds * ounces * the initiative's definition of 28.5 grams). A store might define an "eighth" as 3.5 grams (commonly used for eighths), or 3.54369039 grams (exactly 1/8 an oz), or 3.5625 grams (1/8 of 28.5 grams, the Prop 19 definition of an oz). It would be more lucrative for a store to define an eighth as 3.5 grams.<br /><br />Suppose Harborside sold all 21,170 lbs at one price. The following is how much profit they would generate annually (retail price - wholesale price) from highest to least. I've used net profit figures from the list above. The figures for eighths below was determined by taking a a common price for an eighth at Harborside minus 1/8th the wholesale price of $175/oz, $21.875. I've also included figures of profit on the sale of 3.5g "8ths." 21,170 lbs contains 2,743,585.85 3.5g "8ths." I used the formula ((2,743,585.85 * retail cost of 3.5g "8th") - $59,276,000) to determine profit on the sale of 3.5g "8ths."<br /><ul><li>$84,790,520.65 at $15/g</li> <li>$77,903,292.50 at $50/3.5g "8th"</li> <li>$76,212,000 at $50/8th</li> <li>$75,187,970.18 at $14/g</li> <li>$65,585,419.71 at $13/g</li> <li>$64,185,363.20 at $45/3.5g "8th"</li> <li>$62,663,200 at $45/8th</li> <li>$55,982,869.24 at $12/g</li> <li>$50,808,000 at $325/oz</li> <li>$50,467,434 at $40/3.5g "8th"</li> <li>$49,114,400 at $40/8th</li> <li>$40,646,400 at $295/oz</li> <li>$36,749,504.80 at $35/3.5g "8th"</li> <li>$35,565,600 at $35/8th</li> <li>$28,791,200 at $260/oz</li> <li>$22,016,800 at $240/oz</li> </ul><br />These figures are for medical marijuana only. And assume a constant wholesale price of $2,800/lb. But different strains would likely be sold for different wholesale prices, and different retail prices. And if Prop 19 passes, the price of marijuana will almost certainly drop. Medical marijuana won't be worth $2,800/lb and AgraMed would have to sell it wholesale for less than that. Perhaps Harborside would obtain a legal marijuana license (or maybe they wouldn't need another one?) and sell all of their marijuana for less. But they would move much more volume.<br /><br /><a name="homegrow"><h3>homegrowing methods and homegrowing scaled up</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />There was an article published June 5, 2003 on the <i>High Times</i> website by "Max Yields" entitled "5 Most Frequently Asked Grow Questions." That article may have some useful information.<br /><br /><a name="abf"><h3>ABF SOG</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />In the <a href="">Sea of Green method by Al B Fuct</a> (which I'll call the ABF SOG method), he harvests 2lbs/month in a 72 square foot area (6.69 square meters) that is 7 feet high. That's 135.6g per square meter monthly. The ABF SOG method is suited for frequent harvests, not necessarily high yearly yields. He uses 1 400w HPS on 24/7 for mothers, 2 1000w HPS both in a 12/12 flowering cycle, and a clone box with 6 18w 24-inch fluorescent bulbs on 24/7 (but off 6-8hrs after putting in a new batch of cuttings). It's a flood hydro system with 4 trays with 4 reservoirs for flowering plants, and 1 tray with 1 reservoir for mothers. He keeps about 6 to 8 mothers, and does about 30 cuttings every 2 weeks. It takes about 15 days for the mothers to regrow the cut material. Cuttings go into the clonebox and are rooted in rockwool cubes. Later he chooses the best 20 to 23 clones to put directly into the flowering area. Leftover clones are discarded or used to replace mothers. Mothers are replaced one by one, about every 4 to 8 weeks as necessary. Each 1000w bulb is over two 0.81 square meter trays, for a total of 4 trays. [0.81 square meters is 8.718 square feet or about 35.4" squared. 2 such trays would take up 17.43 square feet. 4 such trays would take up 34.86 square feet. 2000w over 34.86 square feet is 57.37w/sq ft.] In the flowering area, clones undergo vegetative growth for about 3 to 4 weeks until they're about 36" to 40" tall then stop getting taller. Pots in the flowering area are 4L (about 1 gallon), filled with loose rockwool, and have a 175mm (6.8") top diameter, 130mm (5.1") bottom diameter, and are 175mm (6.8") tall. [I guess you could fit 25 of those pots in square trays with 35.4" sides.] In week 2 or 3 in the flowering area, all branching on the lower third of the plant is cut off, with the goal to grow only the top cola. Each tray in both the vegetative and flowering areas has its own pump, reservoir, and timer. Trays in the flowering area are rotated. Every 2 weeks, as each clone batch goes into tray #1, the batch in tray #4 is harvested after 8 weeks of flowering (for 10 weeks total I believe.)<br /><br />In 30 days, this is how much electricity the ABF SOG method uses on grow lights:<br /><ul><li>1 * 400w / 1000 is .4 kw * 24 hours * 30 days is 288 kWh for mothers</li> <li>2 * 1000w / 1000 is 2 kw * 12 hours * 30 days is 720 kWh for flowering</li> <li>6 * 18w / 1000 is .108 kw * 704 hours ((24 hours * 30 days) - (8 hours * twice a month)) is 76.032 kWh for cuttings</li> </ul><br />In that month, he uses 1,084.032 kWh on grow lights. A monthly harvest of 2 pounds is 907.18474 grams. 907.18g/1,084.032 kWh is 0.837g/kWh per month. It sounds like every 2 weeks he harvests 16 oz of bud from 20 plants that have veg'd for 2 weeks and flower'd for 8 weeks. That's 0.8 oz (22.68 grams) per plant.<br /><br />Using the ABF SOG method (where he harvests 2 lbs per month in 6.69 square meters), all the marijuana currently grown in California (an estimated 8.6 million pounds annually) could be grown on under 553 acres indoors. A seven-acre parcel such as the one abutting Harborside in Oakland, but with 28,000 square meters of indoor grow space (equivalent to 4,185.35 ABF grows) using the ABF SOG method -- which I'll refer to as an ABF facility -- could produce 4,185 pounds of cannabis every 2 weeks, 8,370 pounds per month, and 108,810 pounds per year. 79 ABF facilities could produce 8,595,990 lbs/year -- nearly 8.6 million pounds -- on under 547 acres of indoor grow space. 79 ABF facilities would continually put out 330,615 pounds of marijuana every 2 weeks.<br /><br />The ABF SOG method using 1,084.032 kWh every 30 days is 13,189.417344 kWh per year for every 6.69 square meters. Scaled up, each ABF facility would consume 55.2 million kWh (55,202,344.639 kWh) per year for grow lights alone. At industrial rates of $0.1127/kWh, each ABF facility in California would be spending $6.2 million per year ($6,221,304.24) on electricity for grow lights alone. <br /><br />79 ABF facilities would use a combined 4.36 billion kWh (4.36 million MWh or 4,360 GWh) annually. Scaled up, each ABF facility would need 8,370 1000-watt HPS bulbs to mature clones; 4,185 400-watt HPS bulbs for mothers; 25,112 24-inch 18-watt fluorescent tubes for cuttings; as well as ballasts in order to produce 108,810 pounds per year. Flowering areas in each ABF facility would require 16,741 0.81-square-meter flood trays or equivalent (13,560.5 square meters). Naturally, industrial facilities may require fewer bulbs, or fewer bulbs with higher wattages, and fewer but larger flood trays. (They may also use different growing methods altogether, but right now I'm speculating.)<br /><br />Priced at $10/oz ($160/lb), each ABF facility producing 108,810 pounds per year would gross $17.409 million/year. (Although about $6.2 million in electrical costs would certainly cut into that.) 79 ABF facilities would gross a combined $1.375 billion/year. Criminals purchasing 8.6 million pounds of marijuana at $10/oz (spending $1.375 billion/year) and selling it for $300/oz ($4800/lb) elsewhere in black markets worldwide would net $4,640 per pound, and would net a combined $39.9 billion million/year (a 2900% return on investment). If criminals bought 8.6 million pounds at $10/oz ($160/lb) and sold it for $150/oz ($2400/lb) on the global black market, they would net $2,240 per pound, for a combined net of $19.264 billion/year (a 1400% return on investment). If they sold it for $50/oz ($800/lb) on the global black market, they would net $640 per pound, for a combined net of $5.5 billion/year (a 400% return on investment). If criminals sold 8.6 million pounds for $20/oz ($320/lb) on the global black market, they would net $160 per pound, for a combined net of $1.376 billion/year (a 200% return on investment).<br /><br />Priced at $25/oz ($400/lb), each ABF facility would gross $43.524 million/year. 79 ABF facilities would gross a combined $3.438 billion/year. Criminals purchasing 8.6 million pounds of marijuana at $25/oz (spending $3.44 billion/year) and selling it for $300/oz ($4800/lb) elsewhere in black markets worldwide would net $4,400 per pound and would net a combined $37.84 billion/year (a 2750% return on investment).<br /><br />Priced at $50/oz ($800/lb), each ABF facility would gross $87.04 million/year. 79 ABF facilities would gross a combined $6.876 billion/year. Criminals purchasing 8.6 million pounds of marijuana at $50/oz (spending $6.88 billion/year) and selling it for $300/oz ($4800/lb) elsewhere in black markets worldwide would net $4,000 per pound and would net a combined $34.4 billion/year (a 2500% return on investment).<br /><br />Priced at $100/oz ($1600/lb), each ABC facility would gross $174.096 million/year. 79 ABF facilities would gross a combined $13.753 billion/year.<br /><br />Priced at $150/oz ($2400/lb), each ABF facility would gross $261.144 million/year. 79 ABF facilities would gross a combined $20.63 billion/year.<br /><br />Priced at $175/oz ($2800/lb), each ABF facility would gross $304.668 million/year. 79 ABF facilities would gross a combined $24.068 billion/year.<br /><br /><a name="elec"><h3>electricity usage in California</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />In 2002, California generated 272,509 GWh of electricity.<a href="">(ref)</a> In 2004, Californians used 271,000 GWh.<a href="">(ref)</a><br /><br />Agriculture currently accounts for slightly over 2% of California's $1.85 trillion gross state product. California is the planet's 5th largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities.<br /><br /><a name="tax"><h3>tax revenue</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Say industrial facilities sold weed at $50/oz out of their own weed stores, and local governments added a 100% tax on it ($800/lb): retail weed would be $100/oz, $50/half, $25/quarter, $12.50/eighth, and $3.53/gram. If the commercial marijuana industry in California sold 8.6 million pounds of marijuana with that pricing structure, that would generate $6.88 billion in weed tax revenue statewide. California sales tax rates vary from 8.25% to 10.75%. Many counties and municipalities add on "district taxes." The combined sales tax rate is 8.75% in Sacramento, 9.5% in San Francisco, 9.75% in Los Angeles, and 10.75% in South Gate and Pico Rivera.<br /><br />Say marijuana had an average sales tax rate of 9.5% in California, and it was based on the price of $50/oz <i>before</i> the weed tax. Selling 8.6 million pounds of cannabis (137.6 million ounces) at $50/oz at 9.5% sales tax would generate $653.6 million in sales tax revenue statewide. If the sales tax was based on the after-weed-tax price, 8.6 million pounds of weed sold at $100/oz with 9.5% sales tax would generate $1.3072 billion in sales tax revenue statewide. Seeds are currently exempt from sales tax in California.<br /><br /><a name="joints"><h3>speculation on industrial joints</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Priced at $50/oz with a 100% weed tax of $50/oz, 400mg joints would be priced at $1.412 each before sales tax. If 8.6 million pounds of marijuana (3,900,894,382 grams) was all sold in joints with 400mg (.4g) of bud per joint, that would be 9.75 billion joints (9,752,235,955), or 487.6 million (487,611,797.75) 20-packs weighing 8 grams for $28.24/pack before sales tax, or 139.3 million (139,317,656.5) less-than-one-ounce legal 70-pack cartons weighing 28 grams for $98.84/carton before sales tax.<br /><br />California has a population of over 36.9 million people. Say 40% of Californians (14.76 million people) smoked 1 400mg joint a week, that's 14.76 million joints consumed per week, 767.52 million joints per year. Say 5% of Californians (1.845 million people) smoked 2 joints a week, that's 3.69 million joints consumed per week, 191.88 million joints per year. Say 2% of Californians (738,000) smoked 1 joint per day, that's 5.166 million joints per week, 269.37 million joints per year. Say 1% of Californians (738,000) smoked 2 joints per day, that's 10.332 million joints per week, 538.74 million joints per year. Say 1% of Californians (738,000) smoked 4 joints per day, that's 41.328 million joints per week, 1077.48 million joints per year. Altogether that would be 2,844.99 million joints consumed by Californians annually. <br /><br />If the commercial marijuana industry expects to sell 8.6 million pounds of marijuana in 400mg joint increments, based on the usage above, that would leave 6.9 billion joints (6,907,245,955) that non-Californians would need to buy in California or share with other people. In 2009, LAX had 56,520,843 passengers (people who arrive in, depart from, or transfer through the airport on a given day). In 2009, SFO had 37,338,942 passengers. In 2008, total direct travel spending in California reached $96.7 billion. Los Angeles County receives the most tourism in the state. San Francisco has the 3rd highest number of foreign tourists of any US city. In 2007, over 16 million tourists arrived in San Francisco. If 8 million tourists in San Francisco each bought 70-pack cartons, that would be 560 million joints. If Prop 19 passes and passengers at LAX doubles to 113 million passengers a year, and 50% of those passengers (56.5 million) buy a 20-pack while in California, that's 1.13 billion joints. And say 1/4th of existing LAX passengers (14.13 million) buy a 20-pack while in California, that's 282.6 million joints.<br /><br />Suppose joints were sold with 1 gram of bud per joint. 20-packs would still be under the legal limit of one ounce. Harborside currently sells 1g pre-rolled joints for $10 on sale. 1 pound is 453.59237 grams. If Harborside bought cannabis from AgraMed for $2,800/lb wholesale, each $10 1g joint sold would net $3.82 in profit, and each pound of 1g joints sold would net $1,735.92 in profit. If Prop 19 passes and one ounce is defined as 28.5 grams, a 20-pack of joints could contain joints with up to 1.425g of marijuana each. If Prop 19 passes, the wholesale price of marijuana would also drop. And perhaps 1g joints could no longer be sold for $10 each.<br /><br /><a name="deficit"><h3>budget deficit</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />California currently has a $26.3 billion budget deficit. If California companies sold weed at $50/oz with a 100% weed tax ($800/lb) for a total of $100/oz, they would need to produce and sell 32.875 million pounds of marijuana to generate enough weed tax revenue to completely cover the deficit, which is 3.822 times the amount of marijuana currently estimated to be grown annually in California. 302 ABF facilities could accomplish that; it could be done on indoor facilities covering 2,114 acres.<br /><br />Of course, other indoor methods could be used, as well as growing in greenhouses, and outdoor on farms. I suppose growing inside spheres could also be considered. There are also homegrowers who have tried growing marijuana upside down in Topsy Turvy planters (with poor results as far as I can tell). If Prop 19 passes, terraces and <a href="">farmscrapers</a> are other methods that could be used to grow cannabis commercially in California.<br /><br /><a name="vert"><h3>one vertical grow</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />I've read about a <a href="">vertical grow</a> in a 5' tall, 5' wide area (technically 62 inches external diameter) with 86 plants in a <a href="">helix</a> around a single vertical 600-watt Metal Halide bulb. The internal diameter was said to be 4 feet. It reportedly used about 8 3-meter (9.8 feet) lengths of 4" diameter pipe as well as multiple angled double sockets, double socket couplers, and pipe clips. Segments of pipe were arranged in an octagon shaped coil with 4 levels (basically 4 octagons of 4" pipe stacked and spaced vertically). On each level of the octagon, a 45 degree side is missing and in its place is a small segment of pipe attached to a 90 degree joint turned 45 degrees downwards, attached to another small section of pipe, attached to a 45 degree joint attached to the lower level. <a href="">Here</a> is a picture of it empty and covered in reflective material; it's insulation that comes on a roll that is put behind radiators to reflect heat; the grower uses spray adhesive to stick it on.<br /><br />[An <a href="">octagon with a diagonal diameter of 5 feet</a> has 8 sides, each 1.913' (about 23") long. The perimeter of such an octagon would be 15.31ft (183.72"), with an area of 17.68 square feet. Naturally the diameter of the pipe and addition of joints would change those dimensions. Also, the exclusion of 4 octagon sides to allow for drops as well as pipe going back to the reservoir would alter that. 86 plants in 17.68 sq ft is 4.86 plants per sq ft (although perhaps it would be better to describe plants per cubic feet when talking about vertical grows). 86 plants around a single 600w bulb is 6.97w per plant.]<br /><br />A custom dam was placed into a collar on each level using silicone sealer in order to control the level of the nutrient solution; rotating the collar changes the level of the solution in the grow; the level was set about 0.25" above the bottom of net pots, which were spaced 8 inches apart. Holes in the pipe for the net pots were cut using a hole saw. Each side of each octagon had 2 or 3 holes, angled somewhat towards the center of the octagon, and some holes were present in 45 degree joints. I think the number of plants on each level was something like 21, 22, 21, 22 for a total of 86 plants.<br /><br />The strain grown in the system was Viking by Positronic which takes 7 weeks to flower. The grower said he doesn't use mothers since cuttings are taken from the plants in the vertical grow about 2 weeks into flower (although earlier he said at week 1 of flowering, he took over 100 cuttings from plants in the vertical grow for the next round). The cuttings used in the grow were placed in 1" rockwool cubes and grown for 3 weeks under fluoros (the number of tubes and wattage used for 86 cuttings is unknown), then placed in the netpots, then filled with hydroton pebbles. The clones were also veg'd for 1 week in the system, although the grower typically doesn't veg in the system.<br /><br />The nutrient solution contained Vitalink, with an EC of 1.0, and was kept at 74 F. (Although in other grows the grower has used Canna and Ionic. Later on the grower says he typically feeds at an EC of 1.2.) Nutrients were changed every 2 weeks (although later the grower says the system is partially drained once a week and new nutrients added). The grow uses one reservoir, about 10 gallons. The grower didn't keep track of total water consumed.<br /><br />A fan in the center on the ground blew air upwards. A 4000 liter/hour (1057 GPH) pump was run 24/7. The pump line enters the top level and water circles down back to the reservoir; fast moving water and a waterfall effect contribute aeration. The continuous pump would use electricity. There are 1057 GPH pumps which consume 80 watts. 80 watts / 1000 * 24 * 49 days is 94.08 kWh per harvest. If the grower harvested every 7 weeks, yearly the pump would consume 700.8 kWh. A bypass (a tee with a valve) is used in the reservoir to control the amount of water that comes out of the pump; if the valve is opened some of the output from the pump goes into the res instead of the system. A carbon filter is used to reduce odor. The intake is passive. The air in the room is exchanged twice a minute.<br /><br />For the first 2 or 3 weeks of flowering, plants are kept on veg nutrients to prevent premature yellowing and leaf drop at the end of the grow. At about week 3 of flowering, the grower trims the lower third of plants to help form buds higher up on the plant. Unwanted leaves and weak shoots are trimmed throughout the grow until about week 4 of flowering. The grower mentions various Kelvin ratings for bulbs: 4000K full spectrum for seedlings/cuttings, 6400K daylight for most of veg, 4000K full spectrum for last week of veg, 3000K red orange for most of flowering, and 10000K UVA blue for the final week. He changed to a growlux HPS in week 3 of flowering since a 3000K bulb was producing too much growth. (I'm not sure of the exact bulb. There is a Sylvania Grolux HPS 600w bulb that outputs 90,000 lumens at 2050K. If that bulb was used for 86 plants, it would be about 1046 lumens per plant. 90,000 lumens in 17.68 sq ft would be 5,090 lumens per sq ft. I talk more about lumens and color temperature in the <a href="#lighting">lighting</a> section below.)<br /><br />46 oz of bud was harvested from 86 plants after 7 weeks of flowering, yielding 2.17GPW (1304g/600w). That's 15.82 grams per plant after a total of 11 weeks (3 weeks of veg'ing as clones under fluoros, 1 week of veg'ing with the 600w in the system, and 7 weeks of flowering with the 600w in the system). Since the grower veg's clones outside the system and said he usually doesn't veg at all in the system, one harvest every 7 weeks of flowering is 7.4 harvests per year, yielding 340.4 oz per year aka 21.275 lbs/year (9,650.177 g/year). 46 oz from 17.68 sq ft is 2.875 pounds from 17.68 sq ft or 0.1626 pounds per sq ft per harvest. The grower claimed it cost 500 GBP ($797.32 USD) for everything, not including bulb and ballast (and probably not including water/electricity costs).<br /><br />That vertical grow method is suited for low electricity consumption and high yields per kilowatt hour.<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, that vertical method could presumably be used by any homegrower in California.<br /><br /><a name="clonelights"><h3>lights for clones</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />In the vertical grow above, cuttings in 1" rockwool cubes were vegged for 3 weeks under fluorescent lights prior to placement in the vertical grow. (The wattage of the <a href="">fluorescent lights</a> the grower used is unknown. I suppose they could have been 70w, 58w, 36w, or 18w bulbs; the number of bulbs is unknown. There would need to be at least 86 clones (earlier he wrote he took over 100 cuttings during week 1 of flowering for the next round). I think it's likely those 86 clones took up at least 10 sq ft (2ft x 5ft)), or about 9 clones per sq ft. The clones were later vegged for 1 week in the vertical system, although normally the grower doesn't veg in the system. I think cuttings were veg'd for a total of 4 weeks and flower'd for a total of 7 weeks.<br /><br />I've read that clones need 375 lumens/sq ft or 400-500 lumens/sq ft. I've also read that a good level for rooting clones/seedlings is about 1,500 lumens/sq ft. <br /><br />I've read that a 4 foot fluorescent bulb will put out 3,000 lumens, with an effective reach of about one foot.<br /><br />An 18 inch T8 consumes 15w. A 4 foot T12 consumes 40w.<br /><br />There are energy saving tubes in Europe: A 2ft T8 consumes 18w. A 4ft T8 consumes 36w. A 5ft T8 consumes 58w. A 6ft T8 consumes 70w. A 8ft T12 consumes 100w.<br /><br />There are energy saving tubes in the US that require new ballasts: A 2ft T8 consumes 17w. A 4ft T8 consumes 34w. A 5ft T8 consumes 40w. A 8ft T8 consumes 59w. A 4ft T12 consumes 25w. <br /><br />There are also T5 tubes, which have high lumens-per-watt and can cut energy usage by over 65%. T5 tubes typically last for 20,000 hours (833 days of 24/7 use) vs T8 tubes which last 15,000 hours (625 days of 24/7 use). T5 tubes use only electronic ballasts such as instant start, rapid start, and programmed start, including dimmable ballasts. The following is a comparison of 4ft tube output and consumption:<br /><ul><li>1930-2800 lumens - T12 34W</li> <li>1980-3300 lumens - T12 40W</li> <li>2209 lumens - T5 25W</li> <li>2850-3100 lumens - T5 32W</li> <li>2900 lumens - T5 28W</li> <li>5000 lumens - T5 54W</li> </ul><br /><a name="clonespec"><h3>clone lighting speculation</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Chapter 3 of the 2006 edition of <a href=""><i>Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes</i></a> has information on vegetative growth and clones. It says clones root fastest with 18-24 hours of fluorescent light. It says a fluorescent tube 6 inches above clones supplies the perfect amount of light for clones to root. It says cool white fluorescents are good for rooting clones (I think cool whites are 4100K or 4200k). The book says in 1 to 3 weeks, cuttings should be rooted (I've <a href="">read</a> that an aero cloner can speed up this process. I've also read that plants grown aeroponically do not experience transplant shock when transplanted.)<br /><br />Since I don't know the wattage of the fluorescent lights used in the above vertical growing method, here's a scenario.<br /><br />Suppose a grower in Europe had 9 clones per square foot. Maybe the grower could fit 86 clones in 10 sq ft (5ft x 2ft) under two 5ft T8 58w 4000K tubes (116w). (Above, the grower mentioned 4000K for cuttings.) Each tube puts out 5200 lumens. That would be 10,400 lumens for 10 sq ft or 1040 lumens/sq ft, less if further away from the clones. Suppose the lights were on 24/7 for 3 weeks of vegetative growth. 58w * 2 tubes / 1000 * 24 hours * 21 days is 58.464 kWh. (But that's only 1.349 watts per clone. In the ABF SOG method above, 30 cuttings were placed under 6 18w fluoros (108w) which is 3.6 watts per clone. 86 clones at 3.6 watts per clone would be 310 watts. Although maybe lumens per square foot of clones or lumens per clone is more important than watts per clone.)<br /><br />In the vertical grow I described above, I believe the grower veg'd cuttings for 3 weeks under fluoros, veg'd for 1 week under 600w, and flower'd for 7 weeks under 600w, and harvested 46 oz after a total of 11 weeks. (But as the ABF SOG method showed, staggering various groups of plants, perhaps under different lights, is a good way to harvest continually.)<br /><br />58.464 kWh for vegging 86 clones under 2 58w fluoros for 3 weeks (58w * 2 tubes / 1000 * 24 hours * 21 days), plus 100.8 kWh to veg them under 600w for 1 week (600w / 1000 * 24 * 7), plus 352.8 kWh for 7 weeks of flowering (600w / 1000 * 12 * 49 days) is a combined 512.064 kWh over 11 weeks total. A harvest of 46 oz is 1304g. 1304g / 512.064 kWh is a yield of 2.547g/kWh.<br /><br />But suppose the grower only wanted about 500 lumens/sq ft for vegging under fluoros. One 5ft T8 58w 4000K tube putting out 5,200 lumens over 86 clones in 10 sq ft would be 520 lumens/sq ft. Vegging 24/7 for 3 weeks would be 58w /1000 * 24 hours * 21 days, aka 29.232 kWh.<br /><br />29.232 kWh for vegging 86 clones under 1 58w fluoro for 3 weeks (58w /1000 * 24 hours * 21 days), plus 100.8 kWh to veg them under 600w for 1 week (600w / 1000 * 24 * 7), plus 352.8 kWh for 7 weeks of flowering (600w / 1000 * 12 * 49 days) is a combined 482.832 kWh over 11 weeks total. A harvest of 46 oz is 1304g. 1304g / 482.832 kWh is a yield of 2.700g/kWh.<br /><br />Suppose a grower skipped the vegetative growth stage altogether and achieved the same yields, 46oz (1304g) after 7 weeks of flowering. A 600w bulb on 12 hours per day for one year would use 219 kWh per month and 2,628 kWh per year. At $0.1551/kWh for the residential sector in California, that would cost $407.60 per year for electricity for the single grow light. A yearly harvest of 9687.43g (21.357 lbs) / 2,628 kWh is 3.68g/kWh. 21.357 lbs of cannabis at $50/oz ($800/lb) is worth $17,085; at $100/oz ($1600/lb) it's worth $34,171; at $175/oz ($2800/lb) it's worth $59,799; at $300/oz ($4800/lb) on the black market it's worth $102,513. Even at $50/oz, every 7 weeks would produce cannabis valued at $2,300. At $3,520/lb ($220/oz), which is within the range that Harborside currently pays indoor medical marijuana vendors, every 7 weeks would produce medical marijuana worth $10,120.<br /><br /><a name="industrialvert"><h3>industrial vertical growing</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Suppose an industrial facility used the 3.68g/kWh vertical growing method above. And suppose the vertical growing facility consumed 55,202,344.639 kWh annually like the hypothetical ABF facility. Yearly it would produce 203,144,628.27152 grams or 7,165,715.89 ounces or 447,857.243 pounds of cannabis, rather than the 108,810 pounds a hypothetical ABF facility would produce.<br /><br />447,857.243 pounds of cannabis is worth:<br /><ul><li>$4.062 billion ($4,062,892,565.43) at $20/gram</li> <li>$2.149 billion ($2,149,714,767) at $4,800/lb aka $300/oz</li> <li>$1.433 billion ($1,433,143,178) at $3,200/lb aka $200/oz</li> <li>$1.254 billion ($1,254,000,280.75) at $2,800/lb aka $175/oz</li> <li>$716.571 million ($716,571,589) at $1,600/lb aka $100/oz</li> <li>$358.285 million ($358,285,794.50) at $800/lb aka $50/oz</li> <li>$179.142 million ($179,142,897.25) at $400/lb aka $25/oz</li> <li>$71.657 million ($71,657,158.90) at $160/lb aka $10/oz</li> <li>$7.165 million ($7,165,715.89) at $16/lb aka $1/oz</li> </ul><br />447,857.243 pounds of cannabis from 15.82 grams per plant (like the vertical grow above) would require 12.8 million cannabis plants (12,841,000.5). If each plant was harvested after 7 weeks, you could do 7.4 harvests per year. Perhaps you could harvest 35,180.8 plants per day. Which would mean you'd have to start 35,180.8 plants 49 days earlier. I haven't figured out how a plant that flowers in 49 days would relate to the <a href="">fiscal year</a>. Starting all those plants from clones would probably be less work than harvesting all those plants. How many workers would it take to harvest 35,180 plants a day? How many man-hours? How many workers would it required to take 35,180 cuttings a day? How many man-hours? Cuttings would probably be allowed to root in different areas before entering the flowering areas.<br /><br />The vertical grow above fit 86 plants around 1 600w MH bulb in under 25 square feet. That's 6.97w per plant max in flowering, ignoring the lumens that actually reach each plant. 12,841,000.5 plants / 86 plants is 149,313.96. That's 149,314 600w bulbs. You could probably fit more plants around a 1000w bulb. If 86 plants can fit around 1 600w bulb, could you fit 143 plants around a vertical 1000w bulb? Would anyone try to veg/flower at home or industrially with vertical fluorescent lamps? You could also try for higher yields than 15.82 grams per plant. But depending on the final yield, more watts or a longer grow time would affect your g/kWH ratio. Are cannabis yields of 4g/kWh possible? 5g/kWh? More? If you used 86 plants per 600w MH bulb in a space under 25 square feet, 12,841,000.5 cannabis plants would take up 3,732,848.98 square feet or 85.69 acres of indoor growspace. If you grew 12.8 million cannabis plants, you'd probably *want* to harvest more than 15.82g/plant. If you could get 4lbs/plant, that's 51.2 million pounds. Perhaps g/kWh is not the best metric to use when speaking of industrial cannabis. Gram per work-minute may be a better metric.<br /><br /><a name="5by5"><h3>5x5 homegrows</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Prop 19 will allow homegrowers to legally grow in spaces up to 25 square feet. 25 square feet can be represented by various shapes: circles, ovals, polygons such as squares, rectangles, triangles, pentagons, hexagons, etc. A square with that is 5ft x 5ft is 25 square feet. A circle with a 5.64 foot diameter (over 67 inches, or a little over 171 cm) has an area of 25 square feet. How many circular pots could fit in a circle with a diameter of 171 cm? How many circular pots could fit in an area of 25 square feet? How many square pots could fit in an area of 25 square feet? It depends on the size and shape of the pot and the shape of the space. Wolfram Mathworld has an article on <a href="">circle packing</a> that would be useful in finding the answer. An <a href="">equilateral triangle with an area of 25 square feet</a> has 3 edges, each 7.598 feet long.<br /><br />Prop 19 does not specify vertical growspace limits. Suppose the vertical grow I mentioned above was doubled in height. Would someone be able to harvest 92 oz (5.75 lbs) after 7 weeks from 132 plants in a coil around 2 vertical 600w MH bulbs in an area of 15.7 square feet, and 10 feet tall? Would that single grow be able to produce 42.55 lbs/year?<br /><br />A circle with a 5' diameter (similar to the vertical grow above) has an area of 15.7 square feet. A helix or cylinder with a diameter of 171 cm would have an area under 25 square feet. How many plants could you grow in a helix or cylinder with a diameter of 171 cm? I suppose the vertical grow above is less a helix and more a <a href="">3D spirangle</a>, like a vertical hexagonal coil or spring inside an open-top <a href="">hexagonal prism</a>. Water is pumped continuously through the fat piping segments, and a waterfall effect introduces air bubbles.<br /><br />Or what about a shape similar to a spiral staircase, with steps or platforms (perhaps cylindrical) extending out from a central column, progressively higher and angled? The platforms could be attached to an outer cylinder for support. I suppose the bulbs could be placed on the interior of an outer cylinder, or perhaps on the inside of the central column. Misters could be located inside the tube steps, or on the central column, or on the interior of the outer cylinder, or on the bottom of tube steps, or at the very top of the structure. Or maybe water could be run through the "steps" and perhaps around the outer cylinder to the step below. Perhaps plants could be grown on a <a href="">helicoid</a> or spiral ramp. Or directly out of a central column towards lights on the interior of an outer cylinder. But growing around a central light column is probably more efficient than any of that.<br /><br /><a name="crisis"><h3>California electricity crisis</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />In the years 2000 and 2001, California had an <a href="">electricity crisis</a> which cost $40 to $45 billion. A shortage of electricity resulted in multiple large-scale blackouts, and one of the state's largest energy companies collapsed. 302 ABF facilities (which could grow enough marijuana enough and generate enough tax revenue to offset California's $26.3 billion budget deficit) would consume a combined 16,667.34 GWh annually.<br /><br /><a name="abfyearly"><h3>ABF SOG annual homegrowing</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Homegrowers in California using the ABF SOG method in 25 square feet (2.32 sq m) would probably be able to harvest at least 11 ounces per month or 8.25 lbs per year (based on (2.32 sq m / 6.69 sq m) * 2lbs/month). Each 25 square foot homegrow would use approximately 375.927 kWh per month (2.32 sq m / 6.69 sq m * 1,084.032 kWh) or 4,511.1287 kWh per year. At $0.1551/kWh for the residential sector, that would be $699.68 in electrical costs per year for grow lights alone. If weed was selling for $300/oz in other US states, a year's harvest of 8.25 lbs would be worth $3,300 per month or $39,600 per year on the black market in the US. California has a population of over 36.9 million people. If 1 million people used the ABF SOG method at home, they would use a combined 4.511 billion kWh (4.511 million MWh, 4511 GWh) per year. That is more than the 4,360 GWh that 79 ABF industrial facilities might use. If 10% of people in California used the ABF SOG method at home (roughly 1/5th of those who voted for Prop 19), those 3.69 million people would use 16.646 billion kWh (16.646 million MWh, 16,646 GWh) per year. They would produce 30.44 million pounds of marijuana, worth $146.124 billion if weed was selling for $300/oz outside California. If a single legal homegrow in California could produce 24lbs per year, five people pooling together could produce 10lbs per month. 10 people pooling together could produce 20lbs per month. 50 people pooling together could produce 100lbs per month. <br /><br /><a name="smuggling"><h3>smuggling out of California into the US</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Many people would not grow weed at home for resale outside of California, many would <i>buy</i> cheap weed for resale outside of California. If industrial commercial growers were selling weed for $50/oz, someone in California could buy one ounce a day, 11 times a month, spending $550 on weed that could be grown at home in that same month using the ABF SOG method. Each month, that weed would be worth $3,300 in US states where marijuana was selling for $300/oz. They could net $2,750 a month ($33,000 a year) by buying weed in California for $50/oz (in amounts they could legally grow at home in a month), and then traveling outside of California, and selling high there. States without medical marijuana dispensaries and states along the east coast may continue to have street prices at $300/oz. I don't know if it would be more popular to smuggle large amounts infrequently or small amounts frequently. Container size and odor may be big factors in automobile smuggling.<br /><br />14 states and DC have approved medical marijuana and many dispensaries may be interested in product. A dispensary may not want to buy from California smugglers for $300/oz ($4,800/lb), but if a dispensary sells eighths for $50, they would still be making $12.50 on each eighth sold ($100 on each ounce). Maybe medical marijuana dispensaries in other US states would buy from California smugglers for $100/oz (if weed was $50/oz in California (including weed tax and sales tax), smugglers would still be making $800/lb at that price; 10lbs of pot would net $8,000, 20lbs $16,000, 50lbs $40,000, 100lbs $80,000). If medical marijuana dispensaries in other US states bought from smugglers for $100/oz and sold eighths for $30, dispensaries would be making $17.50 profit on each eighth sold; if they sold eighths for $20, they would be making $7.50 on each eighth sold. If out-of-state dispensaries sold $100/oz California weed for only $5/gram, they would net $1.47 for every gram sold; priced at $10/gram they would net $6.47 for every gram sold. If out-of-state dispensary workers traveled to California and bought weed at $50/oz, then sold it out of their dispensaries for $5/gram, they would net $3.24 on every gram sold; at $10/gram they would net $8.24 on every gram sold. Drug dealers in Reno or Las Vegas or Phoenix or elsewhere might buy weed from California smugglers for $100/oz and sell it for $200/oz. They might also simply drive to California and buy weed for $50/oz and drive back and sell it for $200/oz or $300/oz.<br /><br />I'll blog more about this topic later.<br /><br /><a name="yields"><h3>other potential homegrow yields</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />I've also read about 6 plants growing in 25 square feet, with 4 harvest a year, producing a total of 24lbs/year. If weed was selling for $50/oz ($800/lb) in California, that homegrown weed would be worth $19,200 in California, $38,400 at $100/oz outside California, $76,800 at $200/oz outside California, and $115,200 at $300/oz ($4800/lb) outside California. If corporations in California were selling weed for $50/oz and local governments imposed a 100% tax making it $100/oz, homegrowers could also make money on the black market selling weed for under $100/oz in California.<br /><br />I've read about a guy who produced 15 pounds in 80 days. That's 68.43 lbs/year. Someone could grow 25 plants in 12" diameter pots in a 5x5 space. I've also read about a guy who put 300 plants in 24 square feet. A homegrower growing in soil outdoors could fit 16 10-gallon pots with a 14.5" top diameter in a 5'x5' area. (Although that doesn't leave much room to grow and branch out. If Prop 19 passes, I wonder if any portions of a plant crossing a 5x5 line would be considered illegal in California.) <br /><br /><a name="bigyield"><h3>high yielding marijuana strains</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />The strain <a href="">Satori</a> can have 23 to 28% THC, and can produce up to 2.64lbs per plant outdoors. 16 of those in a 5x5 area outdoors could produce 42.24lbs per year. (For the sake of argument. I really don't know how many mature Satori plants could actually fit in a 5x5 area.) That would be worth $33,792 at $50/oz in California, and $202,752 at $300/oz outside California on the black market. The strains Amnesia Haze, Arjan's Haze #1, Early Skunk, and Super Silver Haze can produce up to 3.3lbs per plant outdoors. 16 of any of those strains could produce 52.8lbs per year outdoors. That would be worth $42,240 at $50/oz, $168,960 at $200/oz, and $253,440 at $300/oz outside California on the black market.<br /><br /><a href="">Amnesia Haze</a> has won the following awards:<br /><ul><li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2004 Cannabis 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2008 Bio Coffeeshop Haze 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2008 Bio Coffeeshop Haze 2nd</li> <li>IC420 Growers Cup 2005 Breeders Sativa 1st</li> <li>IC420 Growers Cup 2007 Breeders Sativa 2nd</li> <li>IC420 Growers Cup 2010 Breeders Sativa 3rd</li> </ul><br />(The strain <a href="">G13 x Amnesia Haze</a> has won the awards: Highlife Cup 2008 Hydro Coffeeshop Haze 2nd and Highlife Cup 2008 Hydro Seebank Haze 2nd).<br /><br /><a href="">Arjan's Haze #1</a> has won the following awards: High Times Cannabis Cup 2004 People's Choice 1st, and High Times Cannabis Cup 2004 Sativa 2nd. (<a href="">Arjan's Ultra Haze #1</a> has won the awards: High Times Cannabis Cup 2005 Cannabis 2nd, High Times Cannabis Cup 2006 Cannabis 1st, Highlife Cup 2006 Bio Seedbank Haze 3rd, and IC420 2006 Cannabis 1st. <a href="">Arjan's Ultra Haze #2</a> has won the awards: High Times Cannabis Cup 2005 Dutch Hash 3rd, and Spannabis 2005 Indoor Hydro 3rd.)<br /><br /><a href="">Early Skunk</a> (Skunk #1 x Early Pearl) has won the following awards: Highlife Cup 2004 Super 1st, Highlife Cup 2004 Outdoor Growshop 3rd, Highlife Cup 2004 Outdoor Coffeeshop 1st, Highlife Cup 2004 Outdoor Seedbank 1st, Highlife Cup 2006 Outdoor Growshop 3rd, and Highlife Cup 2006 Outdoor Coffeeshop 1st. [<a href="">Skunk #1</a> won the award High Times Cannabis Cup 1988 Cultivator's Choice 1st. Big Bud x Skunk #1 won the award High Times Cannabis Cup 1989 Mostly Indica 1st. (Early Pearl x Skunk #1) x (Northern Lights #5 x Haze) won the award High Times Cannabis Cup 1989 Mostly Sativa 1st. And several other Skunk strains won awards in the early 90's and late 00's.]<br /><br /><a href="">Super Silver Haze</a> has won the following awards:<br /><ul><li>High Times Cannabis Cup 1997 Hydro 1st</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 1998 Cannabis 1st</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 1998 Hydro 1st</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 1999 Cannabis 1st</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2000 People's Choice 2nd</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2002 Sativa 3rd (tie)</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2002 Bio Coffeeshop 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2005 Haze 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2005 Haze 3rd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2006 Hydro Coffeeshop Haze 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2006 Bio Growshop Haze 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2006 Bio Growshop Haze 2nd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2006 Bio Seedbank Haze 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2006 Bio Coffeeshop Haze 3rd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2006 Outdoor Coffeeshop 3rd</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2007 Cannabis 3rd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Hydro Growshop Haze 2nd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Hydro Growshop Haze 3rd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Bio Seedbank Haze 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Bio Seedbank Haze 2nd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Bio Coffeeshop Haze 3rd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Outdoor Seedbank 2nd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2007 Outdoor Coffeeshop 2nd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2008 Bio Seedbank Haze 3rd</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2009 Haze Bio 1st</li> <li>Highlife Cup 2009 Best Cannabis 2009 1st</li> </ul><br /><a href="">Arjan's Haze #2</a> is a cross using Super Silver Haze. Also, <a href="">Super Lemon Haze</a> is Super Silver Haze x Lemon Skunk. <a href="">Lemon Skunk</a> has won the awards: Highlife Cup 2007 Outdoor Seedbank 1st (DNA), IC420 2008 Indica 3rd (Green House), and Spannabis 2008 Indoor Hydro 1st (DNA).<br /><br /><a href="">Super Lemon Haze</a> has won the following awards:<br /><ul><li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2008 Cannabis 1st</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2009 Cannabis 1st</li> <li>High Times Cannabis Cup 2009 Sativa 2nd</li> <li>IC420 2010 Breeders Sativa 1st</li> </ul><br />Super Lemon Haze placed 1st overall at the HTCC in two consecutive years. The only other strain with that accomplishment is Super Silver Haze, which won High Times Cannabis Cup 1998 Cannabis 1st and High Times Cannabis Cup 1999 Cannabis 1st &mdash; and is one of the parents of Super Lemon Haze.<br /><br /><a name="commercialstrains"><h3>qualities commercial marijuana growers might look for</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Commercial cannabis companies may sell more volume of <a href="">award-winning strains</a>. An award-winning strain with high yields and low flowering time would be even more lucrative for them. Other qualities industrial growers may look for in strains include THC %, CBD %, THC/CBD ratio, CBN % (over time THC degrades into CBN), flavor, odor, effect, mold resistance, pest resistance, heat resistance, cold resistance, easy clonability, and the ability to handle high or low levels of nutrients. Not to mention ways they might <br /><a href="">genetically engineer</a> strains, much like Monsanto has genetically engineered Roundup-resistant soybeans. <br /><br />Since there are over 2,000 strains of cannabis, the main way that smaller grow companies would differentiate themselves is in the unique strains they offer. Perhaps large companies would grow the most cost effective and profitable strains, and use their profits to grow as many other popular strains they could in order to eliminate competition. It may be cheaper for large companies to grow high yielding strains and then spray some of their crop with specific flavorings or scents (blueberry, lemon, lime, grapefruit, strawberry, pine, skunk, cotton candy, grape, pixie sticks, etc). If the grapefruit oil used was derived from the fruit, it may affect THC metabolism in the user (like I talked about in <a href="">this blog post</a>) since <a href="">grapefruit</a> contains <a href="">bergamottin</a>, a strong/moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor; <a href="">kaempferol</a>, a weak CYP2C9 inhibitor; and <a href="">natsudaidain</a>, a flavonol and weak CYP2C9 inhibitor.<br /><br />Then again, large grow companies could afford to grow hundreds and hundreds of different strains at a time, something that small growers would be unable to do.<br /><br /><a name="outdoors"><h3>outdoor growing</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Cannabis grown outdoors often has higher yields than cannabis grown indoors. And cannabis grown outdoors uses no electricity for grow lights. However, outdoor cannabis would be harvested much less frequently than indoor cannabis. Outdoors, cannabis is often harvested in the fall. Although there are autoflowering strains of cannabis. There are some strains that finish in 6 weeks to 45 days, regardless of season.<br /><br />Industrial cannabis growers wanting to save on electrical costs may grow outside in greenhouses, and be subject to natural sunlight hours and the seasons, but might grow plants that are each up to 12 feet tall, each with over 3.35 pounds of dry bud (or larger). I've read about someone getting 4.2 pounds per plant indoors. I've seen a report of 4.5 pounds from one plant. I've also read about people getting 5 pounds per plant. I've also seen pictures of gigantic trees/bushes in Australia. Those methods are suited for high yields per plant.<br /><br /><a name="etc"><h3>other grow methods</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Other growing methods I've read about include someone using 30w per plant, growing 20-25 plants per square meter with a single 600w. I've also seen mentions online of LP aero (low pressure), HP aero (high pressure), RDWC (recirculating deep water culture), UC (undercurrent), bubble buckets, aquaponics, Krusty buckets, MPB, and stadium/coliseum grows.<br /><br /><a name="greenhouses"><h3>greenhouses</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />As of the year 2000 in the Netherlands, greenhouses covered 26,010 acres (10,526 hectares). In Almeria, Spain, greenhouses cover almost 50,000 acres. Currently, the world's largest greenhouse is part of the <a href="">Eden Project</a> in the UK. It took two-and-a-half years to build all of the structures there. One of the structures, the Tropical Biome, is 180 feet high, 328 feet wide, 656 feet long, and covers 3.9 acres. 3.9 acres is 169,884 square feet, or the equivalent of 6,795.36 legal 5x5 grows. <br /><br />A greenhouse with 3.9 acres of growspace growing 108,726 cannabis plants (16 plants for every 25 square feet) of the strain Amnesia Haze (yielding 3.3lbs/plant) could produce 358,795 pounds of marijuana per year -- or 4% of California's estimated current marijuana output. At $50/oz ($800/lb) the crop would be worth $287.036 million a year. At $100/oz ($1600/lb) the crop would be worth $574.072 million a year. At $300/oz ($4800/lb) on the black market, the crop would be worth $1.722 billion a year. 25 of those structures with a combined 97.5 acres of growspace could match 100% of California's estimated marijuana output of 8.6 million pounds. At $50/oz ($800/lb) the combined crop would be worth $7.1759 billion a year. At $100/oz ($1600/lb) the combined crop would be worth $14.3518 billion a year. At $300/oz ($4800/lb) on the black market, the combined crop would be worth $43.0554 billion a year. Naturally, people will want to buy strains other than high-yielding ones such as Amnesia Haze, Arjan's Haze #1, Early Skunk, and Super Silver Haze.<br /><br /><a name="permit"><h3>Oakland industrial medical marijuana permits</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On October 5, 2010, the website published a <a href="">webpage</a> that said the "September 28, 2010 Public Safety Committee approved recommendations and directed staff to [revise] the RFPA to reflect changes/increases to the points system that will be used to score permit applicants" in Oakland. RFPA refers to <a href="">Request For Permit Applications</a> To Operate A Medical Cannabis Cultivation Facility Pursuant To Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 5.81. The website also said that staff would change the language to "ensure the public hearing will occur <i>after</i> the examination and the 4 permits have been selected or issued." (emphasis mine)<br /><br /> mentioned an Oakland City Council meeting on October 5, 2010 at 5:30PM. Details of that October 5 meeting can be found on the <a href="">City of Oakland calendar</a>, specifically <a href="|&Search=">here</a>. That page has links to the agenda, minutes, and video. The Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility discussion is under file number <a href="">10-0044</a>. Earlier in that Oct 5 meeting, the Oakland city council adopted a resolution renewing the city council's declaration of a public health emergency with respect to safe, affordable access to medical cannabis in the city of Oakland, based on a recommendation from the office of the city attorney, found under file number <a href="">10-0068</a>.<br /><br />A <a href="">PDF report</a> under file number 10-0044 and timestamped September 16, 2010 mentioned that the Oakland City Council adopted Ordinance No. 13033 C.M.S. on July 27, 2010, creating a "regulation and permit process for City designation of four large Collective, Collaborative, and Cooperative Medical Cannabis Cultivators."<br /><br />(Much of the info in the next paragraph comes from a <a href="">PDF report</a> under file number 10-0044 and timestamped October 14, 2010 which is an agenda report for the City of Oakland. It described changes to the proposed RFPA. File number <a href="">10-0044</a> does mention that at the October 5 meeting, action was deferred (postponed) to October 26 I believe. <a href="|&Search=">This page</a> has information about a Concurrent Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency and Council Community & Economic Development Committee on October 26, 2010, but the meeting's minutes have not been finalized as of the time of this blog post. However, <a href="|&Search=">this page</a> has information about a Public Safety Committee meeting on October 26, 2010 which included a report and recommendation regarding Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility -- but the meeting's minutes have not been finalized as of the time of this blog post.)<br /><br /><a name="deadlines"><h3>dates concerning Oakland industrial medical marijuana permits</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />Applications and required documents are due December 2, 2010 by 4PM (previously November 24). Required documents include the address of the proposed facility; articles of incorporation and bylaws previously filed with the state of California; "live scan submission for all business partners and managers operating the facility"; business plan; a building and construction timeline with a copy of design plans; a security plan; a fire prevention plan which includes a detailed description of fire prevention, suppression and alarm systems; an environmental plan; proof of capitalization such as Letters of Credit or bank statements; proof of $2 million worth of liability insurance; and a non-refundable $5,000 application fee. Bonus categories include labor and employment practices, environmental mitigations, product safety, and community benefits (which will be assessed in phase 2). <br /><br />First round scoring and ranking of applicants will take place January 14, 2011 (previously December 17, 2010). The top 10 applicants (previously top 6) will be notified on January 17, 2011 (previously December 20, 2010) and proceed to phase 2. In phase 2, each finalist will have to designate a member applicant who is a managing member of the applicant's collective to take a Cannabis Cultivation Facility exam which will test their familiarity with California law, Oakland law, and the Attorney General's guidelines on medical marijuana. The phase 2 exam is scheduled for January 19, 2011. Exam scores will be added to the original score total and 4 companies will be selected based on total points.<br /><br />The permit awardees will be notified January 26, 2011. The 4 awardees will then go through a public hearing process scheduled for February 17 and 18, 2011 where the community can voice concerns, offer support, and provide other considerations for potential permit conditions. Permits will be issued in February 2011.<br /><br /><a name="impact"><h3>negative impacts of homegrowing in Oakland</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />A <a href="">PDF report</a> under file number 10-0044 and timestamped September 23, 2010 is Ordinance No. 13033 C.M.S. revised September 23, 2010. In the original ordinance ordained by the Oakland City Council in July, the council found that:<br /><br />"<i>the cultivation and processing of medical cannabis in the City of Oakland has caused and is causing ongoing impacts to the community. These impacts include damage to buildings containing indoor medical cannabis cultivation facilities, including improper and dangerous electrical alterations and use, inadequate ventilation leading to mold and mildew, increased frequency of home-invasion robberies and similar crimes, and that many of these impacts have fallen disproportionately on residential neighborhoods. These impacts have also created an increase in response costs, including code enforcement, building, fire, and police staff time and expenses.</i>"<br /><br />Surely if such negative impacts were happening as a result of Prop 215 and SB 420, then the statewide impact of Prop 19 would be even greater. If Prop 19 passes, everyone in the state of California can legally homegrow without a doctor's recommendation or patient card. Although, one might argue that if marijuana was legal, fewer growers would be hesitant to consult licensed electricians, licensed ventilation experts, etc. Or perhaps less people would homegrow since people would be able to buy in stores. I suppose the number of homegrowers might depend on the retail price of marijuana in weed stores. But medical marijuana is already legal in California, and yet those kinds of things still happen. Why would it be any different after Prop 19 passes? Like I <a href="">blogged</a> about in mid-September, Fresno County banned outdoor medical marijuana growing for 45 days due to a growhouse robbery and a shooting. Does anyone expect that incidents of growhouse robberies will <i>decrease</i> if Prop 19 passes? The marijuana inside growhouses is still worth $300/oz out of state. Smuggling marijuana out of California will still be lucrative for any homegrower, anyone buying marijuana in a weed store, or anyone else able to obtain marijuana by whatever means necessary. <br /><br />And like I <a href="">blogged</a> about in late September, the city of Rancho Cordova has a measure on the ballot called Personal Cannabis Cultivation Tax, and city spokeswoman Nancy Pearl said if Prop 19 passes cops and firefighters and building and safety people will have to work more and costs will go up, and the homegrow tax is meant to pay for threats to neighborhoods from potential traffic, crime, stench, nuisances, as well as city code enforcement. (Although some have said that the proposed homegrow tax is prohibitively high and intended to dissuade homegrowing in general.)<br /><br /><a name="allow"><h3>California cities and counties that currently allow medical marijuana dispensaries</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />On October 25, 2010, John Hoeffel <a href=",0,5860469,full.story">wrote</a> in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> that according to the advocacy group Americans for Safe Access, only 10 out of 58 counties (17%) and only 37 out of 481 cities (7.7%) in California allow medical marijuana dispensaries. Maybe the number would be similar for legal weed stores. If Prop 19 passes and those numbers stay the same concerning legal weed stores, that would mean that a black market for weed would still exist in 83% of California counties and 92.3% of California cities (not to mention the black market for minors which would exist in 100% of California counties and cities). Many marijuana users would travel to green cities to buy weed, but they couldn't legally buy over an ounce at a time, and they certainly couldn't legally transport over an ounce at a time. Unless perhaps if they had a patient card. With the way California has set things up, if Prop 19 passes, loopholes abound. Although that may be one motivation for writing Prop 19 or for some people voting for it. Criminals in California smuggling marijuana out of state and selling it on the black market, and coming back and spending money means more money being spent in California.<br /><br />Perhaps the low availability of dispensaries contributes to homegrow related problems. But Oakland has several medical marijuana dispensaries, including the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the San Francisco Bay area, Harborside. Yet the Oakland City Council found it necessary to adopt an ordinance recognizing the negative impact of medical marijuana growing in residential neighborhoods. (Although an argument could be made that the city council was mainly interested in tax revenue and needed <i>some</i> basis for the ordinance.) <br /><br />On July 19, 2010, the AP <a href="">said</a> that Oakland City Council members Rebecca Kaplan and Larry Reid proposed the ordinance "largely as a public safety measure." They also said they wanted Oakland to cash in on the medical marijuana industry. A week before, Oakland laid off 80 police officers to save money. The Oakland police department said in the last 2 years, marijuana grows have been linked to 8 robberies, 7 burglaries, and 2 murders. From 2006 to 2009 in Oakland there was a dramatic rise in the number of electrical fires, and the Oakland fire department blamed the increase in part on indoor marijuana grows with improperly wired lights and fans. I think it's highly likely that burglaries, robberies, and murders linked to marijuana grows will only increase in California if Prop 19 passes. People might ask "Who robs a house and murders someone for liquor?" But marijuana will still be worth $300/oz outside of California. It may even continue to be worth $300/oz on the black market in California, which will include all minors, and will possibly include 83% of California counties and 92.3% of California cities.<br /><br />Patient homegrowers are selling to Harborside and other dispensaries. How much longer will that continue? If Prop 19 passes, will it stop soon after? Perhaps the existence of dispensaries that buy product from patient homegrowers encourages homegrowing and exacerbates homegrow related problems. The passage of Prop 19 would certainly encourage homegrowers. If Prop 19 passes, can and will cities and counties ban homegrowing in their area, or prohibitively tax homegrowers out of the way? If dispensaries will no longer pay $3,000 to $4,000/lb ($187.50 to $250/oz) for indoor grown medical marijuana, many homegrowers will find people that <i>will</i> buy for that price, specifically, people out of state on the black market or perhaps minors. But criminal organizations in and out of California will be competing with them.<br /><br />I wrote most of this blog post before reading the following study. Now that I've gotten my personal speculation out of the way...<br /><br /><a name="rand"><h3>RAND's estimated cost of production for legal marijuana</h3></a> &mdash; (back to <a href="#toc">toc</a>)<br /><br />In July 2010, the <a href="">RAND Corporation</a> put out a working paper by Jonathan Caulkins entitled <a href="">Estimated Cost of Production for Legalized Cannabis</a>. The full PDF document can be found <a href="">here</a> (right click, save as).<br /><br />It attempts to estimate production and processing costs for indoor/outdoor cannabis cultivation in a post-legalization environment. The paper says commercial production of cannabis for general use is not legal anywhere on Earth so inferences are based on on "imperfect analogs supplemented by spare and unsatisfactory data of uncertain provenance." It said "this exercise should be taken with more than a few grains of salt." Caulkins said wholesale prices for marijuana after legalization "could be dramatically lower than they are today, quite possibly a full order of magnitude lower than are current prices."<br /><br />The paper says there are two kinds of analogies regarding commercial marijuana production: the legal production of agricultural products somewhat similar to cannabis, and illegal cannabis production. Caulkins said extrapolation from either is "fraught with conjecture and reliance on grey literature rather than the scientific literature."<br /><br />Production estimates in the paper are given for three kinds of growing: 5x5 personal hydroponic homegrows with lights, a 1,500 square foot residential house used entirely as a commercial operation with indoor grow lights, and greenhouse based commercial growing.<br /><br />The paper says it's possible to estimate the cost of materials and consumables since grey literature contains detailed descriptions of how to grow marijuana, and price quotes are readily available online for materials and equipment.<br /><br />Under the RAND Corporation's supervision, the Carnegie Mellon Heinz student Josh Swiss produced a cost estimate for a hypothetical 5x5 hydro grow allowed by Prop 19. He said that nutrients and growing medium would total about $300 per harvest. Grow lights were projected to be 40 watts per sq ft, and assuming 30 days of 24/7 light for vegetative growth, and 60 days of 12/12 light for flowering, it would cost $200 per harvest at $0.14/kWh. Costs of durable items apart from bulbs such as pumps, fans, tubing, air stones, sheers, etc came to $1,250 to $1,500; although if they were used for 4 harvest per year for 5 years, it would be $60 to $75 per harvest. Bulbs with an assumed life expectancy of 12 months cost $27.50 per harvest. Swiss estimated costs per harvest around $600.<br /><br />Yield estimates in the RAND study were based on a 2006 study by Toonen et al. of 77 illegal indoor grow ops in the Netherlands. It found an average yield of 1.2 ounces of sellable bud per plant per harvest, and a median planting density of 1.4 plants per square foot. (The paper notes that one source of confusion is whether yields are quoted per total growing area sq ft or flowering area sq ft) The paper said that comes out to 2.625 pounds per 25 square feet per harvest, or 0.0105 pounds per square foot per harvest. The paper said the materials/consumables cost about $225/lb.<br /><br />In the 5ft diameter 4-level <a href="#vert">vertical grow</a> I described above, where the grower used 1 600w MH bulb for 17.68 square feet (33.94 watts/sq ft), the grower claimed it cost $797.32 (500 GBP) for everything. 86 plants produced an average of 15.82 grams of bud each. Assuming clones were flowered immediately, he harvested as much as 3.68g/kWh after 7 weeks which is 7.4 harvests per year. (Although that max rate ignores vegging cuttings under fluoros. (But cuttings can be bought for $12 per stem at Harborside. However, 86 cuttings at $12 each is $1,032. Mothers can sometimes be found at Harborside in prices ranging for $40, $50, $60, $80.) And the 7 weeks refers to flowering time only, not total time of vegetative growth plus flowering growth which was 11 weeks. But the flowering light is the bottleneck in that method.) 46 oz from 17.68 sq ft is 2.875 pounds from 17.68 sq ft or 0.1626 pounds per sq ft per harvest, over 15 times the rate of 0.0105 pounds per sq ft per harvest mentioned in the RAND working paper. 86 plants in 17.68 sq ft is 4.86 plants per sq ft (on four vertical levels). 2.875 pounds of cannabis produced by spending $797.32 for materials (except for light and ballast) is $277.33/lb for the first harvest, also ignoring electrical costs. Additional harvests would use more nutrients, possibly new net pots and hydroton pebbles, but most of the equipment would be reusable.<br /><br />The RAND paper said a well-run 5x5 hydro grow with 4 harvest a year might yield 10.5 lbs/year, with costs of $225/lb ($150/lb for other factors and $75/lb for electricity). The paper says those costs are consistent with costs described in a Dutch study described by Jorge Cervantes in 2006. That study described 3 harvests:<br /><ul><li>8.4 lbs harvested from 128.6 sq ft, costing $5,647</li> <li>a $8,220 investment that doubled the area and improved methods, with a yield of 27.6 lbs</li> <li>30.2 lbs harvested in the full space with an incremental cost of $1,882</li> </ul><br />The RAND paper says that works out to $238/lb. If the first 2 harvests are investments, the 3rd crop only cost $62/lb.<br /><br />The RAND paper said if only natural light is used in greenhouse growing, electricity costs could be essential zero unless artificial lighting is used to control flowering.<br /><br />The paper said labor hours per pound produced appear to vary enormously depending on skill level, individual traits of growers, and scale of operation. Caulkins said there are reasons to believe that legalization could "positively affect labor productivity in all three respects." More people would be full time workers instead of hobbyists, companies would have new hire training, workers would go into the industry based on natural ability and affinity while today growers are mainly willing to produce illegal drugs and are not necessarily people with the most growing skill. The paper said marijuana legalization would "presumably allow economies of scale and better information exchange." Consultants could sell their expertise more easily than today.<br /><br />The paper said gains in efficiency may depend on how the federal government responds. The paper also imagines that industry wages would fall to the levels of other agricultural workers.<br /><br />In late September I <a href="">blogged</a> about how nearly 40 workers at Marjyn Investments LLC signed up with Teamsters Local 70 Union in Oakland. Within 15 months their wages will increase from $18/hr to $25.75/hr.<br /><br />The RAND paper said "we did run across a number of statements in the grey literature suggesting that $20 to $25 per hour might not be atypical of cash payments." Agricultural workers in California working with legal crops are typically paid no more than $10/hour. Caulkins said O*NET says the average wage for California nursery/greenhouse workers is $8.60/hour.<br /><br />The RAND study cites 3 studies which suggest about 100 grams of marijuana (3.5 oz) is consumed per users in a year. Then it says that a single 5x5 homegrow could provide enough weed for about 50 average cannabis consumers. The National Garden Association claims that 83% of households in the US participate in some kind of DIY indoor/outdoor lawn and gardening activity.<br /><br />The paper also assumes that one person working full-time could manage a 1,300 sq ft grow op in a 1,500 sq ft house. If they harvested 0.105 pounds per square foot per harvest, and harvested 4 times a year, that's 546 pounds of marijuana per house per year. The paper assumes 2,000 labor-hours per work-year. Excluding harvesting/processing time, that means labor productivity of about 4 hours per pound produced, or $40/lb at a rate of $10/hour.<br /><br />546 pounds of marijuana would be worth $2,620,800 at $300/oz on the black market.<br /><br />For greenhouse scenarios, the RAND paper assumes a harvest of 0.2 pounds per square foot per year. Jorge Cervantes says a greenhouse can still make 3 harvests per year, vs 4 per year indoor. (More than 4 harvests per year is certainly possible indoors; see the <a href="#abf">ABF SOG</a> method I described above where the grower harvested 1 pound every 2 weeks in a 72 square foot area).<br /><br />Estimates for labor costs for hydroponic greenhouse tomatoes and lettuce come to about $2 to $5 per square foot per year, aka $10 to $25 per pound at the rate of 0.2 pounds per square foot per year.<br /><br />Regarding rent for growhouses, RAND says "marijuana growers would gravitate toward cheaper than average housing."<br /><br />The paper says typical greenhouse construction costs are $5 to $12 per sq ft. The Ohio State University Extension gives budgets for greenhouses growing tomatoes and lettuce hydroponically. Structures and equipment to control the environment for a 12,288 sq ft greenhouse are about $50,000. Costs for growing/delivery equipment for tomatoes are about $20,000, for an amortized annual fixed cost of $1.97/sq ft for tomatoes.<br /><br />The RAND study said marijuana greenhouses may be more vulnerable to burglaries. The paper says it's unclear if property insurance policies would cover the theft of cannabis, or whether greenhouse operators would willingly call police in the case of theft.<br /><br />The paper contains a table with estimates for production costs for 3 kinda of indoor grows.<br /><br />The paper also says that yields of 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of dry cannabis material per acre per year can be expected outdoors, with 575 pounds of it bud.<br /><br />The authors of the paper spoke to an outdoor grower who gave detailed descriptions of their last 8 growing seasons on a hillside. From 2001 to 2009, thee grower harvested about 2.5 lbs per plant, each plant was given 62.5 sq ft (about 7.9ft square), and yields of 1,742 pounds per acre were achieved.<br /><br />The paper assumes 9 sq ft per plant, roughly 2,500 pounds per acre, and 4,840 plants per acre (43,560 sq ft). If 1.9 oz of bud was harvested per plant, one acre would produce 575 pounds of bud. The paper says "If the THC content per unit weight is even one-quarter in leaves what it is in buds" (for example 2.5% THC by weight in leaves vs 10% THC by weight in bud) "then the leaves and other materials would contain almost half (46%) of the total THC produced." The paper also described resin yields in Morocco, Mexico, and South Africa.<br /><br />The paper says if marijuana production costs were $6,000/acre (similar to lettuce or asparagus), the cost to mass produce marijuana would be about $2.50/lb. If the cost of marijuana production was similar to the rate mentioned in hemp studies, "then the implied price would fall below $1/lb."<br /><br />The study said the production cost of marijuana "would be an order of magnitude lower than the low end of commercial grade prices per pound now seen in the U.S." The paper says commercial grade cannabis legally farmed in California "could out-compete commercial grade marijuana produced illegally in Mexico" or elsewhere in the US where growing is illegal.<br /><br />The paper says Gieringer speculated in 1994 that the legal price of weed could drop by 99% in the absence of taxation.<br /><br />The study also discusses industrial THC extraction from non-bud plant material. In 2006, Jorge Cervantes described agitating 100 kg of leaf for 14 hours in a washing machine filled with ice water, supposedly yielding 3 kg of resin.<br /><br />If you have the time, be sure to read all 29 pages of the working paper.<br /><br />It says low production costs "might allow California grown sinsemilla to dominate the U.S. sinsemilla market even with a $800 per pound tax." If California could collect taxes on weed about to be illegally smuggled out of state, it would generate more tax revenue than taxes on sales for consumption within California. If Prop 19 passes, weed prices might drop throughout the lower 48 states. Drug smuggling out of California and low prices "might attract a response from the federal government."<br /><br />The paper says 4,400 acres of crop land with yield rates of 2,500 pounds per acre could supply the 5,000 metric ton US market for marijuana. The paper says suppose all 5,000 metric tons were produced by indoor growhouses with an annual yield of 546 pounds per house. About 20,000 houses in California could supply the entire US.<br /><br />In summary, the paper said "it is worth stating again that this was an extraordinarily speculative undertaking", saying "hard data reported in refereed scientific journals are all but non-existent."<br />prop19questions, hash and killing for sportOn October 26, 2010, CNN had an <a href="">article</a> about 5 US soldiers charged with killing civilians in Afghanistan for sport. The group faces charges such as drug use, premeditated murder, possessing pictures of corpses, and possessing body parts. The group smoked hashish, and when another soldier blew the whistle on their drug use, staff sergeant Calvin Gibbs allegedly threw human fingers at him. Soldiers in the group collected body parts as war trophies and posed them in photographs. One soldier was charged with possessing a human skull.<br /><br />[<a href="">Afghan Kush</a> is some of the most potent marijuana in the world. And <a href="">hashish</a> (hash) made from it would be even more potent. In the early 90s, James A. Inciardi <a href="">wrote</a> that the THC content of hash varies from 15 to 70%, and the THC content of hash oil varies from 30 to 90%. On a related note, you may be interested in reading about the <a href="">Hashshashin</a>, which is where the word <a href="">assassin</a> comes from.]<br /><br />The youngest of the 5 men, Pfc. Andrew Holmes, a 20-year-old from Idaho, came home on leave in April 2010. During that time his mother said he was paranoid, worried someone was going to harm his family, and always asking where his family was.<br /><br />Around April 2010, the Army began an investigation into suspected illegal drug use by their platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, Fifth Brigade.<br /><br />Some of the men are being held, awaiting court martial, where the platoon was based, <a href="">Joint Base Lewis-McChord</a> in Washington.<br /><br />Holmes is accused of conspiring with Cpl. Jeremy Morlock to shoot at a civilian in January and throw a grenade to make it look like they were under attack. Morlock's civilian attorney Michael Waddington said his client was suffering from brain damage during that time and not properly treated by the military.<br /><br />Three civilians were shot. Waddington said "There is a question of who shot them, whether or not my client was mentally responsible at the time of the shootings and what role he played in the shootings."<br /><br />Holmes insisted on having an attorney present during questioning, and was placed under guard for weeks and told he did not need one. Holmes's civilian attorney Dan Conway said he was tricked into talking, thinking he was getting representation when he wasn't. His attorney said he was ordered by his supervisor, staff sergeant Calvin Gibbs, to keep a human finger. Conway said his client didn't kill any civilian. Holmes was charged with possessing a dismembered human finger, wrongfully possessing pictures of human causalities, and smoking hashish.<br /><br />Army documents described how killings were staged, <br />But it was the Army's own charging documents that portrayed a platoon gone rogue. In explicit detail the Army wrote how killings were staged -- how a fellow soldier was beaten and how Gibbs threw human fingers at another soldier believed to have snitched about the group's hashish smoking. It even charged one soldier with possessing a human skull.<br /><br />A spokesman for the <a href="">DoD</a>, Geoff Morrell said "These remain allegations." He continued, "They are abhorrent, even as allegations. But I think they are, they are an aberration in terms of the behavior of our force, thankfully, and so I don't think they are in any way representative of how, you know, American military men and women behave in the field."<br /><br />Spc. Adam Winfield was charged with premeditated murder. Winfield's lawyer Eric Moltavo said his client was not guilty. In an interrogation tape Winfield says he aimed his rifle high and fired and missed. He told his father Christopher Winfield about the first murder, and the father told CNN he tried to report it to the Army but was ignored; the Army is investigating that allegation.prop19questions, by PPIC, LA Times, and SurveyUSA, news conference, BuddhafestOn October 21, 2010, there was an article called <a href=",0,7209796.story">California voters turning against Prop. 19 and Prop. 23, poll shows</a> by John Hoeffel and Margot Roosevelt in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>. They referred to a poll of 1,067 likely voters taken October 10-17 by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), which had margin of error of +/- 3.5%.<br /><br />They wrote that 49% were against Prop 19 and 44% in favor. They said opposition to Prop 19 has "surged" since a September 19-26 poll, when 52% of likely voters were in favor of Prop 19. As of Sep 19-26, 63% of Latinos were in favor of Prop 19; as of Oct 10-17 51% of Latinos oppose Prop 19.<br /><br />Mark Baldassare said opponents appeared more passionate about the issue. Hoeffel and Roosevelt wrote "Among likely voters who said the legalization issue was very important to them, 33% planned to vote for it and 63% against it."<br /><br />According to the Oct 10-17 poll, in Los Angeles County, 41% of likely voters supported Prop 19 vs 56% in September. In Southern California, 42% of likely voters supported Prop 19 vs 52% in September.<br /><br />On October 21, 2010 there was a blog post on the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> called <a href="">Latino support for marijuana legalization is eroding, poll finds. Is Prop. 19 doomed?</a>. It referred to the Oct 10-17 PPIC poll, again saying that 49% oppose Prop 19 and 44% support Prop 19. And 51% of Latinos oppose Prop 19 vs 63% in September.<br /><br />On October 22, 2010 a blog post by Shelby Grad called <a href="">Republicans, women, older voters fueling opposition to marijuana legalization in California, new poll finds</a> appeared on the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> website.<br /><br />She said Republicans overwhelmingly oppose Prop 19. And there is also a large age gap. Likely voters under 40 support Prop 19 48% to 37%, but likely voters 65 and over, oppose Prop 19 59% to 28%. Women also oppose Prop 19.<br /><br />On October 22, 2010 an article by Ann M. Simmons was published on the <i>Los Angeles Times</i> website called <a href=",0,6119992.story">Celebrities throw support behind measure to legalize marijuana</a>. Days before there was a news conference at Cafe Was in Hollywood to promote Prop 19 and "draw attention to <a href="">Buddhafest</a>."<br /><br />People at the news conference included Danny Glover, Melissa Etheridge, Hal Sparks, former NM governor Gary Johnson, activist Sarah Lovering, and former LAPD Deputy Chief Steven Downing.<br /><br />Danny Glover said laws that criminalize marijuana are "draconian" and said African Americans and Latinos are most affected by the law, ending up in jail. Melissa Etheridge said she did not regularly use marijuana until she underwent chemotherapy for breast cancer. Etheridge has a medical marijuana license, but said she'd like to see marijuana legalized because she doesn't want to look like a criminal to her kids anymore. Gary Johnson and Steven Downing also called laws against marijuana discriminatory; the majority of marijuana users are white, while the majority of marijuana arrests are "black and brown" according to Steven Downing. Downing said passing Prop 19 would stamp out the black market for marijuana and impede drug cartels.<br /><br />Alexandra Datig, an admitted former addict of cannabis and other drugs who runs the anti-Prop 19 group Nip It In The Bud 2010, stood outside Cafe Was. She handed out an open letter directed towards the entertainment community. Part of the letter said that many young people look to entertainers as role models and drug use can damage young careers.<br /><br />Ted Johnson of <i>Variety</i> also <a href="">wrote</a> about the news conference.<br /><br />Buddhafest was held Saturday October 23, 2010 from noon til 2AM at Los Angeles Center Studios in downtown Los Angeles. The <a href="">Buddhafest website</a> said the event was "neither for nor against" Prop 19, but "has set out to raise awareness." Listed guests included executive editor of <i>High Times</i> magazine Dan Skye, former NM governor Gary Johnson, retired LAPD Deputy Chief and LEAP member Stephen Downing, Richard Davis of the LA Hemp Museum, notable cannabis grower Jorge Cervantes, and others. Performers included Faith Evans, Bushwalla, Electric Skychurch, and others. Also on the schedule were multiple comedians, performances by dance troupes, 10 "staging areas" (which included 4 VIP areas), 60 vendors, and 100 performers. Tickets to Buddhafest were $30 before October 23rd, $40 day-of, and $300 for VIP tickets which included a free medical marijuana evaluation by CALMED420. Buddhafest was sponsored by THC Expose, Stoner Generation, Vapor Brothers, Jack Herer Awards, DNA, Sheldon Black, and Hemp Can Save The Planet.<br /><br />John Hoeffel wrote another article, entitled <a href=",0,2940971.story">Prop. 19 trailing badly, poll shows</a> for the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>. He wrote about a telephone poll of 441 likely voters conducted Oct 13-20 as a joint effort by the LA Times and the USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The poll was conducted by American Viewpoint and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. The margin of error was +/- 4.6%.<br /><br />The USC/LA Times poll found likely voters oppose Prop 19 51% to 39%. While the poll was being conducted, US Attorney General Eric Holder said the federal government would continue to enforce federal drug laws even if Prop 19 passed. Women were leaning against Prop 19 and men were split. Prop 19 is overwhelming opposed by Republicans, but favored by Democrats and independent voters. Latinos are opposed to Prop 19 two to one. Whites also oppose Prop 19.<br /><br />Hoeffel wrote that likely voters 65 and older were 59% to 28% opposed to Prop 19. Likely voters under 40 are 48% to 37% in favor of Prop 19.<br /><br />He wrote that Prop 19 is favored only in Central Coast counties and far behind in Southern California and Central Valley.<br /><br />Hoeffel said Prop 19 supporters haven't raised enough money to run TV ads statewide. Opponents and supporters of Prop 19 both consider mothers a key swing vote. Hoeffel said the Oct 13-20 poll was the "second public survey this week to find Proposition 19 failing", referring to the Oct 10-17 PPIC poll.<br /><br />On October 21, 2010 an article called <a href="">Is California's Pot Legalization Movement Faltering?</a> appeared on the <i>CBS News</i> website, written by Stephanie Condon. She referred to the PPIC poll, which showed 44% in favor, 49% opposed, and 7% undecided, an 8% drop in support from a September poll by PPIC which showed 52% in favor. PPIC CEO and President Mark Baldassare said if voters hear mixed signals regarding ballot initiatives they typically vote against them.<br /><br />Condon also wrote that an automated poll by SurveyUSA showed that 48% supported Prop 19 and 44% opposed, which was more opposition than previous SurveyUSA polls.<br /><br />Condon noted that Jerry Brown, Dianne Fenstein, and Barbara Boxer oppose Prop 19, and the California Democratic Party decided to stay neutral on it.<br /><br />She wrote that current chairman and former CEO of <a href="">Progressive</a> <a href="">Peter B. Lewis</a> donated over $200,000 in favor of Prop 19. (According to search queries, some people visiting this blog have wondered if car insurance rates will increase if Prop 19 passes.) However, the <i>LA Times</i> <a href="">lists</a> Peter B. Lewis of Avon Lake, OH as donating $159,005 to a PAC. (Progresive is headquartered in Mayfield Village, OH.) And a Peter Lewis of Coconut Grove, FL as donating $50,000. The <i>LA Times</i> has a great webpage that follows <a href="">Prop 19 campaign contributions</a>. (<a href="">CSV</a> of all of them) As of October 25, 2010, the <i>LA Times</i> site reports that $2,766,885 has been donated in support of Prop 19, and $248,499 has been donated in opposition to Prop 19. Wikipedia says Lewis was arrested for possession of marijuana in New Zealand in January 2000 and charged, pleading guilty to 3 charges and ended up paying a fine. Wikipedia also says that his lawyer Marie Dyhrberg said that after the partial amputation of Lewis's leg in 1998, Lewis used marijuana for pain relief on the advice of his doctor.<br /><br />Condon also wrote that David Bronner, president of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps donated $100,000 along with a hemp clothing company. She also noted how two unions endorsed Prop 19, the United Food and Commercial Workers, and Service Employees International Union.<br /><br />Condon wrote how the blog FireDogLake and the group Students for Sensible Drug Policy, behind the pro-Prop 19 Just Say Now campaign, are targeting voters under 30 by phone, and Jon Perri, associate director of SSDP said the response had been "overwhelmingly supportive." Some young people were concerned that Prop 19 would disrupt current homegrowers.prop19questions, tweetsIt's currently troublesome to search Twitter, so the following is a list of every tweet made by <a href="">HHCOAK</a> (Harborside Health Center in Oakland) that I could find. There are 3,361 tweets going back to May 13, 2010 1:52 PM. (The list below excludes 13 retweets that HHCOAK has made since May 13.)<br /><br /><ol><li>See ya soon! RT @420AmandaMarie: @hhcoak looking forward to seeing you next week, after my doctors visit. I miss you guys! Come on Tuesday! about 3 hours ago via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Pretty much the same as yesterday. RT @dja_69: @HHCOAK what kinda clones in stock right now? about 6 hours ago via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Whoo hoo! RT @Beccaboo687: @hhcoak got grapefruit kush for the first time yesterday and love it! it was exactly what i was looking for... about 6 hours ago via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Glad we can help! RT @potpotdotnet: Loving the new pre-rolled joint menu at @HHCOAK. They just keep thinking up reasons to go every day. about 24 hours ago via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 MUST TRY MED: Arcata Brainwreck (S/I - 13.9%) - A nice, fragrant med that'll bring you back to old Arcata days. See ya in the square! Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:18:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Velvet Kush Hash (I/S - 44.56%) - $25/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:16:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Phantom Menace (S/I - 15.89%), and Purple Bubba Kush (I - 14.2%) Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:15:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 TOP SHELF MEDS: Legends OG x The White (I/S), Pineapple Thai (S/I - 14.67%), Double Sour Diesel (S/I - 16.16%).... Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:14:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:13:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:12:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Honeydew Hash (S/I - 35.78%) - $10/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:12:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Purple Oil (I - 51.36%) - $40/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:12:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! OG Kush Kief (S/I - 38.96%) - $10/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:11:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 37.73%) - $15/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:10:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:10:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:10:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Oil (I/S - 67.95%) - $30/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:09:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 51.11%) - $45/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:09:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Dairy Queenlettes (S/I) - 3.5g = $30 Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:09:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:08:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.1%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:07:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:07:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:07:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:06:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! CO2 Amber Glass (50/50 - 45.04%) - $50/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:06:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Sand Hash (I - 37.64%) - $25/g Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:06:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Afghan Kush (50/50) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:52:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Peak 19 (I/S - 12.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:52:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 5.66% THC / 6.97% CBD Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:50:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:49:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:48:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT STARTERS: Boulder Creek Kush, 707 Headband, Grape, Durban #10, and Chocolope Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:47:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@justonlysteve Just looked... Looks like we got about 40 GR's Larry OG left. No line right now too. Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:46:25 PM via HootSuite in reply to justonlysteve<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:38:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): SCM's Sour Diesel, and SCM's Amnesia Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:38:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): GR's Larry OG, GR's Cadillac, GR's Super Silver Haze, PN's G Kush, PN's XXX Chem Dawg, PN's Purple Erkle.... Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:37:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Cloud 9, MO's Romulan, MO's Super Grape Ape, MO's Super Silver Haze, NYC Diesel, OG Kush.... Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:36:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Westside OG ($10), MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry.... Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:35:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Silver Hash Plant, Sour Diesel, Sour Wreck, Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), LSD, Super Lemon Haze.... Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:34:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Grape, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SFV OG Kush... Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:33:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Querkle ($14), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), GDP, SCM's Durban #10 ($14)... 2:32 PM Oct 14th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/14 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg 4, Chem Dawg '91, SCM's 707 Headband, Dankouver, DHN's Drem Queen ($14).... 2:30 PM Oct 14th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols Allow phone to install apps from outside market place. Go to settings then application & check the box called unknown source. 12:35 PM Oct 14th via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols Did you try downloading directly from out website? Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:58:59 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols ? It should word just fine. You download it directly from our website: Should also be in the Marketplace... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:58:01 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@THAREALLEEWON No more GR Larry OG or Fire OG clones. They went fast. Not sure when we will have more. That depends on the vendor. Sorry! Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:56:35 PM via HootSuite in reply to THAREALLEEWON<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols We've had a Droid app out since the iPhone app came out! Both launched in August: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:54:23 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope they help! RT @bernman49: Just picked up some meds from @HHCOAK couple super melts and some topshelf #420LifeStyles Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:52:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 MUST TRY MED: Phantom Menace (S/I - 15.89%) - Another wonderfully effective med that is sure to brighten your day. Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:51:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Blackberry Kush Oil (I/S - 67.95%) - $30/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:50:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Double Sour Diesel (S/I - 16.16%), Phantom Menace (S/I - 15.89%), & Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 14.42%) Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:49:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 TOP SHELF MEDS: Legends OG x The White (I/S), Pineapple Thai (S/I - 14.67%), Purple Cotton Candy (I/S).... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:47:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:46:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:42:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Snowbud Bubble Hash (I/S - 34.48%) - $15/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:41:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 37.73%) - $15/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:41:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:40:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:40:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Oil (I/S - 67.95%) - $30/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:39:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 51.11%) - $45/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:38:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! White Widowettes (S/I) - $30 / $215 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:38:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:37:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.1%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:37:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:37:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:36:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! CO2 Amber Glass (50/50 - 45.04%) - $50/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:35:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Clean Green Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $20/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:33:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Sand Hash (I - 37.64%) - $25/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:32:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Afghan Kush (50/50) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:32:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Peak 19 (I/S - 12.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:31:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 5.66% THC / 6.97% CBD Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:31:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I) - 14.72% Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:30:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:30:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:29:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:27:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT STARTERS: Grape, Durban #10, and Chocolope Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:27:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:27:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Cloud 9, MO's Super Silver Haze, OG Kush, GR's Cadillac, and GR's Super Silver Haze Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:26:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Super Lemon Haze, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Boyzenberry.... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:25:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, SFV OG Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Wreck, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harleuqin (CBD-Rich).... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:21:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Grape, SCM's Purple Kush, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:19:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, GDP, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's GDP.... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:18:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/13 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg 4, Chem Dawg '91, Purple Kush, SCM's 707 Headband, Dankouver.... Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:17:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Woot! RT @potpotdotnet: Picked up some Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze from @HHCOAK yesterday, and got a free THCheesecake! SSSDH FTW! Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:10:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope to see ya Tues.! RT @Pak_Smorbols: @bernman49 I want to go @HHCOAK , may be in the bay next tuesday Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:09:25 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope to see you soon! RT @bernman49: I'm down to take a ride out @HHCOAK NEED SOME MORE CANNABIS EXTRACTS #420LifeStyles Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:08:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @LifeCoachDrKink: #IPhone, #Android apps released. Use: to easily order #medicalmarijuana. #marijuana Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:59:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 MUST TRY MED: Pineapple Thai (S/I - 14.67%) - An wonderfully fragrant med that is nice and uplifting. Perfect for the sunny days out! Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:58:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Headband Full Melt (S/I) - $35/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:57:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 TOP SHELF MEDS: Legends OG x The White (I/S), Pineapple Thai (S/I - 14.67%), Purple Cotton Candy (I/S), and XJ-13 (S/I - 16.58%) Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:56:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:53:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:53:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Snowbud Bubble Hash (I/S - 34.48%) - $15/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:53:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 37.73%) - $15/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:52:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:52:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:51:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Oil (I/S - 67.95%) - $30/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:51:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 51.11%) - $45/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:51:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! White Widowettes (S/I) - $30 / $215 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:50:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:42:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.1%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:41:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:41:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:41:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:40:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Sand Hash (I - 37.64%) - $25/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:40:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Afghan Kush (50/50) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:39:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Peak 19 (I/S - 12.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:39:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 5.66% THC / 6.97% CBD Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:38:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:37:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:37:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:35:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT STARTERS: Boulder Creek Kush, 707 Headband, Grape, Durban #10, and Chocolope Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:35:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:33:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): OG Kush, GR's Larry OG, GR's Cadillac, GR's Fire OG ($15), and GR's Super Silver Haze Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:33:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Romulan, MO's Super Silver Haze, NYC Diesel... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:30:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon Kush, LSD, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze, MO's Blue Cream.... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:30:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Silver Hash Plant, Sour Diesel, Sour Wreck, Graddaddy Blueberry, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich).... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:29:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, SFV OG Kush ($8).... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:27:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's GDP, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush.... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:25:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Blue Dream ($14), DHN's Dream Queen ($14), DHN's Querkle ($14), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14).... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:24:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/12 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg '91, Purple Kush, SCM's 707 Headband, Dankouver, GDP.... Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:23:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Monday, October 11, 2010 2:45:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 MUST TRY MED: Legends OG x The White (I/S) - A cross of two great meds, and you probably have never had it. Give it a try! Monday, October 11, 2010 2:45:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Purple Dragon Bubble Hash (I/S - 44.91%) - $25/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:43:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 TOP SHELF MEDS: Legends OG x The White (I/S), Pineapple Thai (S/I - 14.67%), Purple Cotton Candy (I/S), and XJ-13 (S/I - 16.58%) Monday, October 11, 2010 2:43:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:40:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Monday, October 11, 2010 2:40:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Super Silver Haze Hash (S/I - 23.6%) - $15/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:39:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 37.73%) - $15/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:39:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:38:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:38:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Oil (I/S - 67.95%) - $30/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:37:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 51.11%) - $45/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:37:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! White Widowettes (S/I) - $30 / $215 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:35:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:35:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.1%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:34:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Sage & Sour (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:33:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:32:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Monday, October 11, 2010 2:31:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Sand Hash (I - 37.64%) - $25/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:30:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Afghan Kush (50/50) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:30:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Peak 19 (I/S - 12.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, October 11, 2010 2:29:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 5.66% THC / 6.97% CBD Monday, October 11, 2010 2:27:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Monday, October 11, 2010 2:23:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 12.4% Monday, October 11, 2010 2:22:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, October 11, 2010 2:21:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): MO's Super Silver Haze, Northern Lights #5, NYC Diesel, and OG Kush Monday, October 11, 2010 2:21:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Graddaddy Blueberry, MO's Purple Diesel, MO's Romulan, MO's Super Grape Ape.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:19:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Blue Dream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Casey Jones, MO's Cloud 9.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:18:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): LSD, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, MO's Blue Cream.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:18:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Wreck, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Lemon Kush, Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon Kush.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:17:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, SFV OG Kush ($8).... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:16:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Grape, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:15:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Cherry Punch, Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), DHN's White Widow ($14), GDP.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:14:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/11 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Blackberry Kush, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush, Purple Erkle, SCM's AK-47.... Monday, October 11, 2010 2:13:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@MowWow408 Feel free to follow us for weekday updates! Monday, October 11, 2010 12:49:36 PM via web in reply to MowWow408<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Awesome. Glad to help!! RT @justonlysteve: @HHCOAK thanks for the heas up on the chocolope starters. made my weekend. Monday, October 11, 2010 11:18:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@jeanseaborg You should not have had a problem purchasing just an ounce. How much did you try to purchase? Did you speak with a manager? Monday, October 11, 2010 11:14:26 AM via HootSuite in reply to jeanseaborg<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: waiting on @Turtledgaf @msturtle420 and other to stop by after they hit up @hhcoak #Medicate Monday, October 11, 2010 11:13:10 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@marissa1217 You're welcome! Monday, October 11, 2010 11:12:40 AM via HootSuite in reply to marissa1217<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @marissa1217: Candees cannabis oatmeal cookies so amazing for hours!!! My new fav edible. Thanks hhcoak for the start of a great weekend! Monday, October 11, 2010 11:12:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soma5280 Not sure when we'll have True Blue x OG (CBD-Rich) again. Depends on the grower. We always have CBD-Rich strains in stock though. Monday, October 11, 2010 11:11:59 AM via HootSuite in reply to soma5280<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@2point1 Dark Heart Nursery clones are $14 each. All other clones are $12, unless otherwise marked. Monday, October 11, 2010 11:10:45 AM via HootSuite in reply to 2point1<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @potpotdotnet: @BurgerKing commercials make us hungry, but @HHCOAK tweets make us crave the chronic! Friday, October 08, 2010 2:37:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @jfulla247: Smells crazy.. 10/08 MUST TRY MED: Cherry AK (I/S) - A beautiful and rich smelling med that should probably not be missed. Friday, October 08, 2010 2:26:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 MUST TRY MED: Cherry AK (I/S) - A beautiful and rich smelling med that should probably not be missed. Friday, October 08, 2010 2:14:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Headband Full Melt (S/I - 48.18%) - $30/g Friday, October 08, 2010 2:13:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): God's Gift (I/S), and Purple Cotton Candy (I/S) Friday, October 08, 2010 2:08:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 TOP SHELF MEDS: 3x Thai (S/I - 15.34%), Cherry AK (I/S), Clean Green OG Kush (S/I - 13.18%).... Friday, October 08, 2010 2:07:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @djgio707: TGIF. RT @HHCOAK: 10/08 SPECIAL!! Purple Dream Oil (I - 69.06%) - $30/g Friday, October 08, 2010 2:04:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Friday, October 08, 2010 2:03:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! CBD-Rich Glycerin Tincture - $20 Friday, October 08, 2010 2:03:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Friday, October 08, 2010 2:02:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Hash (I/S) Friday, October 08, 2010 2:02:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Kief (S/I - 25.7%) - $15/g Friday, October 08, 2010 2:01:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 27.57%) - $15/g Friday, October 08, 2010 2:00:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Purple Dream Oil (I - 69.06%) - $30/g Friday, October 08, 2010 2:00:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Friday, October 08, 2010 1:59:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Friday, October 08, 2010 1:58:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 54.74%) - $50/g Friday, October 08, 2010 1:58:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Purple Big Bud (I - 12.5%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:55:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $295 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:55:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:54:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Phantom Diesel (S/I - 13.03%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:54:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:54:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Friday, October 08, 2010 1:52:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I - 13.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:52:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:52:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 5.66% THC / 6.97% CBD Friday, October 08, 2010 1:44:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: OG Kush (S/I) - 13.18% Friday, October 08, 2010 1:42:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Friday, October 08, 2010 1:40:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, October 08, 2010 1:39:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT STARTERS: Boulder Creek Kush, Chocolope, and Santa Cruz Kush Friday, October 08, 2010 1:38:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@justonlysteve Ooo... Looks like we have one or two Chocolope starters though... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:38:17 PM via HootSuite in reply to justonlysteve<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@justonlysteve Just posted the daily clone list, and doesn't look like we have Chocolope right now. Sorry! Friday, October 08, 2010 1:37:39 PM via HootSuite in reply to justonlysteve<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, October 08, 2010 1:35:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Granddaddy Blueberry, and SCM's AK-47 Friday, October 08, 2010 1:35:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Northern Lights #5, OG Kush, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, LSD, MO's Super Silver Haze, SCM's Cherry Punch.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:34:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:33:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), Kushadelic, Kushage, LA Woman, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, Urkulan.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:32:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Flower, Sour Wreck, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze, Hindu Skunk, HOD's 707 Headband.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:31:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:30:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Cherry Punch, Devil's Weed, Double Sour Diesel, GDP, SCM's GDP, SCM's Grape.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:27:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4, Dhem Dawg '91, Purple Cadillac, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, SCM's Afghan Kush.... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:26:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/08 CURRENT CLONES: Atomic Northern Lights, Blackberry, Blackberry Kush, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush... Friday, October 08, 2010 1:22:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@justonlysteve Are you looking for Chocolope smokables or clones? Friday, October 08, 2010 1:20:16 PM via HootSuite in reply to justonlysteve<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DT is awesome. RT @HempsterSkoonie: @Pak_Smorbols @stoner_stuff saw that @HHCOAK has some Dutch Treat at 17% never had it want to try soon Friday, October 08, 2010 1:19:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@kingchris20 Our videos can be found in our Video Gallery: Friday, October 08, 2010 1:18:50 PM via HootSuite in reply to kingchris20<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @lasagna_n_tots: wow, @HHCOAK , those strawberry lemon haze cakes are crazy delicious. definitely going to pick up a few more next time. Friday, October 08, 2010 1:12:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FULLPHASE You don't need a phone for "Deal of the Day!" On the back of our fliers we guide you to a coupon if no phone: Thursday, October 07, 2010 2:01:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Have fun! RT @jfulla247: Going on shopping spree 2morrow @HHCOAK for our vacation in Santa Cruz... #stoked Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:33:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @djgio707: :) RT @HHCOAK: 10/07 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: OG Kush (S/I) - 13.18% Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:29:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check it: RT @djgio707: Sweet Jesus. RT @HHCOAK: 10/07 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 54.74%) - $50/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:29:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 MUST TRY MED: Island Sweet Skunk (S/I) - A very skunky med that is light green with lots of orange hairs. A heavy Sativa. Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:27:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - Melts to a fine liquid that then bubbles. Seemed clean and very uplifting. - $50/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:26:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Dutch Treat (S/I - 17.04%), and Clean Green OG Kush (S/I - 13.18%) Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:24:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 TOP SHELF MEDS: Grape Ape (I - 13.43%), 3x Thai (S/I - 15.34%), White Rhino (I/S - 17.51%), Cherry AK (I/S).... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:23:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:22:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! CBD-Rich Glycerin Tincture - $20 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:21:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:21:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Kief (S/I - 25.7%) - $15/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:21:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 27.57%) - $15/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:20:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Purple Dream Oil (I - 69.06%) - $30/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:20:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:19:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:19:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 54.74%) - $50/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:19:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Purple Big Bud (I - 12.5%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:18:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:18:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Phantom Diesel (S/I - 13.03%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:18:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:17:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:16:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I - 13.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:16:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Spicy Jack (S/I - 16.2%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:15:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:15:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 5.66% THC / 6.97% CBD Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:15:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: OG Kush (S/I) - 13.18% Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:13:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:13:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:12:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT STARTERS: Boulder Creek Kush, Chocolope, and Durban #10 Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:12:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:11:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): LSD, MO's Super Silver Haze, and Granddaddy Blueberry Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:11:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Cotton Candy, Northern Lights #5, NYC Diesel, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Confidential Cheese.... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:10:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, Urkulan, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:08:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Hindu Skunk, HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), Kushadelic, Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon Kush.... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:07:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Silver Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Wreck, Super Grape Ape, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze.... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:05:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Cherry Punch, Devil's Weed, Double Sour Diesel, GDP, SCM's GDP, SCM's Grape.... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:04:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4, Chem Dawg '91, Purple Cadillac, Purple Diesel, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, SCM's Afghan Kush.... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:03:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/07 CURRENT CLONES: Atomic Northern Lights, Blackberry, Blackberry Kush, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush... Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:02:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @jfulla247: Got the cannabis lip balm @HHCOAK 2day, so are my lips gonna be stoney?? Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:00:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @bernman49: The @HHCOAK phone app is dope AF it list everything they got in stock and prices of all the pot and concentrates Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:00:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @bernman49: Thinking bout leaving early to the game (SF Giants) so I can stop by @HHCOAK need some more concentrates #420Lifestyles Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:59:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @HempsterSkoonie: Boston Market [ v] @HHCOAK [ ] Bank [v] Wal-Mart [v] cleaners [v] Halloween Store [v ] (candy) one stop to go Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:59:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @sonnerrr: @HempsterSkoonie now the best part of the day is left :) @hhcoak Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:59:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @HempsterSkoonie: I think I will stop bye @HHCOAK and some 3x Thai and Tahoe OG today Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:13:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 MUST TRY MED: 3x Thai (S/I - 15.34%) - Smells like a sweet OG, and has a stronger affect than you might expect from a 15% med. Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:05:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Sugary Full Melt (I/S - 47.01%) - $35/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:03:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): 3x Thai (S/I - 15.34%), and White Rhino (I/S - 17.51%) Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:02:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 TOP SHELF MEDS: Super Silver Haze (S/I - 16.79%), Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.73%), Grape Ape (I - 13.43%).... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:02:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:00:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! CBD-Rich Glycerin Tincture - $20 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:59:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:58:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Kief (S/I - 25.7%) - $15/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:58:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 27.57%) - $15/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:57:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Purple Dream Oil (I - 69.06%) - $30/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:57:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:57:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:56:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 54.74%) - $50/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:56:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Purple Big Bud (I - 12.5%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:56:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $295 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:55:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:54:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Phantom Diesel (S/I - 13.03%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:54:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:54:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:44:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I - 13.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:31:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Spicy Jack (S/I - 16.2%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:30:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cotton Candy (S/I - 13.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:26:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:26:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:24:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:23:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:21:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT STARTERS: 707 Headband, Durban #10, and Chocolope Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:21:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:17:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Purple AK-47, LSD, and MO's Super Silver Haze Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:17:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, MO's Super Grape Ape, Northern Lights #5, NYC Diesel, Pure Kush.... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:16:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Kushage, LA Woman, Sweet Tooth, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9.... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:15:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Haze, Headband, HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Lemon Kush, Kushadelic... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:14:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Grape, Silver Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Wreck, Special AK-47, Super Lemon Haze.... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:13:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Dream Queen ($14), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), GDP, SCM's GDP.... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:12:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Cherry Punch, Devil's Weed, DHN's Blue Dream ($14), DHN's Chem Dawg 4 ($14).... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:10:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/06 CURRENT CLONES: Atomic Northern Lights, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush, Purple Kush, SCM's Afghan Kush.... Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:08:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: Looks Fun, enjoy!!! RT @FreeMarcEmery: Blue Dream Super Melt @HHCOAK 54.74% THC Tuesday, October 05, 2010 3:28:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:23:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 MUST TRY MED: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 18.5%) - A lovely, smelly med that almost made it to the top shelf. A great med for less money! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:23:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Velvet Kush Hash (I/S - 56.09%) - $20/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:21:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.73%), and Grape Ape (I - 13.43%) Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:21:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 TOP SHELF MEDS: GDP (I - 14.54%), Tangerine Kush (I/S - 14.62%), Pineapple Kush (I/S - 14.0%), Super Silver Haze (S/I - 16.79%).... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:20:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is $12! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:18:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints: (S) or (I) 1.05g = $10, Jumbo 1.25g = $12, 1.05g w/ kief = $15, 1.05g w/ hash = $15 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:17:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 27.57%) - $15/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:14:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Hash (S/I - 34.79%) - $10/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:14:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Velvet Kush Hash (I/S - 56.09%) - $20/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:13:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Purple Dream Oil (I - 69.06%) - $30/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:13:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:12:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Jack Flash Super Melt (S/I - 54.26%) - $45/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:12:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Durban Bubble (S - 50.06%) - $30/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:11:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 54.74%) - $50/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:11:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $295 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:10:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Mendo Cough (S/I - 12.2%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:09:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Phantom Diesel (S/I - 13.03%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:09:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:08:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:07:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Spicy Jack (S/I - 16.2%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:07:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cotton Candy (S/I - 13.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:06:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:05:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:05:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CLEAN GREEN: Headband Hash (S/I - 40.36%) - $25/g Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:01:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:59:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT STARTERS: Boulder Creek Kush, 707 Headband, and Durban #10 Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:59:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:59:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Purple AK-47, LSD, MO's Granddaddy Blueberry, MO's Super Silver Haze, and SCM's Cherry Punch Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:58:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, MO's Super Grape Ape, Pure Kush.... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:57:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Kushadelic, Lemon Kush, Lime, UK Cheese, Sweet Tooth, Urkulan, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese.... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:56:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Grape, Green Cush, Gummi Bear OG, Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich).... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:55:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Wreck, Special AK-47, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze.... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:46:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Space Queen ($14), Dream Queen, GDP, SCM's GDP, SCM's Grape, SCM's Pure Kush, Silver Kush.... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:45:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Devil's Weed, DHN's Blue Dream ($14), DHN's Chem Dawg 4 ($14), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14).... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:44:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/05 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, SCM's Afghan Kush, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Cherry Punch, Cloud 9.... Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:43:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>We're open now, and busy! RT @FreeMarcEmery: Waiting out front @hhcoak they arent open yet =P Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:02:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@CourtiousKevin Yes, we still have a tray or two of the MO's Super Grape Ape. Drive safely!! Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:02:34 PM via HootSuite in reply to CourtiousKevin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, October 04, 2010 3:03:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT STARTERS: LA Woman, Boulder Creek Kush, 707 Headband, and Durban #10 Monday, October 04, 2010 3:03:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, October 04, 2010 3:00:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 9): Confidential Cheese, LSD, MO's Granddaddy Blueberry, and MO's Super Silver Haze Monday, October 04, 2010 3:00:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, MO's Super Grape Ape, NYC Diesel, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:59:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): UK Cheese, Urkulan, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:58:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): HOD's Lemon Kush, HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kryptonite, Kushadelic, Lemon Kush, Lime, Sweet Tooth, Trainwreck.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:55:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Green Cush, Gummi Bear OG, Headband, Hindu Skunk.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:54:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Silver Kush, Sour Flower, Sour Wreck., Special AK-47, Super Lemon Haze.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:53:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), GDP, SCM's GDP, SCM's Grape, SFV OG Kush.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:52:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Cherry Punch, Cloud 9, Devils Weed, DHN's Chem Dawg 4 ($14), DHN's Purple Kush ($14), Dream Queen.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:49:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's Violator Kush, Santa Cruz Kush, SCMs Boulder Creek Kush... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:47:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/04 CURRENT CLONES: Atomic Northern Lights, Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush, QB's Casey Jones, QB's Kushberry, QB's Mako Haze.... Monday, October 04, 2010 2:46:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Whoops! RT @jfulla247: Free calendar from @HHCOAK ,but spell check must have been turned off.. "leightweights". Monday, October 04, 2010 2:36:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>No problem. Thank you for stopping by!! RT @FreeMarcEmery: Hey, thanks for the Big Buds 2011 calendar @HHCOAK Monday, October 04, 2010 2:35:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>First in line? hehe RT @FreeMarcEmery: Hmm @HHCOAK just opened. can you guess where i am? Monday, October 04, 2010 2:35:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@CourtiousKevin Clones are not listed in the menu because they change too often to have individual product codes in our POS. Check Twitter. Monday, October 04, 2010 2:33:49 PM via HootSuite in reply to CourtiousKevin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@CourtiousKevin The app has clones listed... Look on the homepage (Deal of the Day page) Twitter feed and scroll down. Monday, October 04, 2010 2:32:39 PM via HootSuite in reply to CourtiousKevin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: A Very Happy Birthday to @HHCOAK Founded 4yrs ago! #mmot Monday, October 04, 2010 2:31:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: Blackberry Kush Super Melt/Wax @HHCOAK - i would buy this again for the smell alone! Monday, October 04, 2010 2:31:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BillOAK420 We have mixed 1/2 oz specials every day - while supplies last. Just ask to see our mixed 1/2 oz! Monday, October 04, 2010 2:27:07 PM via HootSuite in reply to BillOAK420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 MUST TRY MED: GDP x Hindu Kush (I) - Having a hectic day and need to slow down? This is will do it for ya! Friday, October 01, 2010 1:39:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Phantom Diesel Hash (S/I - 44.13%) - $15/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:38:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 TOP SHELF MEDS: East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.62%), and Pineapple Kush (I/S - 14.0%) Friday, October 01, 2010 1:36:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 TOP SHELF MEDS: GDP x Hindu Kush (I), Tangerine Kush (I/S - 14.62%), Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.73%).... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:36:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! Gelatos are only $12!! Friday, October 01, 2010 1:35:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (S & I) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:34:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Phantom Diesel Hash (S/I - 44.13%) - $15/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:34:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Magik Hash (Mix - 44.54%) - $15/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:33:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Humboldt Afgoo Kief (I) - $15/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:33:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Durban Bubble (S - 50.06%) - $30/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:19:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:19:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:19:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:18:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Super Melt (I/S - 52.61%) - $50/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:18:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck (S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:18:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Super Silver Haze (S/I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:17:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:16:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:16:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Friday, October 01, 2010 1:15:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush & Purple Trawnwreck Honey Bud (S/I - 49.36%) - $40/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:15:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sage Kush (S/I - 13.61%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:15:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:14:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Friday, October 01, 2010 1:13:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, October 01, 2010 1:12:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT STARTERS: 707 Headband, Santa Cruz Kush, Durban #10, Boulder Creek Kush, and Apollo 11 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:12:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, October 01, 2010 1:11:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): OG Kush, Pine OG, Pure Kush, and Purple AK-47 Friday, October 01, 2010 1:11:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Gummi Bear OG, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, NYC Diesel.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:10:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): LA Woman, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, UK Cheese, Urkulan, White Widow x Bubblegum, Devil's Weed.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:09:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Hindu Skunk, HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Lemon Kush, Kushadelic, Kushage.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:08:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Silver Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Wreck, Special AK-47, Super Lemon Haze, Green Kush.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:07:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Space Queen ($14), Dream Queen, GDP, God Bud, Grape, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SFV OG Kush.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:06:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): QB's Violator Kush, Santa Cruz Kush, Cherry Punch, Cloud 9, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14).... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:05:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry, QB's Mako Haze, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's Super Silver Haze.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:03:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>10/01 CURRENT CLONES: Atomic Northern Lights, Blackberry, Blue Dream, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones.... Friday, October 01, 2010 1:02:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery I believe we have a Blackberry Kush Super Melt (I/S - 52.61%) right now that you might like. - $50/g Friday, October 01, 2010 1:01:04 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Decriminalizing Cannabis!!! Friday, October 01, 2010 10:43:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Dro510 Yes, we test concentrates too. You just need to bring in one gram, and it costs $100 per test. Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:10:43 PM via HootSuite in reply to Dro510<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Tburd420 Hope you already picked up some of the XJ-13. It's all out now. 80( Thursday, September 30, 2010 4:59:41 PM via HootSuite in reply to Tburd420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 MUST TRY MED: XJ-13 (S/I - 19.63%) - It's back, and it's awesome! A big favorite around many, and this specimen is a high tester! YUM! Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:12:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Master Kush Bubble Hash (I - 46.21%) - $25/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:10:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): XJ-13 (S/I - 19.63%), and Dutch Treat (S/I - 15.37%) Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:10:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Cotton Candy (I/S), Widow Berry (S/I - 15.0%), Purple Erkle (I - 15.37%).... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:09:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! Gelatos are only $12!! Enjoy them while the weather is still warm! Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:08:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (S & I) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:07:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 42.13%) - $10/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:07:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Durban Bubble (S - 50.06%) - $30/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:06:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:06:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:06:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:05:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:05:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Super Melt (I/S - 52.61%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:05:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Super Silver Haze (S/I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:04:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Querklettes (I/S) - $35 / $240 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:03:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Golden Kushlettes (S/I) - $25 / $180 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:03:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:02:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:02:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SPECIAL!! Amnesia (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:02:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:01:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush & Purple Trawnwreck Honey Bud (S/I - 49.36%) - $40/g Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:01:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:01:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:00:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:59:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT STARTERS: Santa Cruz Kush, Space Queen, 707 Headband, and Durban #10 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:59:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:58:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, and Purple Cadillac Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:57:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Purple Diesel, OG Kush, Pine OG.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:57:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Urkulan, White Widow x Bubblegum, QB's Gummi Bear OG Kush, DHN's Grape Ape ($14), QB's 707 Headband.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:56:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushadelic, Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon OG, UK Cheese.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:55:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Special AK-47, Strawberry Cough, Sweet Tooth, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Buddha's Passion, HOD's Lemon Kush.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:54:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), Dream Queen, GDP, Silver Kush, Sour Diesel.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:53:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): QB's Violator Kush, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Purple Kush, Cherry Punch, Cloud 9, DHN's GDP ($14).... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:52:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg '91, QB's Casey Jones, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Green Cush, QB's Mako Haze.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:51:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/29 CURRENT CLONES: Atomic Northern Lights, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:50:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @ryan_duffy: Picked up some #hashoil and #supermelt hash from @hhcoak yesterday. Top Quality!! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:17:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @potpotdotnet: The @HHCOAK iPhone app, is reason enough to have that phone. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:16:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Nice! RT @jfulla247: @HHCOAK's the pic.. Mendo 2008..Pink Jasmine... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:14:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:24:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@jfulla247 Phantom Menace = Purple x Sour Diesel x Bubba Kush x Pink Jasmine Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:24:12 PM via HootSuite in reply to jfulla247<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 MUST TRY MED: Intensive Care OG Kush (S/I - 14.0%) - Might not be the highest percentage ever but grown and cured beautifully! Stinky! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:09:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Headband Bubble Hash (S/I - 51.44%) - $25/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:07:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Phantom Menace (S/I - 16.75%), and Purple Erkle (I - 15.37%) Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:07:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Cotton Candy (I/S), Intensive Care OG Kush (S/I - 14.0%), Widow Berry (S/I - 15.0%).... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:59:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Wonderful! We love to hear that. We'll try to get more! RT @hempista: @HHCOAK wow loving these high CBD sativas! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:58:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! Gelatos are only $12!! Enjoy them while the weather is still warm! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:57:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (S & I) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:56:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Purps Hash (I - 36.14%) - $15/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:54:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Durban Bubble (S - 50.06%) - $30/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:53:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:52:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:52:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:51:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Headband Bubble Hash (S/I - 51.44%) - $25/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:51:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:50:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush Super Melt (I/S - 52.61%) - $50/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:50:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Querklettes (I/S) - $35 / $240 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:49:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Golden Kushlettes (S/I) - $25 / $180 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:48:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:47:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Jilly Bean (I/S - 10.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:46:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SPECIAL!! Amnesia (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:43:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 EDIBLE SALE!! Choco-Patamus Bars are now 10% off! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:42:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Boost Bubble Hash (I/S - 43.98%) - $20/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:41:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush & Purple Trawnwreck Honey Bud (S/I - 49.36%) - $40/g Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:40:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:40:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:39:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:39:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT STARTERS: Space Queen, 707 Headband, and Durban #10 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:38:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:37:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Gummi Bear OG, and DHN's Grape Ape ($14) Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:37:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): LA Woman, Lavender, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, UK Cheese, Urkulan, White Widow x Bubblegum... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:37:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Special AK-47, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), Kushadelic, Kushage.... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:36:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), Fire OG ($15), G Kush, GDP, Grape, Silver Kush... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:34:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush, Cherry Punch, Cloud 9, DHN's Chem Dawg 4 ($14).... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:33:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry, QB's Mako Haze, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's Violator Kush.... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:32:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/28 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Atomic Northern Lights, Blackberry, Bubba Kush, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg, Purple Kush, QB's Blackberry.... Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:31:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Friday, September 24, 2010 2:55:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 MUST TRY MED: Sirius Stardawg A (S/I - 17.83%) - Bet you probably have never had this. Try it... It's amazing!!! Friday, September 24, 2010 2:55:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 71.72%) - $30/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:52:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Sirius Stardawg A (S/I - 17.83%), and Pineapple Kush (I/S - 14.0%) Friday, September 24, 2010 2:52:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 TOP SHELF MEDS: East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.34%), Grape (I - 14.53%), Tahoe OG (S/I - 18.49%).... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:51:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Friday, September 24, 2010 2:50:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:50:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Hash (S/I - 41.6%) - $15/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:49:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 45.15%) - $10/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:49:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 71.72%) - $30/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:49:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Golden Kief (50/50) - $10/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:48:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Kush Bubble Hash (I/S - 52.57%) - $20/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:48:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:48:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Space Queen & Pandora's Box Super Melt (S/I - 54.07%) - $50/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:48:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! OG Kush x Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:47:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:47:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:47:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:46:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:46:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Purple Love (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:45:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Golden Kushlettes (S/I) - $25 / $180 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:44:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:44:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is now 10% off!! Friday, September 24, 2010 2:43:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet OG (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:43:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! LA Jack (S/I - 13.74%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 24, 2010 2:42:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Barney Bubble (I/S - 43.11%) - $20/g Friday, September 24, 2010 2:42:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Friday, September 24, 2010 2:37:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Boulder Creek Kush, OG Kush, and Sour Grapes Friday, September 24, 2010 2:35:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 24, 2010 2:34:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 10): Alexander The Grape, QB's Violator Kush, and MO's Blueberry Diesel Friday, September 24, 2010 2:34:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 9): MO's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry, Westside OG, White Widow x Bubblegum, QB's Mako Haze.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:34:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Northern Lights #5, OG Kush, Pine OG, Purple AK-47, Purple Cadillac, QB's Red Cherry Berry.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:33:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Master Kush, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:32:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), Ken's GDP, Kushadelic, LA Woman, Lavender, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:31:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Special AK-47, Super Silver Haze, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Headband, HOD's Buddha's Passion.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:30:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): DHN's White Widow ($14), Dream Queen, Fire OG ($15), God Bud, Grapes, So Gouda, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:27:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Querkle ($14), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Skywalker OG ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14).... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:26:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Silver Kush, Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen ($14), DHN's Hindu Skunk ($14), DHN's Jilly Bean ($14).... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:26:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, QB's Casey Jones, QB's White Widow, Querkle.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:25:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/24 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Atomic Northern Lights, Blackberry, Blue Dot, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba OG.... Friday, September 24, 2010 2:23:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:10:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 MUST TRY MED: Dream Queen (I/S - 18.5%) - We have a bunch of amazing meds right now, but this is 18.0% and it's not top shelf price! Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:09:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Headband Hash (S/I - 45.15%) - $10/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:08:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 18.7%), and XJ-13 (S/I - 19.63%) Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:06:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 TOP SHELF MEDS: East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.34%), Grape (I - 14.53%), Skywalker OG (S/I - 15.21%), White Rhino (I/S - 16.08%).... Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:06:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Hash (S/I - 41.6%) - $15/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:04:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 45.15%) - $10/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:04:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 71.72%) - $30/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:03:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Golden Kief (50/50) - $10/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:03:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Kush Bubble Hash (I/S - 52.57%) - $20/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:02:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:02:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Space Queen & Pandora's Box Super Melt (S/I - 54.07%) - $50/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:02:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! OG Kush x Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:01:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:01:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:01:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:01:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:00:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Purple Love (S/I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:00:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Golden Kushlettes (S/I) - $25 / $180 Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:59:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:58:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SPECIAL!! Afgoo (I - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:58:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is now 10% off!! Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:58:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Barney Bubble (I/S - 43.11%) - $20/g Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:57:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! LA Jack (S/I - 13.74%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:57:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:56:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT MOTHER: Purple Kush - $60 Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:50:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:49:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Blockhead, Santa Cruz Kush, OG Kush, and Sour Grapes Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:49:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:48:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 9): Alexander The Grape, and QB's Violator Kush Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:48:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry, Westside OG, QB's Mako Haze.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:47:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, OG Kush, Pine OG, Purple AK-47, QB's Red Cherry Berry.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:45:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:44:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushage, Larry OG, Lavender, Lemon OG, Lime.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:43:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Grapes, Special AK-47, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze, Urkulan, White Widow, William's Wonder.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:41:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), Dream Queen, Durban #10, Grapes, Sour Flower.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:40:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's 707 Headband, Cherry Punch, Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen ($14), DHN's Querkle ($14).... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:39:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Candy Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, QB's White Widow, Querkle... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:37:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/23 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Atomic Northern Lights Blackberry, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Cadillac.... Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:36:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BQardiEllington: Hmm.. Leaning towards that chemdawg4 or that bruce banner... @HHCOAK Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:25:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Wednesday, September 22, 2010 2:25:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>See ya soon! 80) RT @BQardiEllington: See you guys in a bit~> @HHCOAK: 09/22 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 45.15%) - $10/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:49:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 MUST TRY MED: Jack's Haze (S/I - 24.4%) - Just awesome. A nice, sweet Jack cross that's not top shelf price & tested at over 20% THC!! Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:48:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Kush Bubble Hash (I - 52.57%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:46:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Skywalker OG (S/I - 15.21%), and White Rhino (I/S - 16.08%) Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:43:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 TOP SHELF MEDS: East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.34%), Grape (I - 14.53%), Tangerine Kush (I/S - 16.04%).... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:42:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is now 10% off!! Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:41:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush & Purple Trawnwreck Honey Bud (S/I - 49.36%) - $40/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:41:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Barney Bubble (I/S - 43.11%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:41:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Full Melt (S/I - 47.49%) - $35/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:40:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! LA Jack (S/I - 13.74%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:40:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Magic Berry (S/I - 11.3%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:39:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Space Queen (I/S - 14.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:38:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 45.15%) - $10/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:37:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 71.72%) - $30/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:37:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Kush Bubble Hash (I/S - 52.57%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:36:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:35:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Space Queen & Pandora's Box Super Melt (S/I - 54.07%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:35:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! OG Kush x Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:35:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:34:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:34:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:34:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:33:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I) - $13 / $40 / $265 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:33:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Afgoo (I - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:33:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 SPECIAL!! Very Berry Haze (S/I - 13.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:32:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CBD-RICH MED: Rx Red (S/I) - 8.77 THC / 7.57 CBD Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:31:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT MOTHERS: Chocolope and Upstate - $40 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:30:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:29:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Underdawg, 707 Headband, Lemon Kush, and Boulder Creek Kush Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:29:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:28:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): White Widow x Bubblegum, QB's Mako Haze, Alexander The Grape, QB's Violator Kush, and Double Sour Diesel Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:28:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Romulan, Pine OG, Purple AK-47, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry.... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:27:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Larry OG, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, OG Kush.... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:26:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Headband, HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushage.... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:24:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Dream Queen, Fire OG, Grapes, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Space Queen, The Purps, White Widow.... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:23:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Atomic Northern Lights, Northern Lights #5, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14).... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:22:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, QB's White Widow, Querkle, Cloud 9, Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen ($14).... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:21:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/22 CURRENT CLONES: AK-47, Blackberry, Blue Dream, Bubba OG, Buddha's Passion, Cadillac, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:19:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>We have an AWESOME selection on flowers and concentrates today!!! Best we've seen in a little while. It's going quickly though. Check it.... Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:18:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Tburd420 We've always had mixed prepackaged discount 1/2 oz deals! Just ask to see them. Depending on quality they range form $160-$192. Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:46:33 PM via HootSuite in reply to Tburd420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:39:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 MUST TRY MED: Strawberry D-Train (S) - Brighten your day with this awesome cross. Fruity and awake... perfect for a sunny day! Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:39:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Velvet Kush Full Melt (I/S) - $30/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:37:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Tangerine Kush (I/S - 16.04%), Skywalker OG (S/I - 15.21%), and Purple Kush (I - 12.14%) Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:36:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dutch Treat (S/I - 15.79%), East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.34%), Grapes (I - 14.53%), OG Kush (S/I - 16.86%).... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:35:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:33:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 EDIBLE SPECIAL!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:33:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Golden Kief (50/50) - $10/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:33:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Kush Bubble Hash (I/S - 52.57%) - $20/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:32:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:32:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Space Queen & Pandora's Box Super Melt (S/I - 54.07%) - $50/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:31:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! OG Kush x Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:31:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:31:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:30:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:30:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Golden Kushlettes (S/I) - $25 / $180 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:30:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:29:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50 - 3.22% THC / 5.59% CBD) - $13 / $40 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:29:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:29:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Afgoo (I - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:28:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SPECIAL!! Very Berry Haze (S/I - 13.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:28:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is now 10% off!! Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:25:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush & Purple Trawnwreck Honey Bud (S/I - 49.36%) - $40/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:25:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Barney Bubble (I/S - 43.11%) - $20/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:24:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Full Melt (S/I - 47.49%) - $35/g Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:24:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Space Queen (I/S - 14.0%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:24:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CBD-RICH MEDS: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50 - 3.22% THC / 5.59% CBD) - $13 / $40 Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:23:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT MOTHERS: Chocolope ($40), Upstate ($40),and Purple Kush ($60) Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:22:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:21:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Apollo 11, Blockhead, Santa Cruz Kush, and Headband Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:20:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:20:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): QB's Mako Haze, and Alexander The Grape Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:19:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry, Westside OG, White Widow x Bubblegum.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:19:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Blue Dream, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, OG Kush, Pine OG, Purple Erkle.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:18:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Sweet Tooth, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Cream.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:13:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps, Urkulan, White Widow, Headband, Kushage.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:12:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Durban #10, Durban #12, Grapes, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Sour Wreck, Special AK-47.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:10:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14), DHN's Space Queen ($14), DHN's White Widow ($14), Dream Queen.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:07:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze, Querkle, Schnozzberry ($10), Cloud 9, DHN's Dream Queen ($14).... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:03:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/21 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Candy Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:01:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>80) RT @GraceMillado: Girl cashier at @HHCOAK told me I was pretty :) damn I love them there Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:53:21 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@JoshZilla Oaksterdam is good, but just bring by your resume and a cover letter tailored to the position you would like to apply for. Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:52:40 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @hempista: Once ur spoiled with @hhcsj @hhcoak @elementalwell or @SPARCcannabis it's hard going elsewhere & seeing keifed flowers sold Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:50:51 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>80) RT @iamkinglu: idk why I started following @HHCOAK it's just made me want to go buy weed when already have some! Monday, September 20, 2010 3:17:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: @HHCOAK Thanks, you posted the magic words "Super Melt" and its one i havent tried! #OnMyWay Monday, September 20, 2010 3:17:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Monday, September 20, 2010 3:15:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 MUST TRY MED: Super Silver Haze (S/I - 18.89%) - An old time award winner & favorite is back and has a great test result! Super nice! Monday, September 20, 2010 3:14:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: A.O.T.A. Hash (50/50 - 43.07%) - $15/g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:13:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Super Silver Haze (S/I - 18.89%), and Tangerine Kush (I/S - 16.04%) Monday, September 20, 2010 3:12:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dutch Treat (S/I - 15.79), East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.34%), Grape (I - 14.53%).... Monday, September 20, 2010 3:12:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Monday, September 20, 2010 3:10:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Monday, September 20, 2010 3:10:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! A.O.T.A. Hash (50/50 - 43.07%) - $15/g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:03:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:03:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Space Queen & Pandora's Box Super Melt (S/I - 54.07%) - $50/g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:02:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! OG Kush x Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:02:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 54.37%) - $50/g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:01:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Monday, September 20, 2010 3:00:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Monday, September 20, 2010 2:59:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Golden Kushlettes (S/I) - $25 / $180 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:58:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:58:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50 - 3.22% THC / 5.59% CBD) - $13 / $40 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:57:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 (I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:56:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Afgoo (I - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:54:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL!! Very Berry Haze (S/I - 13.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:54:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery About to post our specials. There are some good concentrates listed in there. Keep a lookout - here they come! Monday, September 20, 2010 2:53:38 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) is now 10% off!! Monday, September 20, 2010 2:44:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush & Purple Trawnwreck Honey Bud (S/I - 49.36%) - $40/g Monday, September 20, 2010 2:43:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Barney Bubble (I/S - 43.11%) - $20/g Monday, September 20, 2010 2:43:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Full Melt (S/I - 47.49%) - $35/g Monday, September 20, 2010 2:42:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Magic Berry (S/I - 11.3%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:42:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Diesel (S/I - 14.7%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:41:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Space Queen (I/S - 14.0%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:41:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thank you! Sorry your so far now! RT @YoungChicoFresh: #1 reason i miss oakland, is going to @HHCOAK Monday, September 20, 2010 2:39:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 SPECIAL! Delicious Dose Gelatos (Mint Choc Chip, Chai, Strawberry, Vanilla Choc Chip, Chocolate, & Coffee-Cappuccino Chip) - $12 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:34:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50 - 2.22% THC / 5.59% CBD) - $13/ $40 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:30:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, September 20, 2010 2:29:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban#10, Underdawg, Cherry Punch, Blue Dream, Kong, Pine OG, and Apollo 11 Monday, September 20, 2010 2:29:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, September 20, 2010 2:28:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): White Widow x Bubblegum, and QB's Mako Haze Monday, September 20, 2010 2:28:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Romulan , Purple Erkle, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, QB's Kushberry, Westside OG... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:27:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Purple Diesel, OG Kush.... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:26:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): HOD's Harlequin (CBD-Rich), HOD's Sweet Tooth, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blue Dream.... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:25:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Wreck, Special AK-47, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, The Purps, Urkulan, White Widow, Kushage, Lime.... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:25:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Space Queen ($14), DHN's White Widow ($14), Durban #10, Durban #12, Grape, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:23:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Chem Dawg 4 ($14), DHN's Dream Queen ($14), DHN's Jilly Bean ($14), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit ($14).... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:22:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/20 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Querkle, Schnozzberry ($10), SCM's 707 Headband, Dream Queen.... Monday, September 20, 2010 2:21:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @JoshZilla: @CHOCOPOTAMUS - the Grape Ape dark chocolate bar got me bodied. On chill mode. Awesome stuff. #chocopotamus Monday, September 20, 2010 2:20:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BQardiEllington @BQardiEllington Yes, we have had cannabis infused Gelatos for some time now. Monday, September 20, 2010 2:19:28 PM via HootSuite in reply to BQardiEllington<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @JoshZilla: Since I can't smoke, I'm gonna pick up some cannabis chocolate bars & gelato at @HHCOAK to hold me over while I'm recovering. Monday, September 20, 2010 2:18:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>You're welcome!! Have a great weekend! 80) RT @NataliSays: Thanks to @HHCOAK for making my day! (: Friday, September 17, 2010 6:43:44 PM via HootSuite in reply to NataliSays<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Friday, September 17, 2010 4:52:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 MUST TRY MED: The White (I/S - 17.24%) - A patient favorite is back on the top shelf! Friday, September 17, 2010 4:52:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 69.05%) - $30/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:50:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 TOP SHELF MEDS: OG Kush (S/I - 16.27%), Jack's Haze (S/I - 15.54%), The White (I/S - 17.24%), and GDP (I - 13.9%) Friday, September 17, 2010 4:50:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:48:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Black Widow Bubble (I/S) - $15/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:47:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Afgoo Hash (I - 24.8%) - $10/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:47:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! U2 Kush Full Melt (S/I - 51.57%) - $35/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:47:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! OG x Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:46:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Kushage Full Melt (50/50 - 53.37%) - $35/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:45:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 65.19%) - $40/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:41:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 69.05%) - $30/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:41:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:40:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Sour Goo Apple Mix - $9 / $20 / $145 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:39:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:39:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50 - 3.22% THC / 5.59% CBD) - $13 / $40 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:39:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Mix - $9 / $20 / $140 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:38:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - 10% off! Friday, September 17, 2010 4:37:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Friday, September 17, 2010 4:36:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Clean Green Purple Kush Hash (I) - $20/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:35:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:31:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Mango (I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:30:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! True Kush x Romberry (S/I - 12.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:30:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Space Queen (I/S - 14.0%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:29:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Magic Berry (S/I - 11.3%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:26:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CBD-RICH MEDS: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50 - 3.22% THC / 5.59% CBD) - $13 / $40 Friday, September 17, 2010 4:22:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Kush Hash (I) - $20/g Friday, September 17, 2010 4:21:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 17, 2010 4:20:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, 707 Headband, Durban #10, Pine OG, G Kush, and Lemon Kush Friday, September 17, 2010 4:19:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 17, 2010 4:18:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): MO's Blueberry Diesel, and Double Sour Diesel Friday, September 17, 2010 4:18:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): QB's Kushberry, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's Mako Haze, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, Westside OG.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:18:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Purple Diesel, MO's Romulan, OG Kush, Pine OG, Purple Diesel.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:17:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): LA Woman, Lime, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:15:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sweet & Sour Diesel, UK Cheese, Urkulan, White Widow, HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Harlequin, Kushage.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:14:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Grapes, Sour Wreck, Space Queen, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, The Purps.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:13:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Grapes, Sour Diesel.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:12:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Super Silver Haze, Schnozzberry ($10), SCM's 707 Headband, Dankouver, DHN's Chem Dawg 4..... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:11:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/17 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Blackberry, Blue Dream, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, QB's Casey Jones, QB's Green Kush, Querkle.... Friday, September 17, 2010 4:10:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 MUST TRY MED: Dream Queen testing at %16!! Indica dominate yet still has enough sativa to keep your head up. Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:35:38 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: U2 Kush Full Melt (I/S,%51!!!) $35 Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:30:48 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 TOP SHELF MEDS: Og Kush(S/I,16.27%) Widow Berry(S/I,14.83%) Jack's Haze(S/I,15.54%) GDP(I,13.90%) Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:28:39 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints! $10/ $15 with Kief (1.5g) Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:19:54 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:17:31 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:17:18 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:16:59 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! True Kush x Rom Berry (12.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:16:16 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Space Queen (14%) $15/$50/$325, Mango (I) $15/$50/$325, Sour Magic Berry (11.3%) $15/$50/$325... Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:15:21 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CBD-RICH MED: Int Care's Romulan Rx (50/50) 3.22%THC, 5.59%CBD Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:12:32 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Kush Hash %29.05 $20! Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:11:04 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I) Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:09:54 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:27:14 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Super Silver Haze, 707 Headband, Schnozberry, Apollo 11 Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:26:58 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:24:44 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): White Widow x Bubblegum! Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:24:34 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6):Lime, Cloud 9,GDP, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sour Wreck, Original Purple,Casey Jones, Red Cherry Berry.. Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:23:54 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): HOD's Harlequin, Green Kush, Martian Mean Green, Sour Flower, Grapes, Double Sour Diesel, Sour Wreck... Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:20:53 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, AK-47, The Purps, Blue Dream, Purple Diesel, OG Kush, Pure Kush, Dankouver.. Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:18:30 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Dark Heart's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dark Heart Chem # 4, Durban #10, Cherry Kush, Space Queen... Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:16:16 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Super Silver Sour Diesel, Kushage... Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:11:28 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Kush Berry, Schnozzberry ($10), SCM's 707 Headband, 707 Headband, Querkle... Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:07:06 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/16 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Cream, Blueberry x Cheese, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, QB's Mako Haze, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze... Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:05:51 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Sorry for lack of updates. We are all sick and out of the office. We hope to be back tomorrow though!! Tuesday, September 14, 2010 11:56:20 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 MUST TRY MED: Strawberry D-Train (S) - Looks like Diesel and smells like Jack. Start your weekend off right with this sweet med! Friday, September 10, 2010 2:43:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Mr. Af-Wreck Hash (I/S - 46.58%) - $15/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:42:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Chem Dawg '91 (S/I - 19.21%), and White Rhino (I/S - 16.13%) Friday, September 10, 2010 2:41:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 TOP SHELF MEDS: Super Silver Haze (S/I), Jack Flash (S/I - 14.0%), Headband (S/I).... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:40:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Friday, September 10, 2010 2:39:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Mr. Af-Wreck Hash (I/S - 46.58%) - $15/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:35:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Hash (Mix - 47.32%) - $10/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:34:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:34:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Space Queen Super Melt (I/S - 59.99%) - $40/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:34:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:33:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Super Silver Haze (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 10, 2010 2:33:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! White Widow (S/I - 13.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 10, 2010 2:31:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.6%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, September 10, 2010 2:31:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! AK-47 (S/I) - $25 / 3.5g and $180 / 28g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:30:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / 2g and $40 / 3.5g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:30:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 10, 2010 2:30:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 47.73%) - $35/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:29:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Friday, September 10, 2010 2:28:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! True Kush x Romberry (S/I - 12.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 10, 2010 2:28:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Orange Velvet (50/50 - 12.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 10, 2010 2:27:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Friday, September 10, 2010 2:26:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I) Friday, September 10, 2010 2:26:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 10, 2010 2:25:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT STARTERS: Blue Dream, Durban #10, Affy 18, MO's Cloud 9 ($14), Blockhead, and Santa Cruz Kush Friday, September 10, 2010 2:25:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 10, 2010 2:24:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): QB's Mako Haze, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, SCM's AK-47, and Westside OG Friday, September 10, 2010 2:24:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): NYC Diesel, Original Purple, Purple AK-47, Purple Diesel, QB's Kushberry, QB's Red Cherry Berry.... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:23:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Super Grape Ape.... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:22:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Harlequin, Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Master Kush.... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:14:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Lemon Haze, The Purps, UK Cheese, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Headband, Hindu Skunk.... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:12:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, God Bud, Grapes, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Special AK-47.... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:11:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Chocolope, DHN's Jilly Bean ($14).... Friday, September 10, 2010 2:10:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Querkle, Romulan, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Afghan Kush.... Friday, September 10, 2010 1:58:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Blue Dream, Blueberry x Cheese, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, QB's Super Silver Haze.... Friday, September 10, 2010 1:54:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @jfulla247: If your a cannasseur, I HIGHLy recommend the Headband @HHCOAK Friday, September 10, 2010 1:40:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 MUST TRY MED: Amnesia (S/I - 15.8%) - Close your eyes... Smells like a nice red wine! Crazy!! Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:50:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: OG Kush Bubble (S/I - 47.37%) - $30/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:49:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Chem Dawg '91 (S/I - 19.21%), and White Rhino (I/S - 16.13%) Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:47:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 TOP SHELF MEDS: Jack Flash (S/I - 14.0%), Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 14.1%), Headband (S/I).... Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:43:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! Free Choco-Patamus Chocolate Bar with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:42:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! Sweet & Sour Super Melt (S/I - 53.47%) - $50/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:41:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! Hash (Mix - 47.32%) - $10/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:20:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:20:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:20:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! White Widow (S/I) - 13.1% Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:19:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.6%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:19:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:18:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:14:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:14:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:14:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 47.73%) - $35/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:13:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:13:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Orange Velvet (50/50 - 12.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:13:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Killer Queen (S/I - 13.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:12:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:08:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CLEAN GREEN: Top Shelf Purple Hash Plant (I) - 14.1% Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:07:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I) Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:05:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:03:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Affy 18, Sour Diesel, and MO's Cloud 9 ($14) Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:03:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:02:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): QB's Kushberry, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's Mako Haze, QB's G-13 x Amnesia Haze, and SCM's AK-47 Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:58:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): MO's Purple Diesel, MO's Romulan, NYC Diesel, Original Purple, Purple AK-47, Purple Gorilla.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:57:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:56:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Hindu Skunk, HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Bubba Kush, HOD's Harlequin, HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushage, LA Woman.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:55:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Special AK-47, The Purps, UK Cheese, Willam's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Headband.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:53:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's Jilly Bean, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, God Bud, Grapes.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:51:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:49:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry ($10), SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Afghan Kush, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:49:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/09 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Blue Dream, Blueberry x Cheese, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, QB's Super Silver Haze, Querkle.... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:47:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: Bought 44% Matanuska Mist Bubble Hash (S/I) from @HHCOAK for $15/G. Testing going down in 3...2...1... Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:43:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>ATTENTION: Oakland's mobile apps are currently displaying the wrong times on the services calendar. We are currently working on the problem! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:09:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:08:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 MUST TRY MED: True Kush x Romberry (50/50) - Great balance to a great looking and smelling batch of a great cross. Yum!! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:08:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Bubba Kush Bubble (I/S - 49.61%) - $30/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:06:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Headband (S/I), and Pure Kush (S/I - 17.34%) Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:05:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 TOP SHELF MEDS: Jack Flash (S/I - 14.0%), Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 14.1%), GDP (I - 14.51%).... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:05:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Free Choco-Patamus Chocolate Bar with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:03:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:02:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Hash (Mix - 47.32%) - $10/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:57:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:56:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Purple Oil (I - 71.02%) - $30/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:55:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:55:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.6%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:53:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / 2g and $40 / 3.5g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:53:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:53:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SPECIAL!! Chocolate Whoa (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:52:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:52:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:51:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:51:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:50:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 47.73%) - $35/g Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:50:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! U2 Kush (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:50:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Orange Velvet (50/50 - 12.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:50:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Killer Queen (S/I - 13.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:49:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:48:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CLEAN GREEN: Top Shelf Purple Hash Plant (I) - 14.1% Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:48:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I) Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:48:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:47:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT STARTERS: Blue Dream, Apollo 11, Durban #10, and MO's Cloud 9 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:47:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:46:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Purple Gorilla, QB's Kushberry, QB's Red Cherry Berry, QB's Mako Haze, and QB's G13 x Amnesia Haze Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:46:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Purple Diesel, MO's Romulan, NYC Diesel, Original Purple, Purple Diesel.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:45:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Master Kush, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Cloud 9.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:43:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): HOD's 707 Headband, HOD's Bubba Kush, HOD's Harlequin, Headband, HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushage, Lemon Kush.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:41:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Haze, The Purps, UK Cheese, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Headband.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:40:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Dream Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10 , Durban #12, GDP, God Bud, Grapes, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:38:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Dankouver.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:37:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/08 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Blue Dream, Chem Dawg, Purple Kush, Querkle, Schnozzberry ($10), SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Afghan Kush.... Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:36:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Sorry for the late updates everyone. Been busy all day getting ready for the NORML Conference in Portland, OR. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:33:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery Yeah, I have been using it for pain relief at night too for the broken rib(s). Very nice stuff! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:33:02 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@rbartelli Skywalker is similar to SFV OG, but a little bit more robust in growth. Very strong med that has an earthy, grassy, chemy smell. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:16:39 PM via HootSuite in reply to rbartelli<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: picked up some Purple Oil from @HHCOAK and then turned it into wax for 420 Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:03:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery How was the Purple Oil? I have been using it at night for sleepy bed time! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:03:13 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Tburd420 We believe that our hash selection is one of the best in the area. We strive to bring patients really potent, cheap concentrates. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:02:37 PM via HootSuite in reply to Tburd420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @ShadowLab: @HHCOAK I just mixed strawberry sour diesel and some chem dawg 4 -- out of this world Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:01:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@ShadowLab Thanks for the heads up / review! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:01:36 PM via HootSuite in reply to ShadowLab<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Ozreiuosn Yes, our 1/8 and oz bags are pretty smell-proof. Yay! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:01:18 PM via HootSuite in reply to Ozreiuosn<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 MUST TRY MED: Headband (S/I) - Smells/looks incredible. Super sour, chemy smell. Great batch!! Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:21:48 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Purple Dream Queen Oil (I - 47.73%) - Tastes like ruby red grapefruit. Super good! It's also on sale!! - $35/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:20:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 TOP SHELF MEDS: Jack Flash (S/I - 14.0%), Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 14.1%), GDP (I - 14.51%), and Headband (S/I) Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:19:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Free Choco-Patamus Chocolate Bar with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:17:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:16:47 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Purple Kief (I - 18.63%) - $10/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:16:13 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! G-13 Hash (I - 37.94%) - $15/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:15:54 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Blue Jack Skunk Hash (I/S) - 36.89% Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:15:23 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:14:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Purple Oil (I - 71.02%) - $30/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:14:13 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:13:57 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.6%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:13:36 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! AK-47 (S/I) - $25 / 3.5g and $180 / 28g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:13:16 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / 2g and $40 / 3.5g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:12:36 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:12:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SPECIAL!! Chocolate Whoa (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:11:45 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:10:23 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:10:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:09:49 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Dream Queen Oil (I/S - 47.73%) - $35/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:09:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:08:59 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! U2 Kush (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:08:25 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Orange Velvet (50/50 - 12.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:07:38 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Killer Queen (S/I - 13.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:07:20 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:06:17 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CLEAN GREEN: Top Shelf Purple Hash Plant (I) - 14.1% Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:05:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I) Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:05:38 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CLEAN GREEN: Blue Dream (I/S) - 14.4% Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:05:19 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:04:37 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT STARTERS: Blue Dream, Apollo 11, 707 Headband, Durban #10, Grapes, Affy 18, and Sour Diesel Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:04:14 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:03:30 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Purple Diesel, MO's Romulan, NYC Diesel, and Original Purple Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:02:30 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Boyzenberry, MO's Casey Jones, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy.... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:01:38 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): HOD's Harlequin, HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushage, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Master Kush.... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:00:47 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Special AK-47, The Purps, UK Cheese, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Buddha's Passion... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:59:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, God Bud, Grapes, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes.... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:58:22 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's GDP, DHN's Hindu Skunk, DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Skywalker OG.... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:57:37 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/07 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blackberry, Purple Kush, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super SIlver Sour Diesel Haze, Chocolope.... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:56:38 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!! Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:55:01 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>ATTENTION: Oakland's mobile apps are currently displaying the wrong times on the services calendar. We are currently working on the problem! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:59:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:59:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 MUST TRY MED: Super Silver Haze (S/I - 19.19%) - A sometimes forgotten old favorite that is back with a great test result! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:58:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Purple Oil (I - 71.02%) - $30/g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:57:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 TOP SHELF MEDS: Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 14.1%), and GDP (I - 14.51%) Monday, September 06, 2010 3:56:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 TOP SHELF MEDS: Super Silver Haze (S/I - 19.19), Jack Flash (S/I - 14.0%), Intensive Care Master Kush (I - 13.01%).... Monday, September 06, 2010 3:56:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Free Choco-Patamus Chocolate Bar with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, September 06, 2010 3:55:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:54:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $35 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:53:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Space Queen Super Melt (I/S - 59.99%) - $40/g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:53:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Purple Oil (I - 71.02%) - $30/g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:52:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:52:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 10.6%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:50:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! AK-47 (S/I) - $25 / $180 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:49:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / 2g and $40 / 3.5g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:48:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:48:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SPECIAL!! Chocolate Whoa (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:47:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:46:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:46:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Monday, September 06, 2010 3:46:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 37.34%) - $20/g Monday, September 06, 2010 3:45:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Orange Velvet (50/50 - 12.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:45:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Killer Queen (S/I - 13.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, September 06, 2010 3:44:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Monday, September 06, 2010 3:36:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CLEAN GREEN: Top Shelf Purple Hash Plant (I) - 14.1% Monday, September 06, 2010 3:35:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CLEAN GREEN: Headband (S/I) - 15.5% Monday, September 06, 2010 3:34:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I) Monday, September 06, 2010 3:34:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CLEAN GREEN: Blue Dream (I/S) - 14.4% Monday, September 06, 2010 3:34:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:33:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT STARTERS: Blue Dream, Apollo 11, 707 Headband, Durban #10, Purple Kush, and The Purps Monday, September 06, 2010 3:32:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:30:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Martian Mean Green, and Master Kush Monday, September 06, 2010 3:29:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): HOD's Buddha's Passion, HOD's Harlequin, HOD's Sweet Tooth, Kushage, Lemon OG, Lemon Kush, Lime.... Monday, September 06, 2010 3:28:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Special AK-47, Super Lemon Haze, UK Cheese, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, Hindu Skunk.... Monday, September 06, 2010 3:25:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, God Bud, Grapes, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes.... Monday, September 06, 2010 3:23:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's Hindu Skunk, DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Skywalker OG, DHN's Space Queen.... Monday, September 06, 2010 3:22:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/06 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Purple Kush, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Chocolope.... Monday, September 06, 2010 3:19:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Happy Labor Day everyone! Hope you're out enjoying the day!! Monday, September 06, 2010 3:13:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@HempsterSkoonie I do not see any mothers out on the floor at this time. Monday, September 06, 2010 3:12:51 PM via HootSuite in reply to HempsterSkoonie<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>It's a beautiful Labor Day and everyone is outside. So, it is the perfect time to come into Haborside - there's almost no lines!!! Monday, September 06, 2010 12:06:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>ATTENTION: Oakland's mobile apps are currently displaying the wrong times on the services calendar. We are currently working on the problem! Friday, September 03, 2010 2:19:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Friday, September 03, 2010 2:19:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 MUST TRY MED: Champagne (I/S - 14.0%) - Covered in bubbles (trichome crystals)... Start your weekend off right with some Champagne!! Friday, September 03, 2010 2:19:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Chem Dawg Oil (S/I - 74.69%) - Same as yesterday, but no other will keep ya going all weekend like this! - $40/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:15:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Cotton Candy (I/S), and Pure Kush (I/S - 17.34%) Friday, September 03, 2010 2:13:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 TOP SHELF MEDS: Skywalker OG (S/I - 15.76%), Intensive Care Master Kush (I - 13.01), Blackberry Bubba (I/S - 14.83%).... Friday, September 03, 2010 2:13:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Free Choco-Patamus Chocolate Bar with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, September 03, 2010 2:12:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Friday, September 03, 2010 2:11:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Purple Kief (I - 18.63%) - $10/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:10:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 38.39%) - $15/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:10:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg Oil (S/I - 74.69%) - $40/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:10:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Lavender Hash (I/S - 36.49%) - $15/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:09:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:09:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Super Melt (S/I - 62.46%) - $50/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:09:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:09:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Headbandletts (S/I) - $35 / 3.5g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:08:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Budlets (Mix) - $30 / 3.5g Friday, September 03, 2010 2:08:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 03, 2010 2:08:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 03, 2010 2:07:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Friday, September 03, 2010 1:46:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Friday, September 03, 2010 1:46:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Friday, September 03, 2010 1:45:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Orange Velvet (50/50 - 12.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, September 03, 2010 1:45:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Snow (I - 12.6%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 03, 2010 1:45:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Friday, September 03, 2010 1:44:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Friday, September 03, 2010 1:39:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, September 03, 2010 1:39:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CLEAN GREEN: Headband (S/I) - 15.5% Friday, September 03, 2010 1:38:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CLEAN GREEN: Blue Dream (I/S) - 14.4% Friday, September 03, 2010 1:38:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CLEAN GREEN: XJ-13 (S/I) - 14.8% Friday, September 03, 2010 1:37:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 03, 2010 1:36:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Durban #10, 707 Headband, Blue Dream, Trainwreck, and Purple Kush Friday, September 03, 2010 1:36:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, September 03, 2010 1:35:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 9): HOD's 707 Headband, and Special AK-47 Friday, September 03, 2010 1:34:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): White Widow, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, XXX Chem, MO's Super Grape Ape.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:34:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Strawberry Cough, Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:33:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:32:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Silver Hash Plant, Headband, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harlequin, LA Woman.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:31:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Romulan x Grapefruit, Schnozzberry, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:30:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Hindu Skunk, DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, GDP, God Bud, Grape, Querkle, Romulan.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:29:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): NYC Diesel, Original Purple, Pine OG, Pure Kush, Purple Kush, Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:28:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Purple Diesel.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:26:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/03 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blackberry, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boyzenberry, Bubba Kush, Cadillac, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg.... Friday, September 03, 2010 1:25:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Everyone is here today getting stocked up for Labor Day weekend! Better get here soon to make sure you get what you want/need!! Friday, September 03, 2010 1:24:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>ATTENTION: Oakland's mobile apps are currently displaying the wrong times on the services calendar. We are currently working on the problem! Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:15:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:14:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 MUST TRY MED: Blackberry Bubba (I/S - 14.83%) - Absolutely beautiful. A stellar med for your Labor Day vacation! Get this if you can! Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:13:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Chem Dawg Oil (S/I - 74.69%) - $40/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:09:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Blackberry Bubba (I/S - 14.83%), and Jack's Haze (S/I - 15.49%) Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:05:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 TOP SHELF MEDS: Skywalker OG (S/I - 15.76%), Intensive Care Master Kush (I - 13.01%).... Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:05:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 PRE-ROLLED: GDP - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:59:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Free Choco-Patamus Chocolate Bar with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:57:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Purple Kief (I - 18.63%) - $10/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:56:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 38.39%) - $15/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:55:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Kief (S - 34.1%) - $20/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:55:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Pineapple Bubble (I/S - 39.56%) - $20/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:54:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg Oil (S/I - 74.69%) - $40/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:54:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Lavender Hash (I/S - 36.49%) - $15/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:54:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Purple Dragon Bubble (I/S - 46.93%) - $20/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:53:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:52:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Super Melt (S/I - 62.46%) - $50/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:51:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:51:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Headbandletts (S/I) - $35 / 3.5g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:51:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Budlets (Mix) - $30 / 3.5g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:50:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 13.99%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:49:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:48:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:47:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:47:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:46:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:46:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:45:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CLEAN GREEN: Headband (S/I) - 15.5% Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:44:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:44:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CLEAN GREEN: Blue Dream (I/S) - 14.4% Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:43:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CLEAN GREEN: XJ-13 (S/I) - 14.8% Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:42:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:41:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT STARTERS: Sweet & Sour Diesel, Durban #10, Querkle, Grapes, and Blue Dream Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:41:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:40:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, MO's Super Grape Ape, and HOD's 707 Headband Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:39:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, White Widow, XXX Chem.... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:38:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Strawberry Cough, Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner, Super Silver Haze..... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:36:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harlequin, LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Sour Diesel.... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:36:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Schnozzberry, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush, Silver Hash Plant, Headband.... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:35:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, GDP, God Bud, Grape, Querkle, Romulan x Grapefruit.... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:33:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Pure Kush, Purple Diesel, Purple Kush, Dankouver, DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's Hindu Skunk, DHN's Purple Kush... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:32:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, NYC Diesel, Original Purple.... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:30:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/02 CURRENT CLONES: Blackberry, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boyzenberry, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Cadillac, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg.... Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:29:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BillOAK420 We may be working on a Blackberry app in the future. We'll see...! Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:27:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@bigcheese510 Yes, it looks like we still have about five or six mini Mothers of Blue Dream for $40 each. Wednesday, September 01, 2010 5:44:24 PM via HootSuite in reply to bigcheese510<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@RoninColin Cadillac = Purple Erkle x Blackberry Kush x The Black Wednesday, September 01, 2010 5:43:28 PM via HootSuite in reply to RoninColin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:32:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/10 MUST TRY MED: Kananga (S - 16.2%) - Never tried Kananga? Here is your chance to try and awesome batch! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:31:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Chem Dawg 4 Super Melt (S/I - 62.46%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:30:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Skywalker OG (S/I - 15.76%), and Intensive Care Master Kush (I - 13.01%) Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:29:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 16.2%), The White (I/S - 15.96%), Super Lemon Haze (S/I).... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:28:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:27:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:27:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Kief (S - 34.1%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:26:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Super Silver Haze Bubble (S - 48.6%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:26:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Sensi Star Kief (I - 33.81%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:25:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Pineapple Bubble (I/S - 39.56%) - $20/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:25:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg Oil (S/I - 74.69%) - $40/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:25:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Lavender Hash (I/S - 36.49%) - $15/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:24:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:23:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! OG x Sweet Tooth Super Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $40/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:23:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Super Melt (S/I - 62.46%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:22:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:22:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / 2g and $45 / 3.5g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:21:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! 707 Headband (S/I - 13.26%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:20:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Erkle Kush (I/S) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:19:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I - 15.9%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:16:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: this is a great strain. highly recommend it. RT @HHCOAK CLEAN GREEN: XJ-13 (S/I) - 14.8% Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:14:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:53:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:53:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:53:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet Tooth Full Melt (I/S) - $30/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:52:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:52:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:50:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CLEAN GREEN: Blue Dream (I/S) - 14.4% Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:50:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CLEAN GREEN: XJ-13 (S/I) - 14.8% Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:49:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 MINI MOTHERS: Blue Dream - $40 Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:49:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:48:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT STARTERS: Durban #10, Grapes, Blue Dream, and God Bud Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:48:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:47:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): The Purps, William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, XXX Chem, and MO's Super Grape Ape Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:46:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Space Queen, Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner, Sweet Tooth.... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:45:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Headband, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Harlequin, LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green.... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:44:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Schnozzberry, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush, Silver Hash Plant... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:43:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Dream Queen, Durban #10, GDP, Ghost OG, Grape, Querkle, Romulan x Grapefruit, Santa Cruz Kush.... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:42:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Original Purple, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Erkle, Purple Gorilla, Purple Kush, DHN's Hindu Skunk.... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:41:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Purple Diesel, MO's Romulan, NYC Diesel.... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:39:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>09/01 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Blackberry, Blue Cream, Boyzenberry, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Cadillac, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg.... Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:38:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: i highly recommend the Oaksterdam Goo! very good Indica. RT @HHCOAK Oaksterdam Goo (I/S - 15.9%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:36:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: two bowls of Purple (purchased from @HHCOAK today) and half the HLT Brownie helped knock my ass out earlier! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:35:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@disabilitized How awesome do you want ads to be? Plus, we don't have control over the ads those are put on by the advertisers. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:01:15 PM via HootSuite in reply to disabilitized<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@disabilitized The cards are worth $17. If you don't want to lose value use it towards an item thats more expensive, like a starter or gram. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:00:33 PM via HootSuite in reply to disabilitized<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@disabilitized It's a way to communicate, not just a menu. If you want just a full menu you can download our new mobile apps! Tuesday, August 31, 2010 5:58:34 PM via HootSuite in reply to disabilitized<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:25:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 MUST TRY MED: Oaksterdam Goo (I/S - 15.9%) - Looks pretty darn good and it's probably our best value for percentage - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:24:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Skywalker OG (S/I - 50.52%) - $25/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:22:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 12.93%), and Super Lemon Haze (S/I) Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:17:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 16.2%), The White (I/S - 15.96%).... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:16:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:14:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: WOW |-) RT @HHCOAK: 08/31 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Super Melt (S/I - 62.46%) - $50/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:13:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: Personally Recommend Great Off a Skillet RT @HHCOAK: 08/31 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:13:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BQardiEllington: Sounds dangerous! Guess I'll try it~> RT @HHCOAK 08/31 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:13:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Lavender Hash (I/S - 36.49%) - $15/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:10:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Purple Hash (I) - $15/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:10:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Hash (50/50) - $10/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:09:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:08:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Skywalker OG Bubble (S/I - 50.52%) - $25/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:08:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! OG x Sweet Tooth Super Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $40/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:07:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Super Melt (S/I - 62.46%) - $50/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:05:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:04:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! 707 Headband (S/I - 13.26%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:03:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Sour Magic Paklettes (S/I) - $12 / $35 / $260 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:02:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Erkle Kush (I/S) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:01:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I - 15.9%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:00:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 EDIBLE SALE!! Peanut Butter Chocolate Hash Bars are now 10% off!! Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:58:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:57:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:57:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: good strain for physical pain! RT @HHCOAK CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:56:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Clean Green Sage & Sour (S/I - 13.9%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:56:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:54:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 7.3% THC / 4.88% CBD Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:53:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I/S) - 12.93% Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:51:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I - 13.9%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:50:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CLEAN GREEN: XJ-13 (S/I) - 14.8% Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:49:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:47:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Sour Diesel, and Blue Dream Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:46:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Durban #10, OG Kush, Grapes, MO's Blue Dragon, MO's Blueberry Cheese.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:45:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:44:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): William's Wonder x NL #5 x Haze, and XXX Chem Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:43:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, The Purps.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:41:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Super Silver Haze.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:40:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Silver Hash Plant, Headband, Hindu Skunk, HOD's Bubba Kush, HOD's Harlequin, HOD's Lemon Kush, LA Woman.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:40:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:38:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Purple Kush, Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, Ghost OG, Grape, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:36:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Original Purple, Pine OG, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Erkle, Purple Diesel, Purple Kush, Dream Queen.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:35:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Cotton Candy, MO's Romulan, NYC Diesel, OG Kush.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:34:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/31 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blackberry, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boisenberry, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Cadillac, Casey Jones.... Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:32:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @cali420nia: @HHCOAK OMG Kananga is off the charts awesome! Thanks for maintaining a great variety Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:58:14 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@realtorintouch We always have clones, and we get new ones in almost everyday. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:58:06 AM via HootSuite in reply to Breginc<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out our daily menu, calendar, news, and deals at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with our new iPhone app!!! Monday, August 30, 2010 4:26:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols You're welcome! Lookin' good!! Monday, August 30, 2010 1:53:58 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: Thank You @HHCOAK for the Great Clones Monday, August 30, 2010 1:53:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: Super Silver Haze Bubble Hash from @HHCOAK #MMOT Monday, August 30, 2010 1:52:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: AK-47 Bubble Hash from @HHCOAK #MMOT Monday, August 30, 2010 1:52:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: Black Domina Super Melt from @HHCOAK #MMOT Monday, August 30, 2010 1:52:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: finally headed to @hhcoak to drop off my casey jones for testing #nokidding Monday, August 30, 2010 1:52:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: Black Domina Super Melt (Wax) from @HHCOAK Monday, August 30, 2010 1:51:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside of Oakland now has iPhone and Android apps available! Get access to the "Deal of the Day", sales, menu & more! Friday, August 27, 2010 6:40:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @HempsterSkoonie: Might pick up some OG Sweet Tooth, Full Melt Skunk Haze (S/I) from @HHCOAK tonight hope it's not all gone Friday, August 27, 2010 6:36:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols Sorry... We are out of the XJ-13 now. Not sure when we will get more in, but we'll let you know when we do! Friday, August 27, 2010 6:36:31 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@LifeCoachDrKink Sorry... We post everything at once so patients know what we have before we close! Friday, August 27, 2010 2:02:11 PM via HootSuite in reply to LifeCoachDrKink<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out our daily menu, calendar, news, and deals at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with our new iPhone app!!! Friday, August 27, 2010 2:01:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 MUST TRY MED: White Rhino Gold Bud (I/S - 36.63%) - A wonderful bud covered in concentrate. Just beautiful and a heavy hitter! - $40/g Friday, August 27, 2010 2:01:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: White Rhino Gold Bud (I/S - 36.63%) - A wonderful bud covered in concentrate. Just beautiful and a heavy hitter! Friday, August 27, 2010 2:00:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 TOP SHELF MEDS: Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I - 12.93%), OG Kush (S/I - 16.62%), and Blackberry Kush (I/S - 16.45%) Friday, August 27, 2010 1:57:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, August 27, 2010 1:55:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:55:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Black Domina Super Melt (I - 53.47%) - $50/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:54:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Banana Cindy Bubble (S/I - 50.22%) - $25/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:54:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! White Widow Hash (S/I - 45.59%) - $10/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:53:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 36.16%) - $15/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:53:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Purple Hash (I) - $15/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:52:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Fire OG Bubble (S/I - 53.52%) - $25/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:52:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! OG Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:52:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Bubble (S/I - 53.35) - $30/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:51:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:51:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Diesel (S/I) - 12.9% Friday, August 27, 2010 1:51:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:50:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I - 15.9%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:50:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen (I/S) - $11 / $30 / $215 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:49:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Clean Green Sage & Sour (S/I - 13.9%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:48:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Skunk Haze (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:48:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Durban Snow (50/50 - 13.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:47:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:46:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 41.06%) - $25/g Friday, August 27, 2010 1:46:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Friday, August 27, 2010 1:44:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I/S) - 12.93% Friday, August 27, 2010 1:44:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:43:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I - 13.9%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:41:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 MINI MOTHERS: DHN's White Widow - $50 Friday, August 27, 2010 1:40:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, August 27, 2010 1:40:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT STARTERS: 707 Headband, OG Kush, Durban #10, Trainwreck, Master Kush, Sour Grapes, and Sour Diesel Friday, August 27, 2010 1:39:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, August 27, 2010 1:38:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Ghost OG, Sour Wreck, and MO's Boyzenberry Friday, August 27, 2010 1:38:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): HOD's Lemon Kush, Pine OG, William's Wonder x NL#5 x Haze, Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner, Under Dawg... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:37:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, XXX Chem, HOD's Harlequin.... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:36:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Strawberry Cough.... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:34:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Headband, Kong, LA Woman, Lemon OG.... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:34:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Querkle, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, Grape, SFV OG Kush.... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:32:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg, NYC Diesel, OG Kush, Original Purple, Purple AK-47, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, Querkle, Cloud 9.... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:31:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/27 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Blackberry, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boisenberry, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Cadillac, Casey Jones.... Friday, August 27, 2010 1:26:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @YoungChicoFresh: @CurrenSy_Spitta looks allright but you shoulda went to the better clubs like @HHCOAK. Friday, August 27, 2010 1:23:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @J0SHHHHH: @CurrenSy_Spitta @HHCOAK most strains in the bay + THC content Friday, August 27, 2010 1:22:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols We should have some nice clones for ya! Friday, August 27, 2010 1:21:33 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @gwapoknockhoes: I gotta git to harborside.. RT @HHCOAK: 08/26 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Diesel (S/I) - 12.9% Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:08:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out our daily menu, calendar, news, and deals at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with our new iPhone app!!! Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:08:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 MUST TRY MED: Pure Kush (I/S - 13.7%) - A great Kush specimen. Whoa... Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:07:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 61.17%) - $50/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:06:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pure Kush (I/S - 13.7%), Purple Erkle (I - 15.49%), and G Kush (I - 15.73%) Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:05:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:56:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:56:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! White Widow Hash (S/I - 45.59%) - $10/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:55:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Headband Hash (S/I - 36.16%) - $15/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:55:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Purple Hash (I) - $15/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:54:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Fire OG Bubble (S/I - 53.52%) - $25/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:54:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Afghani Hash (I) - $15/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:53:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 61.1%) - $50/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:53:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! OG Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:52:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Bubble (S/I - 53.35) - $30/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:52:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:51:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Diesel (S/I) - 12.9% Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:50:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:49:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I - 15.9%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:48:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen (I/S) - $11 / $30 / $215 Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:48:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 EDIBLE SALE!! YAK Brownies, Greenies, and Fudge are all 10% off!!! Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:45:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:45:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:45:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:43:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 41.06%) - $25/g Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:43:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:39:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Hash Plant (I/S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:39:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 13.9% Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:36:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:34:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT STARTERS: 707 Headband, XJ-13, OG Kush, Blue Dream, Durban #10, Apollo 11, Purple Kush, and Trainwreck Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:34:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:33:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sour Wreck, MO's Boyzenberry, HOD's Headband, and HOD's Sweet Tooth Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:32:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): The Purps, XXX Chem, HOD's Harlequin, Pine OG, William's Wonder x NL#5 x Haze, Under Dawg, Ghost OG.... Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:32:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:29:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SFV OG Kush, Hindu Skunk, Kong, LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green.... Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:28:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, Grape, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:26:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): NYC Diesel, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Kush, DHN's Querkle, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen.... Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:24:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/26 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Blackberry, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boisenberry, Bubba Kush, Bubba OG, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, OG Kush... Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:23:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Ozreiuosn: Oh no... the @hhcoak app might have me going back down there. Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:21:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: @ShamanHealers picked them up from @HHCOAK Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:20:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: today's #Twitterbowl is packed with Jack Herer Full Melt from @HHCOAK Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:20:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: If I get all my work done, I see a trip to @HHCOAK myself 4 some Clones. Trying to get back up and running by this weekend Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:20:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: wow, no one in line at @HHCOAK ... today was a good day Wednesday, August 25, 2010 6:10:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@drod412 A starter is a big/older clone that has been put in soil. It is larger, and has a more developed root system. Wednesday, August 25, 2010 6:10:24 PM via HootSuite in reply to drod412<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out our daily menu, calendar, news, and deals at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with our new iPhone app!!! Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:17:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 MUST TRY MED: Afgooey (I - 17.0%) - Looks/smells good and is one of our highest testers right now. Good prices too... $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:16:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Fire OG Bubble (S/I - 53.52%) - $25/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:14:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pure Kush (I/S - 13.7%), Purple Princess (I - 15.79%), Purple Erkle (I - 15.49%), and G Kush (I - 15.73%) Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:13:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:12:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:09:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Purple Hash (I) - $15/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:08:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Fire OG Bubble (S/I - 53.52%) - $25/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:08:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Afghani Hash (I) - $15/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:07:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 61.1%) - $50/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:07:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Shiva Bubble (I/S - 52.23%) - $25/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:06:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! OG Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:06:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Bubble (S/I - 55.35) - $30/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:05:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:05:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I - 15.9%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:04:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Mystery Kush (50/50) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:03:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SPECIAL!! Lime (I - 12.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:03:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>They are small mother plants. RT @CreamTeamBarber: RT @HHCOAK: 08/25 MINI MOTHERS: DHN's White Widow - $50 «What Is This? Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:59:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:58:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 41.06%) - $25/g Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:58:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:49:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 13.9% Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:48:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CLEAN GREEN: Ape Dream (I/S) - 13.61% Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:46:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @CreamTeamBarber: @HHCOAK I'm Addicted to Yall Kush Its hitten the Spot During this Hot Weather Right Now! Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:45:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 MINI MOTHERS: DHN's White Widow - $50 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:41:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Yum! Can't wait!! RT @CHOCOPOTAMUS: New A/C unit is working YAY! CHOCO production is back on. Oh Yeah. Melting something special for @HHCOAK Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:40:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Very soon! RT @HempsterSkoonie: @HHCOAK when is The Android App coming out Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:39:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:38:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT STARTERS: 707 Headband, OG Kush, Blue Dream, Durban #10, and Grape Ape Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:38:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:37:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Under Dawg, Ghost OG, Sour Wreck, and MO's Boyzenberry Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:36:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Cotton Candy, Pine OG, William's Wonder x NL#5 x Haze, Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner.... Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:36:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, The Purps, UK Cheese, XXX Chem, HOD's Harlequin.... Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:33:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, Sour Grapes.... Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:32:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #12, Grape, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, SFV OG Kush, Hindu Skunk, Kong, LA Woman.... Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:30:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush, DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's Querkle, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10.... Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:28:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/25 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boisenberry, Bubba OG, Chem Dawg, NYC Diesel, OG Kush, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47... Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:27:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thanks!! RT @NYYdevotion: The new @HHCOAK App for iPhone is pure genius!!! #technologythesedays Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:18:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out our daily menu, calendar, news, and deals at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with our new iPhone app!!! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:08:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 MUST TRY MED: Lavender Frost (I/S - 16.9%) - A heavy smoke that's covered in trichomes. Nice! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:08:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: AK-47 Bubble (S/I - 55.35%) - $30/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:07:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pure Kush (I/S - 13.7%), Headband (S/I - 17.8%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.36%), and Purple Princess (I - 15.79%) Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:05:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 EDIBLE SALE!! YAK Brownies, Greenies, and Fudge are all 10% off!!! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:03:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:03:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:03:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S) - $25/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:03:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:02:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 41.06%) - $25/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:02:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Afghani Hash (I) - $15/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:02:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Blue Dream Super Melt (I/S - 61.1%) - $50/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:01:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Shiva Bubble (I/S - 52.23%) - $25/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:01:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! OG Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:00:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Bubble (S/I - 55.35) - $30/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:59:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:59:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Hash (Mix - 54.15%) - $15/g Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:58:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Shiva Crystals are now only $40/g! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:58:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Wafers are now only $25/g! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:58:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Crystals are now only $35/g! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:57:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen (I/S) - $11 / $30 / $215 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:56:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Mystery Kush (50/50) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:55:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Purple Love (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:54:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 SPECIAL!! Lime (I - 12.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:54:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:49:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) - 14.36% Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:49:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 13.9% Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:48:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CLEAN GREEN: Ape Dream (I/S) - 13.61% Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:48:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:43:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT STARTERS: 707 Headband, Purple Dawg, XJ-13, OG Kush, Blue Dream, and Durban #10 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:43:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:42:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): William's Wonder x NL#5 x Haze, Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner, Under Dawg, Sour Wreck, and Candy Kush Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:42:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Strawberry Cough, Super Lemon Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, UK Cheese, XXX Chem, Pine OG, Ghost OG... Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:41:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, Sour Grapes.... Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:39:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #12, G Kush, Grape, Grape Ape, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, SFV OG Kush, Harlequin.... Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:38:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Cloud 9, Cotton Candy, DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's Querkle, Dream Queen, Durban #10.... Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:36:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/24 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Blue Cheese, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Boisenberry, Bubba OG, Casey Jones, NYC Diesel, OG Kush.... Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:34:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thanks! RT @Twit4Lent: @HHCOAK your app is nuts! Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:31:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @jfulla247: Too top off a perfect day @HHCNews @HHCOAK has the most beautiful&tasty Headband right now.. #WOW Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:29:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out our daily menu, calendar, news, and deals at Harborside Health Center in Oakland with our new iPhone app!!! Monday, August 23, 2010 3:42:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Just a reminder... Any patient can vend at @HHCOAK. New vendors warmly welcomed!!! For guidelines please visit: Monday, August 23, 2010 2:45:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 MUST TRY MED: Grapefruit Romulan (I/S - 12.9%) - A wonderful smelling and and great looking med. Yummy! Monday, August 23, 2010 2:44:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Platinum Kush Bubble (50/50 - 53.44%) - $25/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:43:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pure Kush (I/S - 13.7%), Headband (S/I - 17.8%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.36%), and Purple Princess (I - 15.79%) Monday, August 23, 2010 2:42:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 EDIBLE SALE!! YAK Brownies, Greenies, and Fudge are all 10% off!!! Monday, August 23, 2010 2:36:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 EDIBLE SALE!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:36:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Monday, August 23, 2010 2:35:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S) - $25/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:34:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:34:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Marble Hash (I - 41.06%) - $25/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:33:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, August 23, 2010 2:32:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Shiva Bubble (I/S - 52.23%) - $25/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:30:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Platinum Kush Bubble (50/50 - 53.44%) - $25/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:29:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! OG Sweet Tooth Full Melt (S/I - 50.52%) - $35/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:28:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Bubble (S/I - 55.35) - $30/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:28:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:27:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Hash (Mix - 54.15%) - $15/g Monday, August 23, 2010 2:27:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Shiva Crystals are now only $40/g! Monday, August 23, 2010 2:26:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Wafers are now only $25/g! Monday, August 23, 2010 2:26:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Crystals are now only $35/g! Monday, August 23, 2010 2:25:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $45 / $320 Monday, August 23, 2010 2:24:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Mystery Kush (50/50) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, August 23, 2010 2:24:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Purple Love (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, August 23, 2010 2:23:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 SPECIAL!! Lime (I - 12.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, August 23, 2010 2:23:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Monday, August 23, 2010 2:21:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) - 14.36% Monday, August 23, 2010 2:21:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 13.9% Monday, August 23, 2010 2:20:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CLEAN GREEN: Ape Dream (I/S) - 13.61% Monday, August 23, 2010 2:20:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, August 23, 2010 2:19:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): MOs Cotton Candy, Pine OG, Williams Wonder x NL#5 x Haze, Strawberry Diesel x Jack's Cleaner, and Under Dawg Monday, August 23, 2010 2:18:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Diesel, Super Grape Ape, Super Lemon Haze, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, XXX Chem.... Monday, August 23, 2010 2:17:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Hindu Skunk, Kong, LA Woman, Larry OG, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green.... Monday, August 23, 2010 2:16:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush, Cherry Punch, Cloud 9, Durban #12, G Kush, Grape Ape, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Afghan Kush.... Monday, August 23, 2010 2:15:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/23 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Blueberry x Cheese, Boisenberry, Bubba OG, Buddha's Passion, Casey Jones, OG Kush, Purple AK-47.... Monday, August 23, 2010 2:14:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: enjoying a pre-rolled joint I picked up from @HHCOAK today ($10 for 1g joint/no kief) Monday, August 23, 2010 2:06:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Just a reminder... Any patient can vend at @HHCOAK. New vendors warmly welcomed!!! For guidelines please visit: Friday, August 20, 2010 1:29:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 MUST TRY MED: Original GDP (I) - Beautiful looking and smells great, if you like macaroni pasta mixed with berries. I do, so YUM! Friday, August 20, 2010 1:24:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Purple Dream Queen Oil (I - 47.73%) - Still love this. Tastes just like tangy sweet ruby red grapefruit! $40/g Friday, August 20, 2010 1:22:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 15.82%), Pineapple Thai (S/I), OG Kush (S/I - 17.36%), and Mendo Purps (I - 14.36%) Friday, August 20, 2010 1:16:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: the Purple Sand is on sale ($5 off a g) and is tasty. highly recommended! Friday, August 20, 2010 1:12:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, August 20, 2010 1:10:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Friday, August 20, 2010 1:10:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10 Friday, August 20, 2010 1:09:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Larry OG Hash (S/I - 39.18%) - $15/g Friday, August 20, 2010 1:09:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Friday, August 20, 2010 1:07:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Sweet & Sour Super Melt (S/I - 62.04%) - $50/g Friday, August 20, 2010 1:06:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Solar Glass (S/I - 35.69%) - $35/g Friday, August 20, 2010 1:06:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, August 20, 2010 1:05:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Shiva Crystals are now just $40/g!! Friday, August 20, 2010 1:05:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Wafers are now just $25/g!! Friday, August 20, 2010 1:05:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Crystals are now just $35/g!! Friday, August 20, 2010 1:04:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Lime (I - 12.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, August 20, 2010 1:04:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Cannalope Haze (S/I - 12.3%) - $13 / $40 / $240 Friday, August 20, 2010 1:03:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 15.1%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, August 20, 2010 1:02:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 EDIBLE SALE!! YAK Brownies, Greenies, and Fudge are all 10% off!! Friday, August 20, 2010 1:01:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $20 / 10 caps and $50 / 30 caps Friday, August 20, 2010 1:00:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 35.69%) - $35/g Friday, August 20, 2010 12:58:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S) - $25/g Friday, August 20, 2010 12:58:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Sand (I) - $25/g Friday, August 20, 2010 12:57:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Friday, August 20, 2010 12:56:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) - 14.36% Friday, August 20, 2010 12:50:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 13.9% Friday, August 20, 2010 12:50:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, August 20, 2010 12:45:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CURRENT STARTERS: Sweet & Sour Diesel, 707 Headband, Dutch Treat, and OG Kush Friday, August 20, 2010 12:44:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, August 20, 2010 12:44:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sweet & Sour Diesel, UK Cheese, White Widow, XXX Chem, Super Lemon Haze, and SCM's Afghan Kush Friday, August 20, 2010 12:42:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Kryptonite, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Friday, August 20, 2010 12:38:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Harlequin, Hindu Skunk ($10).... Friday, August 20, 2010 12:36:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/20 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Bubba OG, Buddha's Passion, NYC Diesel, Odyssey, Cherry Punch, Durban #12, Santa Cruz Kush.... Friday, August 20, 2010 12:34:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@dankslist Thanks for the kind words! Much love!! Friday, August 20, 2010 12:32:18 PM via HootSuite in reply to dankslist<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BillOAK420: really digging the spicy jack (S/I) I picked up from @HHCOAK Friday, August 20, 2010 12:29:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@hempista You might want to check Elemental Wellness too... I believe they carry CBD-Rich meds occasionally as well! Hope this helps! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:39:42 PM via HootSuite in reply to hempista<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@hempista So sorry!!! Please check @HHCSJ for any CBD-Rich meds that they might have there today. Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:38:37 PM via HootSuite in reply to hempista<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@hempista - @HHCSJ has a different menu. We are not the same place - we are not connected (only by name). They run totally separately. Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:33:58 PM via HootSuite in reply to hempista<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@brotherlewrl I'm back, and recovering slowly... Tryin' to get you guys the 411 though!! Thanks for the well wishes! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:32:18 PM via HootSuite in reply to brotherlewrl<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 MUST TRY MED: Blue Dream (I/S) - Beautiful looking and danky good smelling. A wonderful example of Blue Dream. Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:29:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Purple Dream Queen Oil (I - 47.73%) - Indica, but tasty for the morning. Tastes like ruby red grapefruit! $40/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:28:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 15.82%), Pineapple Thai (S/I), GDP (I - 14.62%), and Mendo Purps (I - 14.36%) Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:24:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 EDIBLE SALE!! YAK Brownies, Greenies, and Fudge are all 10% off!! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:21:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:20:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Pre-rolled Joints (GDP) - 1g = $10 and 1g w/ kief = $15 Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:20:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! THCheesecake (Cherry, Peach, and Plain) - $10 Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:17:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:16:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Sweet & Sour Super Melt (S/I - 62.04%) - $50/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:15:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:14:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:14:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Shiva Crystals are now just $40/g!! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:13:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Wafers are now just $25/g!! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:13:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Ganesh Crystals are now just $35/g!! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:12:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Raspberry Kushlettes (I/S) - $30 / 3.5g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:11:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Cantalope Haze (S/I - 12.3%) - $13 / $40 / $240 Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:10:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I - 15.1%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:09:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SPECIAL!! Dream Queen (I/S - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:09:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solar Glass (S/I - 51.05%) - $35/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:07:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S) - $25/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:06:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Sand (I) - $25/g Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:06:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.72% THC / 9.54% CBD Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:05:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) - 14.36% Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:04:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) - 13.9% Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:03:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@RoninColin Whoops! QB = Queen Bee Nursery. Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:02:29 PM via HootSuite in reply to RoninColin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@RoninColin Just FYI: DHN = Dark Heart Nursery, SCM = Santa Cruz Mountains Nursery and QB = Queen Been Nursery. Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:01:55 PM via HootSuite in reply to RoninColin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:00:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CURRENT STARTERS: Sweet & Sour Diesel, Blue Dream, and Star Dawg Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:59:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:59:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, White Widow, and XXX Chem Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:49:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Casey Jones, MO's Cloud 9... Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:47:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Harlequin, Hindu Skunk, Kryptonite... Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:46:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush, Querkle, Cherry Punch, DHN's Skywalker OG, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, Grape... Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:44:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/19 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Cream, Blue Dream, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, NYC Diesel, Odyssey, OG Kush.... Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:39:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@RoninColin Dark Heart is not a strain. It is a local nursery which provides clones to clubs. Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:36:48 PM via HootSuite in reply to RoninColin<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BillOAK420 Thanks for the well wishes!! Hope to be back in full swing soon! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:36:21 PM via HootSuite in reply to BillOAK420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BillOAK420 Still hurtin' but will survive! Lame mountain bike accident. Didn't seem bad, but apparently there were some internal injuries. Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:35:53 PM via HootSuite in reply to BillOAK420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@jfulla247 Yay Pure Kush! Not getting a menu up today... Catching up on emails etc. Hope to get menu up soon though!!! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:33:06 PM via HootSuite in reply to jfulla247<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@hempista Thank you so much! The vibes are warmly welcomed!! 80) Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:30:36 PM via HootSuite in reply to hempista<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Sorry about lack of posts everyone! Had an accident and been in hospital, etc. recovering. Trying to get back into the swing of things! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:24:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@jfulla247 Sorry about lack of posts. Had an accident and been in hospital, etc. recovering. Trying to get back into the swing of things! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:24:05 PM via HootSuite in reply to jfulla247<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@dankslist Sorry about lack of posts. Had an accident and been in hospital, etc. recovering. Trying to get back into the swing of things! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:23:40 PM via HootSuite in reply to dankslist<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@brotherlewrl Sorry about lack of posts. Had an accident and been in hospital, etc. recovering. Trying to get back into the swing of things! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:22:38 PM via HootSuite in reply to brotherlewrl<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BillOAK420 Sorry about lack of posts. Had an accident and been in hospital, etc. recovering. Trying to get back into the swing of things! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:22:28 PM via HootSuite in reply to BillOAK420<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols Just talked to @HHCSJ.... The coupon should work there, but not at @HHCOAK. Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:21:47 PM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BigKirbLaFlare: Off to @HHCOAK to get a much needed HLT brownie Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:58:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Pak_Smorbols Wait.... HempCon was giving out coupons for @HHCOAK???? What did they look like? What did they say??? Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:55:40 AM via HootSuite in reply to Pak_Smorbols<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: so, @hempcon was pretty lame. hate to say it but sometimes the truth hurts. ill twitlonger my EXP' after @hhcoak run. Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:54:40 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @CHOCOPOTAMUS: Oakland dispensary a major force in medical pot Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:53:23 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery The police commonly use the HHC area for staging and eating lunch. They have been around for years. Nothing to worry about. Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:52:36 AM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@brotherlewrl Yes, DHN carries the Hindu Skunk I believe. It is the same pheno we commonly have since we carry DHN genetics. Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:51:14 AM via HootSuite in reply to brotherlewrl<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thanks, Myth!! RT @MythBlaizer: I love @hhcoak tweets Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:49:04 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 HIGH THC MED: Jack OG (18.3%) Friday, August 06, 2010 2:55:13 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Who said we wouldn't lower our prices? We will take care of you! Friday, August 06, 2010 2:54:34 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 SPECIAL! Ganesh Wafers now only $25 Friday, August 06, 2010 2:53:50 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 SPECIAL! Ganesh Crystals now just $35!! Friday, August 06, 2010 2:53:30 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 Specials!! Shiva Crystals now $40! Friday, August 06, 2010 2:39:07 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 SPECIAL!! Hash (46.32%) $10!!! Friday, August 06, 2010 2:37:54 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: City of God (53.44% $35) PK Bubble (45.15% $25) GDP Bubble (46.48% $20) Friday, August 06, 2010 2:37:11 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 Top Shelf Meds: Super Silver Haze ( 18.09 % I/S) OG (17.82% S/I)GDP (15.56% I) True Blueberry X OG (5.26 % THC 12.71% CBD S/I) Friday, August 06, 2010 2:35:08 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps CG (14.78%) Sage and Sour CG (S/I) Blue Dream CG (16.8%) Friday, August 06, 2010 2:18:43 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, August 06, 2010 2:16:11 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): (Dark Heart Clones are $14) Space Queen (DH), Jilly Bean (DH), Romulan X Grapefruit (DH), Hindu Skunk (DH) Friday, August 06, 2010 2:15:31 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5):XXX Chem,OG Kush,Harlequin,Buddah Passion, Sweet Tooth, Blackberry, Super Lemon Haze,Blue Cheese,Schnozberry Friday, August 06, 2010 2:13:28 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Hindu Skunk ($10) Dream Queen, Frostie, Lemon Kush, XXX Chem, Bubba Kush, AK-47, Purple Ak-47, Harlequin... Friday, August 06, 2010 2:07:28 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Flower, Hindu Skunk ($10), LA Woman, Durban 10,Silver Kush, Uk Cheese, Cloud 9, God Bud... Friday, August 06, 2010 2:05:31 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Strawberry Cough, Sour Flower, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Casey Jones.... Friday, August 06, 2010 2:03:27 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Santa Cruz Kush, Martian Mean Green, Purple Diesel, Purps, 707 Headband, GDP, Boulder Creek Kush... Friday, August 06, 2010 2:03:15 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/06 CURRENT CLONES: Durban 12 Sale $10!! Grandaddy Purple, Grapes, G Kush, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, Romulan, Querkle,Blue Cream.. Friday, August 06, 2010 2:02:53 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 MUST TRY MED: Pure Kush (I/S - 18.1%) - If you like kushes, then it's time to check out this heavy hitter. A wonder example of it too. Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:56:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Velvet Kush Bubble (I/S - 57.46%) - $30/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:55:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Pure Kush (I/S - 18.1%), and True Blueberry x OG Kush #1 (S/I - 5.26% THC / 12.71% CBD) Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:54:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 TOP SHELF MEDS: GDP (I - 15.56%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.78%).... Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:53:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We no longer accept American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:51:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:50:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry pre-rolled joints. Our first batch are made with 1g Jack Flash (S/I) and 0.2g of kief - $15 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:50:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:45:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain, peach, and cherry) - $10 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:45:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:44:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:43:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:42:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:42:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:41:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:40:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Velvet Kush Bubble (I/S - 57.46%) - $30/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:39:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Master Kush Oil (I - 53.9%) - $35/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:38:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $35/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:38:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Keif (I - 26.56%) - $15/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:37:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Cocoa Kush (S/I - 12.4%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:37:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Cantalope Haze (S - 12.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:36:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SPECIAL!! Ogre (I/S - 16.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:35:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Blueberry Full Melt (I/S - 40.84%) - $30/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:35:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Hash (I - 35. 45%) - $20/g Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:34:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! LA Confidential (I - 13.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:34:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solanum (S - 14.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:33:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CBD-RICH MED: True Blueberry x OG Kush #1 (S/I) - 5.26% THC / 12.71% CBD Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:27:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) - 14.78% Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:26:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CLEAN GREEN: Sage & Sour (S/I) Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:26:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CLEAN GREEN: Blue Dream (I/S) - 16.8% Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:25:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:17:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11 and Affy 18 Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:16:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:16:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): XXX Chem, OG Kush x Bubba, OG Pine, and Frostie Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:15:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Master Kush, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Cloud 9, Super Silver Haze, UK Cheese, Urkulan.... Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:14:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Silver Hash Plant, Sour Flower, Hindu Skunk ($10), LA Woman, Larry OG, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green... Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:13:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Grape, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Purple Kush.... Wednesday, August 04, 2010 2:11:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): OG Kush, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Querkle, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, G Kush, GDP, God Bud.... Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:33:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>08/04 CURRENT CLONES: Afghan Kush, Apollo 11, Big Bang, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg 4, MO's Purple Diesel... Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:32:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Dro510 The Harborside San Jose Twitter account is @HHCSJ Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:00:56 PM via HootSuite in reply to Dro510<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 Top Shelf Meds!! Double Sour Diesel (15% THC) , Jack's Haze (15.25% THC), Purple Erkle, Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:05:55 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 Clean Green Meds!! OG Kush (16.5% THC) $17/$60 Blue Dream (16.31% THC) $16/$55 Sour Diesel (13.3% THC) $16/$55 Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:29:29 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CBD Rich Meds!! Soma A+ (8.5% THC 7.25% CBD) $15/$50, True Blueberry X OG Kush (5% THC 12.5% CBD) $17, $60 Saturday, July 31, 2010 2:26:52 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 SALE! Solanum (14.5% THC) $15/$50/$325 Saturday, July 31, 2010 2:03:04 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 Today's Starts: Apollo 11, Affy 18, Chem Dawg... Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:53:31 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked, starts are all $16. Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:52:56 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): OG Kush x Bubba, Green Kush, Grape, Sweet and Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough, Afgan Kush, Purple Ak-47... Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:52:17 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Martian Mean Green, The Purps, GDP, Purple, Grandaddy, OG Pine, Hindu Skunk, Kushage $10!!!! Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:50:47 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Skunk X NL, La Woman, Uk Cheese, Schnozberry, Super Silver Haze, Bubba Kush.... Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:53:27 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Flower, Lemon Og, Boulder Creek Kush, LA Woman, Sweet Tooth, Big Bang... Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:47:23 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN'S Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Santa Cruz Kush, Grape... Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:44:26 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/31 CURRENT CLONES: Apollo 11, NYC Diesel, OG Kush, 707 Headband, Pure Kush, Casey Jones, XJ-13, Querkle.... Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:40:26 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 Top Shelf Meds: Double Sour Diesel (12.8% THC) OG Kush (16.5% THC) Pure Kush (18.1% THC) Friday, July 30, 2010 2:41:49 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 Clean Green Med: Blue Dream (16.31%) $16, $55 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:27:43 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 Clean Green Med: Sour Diesel (13.3% THC) $16, $55 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:23:58 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CBD Rich Meds!! True Blueberry X OG Kush (5% THC 12.5% CBD) $17, $60 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:22:23 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CBD Rich Meds!! Soma A+ (8.5% THC 7.25% CBD) $15. $50 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:21:05 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 Sale!!! Casey Jones (13.3% THC) $15, $55 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:18:17 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 SPECIAL!!! Trainwreck (12.5% THC) $13, $40, $260 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:14:44 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30SPECIAL!!! Oaksterdam Goo (16.4% THC) $14, $45, $295 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:13:50 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 SPECIAL!!! Cantalope Haze (12.85% THC) $14, $45, $295 Friday, July 30, 2010 2:12:42 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 Today's Starts: Apollo 11, Affy 18, OG Kush, Cloud 9, Chem Dawg, Blue Dream, Blockhead Friday, July 30, 2010 1:59:43 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked, starts are all $16. Friday, July 30, 2010 1:40:51 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Martian Mean Green, Hindu Skunk, Kushage $10!!!! Friday, July 30, 2010 1:40:12 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Skunk X NL, Big Bang, La Woman, Blue Cream, Uk Cheese... Friday, July 30, 2010 12:39:36 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Flower, Lemon Og, Boulder Creek Kush, Dream Queen... Friday, July 30, 2010 12:37:59 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dream Queen, Durban #10, Santa Cruz Kush, SSH X SSH, Bubba Kush... Friday, July 30, 2010 12:35:54 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T):Pure Kush, Casey Jones, XJ-13, Querkle, DHN'S Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit.... Friday, July 30, 2010 12:31:57 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/30 CURRENT CLONES: Apollo 11, NYC Diesel, OG Kush,Pure Kush $10!!, 707 Headband... Friday, July 30, 2010 12:26:35 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 Must Try Med: Blueband (S/I - 13.9%) Only $55!! Try this blend of Blueberry/Headband today! Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:23:36 PM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 TOP SHELF MEDS: Gran Daddy Purple ( I -13.58%) True blueberry x OG Kush ( S/I - 5.26% THC or 12.71% CBD!!)... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:54:14 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Blackberry Kush (I/S - 15.0% SALE $16/$55)!!! , and 3x Thai (S/I - 15.85%)... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:51:14 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:47:42 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:47:33 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 We have pre-rolled joints!!! 1g = $10 and 1g with kief = $15. First batch = Jack Flash! Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:47:08 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:39:49 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Casey Jones (S - 13.3%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:39:33 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solanum (S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:39:06 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 8.59% THC / 7.25% CBD Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:38:55 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:37:44 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, and UK Cheese... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:37:32 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Hindu Skunk, Kushage ($10), LA Woman, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Cloud 9.... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:36:51 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Purple Ak-47, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower.... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:30:44 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Green Cush, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, Silver Hash Plant Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:29:05 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Pure Kush ($10), Casey Jones, XJ-13, Querkle, DHN'S Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit.... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:28:12 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/29 CURRENT CLONES: Apollo 11, Chem Dawg, NYC Diesel, OG Kush, Original Purple, Pure Kush, 707 Headband... Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:26:25 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thank you everyone!! We were just announced as the Best Cannabis Dispensary in the SF Bay Guardian's 2010 Readers Poll!! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:13:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU again for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:10:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting tomorrow (Thursday July 29th) we will have pre-rolled joints!!! 1g = $10 and 1g with kief = $15. First batch = Jack Flash! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:12:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:10:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:09:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 MUST TRY MED: AK-47 (S/I - 14.3%) - Sooo smelly that it almost blew my nose off! Yum!! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:09:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Platinum Kush Hash (S/I - 44.8%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:07:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Blackberry Kush (I/S - 15.0%), and 3x Thai (S/I - 15.85%) Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:07:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%), OG Kush (S/I - 16.3%), Dr. Walker's Daze (S - 14.25%).... Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:06:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:05:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:04:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:03:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:03:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:02:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Silver Surfer Full Melt (S/I - 54.52%) - $35/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:01:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Headband Oil (S/I - 52.2%) - $40/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:01:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Platinum Kush Hash (S/I - 44.83%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:00:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! LA Confidential Kief (I/S - 30.01%) - $10/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:00:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Budlets (I) - $30 / $215 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:59:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:58:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:58:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Purple Killer Queen (I/S - 11.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:57:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:56:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Mighty Mix (Mix) - $25 / $35 / $280 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:56:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Cantalope Haze (S - 12.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:56:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SPECIAL!!! Hawaiian Red (I - 10.5%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:55:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 EDIBLE SALE!!! Shaman Healer Cakes - $7 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:54:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:54:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:53:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Casey Jones (S - 13.3%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:53:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Pot (S/I - 15.2%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:53:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solanum (S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:52:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 8.59% THC / 7.25% CBD Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:43:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CLEAN GREEN CONCENTRATE: Goo Hash (I/S - 37.7%) - $25/g Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:43:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CLEAN GREEN MED: Sour Diesel (S/I) - 13.8% Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:42:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CLEAN GREEN MED: Blue Dream (I/S) - 16.3% Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:42:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:39:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, OG Kush, Blockhead, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Chem Dawg, Affy 18, Boulder Creek Kush, and Afghan Kush Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:38:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:37:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, and UK Cheese Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:37:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Hindu Skunk, Kushage ($10), LA Woman, Martian Mean Green, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Cloud 9.... Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:36:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM'S Sweet & Sour Diesel, Silver Hash Plant, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower.... Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:35:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Green Cush, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's 707 Headband.... Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:34:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush ($10), QB's Casey Jones, QB's XJ-13, Querkle, DHN'S Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit.... Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:33:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/28 CURRENT CLONES: Apollo 11, Atomic Northern Lights, Chem Dawg 4, NYC Diesel, OG Kush, Original Purple, Pure Kush, Purple Erkle.... Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:32:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: Sour Diesel Solar Glass from @HHCOAK #MMOT Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:45:05 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: OG Kush Full Melt from @HHCOAK #MMOT Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:44:41 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: Picked up Sour Diesel Super Melt today from @HHCOAK cant remember the THC % but it was HIGH! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 4:47:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 MUST TRY MED: Blackberry Kush (I/S - 15.0%) - Absolutely gorgeous. One of the best meds seen in a little while. You must at least see. Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:01:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: OG Kush Bubble (S/I - 52.1%) - $20/g Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:00:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%), OG Kush (S/I - 16.3%), Dr. Walker's Daze (S - 14.25%), and Blackberry Kush (I/S - 15.0%) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:59:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:57:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:57:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:57:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Sour Diesel Super Melt (S/I - 57.42%) - $50/g Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:56:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! OG Kush Bubble (S/I - 52.1%) - $20/g Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:56:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:55:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:54:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Burple Kief (I - 17.04%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:54:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Purple Killer Queen (I/S - 11.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:54:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Trainwreck Budlets (S) - $30 / $215 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:53:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Mighty Mix (Mix) - $25 / $35 / $280 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:51:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Cantalope Haze (S - 12.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:50:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SPECIAL!!! Hawaiian Red (I - 10.5%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:49:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:48:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:48:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Banana Diesel (S/I - 15.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:48:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Solanum (S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:47:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I) - 8.59% THC / 7.25% CBD Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:46:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:45:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Affy 18, Grapes, Purple Erkle, and Purple Kush Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:45:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, OG Kush, Blockhead, Sour Garlic, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Romulan x Grapefruit, Querkle, Chem Dawg.... Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:44:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:43:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): MO's Blue Cream, MO's Cloud 9, Super Silver Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, and UK Cheese Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:42:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Schnozzberry, Silver Hash Plant, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Hindu Skunk, LA Woman, Marian Mean Green.... Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:41:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, Romulan, Santa Cruz Kush.... Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:40:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/27 CURRENT CLONES: Apollo 11, Atomic Northern Lights, NYC Diesel, Original Purple, Pure Kush, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush ($10), Querkle... Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:39:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@ashtash2385 You can find our seed lists on website menu page: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:10:44 PM via HootSuite in reply to ashtash2385<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Sorry for the lack of posts recently... Been busy getting ready for tonight's Oakland City Council meeting!! Monday, July 26, 2010 3:08:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU again for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:36:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Friday, July 23, 2010 2:35:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:35:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 MUST TRY MED: Jack Pot (S/I) - Looking for something tasty to brighten your day... Jack Pot!! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:34:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Dream Queen Hash (I/S - 45.42%) - $15/g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:34:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Cherry Pie Kush (I/S - 16.86%), Ultraviolet (I/S - 17.21%) Friday, July 23, 2010 2:33:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 TOP SHELF MEDS: Clean Green Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%), Snow G (50/50 - 13.53%).... Friday, July 23, 2010 2:32:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Friday, July 23, 2010 2:30:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:29:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:29:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:28:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, July 23, 2010 2:28:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Dream Queen Hash (I/S - 45.42%) - $15/g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:27:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Jack Nicholson Full Melt (S/I - 51.83%) - $35/g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:26:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:25:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:25:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Hash (50/50 - 35.97%) - $10/g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:24:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Burple Kief (I - 17.04%) - $15/g Friday, July 23, 2010 2:23:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Oasis (I - 13.68%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 23, 2010 2:23:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Cantalope Haze (S - 12.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 23, 2010 2:22:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, July 23, 2010 2:22:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 SPECIAL!!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Friday, July 23, 2010 2:20:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:17:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Friday, July 23, 2010 2:17:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Friday, July 23, 2010 2:16:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CLEAN GREEN TOP SHELF: Mendo Purps (I) - 14.0% Friday, July 23, 2010 2:15:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:14:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, and OG Kush Friday, July 23, 2010 2:14:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 23, 2010 2:13:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Silver Hash Plant, and Chem Dawg XXX Friday, July 23, 2010 2:13:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Strawberry Cough ($10), Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, XJ-13, Blackberry.... Friday, July 23, 2010 2:12:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Grape, SCM's Sour Diesel, Headband, Hindu Skunk ($8), Kushage ($8), LA Woman, MO's Cloud 9.... Friday, July 23, 2010 2:11:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #12, GDP, Grapes, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10.... Friday, July 23, 2010 2:09:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Casey Jones, Querkle, Cherry Punch, Dankouver ($8), DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's F'ing Incredible.... Friday, July 23, 2010 2:08:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/23 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Afghan Kush, AK-47, Atomic Northern Lights, Bluesberry, OG Kush, Pure Kush, Purple Kush.... Friday, July 23, 2010 2:06:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DON'T TAX OAKLAND PATIENTS FOR THEIR MEDICINE!!! COME TO OAKLAND CITY COUNCIL TONIGHT TO BE HEARD!! Thursday, July 22, 2010 3:58:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery Nice! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:47:31 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 MUST TRY MED: Shipwreck (50/50 - 14.5%) - A well balanced med that has good bud structure, trichome coverage and aroma. Mmmm... Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:31:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Hash (50/50 - 35.97%) - $10/g Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:29:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 TOP SHELF MEDS: Mendo Purps (I/S - 14.0%), Snow G (50/50 - 13.53%), Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 17.91%), and Cherry Pie Kush (I/S - 16.86%) Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:26:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:25:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:24:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:24:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:24:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:23:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Jack Nicholson Full Melt (S/I - 51.83%) - $35/g Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:22:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:22:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:21:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Hash (50/50 - 35.97%) - $10/g Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:21:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Burple Kief (I - 17.04%) - $15/g Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:21:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Cantalope Haze (S - 12.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:20:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:19:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:19:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:18:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 13.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:18:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:17:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:16:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 TOP SHELF SALE!!! Clean Green Mendo Purps (I/S - 14.0%) - $16 / $55 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:16:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:06:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CLEAN GREEN TOP SHELF: Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%) - $16 / $55 Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:05:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:04:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, and OG Kush Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:04:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:03:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): UK Cheese, XJ-13, and Blackberry Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:03:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): MO's Cloud 9, Strawberry Cough ($10), Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, The Purps.... Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:02:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Headband, Hindu Skunk ($8), Kushage ($8), LA Woman, Lemon OG, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Bluesberry x Cheese.... Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:01:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Grapes, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sour Diesel... Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:00:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Querkle, Cherry Punch, Dankouver ($8), DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's F'ing Incredible, Durban #10, Durban #12.... Thursday, July 22, 2010 1:59:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/22 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Atomic Northern Lights, Bluesberry, OG Kush, QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze.... Thursday, July 22, 2010 1:58:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Delicious Dose Chai Gelato + HLT Brownie + Mango OG (I/S - 15.1%) + Blue Dream CO2 Melt (I/S - 60.1%) = Goodni... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:48:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @Pak_Smorbols: @FreeMarcEmery I see you picked up that Blue Dream CO2 Melt from @HHCOAK looks real nice Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:43:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>I thought you'd like that... ;0) RT @FreeMarcEmery: Touché... @HHCOAK .. touché Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:19:32 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>LOL I wonder if @FreeMarcEmery has figured out who I am yet.. RT @FreeMarcEmery: i wonder if @HHCOAK has figured out who i am yet lol Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:08:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: Blue Dream Co2 Melt from @HHCOAK - Pick this up!!! 60%+ $35 #Picture #mmot Wednesday, July 21, 2010 4:12:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:09:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:09:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 MUST TRY MED: Ingrid (I/S - 14.4%) - Super stinky smelly. Gotta check it out. Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:08:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Snow G (50/50 - 13.53%), and Chem Dawg '91 (S/I - 16.55%) Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:05:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dr. Haze (S - 14.9%), Headband (S/I - 19.65%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%), Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%).... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:04:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:03:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:02:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:01:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:00:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:00:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:59:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Blue Dream CO2 Melt (I/S - 60.1%) - $35/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:59:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Jack Nicholson Full Melt (S/I - 51.83%) - $35/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:58:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:58:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:58:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Purple Afgoo Kief (I - 32.85%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:57:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Hash (50/50 - 35.97%) - $10/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:57:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Burple Kief (I - 17.04%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:55:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Afgoo Bubble (I - 35.17%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:55:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Sour Headband (S/I - 17.6) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:53:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:52:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 13.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:52:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CLEAN GREEN TOP SHELF SALE!!!! Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%) - $16 / $55 Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:51:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:51:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:50:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:49:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%) - $16 / $55 Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:49:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:47:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Affy 18, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, and Chocolope Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:47:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:46:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sweet Tooth, The Purps, and Blackberry Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:45:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): LA Woman, Lemon OG, MO's Blue Cream, MO's Cloud 9, Strawberry Cough ($10), Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:44:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Silver Kush, Sour Diesel, Headband, Hindu Skunk ($8), Kushage ($8).... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:43:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush.... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:42:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dankouver ($8), DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's F'ing Incredible, DHN's White Widow, Durban #12, GDP, Grapes.... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:38:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, QB's XJ-13, Querkle, Cherry Punch.... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:37:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/21 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Afghan Kush, Atomic Northern Lights, Blueberry x Cheese, MO's UK Cheese, OG Kush.... Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:35:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FamousLandstrom: solid chemdawg 91 from @HHCOak gave the final boost im high as fuck Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:02:31 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>You're welcome, Marissa!! RT @marissa1217: @HHCOAK thanks for making my day! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:28:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Dro510 We're not sure when we'll get specific strains in. We don't grow/supply. We rely on patient vendors to bring stuff in. Keep checkin! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:26:37 PM via HootSuite in reply to Dro510<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li> RT @miss_gelly: Ooh! I want a @HHCOAK tank top! 2 bad I'm not in caLi yet Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:36:15 PM via HootSuite in reply to miss_gelly<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li> RT @Ozreiuosn: @HHCOAK That's some good lookin' merchandise. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:36:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Just took this pic of some hats etc.! RT @Labraid: @HHCOAK Plz twit a pic of the HHC hat & jars. Thanks. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:28:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>We'll see about getting a pic of the hats... RT @Labraid: @HHCOAK Plz twit a pic of the HHC hat & jars. Thanks. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:26:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope to see you soon! BTW... Blue Dream CO2 = NICE! RT @BQardiEllington: Guess I'm going2 @HHCOAK to p/u some #hashish Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:22:09 PM via HootSuite in reply to BQardiEllington<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li> RT @Labraid: @HHCOAK Plz twit a pic of the HHC hat & jars. Thanks. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:21:04 PM via HootSuite in reply to Labraid<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:19:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:18:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:18:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 MUST TRY MED: Sour Headband (S/I - 17.6%) - One of the highest testers today, and it's one of the cheapest!! -- $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:17:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Blue Dream CO2 Melt (I/S - 60.1%) - $35/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:14:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Snow G (50/50 - 13.53%), and Chem Dawg '91 (S/I) Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:13:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dr. Haze (S - 14.9%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%), Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%)... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:13:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:11:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:10:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:10:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:10:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Blue Dream CO2 Melt (I/S - 60.1%) - $35/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:09:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:08:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Jack Nicholson Full Melt (S/I - 51.83%) - $35/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:07:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:07:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:07:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:06:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Purple Afgoo Kief (I - 32.85%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:06:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Hash (50/50 - 35.97%) - $10/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:05:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Burple Kief (I - 17.04%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:05:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Afgoo Bubble (I - 35.17%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:05:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Sour Headband (S/I - 17.6) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:04:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:04:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:03:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 13.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:02:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:01:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:00:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CBD-RICH CONCENTRATE: Trainwreck Bubble (S - 43.81% THC / 5.8% CBD) - $25/g Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:00:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:59:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%) Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:59:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:57:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, Power Kush, and The Purps Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:57:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:57:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, and Blackberry Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:55:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Cloud 9, MO's Romulan, Strawberry Cough ($10), Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:55:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Headband, Hindu Skunk ($8), Kushage ($8), LA Woman, MO's Blue Dream, MO's Blueberry x Cheese.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:54:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sour Diesel.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:52:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's GDP, SCM's Pure Kush, SCM's Purple Kush.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:51:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's F'ing Incredible, DHN's White Widow, Dream Queen, Durban #12, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:50:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Querkle, Cherry Punch, Chocolope, Dankouver ($8), DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's Dream Queen.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:49:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/20 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Afghan Kush, Bluesberry, Chem Dawg, Purple Erkle, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's XJ-13.... Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:48:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>I was wondering where that came from... RT @FreeMarcEmery: @aaronweaver17 i never stated "dispensaries come out against legalization" Monday, July 19, 2010 6:54:07 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 Our staff are here cause we're passionate about the movement. Personally - I had cancer. We want access for all patients!! Monday, July 19, 2010 4:00:10 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 Yes, not everyone is fully well intentioned, but that is true everywhere in every industry... We do our best though!! Monday, July 19, 2010 3:58:03 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 It's all good! Wish you could come and check out the scene yourself. We wish you the best and hope things change out there!!! Monday, July 19, 2010 3:55:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 All we want is for patients to have access to quality meds. We have programs that give away pounds of free meds every week!!! Monday, July 19, 2010 3:47:48 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 There is only one dispensary out of over a thousand that is against legalization that we know of. Most are for legalization!! Monday, July 19, 2010 3:47:05 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 We have an activist center with people lobbying to make it legal everyday!!! We are trying to help you!!! Monday, July 19, 2010 3:46:17 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 The fact that you are blasting CA dispensaries cause your jealous is childish. Not our fault you live in a non legal state. Monday, July 19, 2010 3:45:42 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@miss_gelly Maybe follow @HHCSJ ? Monday, July 19, 2010 3:34:32 PM via web in reply to miss_gelly<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 Are you serious?? What dispensaries are you talking about??? Legalization = good! Monday, July 19, 2010 3:27:03 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@aaronweaver17 Think you are totally misinformed. We are a not for profit. We are in no way in it for money & give it all back to community. Monday, July 19, 2010 3:23:30 PM via HootSuite in reply to aaronweaver17<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Monday, July 19, 2010 2:59:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:58:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 MUST TRY MED: Mango OG (I/S - 15.1%) - A great tasting med to make your day even brighter. Nice, dense nugs too! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:57:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Jack Nicholson Full Melt (S/I - 51.83%) - $35/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:57:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Mendo Purps (I - 14.0), and Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%) Monday, July 19, 2010 2:56:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dr. Haze (S - 14.9%), Headband (S/I), East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I).... Monday, July 19, 2010 2:56:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:52:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Monday, July 19, 2010 2:51:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:50:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:50:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, July 19, 2010 2:50:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:49:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:48:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Jack Nicholson Full Melt (S/I - 51.83%) - $35/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:48:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:47:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:46:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Purple Afgoo Kief (I - 32.85%) - $15/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:46:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Hash (50/50 - 35.97%) - $10/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:45:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Burple Kief (I - 17.04%) - $15/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:45:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Afgoo Bubble (I - 35.17%) - $15/g Monday, July 19, 2010 2:44:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Trainwreck Budlets (S) - $30 / $215 Monday, July 19, 2010 2:43:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Monday, July 19, 2010 2:42:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Monday, July 19, 2010 2:42:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 13.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, July 19, 2010 2:41:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 EDIBLE SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Monday, July 19, 2010 2:40:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 EDIBLE SALE!!! All Gelato is now only $10 each! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:39:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Monday, July 19, 2010 2:35:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@HempySpice Yes, we still get Kananga and Solanum clones seldomly. Hopefully we will get some in again soon! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:27:25 PM via HootSuite in reply to HempySpice<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I - 14.0%) Monday, July 19, 2010 2:26:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I) Monday, July 19, 2010 2:25:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CLEAN GREEN: Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%) Monday, July 19, 2010 2:25:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:05:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, and Blockhead Monday, July 19, 2010 2:05:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, July 19, 2010 2:04:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): UK Cheese, and Blackberry Monday, July 19, 2010 2:04:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Cloud 9, Strawberry Cough ($10), Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth.... Monday, July 19, 2010 2:04:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Headband, Hindu Skunk ($8), Jack The Ripper, Kushage ($8), LA Woman, Lemon Kush, MO's Blue Cream.... Monday, July 19, 2010 2:03:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sour Diesel.... Monday, July 19, 2010 2:01:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dankouver ($8), DHN's White Widow, Dream Queen, Durban #12, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry.... Monday, July 19, 2010 2:00:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, QB's XJ-13, Querkle, Cherry Punch, Chocolope.... Monday, July 19, 2010 1:59:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/19 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Big Bang, Blue Dream ($10), Bluesberry, MO's UK Cheese, OG Kush, Purple Kush.... Monday, July 19, 2010 1:58:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 MUST TRY MED: Top Shelf Purple Kush (I - 14.18%) - Voted the "Best Cannabis Strain" by readers in the East Bay Express!!! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:52:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:50:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Kush (I - 14.18%), Purple Princess (I - 14.7), Jack's Haze (S/I - 15.4%), and Fire OG (S/I - 14.47%) Friday, July 16, 2010 12:49:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:48:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:47:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Friday, July 16, 2010 12:47:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:46:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:46:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, July 16, 2010 12:46:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Sour Diesel Super Melt (S/I - 57.42%) - $50/g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:46:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:45:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Kush Hash (S/I - 33.71%) - $15/g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:45:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Rick Simpson Oil - $40/g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:45:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:44:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, July 16, 2010 12:44:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Hazewreck (S - 11.6%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, July 16, 2010 12:44:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Gush (I - 12.8%) - $13 / $40 / $240 Friday, July 16, 2010 12:42:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! Very Berry Haze (S/I - 12.6%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 16, 2010 12:42:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SPECIAL!! We now carry Strawberry Gelato! Now on sale for only $10!! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:41:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Friday, July 16, 2010 12:40:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Friday, July 16, 2010 12:39:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S) - 13.0% Friday, July 16, 2010 12:39:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 MOTHER!! Small Cotton Kandy mother from seed - $60 Friday, July 16, 2010 12:38:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 MOTHER!! MO's Blue Cream from clone - $60 Friday, July 16, 2010 12:37:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:37:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Sweet Tooth, and OG Kush Friday, July 16, 2010 12:36:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:36:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): UK Cheese, XJ-13, XXX Chem ($8), and MO's Blue Dream Friday, July 16, 2010 12:35:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): MO's Blue Cream, MO's Cloud 9, MO's UK Cheese, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, Trainwreck.... Friday, July 16, 2010 12:35:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Hindu Skunk ($8), Kryptonite, Kushage ($8), LA Woman, Lemon Kush.... Friday, July 16, 2010 12:33:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Purple Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Diesel.... Friday, July 16, 2010 12:32:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Apollo 11 ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Grape.... Friday, July 16, 2010 12:31:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's White Widow, Durban #12, Grapes, Harlequin, Schnozzberry.... Friday, July 16, 2010 12:29:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/16 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Big Bang, Bluesberry, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Odyssey, OG Kush, Purple Kush, QB's XJ-13, Dankouver.... Friday, July 16, 2010 12:24:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:22:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@stanktoe We'll see about posting a new seed list real soon! Friday, July 16, 2010 12:21:40 PM via HootSuite in reply to stanktoe<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@ShadowLab We are working on a real-time updated menu. Will take time since we change up to 100 items every day. Friday, July 16, 2010 12:21:05 PM via HootSuite in reply to ShadowLab<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:11:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 EAST BAY EXPRESS READER'S CHOICE: Purple Kush (I) - 13.61% Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:09:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 MUST TRY MED: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 19.8%) - It's Chem Dawg, it tested at close to 20.0% THC, and it's not top shelf so you save money. Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:06:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:04:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Kush (I - 14.18%), Purple Princess (I - 14.7%), Jack's Haze (S/I - 15.4%), and Double Sour Diesel (S - 16.17%) Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:04:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:02:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:01:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:01:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:01:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:00:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Sour Diesel Super Melt (S/I - 57.42%) - $50/g Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:59:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:59:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Kush Hash (S/I - 33.71%) - $15/g Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:58:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Rick Simpson Oil - $40/g Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:57:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:57:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:56:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Bubble Gum (I/S - 11.9%) - $12 / $35 / $210 Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:55:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Gush (I - 12.8%) - $13 / $40 / $240 Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:55:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Very Berry Haze (S/I - 12.6%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:54:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:52:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:45:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I) Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:45:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S) - 13.0% Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:41:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CLEAN GREEN: Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:41:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:39:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Power Kush, Chem Dawg, Bubba Kush, Grape Punch, Boulder Creek Kush, Space Queen, and Mango Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:38:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:38:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Hindu Skunk ($8), Kushage ($8), MO's Cloud 9, MO's UK Cheese, and Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:35:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Purple Kush, So Gouda, Sour Flower... Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:33:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/15 CURRENT CLONES: Bluesberry, Chem Dawg, QB's XJ-13, Dankouver ($8), Durban #12, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11 ($10).... Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:31:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>THANK YOU for voting Harborside Health Center the East Bay's Best Cannabis Dispensary in the East Bay Express!! Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:37:50 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: We now carry THCheesecake (plain and cherry) - $10 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:25:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Health Center is now offering a different type of medical cannabis -- strains that are relatively high in Cannabidol (CBD):... Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:31:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 MUST TRY MED: White Rhino (I/S - 15.0%) - An old favorite that is back with an amazing smell. This Rhino its fast, hard, and heavy. Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:27:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:25:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dutch Treat (S/I - 17.03%), Purple Kush (I - 14.18%), Fire OG Kush (S/I - 15.37%), and Jack's Haze (S/I - 15.4%) Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:24:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:22:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:18:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:18:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:17:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! We now carry Strawberry Gelato! Now on sale for only $10!! Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:16:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Hash (I/S - 51.38%) - $35/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:16:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Kush Hash (S/I - 33.71%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:15:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Rick Simpson Oil - $40/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:14:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Cherry Pie CO2 Melt (I/S - 56.22%) - $35/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:14:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 29.35%) - $15/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:13:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:04:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:59:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:59:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Bubble Gum (I/S - 11.9%) - $12 / $35 / $210 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:59:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Gush (I - 12.8%) - $13 / $40 / $240 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:58:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Very Berry Haze (S/I - 12.6%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:57:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:56:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:55:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CONCENTRATE SALE!! Burple Kief (I/S - 27.47%) - $10/g Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:53:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Candy Kush (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:52:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:51:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I) Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:49:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S) - 13.0% Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:49:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CLEAN GREEN: Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:48:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:46:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Blockhead, Chem Dawg, XXX Chem, Grape Punch, Boulder Creek Kush, Querkle, and Purple AK-47 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:46:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:44:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, and XXX Chem Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:43:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Purple Kush, So Gouda, Sour Flower, Hindu Skunk, Kushage.... Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:41:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/14 CURRENT CLONES: Bluesberry, Chem Dawg, OG Kush, QB's XJ-13, Chocolope, Dankouver, Durban #12, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11 ($10).... Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:37:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out this video featuring Harborside Health Center in Oakland on the National Geographic Channel!! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 5:15:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Oakland considers limiting and licensing marijuana growers | San Francisco Bay Guardian -- Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:50:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 MUST TRY MED: Dutch Treat (S/I - 17.03%) - A real treat that is sure to brighten your day. Beautiful look & nice sweet cedary smell. Tuesday, July 13, 2010 2:05:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Rick Simpson Oil - $40/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 2:03:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Kush (I - 14.18%), and Purple Princess (I - 14.7%) Tuesday, July 13, 2010 2:01:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pineapple Kush (I/S - 14.53%), OG x Cindy 99 (S/I - 16.63%), Dutch Treat (S/I - 17.03%).... Tuesday, July 13, 2010 2:00:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:58:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:57:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:57:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:56:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:56:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! We now carry Strawberry Gelato! Now on sale for only $10!! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:55:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! MS Dawg Honey Bud w/ A-4 Kief (Mix - 36.10%) - $35/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:55:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Rick Simpson Oil - $40/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:53:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Cherry Pie CO2 Melt (I/S - 56.22%) - $35/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:52:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 29.35%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:52:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:51:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:50:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:50:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:50:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:49:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:49:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:48:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SPECIAL!! Stinky Pinky (I/S - 12.4%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:48:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 TOP SHELF SALE!!! Pineapple Kush (I/S) - $16 / $55 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:44:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CONCENTRATE SALE!! Burple Kief (I/S - 27.47%) - $10/g Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:44:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:41:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Candy Kush (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:41:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan Rx (50/50) - 4.84% THC / 9.12% CBD Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:39:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CLEAN GREEN: Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:37:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S) - 13.0% Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:36:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:35:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CURRENT STARTERS: Power Kush, Blockhead, Blue Dream, XXX Chem, Grape Punch, XJ-13, Boulder Creek Kush, and G Kush Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:34:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:32:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, and XXX Chem ($8) Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:32:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's Apollo ($10), So Gouda, Sour Flower, Hindu Skunk ($8), Kushage ($8), LA Woman, MO's UK Cheese.... Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:31:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/13 CURRENT CLONES: Bluesberry, Chem Dawg, OG Kush, QB's XJ-13, Chocolope, Dankouver ($8), Durban #12, Schnozzberry.... Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:30:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Remember, the card is worth $17 and can be used towards concentrates, etc. too! RT @FamousLandstrom: so close to that free gram at @HHCOAK Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:17:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@TheRegularJohn Yes, if you purchase clones you have to grow them yourself. We do offer a free growing class on Sundays though! Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:16:04 PM via HootSuite in reply to TheRegularJohn<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Oakland City Council is looking to close small-scale medical cannabis patient gardens!!! Monday, July 12, 2010 4:25:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week!! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Monday, July 12, 2010 1:32:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 MUST TRY MED: J-27 (S/I - 18.1) - You simply won't find a cheaper med that tests this high! -- $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:31:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Monday, July 12, 2010 1:29:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Headband (S/I - 14.0%), and Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 22.74%) Monday, July 12, 2010 1:28:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pineapple Kush (I/S), Purple Erkle (I - 14.18%), OG x Cindy 99 (S/I - 16.63%).... Monday, July 12, 2010 1:27:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@TheRegularJohn Clones are baby plants. Monday, July 12, 2010 1:25:57 PM via HootSuite in reply to TheRegularJohn<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, July 12, 2010 1:25:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (50/50 - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g & $60 / 1g Monday, July 12, 2010 1:24:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Monday, July 12, 2010 1:23:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Monday, July 12, 2010 1:21:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Monday, July 12, 2010 1:20:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Gummy Bear Bubble (50/50 - 48.86%) - $15/g Monday, July 12, 2010 1:19:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Afgooeylettes (I) - $30 / $215 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:19:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix (Mix) - $25 / $40 / $320 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:18:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:18:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! J-27 (S/I - 18.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:17:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:16:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SPECIAL!! Stinky Pinky (I/S - 12.4%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:14:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 TOP SHELF SALE!!! Pineapple Kush (I/S) - $16 / $55 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:13:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! All Gelato is currently only $10! Monday, July 12, 2010 1:12:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Coco Caps - $25 / 10 caps & $50 / 30 caps Monday, July 12, 2010 1:11:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Candy Kush (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, July 12, 2010 1:11:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Monday, July 12, 2010 1:09:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CLEAN GREEN: Afghani (I - 12.4%) and Casey Jones (S - 13.0%) Monday, July 12, 2010 1:09:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, July 12, 2010 1:06:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Bubba Kush, and UK Cheese Monday, July 12, 2010 1:05:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Power Kush, Grape Ape, Kryptonite, Grapes, Blockhead, Chem Dawg, Blue Dream, XXX Chem.... Monday, July 12, 2010 1:05:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, July 12, 2010 1:04:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): MOs UK Cheese, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, Trainwreck, UK Cheese, and White Widow Monday, July 12, 2010 1:03:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Flower, Headband, Kushage, LA Woman, MO's Blueberry x Cheese.... Monday, July 12, 2010 1:02:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): God Bud, Grape, Harlequin, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11 ($10), SCM's Durban #10.... Monday, July 12, 2010 1:00:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's XJ-13, Chocolope, Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10), Durban #12, GDP.... Monday, July 12, 2010 12:59:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/12 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Afgooey, Blue Dream, Bluesberry, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Odyssey, OG Kush, Pure Kush.... Monday, July 12, 2010 12:57:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out Harborside Health Center on the National Geographic Channel next week -- Friday, July 09, 2010 2:00:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Friday, July 09, 2010 2:00:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Due to demand, we've decided to extended Discount Sun & Mon to all week! Check out the HHC website menu for sales and specials! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:59:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 MUST TRY MED: OG x Sweet Tooth (S/I - 17.6%) - Two great strains coming together to make your day! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:56:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Sweet OG Goo Bubble (I/S - 50.04%) - $20/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:54:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Snow G (50/50 - 15.8%), and Grape (I - 12.56%) Friday, July 09, 2010 1:54:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 TOP SHELF MEDS: Pineapple Kush (I/S - 14.53%), Dr. Walker's Daze (S - 14.8%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.78%).... Friday, July 09, 2010 1:53:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:51:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, July 09, 2010 1:50:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:50:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:49:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Sweet OG Goo Bubble (I/S - 50.04%) - $20/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:46:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:46:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:45:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:43:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I/S - 15.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:43:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:42:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Stinky Pinky Spice (I/S - 12.4%) - $40 / 3.5g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:42:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:42:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 12.2%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:41:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CLONE SALE!! XXX Chem - $8 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:39:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CLONE SALE!! DHN's F'ing Incredible and SCM's Apollo 11 - $10 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:38:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:36:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:36:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S - 40.31%) - $25/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:34:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Headband Honey Bud (S/I - 33.64%) - $35/g Friday, July 09, 2010 1:33:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Bubba Funk (I/S - 13.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:32:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Friday, July 09, 2010 1:24:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 BEST PRACTICES: Blue Dream (I/S - 13.8%) Friday, July 09, 2010 1:24:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I - 14.78%) Friday, July 09, 2010 1:23:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:20:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CURRENT STARTERS: Affy 18, Apollo 11, The Purps, Durban #10, G Kush, Grape Ape, Grape Punch, and Purple AK-47 Friday, July 09, 2010 1:20:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 09, 2010 1:14:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sweet & Sour Diesel, UK Cheese, and XXX Chem ($8) Friday, July 09, 2010 1:12:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Kushage, LA Woman, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Friday, July 09, 2010 1:11:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #10, Durban #12, Dutch Treat, G Kush, Grapes, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11 ($10).... Friday, July 09, 2010 1:09:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze, Chocolope, Dankouver, DHN's F'in Incredible ($10), Dream Queen.... Friday, July 09, 2010 1:07:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/09 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Afgooey, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, OG Kush.... Friday, July 09, 2010 1:05:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out Harborside Health Center on the National Geographic Channel on July 11th -- Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:54:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:54:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 MUST TRY MED: Raspberry Kush (I/S - 14.05%) - Smells reminiscent of Pez. Yummy, and so covered with trichomes that its almost white. Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:54:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:52:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Mendo Purps (I - 14.78%), and Snow G (50/50) Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:51:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 TOP SHELF MEDS: GDP (I - 14.65%), Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.56%), Dr. Walker's Daze (S - 14.8%), Raspberry Kush (I/S - 14.05%).... Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:50:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Oakland now has Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:45:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new HHC signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out in Oakland today!! Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:43:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:42:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 61.82%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:38:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 52.51%) - $40/g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:37:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:36:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:36:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Oaksterdam Goo (I/S - 15.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:35:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:30:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Stinky Pinky Spice (I/S - 12.4%) - $40 / 3.5g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:30:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:29:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:29:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 12.2%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:27:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:20:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:19:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Headband Honey Bud (S/I - 33.64%) - $35/g Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:19:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Bubba Funk (I/S - 13.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:52:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:45:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.56%) Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:43:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I - 14.78%) Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:43:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CLEAN GREEN: Mango Sour Jack (S/I - 18.0%) - $55 / 3.5g Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:42:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CLEAN GREEN: Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 /$45 / $295 Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:39:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:38:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT STARTERS: Affy 18, Apollo 11, Durban #10, Blockhead, G Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, and Sweet Tooth Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:38:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:36:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, XJ-13 ($8), XXX Chem ($8), and Pink Jasmin Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:52:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Hindu Skunk, Kushage ($8), LA Woman, Lemon Kush, Mazari Sharif, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:50:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Apollo 11 ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Space Queen, Headband.... Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:45:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, God Bud ($8), Santa Cruz Kush.... Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:43:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): QB's White Widow, Querkle, Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10), DHN's Jilly Bean.... Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:42:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Cherry Kush, OG Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze.... Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:40:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/08 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Afghan Kush, Afgooey, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:39:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @imcullings: Shoutout to @HHCNews on keeping me updated on the latest news in legalizing marijuana Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:23:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Starting August 1st, HHC of Oakland will no longer be accepting American Express. We apologize for any inconvenience. Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:57:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 MUST TRY MED: Shantibaba Skunk (I - 11.3%) - Patients have been loving this orange haired med. They say sweet tasting heavy Indica!! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:11:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:09:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.56%), and Pineapple Kush (I/S - 14.53%) Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:08:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Princess (I/S - 15.92%), GDP (I - 14.65%), Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 22.7%).... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:07:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:05:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:05:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>We now have embroidered Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:04:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:03:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:02:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:02:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:01:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:01:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Clean Green Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:00:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Stinky Pinky Spice (I/S - 12.4) - $40 / 3.5g Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:59:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:58:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:57:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:57:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 12.2%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:57:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:56:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:55:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S - 40.31%) - $25/g Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:55:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Bubba Funk (I/S - 13.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:54:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:53:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.56%) Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:52:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CLEAN GREEN: Afghani (I - 12.4%) - $14 /$45 / $295 Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:51:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I) Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:51:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:47:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT STARTERS: Affy 18, Chem Dawg 4, Apollo 11, XXX Chem, Blockhead, Sour Flower, G Kush, and Boulder Creek Kush Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:46:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:44:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, XJ-13 ($8), and XXX Chem ($8) Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:42:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Kushage ($8), LA Woman, Mazari Sharif.... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:41:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): God Bud ($8), Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11 ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:40:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Dutch Treat.... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:39:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10), DHN's GDP, DHN's Hindu Skunk, DHN's Jilly Bean.... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:37:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, OG Kush, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Erkle, QB's Casey Jones, QB's White Widow.... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:35:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/07 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Afghan Kush, Afgooey, Blue Cheese, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion.... Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:33:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Dro510 The Divinity Hash went pretty quickly... I can't find one left to take a picture of, sorry! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 2:29:54 PM via HootSuite in reply to Dro510<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @CosmicCharley: @HHCOAK the Trichome Lozenges just some great meds. The Shiva & Ganesh meds also top, top shelf. Can not say enough!!! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:08:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 MUST TRY MED: Critical X (I/S - 15.0%) - Not top shelf, but it might be critical that you check this out and give it a try... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:47:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Divinity Hash (I - 45.92%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:46:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 TOP SHELF MEDS: Purple Princess (I/S - 15.92%), OG x Cindy 99 (S/I), GDP (I), and Jack's Haze (S/I) Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:45:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:42:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:42:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>We now have embroidered Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:41:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:41:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:40:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:38:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Divinity Hash (I - 45.92%) - $15/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:37:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:36:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:36:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Stinky Pinky Spice (I/S - 12.4%) - $40/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:35:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:35:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:34:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:34:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 12.2%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:33:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:30:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:29:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Recon Bubble (I/S - 40.31%) - $25/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:19:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Bubba Funk (I/S - 13.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:18:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:17:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I - 29.74%) - $25/g Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:16:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I) Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:16:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:14:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT STARTERS: Affy 18, Apollo 11, Hindu Skunk, XXX Chem, Romulan, and Atomic Northern Lights Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:14:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:13:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, XJ-13, and XXX Chem ($8) Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:03:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): SCM's Apollo 11 ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Headband, LA Woman, Lemon OG.... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:03:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Dutch Treat, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry.... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:01:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10), DHN's Hindu Skunk, DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit.... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:00:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Purple Snow Cap, QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, Dankouver.... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:59:00 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Cherry Kush, OG Kush, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Erkle.... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:56:30 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/06 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Afghan Kush, Afgooey, Atomic Northern Lights, Blue Cheese, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush.... Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:54:52 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Welcome! RT @thrivingink: At @HHCoak. Love it here. So welcoming. Monday, July 05, 2010 5:35:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Tr0phy 1 oz. jar gift packs vary in price, depending on what med is packaged in them. You get a few things packaged in a free glass jar... Monday, July 05, 2010 2:59:15 PM via HootSuite in reply to Tr0phy<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Think it's gone already, sorry! RT @BQardiEllington: RT @HHCOAK 07/05 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Hash (S - 33.75%) - $15/g <<Nice!! Today only? Monday, July 05, 2010 2:58:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Monday, July 05, 2010 2:02:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Monday, July 05, 2010 2:01:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 MUST TRY MED: Purple Erkle (I - 14.5%) - An oldie but goody with great smell and a good test result for a purple! Check it! Monday, July 05, 2010 2:01:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Afgooey Hash (I - 36.52%) - $15/g Monday, July 05, 2010 1:58:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg (S/I - 18.07%), Purple Princess (I/S - 15.92%), OG x Cindy 99 (S/I), and GDP (I) Monday, July 05, 2010 1:57:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Monday, July 05, 2010 1:56:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Monday, July 05, 2010 1:55:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, July 05, 2010 1:55:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Hash (I - 29.95%) - $10/g Monday, July 05, 2010 1:54:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Monday, July 05, 2010 1:54:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Hash (S - 33.75%) - $15/g Monday, July 05, 2010 1:53:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 37.44%) - $15/g Monday, July 05, 2010 1:49:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $20 / $35 / $280 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:48:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Sour Pakistani Budlets (S/I) - $30 / $215 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:48:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Coughlettes (S/I) - $35 / $240 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:47:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:46:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:45:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:44:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Strawberry Sour Diesel (S/I - 12.2%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:44:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SPECIAL!! Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:43:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purple Bubba Funk (I/S - 13.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:42:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Monday, July 05, 2010 1:41:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Monday, July 05, 2010 1:41:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CLONES SALE!!! XXX Chem - $8 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:41:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CLONES SALE!!! Fire OG - $15 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:40:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CLONES SALE!!! DHN's F'ing Incredible and SCM's Apollo 11 - $10 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:40:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CBD-RICH MED: Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:39:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Monday, July 05, 2010 1:36:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Coughlettes (S/I) - $35 / $240 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:35:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I) Monday, July 05, 2010 1:34:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, July 05, 2010 1:28:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Chem Dawg, and Durban #10 Monday, July 05, 2010 1:27:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT STARTERS: Larry OG, Affy 18, Chem Dawg 4, Apollo 11, Hindu Skunk, GDP, Chocolope, XXX Chem, The Purps, Romulan.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:27:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, July 05, 2010 1:26:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, White Widow, and XXX Chem ($8) Monday, July 05, 2010 1:25:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Headband, Hindu Skunk, Lemon OG, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:24:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11 ($10), SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:22:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Dutch Treat, Fire OG ($15), Santa Cruz Kush.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:21:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Cloud 9, Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10), DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:19:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4, OG Kush, Pure Kush, QB's Casey Jones, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, QB's XJ-13.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:15:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/05 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Afghan Kush, Afgooey, Atomic Northern Lights, Blue Cheese, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Chem Dawg.... Monday, July 05, 2010 1:14:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Harborside Health Center is closed TODAY in recognition of 4th of July. Happy 4th everyone!!! Sunday, July 04, 2010 10:00:09 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Harborside Health Center will be closed tomorrow (Sunday) in recognition of 4th of July. Stock up early and have a great weekend!! Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:46:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:45:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:45:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:45:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 MUST TRY MED: Mango OG (I/S - 15.9%) - A tasty way to start off the Fourth of July weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!! Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:44:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Kush Melange (49.42%) - $35/g Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:43:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Erkle (I), and Purple Princess (I/S) Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:42:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg (S/I), Dr. Haze (S - 13.12%), OG Kush x Cindy 99 (S/I), Purple Bubba Kush (I/S - 13.85%).... Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:42:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! GDP Hash (I - 34.44%) - $15/g Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:40:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 CLEAN GREEN SPECIAL!!! Strawberry Coughlettes (S/I) - $35 / 3.5g Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:39:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! Budlets - $30 / $215 Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:37:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $45 / $320 Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:37:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:36:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:35:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:34:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:34:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 CBD-RICH MED: Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:33:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:32:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/03 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I) Saturday, July 03, 2010 1:31:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery The Amnesia went fast. Sorry, no more right now! Not the same, but my pick today = Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, July 02, 2010 5:39:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Harborside Health Center will be closed this Sunday in recognition of 4th of July. Stock up early and have a great weekend... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:45:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 MUST TRY MED: Headband (S/I - 16.63%) - Just come and smell it, and you'll know why it's the must try. Very fragrant! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:45:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, July 02, 2010 2:44:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Dr. Haze (S - 13.2%), and Tahoe OG (S/I) Friday, July 02, 2010 2:43:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 TOP SHELF MEDS: Headband (S/I - 16.63%), Purple Erkle (I), Purple Bubba Kush (I - 13.85%), GDP x Hindu Kush (I).... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:42:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>We now have embroidered Harborside Health Center hats for $25! We have black or white with snap back or flex fit... Check 'em out today!! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:41:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:40:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:39:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, July 02, 2010 2:38:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Hash (S - 33.75%) - $15 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:37:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Friday, July 02, 2010 2:37:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, July 02, 2010 2:36:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Diamond Haze Hash (S/I - 31.74%) - $15/g Friday, July 02, 2010 2:36:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:35:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:35:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Budlets - $30 / $215 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:34:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $45 / $320 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:34:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:32:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:31:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CBD-RICH MED: Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:29:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Friday, July 02, 2010 2:29:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:29:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:28:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CLONE SALE!! DHN's F'ing Incredible - $10 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:25:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CLONE SALE!! Kushage, Sour Grapes, Dankouver, XXX Chem, Sweet & Sour Diesel, XJ-13 and Mendo Purple Kush - $8 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:24:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:22:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT STARTERS: Sour Diesel, Urkulan, Purple Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, Blockhead, Affy 18, and AK-47 Friday, July 02, 2010 2:21:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, July 02, 2010 2:20:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 9): Blue Cream, and Atomic Northern Lights Friday, July 02, 2010 2:20:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): OG Kush, UK Cheese, White Widow, XJ-13 ($8), XXX Chem ($8), Dutch Treat, Afgooey, Cloud 9.... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:19:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Sweet & Sour Diesel ($8), The Purps, Jack's Cleaner II, Kushage ($8), Lemon OG, Mendo Purple Kush ($8).... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:18:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes ($8), Space Queen, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:17:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12, So Gouda... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:16:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, DHN's Skywalker OG, DHN's White Widow, Dream Queen, Durban #10, G Kush, Grape... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:15:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Apollo 11, Dankouver ($8), DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10).... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:13:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Purple Snow Cap, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's XJ-13, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry.... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:09:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4, Chocolope, Original Purple, Original Super Silver Haze, Pure Kush, Purple Kush.... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:08:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/02 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg... Friday, July 02, 2010 2:07:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@HempsterSkoonie I just checked & we seem out of the Amnesia. There is a good Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) for $50 (+ tax) right now... Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:07:48 PM via HootSuite in reply to HempsterSkoonie<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: Holy *Expletive*! @HHCOAK had this 'Amnesia - Super Melt' today that is simply amazing! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:57:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>NOTICE: Harborside Health Center will be closed this Sunday in recognition of 4th of July. Stock up early and have a great weekend everyone! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:16:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @FreeMarcEmery: So we meet again @hhcoak Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:12:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 MUST TRY MED: Double Trouble (50/50) - Double your pleasure - you know the rest... This med is nice. Check it out!! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:12:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:11:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Erkle (I), and Purple Bubba Kush (I - 13.85%) Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:10:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 TOP SHELF MEDS: Headband (S/I - 16.63%), Jack Flash (S/I - 16.15%), Larry OG (S/I - 12.0%).... Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:09:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:08:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:06:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:05:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:04:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1/2 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:00:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Hash (S - 33.75%) - $15 Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:00:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:59:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:59:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:58:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:58:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:56:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:55:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:54:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:54:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:53:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:53:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannalope Haze (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:53:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Flower (S - 11.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:52:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CLONE SALE!! DHN's F'ing Incredible - $10 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:52:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CLONE SALE!! Kushage, Sour Grapes, Dankouver, XXX Chem, Sweet & Sour Diesel, and Mendo Purple Kush - $8 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:51:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CBD-RICH MED: Stinky Purple (I - 7.3% THC / 8.1% CBD) - $13 / $40 / $240 Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:50:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:49:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:45:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, Sour Bubble, and Urkulan Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:44:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:44:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Cloud 9, and Blue Cream Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:42:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Mendo Purple Kush ($8), OG Kush, UK Cheese, White Widow, XJ-13 ($8), XXX Chem ($8), Dutch Treat, Afgooey.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:42:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet Tooth, Kushage ($8), Larry OG.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:41:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes ($8), Space Queen, Super Silver Haze.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:39:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Headband, Hindu Skunk, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, Durban #12, SCM's Purple Kush.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:37:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10), DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Harlequin.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:36:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Apollo 11, Dankouver ($8), DHN's Dream Queen.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:35:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chocolope, Original Super Silver Haze, Pure Kush, Purple Kush ($8), QB's Casey Jones, Querkle.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:33:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>07/01 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:31:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 MUST TRY MED: OG x White Widow (S/I - 13.74%) - How can you go wrong with a cross of two great strains like this?! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:52:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:51:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 TOP SHELF MEDS: Grape (I - 14.73%), Jack Flash (S/I - 14.56%), Larry OG (S/I - 12.0%), Purple Erkle (I), and Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 19.3%) Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:51:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1/2 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:48:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:48:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:47:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:46:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:45:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:44:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:44:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:43:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:42:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Sweet Dreams Kief (I/S) - $15/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:42:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Flash 47 (S/I - 12.8%) - $35/g Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:41:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:40:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Purple Erkle (I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:39:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:39:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:38:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:37:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:37:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Burmese (S/I - 14.1%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:37:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannalope Haze (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:36:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Flower (S - 11.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:36:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CLONE SALE!! DHN's F'ing Incredible - $10 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:35:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CLONE SALE!! Blue Dream - $8 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:35:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:34:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:24:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT STARTERS: GDP, Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, and Affy 18 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:23:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:23:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Cloud 9, SCM's Pure Kush, and Blue Cream Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:22:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Larry OG, Lemon OG, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, OG Kush, White Widow, XXX Chem, Dutch Treat, Afgooey.... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:21:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel Haze, Space Queen, Strawberry Cough, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Sweet Tooth... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:20:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Hindu Skunk, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, So Gouda.... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:19:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, Harlequin, Headband.... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:18:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Schnozzberry, SCM's 707 Headband, SCM's Apollo 11, DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's F'ing Incredible ($10).... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:16:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg 4, Chocolope, Original Super Silver Haze, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Kush, Querkle.... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:15:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/30 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Dream ($8), Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg.... Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:13:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 MUST TRY MED: Amnesia (S/I) - It must be good... Can't remember why I picked it! hehe Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:22:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 MUST TRY CONCENTRATE: Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:21:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Jack Flash (S/I - 14.56%), Jack's Haze (S/I), and Larry OG (S/I - 12.0%) Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:20:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 TOP SHELF MEDS: Meno Purple (I - 14.3%), Headband (S/I - 16.05%), Grape (I - 14.73%), Snow G (50/50 - 14.3%).... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:19:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 TOP SHELF SALE!! Mendo Purple (I/S - 14.8%) - $16 / $55 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:18:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:00:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:00:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1/2 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:59:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:59:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:58:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Nitro Gold (Mix - 50.0%) - $50/g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:57:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Amnesia Super Melt (S/I - 62.81%) - $40/g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:57:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:56:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:56:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Sweet Dreams Kief (I/S) - $15/g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:55:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Hash (I - 32.33%) - $10/g Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:54:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:54:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Purple Erkle (I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:53:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:52:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:51:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:50:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone cookies and brownies are now 10% while supplies last! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:45:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter is now 10% off! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:44:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CLONE SALE!! God Bud and Kushage - $10 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:43:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CLONE SALE!! Blue Dream - $8 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:43:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Burmese (S/I - 14.1%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:42:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannalope Haze (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:42:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Flower (S - 11.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:41:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:38:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purple (I/S - 14.8%) Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:38:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:37:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT STARTERS: GDP, Purple Kush, Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Pineapple, Blockhead, Smoothie, The Purps, and G Kush Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:37:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:35:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): OG Kush, XJ-13, XXX Chem, Dutch Treat, MO's Blue Cream, Cloud 9, and SCM's Pure Kush Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:34:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Silver Haze, Sweet Tooth, Kushage ($10), Larry OG, Lemon OG.... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:33:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Grapes, Strawberry Cough.... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:31:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Durban #12, GDP, God Bud ($10), Harlequin, Hindu Skunk, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12.... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:26:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Apollo 11, DHN's Dream Queen, DHN's Jilly Bean, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:24:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Original Super Silver Haze, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry.... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:22:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/29 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blockhead, Blue Dream ($8), Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:21:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@dbrwc We are a co-op and do not control what is brought in by vendors. So, we are not sure, but we hope soon! Monday, June 28, 2010 2:49:47 PM via HootSuite in reply to dbrwc<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: Every Sunday and Monday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:50:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS & MONDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrates & other sale items on Sundays & Mondays! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:49:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Discount Sundays have now been extended.... We now have Discount Sundays AND Discount Mondays! Save some money today!! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:48:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 MUST TRY MED: Super Silver Haze (S/I - 16.0%) - A nice trichome covered specimen to start off your week! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:47:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Grape (I - 14.73%), and Snow G (50/50 - 14.3%) Monday, June 28, 2010 1:46:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 TOP SHELF MEDS: Mendo Purple (I/S - 14.8%), Headband (S/I - 16.05%), Triangle Kush (S/I - 18.63%).... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:45:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center 1/2 Oz. Jar Gift Pack - Top Shelf gram, $25-$35 concentrate, 2g Mega Mix, and a lighter! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:43:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>The new Harborside Health Center signature 1/2 ounce jars are now on sale for $10 (+tax). Check them out today!! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:40:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, June 28, 2010 1:37:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:36:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30 / 0.5g and $60 / 1g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:35:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Hash (I/S - 51.12%) - $35/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:34:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:33:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Sweet Dreams Kief (I/S) - $15/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:33:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Hash (I - 32.33%) - $10/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:32:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Hash (Mix) - $10/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:32:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Hash (I - 42.48%) - $15/g Monday, June 28, 2010 1:31:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Mighty Mix - $12 / $35 / $280 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:31:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Budlets - $25 / $280 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:30:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Sweet Tooth (I/S - 10.1%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:30:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:27:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:27:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SPECIAL!! Mystery Kush (50/50 - 12.8%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:26:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 TOP SHELF SALE!! Mendo Purple (I/S - 14.8%) - $16 / $55 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:24:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 EDIBLE SALE!! Red Zone Cookies and Brownies are 10% off while supplies last! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:24:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 EDIBLE SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:23:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CLONE SALE!! God Bud - $10 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:22:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CLONE SALE!! Blue Dream - $8 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:21:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Burmese Kush (S/I - 14.1%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:21:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannalope Haze (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:20:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Flower (S - 11.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:20:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Monday, June 28, 2010 1:18:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT MOTHERS: MO's Blue Cream - Started from seed and ready to be transplanted! $50 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:17:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, June 28, 2010 1:16:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Dutch Treat, MO's Blue Cream, and Cloud 9 Monday, June 28, 2010 1:15:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Mendo Purple Kush, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, OG Kush, White Widow, XJ-13, XXX Chem, SCM's Grape.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:14:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Super Silver Haze, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, Kushage, Larry OG.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:13:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Grapes, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Grape Ape.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:12:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, God Bud ($10), Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:11:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11, Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:10:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Original Purple, Original Super Silver Haze, Pure Kush, Purple Kush, Purple Snow Cap, QB's Casey Jones.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:08:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/28 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blockhead, Blue Cheese, Blue Dream ($8), Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Monday, June 28, 2010 1:05:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @BQardiEllington: Thx again @HHCOAK it's becoming a Sunday ritual. Monday, June 28, 2010 12:04:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>LOL RT: Was in line for my meds at @HHCOAK talking to a female version of @AndyMilonakis such a #potHead Monday, June 28, 2010 12:03:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FijiWaterGDP Please let us know what we can do to improve things for you! Monday, June 28, 2010 12:01:10 PM via HootSuite in reply to FijiWaterGDP<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@dja_69 You're welcome!! Monday, June 28, 2010 11:58:44 AM via HootSuite in reply to dja_69<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 MUST TRY MED: Jack Pot (S/I - 16.8%) - Gloomy out today? That can be fixed with this great cross of Jack Herer x Super Silver Haze! Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:48:11 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): OG Kush (S/I - 15.86%), and Pineapple Kush (I/S - 17.24%) Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:46:10 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dr. Walker's Daze #1 (S - 16.69%), Mendo Purps (I - 14.78%), Purple Erkle (I - 14.84%).... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:45:23 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:43:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:43:31 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:43:12 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:42:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.12%) - $35/g Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:42:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30/0.5g & $60/g Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:41:46 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:41:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Mystery Kush (50/50 - 12.8%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:41:01 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 14.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:39:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:39:21 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Dank Lab Chocolate Bars are 10% while supplies last!! Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:38:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:38:13 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CLONE SALE!! God Bud and Kushage - $10 (+ tax) Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:37:38 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Original Silver Haze (S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:36:56 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Lavender Frost (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:36:03 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Blacklight (S/I - 11.3%) - $16 / $60 / $325 Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:35:40 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:35:22 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CBD-RICH MED: Harlequin (S/I) - 5.2% THC / 8.4% CBD Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:33:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I/S) - 14.78% Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:32:08 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:30:59 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Cloud 9, Afgooey, Purple Dawg, and Mango Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:29:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Lemon OG, Lime, Mendo Lavender, OG Kush, UK Cheese, Urkulan, XJ-13, XX Chem, SCM's Grape, Dutch Treat.... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:28:56 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Silver Haze, Sweet Tooth, Jack's Cleaner II, Kushage ($10), Larry OG... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:27:23 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Strawberry Cough.... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:25:48 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): God's Gift, Grape, Harlequin, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush.... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:24:17 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush, Querkle, SCM's Apollo 11, DHN's Blue Dream, DHN's F'ing Incredible, Durban #12, God Bud ($10).... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:22:49 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/24 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blockhead, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Original Silver Haze, Purple Erkle.... Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:20:31 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 MUST TRY MED: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 21.53%) - Start the day w/ this. Been described as getting hit in the face with a big bag of coffee. Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:40:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 TOP SHELF MEDS: Headband (S - 13.31%), Master Kush (I/S - 14.46%), Velvet Kush (I/S - 18.4%), and Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 21.53%) Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:36:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:34:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:34:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:33:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:33:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.12%) - $35/g Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:33:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30/0.5g & $60/g Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:32:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:32:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:31:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 14.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:30:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:29:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SPECIAL!! AK-48 (S/I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:29:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Dank Lab Chocolate Bars are 10% while supplies last!! Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:29:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:28:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CLONE SALE!! God Bud, Kushage, Sour Grapes, Purple Kush, and XXX Chem - $10 (+ tax) Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:28:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Lavender Frost (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:27:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Blacklight (S/I - 11.3%) - $16 / $60 / $325 Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:26:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:25:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:25:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Master Kush (I/S - 14.46%) Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:24:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:19:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): XXX Chem ($10), SCM's Grape, Dutch Treat, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Blue Cream, Afgooey, Purple Dawg, and Mango Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:19:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Kushage ($10), Larry OG, Lemon OG, Mendo Lavender, Mendo Purple Kush, OG Kush, UK Cheese, Urkulan, XJ-13.... Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:17:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Strawberry Cough, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Silver Haze, Jacks Cleaner II, Kryptonite.... Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:14:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, So Gouda, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes ($10).... Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:13:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #10, Durban #12, God Bud ($10), God's Gift, Grape, Harlequin, Headband, SCM's Chocolope.... Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:11:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush ($10), QB's Super Silver Haze, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11, Dream Queen.... Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:08:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/23 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Apollo 11, Blockhead, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem's Sister, Original Silver Haze.... Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:06:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Only 1 day left.... Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the San Francisco Bay Guardian! -- Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:28:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 MUST TRY MED: Master Kush (I/S - 14.46%) - A wonderful sample of Master Kush that's been Clean Green Certified! Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:26:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.59%), and Master Kush (I/S - 14.46%) Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:25:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 TOP SHELF MEDS: Headband (S - 13.31%), Grapes (I - 14.7%), Endless Sky (I/S - 14.0%).... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:24:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:21:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:21:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:21:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Bubble (S/I - 51.23%) - $30/g Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:20:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! Pure Kush Full Melt (I/S - 51.12%) - $35/g Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:20:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30/0.5g & $60/g Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:19:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! Kush Kief (I - 26.67%) - $10/g Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:19:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 14.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:19:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:18:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SPECIAL!! AK-48 (S/I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:18:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Dank Lab Chocolate Bars are 10% while supplies last!! Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:17:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:16:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Lavender Frost (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:16:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! T. Rex Wreck (S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:16:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Blacklight (S/I - 11.3%) - $16 / $60 / $325 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:16:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $45/g Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:15:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:14:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:14:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.59%) and Master Kush (I/S - 14.46%) Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:14:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:12:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Afgooey, and Purple Dawg Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:12:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): OG Kush, Trainwreck, Urkulan, XJ-13, XXX Chem, SCM's Grape, Dutch Treat, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Blue Cream.... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:12:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): The Purps, Jack's Cleaner II, Ken's GDP, Kryptonite, Larry OG, Lemon OG, Lime, Martian Mean Green.... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:11:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Headband, Hindu Skunk, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Grapes, Strawberry Cough... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:10:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's F'ing Incredible, DHN's Querkle, DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, Harlequin.... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:09:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Kush, Purple Snow Cap, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11, DHN's Chem Dawg 4.... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:07:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/22 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Apollo 11, Blockhead, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Original Silver Haze, Purple Erkle.... Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:06:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Monday, June 21, 2010 6:20:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BudBuzzard Everything would be discussed during the new vendor days/times. Yes, we would be interested in samples. Monday, June 21, 2010 6:02:58 PM via HootSuite in reply to BudBuzzard<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 MUST TRY MED: Endless Sky (I/S - 14.0%) - It's a beautiful day out. Time to enjoy the sun with some Endless Sky! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:57:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Grapes (I - 14.7%), and Endless Sky (I/S - 14.0%) Monday, June 21, 2010 1:56:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 TOP SHELF MEDS: Tahoe OG (S/I - 14.9%), Headband (S - 13.31%), Burple (I/S - 13.68%).... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:55:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:53:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:53:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, June 21, 2010 1:51:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30/0.5g & $60/g Monday, June 21, 2010 1:50:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Monday, June 21, 2010 1:50:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! Kush Kief (I - 26.67%) - $10/g Monday, June 21, 2010 1:49:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! Pink Frost (S/I - 14.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 21, 2010 1:49:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! Gush (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 21, 2010 1:48:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SPECIAL!! AK-48 (S/I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Monday, June 21, 2010 1:47:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Dank Lab Chocolate Bars are 10% while supplies last!! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:47:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:46:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Lavender Frost (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 21, 2010 1:46:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! T. Rex Wreck (S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 21, 2010 1:45:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Blacklight (S/I - 11.3%) - $16 / $60 / $325 Monday, June 21, 2010 1:44:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Monday, June 21, 2010 1:44:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Monday, June 21, 2010 1:43:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Monday, June 21, 2010 1:43:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:41:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT STARTERS: Boulder Creek Kush, Apollo 11, Affy 18, and Sour Grapes Monday, June 21, 2010 1:41:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:40:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's Grape, Dutch Treat, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Blue Cream, Afgooey, and Purple Dawg Monday, June 21, 2010 1:40:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Kryptonite, Kushage, Lime, Mendocino Purple Kush, OG Kush, UK Cheese, Urkulan, XJ-13, XXX Chem.... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:39:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sour Diesel, Sour Grapes, Star Dawg, The Purps, Jack's Cleaner II, Ken's GDP.... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:38:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): GDP, God Bud, Grape Punch, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush.... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:37:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Schnozzberry, DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's Querkle, DHN's Space Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12.... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:36:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chocolope, Original Silver Haze, Purple Kush ($10), Purple Snow Cap, QB's White Widow, QB's XJ-13, Querkle.... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:34:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/21 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Apollo 11, Blockhead, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Chem's Sister, Cherry Punch.... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:33:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>So sorry!! RT @NYYdevotion: @HHCOAK So much for picking up HT Cup entries... Came in at 5 today and it was all gone :-( Monday, June 21, 2010 1:29:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>You're welcome!! RT @BQardiEllington: Thx @HHCOAK for the Sunday treats Monday, June 21, 2010 1:29:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @hhcoak, gdp x hk is a standout indica. Monday, June 21, 2010 1:28:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thank you!! RT @Labraid: (At HT Cup) @HHCOAK is a class act. They have a Hash bar & smokin' limo rides around town. The Staff is the BEST! Monday, June 21, 2010 1:28:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BudBuzzard You can find our vendor guidelines, here: Monday, June 21, 2010 1:27:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @CheckNate22: @HHCOAK The Black Rhino, Endless Sky, and Blacklight were truly impressive. Meds can still be top notch without being "... Monday, June 21, 2010 1:25:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope to see you in San Francisco at the last day of the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup!! Come to our booth and say hi! - Sunday, June 20, 2010 11:05:11 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Sunday, June 20, 2010 11:00:08 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Sunday, June 20, 2010 10:55:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Sunday, June 20, 2010 10:55:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Sunday, June 20, 2010 10:50:03 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/20 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center of Oakland is now carrying all of their entries in the HT Medical Cannabis Cup while supplies last! Sunday, June 20, 2010 10:00:08 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope to see you today in San Francisco at the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup!! Come to our booth and say hi! -- Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:05:05 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:00:10 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:55:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:55:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:50:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/19 SPECIAL!! Harborside Health Center of Oakland is now carrying all of their entries in the HT Medical Cannabis Cup while supplies last! Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:00:10 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Starting tomorrow (06/19) @HHCOAK will be carrying all of their entries in the HT Cannabis Cup while supplies last. Try them all yourself!! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:58:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Friday, June 18, 2010 1:55:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>One of the original Federal Medical Marijuana patients, Irv Rosenfeld, is at HHC OAK sharing his memoirs TODAY (6/18) 11am - 5pm!! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:55:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Friday, June 18, 2010 1:54:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Friday, June 18, 2010 1:53:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 MUST TRY MED: Champagne (I/S) - It's Friday, nice out and the HT Medical Cannabis Cup starts tomorrow. Celebrate early with Champagne! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:52:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Chem Dawg '91 (S/I - 14.25%), and OG Kush (S/I - 13.94%) Friday, June 18, 2010 1:51:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 TOP SHELF MEDS: GDP (I), Dr. Walker's Daze (S/I - 14.6%), Burple (I/S - 13.68%), Purple Princess (I - 14.07%).... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:50:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:47:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:47:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, June 18, 2010 1:43:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Dank Lab Chocolate Bars are 10% while supplies last!! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:42:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! Bubba Kush Kief (I/S - 29.91%) - $15/g Friday, June 18, 2010 1:42:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! GUSH (I/S - 10.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, June 18, 2010 1:41:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30/0.5g & $60/g Friday, June 18, 2010 1:40:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 59.0%) - $40/g Friday, June 18, 2010 1:40:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Friday, June 18, 2010 1:40:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! Womans' Collective Cocoa Kush (S/I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, June 18, 2010 1:39:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SPECIAL!! Purple One (I - 11.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, June 18, 2010 1:39:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Headband (S/I - 14.2%) - $16 / $50 / $325 Friday, June 18, 2010 1:38:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Blacklight (S/I - 11.3%) - $16 / $50 / $325 Friday, June 18, 2010 1:37:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $45/g Friday, June 18, 2010 1:37:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:37:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Friday, June 18, 2010 1:36:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Friday, June 18, 2010 1:36:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 BEST PRACTICES: Blue Dream (I/S) - 13.3% Friday, June 18, 2010 1:35:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:35:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT STARTERS: Grapes, Purple Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, Durban #10, Affy 18, Apollo 11, and OG Kush Friday, June 18, 2010 1:35:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, June 18, 2010 1:34:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Jack's Cleaner II, and Mendocino Purple Kush Friday, June 18, 2010 1:33:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Kushage, LA Woman, Larry OG, Lavender, Lime, Martian Mean Green, Mazari Sharif, OG Kush, MO's Romulan.... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:32:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, Urkulan, White Widow, Chem's Sister, Kushadelic.... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:31:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Sour Grapes, Space Queen, Star Dawg, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:30:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Dream Queen, Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, Grape, Grape Punch, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Ken's GDP... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:28:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's F'ing Incredible, DHN's Querkle, DHN's Space Queen.... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:26:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Green Cush, QB's Super Silver Haze, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush.... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:25:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/18 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blockhead, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Chocolope, Purple AK-47, Purple Kush.... Friday, June 18, 2010 1:24:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Happy B-DAay Jack Herer (June 18, 1939) Friday, June 18, 2010 12:05:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>One of the original Federal Medical Marijuana patients, Irv Rosenfeld, will be at HHC OAK sharing his memoirsTODAY (6/18) 11am - 5pm!! Friday, June 18, 2010 11:47:25 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>One of the original Federal Medical Marijuana patients, Irv Rosenfeld, will be at HHC OAK sharing his memoirs this Fri (6/18) 11am - 5pm!! Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:21:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:18:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:17:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:16:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 MUST TRY MED: Jack Flash (S/I - 15.7%) - Usually found on the top shelf, this batch is almost as good but cheaper. So yummy smelling! Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:14:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@jfulla247 The Wristband is a an isolated phenotype of Headband. Doesn't really smell like typical Headband, etc., but it is Headband. Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:11:32 PM via HootSuite in reply to jfulla247<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 TOP SHELF MEDS: GDP (I), Dr. Walker's Daze (S/I - 14.6%), Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 18.6%), and Burple (I/S - 13.68%) Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:08:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:07:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:07:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:06:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! THC Gold (Mix - 69.21%) - $30/0.5g & $60/g Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:05:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! Headband Super Melt (S/I - 59.0%) - $40/g Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:04:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! Afgooey Super Melt (I - 56.93%) - $50/g Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:04:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! Womans' Collective Cocoa Kush (S/I - 11.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:03:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! Purple One (I - 11.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:02:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $45/g Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:01:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:01:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CLONE SALE!! God Bud - $8 Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:00:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush (S/I - 13.4%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:00:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Choco-Patamus light and dark chocolate bars (Sativa or Indica chocolate) now 10% off!! Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:59:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:59:15 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:58:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:57:53 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 BEST PRACTICES: Blue Dream (I/S) - 13.3% Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:57:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:56:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT STARTERS: Grapes, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, Apollo 11, Santa Cruz Kush, God Bud, and Casey Jones Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:56:40 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:55:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, DHN's Skywalker OG, Jack's Cleaner II, and Mendocino Purple Kush Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:48:53 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Kushage, LA Woman, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, Mazari Sharif, OG Kush, Bubba OG, MO's Romulan.... Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:47:51 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Space Queen, Star Dawg, The Purps, UK Cheese, White Widow, XJ-13, XXX Chem, Chem's Sister, Kushadelic.... Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:46:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Durban #12, GDP, God Bud ($8), Grape, Headband, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Sour Grapes.... Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:45:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, DHN's Dream Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #10.... Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:44:15 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg, Pure Kush, Purple AK-47, QB's Super Silver Haze, Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's Chocolope.... Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:42:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/17 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Apollo 11, Blockhead, Blue Cheese, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Casey Jones.... Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:41:11 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:11:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:08:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 MUST TRY MED: Original Purple (I - 12.0%) - Calling all purple/Indica lovers! Calling all purple/Indiaca lovers!! Check this one out! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:07:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 TOP SHELF MEDS: Blackberry Kush (I/S), GDP (I), Triangle Kush (S/I - 16.9%), Dr. Walkers Daze (S/I - 14.6%), & Chem Dawg 4 (S - 18.6%) Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:06:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:04:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:04:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:03:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 SPECIAL!! Mazari Frost (I/S - 12.4%) - $35 / $240 Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:03:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:03:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:02:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Choco-Patamus light and dark chocolate bars (Sativa or Indica chocolate) now 10% off!! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:02:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:02:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:58:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:58:17 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:57:19 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT STARTERS: Grapes, Purple Kush, Affy 18, Apollo 11, Cherry Punch, Santa Cruz Kush, Querkle, Original Purple, and 707 Headband Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:57:06 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:55:57 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): DHN's Skywalker OG, and Blackberry Kush Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:55:37 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Kushage, Larry OG, Martian Mean Green, Odyssey, OG Kush, SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze.... Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:55:11 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Garlic, Space Queen, Star Dawg, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps, UK Cheese, XXX Chem, Chem's Sister.... Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:54:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): DHN's Chem Dawg 4, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, Headband, Jilly Bean, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower.... Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:52:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:51:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/16 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blockhead, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Cherry Punch, Pure Kush, Romulan.... Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:50:05 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Tuesday, June 15, 2010 5:42:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:54:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:53:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 MUST TRY MED: Blacklight (I/S - 11.3%) - One of our nicer looking high-grade meds. Beautiful, good sized nugs in each eighth! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:52:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 TOP SHELF MEDS: Jack's Haze (S/I - 13.31%), Blackberry Kush (I/S), Mendo Purps (I), GDP (I), and Triangle Kush (S/I - 16.9%) Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:48:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:47:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:47:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:47:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SPECIAL!! Malowie Erkle Hash (I/S - 39.21%) - $15/g Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:47:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SPECIAL!! Mazari Frost (I/S - 12.4%) - $35 / $240 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:46:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:45:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:45:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:45:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:44:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Choco-Patamus light and dark chocolate bars (Sativa or Indica chocolate) now 10% off!! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:44:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:44:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:43:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CLONE SALE!!! Querkle - $10 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:42:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CBD-RICH MED: Jamaican Lion (S/I) - 5.54% THC / 8.91% CBD Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:41:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:41:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:40:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:39:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): OG Kush, and Sour Diesel Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:39:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT STARTERS: Grapes, Purple Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, Affy 18, Apollo 11, Cherry Punch, Santa Cruz Kush, XXX Chem.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:39:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:38:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Purple Diesel, Odyssey, OG Kush, Original Purple, Durban Poison, Bubba OG, and DHN's Skywalker OG Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:37:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, XXX Chem, Chem's Sister, Kushadelic, Larry OG, Martian Mean Green.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:36:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Space Queen, Star Dawg, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:35:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Dream Queen, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, Grape, Headband, Jilly Bean, Sour Diesel.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:34:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, DHN's Chem Dawg 4.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:33:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Super Silver Haze, Querkle ($10), Santa Cruz Kush, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Durban #10.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:32:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/15 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blockhead, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Chem Dawg, Pure Kush, Purple Kush, QB's Green Cush.... Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:31:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Hope everyone had a great weekend! It's been so nice outside - get out there and doing something fun! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:36:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:35:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Apollo 11, and Barney Monday, June 14, 2010 2:35:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT STARTERS: Blockhead, Grapes, William's Wonder, Purple Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, Durban #10, Affy 18, Lemon OG.... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:35:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Chief_Alliance Thanks for stopping by!! Much love!! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:27:10 PM via HootSuite in reply to Chief_Alliance<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Monday, June 14, 2010 2:23:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Monday, June 14, 2010 2:22:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 MUST TRY MED: Lavender Frost (I/S) - So frosted with trichomes, it's beautiful. Monday, June 14, 2010 2:21:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Meno Purps (I), and Puprle Bubba Kush (I - 14.15%) Monday, June 14, 2010 2:20:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 TOP SHELF MEDS: Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.5%), Platinum OG (S/I - 13.0%), Jack's Haze (S/I - 13.31%), Blackberry Kush (I/S).... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:19:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, June 14, 2010 2:18:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:18:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:17:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:17:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Hash (S/I - 45.75%) - $15/g Monday, June 14, 2010 2:16:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! Spice Tea (50/50 - 10.8%) - $12 / $25 / $240 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:16:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:15:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:15:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SPECIAL!! Hash (50/50 - 33.1%) - $10/g Monday, June 14, 2010 2:15:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:13:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Choco-Patamus light and dark chocolate bars (Sativa or Indica chocolate) now 10% off!! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:13:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 TOP SHELF SALE!!! Purple Bubba Kush (I - 14.15%) - $16 / $55 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:13:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:12:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Triangle Kush (S/I - 15.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:12:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Monday, June 14, 2010 2:11:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CLONE SALE!!! Querkle - $10 Monday, June 14, 2010 2:11:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Monday, June 14, 2010 2:10:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.5%) and Mendo Purps (I) Monday, June 14, 2010 2:10:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, June 14, 2010 2:09:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, and Bubba OG Monday, June 14, 2010 2:08:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): UK Cheese, XXX Chem, Chem's Sister, Kushadelic, Larry OG, Martian Mean Green, Odyssey, Durban Poison.... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:07:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Space Queen, Star Dawg, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, Trainwreck... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:06:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Chem Dawg 4, DHN's Jilly Bean, Dream Queen, G Kush, GDP, Grapes, Headband, So Gouda, Sour Diesel.... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:05:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Durban #12, SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:04:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, QB's XJ-13, Querkle ($10), Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11.... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:03:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/14 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Pure Kush, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, Purple Snow Cap, QB's Green Cush.... Monday, June 14, 2010 2:01:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Friday, June 11, 2010 12:29:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Friday, June 11, 2010 12:27:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 MUST TRY MED: Rasberry Kush (I/S) - Mmmmm.... Smells just like Cap'n Crunch w/ Crunch Berries. Friday, June 11, 2010 12:25:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Bubba Kush (I/S - 14.15%), and Snow G (50/50 - 14.78%) Friday, June 11, 2010 12:23:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 TOP SHELF MEDS: XXX Chem (50/50), Grapes (I - 13.45%), Tahoe OG (S/I - 15.0%).... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:23:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Choco-Patamus light and dark chocolate bars (Sativa or Indica chocolate) now 10% off!! Friday, June 11, 2010 12:21:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Friday, June 11, 2010 12:20:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Friday, June 11, 2010 12:20:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Burmeselettes (S/I) - $30 / $215 Friday, June 11, 2010 12:19:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Sour Gold (50/50 - 30.7% - $15/g Friday, June 11, 2010 12:19:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Spice Tea (50/50 - 10.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, June 11, 2010 12:18:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, June 11, 2010 12:18:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Black Jack Kush (S/I - 11.0%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Friday, June 11, 2010 12:18:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, June 11, 2010 12:17:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50 / 1.4g Friday, June 11, 2010 12:17:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 SPECIAL!! Hash (50/50 - 23.76%) - $10/g Friday, June 11, 2010 12:17:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Friday, June 11, 2010 12:15:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, June 11, 2010 12:15:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT STARTERS: Chem Dawg, Boulder Creek Kush, Sour Diesel, Original Purple, G Kush, and Urkulan Friday, June 11, 2010 12:15:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, June 11, 2010 12:14:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's 707 Headband, and Chem's Sister Friday, June 11, 2010 12:13:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Master Hindu Kush, MO's UK Cheese, NYC Diesel, Odyssey, OG Kush, Pandora's Box.... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:13:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): The Purps, Trainwreck, UK Cheese, Urkulan, XXX Chem, Kushadelic, Lime, Martian Mean Green.... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:12:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Space Queen, Star Dawg, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel.... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:10:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Durban #10, Durban #12, GDP, Gorilla, Grapes, Headband, Hindu Skunk, So Gouda, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel.... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:09:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Green Cush, QB's XJ-13, Querkle, Schnozzberry, SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Chocolope, Dream Queen.... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:08:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/11 CURRENT CLONES: Affy 18, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Cali Hashplant, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, Power Kush, Pure Kush.... Friday, June 11, 2010 12:07:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@MissMeNotYet You can get tickets to the Medical Cannabis Cup Party here: Friday, June 11, 2010 12:02:44 PM via HootSuite in reply to MissMeNotYet<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Be sure to vote Harborside Health Center as Best Dispensary in the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay Guardian!! -- Thursday, June 10, 2010 2:34:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:40:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:40:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 MUST TRY MED: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 17.3%) - This batch of Chem Dawg has large, nice nugs and you save money cause it's not top shelf! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:39:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 TOP SHELF MEDS: MA Super Skunk (I/S - 12.24%), Grapes, (I - 13.45%), Skywalker OG (S/I - 17.3%), and Purple Bubba Kush (I/S - 14.15%) Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:38:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:37:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:32:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:32:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Trainwreck Hash (S/I - 45.75%) - $15/g Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:31:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $45/g Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:30:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Spice Tea (50/50 - 10.8%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:29:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush (I - 12.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:29:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:28:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Black Jack Kush (S/I - 11.0%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:28:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:28:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50 / 1.4g Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:27:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Choco-Patamus light and dark chocolate bars (Sativa or Indica chocolate) now 10% off!! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:27:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:26:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:26:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Querkle (I/S - 12.27%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:25:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Burmese (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:25:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:22:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Triangle Kush (S/I - 15.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:22:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.0%) - $45/g Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:21:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:20:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:20:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:19:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Sour Diesel, and God Bud Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:19:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Chem Dawg, GDP, Purple Kush, OG Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, Chocolope, Hazy Romulan.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:19:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:18:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Pandora's Box, and SCM's 707 Headband Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:15:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): XXX Chem ($10), Kushadelic, Lime, Master Hindu Kush, MO's UK Cheese, OG Kush.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:15:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps, Trainwreck, UK Cheese, Urkulan.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:14:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Kryptonite, So Gouda, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Space Queen, Star Dawg.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:13:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Durban #10, Dream Queen, Durban #12, GDP, Gorilla, Grape, Grape Punch, Headband.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:12:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg, Chocolope, Power Kush, Pure Kush, Purple Kush, Querkle, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's 707 Headband.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:11:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/10 CURRENT CLONES: Affy 18, Amnesia, Blue Cheese, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Cali Hashplant.... Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:10:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @salempearce: Enjoyed this @nprnews story featuring @HHCOAK's Stevie D! Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:08:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Wednesday, June 09, 2010 2:29:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:31:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 MUST TRY MED: Skywalker OG (S/I - 17.3%) - Use the force, Luke! Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:30:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Grapes (I - 13.45%), and Skywalker OG (S/I - 17.3%) Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:29:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 TOP SHELF MEDS: Headmaster (S - 18.51%), MA Super Skunk (I/S - 12.24%), Burple (I/S).... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:26:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:24:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:24:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:24:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Green Pi Vivid Orange Vegan Cookie - $6 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:23:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Butter Brothers PB Krispy Treats are back!!! - $7 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:23:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Spice Tea (50/50) - 10.8% Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:22:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Black Jack Kush (S/I - 11.0%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:21:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:21:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50 / 1.4g Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:20:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:20:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:20:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 TOP SHELF SUPER SALE!!! Burple (I/S) - $15 / $50 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:19:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:19:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Triangle Kush (S/I - 15.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:18:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:17:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CBD-RICH MED: Incredible Romulan (I) - 4.8% THC / 9.4% CBD Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:16:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:15:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Hazy Romulan, and Sour Diesel Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:08:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Chem Dawg, Purple Kush, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Santa Cruz Kush, OG Kush Boulder Creek Kush, Chocolope.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:07:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:06:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Master Hindu Kush, MO's UK Cheese, OG Kush, Pandora's Box, and SCM's 707 Headband Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:03:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Trainwreck, UK Cheese, Urkulan, White Widow, XXX Chem ($10), Kushadelic, Lemon OG, Lime.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:01:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sour Garlic, Sour Grapes, Star Dawg Super Silver Sour Diesel, Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:00:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Grape Punch, Harlequin, Hazy Romulan, Headband, Kryptonite, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:59:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Apollo 11, SCM's Chocolope, DHN's Jilly Bean, Dream Queen , Durban #10, Durban #12, Gorilla, Grape.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:56:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Chem Dawg, Chocolope, Power Kush, Pure Kush, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, Querkle, Romulan, Santa Cruz Kush.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:54:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/09 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Amnesia, Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Cali Hashplant.... Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:53:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:51:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:50:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 MUST TRY MED: East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.0%) - Used to be a standard favorite, and this batch reminds us why! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:49:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 TOP SHELF SALE!!! Burple (I/S) - $16 / $55 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:48:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.53%), and East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 15.0%) Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:48:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 TOP SHELF MEDS: MA Super Skunk (I/S - 12.24%), Burple (I/S), Grapes (I - 13.45%).... Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:48:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: Every Sunday all Shiva and Ganesh concentrates will be $5 off!! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:45:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sundays! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:45:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:44:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:43:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SPECIAL!! Black Jack Kush (S/I - 11.0%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:43:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush (I/S - 14.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:43:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50 / 1.4g Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:43:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SPECIAL!! Hash (50/50 - 23.76%) - $10/g Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:42:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:42:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:41:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:41:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Hawaiian Sativa (S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:41:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Triangle Kush (S/I - 15.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:40:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $45/g Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:40:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:39:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CBD-RICH MED: RX Red (S/I) - 9.6% THC / 9.04% CBD Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:38:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I - 13.8%) Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:38:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:37:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CURRENT STARTERS: Apollo 11, Chem Dawg, GDP, Purple Kush, Sweet & Sour Diesel, and Santa Cruz Kush Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:37:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@LeonBroooks We have a few Sweet Tooth clones in today! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:36:29 PM via HootSuite in reply to LeonBroooks<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:35:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Kushadelic, Lime, Master Hindu Kush, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's UK Cheese, OG Kush, and Original Purple Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:35:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Star Dawg, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, XXX Chem ($10).... Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:34:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Grape, Grape Punch, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Kryptonite, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Space Queen.... Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:31:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Power Kush, Pure Kush, Purple Kush, Santa Cruz Kush, DHN's Jilly Bean, Durban #10, Durban #12, Gorilla.... Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:30:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/08 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Amnesia, Apollo 11, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Cali Hashplant, Chem Dawg, Chocolope.... Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:29:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FunkyCatStudios No problem. Glad we could help! Thanks for the kind words. Hope to see you again sometime soon! Much love! Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:18:21 PM via HootSuite in reply to FunkyCatStudios<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@bigcheese510 Starters vary in size but are slightly larger than a clone. They have a well established root system and are in soil. Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:37:33 AM via HootSuite in reply to bigcheese510<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>You're welcome!! RT @johnamiller3: thanks @hhcoak Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:36:24 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FunkyCatStudios Yes we probably have the widest selection of edibles in the Bay Area with usually around 40 different items to choose from. Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:35:55 AM via HootSuite in reply to FunkyCatStudios<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 MUST TRY MED: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 21.53) - A Chem at over 20% has to be a must try! It's going FAST though!!!! Monday, June 07, 2010 2:51:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Burple (I/S), and East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I) Monday, June 07, 2010 2:50:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 TOP SHELF MEDS: Headmaster (S - 18.31%), Chem Dawg 4 (S/I - 21.53), MA Super Skunk (I/S - 12.24), Purple Erkle (I).... Monday, June 07, 2010 2:50:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! Grape Ape Budlets (I) - $35 / $240 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:49:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $45 / $320 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:48:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:48:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! Black Jack Kush (S/I - 11.0%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:47:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Kush (I/S - 14.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:47:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50 / 1.4g Monday, June 07, 2010 2:46:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SPECIAL!! Hash (50/50 - 23.76%) - $10/g Monday, June 07, 2010 2:46:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:45:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Monday, June 07, 2010 2:45:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Strawberry Diesel (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:45:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sonoma Kush (S/I - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $325 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:44:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Triangle Kush (S/I - 15.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:44:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Very Berry Haze (12.6%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:43:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sensi Star Bubble (I) - $30/g Monday, June 07, 2010 2:43:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60%) - $45/g Monday, June 07, 2010 2:42:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CLONE SALE!! XXX Chem - $10 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:41:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CLONE SALE!! Blue Dream - $8 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:41:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CBD-RICH MED: RX Red (S/I) - 9.6% THC / 9.04% CBD Monday, June 07, 2010 2:40:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I - 29.08%) - $25/g Monday, June 07, 2010 2:40:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I - 13.8%) Monday, June 07, 2010 2:39:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CLEAN GREEN: Sonoma Kush (S/I - 13.4%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, June 07, 2010 2:39:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, June 07, 2010 12:56:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Original Purple, and Pandora's Box Monday, June 07, 2010 12:55:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, MO's Purple Diesel, MO's UK Cheese, Odyssey, OG Kush.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:55:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Kushage, Lemon OG, Master Hindu Kush, Master Kush.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:54:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Trainwreck, White Widow XJ-13, XXX Chem ($10), SCM's Sweet & Sour Diesel, MO's Cloud 9, MO's Blue Cream.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:53:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Space Queen, Star Dawg, Strawberry Cough, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Jack, The Purps.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:52:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Headband, Jack The Ripper, Smoothie, So Gouda, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Garlic.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:50:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Durban #10, Dream Queen, Durban #12, GDP, Gorilla, Grape, Grape Punch, Harlequin.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:49:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Purple Cadillac, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, Querkle, Romulan, Santa Cruz Kush, SCM's Apollo 11.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:48:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/07 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Dream ($8), Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Cali Hashplant, Chem Dawg, Dankouver, Power Kush.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:47:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @jfulla247: The lab test was pending on the ChemDawg4 @HHCOAK, picked it up anyway. All I can say is wow.... Monday, June 07, 2010 12:46:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @CHOCOPOTAMUS: Mega batch of CHOCO-POTAMUS just in @hhcoak Monday, June 07, 2010 12:45:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 MUST TRY MED: Blue Dragon (I/S) - If you like purples, it doesn't get much more dark than this. Whoa! Friday, June 04, 2010 12:09:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Erkle (I - 14.7%), Pineapple Thai (S/I), and Burple (I - 10.01%) Friday, June 04, 2010 12:08:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 TOP SHELF MEDS: Mendo Purps (I), Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.83%), Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.5%), 707 Headband (S/I - 13.92%).... Friday, June 04, 2010 12:07:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, June 04, 2010 12:04:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Friday, June 04, 2010 12:04:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Friday, June 04, 2010 12:04:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Friday, June 04, 2010 12:04:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Friday, June 04, 2010 12:03:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Friday, June 04, 2010 12:03:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Green Pi Vivid Orange Vegan Cookie - $6 Friday, June 04, 2010 12:03:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Butter Brothers PB Krispy Treats are back!!! - $7 Friday, June 04, 2010 12:03:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Mazari Frost (I/S) - Was almost our Must Try Med today. Smells super good - like a fine Trainwreck, and it's only $35/3.5g! Friday, June 04, 2010 12:02:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Sour Headband (S/I - 16.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, June 04, 2010 12:01:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Princess Haze (S/I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Friday, June 04, 2010 12:00:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50 / 1.4g Friday, June 04, 2010 12:00:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Friday, June 04, 2010 11:59:21 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Friday, June 04, 2010 11:59:04 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $45/g Friday, June 04, 2010 11:58:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sensi Star Bubble (I) - $30/g Friday, June 04, 2010 11:57:04 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CBD-RICH MED: RX Red (S/I) - 9.6% THC / 9.04% CBD Friday, June 04, 2010 11:56:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I), Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.5%), and Pineapple Thai (S/I) Friday, June 04, 2010 11:56:11 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S - 14.8%), Sonoma Kush (S/I - 13.4%), Goo Hash (I), and Silver Haze (S/I - 13.8%) Friday, June 04, 2010 11:55:14 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, June 04, 2010 11:52:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT STARTERS: Querkle, Purple Kush, Affy 18, Big Bang, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, G Kush, Blockhead, Dream Queen, & Santa Cruz Kush Friday, June 04, 2010 11:52:12 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, June 04, 2010 11:47:42 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Cali Hashplant, SCM's Chocolope, SCM's Harlequin, and Blue Cheese Friday, June 04, 2010 11:47:03 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Purple AK-47, Purple Diesel, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, G-13 x Amnesia Haze, MO's UK Cheese.... Friday, June 04, 2010 11:46:06 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's Cheese Haze, SCM's Apollo 11, Martian Mean Green, Master Hindu Kush, OG Kush, Pandora's Box.... Friday, June 04, 2010 11:44:59 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, Original Purple, Hazy Romulan, Purple Cadillac, Kushage.... Friday, June 04, 2010 11:43:44 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, The Purps, Trainwreck, White Widow, XXX Chem ($10).... Friday, June 04, 2010 10:56:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Durban #12, GDP, God Bud, God's Gift, Grape Ape, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Kush.... Friday, June 04, 2010 10:55:53 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Sour Grapes, Space Queen, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen.... Friday, June 04, 2010 10:54:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's White Widow, Querkle, Romulan, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Smoothie, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Garlic.... Friday, June 04, 2010 10:53:00 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/04 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Cherry Kush, Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible... Friday, June 04, 2010 10:51:49 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@ismokejane Word up! Friday, June 04, 2010 10:49:35 AM via HootSuite in reply to ismokejane<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Come join Harborside Health Center at the 1st High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco! - June 19-20, 2010 -- Thursday, June 03, 2010 6:16:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:41:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 MUST TRY MED: Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.83%) - Because it works. Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:33:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): 707 Headband (S/I - 13.92%), and Purple Erkle (I - 14.7%) Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:33:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 TOP SHELF MEDS: Mendo Purps (I), Purple Princess (I - 12.72%), Tahoe OG (S/I - 16.83%), Strawberry Cough (S/I - 16.5%).... Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:32:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:31:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:30:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Green Pi Vivid Orange Vegan Cookie - $6 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:30:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Butter Brothers PB Krispy Treats are back!!! - $7 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:29:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:29:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Sour Headband (S/I - 16.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:28:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Princess Haze (S/I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:28:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.30%) - $50/g Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:28:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Apollo 11 (S/I - 12.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:28:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50/g Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:27:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:27:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:27:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sensi Star Bubble (I) - $30/g Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:26:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CBD-RICH MED: RX Red (S/I) - 9.6% THC / 9.04% CBD Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:26:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Cough (S/I) - 16.5% Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:26:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:25:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CLEAN GREEN: Dream Queen (I/S) - 15.22% Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:25:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CLEAN GREEN: Sonoma Kush (S/I) - 13.4% Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:25:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CLEAN GREEN: Silver Haze (S/I) - 13.8% Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:24:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I) Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:24:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S) - 14.8% Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:24:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:23:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT STARTERS: XXX Chem, G Kush, Sour Diesel, Sour Bubble, Lemon Kush, and Apollo 11 Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:23:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:15:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, G-13 x Amnesia Haze, Cadillac, MO's UK Cheese, Cali Hashplant, & SCM's Chocolope Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:13:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, NYC Diesel, OG Kush, Pandora's Box, Power Kush, Purple AK-47, Purple Diesel.... Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:12:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Lime, Purple Cadillac, Kushage, SCM's Cheese Haze, SCM's Apollo 11, Martian Mean Green, Master Hindu Kush... Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:11:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Trainwreck, XXX Chem ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, Original Purple, Hazy Romulan.... Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:10:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): God's Gift, Harlequin, Hindu Skunk, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps.... Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:09:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Sour Grapes, Space Queen, Strawberry Cough, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, God Bud.... Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:01:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's White Widow, Querkle, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Smoothie, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Garlic.... Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:10:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/03 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Blue Dream, Bluesberry, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Dankouver, DHN's F'ing Incredible.... Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:08:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 MUST TRY MED: Mendo Purps (I) - A wonderful mixture of purples and greens. A dank Indica that will treat you heavily. Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:29:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Princess (I - 12.72%), and Jack Flash (S/I - 12.31%) Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:28:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 TOP SHELF MEDS: Mendo Purps (I), Pineapple Kush (S/I - 16.8%), OG Kush (S/I - 14.8%).... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:27:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Dankmobb No, the new jars do not cost more. You get them with your top shelf purchase - just like before! Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:25:56 PM via HootSuite in reply to Dankmobb<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Free HLT Brownie with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:25:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:24:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:24:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:22:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:21:55 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:21:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! AK-47 Budlets (S/I) - $30 / $215 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:21:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Sour Headband (S/I - 16.5%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:20:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Princess Haze (S/I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:19:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:19:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.30%) - $50/g Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:18:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Kush Hash (I - 34.29%) - $15/g Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:17:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Cocoa Kush Womens' Collective (S/I - 10.7%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:17:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Apollo 11 (S/I - 12.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:16:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SPECIAL!! Chem Dawg 4 Oil (S/I - 68.68%) - $50/g Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:15:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:12:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:12:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Lavender (I/S - 13.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:11:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CBD-RICH MED: RX Red (S/I) - 9.6% THC / 9.04% CBD Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:11:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:10:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I) Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:09:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:08:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT STARTERS: OG Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, Blockhead, XXX Chem, G Kush, Sour Diesel, and Sour Bubble Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:08:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Only our new eighth jars are available at this time! You get them with any top shelf purchase! Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:59:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:46:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): Purple Erkle, Purple Kush, G-13 x Amnexia Haze, Hazy Romulan, Cadillac, and MO's UK Cheese Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:42:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): MO's Blueberry x Cheese, NYC Diesel, OG Haze x Skunk, OG Kush, Pandora's Box, Purple AK-47, Purple Diesel... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:41:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): SCM's Cheese Haze, SCM's Apollo 11, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, Master Hindu Kush.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:39:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Trainwreck, XXX Chem ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Original Purple, Lime, Purple Cadillac, Kushage.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:37:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:36:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, DHN's White Widow, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, God Bud, God's Gift.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:35:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Space Queen, Strawberry Cough, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk, Super Silver Haze, DHN's Querkle.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:34:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Smoothie, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Sour Grapes.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:32:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/02 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Bubba Kush, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Dankouver, QB's XJ-13, Querkle, Romulan.... Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:30:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Harborside Health Center of San Jose is sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on 6/15 from 12pm-6pm. For more info, contact 408-321-8424. Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:24:58 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out Harborside Health Center's new signature jars for eighths and ounces!! Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:34:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 MUST TRY MED: Pineapple Kush (S/I - 16.8%) - Liking pineapple, kushes, and good looking/smelling meds; this was a no-brainer. Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:30:02 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Princess (I - 12.72%), and Jack Flash (S/I - 12.31%) Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:28:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 TOP SHELF MEDS: Mendo Purps (I), Pineapple Kush (S/I - 16.8%), OG Kush (S/I - 14.8%).... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:27:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:25:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! Jack Herer Super Melt (S/I - 60.3%) - $50/g Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:25:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! Kush Hash (I - 34.29%) - $15/g Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:24:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! Cocoa Kush Womens' Collective (S/I - 10.7%) - $12 / $35 / $240 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:24:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! Purple Erkle (I) - $13 / $40 / $260 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:23:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! Apollo 11 (S/I - 12.2%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:22:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SPECIAL!! AK-47 (S/I - 11.0%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:22:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet Kush (I/S) - $15 / $50 / 325 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:20:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Burgundy (S/I - 14.1%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:20:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Lavender (I/S - 13.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:19:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sensi Star Bubble (I) - $30/g Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:18:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CBD-RICH MED: RX Red (S/I) - 9.6% THC / 9.04% CBD Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:18:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CLEAN GREEN: Goo Hash (I) Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:17:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CLEAN GREEN: Sonoma Kush (S/I) - 13.4% Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:17:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CLEAN GREEN: Casey Jones (S) - 14.8% Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:17:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CLEAN GREEN: Mendo Purps (I) Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:16:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 STARTER SALE!! All starters are only $12 today!! Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:15:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT STARTERS: Santa Cruz Kush, Boulder Creek Kush, 707 Headband, Dream Queen, Blockhead, XXX Chem, and G Kush Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:15:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>You and me both!!! RT @ngaio420: man. I'm just kinda burnt out today..... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:13:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BossdUpProd No problem. Glad to help! Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:12:58 PM via HootSuite in reply to BossdUpProd<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@BossdUpProd Schnozzberry = Blueberry x Strawberry Haze Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:09:32 PM via HootSuite in reply to BossdUpProd<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:09:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 8): OG Haze x Skunk, OG Kush, Pandora's Box, Purple AK-47, and Purple Erkle Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:01:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Martian Mean Green, Master Hindu Kush, Mendo Lavender, MO's Blueberry x Cheese, NYC Diesel, Odyssey.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:00:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Lime, Lavender, Purple Cadillac, Kushage, SCM's Cheese Haze, SCM's Apollo 11, Lemon OG, Love Potion #1.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:59:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): UK Cheese, Urkulan, XXX Chem ($10), SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Hazy Romulan, SCM's GDP, SCM's Blue Cheese.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:58:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Headband, Hindu Skunk, Jack The Ripper, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:56:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Querkle, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, Dream Queen, Durban #10, G Kush, God's Gift, Harlequin.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:55:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Sour Flower, Sour Garlic, Sour Grapes, Space Queen, Strawberry Cough, Super Silver Haze, DHN's GDP.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:54:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Querkle, Romulan, Salmon Creek Big Bud, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Smoothie, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:51:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>06/01 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, AK-47, Bubba Kush, Casey Jones, Chem Dawg, Dankouver, DHN's Blue Dream, DHN's F'ing Incredible.... Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:50:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 MUST TRY MED: Black Light (12%- I/S) (Blackberry x NL) A great taste and clean earthy smell, do not let this test result fool you!! Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:24:12 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 TOP SHELF MEDS- ( CON'T) OG KUSH (S/I - 13.76%) Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:18:43 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 TOP SHELF MEDS- East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I- 12.56%), Grape Ape (I - 13.87%) Headband (S/I - 16.97%), Purple Erkle (I/S - T.P )... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:18:07 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:17:01 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 8) Smoothie and Boulder Creek Kush!!! Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:16:46 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 7) Romulan x Grapefruit, Sweet and Sour Diesel, Lemon OG, Martian Mean Green, Casey Jones, Purple Cadillac... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:15:39 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 6) Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Space Queen, Sour Flower, Sour Bubble, Purp Kush, Purp Dawg, White Widow.... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:13:05 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 5) XJ-13, Headband,Casey Jones, Querkle, Chem Dawg, GDP, Sweet and Sour Diesel, Bubble Kush... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:11:32 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 4)Dream Queen, Santa Cruz Kush, Dream Queen, Romulan, Grape Punch, Purple Erkle, Blue Dream, Uk Cheese... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:10:06 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 3) Cherry Punch, Love Potion #1, Chacolope, Harlequin, Smoothie, Santa Cruz God bud..... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:08:18 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 2) Og Haze x Skunk, Apollo 11, Uk Cheese, Strawberry Cough, Sour Diesel, Sour Bubble Gum x Garlic..... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:06:48 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T) Super Silver Haze, Casey Jones, Cheese Haze, Pandora's Box, G Kush (GDP x OG Kush).... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:05:17 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/29 CURRENT CLONES: GDP, Bubble, Red Congolese, Bubble Kush, Dankouver,Durban 10, Durban 12, Space Queen... Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:02:00 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 MUST TRY MED: Chem Dawg (S/I 18.8%!!!) - End the week right and start your weekend off better The THC content says it all! $55 (+tax) Friday, May 28, 2010 10:57:39 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 TOP SHELF MEDS- ( CON'T) OG KUSH (S/I - 13.76%) Friday, May 28, 2010 10:49:23 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 TOP SHELF MEDS- East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I- 12.56%), Grape Ape (I - 13.87%) Headband (S/I - 16.97%), Purple Erkle (I/S - T.P )... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:48:20 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Original Purple (I) - $15/ $50/ $325 Friday, May 28, 2010 10:46:20 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I - Test Results are pending) $60-1/8!! Friday, May 28, 2010 10:45:51 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, May 28, 2010 10:15:16 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 7) Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sno Cap and Super Jack! Friday, May 28, 2010 10:13:36 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 6) XJ-13, Headband,Casey Jones, Querkle, Chem Dawg, OG Kush, Sweet and Sour Diesel, Master Hindu Kush.... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:13:00 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 5)Dream Queen, Santa Cruz Kush, Dream Queen, Super Jack, Blue Dream, Romulan, Grape Punch, Purple Erkle.... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:11:13 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T 4) Sour G, Cherry Punch,Love Potion #1,Chacolope, Harlequin,Soma Lavender, Smoothie, S.C God bud..... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:09:37 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T) Purps, Og Haze x Skunk, Apollo 111,Uk Cheese, Strawberry Cough, Sour Diesel, Sour Bubble Gum x Garlic..... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:07:22 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: (CON'T) Original Purple, Super Silver Haze, Casey Jones, Cheese Haze, Pandora's Box, G Kush (GDP x OG Kush).... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:05:17 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/28 CURRENT CLONES: GDP, Bubble, Red Congolese, Bubble Kush, Dankouver,Durban 10, Durban 12, Grape Ape, Space Queen... Friday, May 28, 2010 10:03:25 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 MUST TRY MED: Lavender (I/S- 13.5%) - Want to relax the nerves but are not quite ready for a nap grab some this for only $55 (+tax)!! Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:33:44 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 TOP SHELF MEDS- Dutch Treat (S/I - 14.5%), East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I- 12.56%), Purple Princess (I - 13.26%), Grape Ape (I - 13.87%) Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:18:28 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Original Purple (I) - $15/ $50/ $325 Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:12:49 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:11:42 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Jack (S/I - 12.3%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:10:35 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CLEAN GREEN: Pineapple Thai (S/I - Test Results are pending) $60-1/8!! Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:58:22 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:53:15 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: Fire OG Kush ($15) Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:52:43 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: Special! XXX Chem ($10) Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:52:16 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES:Headband, Sweet and Sour Diesel, Superr Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Strawberry Cough, Gorilla, Lemon OG, Afgoo.... Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:44:10 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: Super Jack, Dream Queen, GDP, Romulan, XJ-13, Boulder Creek Kush, Pandora's Box, Querkle, Blue Dream, OG Kush.... Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:43:07 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: Durban 10, Harlequin, Soma Lavendar, Smoothie (Mango x Blueberry) Romulan x Grapefruit, Santa Cruz Kush "Shortie"... Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:41:58 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: Cheese Haze, Apollo 11, Uk Cheese, Cherry Punch, GDP, Casey Jones, Sour Bubble x Garlic, Sour G, Chacolope.... Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:38:50 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: GKush (GDP x OG Kush) Chem Dawg, Sour Bubble, Red Consoles, Love Potion # 1, Original Purple, Space Queen.... Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:37:33 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: Blueberry x Strawberry Haze, Schnozberry, Blueberry (SSHx NLHS), Dankouver, Super Silver Haze, Purps.... Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:35:19 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/27 CURRENT CLONES: OG x Haze x Skunk, Sour Diesel, Sour Bubble, Romulan, Sour Flower (ssh x ssh) Grape Punch x Purple Erkle Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:32:13 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES: OG x Haze x Skunk, Sour Diesel, Sour Bubble, Romulan, Sour Flower (ssh x ssh) Grape Punch x Purple Erkle Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:31:32 AM via web<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 MUST TRY MED: Purple Afghan (I) - If you want something nice, purple, and heavy for a good price look no further. $50 (+tax) today! Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:11:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Dutch Treat (S/I - 14.5%), and Pineapple Kush (S/I - 16.32%) Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:10:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dawgs Waltz (S/I), East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I - 12.56%), Purple Princess (I - 13.62%).... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:09:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 SPECIAL!! Bubba Kush Budletts (I/S) - $30 / $215 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:07:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:06:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:05:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 SPECIAL!! Orange Kush (S/I - 10.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:05:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:05:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:04:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Jack (S/I - 12.3%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:04:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CLEAN GREEN: Sonoma Kush (S/I) Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:03:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CLEAN GREEN: Maui Kush Hash (I/S - 32.39%) - $25/g Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:00:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:59:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Purple AK-47, Purple Kush, and QB's Casey Jones Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:58:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Soma Lavender, Afgoo, Original Purple, Silver Haze, Lemon OG, Love Potion #1, NYC Diesel, OG Kush.... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:57:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Harlequin, Headband, The Purps, UK Cheese, XJ-13, XXX Chem ($10), SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Apollo 11.... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:55:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Super Jack, DHN's Querkle, DHN's Romulan x Grapefruit, G Kush, GDP, Gorilla, Grape, Grape Punch.... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:54:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Smoothie, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour G, Space Queen, Strawberry Cough x Deep Chunk.... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:52:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Dankouver, QB's Fire OG Kush, QB's Green Cush, QB's Super Silver Haze, Red Congolese, Schnozzberry.... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:51:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/26 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Bluesberry, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Buddha's Passion, Cherry Kush, Cherry Punch, Chocolope.... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:50:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@cRAKhEADbOB We only have one marketing / online person and I have been sick. Sorry!!! Trying to get someone to fill in... Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:48:33 PM via HootSuite in reply to cRAKhEADbOB<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Monday, May 24, 2010 5:22:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@HHCSJ is sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on 6/15 from 12pm-6pm. For more info, contact 408-321-8424 or Monday, May 24, 2010 5:21:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 MUST TRY MED: Strawberry Diesel (S/I) - Looking for Strawberry Cough and can't find it? Try this great substitute!! Monday, May 24, 2010 5:05:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Purple Kush (I - 11.82%), and True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD) Monday, May 24, 2010 5:03:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 TOP SHELF MEDS: Chem Dawg 4 (S/I), Dawgs Waltz (S/I), East Coast Sour Diesel (S/I), Jack Flash (S/I - 12.31%).... Monday, May 24, 2010 5:02:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, May 24, 2010 4:59:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Monday, May 24, 2010 4:58:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Monday, May 24, 2010 4:58:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Monday, May 24, 2010 4:58:30 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:58:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:58:04 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $9 / $20 / $145 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:55:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Oil (I - 60.02%) - $40/g Monday, May 24, 2010 4:54:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:54:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! Orange Kush (S/I - 10.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:53:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:53:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:53:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Monday, May 24, 2010 4:52:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! OG Kush (S/I) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:52:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Jack (S/I - 12.3%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:52:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Silver Haze (S - 14.5%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:51:25 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Original Purple (I - 12.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:50:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cheese Kush Full Melt (I/S - 23.75%) - $30/g Monday, May 24, 2010 4:49:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 STARTER SALE: Chem Dawg, Lemon Kush, Hindu Skunk, Jack 'Onesia, and OG Haze x Skunk - $12 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:47:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Monday, May 24, 2010 4:43:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CBD-RICH MED: Soma A+ (I/S) - 6.6% THC / 6.31% CBD Monday, May 24, 2010 4:42:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CBD-RICH MED: True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I) - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD Monday, May 24, 2010 4:41:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CLEAN GREEN: Sonoma Kush (S/I) Monday, May 24, 2010 3:05:36 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CLEAN GREEN: Power Plant Hash (S/I) - $25/g Monday, May 24, 2010 3:05:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CLEAN GREEN: Maui Kush Hash (I/S - 32.39%) - $25/g Monday, May 24, 2010 3:04:38 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, May 24, 2010 3:02:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Purple Kush, Querkle, Cherry Kush, Snow Cap, Sour Bubble, Amnesia, and Northern Lights Monday, May 24, 2010 3:01:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT STARTERS: Chem Dawg ($12), Lemon Kush ($12), Hindu Skunk ($12), Jack 'Onesia ($12), OG Haze x Skunk ($12), Blue Moon Rocks.... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:59:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, May 24, 2010 2:58:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Purple Gorilla, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, and QB's Cheese Haze Monday, May 24, 2010 2:55:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): SCM's Durban #10, SCM's Apollo 11, Soma Lavender, Lemon OG, Love Potion #1, Master Kush, Purple Erkle.... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:54:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Sweet & Sour Diesel, The Purps, UK Cheese, XXX Chem ($10), Original Silver Haze, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:52:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): DHN's Querkle, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, Gorilla, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk.... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:51:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Schnozzberry, Silver Kush, Smoothie, Snow Cap, Sour Diesel, Sour Flower, Sour G, Space Queen, Super Jack.... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:49:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Dankouver, DHN's Chem Dawg 4, QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, QB's XJ-13, Santa Cruz Kush.... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:48:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/24 CURRENT CLONES: Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bluesberry, Boulder Creek Kush, Bruce Banner, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Cherry Kush.... Monday, May 24, 2010 2:47:27 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 MUST TRY MED: Snow G (50/50) - Described in one word... Awesome. Looks, smells, and smokes great. How not w/ Snow Cap x OG?? Friday, May 21, 2010 11:08:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD), and Snow G (50/50) Friday, May 21, 2010 11:06:59 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 TOP SHELF MEDS: Strawberry Cough (S/I - 14.26%), Burple (I/S), Three Way Thai (S/I - 13.1%), Purple Kush (I).... Friday, May 21, 2010 11:05:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, May 21, 2010 11:02:31 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Friday, May 21, 2010 11:02:08 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Friday, May 21, 2010 11:01:59 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Friday, May 21, 2010 11:01:48 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Friday, May 21, 2010 11:01:38 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Friday, May 21, 2010 11:01:20 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Oil (I - 60.02%) - $40/g Friday, May 21, 2010 10:59:21 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Red (I) - $12 / $35 / $240 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:58:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SPECIAL!! Orange Kush (S/I - 10.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:58:12 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:57:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Mango OG (I/S - 13.0%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:55:54 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Super Jack (S - 12.2%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:55:08 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Headband (S/I - 11.6%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:54:32 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Diesel (S/I - 13.8%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:53:46 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:52:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 TOP SHELF CBD-RICH MED: True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I) - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD Friday, May 21, 2010 10:51:20 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Cough (S/I) - 14.26% Friday, May 21, 2010 10:50:54 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CLEAN GREEN: Maui Kush Hash (S/I - 32.39%) - $25/g Friday, May 21, 2010 10:50:26 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CLEAN GREEN: White Rhino Hash (I/S) - $25/g Friday, May 21, 2010 10:50:02 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, May 21, 2010 10:48:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT STARTERS: Sour Wreck - $16 Friday, May 21, 2010 10:48:17 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, May 21, 2010 10:31:33 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 7): Purple Erkle, and Purple Kush Friday, May 21, 2010 10:30:21 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): Sour Bubblegum x Garlic, Lemon OG, MO's Casey Jones, OG Haze x Skunk, OG Kush, Purple AK-47.... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:29:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): XXX Chem ($10), Original Silver Haze, SCM's Durban #10, SCM's 707 Headband, Purple Snow Cap.... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:28:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Larry OG, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese, XJ-13.... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:25:26 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Strawberry Cough, Super Jack, Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, Gorilla, Grape, Harlequin, Hindu Skunk... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:24:20 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Silver Kush, Smoothie, Snow Cap, So Gouda, Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Sour Garlic.... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:22:37 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Fire OG Kush ($15), QB's Green Cush, QB's Super Silver Haze, Querkle, Red Congolese.... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:21:24 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/21 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Apollo 11, Blue Dream, Boulder Creek Kush, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4.... Friday, May 21, 2010 10:20:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Thanks @FXDXRider! RT: @HHCOAK that Casey Jones you folk got in is great stuff! 10:18 AM May 21st via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soobjm Both are close probably. If you've done the Skywalker and liked the outcome probably stick with that since yield slightly better. 5:12 PM May 20th via HootSuite in reply to soobjm<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>HAITI RELIEF: Berkeley Pharms Collective is donating portions of their Best Practices Blue Dream sales at HHC to Doctor's Without Borders!! 4:06 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soobjm We've seen both grown out and they are both really nice. The Skywalker should probably yield slightly more than the Fire though. 4:02 PM May 20th via HootSuite in reply to soobjm<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- 1:58 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@iloveclothes Wrong Diesel. We're talking about good cannabis, not clothing. 12:12 PM May 20th via HootSuite in reply to iloveclothes<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 MUST TRY MED: Sour Grapes (I/S - 18.71%) - There's some good top shelf right now, but this tests higher than most and is $5 cheaper! 12:10 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD), and Tahoe OG (S/I - 19.24%) 12:08 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 TOP SHELF MEDS: Strawberry Cough (S/I - 14.26%), Burple (I/S - 14.7%), Three Way Thai (S/I - 13.1%), GDP (I - 14.3%).... 12:08 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) 12:06 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun 12:05 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap 12:05 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate 12:05 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 12:05 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 12:05 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Oil (I - 60.02%) - $40/g 12:04 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SPECIAL!! Orange Kush (S/I - 10.8%) - $14 / $45 / $295 12:04 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $320 12:03 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 12:00 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 12:00 PM May 20th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:59:58 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cheese Kush Full Melt (I/S) - $30/g Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:59:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:58:59 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 TOP SHELF CBD-RICH MED: True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I) - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:58:28 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CLEAN GREEN: Maui Kush Hash (S/I - 32.39%) - $25/g Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:56:57 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CLEAN GREEN: White Rhino Hash (I/S) - $25/g Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:56:22 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT MOTHERS: XXX Chem and Cherry Punch - $80 Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:55:21 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:54:25 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Purple Kush, and Purple Erkle Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:54:04 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT STARTERS: Space Queen, Jilly Bean, Purple Erkle, Chocolope, OG Haze x Skunk, Headband, Durban #3.... Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:53:26 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:52:04 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Original Silver Haze, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, SCM's Durban #10, and SCM's 707 Headband Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:51:20 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Jilly Bean, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sweet & Sour Diesel, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, XJ-13.... Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:50:34 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Super Jack, Durban #10, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, Gorilla, Grape, Grape Punch, Harlequin, Jack The Ripper.... Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:49:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Silver Kush, Smoothie, Snow Cap, So Gouda, Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough.... Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:48:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Fire OG Kush ($15), QB's Green Cush, QB's Super Silver Haze, Querkle, Red Congolese, Santa Cruz Kush.... Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:47:13 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/20 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bruce Banner, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Cherry Kush.... Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:46:11 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FunkyCatStudios No problem. Hope that helped! Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:22:34 PM via HootSuite in reply to FunkyCatStudios<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FunkyCatStudios DHN = Dark Heart Nursery. They are the nursery that took the Jilly Bean clones. A good nursery with very healthy cuts. Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:17:24 PM via HootSuite in reply to FunkyCatStudios<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 MUST TRY MED: Three Way Thai (S/I - 13.1%) - A beautiful cross of 3 different Thais, including Huckleberry Thai. A great fruity combo! Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:25:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD), and GDP (I - 14.3%) Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:22:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 TOP SHELF MEDS: Strawberry Cough (S/I - 14.26), Burple (I/S - 10.93%), Jack's Haze (S - 14.5%), Three Way Thai (S/I - 13.1%).... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:21:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:16:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:16:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:15:53 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:15:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:15:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:15:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Kief (Mix) - $10/g Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:14:52 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Oil (I - 60.02%) - $40/g Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:14:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Night Train Bubble (I/S - 53.98%) - $20/g Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:14:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Hawaiian Sativa (S) - 22.5% Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:13:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $320 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:13:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Kong (50/50) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:12:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:12:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:10:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:10:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cheese Kush Full Melt (I/S) - $30/g Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:09:45 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:08:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:08:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 TOP SHELF CBD-RICH MED: True Blueberry x OG Kush (S/I) - 4.9% THC / 9.7% CBD Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:07:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Cough (S/I) - 14.26% Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:06:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CLEAN GREEN: Power Plant Hash (S/I - 20.61%) - $25/g Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:06:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT MOTHERS: XXX Chem - $80 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:05:13 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:03:24 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT STARTERS (CON'T): Purple Erkle and Silver Kush Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:03:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT STARTERS: OG Kush, Chocolope, Kushage, OG Haze x Skunk, Santa Cruz Kush, Headband, Durban #3, Purple Kush.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:02:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:00:59 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 6): OG Haze x Skunk, OG Purps, Purple AK-47, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, and QB's Cheese Haze Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:00:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): Original Silver Haze, SCM's Boulder Creek Kush, Lemon OG, Love Potion #1, NYC Diesel, Odyssey.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:59:29 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Jack The Ripper, Sweet Tooth, The Purps, UK Cheese, XJ-13, XXX Chem ($10), DHN's Jilly Bean.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:58:09 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Super Jack, Dream Queen, Durban #12, GDP, Gorilla, Grape, Grape Punch, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:56:51 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Red Congolese, Santa Cruz Kush, Silver Kush, Smoothie, Snow Cap, So Gouda, Sour Bubble #4, Sour Diesel.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:55:31 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): DHN's Chem Dawg 4, QB's Fire OG Kush ($15), QB's Super Silver Haze, QB's White Widow, Querkle.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:54:40 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/19 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Apollo 11, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bruce Banner, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Cherry Punch.... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:53:24 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Bgiftsf TODAY'S FULL MELTS (CON'T): Lemon Purps (I/S - $35/g), and OG Kush (S/I - 44.03% - $35/g) Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:50:54 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@Bgiftsf TODAY'S FULL MELTS: Blackberry Kush (I/S - 46.56% - $35/g), Cheese Kush (I/S - 23.75% - $35/g), Cindy 99 (S/I - $35/g).... Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:50:05 AM via HootSuite in reply to Bgiftsf<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soobjm No, the Hawaiian Sativa does not have a very special smell or taste. It just hits you hard! Tuesday, May 18, 2010 4:37:24 PM via HootSuite in reply to soobjm<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Tuesday, May 18, 2010 2:59:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 MUST TRY MED: Hawaiian Sativa (S - 22.5%) - Don't pass this up 'cause it's not on the top shelf. At 22.5% THC you gotta check it out! Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:20:21 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Burple (I - 10.93%), and Jack's Haze (S - 14.5%) Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:17:41 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 TOP SHELF MEDS: 707 Headband (S/I), Strawberry Cough (S/I - 14.26%), Purple Erkle (I - 13.9%).... Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:17:05 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:14:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:13:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:13:42 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:13:32 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:13:20 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:13:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Skunk #1 x Big Bud Hash (I/S - 26.7%) - $15/g Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:12:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Kief (Mix) - $10/g Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:11:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Oil (I - 60.02%) - $40/g Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:11:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $320 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:10:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $8 / $20 / $320 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:10:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Kong (50/50) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:10:26 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:10:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:09:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:09:33 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cheese Kush Full Melt (I/S - 23.75%) - $30/g Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:09:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet Tooth (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:08:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:08:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CLONE SALE!!! XXX Chem - $10 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:07:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CLONE SALE!!! Sour Bubble - $4 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:06:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CLEAN GREEN: White Rhino Hash (I/S) - $25/g Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:06:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CLEAN GREEN: Power Plant Hash (S/I - 20.61%) - $25/g Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:06:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT MOTHERS: XXX Chem - $80 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:05:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All starters are $16 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:04:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT STARTERS: Sour Diesel, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Lemon Kush, Kushage, and Kish Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:04:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:03:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): OG Haze x Skunk, OG Kush, OG Purps, Purple AK-47, Purple Kush, and QB's Cheese Haze Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:03:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): White Widow, William's Wonder, XJ-13, XXX Chem ($10), DHN's Jilly Bean, Lemon OG, NYC Diesel, Odyssey.... Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:02:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Gorilla, Grape, Grape Punch, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Jack The Ripper, Sweet Tooth, UK Cheese.... Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:01:00 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Sour Bubble ($4), Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough, Super Jack, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP.... Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:00:06 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): QB's Fire OG Kush ($15), QB's Super Silver Haze, Red Congolese, SCM's Santa Cruz Kush, Snow Cap, So Gouda.... Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:58:30 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/18 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bruce Banner, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chocolope.... Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:57:35 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soobjm The 707 is more like an OG. Smells super yummy. Monday, May 17, 2010 6:24:54 PM via HootSuite in reply to soobjm<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Monday, May 17, 2010 1:39:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 MUST TRY MED: 707 Headband (S/I) - Don't let the gloomy day get you down. This energetic med will keep you going throughout the day! Monday, May 17, 2010 1:38:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Grape (I - 12.4%), and Burple (I/S - 10.93%) Monday, May 17, 2010 1:37:35 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 TOP SHELF MEDS: 707 Headband (S/I), Strawberry Cough (S/I - 14.26%), Blackberry Kush (I/S - 11.6%), Purple Erkle (I).... Monday, May 17, 2010 1:37:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Monday, May 17, 2010 1:35:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Monday, May 17, 2010 1:35:34 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Monday, May 17, 2010 1:35:12 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Monday, May 17, 2010 1:35:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:34:49 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:34:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SPECIAL!! Mega Mix - $25 / $40 / $320 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:34:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SPECIAL!! El Bueno (S/I) - $8 / $20 / $320 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:31:39 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SPECIAL!! Blackberry Hindu (I/S) - $13 / $40 / $260 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:31:08 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SPECIAL!! Kong (50/50) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:30:17 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SPECIAL!! Super Diesel (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:29:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cannabis Salve - $17 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:28:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Herb Butter now 10% off!! Monday, May 17, 2010 1:28:10 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sweet Tooth (I/S) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:27:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Dream Queen (I/S - 12.2%) - $15 / $50 / $325 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:27:22 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Purponic (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:26:43 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Sour Purple (I/S) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:26:15 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Wristband (S/I) - $14 / $45 / $295 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:25:50 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CLONE SALE!!! Chem Dawg 4 and XXX Chem - $10 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:25:03 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CLONE SALE!!! Sour Bubble - $4 Monday, May 17, 2010 1:24:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CLEAN GREEN: Power Plant Hash (S/I - 20.61%) - $25/g Monday, May 17, 2010 1:23:44 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 TOP SHELF CLEAN GREEN: Strawberry Cough (S/I) - 14.26% Monday, May 17, 2010 1:23:14 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Monday, May 17, 2010 1:22:23 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 5): OG Haze x Skunk, OG Kush, OG Purps, Purple AK-47, Purple Kush, QB's Casey Jones, and QB's Cheese Haze Monday, May 17, 2010 1:21:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): William's Wonder, XJ-13, XXX Chem ($10), DHN's Jilly Bean, Lemon OG, Master Hindu Kush, NYC Diesel.... Monday, May 17, 2010 1:20:01 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Grape Punch, Harlequin, Headband, Hindu Skunk, Jack The Ripper, Sweet Tooth, Trainwreck, UK Cheese.... Monday, May 17, 2010 1:18:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough, Super Jack, Dream Queen, Durban #12, G Kush, GDP, Gorilla, Grape.... Monday, May 17, 2010 1:17:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Crazy Chronic, QB's Super Silver Haze, Red Congolese, Schnozzberry, Snow Cap, So Gouda, Sour Bubble ($4).... Monday, May 17, 2010 1:16:40 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/17 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Affy 18, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4 ($10), Cherry Punch.... Monday, May 17, 2010 1:14:09 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@FreeMarcEmery We have Queen Bee Nursery's Casey Jones clones in stock today! Monday, May 17, 2010 1:12:12 PM via HootSuite in reply to FreeMarcEmery<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Sunday, May 16, 2010 11:00:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Saturday, May 15, 2010 11:00:10 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soobjm UPDATE FROM THE BAR: They have about 15 grams left of the Tahoe OG. Friday, May 14, 2010 6:29:36 PM via HootSuite in reply to soobjm<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>@soobjm Sorry, no Tahoe OG left, but just put out a Clean Green Strawberry Cough that tested at 25.72% THC! Friday, May 14, 2010 6:28:14 PM via HootSuite in reply to soobjm<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Friday, May 14, 2010 5:15:18 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>RT @HellaTrees Just came back from Harborside, the Tahoe OG is amazing but wont last the hour, its disappearing by the minute. Friday, May 14, 2010 4:08:51 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 MUST TRY MED: Tahoe OG (S/I) - It's OG, and it's awesome. Check it out! Friday, May 14, 2010 1:48:28 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): Blackberry Kush (I/S - 11.6%), Tahoe OG (S/I), and Chem Dawg (S/I) Friday, May 14, 2010 1:47:46 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dutch Treat (S/I - 13.81), Burple (I/S - 10.93%), Grape (I - 12.4%), OG Kush x Cindy 99 (S/I).... Friday, May 14, 2010 1:46:31 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) Friday, May 14, 2010 1:04:29 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun Friday, May 14, 2010 1:03:16 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap Friday, May 14, 2010 1:03:07 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate Friday, May 14, 2010 1:02:57 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Friday, May 14, 2010 1:02:48 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 Friday, May 14, 2010 1:02:37 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 SPECIAL!! Mazari Frost (I/S) - $12 / $35 / $225 Friday, May 14, 2010 12:46:19 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 SPECIAL!! Kong (50/50) - $14 / $45 / $295 Friday, May 14, 2010 12:44:54 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 SPECIAL!! Skunk Lights (I/S - 9.3%) - $13 / $40 / $260 Friday, May 14, 2010 12:43:56 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Maui Super Dawg Honey Bud (S/I) - $35 Friday, May 14, 2010 11:34:41 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 SALE!! SALE!! SALE!! Cheese Kush Full Melt (I/S - 23.75%) - $30/g Friday, May 14, 2010 11:34:25 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CLONE SALE!!! Sour Bubble - $4 Friday, May 14, 2010 11:33:12 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CLEAN GREEN: White Rhino Hash (I/S) - $25/g Friday, May 14, 2010 11:32:05 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CURRENT MOTHERS: XXX Chem - $80 Friday, May 14, 2010 10:34:46 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>All clones are $12 +tax unless otherwise marked! Friday, May 14, 2010 10:32:43 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 4): Bruce Banner, and God's Gift Friday, May 14, 2010 10:31:39 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 3): Jack The Ripper, Lemon OG, Master Hindu Kush, XXX Chem ($8), Red Congolese, Crazy Chronic.... Friday, May 14, 2010 10:30:07 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T 2): Dream Queen, G Kush, GDP, God Bud, Gorilla, Grape Punch, Grape, Harlequin, Headband, Jack 'Onesia.... Friday, May 14, 2010 10:28:55 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CURRENT CLONES (CON'T): Sour Bubble ($4), Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough, Sweet Tooth, Trainwreck, Urkulan, William's Wonder.... Friday, May 14, 2010 10:27:04 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/14 CURRENT CLONES: 707 Headband, Blue Dream, Blue Moon Rocks, Bubba Kush, Chem Dawg, Chem Dawg 4, Schnozzberry, Snow Cap.... Friday, May 14, 2010 10:22:23 AM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>Check out CannBe's new affiliates: Elemental Wellness, El Camino Wellness, and Harborside Health Center of San Jose -- Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:22:11 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 MUST TRY MED: Purple Hash Plant (I/S) - Want something heavy? This is it! An awesome batch that is covered white in trichomes. Whoa! Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:25:47 PM via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 TOP SHELF MEDS (CON'T): OG Kush x Cindy 99 (S/I), and Blackberry Kush (I/S - 11.6%) 2:12 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 TOP SHELF MEDS: Dutch Treat (S/I - 13.81%), Burple (I/S - 10.93%), Grape (I - 12.4%).... 2:11 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 SPECIAL!! Free Trichome Lozenge with the purchase of $150 or more!! (Including tax. Clone purchases not included.) 2:09 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>DISCOUNT SUNDAYS: We will now have budletts, a 420 Discount Budlet Pack, Mega or Mighty Mixes, $10-$15 concentrate & other sale items on Sun 2:08 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Lotion/Topical: 1 jar cannabis salve, 1 jar Doc Greens 1oz. lotion, 1 bottle of cannabis tincture, and 1 cannabis soap 2:08 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Discount Smokables: 1 bag of Mighty Mix (2g), 1 Eat Me Red Caps, 1 Dube Tube, & 1g of $20-$25 concentrate 2:08 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! High Grade Smokables: 1 high grade 1/8, 1g $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 2:07 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>420 DISCOUNT PACKS!!! Top Shelf Smokables: 1 top shelf 1/8, 1g of $20-$25 concentrate, and 1 Budlet 1/8 2:07 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 SPECIAL!! Purple Kush Oil (I - 60.02%) - $40/g 2:06 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 SPECIAL!! Kong (50/50) - $14 / $45 / $295 2:06 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> <li>05/13 SPECIAL!! Skunk Lights (I/S - 9.3%) - $13 / $40 / $260 1:52 PM May 13th via HootSuite<a href="">(#)</a></li> </ol>prop19questions, Johnson, Oakland's Measure V, getting a pot card, medical vs recreational marijuana tax ratesOn October 12, 2010, an <a href="">article</a> by Chip Johnson was published in the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> saying Prop 19 could improve safety. He said that it might improve safety in low-income communities with frequent street drug dealing. He wrote that violence is an effect of drug dealing and that if Prop 19 has even a chance of cutting drug profits to local drug kingpins it's worth a try. In September 2009, Pete Dunbar (Pleasant Hill Police Chief), told the editorial board of the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> that violence associated with weed sold on the street made it "the most violent drug of all." Johnson said if that's the case "why not control and regulate the market?" He asked why not use regulation to control the price to undercut illegal pot sales out of existence. He mentioned communities regaining control of parks, neighborhood stores, and front porches in the evening. Johnson said it seems "imprudent" for lawmakers and law enforcement agencies to continue spending billions of dollars per year to stop illegal sales and use. Johnson can't imagine how teens would have more access to weed if it was legal. He mentioned that Oakland, San Jose, and Albany have local measures on the November ballot to tax cannabis. He said that medical marijuana sales are already one of Oakland's largest sources of sales tax revenue, and a ballot measure in November proposes increasing the tax rate by almost 3 times the current rate of 18% on every $1,000 in sales.<br /><br />I have several comments regarding his article. Prop 19 will not make drug dealers vanish. Prop 19 will not make drug dealers stop selling other drugs. Prop 19 will not make drug dealers turn in their guns. I don't see how Prop 19 would cut profits to "local drug kingpins", since California has had medical marijuana for 14 years. Besides, there will still be a demand for marijuana among young adults under 21 years old. "Local drug kingpins" will be selling to people under 21. He said price controls could undercut the black market, but I think it's far more likely that millions of homegrowers in California could (illegally) undercut the legal taxed market.<br /><br />Plus -- and I have seen so many Prop 19 supporters ignore this -- statewide legal homegrowing and cheaper California weed means <i>bigger profit margins</i> in other areas of the country, and the world. If in fact marijuana <i>is</i> the "most violent drug of all" like Pete Dunbar says, what effect would millions of legal homegrows have? Prop 19 isn't going to stop robbers and burglars from stealing weed from legal homegrowers. Prop 19 will not cut illegal pot sales out of existence, not even in California. Any legal homegrower selling any part of a plant to someone else without a license is committing a felony. And does he think Californians won't try to sell cannabis seeds online? <br /><br />Prop 19 will not allow communities to "regain control" of parks, stores and front porches. Drug dealers will see everyone under 21 as a potential customer, and someone is naive if they think people won't have "legal pot parties", like Chip Johnson talked about, <i>on</i> front porches. And he doesn't mention how Prop 19 would affect rival gangs at all. Prop 19 is going to make Crips and Bloods stop shooting each other? Crips and Bloods and other gangs are going to choose to <i>not</i> legally homegrow marijuana? They'll stop fighting over territory where they can sell drugs? And choose to <i>not</i> smuggle cheap weed into Nevada and other states? If Prop 19 passes, people aren't going to stop going to prison for illegal sales. When homegrowing is legal for anyone and everyone, you'll have more people homegrowing. More homegrowers means more illegal sales. Any sales without a license will all be illegal sales. Chip Johnson can't imagine how teens would have more access to weed if it was legal. Well then he can't imagine teens walking down a sidewalk and seeing weed growing over a fence on every other house on a block, he can't imagine teens taking weed from their parents' own legal homegrows, he can't imagine 50% of teens in school having parents legally homegrowing, he can't imagine drug dealers approaching teens and asking them if they want to buy some weed, he can't imagine teens being able to choose from hundreds and hundreds of varieties of weed instead of the few they can usually find.<br /><br />Chip Johnson says Oakland currently has a tax rate of 18 percent on every $1,000 in sales of medical marijuana, but the current rate is 18 <i>dollars</i> per $1,000. That's 1.8%, not 18%.<br /><br /><a href=",_Measure_V_(November_2010)">Oakland Measure V</a> on the November 2010 ballot is proposing to <a href="">increase</a> the business tax rate for "medical cannabis businesses" from $18 for every $1,000 in gross sales to $50 for every every $1,000 in gross sales. That's an increase from 1.8% to 5% total. <br /><br />On April 30, 2009, the <i>Wall Street Journal</i> <a href="">reported</a> that "the owners and managers of Oakland's four medical-marijuana dispensaries said they approached the city with the idea" to increase taxes on medical marijuana to 1.8%. I'm not exactly sure which businesses the article refers to but I think it includes Harborside Health Center and Purple Heart Patient Center. The Oakland City Council approved and it was placed on the July 2009 ballot. At that time the WSJ said there were an estimated 200,000 or more approved medical marijuana users in California (Although <a href="">this</a> article at says California has 500,000 medical marijuana users.)<br /><br />On July 21, 2009, voters in Oakland <a href="">approved</a> a tax increase on medical marijuana from $1.20 for every $1,000 in gross sales (.12%) to $18 (1.8%). I don't know how much the 2009 tax increase generated, but Rebecca Kaplan, an Oakland City Councilwoman who co-sponsored the measure, said it could generate $1 million in annual revenue. The Oakland city administrator estimated that tax increase could generate $300,000 in tax revenue. <br /><br />In July 2009, the LA Times reported that Oakland's four medical marijuana dispensaries reported revenue of $19.7 million in the "last fiscal year." $19,700,000 / 1000 * 18 is $354,600, so I think the city administrator's estimate was more accurate. I suppose Measure V's 5% tax (5% of $19,700,000) would generate an estimated $985,000. That's much closer to Kaplan's estimate for the previous tax increase. <br /><br />On July 20, 2010, the <a href=""><i>Oakland Tribune</i></a> <a href="">reported</a> that Oakland's four dispensaries sold about 6,000 pounds of marijuana in 2009 and grossed about $28 million (that averages out to $4,666.67/lb). .12% of $28 million at the old tax rate of $1.20/$1,000 gross is $33,600; 1.8% of $28 million at the current rate of $18/$1,000 gross is $504,000; 5% of $28 million (at Measure V's proposed rate for medical marijuana) is $1.4 million. If Oakland banned medical marijuana dispensaries and those businesses became recreational businesses, 10% of $28 million (at Measure V's proposed rate for recreational marijuana) is $2.8 million. The article mentions a patient/farmer who sells medical marijuana to Harborside for $3,500 to $3,800 per pound. In January 2010, regardless if Prop 19 passes, Oakland will issue four Cannabis Cultivation, Manufacturing and Processing Facility permits. People who expressed interest included Dhar Mann, founder of weGrow (formerly iGrow), and Jeff Wilcox, founder of Agramed. Applicants must pay a $5,000 application fee to cover administrative costs for background checks and to review site/business plans. If a business gets a cultivation permit, they must pay a $211,000 regulatory fee annually, which will be used to hire staff and develop/maintain a program to oversee the cultivators. Facilities with permits must also be located in industrial zones, meet all building/fire codes, maintain security cameras, hire security guards, and carry enough liability insurance.<br /><br />However, if Prop 19 passes, I don't think Oakland's four medical marijuana dispensaries would still gross $19.7 million or $28 million from patients. Unless they engage in price fixing, or if they obtain Prop 19-enabled recreational marijuana licenses and move more volume of cheaper recreational weed, or if they move more volume of cheaper medical weed. Measure V proposes to tax non-medical cannabis business sales at 10% ($100 for every $1,000 gross) if Prop 19 passes. If a patient could choose between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana of similar quality, they would probably buy whichever was cheaper.<br /><br />Take two common prices at Harborside Health Center for example:<br /><ul><li>$13/g, $40/8th, $260/oz</li><li>$15/g, $50/8th, $325/oz</li></ul><br />If Measure V passes, medical marijuana at $50/8th would have $2.50 in taxes (5%) included in the price. But if Prop 19 passes, medical marijuana may no longer be sellable at $50/8th. If Prop 19 and Measure V both pass, recreational marijuana at $50/8th would have $5 in taxes (10%) included in the price. If Prop 19 passes, I don't know if Oakland's medical marijuana dispensaries could sell recreational marijuana (although I suppose the city council might allow them to obtain licenses for recreational marijuana sales). Stores that sell both may not even categorize their products as medical or recreational. Maybe it would depend on whether the buyer showed their card or doctor's recommendation.<br /><br />If medical marijuana and recreational marijuana were both sold at $50/8th, businesses that sell both would be grossing $47.50 on medical marijuana and $45 on recreational marijuana. More people with patient cards means more profit for them. (Incidentally, on October 11, 2010 there was an article on <a href="">Mother Jones</a> called "<a href="">How to Get a Pot Card (Without Really Trying)</a>".) If medical marijuana in Oakland is taxed at 5% and recreational marijuana is taxed at 10%, stores that sell both would make more money if customers had patient cards.<br /><br />Here are some examples of weed store prices, status, taxes they have to pay the city, and gross revenue (sorted by gross that weed stores would receive):<br /><ul><li>$47.50 gross, $50/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $2.50 in taxes</li><li>$45 gross, $50/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $5.00 in taxes</li><li>$42.75 gross, $45/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $2.25 in taxes</li><li>$40.50 gross, $45/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $4.50 in taxes</li><li>$38 gross, $40/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $2.00 in taxes</li><li>$36 gross, $40/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $4.00 in taxes</li><li>$33.25 gross, $35/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $1.75 in taxes</li><li>$31.50 gross, $35/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $3.50 in taxes</li><li>$28.50 gross, $30/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $1.50 in taxes</li><li>$27 gross, $30/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $3.00 in taxes</li><li>$23.75 gross, $25/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $1.25 in taxes</li><li>$22.50 gross, $25/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $2.50 in taxes</li><li>$19 gross, $20/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $1.00 in taxes</li><li>$18 gross, $20/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $2.00 in taxes</li></ul><br />If medical marijuana and recreational marijuana were priced the same, and if medical marijuana was taxed at 5% and recreational marijuana was taxed at 10%, weed stores allowed to sell both have an incentive to sell more medical marijuana since they have to pay the city less tax money on it; businesses can keep more of their revenue. Then again, weed stores may move away from rounded numbers for eighths, etc. Weed stores might sell any eighth for $50 and add the tax onto that, $52.50/8th for medical marijuana and $55/8th for recreational marijuana. In that case, consumers would save money buying the medical marijuana, but the city would benefit if more people purchased recreational marijuana.<br /><br />However, <a href=",_Measure_V_%28November_2010%29">Oakland's Measure V</a> tax rates seem to me to apply to medical businesses and non-medical businesses, not medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. If Prop 19 passes, will medical cannabis businesses be allowed to also sell recreational marijuana? If a medical business sells recreational marijuana in addition to medical marijuana, do they cease being a medical business? Would there be a requirement that said a certain percentage of their sales or volume must be medical marijuana to keep their medical cannabis business status? Would some hybrid business status be set up? If medical marijuana businesses are allowed to also sell recreational marijuana yet retain their status as a medical marijuana business (and pay the lower tax to the city), they could sell recreational marijuana for less than non-medical businesses; they would have an advantage over solely recreational marijuana businesses.<br /><br />Here is that same list, sorted by weed tax revenue that Oakland would receive (not to mention sales tax revenue):<br /><ul><li>$5.00 in taxes, $50/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $45 gross</li><li>$4.50 in taxes, $45/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $40.50 gross</li><li>$4.00 in taxes, $40/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $36 gross</li><li>$3.50 in taxes, $35/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $31.50 gross</li><li>$3.00 in taxes, $30/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $27 gross</li><li>$2.50 in taxes, $50/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $47.50 gross</li><li>$2.50 in taxes, $25/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $22.50 gross</li><li>$2.25 in taxes, $45/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $42.75 gross</li><li>$2.00 in taxes, $40/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $38 gross</li><li>$2.00 in taxes, $20/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $18 gross</li><li>$1.75 in taxes, $35/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $33.25 gross</li><li>$1.50 in taxes, $30/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $28.50 gross</li><li>$1.25 in taxes, $25/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $23.75 gross</li><li>$1.00 in taxes, $20/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $19 gross</li></ul><br />If Measure V passes, higher prices on recreational marijuana means more money for the city of Oakland. More sales of recreational marijuana than medical marijuana means more money for the city of Oakland.<br /><br />There's a conflict here.<br /><br />Cannabis businesses would benefit if they sold more medical marijuana than recreational marijuana since they have to pay the city less taxes on it. The more recreational customers they can get to sign up for patient cards, the more money businesses can keep. It might even benefit businesses to pay doctor's fees for customers agreeing to sign up for patient cards/get recommendations. It would also benefit medical marijuana dispensaries to obtain permission to also sell recreational marijuana while maintaining their status as a medical cannabis business, therefore having to pay the city less taxes on recreational marijuana they sell. (Although Oakland may not allow hybrid businesses. Or come up with different tax rates and laws for hybrid businesses). Solely recreational marijuana businesses with the same prices as medical marijuana dispensaries would have lower profit margins, but might sell more volume than solely medical marijuana businesses. Recreational marijuana businesses might move so much volume that they might consider the tax difference negligible.<br /><br />The city of Oakland benefits the higher the price of recreational marijuana. The city of Oakland also benefits by more sales of recreational marijuana. Lots of people buying and consuming high priced recreational marijuana in Oakland means more tax revenue for the city. One example from the list above: the city of Oakland would receive more tax money per $30 recreational 8th sold ($3) than they would per $50 medical 8th sold ($2.50). Stores would gross $27 and $47.50, respectively. The city would receive more tax money per $20 recreational 8th sold ($2) than they would per $30 medical 8th sold ($1.50). Stores would gross $18 and $28.50, respectively. The city would receive the same tax revenue ($2) for every $40 medical 8th sold, as for every $20 recreational 8th sold ($2). Consumers are much more likely to pay $20 for a recreational 8th of Super Silver Haze than a $40 medical 8th of Super Silver Haze, even if they're a medical user. If a customer showed their patient card and had to pay twice as much, that's a disincentive for customers to show it, but that's an incentive for businesses. <br /><br />If hybrid stores sold weed for $20/8th, and based the tax rate on whether or not customers showed patient cards, stores would gross $18 for no card and $19 with card. The city would get $2 for no card but $1 with card. Every time someone showed their patient card to buy a $20/8th, the city would lose $1 in potential tax revenue. It basically punishes stores for selling to patients.<br /><br />Stores would gross $27 on a recreational $30 8th, but $28.50 on a medical $30 8th. Someone buying a $30 8th that showed their patient card would be giving $1.50 to the store and taking it from the city. Someone buying a $30 8th with no card would be giving $1.50 to the city and taking it from the store.<br /><br />Perhaps $30/8th weed would be sold for $220/oz.<br /><ul><li>$220/oz, recreational, 10% tax included, $22 in taxes, $198 gross</li><li>$220/oz, medical, 5% tax included, $11 in taxes, $209 gross</li></ul><br />Someone paying $220 for an ounce that showed their patient card would be giving $11 to the store and taking it from the city. Someone paying $220 for an ounce with no card would be giving $11 to the city and taking it from the store. A 10% tax rate for recreational marijuana and a 5% tax rate for medical marijuana in Oakland makes it so stores benefit if people buying ounces have patient cards, and makes it so the city benefits if people buying ounces don't have patient cards. If someone wants to buy an ounce, it behooves Oakland stores to get them to sign up for a patient card, especially if they're repeat customers. It behooves the city of Oakland to invalidate as many patient cards as they can, so the city can collect twice the tax percentage per purchase; or ban patients from purchasing medical marijuana in large volumes.<br /><br />It all comes down to how much recreational marijuana will cost, how much medical marijuana will cost, and how much volume of each will be sold. I think that price wars between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana may occur if Prop 19 passes. Recreational businesses may have to pay the city more in taxes for recreational marijuana sales, but they may move more volume than medical marijuana dispensaries. If the price of recreational marijuana is cheaper than medical marijuana, how many people will continue to buy medical marijuana? If the price of recreational marijuana and medical marijuana stay the same, stores benefit by selling more medical marijuana, and the city benefits by stores selling more recreational marijuana. If the price of medical marijuana is cheaper than recreational marijuana, and medical marijuana outsold recreational marijuana, the city would collect much less in tax revenue and current medical marijuana dispensaries would make less money than they currently do (unless their sales increased due to lower cost).<br /><br />Harborside is a medical marijuana dispensary that currently purchases product from vendor homegrowers in its collective. Harborside currently pay $3,000 to $4,000 per pound depending on bag appeal for marijuana grown indoors. If Prop 19 passes, there is no way they'll continue paying vendors that much. If Prop 19 passes, will homegrowers be able to sell product to recreational marijuana businesses? If Prop 19 passes, will legal homegrowers without patient cards or non-members of collectives/co-ops be able to sell product to medical marijuana dispensaries?<br /><br />Sales tax in Oakland is currently 9.75%. I don't know if medical marijuana dispensaries in Oakland currently add weed tax and sales tax on top of $50 eighths or include it in the price. I think it's likely that businesses would include weed tax in their listed prices. Then sales tax would be added at the register.<br /><br />There are various ways to sell an 8th for $50:<br /><ul><li>$50/8th with weed tax included and sales tax included.</li><li>$50/8th with sales tax included. Weed tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th with weed tax included. Sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th with no taxes included. Weed tax based on that. Then sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th with no taxes included. Sales tax based on that. Then weed tax based on that.</li></ul><br />If recreational marijuana is taxed at 10% and medical marijuana is taxed at 5%, a $50 8th could be sold in the following ways:<br /><ul><li>$50/8th recreational with 10% weed tax included and 9.75% sales tax included.</li><li>$50/8th medical with 5% weed tax included and 9.75% sales tax included.</li><li>$50/8th recreational with 9.75% sales tax included. 10% weed tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th medical with 9.75% sales tax included. 5% weed tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th recreational with 10% weed tax included. 9.75% sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th medical with 5% weed tax included. 9.75% sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th recreational with no taxes included. 10% weed tax based on that. Then 9.75% sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th medical with no taxes included. 5% weed tax based on that. Then 9.75% sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th recreational with no taxes included. 9.75% sales tax based on that. Then 10% weed tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th medical with no taxes included. 9.75% sales tax based on that. Then 5% weed tax based on that.</li></ul><br />I think it's likely that businesses would include weed tax in their listed prices. Then sales tax added at the register:<br /><ul><li>$50/8th recreational with 10% weed tax included. 9.75% sales tax based on that.</li><li>$50/8th medical with 5% weed tax included. 9.75% sales tax based on that.</li></ul><br />Here is a hypothetical pricelist for eighths in Oakland (using 5% or 10% weed tax and 9.75% sales tax) if weed tax was included in listed prices and sales tax was based on that (sorted by most tax revenue to least):<br /><ul><li>$77.84 total price, $12.84 total tax ($6.34 sales + $6.50 weed), $65/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $58.50 gross</li><li>$71.85 total price, $11.85 total tax ($5.85 sales + $6.00 weed), $60/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $54 gross</li><li>$65.86 total price, $10.86 total tax ($5.36 sales + $5.50 weed), $55/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $49.50 gross</li><li>$59.88 total price, $9.88 total tax ($4.88 sales + $5.00 weed), $50/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $45 gross</li><li>$74.59 total price, $9.59 total tax ($6.34 sales + $3.25 weed), $65/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $61.75 gross</li><li>$53.89 total price, $8.89 total tax ($4.39 sales + $4.50 weed), $45/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $40.50 gross</li><li>$68.85 total price, $8.85 total tax ($5.85 sales + $3.00 weed), $60/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $57 gross</li><li>$47.90 total price, $7.90 total tax ($3.90 sales + $4.00 weed), $40/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $36 gross</li><li>$62.61 total price, $7.61 total tax ($5.36 sales + $2.25 weed), $55/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $52.75 gross</li><li>$57.38 total price, $7.38 total tax ($4.88 sales + $2.50 weed), $50/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $47.50 gross</li><li>$41.91 total price, $6.91 total tax ($3.41 sales + $3.50 weed), $35/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $31.50 gross</li><li>$51.64 total price, $6.64 total tax ($4.39 sales + $2.25 weed), $45/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $42.75 gross</li><li>$35.93 total price, $5.93 total tax ($2.93 sales + $3.00 weed), $30/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $27 gross</li><li>$45.90 total price, $5.90 total tax ($3.90 sales + $2.00 weed), $40/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $38 gross</li><li>$40.16 total price, $5.16 total tax ($3.41 sales + $1.75 weed), $35/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $33.25 gross</li><li>$29.94 total price, $4.94 total tax ($2.44 sales + $2.50 weed), $25/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $22.50 gross</li><li>$34.43 total price, $4.43 total tax ($2.93 sales + $1.50 weed), $30/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $28.50 gross</li><li>$23.95 total price, $3.95 total tax ($1.95 sales + $2.00 weed), $20/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $18 gross</li><li>$28.69 total price, $3.69 total tax ($2.44 sales + $1.25 weed), $25/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $23.75 gross</li><li>$17.96 total price, $2.96 total tax ($1.46 sales + $1.50 weed), $15/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $13.50 gross</li><li>$22.95 total price, $2.95 total tax ($1.95 sales + $1.00 weed), $20/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $19 gross</li><li>$17.21 total price, $2.21 total tax ($1.46 sales + $0.75 weed), $15/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $14.25 gross</li><li>$11.98 total price, $1.98 total tax ($0.98 sales + $1.00 weed), $10/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $9 gross</li><li>$11.48 total price, $1.48 total tax ($0.98 sales + $0.50 weed), $10/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $9.50 gross</li><li>$5.99 total price, $0.99 total tax ($0.49 sales + $0.50 weed), $5/8th, recreational, 10% tax included, $4.50 gross</li><li>$5.74 total price, $0.74 total tax ($0.49 sales + $0.25 weed), $5/8th, medical, 5% tax included, $4.75 gross</li></ul>prop19questions, percent oppose Prop 19Ipsos <a href="">reported</a> than an October 2-4 Reuters poll of California voters found that 53% oppose Prop 19. A <a href="">PDF of detailed tables</a> (right click save as) is available. The table shows that of the 600 people polled, roughly 53% said they will vote against Prop 19, and 45% said they will vote in favor of Prop 19. <br /><br />Support:<br /><ul><li>Democrats were 53% in favor</li><li>Blacks were 53% in favor</li><li>Males were 51% in favor</li><li>Registered Democrats were 50% in favor</li><li>Whites were nearly 50% in favor</li><li>Independents were 49% in favor</li><li>People in the Bay Area were about even</li></ul><br />Oppose:<br /><ul><li>Hispanics were 70% opposed</li><li>People with a high school education or lower were 66% opposed</li><li>Republicans were 65% opposed</li><li>Registered Republicans were 64% opposed</li><li>People 55+ were 60% opposed</li><li>People in the Coastal region were 58% opposed</li><li>Females were 57% opposed</li><li>Asians were 57% opposed</li><li>People in the LA region were 56% opposed</li></ul>prop19questions, ballots, URB937, Dooley-Sammuli vs Schwarzenegger, Cannabis Medical SolutionsToday is 29 days before the November 2nd election and so today is the day election officials will start mailing absentee ballots to people in California. The <a href="">state elections website</a> has information on voting by mail in California and there is also a <a href="">California absentee voter guide</a>. California offers permanent absentee voter status to all voters.<br /><br />Researchers in California and Italy have <a href="">developed</a> a compound they call URB937 which inhibits FAAH (<a href="">fatty acid amide hydrolase</a>, an enzyme which converts the <a href="">endocannabinoid</a> anandamide into <a href="">ethanolamine</a> and <a href="">arachidonic acid</a>). URB937 (get it? herb) suppresses FAAH activity, which boosts <a href="">andandamide</a> (a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory) at the site of an injury. The compound circumvents the central nervous system. On September 19, 2010, <i>Nature Neuroscience</i> published a study entitled <a href="">Anandamide suppresses pain initiation through a peripheral endocannabinoid mechanism</a>. <a href="">Popular Science</a> wrote about the study. A patent for URB937 was filed by the University of California, Irvine, the Italian Institute of Technology, and the Universities of Urbino and Parma.<br /><br />There is also an FAAH inhibitor called <a href="">URB597</a> developed by Kadmus Pharmaceuticals. But Business Wire reported that URB937 is the first "FAAH inhibitor produced with restricted access to the central nervous system, whereas current FAAH inhibitors readily cross the blood-brain barrier."<br /><br />Today an op/ed by Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, the Drug Policy Alliance's deputy state director for Southern California, <a href=",0,5492374.story">appeared</a> in the Los Angeles Times criticizing governor Schwarzenegger's <a href="">opposition</a> to Proposition 19. Schwarzenegger said Prop 19 would turn California into a laughingstock, but she says that Sacramento's inability to manage the state has already made California a joke. She wrote that the governor was correct in saying Prop 19 will not immediately generate billions in new tax revenue since it does not immediately establish a regulated system of sales. Dooley-Sammuli wrote that Prop 19 will boost jobs and tax revenue, and reduce waste associated with possession arrests which would free up law enforcement for more important safety matters. <br /><br />But <a href="">Senate Bill 1449</a>, which goes into effect January 1st, will reduce waste associated with arrests regardless of Prop 19 as it makes possession of up to one ounce of marijuana an infraction instead of a misdemeanor. Those who receive citations will not carry a criminal record and can no longer sit for a jury trial.<br /><br />Dooley-Sammuli wrote that Schwarzenegger has proposed eliminating access to drug treatment through Medi-Cal. It also said funding for alcohol and drug treatment and other rehab services in the prison system was cut by over 40% last year. And that funding for Proposition 36, California's treatment instead of incarceration program, has been cut by 90%.<br /><br />The article says about 24,000 people are in Califonia state prison for drug possession, costing almost $50,000 per year per inmate. She doesn't specify how many of those people are in prison for marijuana possession (although that's irrelevant, since Prop 19 won't reduce the number of people in prison for marijuana possession -- you have to possess over one ounce to go to prison in California and Prop 19 doesn't change that).<br /><br />She concluded "The governor should let the voters make up their own minds on Proposition 19. For now, he should focus on working with the Legislature to produce a budget that reduces corrections waste and reflects voters' real priorities."<br /><br />Either Margaret Dooley-Sammuli was unaware that governor Schwarzenegger signed Senate Bill 1449 four days earlier, or her piece was written prior to September 30th when the governor signed it into law.<br /><br />A company called <a href="">Cannabis Medical Solutions Inc.</a> put out a <a href="">press release</a> saying it will expand operations in California as the vote on Prop 19 approaches. They currently have client dispensary networks in California, Colorado and Montana.prop19questions, to infraction, Jeff Dowd, pot soda, Rocky Anderson, first TV pot adOn September 30, 2010, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger <a href="">signed</a> Senate Bill 1449 making possession of up to one ounce of marijuana an infraction instead of a misdemeanor. It will still carry a fine up to $100, but will keep most marijuana-related cases from going to court. The law will take effect January 1st.<br /><br />In late September, Timothy Egan wrote an <a href="">article</a> on a NYTimes blog about <a href="">Jeff Dowd</a>, who was the inspiration for "The Dude" in <a href="">The Big Lebowski</a>. Jeff Dowd supports Prop 19. Egan also wrote about Proposition 19 and is in favor of it.<br /><br />On September 30, 2010, TIME <a href="">wrote</a> that <a href="">Dixie Elixirs</a> in Colorado is making marijuana-infused beverages for medical marijuana patients. The drinks comes in 8 flavors including root beer, pink lemonade and grape. On a related note, <a href="">this website</a> has recipes and instructions on how to make weed soda using a stovetop, cupboard, or solar method.<br /><br />In late September, an <a href="">ABC affiliate</a> in Utah <a href="">reported</a> that former Salt Lake City mayor <a href="">Rocky Anderson</a> thinks marijuana should be legalized, and that one day marijuana will be legal nationwide.<br /><br />In late August, the first medical marijuana commercial <a href="">aired</a> in California. The ad for <a href="">CannaCare</a> was shown on <a href="">FOX affiliate KTXL</a> in Sacramento.<br /><br /><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>prop19questions, Cordova's measure to tax marijuana homegrowers<a href=",_California">Rancho Cordova, CA</a> is a city in the Sacramento/Arden/Arcade/Roseville metro area in Sacramento County. It has over 60,000 people and over 21,500 housing units.<br /><br />On August 29, 2010, Peter Hecht of <a href=""><i>The Sacramento Bee</i></a> wrote an article entitled <a href="">"Rancho Cordova asking voters to OK tax on homegrown pot for personal use."</a> The city is the first to propose a tax on homegrowers.<br /><br />Rancho Cordova has already passed an ordinance which declared outdoor marijuana grows over 25 square feet an unlawful public nuisance. The ordinance also makes it so special permits are required for indoor grows over 25 square feet.<br /><br />Appearing on the city's November 2nd ballot is the Personal Cannabis Cultivation Tax measure, which would impose a tax of $600 per square foot on indoor cannabis cultivation up to and including 25 square feet, and $900 per square foot for anything bigger; it makes no distinction between recreational and medical growing. Mayor Ken Cooley said Rancho Cordova is protecting its interests if Prop 19 passes. He said the measure is a response to concerns about "problems caused in neighborhoods by growing marijuana."<br /><br />The California director for NORML Dale Gieringer said the cultivation tax is likely an "unconstitutional" and "punitive" measure to keep people from growing marijuana. Gieringer said nobody would pay the tax, the city would collect no money, and he thinks courts would throw it out. The measure allows the city to lower the tax rate. If the measure passes, a resident growing in a 5x5 space indoors would be taxed $15,000 a year. The California director of Americans for Safe Access, Don Duncan, spoke out against the measure. City spokeswoman Nancy Pearl said cops and firefighters and building and safety people will have to work more and costs will go up, and the homegrow tax is meant to pay for threats to neighborhoods from potential traffic, crime, stench, nuisances, as well as city code enforcement.<br /><br />In 2009, a City Council member suggested a ban on residential marijuana growing after a woman complained about the smell of weed coming from neighbor growing medical marijuana. Also, code enforcement officers in the city have discovered a few cases of fire hazards from dangerous wiring and altered circuit boxes for residential marijuana growing. And the city recently responded to people complaining about mold in a rental unit (which they had caused because they were growing marijuana in their bedroom).<br /><br />Also appearing on the city's ballot is measure which would impose a gross receipts tax of 12 to 15% on weed sales if any weed stores are allowed to open in the future. It was introduced in case courts force the city to accept weed stores. The city currently bans medical marijuana dispensaries.<br /><br />In Sacramento, there is a measure on the November ballot that would levy a gross receipts tax of 2 to 4% on 39 existing medical marijuana dispensaries, and impose of tax of 5 to 10% on new retail weed stores if Prop 19 passes.prop19questions, cannabis expos Saturday and SundayToday and tomorrow is the <a href="">International Cannabis & Hemp Expo 2010</a> at <a href="">The Cow Palace</a> in San Francisco (well, in Daly City, along San Francisco's border). According to the website the entire public is welcome (under 18 with parent/guardian). It's $18 at the door and goes from 10AM to 6PM both days. It will have lots of vendors, a raffle, live glassblowing, and claims to have the "world's largest patient consumption area."<br /><br />The Saturday main stage <a href="">schedule</a> includes presentations on media coverage, compost brewing, local community activism, medical marijuana standardization, branding cannabis, and a debate on Prop 19 with Richard Lee. The Sunday main stage schedule includes presentations on safety and insurance and liability, strains and nomenclature, a legal panel, the future of medical marijuana and healthcare by Steve DeAngelo of Harborside Health Center, the economics of cannabis, and law enforcement encounters (including Amanda Rain Brazel from Oaksterdam University). The Saturday Prop 215 stage will have presentations on whole plant juicing, bud porn by Jorge Cervantes, SubCool's super soil method, cooking with cannabis with Phil Shehata from The Farmacy, and 420Football on the outside stage. The Sunday Prop 215 stage will have presentations on power growing through early testing, the art of consuming (on the outside stage), a rolling contest with a prize by Vortex Waterpipes, the art of cloning with Bret Bogue of, and 420Football on the outside stage.<br /><br />Also happening September 25 and 26th, 2010 is the <a href="">Plant Medicine Expo and Healthcare Provider Conference</a> at the downtown Denver Sheraton hotel. On September 25th, the expo runs from 11AM to 6PM; on September 26th the expo runs from 11AM to 5PM. The Healthcare Provider Conference is September 25th from 830AM to 430PM; registration and a light breakfast starts at 730AM. A Consumer Conference is September 25th from 9AM to 345PM; and on the 26th it goes from 9AM to 5PM. On September 25th at 4:30PM there will be a debate entitled "Medical Marijuana and the Colorado Amendment: Whats Right For You?", moderated by <a href="">Richard Belzer</a>. Tickets for the debate costs $10 or is free for conference attendees. The Consumer Conference costs $49. The Healthcare Provider Conference costs $250.<br /><br />On September 22nd, an <a href="">article</a> appeared on HuffingtonPost where Jesse Benn interviewed Seth Ginsberg, the president and co-founder of TGI Healthworks which is producing the Plant Medicine Expo and Healthcare Provider Conference.prop19questions, recent polls, Paul Armentano, Capitol Weekly, speculation, LATimes vs Prop19On September 23rd <a href="">reported</a> on 2 polls about Proposition 19. <a href="">Public Policy Polling</a> has Prop 19 at 47-38 in favor and <a href="">Survey USA</a> has Prop 19 at 47-42 in favor. PPP said among young voters it's 54-34 in favor. Prop 19 requires a simple majority to pass, meaning over 50% of voters.<br /><br />The Deputy Director of NORML, Paul Armentano, wrote a piece on <a href=""></a> called "Coming to Terms With Taxation, Regulation, and Californias Prop. 19.", appearing on the site on on September 23rd.<br /><br />On September 23rd an article by Jennifer Chaussee appeared on <a href=""></a> called "Follow the money: The impact of legalized pot." Chaussee wrote "The arguments surrounding the controversial measure to legalize and tax the recreational use of marijuana have relied at least in part on speculation", saying "neither side knows for sure how the initiative will affect Californias economy." The article went on to say how estimating the impact of Prop 19 was difficult for the Board of Equalization, the Legislative Analyst's Office, and the RAND research group. On September 21st, Ammiano introduced the bill Marijuana Control and Regulation Act of 2010 which would take effect after the passage of Prop 19. It would impose a substantial fee on the sale of legal marijuana in order to discourage substance abuse, and funds would be used for drug education and awareness programs. In the bill a marijuana sales license could not exceed $5,000 initially, and not exceed $2,500 for yearly renewal. The bill states that no person can legally sell marijuana or marijuana derivatives without a proper license. Medical marijuana would be exempt from those fees. <br /><br />Also from Capitol Weekly, on September 21st, the California Cannabis Association held a press release at the Capitol to oppose Prop 19. President George Mull said Prop 19 doesn't protect medical marijuana patients because county councils will get to decide whether to allow legal sale of marijuana in their counties. Lanette Davis, associated with the Canna Care medical marijuana distributor, said Prop 19 would impose unfair taxes on patients. Dan Newman, spokesman for Yes On 19, said Prop 19 won't affect current medical marijuana laws. The Alameda County Democratic Party supports Prop 19. Yes On 19 said that Democratic Parties in Butte, Los Angeles, Madera, Modoc, Orange, Placer, San Francisco, Siskiyou, and Sonoma County have endorsed Prop 19. LEAP member Nate Bradley said possession of under one ounce of marijuana results in a misdemeanor with a max $100 fine but that it costs counties $1,000 to process, saying $60 million per year could be saved if police just stopped writing those tickets.<br /><br />You can add the <a href=""><i>Los Angeles Times</i></a> to the list of California newspapers opposed to Prop 19. The <i>LA Times</i> is the 4th most widely distributed newspaper in the US. An article entitled <a href=",0,4509321.story">"Snuff out pot measure"</a> appeared online on September 24, 2010. The <i>LA Times</i> said marijuana legalization is a "valid subject for discussion" but that Prop 19 "poorly thought out, badly crafted and replete with loopholes and contradictions." The paper said Prop 19 is "an invitation to chaos" since it leaves regulation up to 478 cities and 58 counties, and the law could change hundreds of times from county to county. "In Los Angeles County alone it could mean 88 different sets of regulations." The paper said if Prop 19 created a statewide regulatory framework it would merit more consideration. <br /><br />The <i>LA Times</i> wrote that even if Prop 19 passes, marijuana will still be a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act, which "would set up an inevitable conflict with the federal government that might not end well for the state." The paper wrote regarding Prop 215, "an untold number of residents have faced federal prosecution for actions that were allowed under California law." The paper said there's no guarantee the next presidential administration will be tolerant of state laws on marijuana. It said that much new revenue could be eaten up by the new bureaucracies and departments that local governments would establish. And that Prop 19 "could cause substantial harm." It would create a "protected class of on-the-job smokers", giving them the legal right to smoke marijuana at work unless employers could actually prove impairment. Employers will no longer be able to discipline a worker for being high or drug test for it. The <i>Los Angeles Times</i> concluded that the hypothetical benefits of Prop 19 are outweighed by the risks of the strong possibility of contradictory municipal laws as well as conflicts with federal law.prop19questions, vs Prop 19, unions, Lodi bust, Sacbee vs Prop 19, NAACPOn September 21, 2010 the Associated Press <a href="">reported</a> that a coalition of medical marijuana advocates, the California Cannabis Association, is opposing Proposition 19 because it would allow local governments to ban the purchase and sale of marijuana in local jurisdictions, which would harm patients. Nannette Mirando of KABC in Sacramento <a href="">reported</a> on the news, quoting a spokesperson for Crusaders for Patient Rights. Spokesman for the Yes On Prop 19 campaign Jeff Jones said "We are not circumventing, repealing or amending the rights of Californians with respect to medical cannabis." A spokesperson for the California District Attorneys Association, Jan Scully, said enforcement from a public safety standpoint will be virtually impossible since it will be impossible to prove where marijuana originated from when people are moving back and forth between counties. LAPD Deputy Chief Stephen Downing said going after marijuana-related crimes is a waste of law enforcement resources. A <a href="">fantastic blog</a> has said that medical growers will be limited to 25 square feet if Prop 19 passes because the word "cultivate" is missing in a certain section. It also says that medical growers who live in California but don't live in cities will be affected by Prop 19.<br /><br />On September 21, ABC News <a href="">reported</a> that almost 40 workers at Marjyn Investments LLC, a medical marijuana patient contractor, signed up with Teamsters Local 70 Union in Oakland, CA. Lou Marchetti is the Teamsters organizer that signed them up and negotiated a 2 year contract for them. The AP <a href="">reported</a> it's America's 1st group of unionized marijuana growers. The workers work as gardeners, trimmers and cloners and their new contract gives them health insurance, paid vacation, a pension, and within 15 months their wages will increase from $18/hr to $25.75/hr. Marjyn is one of 260 parties who applied for one of Oakland's four large-scale grow op permits. The Oakland City Council authorized industrial cannabis cultivation in July. In May, approximately 100 Oakland medical dispensary workers joined the United Food and Commercial Workers.<br /><br />On September 19, Debra J Saunders <a href="">wrote</a> an article in the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> entitled "Prop. 19 - End marijuana prohibition, vote yes." Two days later she <a href="">wrote a blog post</a> with answers to some reader questions.<br /><br />On September 22, the <a href=""><i>Lodi News-Sentinel</i></a> published an <a href="">article</a> by Ryan Campbell entitled "Lodi police grapple with fuzzy marijuana regulations". Neighboring businesses complained about the smell of marijuana coming from a 1,500 square foot commercial warehouse on Auto Center Drive in <a href=",_California">Lodi</a> rented by Darren Dean. Officers unsuccessfully tried to contact the renter and monitored the building for several days; the building was using 6x the electricity as similar-sized tenants. On September 14, about 40 Lodi police and firefighters raided the warehouse and found 30 marijuana planted worth approximately $4,200. The Lodi Fire Department spent $1,600 for 18 hours of overtime for fire responders. But Darren Dean and his mother both had medical marijuana cards. Dean was given 2 weeks to harvest his crops before being evicted by the property owner. The <i>Lodi News-Sentinel</i> also mentioned that in August 2010 an indoor homegrow with jerry-rigged lighting sparked a fire which damaged an apartment in Boulder Creek near Santa Cruz. It also mentioned that <a href=",_California">San Joaquin County</a> allows people to have 12 immature plants or 6 mature plants and up to 8 oz of harvested marijuana. And that <a href=",_California">Sonoma County</a> allows people to have up to 30 plants and possess up to 3 pounds of marijuana.<br /><br />I guess you can add <i>The Sacramento Bee</i> to the list of <a href="">California newspapers against Prop 19</a>. On September 19, an <a href="">article</a> appeared in the <a href=""><i>The Sacramento Bee</i></a> (Sacramento's biggest newspaper, the 5th largest in CA, and the 25th largest in the US) saying that "Prop 19 deserves to go up in smoke." The article says the initiative is poorly drafted and "full of worrisome loopholes and ambiguities that would create a chaotic nightmare for law enforcement, local governments and businesses." It says "Supporters say it would control and tax marijuana. It would do neither." <i>The Sacramento Bee</i> said that nowhere in the initiative is a specific tax proposal, so there are no guarantees about marijuana taxes or if they would be fair, since local governments get to choose. It mentions that Prop 19 supporters like to argue that it would free the criminal justice system, but California already decriminalized possession under an ounce 34 years ago. Over 400,000 Californians use marijuana daily. The paper said a mishmash of rules will inevitably result because the initiative gives too much leeway to local governments. It says that Prop 19 has no definition of what constitutes driving under the influence of marijuana, unlike the standard for drunk driving. It says that Prop 19 will not put drug cartels out of business or end marijuana trafficking. If marijuana is taxed at $50 a ounce, there will still be a black market for cheaper marijuana. Plus, there will still be the illicit trade to feed the teen market. It says that marijuana laws should be uniform statewide and that voters will get another chance to voice their opinion in 2012. <i>The Sacramento Bee</i> concluded "It would be shortsighted to support Proposition 19 a deeply flawed measure that would create many more problems than it could hope to solve just because it's the first one to make the ballot."<br /><br />On September 16, the <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> published an <a href="">article</a> by Alice Huffman, the president of the California NAACP, entitled "Marijuana law reform is a civil rights issue." She said that the war on drugs "is the latest tool for imposing Jim Crow justice on poor African Americans." She wrote that "in every one of the 25 largest counties in California, blacks are arrested for marijuana possession at higher rates than whites, typically at double, triple, or even quadruple the rate." Regarding the NAACP and arrests for marijuana offenses this <a href="">blog</a> says that possession of under one ounce is already not an arrestable offense and Prop 19 won't change that.<br /><br />And <a href="">this great blog by Jennifer Soares</a> asks how many arrests Prop 19 will stop. Notice how the Department of Justice defines "arrests." Also notice how many felony arrests Prop 19 could possibly affect.prop19questions, newspapers lining up against legalizing potOn September 11, 2010, Matt Welch at Reason<br /><a href="">wrote about</a> how Calfornia newspapers (Riverside <i>Press-Enterprise</i>, <i>North County Times</i>, <i>Contra Costa Times</i>, <i>Gilroy Dispatch</i>, <i>Desert Sun</i>) have opposed Propositon 19.prop19questions, County bans outdoor marijuana growing for 45 daysOn September 14, 2010 the San Francisco Chronicle <a href="">reported</a> that the Fresno County Board of Supervisors approved a 45-day ban on outdoor marijuana growing after a Fresno man was shot and killed by a medical marijuana patient who suspected thieves were stealing his crop. Shots were fired during two other incidents in September 2010 according to police chief Jerry Dyer. Everyone growing marijuana outdoors in unincorporated areas of Fresno County will have to move their plants indoors while a permanent ban is drafted.<br /><br />Are violent confrontations between growers and thieves, and bans on outdoor growing a sign of things to come if Proposition 19 passes?prop19questions, more questionsIf Proposition 19 passes, many people will think "How can I make money off this?" -- entrepreneurs, politicians, corporations, law enforcement, criminals, lawyers, regular citizens, etc. I have 500 additional questions below. That brings the grand total to 1,350 questions.<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will it the media say that California has voted to "open Pandora's box" or "open the floodgates"?<br /><br />If the public votes in favor of Proposition 19, how will the California State Legislature respond? California has 58 counties: Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, Yolo, and Yuba County. How will each county respond? California has 480 incorporated municipalities. If Proposition 19 passes, how soon after will cities/counties pass new legislation related to it? What if a municipal government disagrees with its county government? California has one consolidated city-county, San Francisco. Is it true that county ordinances do not apply to cities unless they are ratified by each individual city? How will Proposition 19 affect the 527 named islands off the California coast?<br /><br />Will the passage of Proposition 19 initiate a cascade of cannabis legalization nationwide or worldwide? Will the passage of Proposition 19 unleash a legal nightmare? If Proposition 19 passes will it make it to the Supreme Court of California? The Supreme Court of the United States? What will the Office of National Drug Control Policy be able to do? The United States Congress? If Proposition 19 passes, what will the President of the United States be able to do? If Proposition 19 passes under the first black president, how will that be spun in the media and on the Internet?<br /><br />How much money will local police departments lose in asset forfeitures? Will police departments continue to seize property despite Proposition 19? What will police do if a person calls 911 because someone stole their weed or robbed their homegrow? How will police respond to weed store robberies, burglaries, and theft? Can weed store owners have firearms for defense on site? Will California have to create a new separate police force to respond to the effects of Proposition 19? Will pawnshops be able to buy/sell growing equipment or seeds? How will insurance companies react to Proposition 19 passing? The headquarters of D.A.R.E. America are in Inglewood, California. If Propositon 19 passes, will DARE change their curriculum in California or nationwide, and if so how?<br /><br />Will only California residents be able to legally buy weed in weed stores? Will weed stores or commercial grow facilities allow photography inside? Cellphones? Smartphones? Who would show their face in a weed store? Can weed stores plaster their walls with nug porn? Can weed stores have on display marijuana plants/trees with thick trunks? Can weed stores have on display marijuana plants that customers pick from themselves? Can customers share weed inside of weed stores? Will some weed stores be overwhelmed by customers? Will there be mob looting? Will certain weed stores often be out of stock? Will demand outpace supply?<br /><br />Will weed photography or marijuana macro photography undergo a boom? Can a store legally sell a fog machine that uses cannabis oil or that actually vaporizes? Will stores be allowed to sell ornamental cannabis plants? Will people be allowed to legally display ornamental cannabis plants in public? Will landscapers be allowed to plant cannabis in existing home/business/city gardens or parking strips? Can home and garden stores legally sell pre-made marijuana growing kits/structures? What if they're marketed towards tomato growers?<br /><br />What's the most/the least a city will tax commercial marijuana? Will there be a set monetary tax per gram, per ounce, per joint, per blunt, per pack, per bud? A percentage of the retail price? Will home gardens be taxed?<br /><br />Can a real estate company sell a house with a grow room already set up? What if plants are already growing in it? What kind of personal vertical grows will be developed? Ones with towers, columns, spiral staircases, scaffolding? Can a homeowner or real estate company or landlord sell/rent a house/apartment that contains multiple harvests of homegrown weed? When people move out of a house or apartment, will they be required to take all of their weed with them? If someone owns a mansion or estate with multiple rooms or multiple outbuildings, can they grow 5x5 in each one? Can a repo company repossess growing equipment or plants or buds?<br /><br />Which stores in California will do the most business? Will smoking lounges/weed stores near the Los Angeles International Airport do the most business? Will private shuttles take people from LAX to nearby weed stores/smoking lounges? Will pilots and air traffic controllers be banned from using marijuana off duty? How will Proposition 19 affect the stock market? Which stocks will go up or down? Will Proposition 19 lead to any Mexican cartel bosses becoming billionaires? Will it lead to any person becoming a millionaire or billionaire?<br /><br />Will rich people hire in-house weed gardeners? Will rich people hire multiple personal gardeners around a city or area who will give/share most or all of their harvest to their employer? Will rich people hire marijuana shoppers? Can a celebrity carry one ounce of marijuana on their person, and each bodyguard or person in their entourage also carry one ounce? Will they have to ride in separate vehicles? Will rich people employ weed carriers? Will stoned celebrities be commonly shown on TMZ? What if someone is carrying brownies or other edibles made with one ounce of marijuana but the edibles weigh over one ounce? How will agents and PR companies manage celebrities who are out with their marijuana use?<br /><br />How will the passage of Proposition 19 affect traffic within California? Traffic entering California? Could the passage of Proposition 19 affect air quality, smog, or visibility? If Prop 19 passes, will people who voted against Proposition 19 move out of Calfornia as they tire of its effects? Will California see an increase in spaced out people, drivers, workers, pedestrians? Will it be legal for drivers or passengers to smoke or vaporize in stationary or moving vehicles? Vehicles with tinted windows? Windowless vans? How will Proposition 19 affect elderly drivers and drivers under 25? Will rental car companies in California ban marijuana smoking/vaping in their vehicles? Will all of their rental cars smell like marijuana smoke anyway? Can someone lawfully make or sell an electric vehicle that emits marijuana smoke/vapor exhaust? Would cannabis vapor exhaust pass a California emissions test? Can someone lawfully manufacture a vehicle with a built in vaporizer? Can someone lawfully make/sell a cannabis vaporizer with a DC connector or that hooks up to a DC connector in an automobile cigarette lighter receptacle? Will cars manufactured in California after the passage of Proposition 19 omit cigarette lighter receptacles to discourage use as a joint or blunt lighter?<br /><br />Can commercial truckers legally transport over 1 oz of weed? If a commercial truck carrying a weed shipment overturns on the freeway, will there be a special quick response team? Looting? What about marijuana field fires next to roads and highways? If commercial transport of over 1 oz is unlawful, will all commercial weed stores be located in the same building as commercial grows? Can a weed store employee lawfully carry over 1 oz of marijuana at a time? If possession/transport of over 1 oz of marijuana is illegal, will all commercial buds over that size have to be cut? Will commercial growers legally be allowed to grow Big Bud or Big Bud-related strains? If commercial growers/sellers are limited to selling buds under 1 oz, will there be a black market for buds over 1 oz? Will transport of marijuana (possibly over 1 oz) by balloons, kites, gliders, RC planes/copters/boats, UAVs, drones, robots, and automatons in-state and out-of-state increase? What if someone drops joints out of a balloon or plane onto a community? Will marijuana be parachuted in or out of state, manned or unmanned?<br /><br />Will weed stores be able to offer free samples? Will there be free marijuana edibles samples in grocery stores? Will it be lawful to promote a company, store, product, club, show, or event by giving away free marijuana or marijuana products? Can a weed store offer free seeds with the purchase of certain products? Can any store? Will weed stores have "buy one get one free" offers? How about "buy one ounce get one free for your friend" offers? Will grocery stores be allowed to sell weed? Will it have to be sold next to alcohol or far away from alcohol? Where tobacco is sold? In a different aisle than tobacco but presented similarly to tobacco? Will barbershops and hair salons be able to legally sell weed? Existing tobacco smoke shops?<br /><br />Will people be able to legally sell used smoking/vaping equipment at yard sales? Flea markets? Can they donate them to goodwill or secondhand stores? Can goodwill or secondhand stores sell smoking/vaping equipment? What about the sale of products at yard sales or markets which include a free gift of marijuana? What about raffles or contests with marijuana prizes? What about the sale of any new or used good that includes a free gift of marijuana or marijuana product?<br /><br />How will the music industry change, the rap industry, comedy clubs, jazz clubs? Will there be an explosion of jam bands in California? Will the cannabis industry employ illegal immigrants who smoke that evil marihuana?<br /><br />Can someone lawfully operate a cannabis catering company? Will there be a limit to the events they can legally cater? Will they be limited to 1 oz total of marijuana or 1 oz total of THC in their products? Could weed delivery guys lawfully transport over 1 oz? Can a pizza place also sell weed? Can they use weed as a pizza topping? Can the delivery guy deliver pizza and weed at the same time? Can any place that sells food offer weed on their menu? Who can lawfully make/sell marijuana-infused pastries? Cakes? Pies? Fillings? Jams? Frostings? Soups? Salads? Sandwiches? Cooking oils? Cooking sprays? Perfumes? Colognes? Incense? Candles? Scented stickers? Soaps? Shampoos? Lotions? Creams? Lip balm? Lipstick? Beauty products? Lubes? THC-dipped condoms and sex toys? Glass dildo pipes? Dildo bongs? Smokable/edible panties?<br /><br />Can people legally consume marijuana in campgrounds? Can people legally grow or buy or consume marijuana on military bases? In ski resorts? Will it be lawful to smoke while cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, scootering? What about consumption on stage, like in a play or musical? Does vaporizing or inhaling from a compressed vapor cylinder underwater at a beach or pool count as smoking in public? At outdoor festivals will sale/consumption of marijuana be limited to weed gardens? If smoking or vaping in public is banned, can someone be arrested based on a digital photo or video of themselves engaging in such activity? Photos or videos found online? Someone smoking from a bong in front of their house on Google Street View? How will vindictive exes use Proposition 19 to their advantage?<br /><br />Will the THC content of commercial strains gradually rise? Will a commercial strain ever reach 30% THC content? 50%? Over time, THC degrades into CBN. Will commercial weed have sell-by dates? Will older stocks be sold on clearance? Will the usage of older marijuana contribute to accidents? Will there be a market for "aged" marijuana? Cannabis cured in certain environments or containers? Sprayed with scents or flavorings? Will California laboratories be able to legally synthesize THC and sell it? Can someone lawfully possess up to one ounce of pure THC crystal?<br /><br />Will companies or people be allowed to make THC concentrates? Will homegrowers be allowed to make as much THC extract as they possibly can? Will there be an increase in deaths related to solvents used by homegrowers to make hash oil? Will the sale of butane increase as more people attempt to make hash oil themselves? Can weed stores sell 1 oz bottles of hash oil? On necklaces? What about hash oil in a glass-like form? Hash oil frozen into various shapes? Instruction guides/books on making hash oil? Refridgerated 1 oz (or smaller) pure THC rocks? How much will 1 oz pure THC rocks sell for? Can weed stores sell kief, kief screens/sieves, resin bricks, pollen presses? Do possession limits apply to male pollen since it contains no THC?<br /><br />Will people throw or give weed to animals in zoos, parks, wildlife refuges, anywhere? Will veterinarians see an increase in pets brought in for marijuana-related incidents? If Proposition 19 passes, will any human or animal die from an overdose of THC? If some 60lb Labrador retrievers each eat 3/5th oz of pure THC, half will die. If some 6lb chihuahuas each eat 1.4g of pure THC, half will die. Will there be an increase in marijuana-related emergency room visits by people?<br /><br />Will California employers no longer be eligible to receive federal government grants or contracts greater than $100,000? Will employers no longer be able to drug test for marijuana? Would an employer be unable to take any disciplinary action against an employee unless their marijuana use "actually impaired" employee performance? Will employers be unable to fire stoned workers until they prove their performance has been impaired? Can an employee fired for marijuana use sue their employer if they can prove they only used a month or week ago?<br /><br />Will K through University schools in California lose as much as $9.4 billion in federal funding? How will Proposition 19 affect test scores in California? College rankings? Will colleges and universities allow smoking/vaping/growing in dorms or classrooms?<br /><br />How will Proposition 19 affect holidays? Can we expect marijuana decorations in commercial stores prior to April 20th? Plastic marijuana plants? Marijuana turkey stuffing? Will there be marijuana Christmas trees? What if a minor trick-or-treating on Halloween comes home with a marijuana edible? Can someone lawfully make/sell Halloween costumes related to marijuana in some way?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how many incidents will there be per year of minors bringing marijuana products to school? What about incidents of minors selling? If a minor brings marijuana edibles to school, what kind of charges will parents be facing? Is cooking with marijuana or a marijuana product in the space of a minor a crime? Is orally consuming a marijuana product in the space of a minor a crime?<br /><br />Will there be an increase in incidents of people putting lit joints/blunts/pipes or automatic smokers/vaporizers/misters inside air conditioning or heating ducts? Will blowing marijuana smoke or vapor with a mechanical fan be outlawed in certain areas? What about with handheld fans? Will Proposition 19 trigger any incidents of mass hysteria? What urban legends will develop after the passage of Proposition 19?<br /><br />Where can marijuana related jewelry legally be sold? Can people make pipe necklaces? Stash necklaces or rings? What existing commercial products can be legally converted into pipes/bongs and sold commercially? On what commercial products can a marijuana leaf be displayed? Where can leaf displaying products be sold? Will there be a marijuana fashion industry? What will marijuana fashion be like? Can someone legally make a dress out of a marijuana leaves? What if they're male leaves? Can someone lawfully make/sell cannabis seed husk pillows? Bud filled pillows or bedding? Marijuana inhalers? Suppositories? Can there be weed spas, saunas, yoga, acupuncture, earcandling, massage therapy? Can weed stores offer any of those in the same building? Can alternative medicine or healing centers sell marijuana, allow smoking on premises?<br /><br />Will existing corporate clothing manufacturers use hemp in their products? Will clothing factories be relocated to California in order to make hemp products? Where can hemp clothing be sold? Hemp lingerie? What kind of products can lawfully be made from hemp? Backpacks? Dog collars? Will hemp jeans outsell denim jeans in California? Where can hemp rope be sold? What business sectors will allow the use of hemp rope? Can people manufacture hemp flags? Hemp books? Cannabis-based inks? Where can hemp books be sold? Can libraries stock hemp books? What kind of marijuana-related books and movies can libraries carry? Will it be lawful to burn hemp products in public? Hemp flags? Hemp books?<br /><br />Will cannabis cultivar names be regulated by the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and have to be registered with an International Cultivar Registration Authority and have to conform to the rules of the International Society for Horticultural Science Commission for Nomenclature and Cultivar Registration? How will Proposition 19 interact with plant breeders' rights? Will a US office for cannabis be established in California where breeders can submit seeds and be granted exclusive rights for 20 years and be able to sue to enforce their rights and recover damages from infringement? Can they sue companies as well as homegrowers? Will the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970 apply to cannabis strains in California, giving breeders 20 years of exclusive control over new, distinct, uniform, and stable cannabis plants? To be eligible for a certificate under the PVPA a plant variety must be new, meaning that propagating or harvested material has not been sold or otherwise disposed of for purposes of exploitation for more than one year in the US or more than four years in any foreign jurisdiction. Will every cannabis seed in the US qualify as a new strain since it hasn't been legally sold for more than one year in the US? Will any seed sold by a foreign seedbank since 2006 qualify as a new strain? Will any strain 5 years or older be fair game for any company or homegrower? Will no cannabis breeders be eligible for plant breeders' rights since cannabis is a Schedule IV drug under the international treaty Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs? Will any California company be able to exclusively profit from any specific cannabis strain?<br /><br />Is a cannabis strain considered intellectual property? What about landraces? What about strains created pre-Prop19? Can cannabinoids be patented? Can THC to CBD ratios be patented? There are over 2500 strains of cannabis. Will weed companies start crossing them, creating an explosion of new strains? Will they cross all of them, producing over 6.2 million strains? Will someone release a Strain Bible? Will a company be started that analyzes strain lineages and genealogies in labs? Will there be niche companies that focus on specific cannabis strains? Niche stores? Niche growers? Niche magazines? Niche awards? Niche TV shows? Niche web shows? Niche websites? Will companies make shirts or other apparel for specific cannabis strains? Will supplies for every strain be nearly unlimited?<br /><br />Will commercially sold marijuana cigarettes require filters? What's the cheapest price a 1 gram joint will be sold for individually or in 24 or 28-packs? What about 1.5 gram joints individually or in 18-packs? What will be the most expensive price? Can loose weed be sold in empty glass bottles or empty liquor bottles? Bongs? Gift wrapped? Will there be weed knockoffs? Which agency will ensure that commercially sold cannabis does not contain adulterants? How can consumers be sure that weed companies are not engaging in price gouging, price fixing, or dividing territories? How many fly by night weed stores will be set up? How will the Better Business Bureau be affected?<br /><br />Will the commercial market be split between people in it for the love of money and people in it for the love of the plant? What will be the first weed company to gross over $100 million in revenue? $500 million? $1 billion? Will weed companies with the biggest revenue be targeted for raids by the federal government? Will the federal government or DEA only go against smaller growers since the bigger ones can buy political influence? Will they only go after the largest companies? Will the federal government wage war on California? Will the federal government use aerials UAVs in California for reconnaissance and surveillance? Will wiretapping all over California increase? If the federal government cracks down hard on California's commercial weed industry, will there be a movement by California to secede?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how will it be seen by the green movement, environmentalists, anti consumerism proponents, etc? Will opposers have massive public protests? Would anyone commit suicide to protest after the passage of Proposition 19? Will there be a schism between "old skool" and corporate cannabis culture? Will people complain that marijuana became too corporate or too popular or too mainstream? Will Proposition 19 be seen as a corporate takeover of cannabis culture? Another attempt to co-opt or appropriate counter-culture for profit? If marijuana is no longer seen as counter-cultural or rebellious, which illegal drug will people flock to? Will there be vandalism of commercial weed stores/facilities?<br /><br />Will existing marijuana awards be split into homegrown/seed company/corporate categories? Will people complain that cannabis award shows became "too corporate"? Will award shows be televised? Shown on YouTube? Shown on the Interent? Which stores can sell DVDs of award shows? Will we see a new subculture that breeds for the worst genetics and worst phenotypes, in order to fuck with or sabotage commercial weed companies? Will we see awards for worst commercially sold cannabis strain, like the Golden Raspberry Awards -- maybe called The Golden Blueberry Awards, The Ditchies, The Brickies, The Schwaggys?<br /><br />Can a cannabis church legally have more than one ounce of marijuana inside their building and also allow smoking on the premises? Will it be protected by First Amendment rights guaranteeing freedom of religion? Which buildings can be designated cannabis churches? Can a home or apartment in a residential area be designed a cannabis church meetinghouse? In Islam, the use of cannabis is generally forbidden. How will Muslims in California react to the passage of Proposition 19? Will Rastas, Hindus, sadhus, sufis, Ethiopian Zion Coptics, and others be able to possess more than one ounce of marijuana according to freedom of religion under the First Amendment? Will Rastafaris see Prop 19 as giving their sacrament over to control by Babylon? Is Proposition 19 what Peter Tosh had in mind when he sang "Legalize it"? <br /><br />Will growing or usage of marijuana be allowed in trailers on movie sets? Will actors or extras be allowed to be stoned on film? Will TV shows provide weed in green rooms? Will people under the influence of marijuana be allowed to appear or perform on live TV or on stage? Will there be weed reality shows? So You Think You Can Grow, Red Eye For the Straight Guy, Project Weedway, How I Met Your Grower, Big Brother: Hotbox Edition, The Ultimate Toker, Smokeout, Takhashy's Castle? What about marijuana use on existing reality shows located in California? Can a reality show be filmed in a weed store, bakery, confectionary, commercial growing facility, farm? Will there be TV infomercials for highdeas? Can cartoons or animated shows that depict marijuana use be lawfully aired in California? Who determines if an animated show is a cartoon or not? Can we expect a flood of primetime TV specials? Can we expect multiple documentary or fiction films based on Proposition 19? Will there be a rise in professional marijuana critics? Which media companies will feature their work? What about shows on the Internet?<br /><br />Will cannabis seed oil be produced on a mass scale? Where can it legally be sold? Who can legally use it to cook with and where? Will it ever be produced on such a scale that a cannabis seed oil spill on the freeway is a possibility? Will there ever be cannabis seed oil pipelines?<br /><br />How will hermaphrodite plants affect commercial growing facilities? Will weed stores sell seeded product for less than sensimilla? Will weed stores be required to separate all seed from their buds? Will weed stores willingly separate all seed from their buds to prevent free homegrowing?<br /><br />What's the most powerful gun a personal homegrower can have at home? Is a homegrower within their right to kill home intruders? Can a homegrower legally set boobytraps on their private property to protect outdoor grows?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will violent crime go down? Will murders in California decrease? Will Proposition 19 affect divorce or separation rates? AA meetings, NA meetings? Prescription drug usage? Will existing black market drug dealers transition to harder drugs? Will existing homegrowers transition to growing shrooms or cooking meth? How long until the first shooting inside a cannabis store or facility? Will theft of weed vending machines be a problem? Will there be a rise in date rape? Will hit-and-run accidents increase in California? Will drownings increase? Animals attacking people under the influence? How prevalent will shoplifting be at weed stores? Will seed theft be a crime? How often will weed stores have their windows broken? Will there be videos of people damaging or destroying marijuana plants on YouTube? Breaking pipes or bongs? Dissecting commercial smoking or vaping equipment? Will damage to other people's plants or growing equipment be considered property damage? Can it be taken to small claims court? Will there be drive-by shootings of weed stores or homegrowers? Will there be weed store or commercial growing facility bombings? Will anyone crash a plane into a weed facility? Will any cannabis entrepreneurs be assassinated?<br /><br />Will marijuana still be a banned substance for athletes in California? Will cannabis specific sports be invented? Sports where participants will be required to consume marijuana beforehand? Will they be televised or shown on the Internet? Will there be a Canna Bowl? What about world records related to marijuana? What about world records broken under the influence of marijuana?<br /><br />Will cities allow cannabis conventions or expos? Will colleges allow marijuana clubs? What kind of roadside attractions related to marijuana will be allowed? Can someone build a marijuana themed amusement park? Will marijuana museums or traveling exhibits be allowed? What about historic marijuana farms? Cannabis historical reenactments? Will there be a High Times dinner theater chain or High Times resorts? Will California or California cities advertise weedcations, potcations, vapecations? Will it be lawful to manufacture/sell Proposition 19 commemorative coins, plates, flags, mugs, spoons, collectibles, pipes, smoking/vaping equipment? Will the sale of 420 watt power supplies or 420 watt bulbs increase? 430 watt power supplies/bulbs marketed as 420 watt? If Proposition 19 passes, what kind of marijuana related apps will be allowed on smartphones? Will home glassware parties be lawful? Marijuana multi-level marketing companies? Will marijuana parades be allowed? Will there be any trample deaths at marijuana events?<br /><br />Can bars with liquor licenses use cannabis extracts as add-ins or mixers in drinks? Only if they also have a weed license? Can stores sell buds submerged in glass bottles full of alcohol? Will people be allowed to legally homebrew with marijuana?<br /><br />Will cannabis research increase by universities and corporations and private companies? If California passes Proposition 19, will it change the legal status of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists/antagonists? Will it be lawful to manufacture a cannabinoid superagonist? Will a company be allowed to apply CB1 selective antagonists to marijuana products to eliminate psychoactive effects or counteract appetite stimulation? If marijuana cures cancer, what did Bill Hicks and Dennis Hopper and Bob Marley die from?<br /><br />How many people in California used marijuana in the past month? If Propositon 19 passes, how will that number change over time? How many people in California currently don't use marijuana because it's illegal? How many currently don't use marijuana simply because they're dry? If Proposition 19 passes, would anyone in California ever be dry ever again? What about current and future usage in surrounding states? Will the use of Federal Reserve Notes to purchase marijuana be outlawed? Will local currencies spring up, perhaps backed by and redeemable in marijuana?<br /><br />Will all cannabis waste have to be disposed of in California? Will it all be burned? Will new biomass plants be constructed in California specifically for cannabis? Can industrial cannabis waste be put on barges or transported out of state? How much cannabis green waste will end up in garbage cans, dumpsters, garbage trucks, and landfills? What about commercial cannabis packaging? Will all commercial cannabis packaging be required to be recyclable or made from recycled materials? Will waste cannabis plant matter be accepted by green waste facilities? How much fertilizer waste will go down the drain in California?<br /><br />Why buy marijuana in a store when you can grow it for free at home? Why pay taxes on marijuana in a store when you can consume it tax free at home? Why grow marijuana at home when you can simply rip off someone's personal outdoor grow? Why buy marijuana in a store when you can just rob some grower's house? Why would teens buy marijuana from dealers when they could just rip off someone's personal outdoor grow or steal from their parents' grow? How often do people who grow their own tomatoes go to the store and buy tomatoes?<br /><br />Will the homeless population of California increase? If a homeless person admits to growing marijuana, will they be imprisoned since they have no residence? If homeless people have no residence to legally grow in, will homeless people be the main customers at weed stores? If a homeless person lists a shelter as their residence, can they legally grow elsewhere? What distance outside a weed store can a homeless person legally panhandle at? Will it be lawful for homeless people to panhandle for weed? Will it be lawful for someone to give a homeless person weed? What if it turns out the homeless person is a minor? Will people have to check a homeless person's ID before giving them weed? How many homeless people carry ID? Will it be legal to busk for weed? Will it be legal to give buskers weed? If Proposition 19 passes, can someone be paid in weed? If Proposition 19 passes, consumption of cannabis by persons over 21 will be lawful in a "residence", which includes temporary dwellings on public property. Will it be lawful for homeless people to smoke in cardboard boxes on the street or elsewhere in tents?<br /><br />There are nearly 100 Federal Indian reservations in California, over 100 federally recognized tribes, and about 40 Indian groups seeking federal recognition. According to the 2000 Census, there were over 220,000 American Indians living in California.<a href="">(source)</a> <a href="">This map</a> shows Indian reservations, rancherias, and colonies in California. If Proposition 19 passes, how will it apply to tribal lands and Indian reservations in California, or will it have no affect whatsoever? Can tribal councils come up with their own marijuana laws? Have American Indians always been able to legally grow marijuana on their reservations? If Indian reservations have no growspace limits, will corporate growers or criminals flock to them? Can Native Americans legally grow marijuana forests on tribal lands? Can tribes grow marijuana on their reservations for sale on and off the reservation? Would they have to pay county or city taxes, fees, licenses? Can Indian casinos legally grow/sell/make marijuana and marijuana accessories and allow smoking on site? Will Indian grown marijuana be sold alongside corporate marijuana in stores? If Proposition 19 fails, can Indian tribes grow or sell or consume marijuana (or allow outsiders to) on tribal lands and reservations anyway?<br /><br />In unincorporated areas or census-designated places in California, will anyone be able to legally grow or sell as much as they want with no growspace limits? Will growing/selling in those areas be against the law? Will people living in such areas have to defer to county law? There are 469 census-designated places in California. What will the passage of Proposition 19 allow people to do in Cabazon, California which unincorporated in 1975?<br /><br />Several lakes overlap California's border. Goose Lake is on the border between California and Oregon. Lake Tahoe is on the border between California and Nevada. Lake Havasu is on the border between California and Arizona. Will marijuana smuggling across lakes between California and Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona increase? Or will it be easier and simpler to smuggle across the California border on roadways? Can someone operate a weed store on the California shores of Lake Tahoe or Lake Havasu or Goose Lake? How close to the shore? What about weed stores on ships? Can people legally grow or consume marijuana on or in houseboats? Any other boats? Will there be an increase in boating accidents in California? There are two marinas on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. Will law enforcement increase interdiction efforts at those two marinas? If federal or Nevada law enforcement does lock down those two marinas, will Lake Tahoe smugglers simply head for other parts of the shoreline?<br /><br />The California Department of Food and Agriculture along with county Agricultural Commissioners maintain over 63,000 detection traps statewide for exotic fruit flies. Federal and state quarantines protect against the entry of exotic pests which could damage California produce. There are 16 Border Protection Stations located on major highways entering California, operating under the authority of the California Food and Agricultural Code. If Proposition 19 is passed, will existing stations begin looking for pests and organisms that affect cannabis? Will temporary or permanent cannabis border protection stations or checkpoints be built on major roads leaving California and entering Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona in order to prevent smuggling?<br /><br />Will smuggling into and selling in Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona be lucrative or will many residents of those states just drive to California to buy their weed? If Proposition 19 passes, will Weed, CA be an extremely popular drug tourist destination? Who will smuggle more marijuana out of California for sale, California residents or non-California residents? Will out-of-state residents mainly smuggle marijuana out for personal use or for sale? Will weed smuggled into surrounding states primarily be smuggled into further US states? Will California weed stores near the California state lines do the most business? Are California counties situated along the Oregon/Nevada/Arizona borders more likely to allow weed stores or not? Will weed stores in Calfornia border counties revitalize towns and communities? Will weed stores located near the borders of surrounding states allow cars with Oregon/Nevada/Arizona or other out-of-state license plates? Will they allow people to drive away with marijuana? Will police hang out at border stores and target cars with Oregon/Nevada/Arizona license plates? Will Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona lower speed limits on roads near the California border exiting California in order to set up speed traps in the hopes of interdicting marijuana and seizing vehicles?<br /><br />Who will be dubbed California's "Prince of Pot" and end up in federal prison for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana like Marc Emery?<br /><br />I've saved further information regarding border towns and border smuggling for a future blog post.prop19questions, questionsThe vote on Proposition 19 is less than two months away. I have a lot of questions about what might happen if Prop19 passes or fails. Right now I'm just brainstorming. I don't intend these questions to generate fear, uncertainty and doubt. I just hope that people imagine/consider possible scenarios and consequences if Prop 19 passes. If you laugh at some of these questions, please don't dismiss all of them. You can guarantee that criminals, homegrowers, corporations will look for loopholes in the law, and cops, lawyers, and judges will look for inconsistencies. What's the worse that could happen? What should local governments prepare for and expect? There are 850 questions below.<br /><br />Will homegrowers be able to grow (and keep) as much as they can in 25 square feet every month? Will the 25 square feet limits be enacted statewide? Can it be grown in plain view of the public? Will there be any cities/counties where it will be illegal to grow at home? What if cops see a minor tending a homegrow? Will medical growers be restricted to 25 square feet? Will any recreational homegrowers/sellers use medical marijuana cards as an excuse to grow in spaces larger than 25 square feet? Does harvesting count as processing? Will gangs and cartels take advantage of legal grow limits? Will they hire/employ more homegrowers? Can someone have 5 lbs of purchased weed inside their house as long as they also buy some plants to make it look like they're a personal grower? Will possession limits apply to only bud or also leaves, stems, seeds? Will possession limits only apply to the percentage of psychoactive chemicals in a bag of marijuana?<br /><br />Is "any harvest" some sort of unlimited loophole? Can someone convert a grain tower silo into a 5' W x 5' L x 50' H vertical grow op for "personal consumption"? A 5' diameter bush outside that's 12' tall? 25 single-cola 8' plants growing outside trimmed to each fit in its own one square foot area? Does the 25 square feet have to be in one single area? Could someone have two 2x2 grows? What if someone has a larger grow space than 25 square feet but there are less than 25 square feet of plants growing in it at the time? If someone owns multiple parcels of land, can they have 5x5 personal grows on each one? Can landowners subdivide existing land into smaller parcels to have more personal grow spaces? Can there be a grow on every level of an apartment fire escape? Will people convert entire floors of apartment buildings or motels into residential grow ops to compete with commercial growers? Will landlords pay tenants to grow in their apartments? Will people set up cubicles in loft apartments to take advantage of residence grow limits? Will people convert capsule hotels to take advantage of residence grow limits?<br /><br />Will there be more indoor or outdoor industrial commercial growers? Will outdoor commercial growers use greenhouses more than open-air growing to prevent fertilization of female plants? Will indoor or outdoor industrial growers produce more? Will indoor or outdoor growers use pesticides? Will an increase in indoor homegrows and industrial grows increase the chance of blackouts? Will indoor commercial growers in certain areas be restricted to certain hours when they can turn their lights on to prevent blackouts? Will the power grid in California be able to handle the demand? Will California have to build more peaking power plants? Will there be restrictions on exhaust in commercial and home grows? Will exhaust systems no longer be needed in homegrows? Will a strong smell of marijuana near a residence no longer be probable cause for police? Will there be a public tipline set up to snitch on people? Will it be legal to burn stems and leaves and waste plant matter in power plants? Will there be a market for plant waste/cellulose? How can it be used? How can it be transported? How must commercial cannabis waste be disposed of? Will industrial growers burn their own waste? Sell it? Will cannabis stems and leaves become a major source of biomass? Can it be used to make biofuel? Fermented to make methanol? <br /><br />Will there be an increase in electrical fires related to homegrows? Will fire departments have to hire more people to combat more electrical fires? Will there be special procedures in dealing with homegrow fires? Industrial marijuana fires? If a commercial crop is ruined somehow, how must the cannabis be disposed of? Will there be weed farm/factory inspectors? Will there be some sort of stamp of approval? Will it fall under FDA or USDA jurisdiction? Will the FDA have to approve cannabis products or will it be classified as an herb? Will the California Department of Public Health inspect retail weed stores?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes I think there will be an explosion in the number of weed stores, weed bakeries, weed cafes, smoking bars, hydro stores, grow supply stores, weed clothing companies, seed companies, breeders, glass blowers, 5x5 tent manufacturers, souvenir/poster/novelty item makers, tourist shops, tourist traps, etc. Can a 16-year-old be a cashier in any of them? Will you have to be 21 to even enter? Will under-21 employees at California medical dispensaries be laid off? Will there be a push to allow anyone 18-years-old or older to be able to legally purchase/smoke marijuana?<br /><br />Will California become the largest importer of fertilizers? HID lighting? Will lightbulb/ballast manufacturers have increasing sales? Will it to be lawful to sell grow equipment, seeds, marijuana, marijuana products, smoking/vaporizing equipment door to door? Will any California weed companies grow large enough that they'll produce all of their growing equipment in-house? Will California weed companies buy/lease equipment factories in China or start their own?<br /><br />Where are the weed stores allowed to buy their weed from? Can a medical dispensary and recreational business be located in the same building? Share the same counter? Use the same supplier? If someone shows their medical card will they be subject to a lower tax rate in combination outlets? Will medical/retail weed prices be the same? Will weed prices go down? Will weed companies/stores engage in price fixing? If a city applies a higher tax to recreational marijuana, will purely medical dispensaries be subject to that higher tax as well? Will many current medical dispensaries just change their sign and become retail weed stores? Will people be allowed to form and sell out of co-ops?<br /><br />Will every city and county in California approve retail weed stores? Will there still be black markets in California? Will some buyers stay loyal to their former marijuana dealers? Will retail weed stores be English-only? Will owners/operators be allowed to speak any foreign language? Will niche stores spring up among various demographic groups? Will there be zoning limits on how close an indoor cannabis growing facility can be located to other structures? Size limits of retail weed stores? How about the distance between grow areas and retail weed stores? How about distances between homegrows and schools, churches, etc? How about zoning limits on outdoor marijuana farms? Will there be a limit on how many acres they can be? Will there be restrictions on how it can be harvested? Will female plants only be allowed to grow in certain areas? How about male plants? Will all male plants be culled? Will they be sold to breeders? Destroyed? Made into paper? Will the paper be required to have under a certain THC content? Where can cannabis products not made from bud be sold? Will non-marijuana crops be allowed to grow in the same building or field as marijuana? Will marijuana be allowed to be processed in the same facility as non-marijuana? Will there be requirements on fences and security systems for commercial grows? Will felons be allowed to work at weed farms/factories/stores? People previously imprisoned for marijuana-related offenses? Parolees? People on probation? Prisoners on work release? Will prisons allow commercial marijuana cultivation onsite using low-wage prison labor?<br /><br />It won't be legal to transport over one ounce of "personal consumption" cannabis. Can a city change that? What if a caregiver transports over one ounce of medical marijuana to a dispensary? How about a trafficker claiming to be a caregiver? Can one apartment tenant share two ounces with his next door neighbor, but only if he makes two trips? You could never have over one ounce of "personal consumption" weed in a vehicle. What about medical weed in a vehicle? Will people have to show proof that recreational cannabis was bought legally? If you're found in possession of under an ounce will you have to show your weed store receipt to prove you bought it legally to avoid a citation? Will you have to provide evidence you are a homegrower? What qualifies as evidence? What if a truck driver has one ounce on him and a passenger also has one ounce on him? Can people grow in vehicles? What if a guy's car is his residence? What if a commercial truck driver has one ounce on him in his truck and lives out of his truck and sleeps on a bed in the cab? Do tents on private property count as a residence? What about grow ops in motor homes? Trailers? Trailer parks? What about marijuana growing along the freeway? In sidewalks? On parking strips? In parks?<br /><br />How many times can someone buy one ounce at the weed store in a day? Where do they have to leave it before they can buy again? Can they walk in, buy an oz, give it someone outside, repeat? Can people buy one ounce daily as long as they store it all at home? Can weed stores sell cuttings? Will weed stores be able to sell cuttings that weigh over one ounce since they couldn't be transported? Can weed stores sell pollen? Seeds? How does weed have to be presented in weed stores? Behind glass counters? In glass jars? Will THC percentage have to be displayed by strains? Can weed stores operate out of malls? Suites? Skyscrapers?<br /><br />Will anyone and everyone try to buy low in California and sell high in other US states? Are drug gangs going to employ buyers to buy weed in one ounce increments and pool it together for mules to transport and sell out of state? If five people on a Greyhound bus to Vegas each have one ounce of legally purchased weed in their own luggage, is the driver liable? Will Greyhound allow weed on their buses in California? Will public transit in California allow each passenger to have up to one ounce on their person? One ounce among all passengers? No weed on any buses or trolleys? Will public transit allow stoned passengers to ride? Will drug gangs buy up or start their own bus companies?<br /><a href=""></a><br />In July Congress passed <a href="">S.258</a> which makes it unlawful for anyone 18+ to make or distribute a Schedule I substance (like marijuana) combined with a candy product or marketed/packaged to look like a candy product. Do sugar or other sweeteners qualify as a candy product and would weed bakeries be affected? Do artificial sweeteners count as a candy product? Can someone make marijuana flavored or THC-containing chewing gum? Spreads? Pastes? Gels? Lozenges? Drops? Cubes of butter? Teas? Will soft drink manufacturers, snack food makers, or ice cream makers be allowed to use marijuana in their products? Can someone make cannabis "chew" and sell it in tins or pouches? Will any food company be allowed to use marijuana in their products? Where can such products be sold? Does a THC spray count as a food or drug product? Will cannabutter be sellable in grocery stores? Will any restaurant be allowed to cook with marijuana? Will street vendors be allowed to cook with marijuana?<br /><br />Will head shops be able to sell weed? Will customers be able to mention marijuana in head shops? Will weed stores be able to also sell smoking equipment and supplies, vaporizers, vaporizer accessories, grow books, growing supplies, detox kits, hash, hash oil, hash making equipment, extracts, pastes, gels, bhang, tea, candy, snacks, soft drinks, packaged food, scales, baggies, lighters, torches, legal drugs, adult videos, adult sex toys, comics, zines, as well as rooms for smoking on the premises? What about online sales? Will weed stores be able to have try-before-you-buy taste testing? Will customers be legally allowed to smoke or vape inside weed stores in front of weed store counters? Will customers be allowed to touch and smell product before they buy? Will head shops be allowed to sell gas masks, diving helmets, spaced suits, smoke domes or other self-contained breathing equipment? Can they perform on-site suit inflation?<br /><br />Will there be regular as well as organically grown weed? Where can it be sold? Will cities allow weed farmers' markets? Will Whole Foods stock marijuana? Will Walmart stock marijuana? 7/11? Gas stations? Will there be limits on the THC content or weight of weed sold in gas stations or other businesses? Will there be weed vending machines? Will weed vending machines only be allowed inside/in front of certain businesses? Weed automats? Will you be able to know where your weed comes from? Will weed have to be sold with a UPC? Where do you put a UPC on weed? Will loose weed be illegal to sell over the counter? Will joints/blunts be sold in packs/cartons? Will it be legal to sell a pack/carton of blunts/joints containing various strains? Will you be able to buy joints a la carte? Will there be limits on commercial joint/blunt sizes/shapes? Could a weed store sell one ounce blunts? A dozen joint roses? Will buds be vacuum packed? Will weed be sold in packages with RFID tags? What about the manufacture/sale of bud pellets pressed into various shapes and sizes? Bud within gelcaps inside a simulation prescription bottle?<br /><br />Will a law enforcement presence be required at every weed store? Will law enforcement attach GPS trackers to vehicles leaving weed stores if a driver or passenger is seen leaving with a large package? Will police use infrared scanners to detect homegrows over the legal limit? Will weed stores be required to have barred windows? Security guards? Alarm systems? Outdoor ID checks? Video surveillance? Will local governments require online streaming video surveillance in every commercial grow or retail weed store? Will retail weed store customers be targeted by anti-corporate activists? Will any weed store found to be in the slightest violation be busted? Will weed stores that comply with California state and county and city law be busted by Feds anyway?<br /><br />Will commercial weed growers or weed stores be able to vaporize marijuana and store/sell the vapor in containers? Will only certain container materials be allowed? Gas cylinders? Steel cartridges similar to CO2 cartridges? Bags? Balloons? Aluminum cans? Beer bottles? Will vapor containers have size limits? Will there be pressure requirements? Can weed stores sell vapor balloons? Will helium be unusable in them? Will it be illegal to pop vapor balloons in public? Will vaporizing/smoking in public be allowed if the user is wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus? Will the United States Department of Transportation oversee transportation of high pressure vapor cylinders? Will containers only be allowed to contain the vapor from 1 oz of marijuana? Will weed stores be allowed to sell vapor bags that would hold the vapor from over 1 oz of marijuana? Will weed stores be allowed to sell home vapor storage systems? Home gas cylinder systems? Will transport of over 1 oz of vapor be illegal? Will it be lawful to bring or puncture vapor bags at concerts, fairs, festivals, or other crowded areas? Will it be lawful to manufacture/convert/sell plug-in air fresheners or timed misters containing cannabis smoke or vapor? What about aerosol or atomizer sprayers? Liquids for use in such devices? Will it be lawful to operate a vapor bar? One where customers bring their own product for vaporization? Can a vaping/smoking bar also be an oxygen bar? Can a smoking club or bar or indoor concert employ women or use a machine to blow smoke contained in bubbles? Will someone invent a reliable THC breathalyzer? Will it be used by cops and will there be legal THC driving limits? Will there be a large market for marijuana detection systems? Sniffers? Instant blood tests?<br /><br />Will the statewide California tobacco smoking ban in all enclosed workplaces also apply to cannabis? Will cannabis smoking only be allowed in workplaces with five or less employees and if all workers consent and if no minors are allowed inside? Will cannabis smoking be allowed in private smoking lounges? Bars? Restaurants? Clubs? Casinos? Conference rooms? Indoor conventions halls? Hotel/motel rooms? Art classes? Tattoo parlors? Truck cabs and tractors? Employee breakrooms? Warehouses with over 10K sq ft and 20 or less fulltime employees? Weed factories? Outdoor dining areas? Within 20 ft of public buildings or bus stops? Parks? Trails? Sidewalks? Streets? Beaches? Will cannabis smoking only be legal in private residences? Any private business? Private property? What about vaporizing in all of the above? Will public vaporizing be lawful anywhere? Will it be legal to carry weed in California parks? National parks in California? Will marijuana smoking/vaping be allowed on employee smoke breaks?<br /><br />Will there be weed stores with drive-though windows? Will there be over-21 weed movie theaters that sell weed and allow smoking/vaping on the premises? BYOW? Will strip clubs be able to sell weed and/or allow smoking/vaping on the premises? Other sexually oriented businesses? Can someone operate a weed bed-n-breakfast? Will motels/hotels allow cannabis smoking or vaporizing in their rooms? Will restaurants have smoking/non-smoking/marijuana smoking/vaporizing sections? Will someone be able to run a marijuana botanical garden? Golf resorts with marijuana forests? What about marijuana theme-party stores? Marijuana theme-weddings? The manufacture/sale of fireworks related to marijuana?<br /><br />If Propositon 19 passes, will it later be seen as ceding power to corporations? As a step backwards? Will it create Big Weed? Will Big Weed be demonized like Big Tobacco? When's the last time non-shareholders and non-politicians and non-addicts praised Big Tobacco? Will there be lawsuits against Big Weed? Will existing agricultural corporations take over marijuana in California? Will existing pharmaceutical companies take over? Will existing corporations avoid cannabis production, distribution, and sales altogether in order to avoid federal lawsuits? Will Prop19 create "black market corporations" in California operating illegally under federal law? <br /><br />Will Prop 19 create a Big Weed lobby in DC? Will Big Weed become political? Will corporations who make the biggest campaign contributions or have the best political ties get the grow contracts? Will cannabis corporations run political ads supporting/opposing political candidates? Will it be impossible to get rid of cannabis corporations once they start wielding political influence and buying politicians? After Prop19 passes, will it be seen as giving up what some consider a sacred plant over to corporate control with a singular goal of profit, expansion, and positive quarterly reports? Will people regret a new labyrinth of rules? Will people resent a new corporate drug pusher? Will people resent being incarcerated for years and then local governments getting in on the action, while people still get incarcerated? Will Big Pharma create and patent new medicines derived from cannabis? Will people smoking certain strains be infringing on those patents?<br /><br />Will people be happy buying corporate weed from AgraMed or other corporations? Will there be conspiracy theories where the public thinks corporations are selling marijuana to them or putting something in it to make the public stupid or docile or gullible enough to buy other products? Will corporate cannabis be a boon to capitalism and consumerism? Will existing companies swallow up start-up weed companies? Will the number of weed companies eventually get smaller and smaller in California as they are bought up by larger companies? Will it be lawful to operate a weedbank where people can deposit/withdraw weed? Will weed act as a currency in certain localities? Will investment banks be allowed to give loans to weed companies? Where will weed companies be able to get loans? Will banks giving loans to weed stores or commercial grows be flagged for potential money laundering?<br /><br />Will a commercial weed company ever have an initial public offering? Will marijuana be bought and sold as a commodity on stock exchanges? Will it be traded in bushels? Will contracts for bushels be bought and sold? Will people be able to buy stock in weed companies? Will derivatives based on marijuana be allowed? Will global investors, criminal organizations, or foreign states be able to invest in California weed companies? Will betting on marijuana related issues be allowed in California? Will marijuana lotteries be allowed? Will marijuana promotions be legal? Buy a car and get one free ounce of marijuana? Will any billionaires or millionaires become angel investors in the commercial marijuana industry? Will the amount of millionaires in California increase? Will marijuana become California's #1 export?<br /><br />Will weed production affect food production in California? Will weed be more profitable to farm in California than other crops such as oranges? Will the weed industry take over other sectors of the Californy economy by GDP? Will the need for more land lead to deforestation? Will it be legal to plant marijuana forests and designate them national parks or wildlife refuges? Will marijuana be allowed to grow legally in national parks or wildlife refuges? Will it be legal to feed cattle marijuana? Sell marijuana milk? Instead of Kobe beef, Kush beef? Will it be lawful to give marijuana to an animal? Will videos of Californians giving marijuana to animals or pets flood YouTube? What would happen legally if someone blew marijuana smoke in a minor's face?<br /><br />Will the passage of Prop19 create an ideological schism in the national legalization movement? Will many people think that California settled on Prop 19? Soldout? What environmental impact will industrial weed farming have? Would environmentalists or anti-corporate activists ever sabotage a weed company? Would someone ever sabotage a commercial grower with mold or mildew, by breaking lights, by altering nutrient reservoirs or soil conditions? Would competitors sabotage rival weed stores with mold or mildew? Will someone engineer a virus or disease that attacks the cannabis plant? Will corporatization of cannabis inspire a Weed Is Murder or Free The Weed movement among biocentrists or deep ecologists, fighting for plant rights? Will mechanical harvesters be sabotaged so cannabis could grow freely under the sun? Will someone want to marry a cannabis plant? You know there's gonna be that guy.<br /><br />Will cities allow cannabis churches in their communities? Will there be a rise in new cannabis cults, new age religions, or self-proclaimed gurus? Is the concept of cannabis spirituality diametrically opposed to cannabis corporatization? Has anyone ever felt spiritual after buying something from a corporation?<br /><br />Will corporatization of marijuana create potential public health problems such as foodborne illnesses? Will sanitation be ignored as long as the cannabis is burned when consumed? Could there be any E. coli outbreaks related to commercially grown marijuana? Could nearby cattle or pig ranches contaminate irrigation water near outdoor marijuana fields? Could marijuana field workers introduce diseases onto crops through unsanitary handling practices? Could mechanical harvesters introduce petroleum products onto crops or soil? Could mold or mildew or pesticides on commercially grown marijuana pose lung problems? Could commercial curing processes introduce pathogens? Will there ever be any weed recalls? Will any commercial growers use nicotine as a pesticide on cannabis crops? Will commercial growers be allowed to combine marijuana with nicotine or other chemicals and sell it?<br /><br />Will Prop 19 affect pregnant women in any way? Fetuses? Will secondhand marijuana smoke pose a risk to anyone? Will Prop 19 lead to an increase of cannabis research grants? Will colleges begin offering new courses related to marijuana? New degrees?<br /><br />How much will usage rise? How many tons of marijuana will California produce in the first year after Proposition 19 passes? How many pounds of marijuana will California consume in the first year after Proposition 19 passes? How much the next year? How about usage in America as a whole? How much will usage rise in surrounding states? Will everyone in California be stoned all the time? Will Californians eat more fast food? Will obesity rates go up? Will certain fast food chains open more stores in California? Will everyone in certain cities be stoned all the time? Will stoned texting become a big problem on roads? Will Proposition 19 make pot uncool? Will the public say that corporations or the government took all the fun out of it? If marijuana use becomes mainstream and lame, will harder illegal drugs become the new cool thing to do? Will people who used pot before Prop 19 passes look down on users who started after Prop 19 passed? Will employees/buyers of corporate weed be disdained, spit on, attacked by purists as traitors or sellouts? Will there be protests/picketing with signs saying "Just Say No To Corporate Weed"? What events will weed companies be allowed to sponsor? How can that sponsorship be displayed?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how will tobacco usage in California be affected? How will alcohol usage in California be affected? Will weed affect tobacco prices? Will criminal organizations or the DEA drop or fog defoliants or herbicides on commercial outdoor marijuana grows? Will commercial growers themselves use herbicides on their marijuana crops to control weeds? Will rival companies or law enforcement or moles or monkeywrenchers introduce male pollen onto sensimilla crops, perhaps by airplane or ventilation systems? Will all large-scale outdoor marijuana farms naturally produce pollinated females? Will this leave a demand for sensimilla on the black market? Will commercial weed be looked down upon as "that seedy shit"? Will homegrowers who are employed on weed farms or in weed factories accidentally or perhaps intentionally introduce male pollen onto sensimilla crops? Will indoor weed factory employees be required to wear cleanroom suits to prevent accidental fertilization by male pollen? How often will employees steal seeds or cuttings? If an employee is stealing weed or seeds or cuttings and is discovered, will they just be fired or will other state/federal laws apply?<br /><br />Will people be allowed to carry up to one ounce of weed in California airports? Will the TSA ramp up screening for weed in California airports? Will obviously stoned passengers be allowed on commercial flights leaving California? Will California airports allow cannabis smoking/vaping bars? Will pilots be allowed to enter them? Will bus tours be able to enter California and take people to various shops or country weederies, as long as there is no weed on the bus when it leaves California (or as long as no weed is every carried on the bus)? Will limos or cabs allows marijuana smoking/vaporizing in the back?<br /><br />What if a guy gets pulled over for speeding on the way to Nevada, 3 miles from the border and admits to there being 10 lbs of weed in the trunk. Does the oz possession limit no longer apply to him because he claims he "harvested it for personal consumption"? Does the possession limit not apply to him because he's not carrying those 10lbs on his person? What if he also has a gun in the car? Is he in violation of the law simply because he's transporting over one ounce of weed? What if he claims he's a medical grower delivering to a medical dispensary in Nevada (or California) and is a caregiver and shows his MMJ card? What if a homeowner with a 5x5 grow has a gun in the house? Will people with concealed carry permits be allowed to bring firearms into weed stores or onto weed farms/factories?<br /><br />Is letting each city and county decide its own laws meant to encourage people to support Proposition 19 or is it meant to generate chaos so that statewide uniform regulation will be enacted? Will a website have to be set up explaining the varying laws from city to city? Will the varying laws create pockets of black market opportunities? Will police departments be stressed by a societal sea change? If Proposition 19 passes, can it be reversed and if so how soon? If it is reversed, will it hurt the chances of other future initiatives in California or initiatives in other states?<br /><br />Will weed prices drop? How much money will local governments be able to collect in taxes and fees? Will any tax money be collectible seeing as how buying/selling/possessing marijuana is still against federal law? Will a drop in price affect the amount cities can collect in taxes? If cities put tax rates too high, will people just buy on the untaxed black market?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 create jobs? What will be the fasting growing jobs if Proposition 19 passes? Weed store cashiers, growing supply stores, electricians, botanists, budtenders, budtrimmers, budpickers, glass blowers, seed companies, snack food distributors, bakers, seed patent offices, weed lawyers, weed lawfirms, in-home grow experts, smugglers based in California, drug gangs, drug cartels, interstate bus companies/drivers, global corporations, Big Agro, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, Big Chemical, fertilizer makers, large-scale growers, breeders, THC analysis companies, genetic engineering labs, gene sequencing labs, drug test makers, detox kit makers, police, prison guards, SWAT team members, DEA agents, fire-prevention companies, firefighters, weed store/farm/factory inspectors?<br /><br />Proposition 19 won't legalize marijuana. Possession and transport over one ounce will still be illegal. Possession under one ounce has only been a $100 fine for years in California. Every transaction over one ounce is still black market. How often do drug cartels transport under one ounce now? How much of each cartels' profits come from selling under one ounce within California alone? If someone wants to buy more than one ounce, who will be selling it?<br /><br />Proposition 19 does nothing regarding prohibition in other states. Weed will be legal to grow and buy in California, yet be illegal in surrounding states. A black market will still exist. Drug cartels might no longer have to worry about smuggling marijuana into California from Mexico or Canada. Will smuggling from Mexico into Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico increase? Will smuggling from California to Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona dramatically increase? Will smuggling from retail weed cities to non-retail weed cities increase?<br /><br />Will drug violence along the Mexican border shift to the US states bordering California as gangs/cartels fight over turf? Will California become a safe haven for marijuana growing/distributing? Will Los Angeles become the #1 hard drug hub in North America? How long until the first stabbing or shooting near a weed store? How often will weed stores be robbed? How often will homegrowers be robbed? How long before the first burglary of a major commercial grow facility? Will there be arson of commercial weed facilities? Will there be wildfires due to gangs torching corporate fields? Will gangs employ rippers to steal from corporate fields? How often will people be robbed on the street for their legally purchased weed? Will people currently imprisoned for growing under one ounce be released? Will there be prison riots as people incarcerated for marijuana crimes get angry over their non-release? Will marijuana be considered contraband in prisons? Will public marijuana smoking be illegal statewide? Will vaporizing in public be lawful? What if people carry smoking/vaping equipment in brown paper bags?<br /><br />Will previously law abiding citizens start buying low in California and selling high in other US states in order to capitalize on Proposition 19? Will out-of-state trafficking dramatically increase? Will stopping out-of-state shipments fall largely upon California law enforcement, state officers in surrounding states at the borderline, or federal agents? Will permanent checkpoints be set up on all major roads leaving California? Will criminal organizations burglarize weed stores? Kill growers? Take over businesses? Create protection rackets? Hijack commercial weed shipments? Fight over drug turf in California and elsewhere? <br /><br />Will Proposition 19 cripple drug cartels? Will cartels smuggle less marijuana from Mexico to California? Will Proposition 19 only affect marijuana shipments from the Tijuana cartel? Will other cartels be largely unaffected? I've read that the Beltran-Levya cartel also has territory in California and the Gulf cartel uses Los Angeles as a major distribution hub. Will LA become an even bigger global distribution hub? Will drug cartels increase other criminal activity? Will cartels give up marijuana smuggling into the US altogether? Will cartels increase their efforts on smuggling from California into Nevada and Oregon and Arizona? Will they prefer car, truck, motorcycle, plane, tunnel, bus, or something else? Will there be cartel massacres within California or surrounding states? <br /><br />Will smuggling out of California on ships increase? Will inspection of ships leaving California increase? Will inspection of ships entering other countries increase? Will California export more marijuana to foreign countries and islands? Will cartels operate commercial grows in California for plane/ship/submarine distribution worldwide? Will there be turf wars over ports? Will existing gangs or cartels bribe people in commercial grows to alter production numbers and redirect shipments? Will corporate weed be reported as ruined or destroyed but end up on the black market? Will workers in commercial grows form their own drug gangs to steal product for resale in black markets? How will cities/counties know that all of the marijuana produced by a company is being sold only in retail stores in-state?<br /><br />Can California expect a new wave of immigrants from Mexico, other US states, or worldwide? Will 2010 be remembered as the start of a new California Green Rush? Will California become more known for Cannabis Valley than Silicon Valley? Will the population of California dramatically increase? Will there be weed shanty towns? Will comedy writers, musicians, artists relocate to California? Will drug tourism dramatically increase? Will tourism bring much needed money into California's economy? Will drug tourism lead to an increase in certain areas of crime?<br /><br />Will drug tourism in the Netherlands or elsewhere in the world go down if Prop19 passes? Will the High Times Cannabis Cup be permanently relocated to California? Will a San Francisco Cannabis Cup begin? How long after Proposition 19 passes will the first cannabis cup be held in California? Will cities ban or limit the number of public weed gatherings that can take place?<br /><br />Proposition 19 isn't going to end the war on drugs. It won't even end marijuana prohibition. There are 478 cities and 58 counties in California and they'll each get to decide whether to tax and sell pot commercially. Unless every city approves retail sales, there will still be black markets in California. If Prop19 passes will less people be imprisoned for marijuana-related crimes? People will only be able to possess up to one ounce under Proposition 19, but that's already not an arrestable offense in California. People possessing over one ounce are arrested now. After Prop19 they will still be arrested. People selling on the black market are arrested now. After Prop19 they will still be arrested. Will less homegrowers go to prison? If they sold before they could have ended up in prison and if they sell after Prop19, they may still end up in prison. If they give someone more than one ounce they may still end up in prison. Will less people be imprisoned for homegrowing? How many homegrowers in California who only get high on their own supply, don't sell, and who grow in under 25 sq ft go to prison now? Will arrests for out-of-state trafficking go up? I guess that depends on law enforcement border control. Will arrests for inner-state trafficking go up? Will arrests in other states for trafficking out of California go up?<br /><br />Will homegrowers be able to sell to weed stores? Will homegrowers or gangs or cartels sell to minors since retail weed stores won't? Will gangs corner the market on sales to those under 21? Or will minors be able to get the weed they need by stealing from their parents' personal grows? Will homegrower parents be required to put locks on their grow rooms? Will corporate weed or companies like AgraMed put mom and pop growers out of business? Will corporations flood the market with cheap weed and then when they've put competitors out of business raise the price?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will 18 to 20-year-olds be allowed to legally consume medical cannabis? What if a 21-year-old non-medical cardholder hands an 18-year-old medical cardholder a bag of medical weed? What if a 25-year-old medical cardholder dispensary cashier sells an 18-year-old medical cardholder a bag of medical weed? Will medical users who smoke in their home be arrested if their children live with them? What about vaporizing in the same space as a minor? What about smoking/vaping in the same space as a pet? What if a mom publicly admits to giving her autistic child marijuana? What if it turns out neither has a doctor's recommendation? Will users interpret Prop 19 one way and cops/judges another way? Will bribes to law enforcement, attorneys, and local officials and contributions to politicians increase? Will Feds crack down even harder on California? Will Feds continue to enforce federal drug laws and raid commercial ops they deem in violation of the Controlled Substances Act? Will bugging/wiretapping of commercial weed facilities become commonplace? Will weed store owners be harassed, followed, their phones wiretapped, their residences bugged?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 endanger the status of medical marijuana in California or nationwide? Will pharmaceutical companies be allowed to breed their own strains? Will they be able to advertise their strains on television in California? Will marijuana advertisements be acceptable anywhere? In niche magazines, on the radio, on TV, on billboards, signs, banners, graffiti, posters, plush joint mascots on street corners? What restrictions will be placed on signage and logos outside weed stores/grow facilities? Will images of marijuana leaves be banned in public?<br /><br />Will cheap California weed flood every other US state? Will weed prices drop in Reno and Las Vegas? Will prices stay the same on the east coast? Will selling on the east coast become more profitable due to profit margins on cheap Cali weed? Will an ounce in California cost less than a medical eighth in other states? Will that affect medical dispensaries out-of-state? Will medical dispensaries out-of-state be forced to illegally import from California to compete with black market prices in their own state? Will they have to sell their self-grown weed for less?<br /><br />Will Oakland have a natural monopoly if Proposition 19 passes? Will its licensing system set the trend for the entire state? How much will people who work in industrial weed factories make? How much will people picking weed on farms make? Will outdoor weed farms employ mainly illegal immigrant laborers? Will companies ship in illegal immigrants much like slaughterhouses in the south do? Will weed farms/factories provide health insurance? How will the mandate to purchase health insurance interact with the effects of Proposition 19? Will there be a spike in emergency room visits? Traffic accidents? Traffic accidents among 21 to 25-year-old drivers? Workplace accidents? Workplace/college absenteeism?<br /><br />Will unemployment in California go down? Will unemployment in certain areas go up? Will there be an increase in foreclosures among people currently growing and selling marijuana as the legal price drops? Will Humboldt County or Mendocino County go through a recession? Marijuana is one of the biggest cash crops in America. If people are unemployed they can always grow &amp; sell marijuana to make ends meet. If marijuana production by corporations becomes legal, then what? "Look, you can always get a job at the weed farm or processing factory making minimum wage. You should be grateful they're giving you a job."<br /><br />Will the demand for feminized seeds increase due to corporate buying? Will global seedbanks see a spike in sales until California establishes legal seedbanks? Will global seedbanks suffer as seed prices plummet in California? Will it still be illegal to import seeds into California from elsewhere? Will it be legal to operate a seed company in California? Will they be allowed to patent strains? Will people be allowed to patent specific cannabis terpenes? Will seedbanks sue growers for patent infringement? Will gene sequencing of all cannabis strains be lawful in California? Will genetic engineering of cannabis be outlawed? Will there be free reign? Will corporations genetically engineer female plants that can't be pollinated? With bigger yield? Shorter flowering time? With certain aromas or flavors? Will they engineer other plants to contain THCA synthase? Will a corporation create a strain dubbed "Frankenweed" by critics? Will corporations only grow weed with over a certain percentage of THC in order to make hash or extracts? Will there be a THC limit on weed for commercial production/sale? Will someone produce an injectable THC liquid? How long before Monsanto creates a transgenic Roundup-resistant cannabis strain? Will farmers/growers be sued for keeping certain seeds for next season? Will there be lawsuits over growers growing breeders' seeds without permission? Will monkeywrenchers steal seeds from corporations and give them away?<br /><br />Will only retail weed stores be allowed to possess scales and not for sale? Will scales in homegrowers' residences or vehicles be seen as evidence of intent to sell? Will someone be arrested if a used pipe or other smoking/vaping equipment is found in their vehicle? What would happen if cops are called to a residence and their are 10 people there having a party and cops find 5 oz of weed sitting on a table which was brought by 5 different people and the weed is in 5 separate baggies? What if it's all laying on the table together in one big pile? What if a 20-year-old is there?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes will existing users use more? Will there be more new users? Will homegrowers sell to their friends? Will homegrowers sell in black markets in California or out-of-state? Will homegrowers still be competing with drug gangs/cartels for black market sales? Will black market prices change in relation to legal prices? Will many people find out they suck at growing?<br /><br />Will it be lawful to have a grow specialist come to your house and construct a grow for you as your guest? What if he brings seeds that came from outside California? Will housecall grow specialists make customers responsible for obtaining their own seeds? Will weed stores be able to sell seeds? Will it be legal to send cannabis seeds in the mail within California? Will it be lawful to transport cannabis seeds in California? Will all mail packages leaving California be X-rayed? There are over 2500 strains of cannabis. What if the taste/experience of a retail strain is not the same as the black market/homegrown strain? What if someone is growing a strain not native to California? Is that evidence of illegally importing a foreign strain? How does one determine if a strain is now native to California? Will people be able to lawfully possess/transport more than one ounce of seeds? By vehicle? By mail? Will all strains be legal for homegrowing? Commercial production/sale? Will certain strains be outlawed? Will certain seed strains require identifiable markers on the seeds or packages they come in? What if a commercial grower obtained seeds or cuttings from a medical grower but the medical grower obtained seeds from out of state?<br /><br />Will it be lawful to have a grow doctor come to your house and diagnose/treat your plants' nutrient deficiencies, mold/mildew problems, or pests, and give tips, tricks on increasing yield, etc? Where can a grow specialist/grow doctor lawfully advertise his services? Will they need to be licensed by a city or state? Will grow workshops/conferences be legal? Can they only be held in certain buildings? Will private businesses be able to decide whether to allow smoking on the premises? Will cannabis colleges like Oaksterdam University be lawful statewide? If someone purchases a large amount of grow supplies (more than seems necessary for a 5x5 grow), will they be flagged or arrested? Will people need a certain license to purchase grow supplies in bulk? Will Internet grow/head shops licensed in California be subject to random searches? Will it be lawful for a weed store in California to sell bongs and pipes or any products over the Internet?<br /><br />What sort of product names will be allowed to be trademarked? Will anyone be allowed to make a registered trademarks out of the words "hydro", "sensimilla", "weed", "grass", "dank", "nug", "Cali", "bud", "chronic", "420", etc? Will the names of weed sold in stores be untrademarkable? If one weed store sells marijuana labeled as one name, and another weed store sells different marijuana labeled as the same name, can the first store sue the second to stop? Will there be an official cannabis strain naming authority in California? Will all marijuana sold in weed stores be tested to ensure that it is in fact the strain the seller says it is? Will it be lawful to make/sell home test kits to detect THC in purchased marijuana, detect strains, detect THC in urine/hair, etc?<br /><br />Will people be able to spin the name or slogan of an existing product and use it for their weed business or strain? What about the public display of parodies of existing product logos altered to reflect marijuana in some way, similar to Wacky Packages? Will that count as fair use? What about display online? Will we see weed strain trading cards? Marijuana videogames? Browser games on social networks? Stoner trading cards? Will marijuana-themed commercial logo parodies or trading cards be banned under S.258 as marketing to children? What about colored joints or blunts packaged like crayons? What about colors on packaging? Will we see new patent applications for growing methods, smoking products, vaporizers, etc?<br /><br />Will certain strains become very common in weed stores? Early flowering strains? Autoflowering strains? Will prices for various strains vary widely? Will there be an explosion of websites listing legal weed prices in California much like sites list gas prices today? Will magazines and awards set trends? Will celebrities set trends? Will people start plugging various strains by various companies in ads? Can we expect ads that bash other strains? Will there be an increase in weed magazines and awards? Will there ever be a televised award show called The Weedies? Will commercial weed be inferior or superior to homegrown weed? Will people be allowed to possess more than one ounce in their residence as long as they claim they harvested it or if they also have plants in their residence (perhaps that they recently bought). What if they claim they bought it on different days at legal stores?<br /><br />Will cartels take advantage of legal grow limits per residence? Pool people together, apartments, parcels of land? Will gangs and cartels control certain territories? Will gangs or cartels buy/rob from homegrowers, employ homegrowers, rob/loot/set fire to rival weed stores or factories, take over weed factories, bribe truckers at commercial companies to ruin or lose shipments or give them a cut? Will cartels invest in or operate weed factories and weed stores? Will criminal organizations run weed factories? Weed farms? Weed stores? Head shops? How can you prevent criminal organizations from doing that? Will criminal organizations sell harder more profitable drugs out of weed stores? If less cartel weed is purchased on the black market in cities that have approved retail weed outlets, will cartels simply open, own and operate their own legal retail weed stores there? Will cartels use retail weed stores as fronts to fund the rest of their illegal activities or launder money? Will they be able to make a significant percentage of their profits perfectly legal (or appear perfectly legal)?<br /><br />Will Proposition 19 put cartel California guerrilla growers out of work? Will cartels stop growing in California national parks? Will they continue in attempts to avoid permits, regulatory fees, licenses, insurance requirements, and electrical costs for commercial grows? Will cartels sell guerrilla grown weed to retail stores? In cities that have approved the existence of retail weed stores, will any weed purchased there be cartel grown? Will cartels sell it through retail weed stores they operate themselves? Will cartels funnel it through commercial growers?<br /><br />Will cartel mules legally buy weed in California for transport out-of-state? Will mules be supplied by cartel stores? Will drug gangs attempt to corner the market on particular strains? Will cartels buy out the entire stock of certain strains in rival stores? Will cartels or gangs be able to manipulate strain supplies day to day? Will corporations?<br /><br />Transporting over one ounce will still be illegal and transporting it over the California border into surrounding US states will still be illegal, but cartels and drug gangs deal with that already. If cartels can legally operate commercial weed factories in California, will they be able to transport more or less weed out of California into other states? In weed factories or commercial weed fields, will the low-paid workers be predominantly Spanish-speaking? Will there be a rise in new independent drug rings? Will it be easy to plant cartel moles in non-cartel factories? Will cartels be able to siphon off product, money, or get them into legal trouble? Will cartels sabotage competitors and their crops/seedlines?<br /><br />Homegrowers might buy less weed on the black market. But not if a strain they want is only available on the black market. Or if they buy weed, seeds, or cuttings from their homegrower friends or online. In California will there be more legal "sharing"/trading/bartering for goods and services (and not just weed to weed)? Will Craigslist allow weed sales/trades? Will eBay allow weed listings? Will seedbay allow non-seed marijuana listings?<br /><br />Will people living in California near the Oregon border travel across the border to buy their weed there to avoid paying sales tax or weed tax? Will crime rates go up? Will crime rates go down? Will violence go down? Will theft rise? Will motor vehicle theft rise? Will the number of meth labs rise? Will the price of heroin go up? Will hard drug use go down? Up? Will school shootings go down? Will pawnshops be allowed to buy/sell weed?<br /><br />How will employers react? Can an employer refuse to hire someone based on the fact that they were seen entering a weed store or previously worked in one? Will people with certain professions be banned from ever using legal cannabis off the job? Will people be able to use food stamps to purchase weed?<br /><br />How will it affect indoor and outdoor concerts in California? Outdoor festivals? Outdoor events? Sporting events? Extreme sport festivals? Street festivals? Will there be weed festivals? Cannabis talent shows? Marijuana beauty pageants? Will smoking contests be banned? Will the culture change in California? <br /><br />How will the Internet change? Will Google allow people to mark favorite retail weed locations on Google maps and review them? Will Yelp allow reviews of weed stores? Will there be an explosion of strain/store review sites/blogs? Daily weed deal listings? Will Foursquare allow people to check in to weed stores? Will Facebook, Youtube, Twitter allow people to discuss marijuana use on their sites? Will videos of marijuana smoking/vaporizing in California be allowed on YouTube? On the TV news? Will such footage affect national legalization movements? Will people who live in California be able to legally order weed online? Will people in California attempt to sell weed online worldwide? Will home delivery be allowed? Weed on wheels?<br /><br />Will adult film producers in California be able to lawfully make videos with on-screen marijuana use if everyone involved is 21+? Will they be able to sell those videos online? Air them on cable channels? Will it be illegal to view them outside of California? How about adult photoshoots involving marijuana use? Photoshoots available online? Will someone come out with Barely 420 Legal magazine? Cannabis snob magazines? Anti-Prop19 magazines or zines?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, can we expect cover after cover of news magazines with marijuana on the cover? Possibly of a marijuana leaf shaking hands with a corporation? Can we expect tabloids to be full of celebrity opinions on marijuana and Prop 19? Can we expect a flood of news articles and books with titles like "How Marijuana Became Legal" "How Richard Lee Saved California" "How Prop 19 Went Wrong" "How NORML Sold Out" "How You Can Profit Off Prop 19" "Making Money In the New Gold Rush" "WeedWorld" "When Corporations Rule The Weed"? Will some marijuana book become the #1 seller on Amazon? Will cannabis entrepreneurs become celebrities? Will they appear on late night or daytime talk shows? Will guests on TV talk shows be allowed to smoke/vape marijuana while being interviewed? Will cooking shows based in California be allowed to air footage of cooking with marijuana? What kind of shows related to marijuana could be aired on TV? This Old Growhouse, Extreme Homegrow Makeover, Pimp My Grow, The Strain Hunter, Lifestyles of the Stoned and Famous, MTV Grows, Dank'd, Ace of Baked, Best Weed Ever, Cannabis Wars, $420 A Day, Good Weeds, Guy Off the Hookah, Have Pot Will Travel, Snoop Dogg's Father Hood, The Cypress Hill/Kottonmouth Kings Smile Time Variety Hour? Will High Times start a TV network? Will there be multiple cable channels dedicated to marijuana programming? Weed Network, FuctNews, Chillum, The Strain Discovery Channel, 420, THC, CBG, CBD, TokeTV, WeedyGuide, DIY Grow Network, JointVenture?<br /><br />If someone comes up with an idea or invention under the influence of corporate weed, will corporations seek to obtain partial ownership of the idea or co-author status? Will someone invent/convert a vehicle that runs on weed or weed biodiesel or seed oil? Can cannabis seed oil be sold in any store? Will there be infomercials on how inventors can market/profit from their weed ideas?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, will all the people who voted for it be able to live with all the potential consequences? Will society breakdown? Will everyone live in peace and love and harmony? Will people who voted against Proposition 19 commit vandalism or violence against weed stores, commercial grow ops, or people leaving weed stores? If Proposition 19 fails, will it be more difficult to collect signatures for another initiative? If Proposition 19 passes will it turn out to be a disaster and stall legalization efforts in other states? Will the rest of America look to California for what not to do? If Proposition 19 passes, will users face serious stigma, perhaps nationally?<br /><br />Will marijuana really be treated like alcohol? People are allowed to buy and possess more than one ounce of alcohol. Can alcohol and marijuana be sold in the same place? Can a bar with a liquor license also obtain a weed license or vice versa? Will it be illegal to sell marijuana on certain days, say, election days? Will retail weed stores have set hours of operation? Can a brewery use cannabis in their products? Will the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control be in charge of regulating alcohol products made with cannabis? Will that also apply to tinctures? Will California create a California Department of Cannabis Control? Will the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives become the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, Firearms and Explosives? Will people be allowed to "fortify" weak marijuana like people fortify Salvia Divinorum now? 10x, 20x, 40x? Will any agency oversee fortified marijuana? Will products with over 90% THC be legal? What if a commercial weed store laces their product with illegal drugs? Will there be an increase of psychotic episodes with high THC products? Is it possible that more people in California will be diagnosed with schizophrenia?<br /><br />Who will count the votes for Proposition 19? Stalin said those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything. Will there be a paper trail? Is there a chance that Proposition 19 will pass but the media will report that it failed? If Proposition 19 doesn't pass will there be theories that the California government or federal government or mainstream media wouldn't allow it? If Proposition 19 does pass, will there be theories that corporate interests were behind it?<br /><br />If Prop 19 passes, how will the mainstream media spin it? "Here we go..." "Finally!" "What have we done" "Noone knows how this new social experiment will play out..." "How will it affect you" "What does it mean for..." "In a time of economic crisis, California has chosen to" "Hidden dangers..."? Will it be used to drum up ratings with nightly scare stories? If Proposition 19 passes, how soon will there be a petition going around to collect signatures to reverse it? Will it be considered a failed experiment? If certain demographics overwhelmingly vote in favor of Prop19, how will that be spun by the media on television and radio and on the Internet? How will it be used as an issue by pundits on TV, radio, and the Internet? How long will Prop 19 remain in the daily news cycle? How will political parties, politicians, pundits spin it if Prop 19 passes?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 fails, how will the mainstream media spin it? As just one particular flawed initiative? A momentum killer? By claiming that stoners must have "spaced the date"? That California "came to their senses?" "Stepped away from the brink"? "Hit the breaks"? That California "sobered up"? Will they spin a failure as a "return to sanity"? Will such descriptions harm future initiatives in and out of state?<br /><br />Before the November election, will there be a flurry of anti-Prop19 ads on television? What's most likely to scare voters into voting no? Will Prop19 supporters have a response? Who's most likely to bankroll anti-Prop19 ads? Will there be a flurry of pro-Prop19 ads by corporate interests? Who's most likely to pay for pro-Prop19 ads? Will Proposition 19 lead to similar initiatives in other US states much like Proposition 215 did years ago? If Prop19 passes, how will politics change in California? If a political party comes out in strong opposition to/favor of to Prop19 before the vote, will they win votes among certain demographics? How will politics change in America? How will Proposition 19 affect television and movies coming out of California? News broadcasts? Talk shows? Will the news report on a new marijuana study every week? Will the news report on the effects in California every day, week?<br /><br />If Proposition 19 passes, how soon will things change in California? Is it possible that looting/riots could occur on the day Proposition 19 passes/fails? Massive public smoking gatherings/demonstrations? Arrests at gatherings/demonstrations? Will it be challenged in court? Will there be a legal limbo for a few years? Will entrepreneurs jump the gun and possibly be incarcerated? If Prop 19 passes, in hindsight will it be seen as a vote for freedom or a vote for corporate profits?<br /><br />Just some things to think about.prop19questions

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