Fuck Yeah Throat Tattoos! - Tumblr

Anonymous asked: "But she said people will NOT hire tattooed people over nontattooed people regardless of how qualified you are when thats just simply not true because i am covered in tattoos and never have had a problem getting a job in my life. I just disagree with the whole you cant get a job or have a successful fulfilling life with a lot of tattoos thing. Becuase that is simply wrong, and i am proof of it"

Maybe one in a million sure, but a serious amount of people won't employ you due to visable tattoos. If you ever have the misfortune to lose your job, and it can happen to people believe it or not, see how long it takes you to get another. Honestly! The emergency services won't employ you, the military won't have you, not many office jobs will take you and so on. You'll be left doing menial jobs which don't pay so well.
The girl didn't say 'she' wouldn't employ you, it's the state of the world and big business and although it is WRONG it does happen and I think she may have just been trying to say that. I mean man, she's like 30 something and I guess has been around with a lot of tattoo's more than your year (no disrespect but seriously, one year of being heavily tattooed?!?)
It's a shame people just can't be a bit more polite in the differing ideals and she was so polite and upbeat and then she got a massive smack down.
I ain't a hater, just giving an opinion so I won't be unfollowing, just cannot understand the mentality of grief that you gave to one simple picture and a girls opinion

lol, again, you guys at like im some horrible person. did i nottt just say how much i appreciate that person? And respect her? She has been sending me stuff for a long time, i have thanked her and showed her my respec a million times. First thing i said to her was thank you, then i just wanted to point out a specific thing she said. Just because i dissagree with something someone says doesnt mean im trying to be a dick to her! Im as nice as can be, im just disagree with someone? Did i call her names or something? noooo.

And there is many more then one in a million. i see people everywhere i go, every city im in i see people working with tattoos all the time. anyone can do it. and im not keeping this job forever, im moving to another state. And ive already had multiple jobs with all these tattoos. ive been heavily tattooed for 2 years. and have never once had a problem with a job. i actually already have another job lined up that i i may have take in addition to this one i have before i move. So yeah, you wanted to know how long it takes me to find another job? 0 seconds. That was tough. Becuase im smart and get shit together while i still have other things. I always have back up ideas. I always have plan bs. I have my life almost completely figured out. And thats how its done. Thats why i got so many tattoos so young. You think id get all these tattoos without having my life figured out?! Nice try, i know what im fucking doing. And im also prepared for the possible challenges i could face from my tattoos. I know what im doing. And thats exactly what everyone else should do before they get a lot of tattoos.

I know what that girl was trying to say, and i think everything she said is wonderful. I agree with most of it! and i said it already, but i respect every word that comes out of her mouth. I just wanted her to know that it IS possible and can very easily be done. And that people WILL hire you, since many many people have hired me. I know how long shes been around, which is why she sound clearly see the massive change in the way tattoos are being acted toward these days.

Sorry if this wasnt polite enough for you, but it doesnt really matter. Im one of the nicest people ever. i just sharing my view on what the person said. Just because i put feeling into what i say doesnt mean im being a dick. Im just trying to discuss something. Thank you for follwing me, andd thanks for your comment haha, sorry if i sounded mean, im really not:P i just dont think i should have to say that everytime i talk, it should just be implied.

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