Tree Of Life Tattoo Designs And Ideas-Tree Of Life Tattoos

Tree of Life tattoos are a popular tattoo symbol for both men and women. The Tree of Life, also called the Tree of Knowledge or Sacred Tree, is a symbolic symbol to many different cultures, such as the Chinese, Norse, and Celts. The Tree of Life represents the connection between all living things. The Sacred Tree can also symbolize the connection of the heavens and the underworld. The Tree of Life has been mentioned in religion, philosophy, and mythology.

Celtic Tree of Life symbols were created by Jen Delyth using ancient and traditional Celtic designs. The Tree of Life is mentioned in Christianity, Persian mythology, Chinese mythology, and many other cultures. Each culture had their own perspective and design of the Tree of Life. The Chinese Tree of Life portrays the dragon and Phoenix. In Egyptian mythology, the Tree of Life represents where life and death is enclosed.

Tree of Life tattoos can be designed to portray a specific culture as every Tree of Life is designed differently. Some Tree of Life tattoo designs portray leaves on the branches and others depict only the branches. Some Sacred Tree tattoos have roots and branches that connect while others don't. Tree of Knowledge tattoo designs may contain roots, others won't. You have a lot of options for your Tree of Life tattoo.

Tree of Life tattoos may be designed in dark inks or colors can be added. Your Tree of Life design may depict only the Sacred Tree or it may be designed with other symbols and elements. You may want to add a background to your design, some may not. You have plenty of options for your Tree of Life tattoo. Sacred Tree tattoos are designed in various sizes, shapes, styles, and colors. Make sure that you take the time to view all the Tree of Life designs in this article. This gives you a general idea what Tree of Life sketches look like. Also, you can gain ideas and inspiration for your own Tree of Knowledge.

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