Runic Tattoos Tags: Tattoo, Arts, Flash, Bodyart

Runic Tattoos



Runic Tattoos

There is historical precedence for usingrunes as tattoos. If you are of northern European heritage, there maybe a tattooed Nordman or Viking in your genetic past.

I often am asked what runes or runic charmsto use as tattoos. My first advice is to try out whateversymbol you choose as a temporary tattoo first! There are severalreasons for this.

  • Aesthetics - Make sure you like the design before you commit your skin to a permanent adornment (or disfiguration).
  • Safety - Runic are powerful. If invoked or created incorrectly, or for the wrong reason, they can be dangerous. The mere creation of a runic charm may invoke the charm, even if this was not intended.

Henna works well for a temporary tattoo. Itis used in the middle-eastern countries to draw designs to adornwomen's fingers and hands, as well as for hair dye. Powdered hennacan be obtained at beauty supply stores, sometimes even in thenail-polish section of your local drugstore, or can beorderedonline. It comes in several shades,from red to black. A design drawn on the skin in henna will lastabout two to four weeks depending on how long the paste is left onthe body.

The Aeghishjalmer


If you want a magical charm, the only ones Ireally recommend are the "Aegishjalmur" ("helm of awe"), or the"Vegvisir" (runic compass), which is a variant of the Aegishjalmur.These are very ancient charms and totally benign to the bearer. Algiz(Elhaz) is the primary rune in use in both, although there is astructural formula at work also. The Aegishjalmur's purpose is'protection and irresistibility in battle'. I encourage you to readmore about this charm on Brad Lucas' web page: Aegishjalmur,which explains what this charm is and how it is constructed. Thereare numerous variations of this charm. Here are pictures of tattoosusing this symbol:

I've recently discovered a source for black tee-shirts bearing theAegishjalmur. Check out the CommercialLinks page of this website.

The following is Islandic singerBjôrk's Vegvisir compass tattoo. Vegvisir means "directionsign" or "see the way". This charm helps prevent one from gettinglost. It is a "brun rune" or sea charm.

Here is another suggestion, a runic circle with a simpleAegishjalmur.

Runic Circle

Other Runic Charms

There are some other aesthetically pleasingand relatively benign runic charms found on the charmspage of this website. (Heed the warning above and use at your ownrisk.)



"Fylfot" for Good Luck is a variation oftheswastika, which was a good luck charmin many cultures, all over the world, long before the Nazis pervertedit into a symbol of fascism. In the form above, it's called a "firetwirl". Sometimes these are shown with three legs (a triskel) or evenmore than four legs, such as a "sun wheel" or "sun disk". None of theswastika variants shown on this page are Nazi swastikas. It's time toreclaim the swastika as a benevelent symbol.

Sun Disk

Sun Disk

Another variant is a "Thorshamar" (Thor'sHammer) symbol. On the left is an historic galdrastafur for thatsymbol in the swastika style. On the right is a line drawing of aThor's Hammer pendant found in the Romersdal archeological site.Either would make an interesting tattoo. To see variations of theThor's Hammer as pendants, visit the Ragnar'sRagweed Forge online store.


Romersdal Thors Hammer


Thor's Hammer Pendant

If you are determined to have a rune charm for a tattoo, visit myRuneCharms and RuneCharms for Warriors and for Peacepages. If you don't find what you are looking for, email me 

The Valnott

Those of the Àsatru religion who havededicated their lives to Odin favor the Valnott. The Valnott or"deathknot", the triple triangle shownbelow, is one of Odin's symbols. Odin's followers have a tendancy todie violently, so wear this symbol at your own risk! I do notrecommend this symbol as a tattoo and include it here primarily as awarning.



Names or Words

If you want to write a word in runes, thesetwo web pages contain nifty JavaScripts that will transliterate thename or word into the runes of the Elder Futhark at Writein Runes, or in Anglo-Saxon runes atRunicConverter.

The runic script shown below contains several"bindrunes". Bindrunes are monogram-like designs made up of severalrunes that share lines. One's initials or family name made into apleasing bindrune would make a nice tattoo. See Oswaldthe Runemaker's website for samplebindrune monograms. Sometimes he'll even custom make one at nocharge. Also check out Oswald s new RuneTattoo website .

Ek Erular

"Ek ErilaR" (I am a runewizard)

Knotwork as Tattoos

Celtic knotwork designs make terrifictattoos. You'll find many tattoo artists already have fine-lineknotwork flash (prepared designs). Celtic designs tend to besymmetrical, while the Norse designs are frequently asymmetrical.

The stylized animal and "griping beast" typeof knotwork are typically Norse rather than Celtic, although you'lloften find them in Celtic collections. Look for books containingknotwork pictures or drawings. You are also welcome to use any of thered designs found on the pages of this website. They are all ancientdesigns and copyright-free for personal use.

Here is an example adding a rune symbol to aknotwork design.


Simple Knotwork

Griping Beast

Gripping Beast Knotwork

Griping beast

Gripping Beast Knotwork

Serpent and beast designs from runestones

If you do get a tattoo, please send a JPEG tome! I'd love to see it.

Celtic design and tattoo flash can be foundonline. Here are a few sites:
TheWorld of Celtic Art is outstanding.It includes a large section on TheCeltic Tattoo with links to otherCeltic tattoo sites.
HennaStencils at Tattoo-Me
LythaStudio - Celtic Temporary Tattoos
HennaStencils by Mehndi Skin Art

There are many excellent books on Celticknotwork available on, as drawings, stencils, or asiron-on transfers, which can easily be converted into tattoo flash. Irecommend the following:

H.G. Smith: VikingDesigns, ISBN: 0486404692
Adrian Meehan:
TheDragon & the Griffin, The Viking Impact,ISBN:
Bev Ulsrud van Burton:
AncientScandinavian Designs, ISBN:0880450738
Lis Bartholm :
ScandinavianFolk Design, ISBN: 0486255786
Mallory Pearce:
Ready-to-UseCeltic Designs, ISBN: 0486289869
Amy Lusebrink:
159Celtic Designs, ISBN: 0486276880
Courtney Davis:
Celticand Old Norse Designs, ISBN:0486412296
Courtney Davis:
CelticDesigns and Motifs, ISBN:0486267180
Courtney Davis:
CelticIron-On Transfer Patterns, ISBN:0486260593
Co Spinhoven:
CelticStencil Designs, ISBN: 0486264270





Runic Tattoos



Runic Tattoos

There is historical precedence for usingrunes as tattoos. If you are of northern European heritage, there maybe a tattooed Nordman or Viking in your genetic past.

I often am asked what runes or runic charmsto use as tattoos. My first advice is to try out whateversymbol you choose as a temporary tattoo first! There are severalreasons for this.

  • Aesthetics - Make sure you like the design before you commit your skin to a permanent adornment (or disfiguration).
  • Safety - Runic are powerful. If invoked or created incorrectly, or for the wrong reason, they can be dangerous. The mere creation of a runic charm may invoke the charm, even if this was not intended.

Henna works well for a temporary tattoo. Itis used in the middle-eastern countries to draw designs to adornwomen's fingers and hands, as well as for hair dye. Powdered hennacan be obtained at beauty supply stores, sometimes even in thenail-polish section of your local drugstore, or can beorderedonline. It comes in several shades,from red to black. A design drawn on the skin in henna will lastabout two to four weeks depending on how long the paste is left onthe body.

The Aeghishjalmer


If you want a magical charm, the only ones Ireally recommend are the "Aegishjalmur" ("helm of awe"), or the"Vegvisir" (runic compass), which is a variant of the Aegishjalmur.These are very ancient charms and totally benign to the bearer. Algiz(Elhaz) is the primary rune in use in both, although there is astructural formula at work also. The Aegishjalmur's purpose is'protection and irresistibility in battle'. I encourage you to readmore about this charm on Brad Lucas' web page: Aegishjalmur,which explains what this charm is and how it is constructed. Thereare numerous variations of this charm. Here are pictures of tattoosusing this symbol:

I've recently discovered a source for black tee-shirts bearing theAegishjalmur. Check out the CommercialLinks page of this website.

The following is Islandic singerBjôrk's Vegvisir compass tattoo. Vegvisir means "directionsign" or "see the way". This charm helps prevent one from gettinglost. It is a "brun rune" or sea charm.

Here is another suggestion, a runic circle with a simpleAegishjalmur.

Runic Circle

Other Runic Charms

There are some other aesthetically pleasingand relatively benign runic charms found on the charmspage of this website. (Heed the warning above and use at your ownrisk.)



"Fylfot" for Good Luck is a variation oftheswastika, which was a good luck charmin many cultures, all over the world, long before the Nazis pervertedit into a symbol of fascism. In the form above, it's called a "firetwirl". Sometimes these are shown with three legs (a triskel) or evenmore than four legs, such as a "sun wheel" or "sun disk". None of theswastika variants shown on this page are Nazi swastikas. It's time toreclaim the swastika as a benevelent symbol.

Sun Disk

Sun Disk

Another variant is a "Thorshamar" (Thor'sHammer) symbol. On the left is an historic galdrastafur for thatsymbol in the swastika style. On the right is a line drawing of aThor's Hammer pendant found in the Romersdal archeological site.Either would make an interesting tattoo. To see variations of theThor's Hammer as pendants, visit the Ragnar'sRagweed Forge online store.


Romersdal Thors Hammer


Thor's Hammer Pendant

If you are determined to have a rune charm for a tattoo, visit myRuneCharms and RuneCharms for Warriors and for Peacepages. If you don't find what you are looking for, email me 

The Valnott

Those of the Àsatru religion who havededicated their lives to Odin favor the Valnott. The Valnott or"deathknot", the triple triangle shownbelow, is one of Odin's symbols. Odin's followers have a tendancy todie violently, so wear this symbol at your own risk! I do notrecommend this symbol as a tattoo and include it here primarily as awarning.



Names or Words

If you want to write a word in runes, thesetwo web pages contain nifty JavaScripts that will transliterate thename or word into the runes of the Elder Futhark at Writein Runes, or in Anglo-Saxon runes atRunicConverter.

The runic script shown below contains several"bindrunes". Bindrunes are monogram-like designs made up of severalrunes that share lines. One's initials or family name made into apleasing bindrune would make a nice tattoo. See Oswaldthe Runemaker's website for samplebindrune monograms. Sometimes he'll even custom make one at nocharge. Also check out Oswald s new RuneTattoo website .

Ek Erular

"Ek ErilaR" (I am a runewizard)

Knotwork as Tattoos

Celtic knotwork designs make terrifictattoos. You'll find many tattoo artists already have fine-lineknotwork flash (prepared designs). Celtic designs tend to besymmetrical, while the Norse designs are frequently asymmetrical.

The stylized animal and "griping beast" typeof knotwork are typically Norse rather than Celtic, although you'lloften find them in Celtic collections. Look for books containingknotwork pictures or drawings. You are also welcome to use any of thered designs found on the pages of this website. They are all ancientdesigns and copyright-free for personal use.

Here is an example adding a rune symbol to aknotwork design.


Simple Knotwork

Griping Beast

Gripping Beast Knotwork

Griping beast

Gripping Beast Knotwork

Serpent and beast designs from runestones

If you do get a tattoo, please send a JPEG tome! I'd love to see it.

Celtic design and tattoo flash can be foundonline. Here are a few sites:
TheWorld of Celtic Art is outstanding.It includes a large section on TheCeltic Tattoo with links to otherCeltic tattoo sites.
HennaStencils at Tattoo-Me
LythaStudio - Celtic Temporary Tattoos
HennaStencils by Mehndi Skin Art

There are many excellent books on Celticknotwork available on, as drawings, stencils, or asiron-on transfers, which can easily be converted into tattoo flash. Irecommend the following:

H.G. Smith: VikingDesigns, ISBN: 0486404692
Adrian Meehan:
TheDragon & the Griffin, The Viking Impact,ISBN:
Bev Ulsrud van Burton:
AncientScandinavian Designs, ISBN:0880450738
Lis Bartholm :
ScandinavianFolk Design, ISBN: 0486255786
Mallory Pearce:
Ready-to-UseCeltic Designs, ISBN: 0486289869
Amy Lusebrink:
159Celtic Designs, ISBN: 0486276880
Courtney Davis:
Celticand Old Norse Designs, ISBN:0486412296
Courtney Davis:
CelticDesigns and Motifs, ISBN:0486267180
Courtney Davis:
CelticIron-On Transfer Patterns, ISBN:0486260593
Co Spinhoven:
CelticStencil Designs, ISBN: 0486264270





ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
