Feather Tattoos And Meanings- Feather Tattoo Ideas And Designs

The beautiful feather tattoo design is highly sought after among those who admire body art and those who are linked to the rich Native American traditions and heritage. The feather tattoo holds deep symbolic meanings to whomever wears this unique tattoo design. Men and women both choose to wear the feather tattoo to represent their Native American heritage or to get in touch with their spiritual side. Since the feather tattoo comes in many different variations and colors, it is considered a top tattoo choice by many.

The feather was a very symbolic symbol to the Native Americans and it has been for many years. Native Americans wore feathers in their head dresses, clothing, weapons, jewelry, tools, and the famous dreamcatcher. Native American Chiefs would usually wear a host of feathers during ceremonial events. The feathers that they wear usually represented their communication to the spiritual realm. In the Native American culture, feathers also represented the power of the thunder gods, wind, and air.

Eagle feathers are one of the more common feather types that were used by Native Americans. The eagle feather had great symbolic significance. Eagle feathers were given to warriors in the tribe as a symbol of bravery, courage, and honor. Feathers can also be associated with those who have passed away. A few different cultures believed if a feather fell on your path, it was a sign that someone you know has passed on in the after life. The Pueblo Indians used feathers in ceremonial rituals and ceremonial activities. As we look back at the history of the feather, we find out that it is symbolic to many other cultures.

The feather was also symbolic to ancient Christianity. Many Christians believed that the feather was a symbol of virtues. In fact, each feather was symbolic in such designs. The most famous is an image of three feathers that was made into signet rings. Each feather held symbolic meaning. This design represents hope, faith, and charity. As a tattoo, you rarely ever see them, but it is an option for a feather type design.

The feather is also symbolic to the Celts. Druids use to wear feather robes in ceremonial events. The Egyptians also used the feather for symbolic circumstances. The Egyptians believed that feathers were associated to the sky gods. These civilizations are only a portion of the many different cultures that used feather symbolism. The feather is very symbolic in history and as a tattoo design.

Did you know that feathers are also symbolic to dreams? If yes, you are correct. One conclusion to this meaning is how the feather is usually portrayed in the dreamcatcher. When you think about a feather, it has the ability to travel and move freely in life. It is believed that white feathers in dreams symbolize a fresh start spiritually. The white feather can also represent innocence. A red feather is said to symbolize passion and love. Yellow and orange feathers usually represent intelligence.

One of the most common feather tattoo designs is the single feather tattoo. Some feather tattoo designs have a single feather design while others may have two or three. In many cases, the feather may actually be from a specific bird. When this is the case, the tattoo design usually has symbolic meaning from the feather and the specific bird. Some of the most common feathers used is the eagle feather, peacock feather, egret feather, ostrich feather, swallow feather, and the turkey feather.

Although some would say that angel wings doesn't fall into the same category as the feather, these wings are made of feathers and they hold symbolic meaning. These feathered wings do hold symbolic significance to the wearer of this design. This tattoo design represents protection from the higher power.

Some people may choose to wear the feather tattoo design because of all the symbolic meanings or they may just like the beauty of the feather tattoo. Either way, the feather tattoo is a great choice for a popular design. The feather design has different variations and so many different meanings. Some designs can also be used in dreamcatcher tattoos. The feather tattoo gives you plenty of choices and options to think about.

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