The Tragic Truth about Tattoos - Pratonix on HubPages

The Psychological Aspect

It has been observed that criminals, drug addicts, sexperverts and social outlaws are the overwhelming majority of the tattooed. Hardrock bands sport sick and lewd tattoos. Gangs encourage tattoos to instill asense of belonging. Tattoos carry a streak of aggression and anti-establishmentarianismand are subversive of morality. Death (inclusive of skulls, snakes, demons,flames) and pornography (lewd pictures, nude figures) are popular themes oftattoos. Psychologists have considered tattoos to be marks of personalitydisorder which is manifested later in criminal behavior. Low self-esteem, lackof self-control, sadomasochism, bondage, fetishism, bisexuality, antisocialpersonality, mania and bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are reflected inself-inflicted multiple tattoos.  Studieshave linked tattoos to homosexuality, lesbianism and gross sexual perversion.

Tattooed youth are more likely to engage in sexualintercourse, take to alcohol and drugs, and exhibit violent behavior, and dropout of high school by as much as 4 times compared to non-tattooed youth.

The Christian Aspect

Carnal Christians side-step the injuction in Leviticus 19;28 by arguing that the commandment is for Old Testament Israel and not for New Testament Christians. Does that mean that bestiality and child sacrifice which are forbidden in Leviticus are for Old Testament Israel and not for New Testament Christians? The New Testament does not have to spell out all sins. Smoking, for instance, is not mentioned in the Bible anywhere; but does it mean that smoking is not a vice or sin?

Reputed Bible scholars and commentators have made in clear that the moral commandments in Leviticus are for all time and not just for Israel in the Old Testament age. Leviticus 19:28 says, You shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you. I am the LORD. On this Matthew Henry, Merrill Unger and Jamieson, Fausset and Brown have made it amply clear that tattoos are forbidden by God. It is to be noted that while cuttings are qualified by the phrase for the dead, marks (or tattoos) have no such qualification. Which means that all tattoos (Christian and otherwise) are evil in Gods eyes.

One of the arguments made by carnal Christians is that Lev 19.27 forbids haircuts. What Leviticus 19.27 is talking about is rounding the corners of your head and marring the corners of your beard. These were heathen practices. One such practice was to cut the hair so that the head resembled a celestial globe. It is called a tonsure, a practice of heathens to honor their gods. The cutting of the flesh was demonstrated by the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. It is not to be forgotten that the demon-possessed man in Mark 5 was in the habit of cutting himself with stones. Cutting and masochistic self-flagellation is also practiced by Muslims during their festival of Muharram. In short, the injunctions in Lev 19:26-28 are a strong condemnation of heathen practices witchcraft, astrology, cutting, tattooing, tonsures, etc.

In 1 Samuel 15:23 we are told that rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft. Tattoos sported by todays youth have been the mark of rebellion and hatred of authority (besides, rejection of all moral values). In Gods eyes, the sin of tattooing is like witch-craft. We have already seen the origins of tattoos in witch-craft and shamanism. It remains to be researched whether this witch-craft has also led to widespread demon-possession. No, tattoos are not body decoration; they have nothing to do with fashion and beauty; but rather they are sinister signs of moral decay and infiltration by evil spirits into modern society.

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