88 Best Friend Tattoos for BFFs - Tattoo Models, Designs

If choosing a tattoo has to be special because you will have it for the rest of your life, choosing a best friend and best friend tattoos for each other is also the same.  My favorite friendship quote is from Aristotle, Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.

Although it is not friendship day yet, we would like to celebrate friendship randomly by collecting 80 beautiful friendship tattoos that you can get ideas from, just in case  you and your best friends have not decided which matching tattoos to get yet. It doesnt always have to be matching though, you can still get creative with your friendship tattoo and for your convenience, we have provided you more best friend tattoo ideas in this article.

1. 2 small birds

The best friend tattoo is small and simple yet still beautiful.

2. Thick and Thin

Best friends usually say theyll be friends through thick and thin, its a common BFF cliche. This is still a small tattoo you can put on your wrist or on your chest.

3. You see all my light, and you love my dark

In case you dont know, this is a lyric of Alanis Morissettes song entitled, Everything.

4. Celtic friendship symbol

The ancient Celtic knot is a symbol for eternity and infinite loyalty, love and friendship. Its been since the 450 AD.

5. Peanut butter and jelly

The peanut butter and jelly must always go together in a sandwich. Its never better without the other. A cute and fun way to represent friendship.

6. Youll never walk alone.

These four ladies had the same quote tattoo to represent their friendship.

7. Cute best friend tattoos

This is one of my favorites in this list. Its simple yet cute and funny. This tattoo is beyond deep words and yet the meaning is still simple. Friendship.

8. Nature, Moon and Sun

Im not really sure what the first symbol is, Im just guessing that it represents nature.

9. Quote and butterfly tattoo

I love the butterfly color but Id probably change the quote. Something simple yet smart.

10. Thumb print hearts

Another simple yet beautiful tattoo. A thumb print heart on the ankles or wrist is a good spot for this best friend tattoo.

11. Puzzle piece

I think a puzzle piece that represent friendship for a tattoo is an excellent idea, plus they incorporated it with a lock and key.

12. together forever never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart

Sweet tattoo for best of friends.

13. The pinky swear

Every best friends know what a pink swear is.

14. Friends and infinity symbol tattoo

15. Matching feather best friend tattoos

The feather tattoo also means freedom. You can get more of these beautiful designs from our article entitled 35 Feather Tattoos to Make you Fly

16. Feminine sun and moon best friend tattoos

The sun and moon tattoos have very beautiful meanings and they may also vary.

17. 2 birds best friend tattoos

This tattoo is quite funny actually, despite the hearts, I just dont see these 2 birds having any attachment or love at all. A sparrow is also a great idea for best friend tattoos.

18. Infinity symbol

19. Identical anchor tattoos for BFFs

Speaking of anchors, check out 40 Best Anchor Tattoos to Stay Grounded

20. Creative bird best friend tattoos

I like the placement and the size of the bird tattoos, which I think is a great idea for best of friends. You know the cliche birds of the same feathers, flock together.

21. Cat best friend tattoos

22. another pink promise tattoo

Why people swear with their pinkies, I have no idea!

23. Heart and life line tattoos

24. F.R.I.E.N.D.S best friend tattoo

I was a BIG fan of this comedy series that lasted for 10 years. If you havent watched FRIENDS, I suggest that you do. It gave me the best laughs.

25. French suit

This is a great idea for foursome friends.

26. Best friend coordinates

You can get coordinates tattoos of some place meaningful to you and your best bud.

27. Best friend quote tattoo

28. Yin yang best friend tattoo

My best friend and I are also like yin and yang. I think this tattoo is perfect for 2 entirely different people but have the same heart and soul.

29. Rainbow heart

30. Cat Dog tattoo

I grew up watching this cartoon and it is also one of my favorites. Its nice that there are minds out there who came up with this tattoo idea.

31.  Best friend tattoo quote

32. Identical elephant tattoos with initials

I love elephant tattoos. I like this one too since the elephants have intricate details. I love details!

33. Map and navigator

So this is another creative way to get a BFF tattoo. Not so mushy, just a simple map and navigator.

34. Simple BFF tattoo

I like the simplicity of this tattoo and its both funny and cute.

35. Simple best friend wrist tattoos

36. to life best friend tattoos

Its obvious that these best friends motto is to live life, and perhaps to keep their friendship for the rest of their lives.

37. Matching tribal turtles

Im jealous of these best of friends tattoos. I wanted to run in the tattoo parlor with my BFF  and get one too.

38. Scissor tattoos

These besties may have the same love or passion for crafty things and beauty. Sometimes you can tell a persons passion from their tattoos.

39. Roman numerals

MMVI is a Roman numeral for 2006. You and bestie can get a numeral tattoo that signifies and important date of your friendship.

40. Birds and hear strings

41. Always and infinity symbol

42. Monster Inc best friend tattoos

Thats Sully and Mike Wazowski from Monster Inc. a pixar animation film that children in all ages would enjoy to watch.

43. Stars tattoo

44. Friendship  quotes

I wouldve changed the font for this tattoo.

45. Pinky xoxo

46. Turtles

This is the 2nd turtle best friend tattoos youve seen here. I think this one have the yang effect but it couldve been cooler if it was yin yang.

The placement on the feet is also cool.

47. Diamond best friend tattoos

They say that a diamond is a girls best friend. These 2 BFFs might think the same thing or consider each other as diamonds, or not.

48. Matching cross

The cross always had a significant meaning across the globe.

49. Feminine sun and moon best friend tattoos

2 best friends decided to get a sun and moon tattoos with faces.

50. Moon tattoos

As you can see, most best friends usually get a matching tattoos of something significant to them.

51. Infinity best friend tattoo on wrists

52. Beach Pattern

I like the idea that both friends have the same tattoo pattern but the other one decided to have it upside down. It looks like a beach pattern and this is a great idea especially to those friends who love the beach. Like me!

53. Anchor with ribbons

Feminine anchor tattoos.

54. Friendship quote

There are many spots of your body where you could put a best friend quote.  This for example, is good.

55. Tiny sun and moon bff tattoos

If you and your friend dont want a visible tattoo, you can go for very small ones like this.

56. Anchor keep me grounded tattoo

This can be both for best friend tattoos or couple tattoos. You keep each other grounded.

57. 2 birds best friend tattoo

If you want to keep it small and simple. This one is a good idea.

58. Heart keys tattoo

The idea is nice and simple, but I would probably get a better one. However, if you and your best friend want it more sentimental, you can tattoo each other with your own designs. Keep it small and simple.

59. tea for two, two for tea

The other have plain tea cups but probably with a purpose, while the other have a decorated one.

60. Cute colored owl tattoos

If you love owls, we have more  owl tattoos for you in our article, 20 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

61. Best friend quote tattoos

62. Pair tattoos

63. Food best friend tattoos

These best friends  must love hotdogs and doughnuts so much that they decided to get a tattoo with the words Best friends on it.

64. Personal Best friend tattoo symbols

According to Brianna: My best friend and I wanted to get tattoos for our favorite number 3 and our love of Jack White. We also wanted to get waves for the song Dead Sea by the Lumineers because we are each others Dead Sea youll never sink when you are with me. Just so happens that Jack Whites record label logo is this, our newest tattoo!

65. Avocado best friend tattoo

Heres one unique way of getting a best friend matching tattoos. Who ever thought of a realistic avocado? LOL. Avocado by the way is my favorite fruit and it is full of nutrients.

66. A compass, sun and moon  best friend tattoos

Love the idea of this tattoo. Theyre 3 things in one. Brilliant!

67. Finger Skull tattoo

68. Bff <3 tattoo

69. Harry Potter geek friends

Harry Potter is part of the childhood of most kids and adults around the globe. It also influenced me growing up. Its not bad for 2 best friends who are great fans of the sequel.

70. Sun and moon thigh tattoo

Heres another variety of the sun and moon tattoo. Getting it bigger with more details is a good idea.

71. Paper planes best friend tattoos

What comes into your mind when you see a paper lane or someone mentions it? It reminds me of childhood and I think it fits right to best friends whos been together since childhood.

72.  Espeon and Umbreon.

For Pokemon fans, heres an idea for you and your best friend or your brother/sister.

73. Sunflower and yinyang best friend tattoos

Heres a proof that friends may like the same thing but have different tastes. So one got a colored sunflower and the other stuck with black and gray which is also not a bad idea.

74. Birds group tattoo

Best friends dont have to be just 2 people. They can be a group of 4 or more people who cherish each other.

75. Sparrow

The sparrow tattoo has a very beautiful meaning that suits loves and best friends. It would be better to get them colored.

76. Best friends lip tattoo

These 3 friends are crazy enough to get lip tattoos. Thats one cool idea!

77. Serpent heart

The serpent doesnt always have a good reputation or meaning, and its somewhat contradicting with the heart symbol. But as long as you and your friend agree on a specific design, then the simplest tattoo can be more than anything.

78. Arrow tattoo

A single arrow means protection. Its is better if it is positioned up. This tattoo idea fits those friends who are often in an adventure or friends who are continents apart.

79. Music notes

If you and your best bud love music, what better tattoo to get than a music note?

80. For the Game of Thrones nerds

These are Dothraki language from the famous book and TV series Game Of Thrones.
Jalan Atthirari Anni means Moon of My Life, Shekh Ma Shieraki Anni My Sun and Stars. A perfect tattoo for couples and best friends.

81. Cute portraits

I love this idea of a best friend tattoo. You can cartoonize your best friends face and have it tattooed on your skin and vice versa.

82. XO

Im a big fan of the xox game. Its a simple tattoo.

83. Femme Fatale

A sexy tattoo for you and your fierce best friend.

84. Moon and ruling planets best friend tattoos

You can also have a tattoo of your zodiacs signs together.

85. Best friend quote tattoo

86. Fruit

These 2 best friends have a thing for fruits. And heres a quote they love:

You are my peach, you are my plum
You are my earth, you are my sun
I love your fingers, I love your toes
The back of your head, the tip of your nose.

And you are the reason Im smiling when there is nothing to smile about. 

87. Crescent Moon Tattoos

88. Friendship quote tattoos

As you can see, people have different best friend tattoos. You can get a friendship quote, symbols, and unique designs to represent your friendship for each other. Others get funny tattoos and its heart warming looking at them simply because just by looking at it, the tattoo represented a strong bond that sometimes surpasses family. You dont need words to represent friendship, a significant symbol that you and friend love is good enough for a best friend tattoo that could last a lifetime.

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