Lion Tattoos Designs- High Quality Photos and Flash

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Lion Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 2 Lion Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 5 Lion Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 6 Lion Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 7 Lion Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 8Lion Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 10 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 1 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 2 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 3 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 4 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 5 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 6 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 7 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 8 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 9 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 10 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 11 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 12 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 13 Lion Tattoos Designs Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 14 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a1 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a2 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a3 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a4 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a6 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a7 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a9 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a10 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a12 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a13 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a14 Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a15Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a16Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a17Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a18Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a20Lion Tattoos Designs Art  Pictures Images a21Tattoos of Lions Designs Art Pictures Images Skinart Photos Ink Flash 2Tattoos of Lions Designs Art Pictures Images Skinart Photos Ink Flash 3Tattoos of Lions Designs Art Pictures Images Skinart Photos Ink Flash 4Tattoos of Lions Designs Art Pictures Images Skinart Photos Ink Flash 5Tattoos of Lions Designs Art Pictures Images Skinart Photos Ink Flash 6Tattoos of Lions Designs Art Pictures Images Skinart Photos Ink Flash 7

Lions and Fun Facts

You see pictures of lion tattoos all the time. Big beasts that look like they are king of their territory and can growl and get their points across. With Halloween around the corner, a lot of the kids want to be a cute and cuddly lion cub like from the Lion King movie.

But what do you really know about lion tattoo dseigns? Here are some cool and amazing facts about them and why they are so important to keep around for many centuries to come. A lion is second only to the tiger as the worlds biggest living cat. They can weigh up to five hundred and fifty pounds.  Most wild lions you see live in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia.

Did you know lions live in India? There is a population of lions that are in Gir Forest National Park and now on the critically endangered list! This population used to live in North Africa and southwest Asia and now is totally extinct in these countries!

Back in prehistoric times, after us humans, the lion was the biggest land mammal. Historically lion tattoos they have been found in Eurasia from India to Western Europe, Africa, and in Peru to the Yukon in the Americas.

A wild lion can live about ten to fourteen years, but living in a wildlife refugee or zoo they can live up to twenty years. Males always live shorter lives as they are protective of their families and get injured more often by fighting with other male lions.

A lions family is called a pride. This consists of the females who hunt together, the children, and a very small number of adult males.  The pride will live typically in the grasslands or savannas and hardly live in the forests or bush country.

Over the last twenty years in Africa, there has been a major decline of lion tattoo designs. No one knows why. It could be because of humans or their food sources or even the loss of their habitat to survive.

When cubs are born, it can take about one hundred and ten days for them to arrive. Only one to four cubs will be born and will be hidden from the pride somewhere secluded like a cave or thicket that is sheltered.

The mother will hunt for the babies extremely close by and move them several times a month to avoid predators. They babies are also born blind and weight about 2.5 to 4.6 pounds when born.

If lion tattoo designs are not protected enough, they will not be around for our children or grandchildren to enjoy. So, this is why wildlife refugees and zoos are making sure this will never ever happen. Especially when it takes a long time just to have cubs born and survive. In captivity, the cubs have a greater chance of surviving! Now you know some fun and interesting facts about lions body art!

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