Getting a true Native American tattoo design is something very special. Native Americans actually consist of hundreds of different cultures all with their own unique art. Native American tattoos can be used to depict a persons culture ties to their Native American ancestors. Because of the many different tribes of Native America, there are countless Native American tattoo designs to choose from.
Almost all Native American tribes, especially those on the east coast, practiced tattooing and body art. A lot of these tattoos were used as a form of tribal, clan, or family identification. This has all been well documented by the writing and journals of early explorers to the New World.

Native American tattoos have been growing in popularity because of the amazing and symbolic artwork, and their reverence to nature. Having a Native American tattoo is like having a spirit guide with you at all times, especially those times when help is needed most. Dreamcatcher and Kokopelli tattoo designs are two popular choices for Native American tattoos.
Just like our modern zodiac, Native Americans used different animals as a representation of when a person was born.
Otter - If you were born between January 20 and February 18, your symbol is the Otter. A person born under the Otter sign is typically unconventional, and is not the first picked to do a job. This is a mistake, however, because although unconventional, they will find a way to get the job done. The Otter will make a great friend, and is very honest and attentive. The Otter is also known to be rebellious, lewd, and isolated if left alone.
Wolf If you were born between February 19 and March 20, your symbol is the Wolf. The wolf is one of the most sacred animals to Native Americans. The Wolf is deeply emotional and passionate. The Wolf is intelligent, cunning, and very loyal. The Wolf is very gentle unless angered. If left alone, a Wolf can become obsessive and vindictive.
Falcon If your birth date is between March 21 and April 19, your symbol is the Falcon. The Falcon is a natural leader, and can always be looked upon to provide clear judgment is messy situations. A Falcon never wastes time, and strikes when the time is right. Although a little conceited, the Falcon is usually right in their opinions. If left alone, a Falcon can become rude, vain, and impatient.
Beaver If you were born between April 20 and May 20, your sign is the Beaver. Beavers take charge, adapt, and overcome all obstacles in their way. The Beaver will get the job done with the most efficiency. A Beaver may find themselves getting in trouble because they insist on doing things their way. They are usually right, but they lack tact. A Beaver is known to be generous, loyal, helpful, and compassionate. If left alone, a Beaver can become nervous, scared, possessive, and over-demanding.
Woodpecker If you were born between June 21 and July 21, your sign is the Woodpecker. Woodpeckers are consummate listeners, and very empathic and understanding. Woodpeckers tend to be more on the frugal side, and very resourceful. Woodpeckers make for wonderful parents. Woodpeckers are also possessive, jealous, spiteful, and can get very angry if left alone.
Salmon If you were born between July 22 and August 21, your Native American sign is the Salmon. The Salmon is a natural motivator, and their confidence and enthusiasm is very contagious. No matter how outrageous the idea is, every soon gets behind an idea the Salmon came up with. The Salmon has a need for purpose and sets goals. A Salmon is stable, calm, giving, and very sensual. If left alone, a Salmon can become egotistical, vulgar, and intolerant of others.
Bear If you were born between August 22 and September 21, your sign is the Bear. When you need a steady hand, you should call a Bear. The Bear is an excellent business partner due to their level-headedness and practicality. The Bear is also know for their generosity. The Bear is also very modest, and a little shy. The Bear makes for an excellent teacher, and has a lot of patience. If left alone, a Bear can become sloth, skeptical, and small minded.
Crow / Raven If you were born between September 22 and October 22, your Native American symbol is the Crow. The Crow is a charmer, and the charming comes very easily to them. Everyone turns to the crow for their opinion. The Crow is romantic, soft spoken, and easy going. If left alone, the crow can be abrasive, demanding, and somewhat inconsistent.
Snake / Serpent If you were born between October 23 and November 22, your symbol is the snake. The Snake is very in touch with the spirit realm, and most shamans are born under this sign. Snakes are known for their healing powers, and can excel in the medical field. The Snake can be secretive and dark, but is also very caring and sensitive. If left alone, the snake can be violent and prone to mood swings.
Owl If you were born from November 23 to December 21, your Native American sign is the Owl. The Owl is a friend to the world, and is warm, easy-going, and natural. An Owl loves adventure, and pursues life at full speed. Owls can be reckless and careless at times. They make great conservationists and teachers, but really can excel at any occupation because of their versatility and ability to adapt. An owl is very sensitive and is a good listener. If left alone, and Owl can be bitter, belligerent, and excessive.
Goose If you were born between December 22 and January 19, your symbol is the Goose. The Goose is known for their ability to get things done. The Goose will set their goals, and always reach them. A Goose is very driven and determined to succeed. They excel in business and sports. A Goose is very passionate, sensual, and humorous. If left alone, a Goose can become very obsessive and take on addictive behaviors.
Getting ones Native American birth symbol is a natural choice for a tattoo design.

Many Native American tribes practiced a form of Shamanism. They believed that the world around us, including the land, animals, plants, and trees all have their own spirits. Each tribe would have a Shaman, Medicine Man, or Elder that could communicate and seek guidance from the different spirits.
A person should only get a Native American tattoo if their reasons are sound and well thought out. You should have Native American in your blood, or at least a really good understanding and respect of their culture. When getting a Native American tattoo, it is recommended to talk to members of the Native American community to ensure the design you have chosen is accurate and reflects the heritage of their ancestors. It may take a bit of work, but in the end you will have a very special and meaningful tattoo representing the Native American culture.
If you are seriously considering getting a tattoo, we suggest you take a look at a site such as Chopper Tattoo. They have the largest selection of high quality, award winning tattoo designs that you can print out and bring to your local tattoo artist. Here is a small gallery of pictures of Native American tattoo designs:
See Native American Tattoo Designs at Chopper Tattoo.
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