Tattoos for Couples - Buzzle

Many people feel that getting tattooed as a couple is not a good idea, since one can never predict the future of a relationship. But there are tattoo lovers who love to get tattoos in order to express their true love for their partner. The places of the getting a tattoo is entirely up to the couple, but sometimes, choosing the correct design is crucial.

Heart Tattoos

Most common of all, the simplest and most attractive way of displaying this tattoo is by etching half of the heart on your inner wrist and the other half on your partner's wrist, which will only make sense if you join your hands. It is a perfect way of saying you've given a part of your heart to your beloved.

"Love For Music" Tattoos

If music has brought you together, there is nothing like commemorating your love by getting inked with your favorite musical instrument or music notes. Also, if you do not like to scream out your love for each other, opting for tattoos with music notes of your favorite songs or simply all the sweet nothings that only the two of you are aware of, will do the trick.

Matching Tattoos

Calligraphy gives you an option express your love and a short and sweet manner. The Chinese and the Japanese Calligraphy have myriad characters to choose from. For instance, you can get a tattoo of a character meaning "Love" and you partner can complete it by engraving "All". Religious symbols are also the most preferred tattoo designs by couples where they stand for the solemn promise that you've made until death does you apart. Every religion has a symbol which signifies a meaningful bond such as in Christianity, a tattoo of a Cross portrays your belief in God and in each another.

Yin and Yang Tattoos

Chinese philosophy states that Yin and Yang are opposites in nature and when they attract to each other, they result in formation of the 5 elements that created the universe. So if you and your partner, as the popular line goes, "Complete each other", etch this tattoo as there's no yin without yang and vice versa. As there is no strict positioning, be free to experiment , go wild, and make it unique!

Zodiac Tattoos

Some people believe they're destined to be together; that the stars and the planets align themselves to unite two people who are made for each other. So, if you are of the type who believe in cardinal signs, and agree that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, getting a tattoo of you partner's zodiac sign is the perfect way to profess your love.

Lock and Key Tattoos

Getting a heart-shaped lock-and-key tattoo is a unique way of showing how well you are bonded with each other. Usually heart shaped, you may consider the lock and key tattoo to be self-explanatory. But this particular tattoo is mysterious and cryptic in its own way. One of the various aspects is Love, if you're inspired by the famous line "Owing key to one's heart", this tattoo pair is made for you. Symbolizing love between two individuals, you can get inked by a key and your better half can go for the matching lock, not necessarily of heart shape.

Anchor Tattoos

If you're looking for a tattoo implying or encouraging you to "stay grounded", anchor tattoo is the perfect choice. Having its roots in Christianity, it also symbolizes sacrifice, salvation, and stability. You can always give a personalized touch to this tattoo by engraving your partner's name, his/her birthday or by mentioning any special date or a memorable event.

If you have made up your mind to have a couple tattoo, do consider one of the ideas listed above, or come up with your own innovative tattoo design that will make your partner go weak in the knees. Make sure the tattoo appeals to both of you and that you won't regret having the tattoo done in any circumstances.

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