Sanskrit translations are offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers & initials for the first time only.
Paid translation to Pali, Tibetan, Khmer [Cambodian], Hebrew, Arabic, Urdu, Chinese, and Japanese language is available.
Kristi Capriglione
Thank you so much for your stellar customer service and truly fantastic assistance. Know that every time I look at my new tattoo, a little part of me will always remember and appreciate the fact that you were willing to give this advice for free when it is worth much. Your service fills a large gap. Anyone wanting a translation to Sanskrit should contact you immediately. I cant thank you enough.
Scott Forsyth
Many Many thanks. I first wanted to tell you that your site is really wonderful. I can't tell you how much this means to me. You are doing a wonderful service to people and I couldn't believe how fast you respond and that you do it for free. I made a donation as a token of my appreciation for your kindness as I have been looking for a long time for someone to help me with a simple translation. I think you are an angel and you will be blessed for all of the good you are doing for people. I am reading your praise and reading a lot of the words and names that people are requesting and I hope you know that these are not just words but names of loved ones or deceased relatives and also symbolic words of transformation. You are doing something wonderful so that people can express themselves in an ancient and beautiful way that is still foreign to the untrained eye but holds such powerful emotion to that which possesses it. YOU are that link. I can only hope that someone, somewhere can give back to you, what you so freely give to complete strangers. It is the great circle of life. Thank you, not only for myself but for everyone you help. Please keep doing what you do as it is a wonderful gift you are giving people. I wish you great things my friend.
Kind Regards,
Samantha Kilduff
Thank you so much for the translation! Thank you very much for your fast and caring work! I will always be grateful and be reminded of you whenever I look at my tattoo. My skin and I will be forever grateful!
Henrique Moreira
30 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Fanny Noyelle
communication = link = |
29 April 2012
28 April 2012
27 April 2012

Tattoos Name Translation for Kashmir Mcclean
In Sanskrit: Kashmir = In Hindi: |
26 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Darren Talbot
Joann [jo-ann] = Darren [darr-en] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Stephen Oates
Louisa [Loo ee za] = Mary [Mair-ree] = Oates [Otes] = |
25 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Bryan Ross
Watch your thoughts for they become words = Watch your words for they become acts Watch your acts for they become habits Watch your habits for they become your character Watch your character for it becomes your destiny |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Cindy Marie Ortega
diversity = equality = freedom = |
24 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Simon Williams
Gone but never forgotten = Franky [fran-kee] = |
23 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jo Rittermeyer
Courage = Fear = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kannan Loghanathan
My = Arthi [aar-thee] = Joy = |
22 April 2012
21 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Nigel Elmes
Aleesha [A-lee-shaa] = Macy [may-see] = |
20 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Chuck Ijadi
Bad things happen = This too shall pass = Remember to breathe = |

Sanskrit Translation for Scott Forsyth
I am present = Mindfulness = = saa-wa-dhaa-na-taa Be present for the bloom of each new moment Impermanence = = a-nit-ya-taa Intend Your Karma = Breathe to Live = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mark Gresinii
friend = love = pain = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Lucia Martis
King = my Past = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Vincent Benitez
ADAPT [as in Adaptability] = MONK = SELF = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Adeline Ng
Adeline [A-the-lin] = Jade [ja-d] = |

English to Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Niloe Surajbali
Kamlawatie [Kamalawatee] = Krishnadat [Krishna Dutt] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Felinor Navarra
gigi [ji-ji] = bobby [ba-bee] = |
19 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Tom Cowen
Finlay [Fin-lee] = Jenny [Jen-ee] = Jen = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Catherine Mendez
Edwin [ed-win] = my beloved = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sonal Joshi
Forgive = Hope = Smile = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sophia Kelson
18 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Patricia Meek
Faith = Family = Luck = |
17 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrases Translation for Nikki Brewer - CRYSTAL LAKE
15 April 2012
14 April 2012

English to Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Maruta Smite
Maruta = Normunds = |
13 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Sandra O'Brien
Jacob [Jay-cub] = Josh [josh] = |
12 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Tsung Yu Wu - Jeff
VIVIEN [v ee v ee n] = JEFF [jef] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Jaime Cochren
I am a warrior = I am free = I am love = I am strong = I am balanced = |
11 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for VIRI Garcia - Ana Garpos
Sandra [sand-raa] = Brave = Beautiful = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Kirsty Webster
Kirsty [kur-stee] = Ryan [RYE-un] = Webster [wee-ster] = |
09 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Rachel Nelson
I am the master of my fate = I am the captain of my soul = |
08 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Matthias Mösl
LEONIE (Le-o-nee) = ELIAS (E-lee-as) = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Peta Swan
Hinton [Hin-ten] = Swan [Swon] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Tony Revord
Wisdom = Patience = |
07 April 2012

Sanskrit Translations for Jan Naylor
beautiful = Derek [day-ray-k] = |
06 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Marie Davos
time = door = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Sally van Oirschot
Ritchie [rich-ee] = Sally [SA-lee] = |
05 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Catherine Girigorie
Pure = Strong = Serenity = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Rachel Soulouque
Rachel [Ray-chull] = Watched over [protected] = |
04 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jena Visavadia
Shanti = Vasram [Vas-ram] = Visavadia [visa-vadia] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Chantel Pita
Chantel [seen-tel] = Pita [Pee -taa] = |
03 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for William Murphy
Gwen [Gwen] = William [Will-yum] = Denise [den-ees] = |

Sanskrit Translations for Shoshana Stolove
THE TRUE ME FLYING FREE IN DIVINITY = I am my own kind of beautiful = Expressing freely = God loves me = |
02 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Alina Poppe
ALINA [A-li-na] = Lynn [lin] = Kalee [Ka-lee] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Initials Translation for Pravitha Emrith - Nisha Balgovind
N = V = |
01 April 2012

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ranella Lannes
HELGI [hell-gi] = LANNES [lan-nes] = |

English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for William Collazo
Layla [Lay "a" as in stay Luh "a" as in "uh"] = Collazo [coy-aaso] = |
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon