Custom Sleeve film tattoo
Sleeve tattoo is one of popular ideas for tattoo placement. Honestly, I noticed ones tattoo inked on their arms in the first time, which might be because the fact arm could be exposed outside in all seasons.
When the placement has been firmed, there are a lot of choices for your sleeve tattoo ideas, e.g., tribal, fonts, flowers, animals, portraits, angel, or any other creative ideas. Based on the length of arm covered by the tattoo, its divided into full sleeve tattoo, half sleeve tattoo and quarter sleeve tattoo. Full sleeve tattoo covers most or all of a persons arm, usually from shoulder to wrist. Half sleeve tattoo normally covers half of an arm, usually above the elbow and quarter tattoo covers about one-fourth of the arm length.
Its a very complex process to get a sleeve tattoo done. It generally requires many long hours of tattooing and can take weeks, months or years to complete. The planning is very important, which includes deciding your tattoo idea and finding a good tattoo artist. Here is a collection of 50+ cool sleeve tattoo designs for your inspiration. Let us know which one you like the best.
Maori Style Tattoo
arm with muscle tissue5 Tattoo
Freehand sleeve
mermaid sleeve 3
Maruo Sleeve Still in Progress
Dynamics Tattoo
New School Armsleeve Tattoo
Metal Sleeve finished
Sleeve Tattoo
Sleeve Micro Music Skull cards
skull and flowers
sea sleeve
Rose Spiders
custom arm project
Sleeve Tattoo
Tall Ships Skull Tattoo Black And Grey
Norwegian floral design
Abstract trash tattoo
Metal Gear Solid Piece by Norbert Halasz
girl tattoo with rose
yuki snow,TUBAKI
Sacred geometry sleeve
Sleeve Tattoo
Maori Sleeve
Tempus fugit cherub Tattoo
Jazz Sleeve
Full sleeve new school progress eminem song
Statuary sleeve
Dragon Sleeve tattoo
Tiger sleeve
flower sleeve
skull sleeve tattoo
Music Sleeve Tattoo
Sleeve Tattoo
New school tattoo sleeve
Alanas Sleeve
Sleeve Tattoo couple
Sleeve Tattoo
Polynesian sleeve process
Psykedelic raven project 2
warrior sleeve tattoo
Sleeve Tattoo
Electronic inspired blackwork sleeve tattoo
Color Japanese full sleeve tattoo
Angel Sleeve tattoo
Sleeve Tattoo for women
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon