In Memory of Tattoo Ideas eHow

Erin Dorrance

Erin Dorrance has been writing since 2002, specializing in travel and military affairs. She has been published in the "MacDill Thunderbolt," "Kaiserslautern American," "Air Force Times" and online at and the U.S. Air Force website. Dorrance has a Bachelor of Arts in communications and Spanish from the University of New Mexico and a Master of Science in international relations from Troy University.

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By Erin Dorrance, eHow Contributor

Losing someone or something you love is very painful. There is no right way to grieve, and you may experience shock, anger and guilt in different stages. Participating in loving memory activities can help you celebrate the life of the person you lost. There are a few in loving memory ideas that you can use with your family and friends.

  1. Organize a Walk

    • Create a walk in memory of who you lost. Raise money for the person's favorite charity or organization. The walk will bring the community together for a fun event and encourages fitness.

      Plan a route and get permission from the land owners and city council to use the requested route. Contact the charity or organization that you would like to support for permission to use its logo, and ask if members can assist with the walk. Obtain liability insurance for the event. Once these objectives are met, you can start publicizing the event, and start raising money.

    Get a Tattoo

    • Get a tattoo to immortalize your loved one's memory onto your body. In loving memory tattoos can feature names, initials, symbols, angels or crosses to represent your loved one. Get creative and think about what represented the person you lost, and incorporate that into the tattoo.

      You can also design temporary tattoos. There are several online companies that sell temporary tattoos, and they allow you to submit your own design. You can also make temporary tattoos at home with an eyeliner pencil. Draw the tattoo onto your body, and spray it evenly with hairspray. Let the hairspray dry completely. Be careful not to smudge the tattoo, or to expose it to water or any other liquid. At night, you can wash it off, or tape a paper towel over the tattoo for another day's wear.

    Make T-shirts

    • Create t-shirts with a photo of the person you lost. These t-shirts can be worn at family functions, memory walks or whenever you miss that person. In loving memory t-shirts typically include a photo of the person you lost, his first and last name, the years he lived and a quote he commonly would say.

    Memory BBQ

    • Plan an annual BBQ to celebrate the life of the person you lost. The event will bring everyone together to relive cherished memories. Serve all of the foods that your loved one enjoyed. Play a looped slide show of pictures from your loved one's life so that attendees can watch the show at their leisure. Create a memory box for everyone to write down their fondest memory of your loved one, and read the memories aloud.

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