30 Powerful Elephant Tattoo Designs - TattooEasily

The first thing that strikes you when you look at an elephant or  a picture of an elephant or  a cartoon of an elephant or the caricature of an elephant or a tattoo of an elephant is that they are so cute. This is in spite of the fact they are enormous creatures who possess immense strength. Elephants are revered, respected and valued in many countries and continents like Asia and Africa for their strength and noble nature. This is true not only for the present, but a fact that has been acknowledged over history.

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The use of elephants to strike fear in the enemies ranks by using these massive creatures in war has been a practice in many civilizations. Elephants are considered almost holy in places like India, where they even have God with an elephant head Lord Ganesha. Elephants are often used as part of religious ceremonies and are even part of marriage processions.

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When it comes to using the elephant as a tattoo design, the one thing you have to remember is that most tattoo artists like to depict this animal in its natural color. The exception to this may be the albino elephant that is supposed to be symbol of the divine and is revered above all other elephants. If you have seen one, then you will be considered to be specially blessed.

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Apart from the religious beliefs that a person may hold, one may decide to go with the elephant in tattoo form to symbolize all the qualities that these noble and great pachyderms have.

  • Elephants have a decided and sensible social structure. This means that all the matriarchs in the herd are responsible for the protection and discipline of the young ones. All calves are gently but firmly taught about the ways to survive in the jungle. This characteristic of the animals may be what motivates a person to get a elephant tattoo.

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  • The young ones in the herd are incredibly mischievous, naughty, energetic and noisy. This is apart from the fact that they look incredibly cute. One may want to incorporate this playful and curiosity driven nature in a tattoo of a cute baby elephant.

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  • When an elephant passes away, the other elements will gather beside the corpse for a period of time consisting of a few days as part of the mourning process. This can be seen as loyalty and respect for one another.

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  • The elephant is huge and strong. While usually a calm animal can turn out to be an incredible foe when wronged and will not rest till revenge has been dispensed. You can depict this characteristic in a tattoo. The strength, the determination and the tenacity of the animal makes it a worthy tattoo design

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  • The animal is a survivor who manages to live a life in treacherous jungles while finding and feeding itself. This characteristic can make it worthwhile as a tattoo design.

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  • One cannot overlook the comic and cute impact that elephants can have. One who has a sense of humor may also get the cute elephant as a tattoo design on his or her body.

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  • Their loyalty and dedication to each other make elephants a worthy and noble tattoo subject.

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Elephant designs are not as well known or as popular as other designs based on animals with women showing less of an inclination to get this design. Plus the large size of the animal makes it a little difficult to draw anywhere except the back. But a good artist will be able to size it down for other areas. Mostly people choose this design out of a deeper meaning either spiritual or religious.

Here are some examples of Powerful Elephant Tattoo Designs:

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