Tattoo Removal

Recent studies show that about 20% of people with tattoos, experience some regret. Most of them got their tattoos when they were young (late teens or early twenties) and now their lives have changed. A new job, issues with clothes, or a significant life event like a wedding or a baby were mentioned as motivations for tattoo removal.

There are plenty of ways to remove tattoos, each based on a different method. Once youve decided to remove your tattoo, for whatever reason, you need to explore which way is the most suitable for you. Take your time to learn about the options available.

Probably the most common reason is the feeling that it would prevent you from being promoted in your chosen career. This is particularly relevant in the uncertain economic climate and the increasingly competitive job market. Unfortunately, there is still prejudice towards body art and although attitudes are changing, there are companies that still look upon tattoos as less than desirable (to say the least). If your tattoo is small and hidden under clothes then it is not a big deal, but large colorful tattoos may cause you major problems. In this case, tattoo removal is probably the answer.

Manual Tattoo Removal

The manual or pre-laser methods include dermabrasion, salabrasion (scrubbing the skin with salt) and cryosurgery. In these procedures, a specific type of gel mixed with saline, is etched into the skin over the tattoo, causing the ink in the dermis to bond with (or be replaced by) the gel, and migrate to the surface of the epidermis. Nowadays, these methods are rarely performed since the results are quite unpredictable and side effects such as skin discoloration sometimes occur.

Laser Tattoo Removal

The laser tattoo removal is considered to be the most professional and reliable method, since it takes place at specialized clinics. In the beginning, tattoo removal by laser was performed with continuous-wave lasers and later with Q-switched lasers.

The laser is targeting the ink with pulses of highly concentrated light that break the ink into small fragments, which are then absorbed into the body and fade away. In order to get the best results, a few treatments are required. The more treatments you have, the more the laser can penetrate to destroy the ink. However, the more treatments you have, the more damage can be caused to your skin, like painful blisters or even scars. Experts in removal therapy say that technology has advanced to the point where scarring is minimal, sometimes non-existent at all, depending on the situation.

tattoo removal

The biggest issue regarding laser removal is the cost. Depending on your tattoo, you might need between 5-10 sessions, each costing in the range of $200-$850 per session. Removing a large, colorful tattoo could cost thousands of dollars.
> Learn more about tattoo laser removal

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Intense pulsed light therapy, or IPL, is a technique generally being used in beauty clinics. Instead of laser light, it uses high intensity light in quite the same way. After a special gel is applied to the skin, pulses of light are directed onto the skin, making the ink break and disappear. This method is considered to be less painful than laser therapy, and more effective, resulting in less total treatment sessions.

Regarding costs, however, the price tag is pretty high the cheapest clinic offers a price of $10 per pulse. Depending on how many pulses per session your tattoo requires, this could add up to a significant amount of money.

Tattoo Removal Cream

Tattoo removal creams are becoming an increasingly popular treatment versus the traditional laser option. It is not surprising, since tattoo removal creams can fade, and over time, erase unwanted tattoos for a fraction of the cost. Another reason why creams are becoming so popular, is of course, that you dont need to set up appointments for the treatment sessions. You just do it in the privacy of your home at your convenience.

The removal creams usually work the same fashion: You apply the cream on the tattoo and using a sort of wand the cream penetrates the skin and breaks the ink pigments. The procedure takes a few minutes every day, during 6-8 weeks. Studies show significant fading of the tattoos without any pain or damage to the skin, and it is certainly a lot more affordable than laser surgery.
> Learn about tattoo removal cream products

Tattoo Cover Ups

There are basically 2 options of tattoo cover up jobs. One is having an old tattoo covered up with a new tattoo. Many tattoo artists are becoming quite skilled in doing cover-up jobs, and with a talented cover-up artist, you can end up with a tattoo youre much happier to live with. The price is usually just the price of a regular tattoo.

The second cover up option, is the use of special make-up creams or patches that temporarily cover the tattoo. It can come very handy before an important job interview or a business meeting. You simply place the patch or make-up cream on the area you wish to conceal, and once you come home, easily remove it or wash it away.

Tattoo Removal Results

The amount of time required for the removal of a tattoo and the success of the removal varies with each individual. Factors influencing this include: skin type, location on the body, tattoo color, amount of ink, scarring or tissue change, and layering. It also depends on which method has been chosen, and if performed professionally.

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