Wrist Tattoo Ideas for Women eHow - eHow How to

Leslie Carver

Leslie Carver has been a professional author since 2009. Her work appears on multiple websites. She has an associate's degree in English with progress toward her bachelor's at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She has been awarded an Outstanding Student Award in English and twice nominated for creative writing awards.

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By Leslie Carver, eHow Contributor

In today's world, tattoos are everywhere you look. According to WebMD, "25% of 18- to 30-year-olds have a tattoo." This figure is expected to increase to 40 percent in this same age group. Tattoo designs are as varied as the individuals that wear them. One major consideration concerning tattoos is the fact that they are permanent, so it is wise to choose your design carefully.

  1. Small Designs

    • Maybe you want a tattoo on your wrist but need to be able to hide it when necessary. If so, your best option is a small design on the inside of your wrist. However, a smaller size does not limit your options. Hearts, daggers, roses and crosses are just a few examples of smaller designs ideal for this area. In fact, some designs that you will see on flash, or sample designs in tattoo shops, are deliberately smaller. Their size makes them easy to conceal with makeup or a large bandage when appropriate.

    Vines and Bracelets

    • If hiding your tattoo is not a concern, you might be considering a more visible, horizontal design on the outside of your wrist. Designs depicting vines and bracelets are good options for this area. Both can be traditional or tribal, colorful or basic black, and can incorporate any number of other elements. For instance, vines can be depicted as bearing flowers of your choice, and bracelets can include a "gem" of any color you like.


    • Some women choose to get words, names, phrases and even whole sentences tattooed on their wrists. It can be a loved one's name, the best advice you ever received, or anything else that inspires you. For example, a clever and unique option to help keep life in prospective is the quote, "This too shall pass." Text can be in any size you want and whatever font pleases you. It can be perhaps the most unique way to express yourself through your tattoo.

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