20 Amazing Tattoo Designs And Their Meanings

tattoo music designs

A tattoo is an ink design inserted into the dermis layer of the skin with a needle. Tattoos were used for religious purposes and by ancient tribals for thousands of years. Today tattoo culture is gaining popularity and almost everyone either has a tattoo or wants to get one.  What was once used as a religious symbol is now being used as a popular body art and depicts the necessary elements in ones life. People get such tattoos engraved on their body to which they can closely relate and find a relative meaning of. The colourful and lovely body tattoos add a sense of appeal and a new look to ones personality.

Before, we look at the most popular tattoos, let us look at which are the most popular parts of the body where we can get the tattoo done:

Most Popular Tattoo Areas:

Tattoos for women are very exotic, outstanding, vivid and are inked as a fashion statement.  It defines or expresses ones personality.  Pretty, enchanting and chic tattoo designs make a lasting impression on the mind. There are different areas where you can get a tattoo done the most popular are arms, legs, neck and back.

1. Neck Tattoo:

depeche mode tattoo designs

Neck is one of the favorite places to get a tattoo done, especially on the nape. Neck tattoo looks particularly good on people with long, slender necks. Neck tattoos are gaining immense popularity because of their visibility and originality. It is for people who want to stand out from the crowd. But before getting a neck tattoo, it important to consider that they are not easy to conceal and the pain associated with neck tattoo is unbearable as compared to the pain on other body parts. The designs can be anything you like but usually small tattoos like a star, flower or vines look better than bulky tattoos.

2. Arm Band Tattoo:

feather armband tattoo designs

Arm band tattoo has been the mainstay tattoo for years, traditionally wore by men and women around the biceps or triceps as a wire, thorn and other popular motifs. Forearm broadband is becoming increasingly popular among both men and women because of their versatility in terms of discreetness and personality. They are marked on arms as an alternative to tangible arm bands. These tattoos look like a bracelet, an arm band and other ornaments. The designs mainly used for arm band tattoos are flower bands, dragon bands, dolphin bands, skull bar wire, celtic bands and hearts bands.

3. Ear Tattoo: 

bow tattoo in ear

Ear tattoo is highly popular among teenagers giving them an exquisite and unique look. Ear tattoos are mostly done very small but usually are very detailed and only a high quality artist can perform it well. The ear tattoo is mostly placed on the ear lobes, behind the ear, around the ear and even inside the ear .This area is perfect for designs like butterfly and flower. You can even extend the tattoo to the nape.

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4. Shoulder Tattoo:

flower shoulder tattoo designs for women

Shoulder is a great canvas to ink and display tattoo and it looks amazingly chic and stylish. This area of the body is best for displaying large tattoos with intricate details. Shoulder is an extremely popular spot for tattooing on women since it can be easily covered to hide for professional work and during office hours and can be easily revealed by wearing a strapless and sleeveless top to showcase the fun, flashy and sexy persona.

5. Finger Tattoo: 

Finger Tattoo

Fingers are always on display that makes it desirable to have a visible and impressive design on them. It has been a long standing tradition in some places for a woman to get the name of her husband inked on her finger. Finger tattoo is fun & flirty and a style statement in itself. It is rapidly thumbing its way onto girls everywhere and shows itself in a big way.  The designs could range from simplest ones like a text or a band to the most intricate and outlandish designs like that of a skull or a mini portrait.

6. Hand Tattoo:

cool tattoos tribal

The popularity of hand tattoos is on the rise mainly due to celebrities getting the name of their beloved inked on their hands. Hand is one of the most common spots for getting a tattoo. The most common reasons for getting a hand tattoo done are, for religious reasons, to show a sign of rebelliousness or to make a profound statement.  Women generally prefer a star, a flower or a mehendi influenced design. Hand tattoos look astounding and impressive and are capable of attracting anyones attention.

7. Half Sleeve Tattoo:

matteo pasqualin tattoos

Half sleeve tattoo design is a very popular design which is attracting men all over the world. It is now not just limited to bikers and rockers, anyone can sport it as it is the best way to show off your inner strength and toughness. It looks particularly eye catching and ultra-stylish on men with strong and muscular biceps. Most of the half sleeve tattoos are an assortment of small tattoos or one large tattoo design made  either from the shoulder to above the elbow or below elbow to wrist There are many different designs used for half sleeve tattoos like Japanese mythology inspired design, phoenix tattoo pattern, sea beast, mythological characters etc. You should be very particular about choosing the design because its a huge design and will stay with you forever.

8. Ribcage:

roses tattoos for women

Ribcage tattoo is best suited for people with a bold and daring personality. Celebs like Rihanna and Angelina Jolie have made it more famous. This tattoo is completely different and looks uber stylish and is suitable for those who want to express themselves through an edgy and unique body art. Another advantage of this spot is that this portion is relatively less painful than other body parts. There are a variety of designs you can choose for ribcage body art, from awesome scenery to colourful flowers and even animals.

9. Leg Tattoo:

polynesian tattoo designs

Leg tattoos look incredibly stylish on women who wear skirts and short pants. The beauty of a womans legs gets enhanced when she gets it inked with a pretty tattoo design. The artwork, as it gracefully covers the fine calves gives a unique sense of self-expression to women. Leg area is a massive space for tattoo of various sizes.  Leg tattoos look terribly fascinating on women and add a tasteful dimension to a girls looks. Leg tattoos should be bright, fun and engaging and can be inked in a single colour, two colors or a pattern of many bright colors.

10. Ankle Tattoo:

ankle tattoo designs

Ankle tattoos are placed on or around the area of ankles and signify the epitome of feminine charm. Ankle is an extremely popular spot for tattoos and looks very cute and sexy. Ankle tattoos can easily be flaunted by wearing the appropriate attire and can be concealed if required. The designs are usually kept simple and small and the most popular designs include butterflies, stars and flowers and come in a variety of colours.  But you need to be a bit careful before etching the tattoo as ankle is a relatively painful spot for tattoo as the area is very bony and has many nerves which lead to the foot.

Popular Tattoo Designs:

A tattoo design should be well researched and carefully sought out because it will remain on your body forever, in most of the cases. Tattoo designs are always changing and every second day a new theme is being introduced. However, here I have listed some classic designs which have stood the test of time and will look equally glamorous even 10 years down the line.

1. Butterfly:

large butterfly tattoos

butterfly tattoos on shoulder

The timeless image of the Butterfly has been around for centuries and is universally popular across the world. Butterfly tattoos are the most popular tattoo designs for women and girls. Besides, butterfly tattoos also represent the eternal desire of mankind to take flight on outspread wings. Butterfly is a symbol of femininity and elegance and represents freedom, peace, and high spirit. There are number of designs to choose from and their bright colours adorn any canvas beautifully. These tattoos can be made anywhere be it back, neck, and ear and even as an arm band.

2. Angels or fairies: 

portrait tattoos on arm

fallen angel tattoo

Angels and fairies signify purity and love and are great for women of all ages. It is mainly a sign of devotion and show a belief towards Christianity. The most preferred angel tattoo is that of an angel with wings. Cupid is also another popular tattoo as love angel and mainly adorns the body of young females. There are also tattoos that depict a broken or fallen angel with a sad posture and withered wings. Some designs are of guardian angel ready to strike with her power.

3. Heart:

Heart tattos

Heart Tattoo on Ear

Heart tattoos are also very popular among women and adds a tender element to the romantic side of you. Heart tattoos are a symbol of love, passion and affection and girls relate heart designs to their trust in love, belief in dreams, and eternity of relationships. Heart tattoos can be of different types like hearts incorporated with cute flowers and star tattoos, music notes with heart or sacred heart.

4. Dragonfly: 

dragonfly tattoo designs

dragonfly tattoos for women

Dragonfly is meant to represent a womans freed soul or spirit and symbolizes compassion, wisdom, luck, prosperity and courage. This is also a popular choice for women because of dragonflys calm demeanour and beautiful configuration. Dragon fly tattoo comes in a variety of designs with their beautiful long wings and large multifaceted eyes. The designs include simple elegant patterns to complex and colourful combinations. The look is equally good on almost every part of the body be it nape, ribcage, shoulder, legs or as wrist tattoos.

5. Sun:

Sun tattoos

 tribal sun tattoo

Sun tattoos are popular among both men and women and is one of the most attractive tattoo designs. There are a number of varieties and variations to choose from and, and you can even try it on your own. You can pull influences from religious and tribal symbols as well as the Sun represents belief in divinity. You can also add faces or designs in or around a sun tattoo to individualize it and add a touch of your own distinctive personality. Some of the most popular sun designs are tribal sun tattoo, Shiny sun tattoos, and Celtic sun tattoo.

6. Star:

star finger tattoos


Star tattoos are mainly cute, fun and colourful .These are popular among both men and women and are an attention grabber. They are deciphered as ambition and hope, and are sometimes known as a symbol of good luck, success and good wishes. You can choose from a single star to cluster of star or even shooting stars.

7. Moon: 

moon tattoo designs

elf tattoo designs

Moon tattoo designs are popular with women and are associated with love, dreams and heaven. Moon tattoos can be inked with quite a few dynamic design themes like with a sun for a yin yang, or can be accentuated with stars or fairies to make it more beautiful and appealing. Moon tattoos can be flashed on shoulders, ankles and back areas.

8. Rose:

rose tattoos

rose foot tattoos

Women have always loved rose tattoos. Rose is a symbol of love, affection and express peace and purity. White rose denotes peace, red signifies love, black rose symbolizes death and orange rose signifies the need for love. You can choose from an array of colours like red, pink, black or even the unusual colour blue.

9. Snake: 

snake tattoos for men

tattoo designs

Snakes are regarded as a symbol of wisdom, fertility, knowledge and have many mythical associations. Snake tattoos follow two different directions, either negative or positive depending totally on the depiction. So you can chose to go mean or stay cute and sexy, either way snakes can be a fun design. You can choose from a realistic looking snake image or can for the cartoonish tattoos. Snake designs may vary from serpents, vipers, or intriguing traditional snake patterns. It can also be combined with other objects or creature like a dragon, panther, or skull.

10. Feather: 

peacock feather tattoo

bird tattoos on back

Feather tattoos carry a deep meaning and are worn by people for their aesthetic beauty. The light and flight nature of feather symbolizes freedom and enlightenment. It is also a simile of love, happiness and dreams.  The colours used for feather tattoos are mostly done in black and white. But colourful ones look equally beautiful. Feather tattoos can be carved at any place but are most popular on upper back, forearm, shoulders and feet. The designs include peacock feather, turkey tuft or swallowing plumage feather.

11. Dolphin: 

dolphin tattoos

dolphin tattoo designs

Research has revealed that 95% of dolphin tattoos are mostly inked on women. A dolphin tattoo signifies freedom, happiness. Like many other tattoo designs, dolphin design is also classified into two categories traditional and tribal. Dolphin tattoo designs are popular among girls and women and are often combined with butterfly, flowers, heart, and yin yang symbol. Dolphin are a fun design and can be placed anywhere on the body but are mostly displayed on arm and feet.

12. Hello kitty:

hello kitty tattoos

hello kitty tattoo designs

Most cartoon characters have a universal appeal. Hello Kitty tattoos are hugely popular in the tattoo industry and represent innocence and playfulness. Hello Kittys chubby cheeks, dot-like eyes, tiny whiskers and big red bow is a design that everyone loves irrespective of age. Hello Kitty tattoos further fuel the popularity of this tiny icon. What can be a better way to show your love for Hello Kitty than inking it on your body?

13. Musical notes:

tattoo music

tattoo music desines

Musical notes tattoo symbolize the love for music and are the perfect design to express love, thrill, passion and fun. A good number of music lovers and music professionals like to get their body inked with various kinds of melodies designs to show their love for music.  Women have always felt a very strong attraction towards music and make a profound and bold statement with it. The most common designs for musical notes tattoo designs are music bars, notes or treble clefs combined with elements like hearts, stars, and other girlish designs.

14. Zodiac: 

sagitarius tattoo designs

libra tattoo

A persons zodiac sign speaks volumes about his or her personality. By inking your zodiac signs on your body, you let people indirectly know the kind of person you are. Women have always had a strong connection with zodiac. Every zodiac sign has a unique characteristic that makes the people who belong to that zodiac sign distinctive. There are 12 zodiac signs and you can choose one according to your date of birth. You can get the zodiac sign inked at any part of the body but try to keep the design simple with a black pattern.

15. Orchids: 

orchid tattoo designs

flower and hummingbird tattoos

Flowers are a very sought after tattoo design and it is usually women and girls who go for these delicate botanical pieces. Orchids are the most beautiful symbolic flower designs to adorn the female body. Orchids have a symbolic meaning in different countries across the world and look attractive and alluring. The most seen image of an Orchid tattoo is that of the common house Orchid, featuring its long stem and bright top plume of a few flower sprouts and several leaves. Colours are usually red, blue or white, each carrying its own meaning and significance.

16. Portrait Tattoo:  

portrait tattoo

portrait tattoos background

Portraits tattoos are extremely personal and hold a very deep meaning to the wearer. People usually choose to ink the portrait of the person who is extremely close to their heart, either of their beloved or their baby. A persons image changes over the year but the tattoo will remain the same.

17. Flames:  

candle tattoo

phönix tattoo

Fire is one of the most popular themes among all tattoo designs. Flaming tattoo is a design that has always been in vogue and its popularity never seems to diminish. Flame tattoos are symbolic of life and passion and help to give a persons sprit direction by lightening their path. The designs of fire tattoos include small flames, large sweeping flames, and flaming heart, intertwined hearts surrounded by flames, fireballs and tiny candle like blazes. They also indicate rebirth, wisdom, transformation and even danger and destruction. These tattos come in different colours but mostly orange and red colours are used as they signify flame.

18. Religious Tattoo:

Religious Tattoo

andy engel tattoo

Religious tattoo designs are popular tattoo designs and convey devotion to persons religion and their faith in the Almighty. There are many examples of religious tattoos like crucifix, Virgin Mary, a portrait of Lord Buddha, praying hands, Lord Ganesh and so on.

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19. Bird tattoos: 

birds tattoo

 frame tattoo

Birds are a symbol of freedom, love, success, soaring heights and a strong desire to break free. A bird tattoo is a symbol of love and peace and represents a number of emotions. The most popular bird tatoos are usually tender winged birdies inked in some beautiful colours. Some people also go for huge and mammoth style eagles, vulture representing a dominant trait. The bird tatoo is equally popular among both men and women.

20. Animal tattoos: 

Animal tattoos

butterfly tattoos

We all have our favourite animals especially pets for whom we always want to express our love and admiration in an extraordinary way. What could be a better way than getting our favourite animals inked on our body? Animal tattoos carry personal meaning more than any cultural symbolism. Some of the most popular animals inked are dogs, cats, foxes, tigers, lions and even horses.

[ Read: How to Remove Tattoo from Your Body ]

You should always remember that tattoos are permanent and before inking on your body, you must be 1000% sure of your decision. These are the 20 most popular tattoo designs preferred by women. Which of these do you like the most?

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I'm Arshi who loves makeup, fashion and cars. Writing is my comfort!!! I love learning new languages. Gardening and cooking are my passions. I love to write articles which would simplify people's life.I go crazy when it rains and find fun in getting drenced. Life to me is a cup of coffee you need to blend all the ingradients in right proportions, Hope my posts are helpful!!! stay positive and keep smiling !!

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