Angel Tattoo Designs

CLICK HERE - FOR ANGEL TATTOO DESIGNSAnswer: Angel Tattoo Designs are some of the most dramatic and versatile tattoos around today. This form of design has been fashionable for a very long time and a lot of its popularity is down to the fact that a lot of religions reference angels as intermediaries between the spiritual and material worlds. Angels are often referred to in many faiths including Judaism, Islam and most commonly, the Christian faiths. A symbol of devotion, spirituality and faith, angel tattoos come to signify a close relationship with God.


Although there will always be a close association between angels and religion not everyone is looking to portray a religious connection with their angel tattoo designs. Today, more and more people simply see Angel Tattoo Designs as something non-religious, a symbol of happiness or an overwhelmingly positive life force.  

CLICK HERE - TO ACCESS ANGEL TATTOO DESIGNS It is said that angels possess their own free will and so able to choose between the actions of right and wrong. Many people choosing an angel tattoo design prefer to exhibit their good sides by selecting a design that epitomizes pure thoughts or deeds. Although in times of crisis they often look to the guardian angel to watch over them and provide guidance, protection and comfort in a troubled and often chaotic world.

Sometimes though people feel the need to demonstrate the darker side of their personalities and depict the fight between good and evil or the struggle between life and death, these feelings are often expressed with designs such as the fallen angel which symbolizes rebellion against god or denotes someone's fall from their sinless way of life. 


CLICK HERE - FOR SEXY ANGEL TATTOO DESIGNSAlthough the majority of the "traditional" Angel Tattoo Designs are still preferred by women in which to depict their purity, divinity, patience and presence as a gift to the world, there is an increasing number of diverse forms and styles that are growing in popularity amongst men, these include the guardian angel, dark or fallen angels and angel wings. These designs can be used to depict their masculinity, the love and respect for women in their lives, the breakup of a relationship or just a fondness for the female form.

Whichever angel tattoo you choose it's clear that Angel Tattoo Designs have penetrated deep into the popular culture of today. Indeed, where as before the interest in angels was driven by the deep connection with religion nowadays it's soaring popularity is due more to the aesthetics of the design and the personal innermost meanings it provides to the wearer. So find a style that best suits your individuality and taste and enjoy the benefits of having a strong, sexy angel symbol adorning your body. 

Angel Tattoo Designs _ ArchangelThe Archangels - There were seven Archangels that stood before God.  Gabriel (angel of annunciation), Raphael (your guide to happiness and the provider of protection), Uriel (purveyor of divine justice), Sealtiel (seraph of reflection and worship), Jhudiel (possessor of mercy and compassion), Barachiel (assigned to watch over and defend Gods children) and Michael (Gods commander and warrior). The Archangel tattoos remain a very popular design among religious people. 

Angel Tattoo Designs - Guardian AngelThe Guardian Angel - One of the most popular designs guardian angels are thought of as being the protectors of humanity, especially in times of crisis. They can also be used as a way to honor lost loved ones or to watch over children. Generally, people who love children wear these tattoos. 

Angel Tattoo Designs - Devil AngelFallen or "Devil" Angels - Is for people that may look innocent but hide a vicious nature or mean streak. The typical fallen angels are usually depicted as either a beautiful angel holding a bloody sword or a dark ominous looking angel with torn or injured wings and horns. These tattoos tend to be very popular among the Goths, bikers and the devotees of Satan and the dark arts. 

Angel Tattoo Designs - WingsAngel Wings - Although not a complete angel, these designs are suitable for both sexes. The design can be quite large and is normally tattooed on the back. Angel wings can also be used as design elements to transform  objects into designs that are more spiritual or visually appealing.    

Angel Tattoo Designs - cherubCherubs - Cherubs are considered to be the symbols of love. The classic cherub angel tattoo generally depicts an arrow piercing the heart and to make it more personalized many people display these tattoos with the names of their loved one. 

Angel Tattoo Designs - sexySexy Angels - Mainly worn by men these "angels" are normally just nudes with angels wings, although meant to represent their ideal woman or real-life lover quite often they are chosen to exhibit their fondness for the female form.

Are you having difficulty finding quality Angel Tattoo Designs? 

If the answer to the above question is yesthen I strongly recommend you visit one of the best online tattoo sites Tattoo Fever where you will get immediate access to download beautiful Angel Tattoo Designs and literally thousands of other top quality designs including awesome FREE Bonuses.

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