Animal Tattoos Designs- High Quality Photos and Flash

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Lion Tattoos Designs Tiger Tattoos Designs Wolf Tattoos Designs Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Japanese, Chinese Dragon


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From the time that most of us are small children, we adopt a "favorite animal." Much like a favorite color, a favorite animal is supposed to reflect our personalities in some way. It's not surprising, then, that many different and varied animals are the subjects of the most interesting animal tattoo designs.

Basic Animal Symbolism
There are far too many animals on the planet to create an exhaustive list. However, the following list encompasses the types of animal tattoo designs that people are most likely to consider "favorites." As you will see, it is a combination of domesticated animals and wild animals. Which type do you identify with the most closely?

If you are someone who identifies closely with an animal, the desire to pay homage to it can be quite strong. You can learn more about the symbolism of several different animals by reading on below.

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Cats are associated with secrecy, guardianship and mystery. If you identify with the unique nature of cats, you are sure to understand these intriguing traits quite well.

Dogs - Loyalty, obedience and assistance are all intricately tied with the symbolism of dogs. As man's best friend, the dog is always at his master's side.

Horses - When you behold a horse, the first thing that is sure to strike you is its beauty. As it gallops off, you are bound to be impressed with its grace. Indeed, gracefulness, beauty, freedom and power are all linked closely to the symbolism of these animals and makes for excellent animal tattoo designs.

Bears - Due to their very protective nature, bears are often associated with the ideals of motherhood. They can be frightfully powerful, so that is also something that springs to mind when one thinks about bear body art. When a bear gets up on its hind legs, he is the epitome of authority and power.

Lions - Despite the role of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz, lions are well known for their incredible bravery. They never seem to get riled up, either, which is why they are associated with dignity and tattoos. At the same time, they can exhibit frightening ferocity when they are provoked.

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Elephant tattoos exhibit good fortune and benign divinity. They also represent wisdom, loyalty, strength, fidelity, and longevity.

The wolf is the trickster throughout history, and is probably one of the most likely human mirrors of the animal world. We know them because of their courage as well as their deception and the mistakes they make as much as their accomplishments. The wolf animal tattoo represents the ability to survive.

Black cat tattoos such as the panther and jaguar are incredibly popular, especially among men. A powerful symbol of the Mayans and the Aztec civilizations, cats such as jaguars were companions to the shamans of these powerful cultures. Large black cat tattoos symbolize power and prowess.

Another famous animal tattoo design is the tiger tattoo which represents strength and power. This is one of the cat tattoo designs which have tons of meanings. It can resemble beauty, its appearance can be scary, but it can also be lovable. Most often people would see tigers to be symbol of cruelty, passion and speed. It is a fast runner and can really be a hard opponent. If you think you have the same traits as the tiger like beauty and courage, then this is the design for you.

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