Sugar Skull Tattoos- High Quality Photos and Flash Designs

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Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 3 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 4 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 5 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 6 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 10Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 11Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 12

The skull design is an important symbol for The Day of the Dead, a Mexican celebration where participants honor loved ones who have passed on. Sugar skull tattoos themselves are white, and decorated with brightly colored decorations such as stripe and flowers.

The skull itself is usually depicted with a big grin, as if the face is laughing at death. They make for great designs, as they can be elaborately decorated and require lots of creativity on the part of the designer.

Although the skull tattoo image is traditionally thought of in relation to men because of its macabre nature, we all know the modern woman isn't necessarily made of sugar and spice and all things nice. The sugar skull image can be feminized, dressed up or dressed down, and incorporated into a blueprint for another picture.

It is safe to say that the Mexican Day of the Dead Skull tattoo design is very popular with women of all walks of life.

Tribal Skull Tattoo Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 13Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash a1 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x1 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x3Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x4 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x5 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x6 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x8 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x10 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x13Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x14 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x15 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x17Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x18Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x19

An integral part of the day is the use of sugar skull, edible skull shaped decorations used to adorn altars built to honor the deceased.

Tattoo flash and images can be even more colorful.

Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 13Sugar Skull Tattoos 9 Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash xx5Tribal Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x7 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos z1 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash z2Sugar Skull Tattoos

Sugar skulls are an elaborately decorated candy made from a skull shaped mould. The white of skull is accented with colorful frosting and glittery sprinkles.
The smiling face of the sugar skull is an important part, and the most recognizable icon, of the Day of Dead tattoo design.

For believers, the Day of the Dead is a celebration of the 48 hour period each year when the gates of Heaven open up to reunite the deceased with their loved ones.

According to the legend, the Pearly Gates swing open at exactly midnight on October 31 to release the souls of departed children, called "angelitos" for a 24 hour visit with their parents.
On November 2, the departed children return and it's the adults' turn for a for 24 hour furlough to visit family.

Back on Earth, families of the departed get ready for the visit by cleaning and decorating the person's grave site. Graveside decorations can get pretty elaborate and, of course, sugar skulls are featured prominently.

Once the grave site is cleaned up and ready to go, family members have a celebration honoring their loved one and consume the offerings.
At midnight on the second of November, the dead return to Heaven and the gates swing shut for another year.

Today, the sugar skull is a sort of year round icon and is frequently seen on

t-shirts and tattoo designs. Day of the Dead is a celebration and a homecoming. It's a joyous day for spending time with family. That's why the sugar skull tattoo is always smiling.

Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash 7 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Body-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x2 Sugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x11 Sugar Skull TattoosSugar Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x13 Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos Designs Skin-Art Pictures Images Photos Ink Flash x7

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