wierd skin rash in tattoo - Dermatology - MedHelp

I have a thought.  How much soda and fast food does everyone put in their bodies?  I'm really just asking because for some reason I get this feeling like it might be important.  I certainly am no health nut myself, but I have this same damned rash myself on my tattoo.  Thing is, I've gotten it before, but I remember it being there for a couple days, keeping it cool by running cold water on it, and drying it (pat dry!  always pat, don't rub, that's makes it worse!)  A&D certainly has helped, as well as lotion.  I also have no doubt that the Tea Tree oil would help as well.  But I'm curious to know, if anyone else will try this besides me, and I can try to remember to let you all know how it goes for me, try drinking only Water for a few days.  maybe a week.  its gonna suck if you're really used to caffeine but its worth it if it works.  I will try it and try to let you all know.  I know it seems silly, but I really have a small issue with medicating for everything.

Now, I can also tell you these couple things about my own rash.  One, I had gotten a lot of sun where the rash is, the rest of my skin on that arm, while it isn't all broken out in raised bumps, is threatening to do the same thing.  I feels like boils or God only knows what. Its really unpleasant, and for those of you who know, that's putting it lightly.  The best thing I can say is pay extra careful attention to where the rash is, what you might have been doing the last couple days before, what kind of weather it happens in, all that.  I've only had my tatt for 3 years now, and its happened every summer so far, but it got a whole lot worse this year when it was not only the head, and the sun, but I think it might also have been the added toxicity in my own system.  More fast food than usual, more soda than usual, I actually am a firm believer that coffee isn't so bad for you.  But these are just some ideas.  I'll let you know what I figure out.  If I can get to a doc I'll let you know what the out come there is as well.  It just seems a lot more simple than we all might be thinking.  I mean, we sweat through our pours, right?  The ink in our skin is partly injected into those pours.  It would make sense that there would be heightened sensitivity in the tattooed area, that the pours would clog more easily, and the more junk we put in our bodies the more junk there is to try and get rid of, and a good portion of our sweat that just as much waist in it as our urine.  True story.  If we're trying to get rid of waste that way, then there's more there to clog our pours.  If this helps, great.  But I certainly don't think the answer is to let it dry out completely.  And I don't think its something we should super moisturize for all the time either.  A happy medium should be enough, and lots of extra water might just do the trick as well.  Like I said, though, I'm no doctor.  I'm as much in the dark really as anyone.  Its just an intuitive guess... At best...

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