Tattoo Design Ideas and Information for Girls « Tattoo

A few decades ago, a woman with tattoos would have been dismissed by most of society as having loose morals. These days the art of tattoos has become so popular that around a quarter of all women between the age of 18 and 30 have at least one tattoo. The tattoo designs that girls choose are often creative and decorative, designed to celebrate their femininity.

A tattoo on a woman can be an eye-catching art work that adds to the physical allure of the womans body. Although the design of the tattoo has a lot to do with the tattoos appeal, there are several other aspects of tattoo art to consider. The first thing to consider when choosing a tattoo design is the placement of the tattoo. Tattoos are permanent art works, inked indelibly into your skin. Consider the fact that if the tattoo is placed in a visible area of your body, such as your arms, neck or calves, other people will see it, at work, in public and at home. If the people around you dont approve of tattoos, perhaps it is best to wear your tattoo in a more discreet area. Many employers are against the idea of tattoos, as they feel that body art reflects badly on the image of the company, so think carefully before getting inked in a highly visible place. The skin on the softer areas of a womans body are prone to stretching over time, especially the skin on the stomach, breasts, hips and thighs. This means that any tattoo in that area is going to become warped or torn.

A cute, girly ribbon tattoo on the ring finger. Great design for girls or women symbolizing love tied into a bow.

The face and hands are two of the most visible areas of a womans body. Before getting a tattoo on either of these areas, consider that the design will always be exposed and visible. A small, decorative tattoo on the hand, like little bow on this girls ring finger, is quite a cute tattoo, but will probably not sit well with all employers or family members. [source]

After choosing where to wear your ink, decide on a design that appeals to you. If youve chosen a design from a book or found an image on the internet, bear in mind that some images are copyrighted and it would be illegal for a tattoo artist to reproduce it for you. It is also difficult for one artist to reproduce another artists work because of the difference in style. So if youve found a design that you like, give it your tattoo artist as reference, rather than the finished design. By allowing the tattoo artist a bit of freedom in the design, you will end up with a higher standard of quality in the body art work, because a tattoo artist who is enjoying themselves is capable of producing a much higher quality than an artist who is simply coloring by numbers. Better yet, allow the tattoo artist to create a design specifically for you, based on what you would like your tattoo to symbolize. This brings us to the third point.

Feminine tattoo of a lotus flower with paisley pattern designs on this girl's hip and tummy.

A feminine tattoo of a lotus flower and paisley pattern designs decorates this girls hip and belly. By allowing the tattoo artist a bit of freedom with the design, you can get a customized tattoo, tailored to your personal needs. [source]

Tattoos are either decorative body art works, in that they look good but have no real meaning, or they are filled with symbolism, representing life events or spiritual changes in the person. Youre going to wear the tattoo for the rest of your life, so think carefully about what you would like the tattoo to represent. Research the meanings of different tattoos and search online for symbols that represent the emotion or idea that you would like to encapsulate in the tattoo.

Feminine upper back tattoo of a geisha's fan. The flowers and the fan are a symbol of women and femininity.

This feminine upper back tattoo shows a Japanese fan with flower designs. The fan is a symbol of geisha Japanese women who are perfect ladies, having studied the art of femininity since childhood. [source]

The fourth consideration is quality. It doesnt matter how awesome a tattoo design looks on paper; if you choose a tattoo artist who isnt capable of reproducing the tattoo on your skin, theres a very good chance that the tattoo will come out looking quite shabby. A bit of research goes a long way. Ask to see other tattoos by the artist and check to see if they have completed other tattoos of the same complexity in the past.

Stars and swirls tattoo that decorates this girl's entire back. The tattoo is by avant garde tattoo artist Yann Black, and although it looks simple, clean curves like these are actually quote difficult to do well with a tattoo gun.

Stars and swirls tattoo that decorates this girls entire back. The tattoo is by avant garde tattoo artist Yann Black, and although it looks simple, clean curves like these are actually quote difficult to do well with a tattoo gun. [source]

The last thing to think about before deciding to get a tattoo is whether or not you really want a permanent piece of body art. Its very easy to get caught up in the fun of choosing a tattoo design and a tattoo artist, and to see tattoos on other girls and think, I want something like that. So before you book your tattoo, spend a few days thinking carefully about what having a tattoo would mean for you. Is the kind of guy youd like to marry likely to want a girl with tattoos? How will having a tattoo affect your future job prospects? Are you comfortable with being a tattooed mother and later, a tattooed grandmother?

Cute, colorful and girly, this feminine tattoo design on the chest and breasts is a great choice for extroverted girls and women

Cute, colorful and girly, this feminine tattoo design on the chest and breasts is a great choice for extroverted girls and women. The location is very visible, however, and draws attention to the womans breasts. These are both things to consider before getting a tattoo. [source]

Femininity is often associated with flowers, colorful birds, floral patterns, cats, jewelry and ribbons or lace. All of these design elements can find their way into a tattoo design, either as the main subject or as decorative elements that add more symbolism to the design. Women often choose a small design for their first tattoo, but will often go back for a much larger design at a later date. So before choosing a small tattoo design that will hinder the placement of a second tatto, consider talking with your tattoo artist about a larger, more adventurous tattoo as the first design.

A colorful tattoo of a phoenix bird - a feminine symbol of fire and change, because the phoenix rises from the ashes of the past.

A colorful tattoo of a phoenix bird a feminine symbol of fire and change, because the phoenix rises from the ashes of the past. The tattoo artist has had to place the phoenix higher up on the back because of the girls first tattoo a small Chinese symbol that takes up the lower back. [source]

Stars, hearts and wings are symbols in tattoo designs that women simply adore. Each of these symbols has a deeper meaning; stars represent ambition, magic and success while hearts are a symbol of life, love and passion. Wings symbolize air, freedom and spiritual ascension. Each of these symbols can be displayed simply, on their own, or decoratively; as a part of a more complex design. Choosing the style of a tattoo design is up to the person who is getting the tattoo. Try to speak at length to your tattoo artist about what you would like the tattoo to represent.

A large tattoo of splatter butterflies that stretches from one foot to the other and up the girl's shin.

A large tattoo of splatter butterflies that stretches from one foot to the other and up the girls shin. Butterfly tattoos are a symbol of change, new beginnings and metamorphosis, and are often associated with femininity. [source]

Women are often very passionate about their loved ones and will choose to have the name of a boyfriend, spouse or the names of their children inked into their skin. While the relationship between mother and child will exist forever, a relationship with a partner is not set in stone. Although it may feel like the relationship is bound to last forever; before getting the name of a boyfriend or husband tattooed, think about how it will feel to have their name permanently inked into your skin if you break up. If you would like a body art work that celebrates a lover, choose a design that symbolizes the relationship rather than the actual person. Try to avoid setting yourself up for possible future regret.

This girl's cute tattoo design is in homage to her mom, using several symbols that remind the woman of her mother.

This girls cute tattoo design is in homage to her mom, using several symbols that remind the woman of her mother. Tattoos of parents names or childrens names are a safer bet than tattoos of a lovers name. [source]

An interesting style of tattoo art that is becoming more and more popular is the art of permanent lingerie. This effect is created by inking a corset, garter, ribbons or lace into the skin. Because of the association with femininity, these sexy body decorations are a perfect tattoo design for women, as they are generally a secret that can only be discovered by a lover.

A lacey rose pattern garter belt tattoo gives this girl's thigh a sexy, permanent decoration

A lacey rose pattern garter belt tattoo gives this girls thigh a sexy, permanent decoration. The placement of the tattoo means that its a secret that can be hidden under clothing. [source]

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