Help End Food Waste
At some point or another, we've all heard our parents remind us of starving children in the world, to remind us of the importance of finishing the food thats on our plates.

Be A Friend Who Listens
If you have a friend who's going through a rough time, offer to talk about it with them over a coffee. Think of all the times you've wished you had a friend to talk to--be proactive and be that friend for someone else.

Make Time For Silly
Is your schedule jam-packed with school, work, family, friends, chores, homework, sports, piano practice...you name it? Well, why not make a little time for just being silly? Let loose a little and enjoy life again!
Shelter Animal Adoption Fee
Many shelters have an adoption fee for their dogs, cats, ect.. Leave the correct dollar amount for that particular shelter and ask that they use it for a family that is looking to adopt a dog.

Eat Lunch With Someone New
At your school, you may have a specific group of friends who you enjoy hanging out with on a daily basis. The group you eat lunch with, hang out with between classes or even spend time with after school or on the weekends. Do you have a classmate who doesnt seem to have many friends or often eats lunch alone?

Use A Reusable Water Bottle
Using a reusable water bottle is an easy way to reduce waste in a landfill and help protect the environment.

Visit An Animal Shelter
There are many benefits to being around pets. In fact, researchers have found that people who have pets are likely to live longer than those who dont. One reason for this might be because being around a pet can reduce stress in your life, and even help people combat depression.

Plant Flowers
This year for Teacher Appreciation Week, plant some flowers or a tree in honor of a teacher who really influenced your life in a positive way. If you have permission from your school, you could do this on school grounds. Or you could even bring in a potted plant for your classroom, for all of your classmates to enjoy. If you finished school long ago, think about sending flowers to your local elementary or high school--even if you don't personally know all of the teachers who work there, you can let them know you appreciate the good work they are doing in your community.
Pass On A Daily Wish
Recycle "thought-for-the-day" calendar pages by adding them to each piece of outgoing mail.

Use Less Paper
Did you know every ton of paper that is recycled will save about 17 trees?
Anonymous Only
My good friend died not long ago. He taught me to perform one act of kindness or charity everyday, but with one stipulation. Nobody can know you did it. You may not tell anyone and if someone finds out you did it, it doesn't count and you have to do something else. He said we must learn not only charity and kindness but humility as well.
Anon Love
You hear all the time on Tumblr of people getting anon hate. Why not send anon love instead?

Offer To Work Late
Balancing life is never easy. Family, work, friends, exercise, school, chores, and errands all demand our attention. Everyone has days where we wish we had an extra couple of hours to get everything done. Next time a friend or co-worker is looking pretty frazzled, offer to help.

Buy Dessert For A Stranger
The next time you are eating out at a restaurant with friends or family take a look around you. Find another table that is almost done with their meal. When your waiter next visits your table, tell him or her you would like to buy dessert for the other table. Choose a tasty dessert on the menu, add it to your bill, then tell your waiter to keep it a secret and deliver it to the other table once you are gone. You will make their day and provide a memorable story for both you and them.
Post It Thank Yous
College students often eat in dining halls and place their dirty trays on a conveyor belt when they leave. Someone washes the trays behind the scenes, but they never get thanked. So, write thank you on a sticky note and stick it on the tray. It will surely make the worker's day when they see it!

Pat Someone On The Back
A pat on the back can express a lot to a person. It can be a way to say hello to a friend, or a way to comfort someone who's had a bad day. But most often, its a way to congratulate someone for an achievement. Give someone recognition for something they have done with a pat on the back. A teammate who scored a goal, a friend who studied hard for a test. Let him or her know youre proud of them!
Deliberate Acts Of Kindness
I am a cancer survivor. I am going in for my annual ultra sound but have crotcheted a small afghan to give to someone when I am there. I don't know who yet but you can tell who needs it by looking in the waiting room. But this is a deliberate act of kindness yet random in who will receive the gift.
Video Greeting
A 30 second video with personal message to someone who can check email but maybe house bound is a forever treasure!
Sent a birthday video to a great grandmother of all of the family still gets viewed and talked about a homecoming, special occasion or just a "we miss you" message.

Surprise Your Coach
Being a coach is often a thankless job. Coaches put in numerous hours behind the scenes that many athletes don't know about watching film, researching techniques, planning out practices, and creating plays. If you are an athlete, be sure to thank your coach for their commitment to you and your team every once and while.

Make A Random Acts Of Kindness List
"A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love." - Saint Basil

Send Flowers
Show someone--your mom, your wife, a friend--you love them by surprising them with flowers when they least expect it. So often flowers are sent on birthdays or anniversaries. Send flowers to your loved ones on any day!

Cook A Meal For Someone
Cook and deliver a meal to a friend who needs it. Perhaps you have a friend who is busy with a new baby or sick child. Or maybe you have neighbors across the street who just moved in--they might not have had time to go to the grocery store! Bring someone a meal and save them the time; it will be a huge stress reliever!

Forward Email Coupon
Next time you receive a coupon in your email, forward it on to a friend in need. If you don't need it, don't just delete it! Think of some friends or family members who might appreciate this coupon and forward it on to them.

Conserve Energy
Since most energy is dependent on fossil fuels, such as gas or oil, using energy adds to environmental pollution. There are many things you can do at home to help conserve energy and thus lessen pollution. Every little bit helps!

Be A Positive Person
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
~Winston Churchill

Be Kind To Yourself
Be kind to yourself today and do something to treat yourself. Go visit your favorite park with your favorite book. Take a long walk to relax your mind and refresh your body. Or grab a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop, maybe pick up your favorite dessert on the way home from work. Take that class at the gym you've been trying to make time for. Take your loved one on a date tonight...whatever being kind to yourself looks like to you, do it today!!!

Let Someone Go In Front Of You In Line
We all get busy during the day and many of us wait in line for coffee, lunch, post office, etc. Today, when you find yourself waiting in a line, let someone go in front of you. They will really appreciate the gesture and you'll feel great having done your random act of kindness.

Paint A Picture
I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say 'he feels deeply, he feels tenderly.'- Vincent van Gogh
Send A Letter.
Mail someone a letter. Real mail is infinitely more exciting than an e-mail, text or Facebook.

Let Your Teacher Know You Appreciate Him Or Her
Teachers appreciate being appreciated, for teacher appreciation is their highest award. - William Prince
Compliment An Employee Through A Survey
When you go to a store or restaurant, typically they have surveys on the receipts. Take the time to fill out the survey and mention the person waiting on you/the person on cash register followed by a genuine kind comment. They'll be glad to hear from their boss that they were mentioned positively in a survey and you'll help the store improve with the survey as well!

Ride Your Bike To Work Or School
Riding your bike every day may sound like a lot of work, or even exhausting. But in reality, it's good for the body and soul, as well as the environment, so what are you waiting for?

Help Someone For Free
Its easy to put time and effort into tasks if were doing them for ourselves or getting paid to do them. But what about doing work for others when you arent getting paid? Why not do a job like mowing the lawn, cleaning the house or babysitting for someone, and surprise him or her by not charging.

Thank Your Employees
If you ask most people what makes a good boss, youd probably get a variety of answers a good boss is someone with great communication skills, strong ethics and good leadership skills.

Be Grateful
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."
Be a grateful person. Make it a habit to thank the people who touch your life, even for the little things.

Thank Your Parents
Have you ever said "thank you" to your parents or another person who raised you for everything they have done? If not, its time to do so. Maybe there is a particular situation one of your parents helped you get through, or a financial struggle they helped you overcome. Or maybe you feel the need to tell them how they have inspired you or made a significant difference in your life. Surprise them with a card or letter, to let them know you appreciate them.
Movie Theater Admission
A local movie theater is sponsoring a free admission day this holiday season. The free admission is granted to anyone who donates two canned goods that day.

Make A Bird Feeder
"How strange that Nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude!" - Emily Dickinson
Nice To Nature
Basically, it is just either planting a tree for someone, or helping out in another persons garden. For example, pulling out weeds, or clipping flowers to give to them. It could be for an elderly person or a best friend.

Smile At Others
A sincere smile is a very kind and meaningful way to make a positive difference in someone's day. Without using words, a smile says to a person Hi, I hope you have a nice day. People appreciate being noticed and acknowledged, especially with a friendly smile. Smiling at a stranger is a positive human interaction that seems to be infrequent as people get caught up in their daily tasks. So next time you are at the store, walking down the street, or going to work or school, acknowledge someone with a smile.

Team Pledge Of Kindness
Speak with your coach and team captains about enforcing a team pledge of kindness where everyone commits to doing one act of kindness a day for the length of the season.

Help Keep Your School Clean
Did you know that how clean your school is can affect how well you learn? Keeping your school clean can actually help you perform better academically, because there will be fewer distractions and fewer germs.

Clean Your Classroom
Surprise your school's janitor or custodian and clean your classroom before they arrive.

Bring Flowers To Someone
"Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity" -John Ruskin
Are you part of a garden or craft club? Make floral arrangements for a senior center, nursing home or hospital. You don't have to know someone to bring them flowers, beautiful flowers will brighten anyone's day!

Make A List Of Appreciation
Make a list for your spouse or significant other highlighting all of the different reasons you appreciate them. Spend a couple of days thinking about it and every time a new character trait you particularly love about your spouse pops in your mind, write it down.

Stop Negative Conversations
There is a point in every conversation we have where we make a choice to either engage in gossip and speak badly about someone or something, or to steer the conversation away from gossip and onto more positive things. It doesn't take much to stop negativity, and the first step is always being aware of the sometimes subtle shift in the tone of the conversation. If you sense someone is trying to get you to say something negative, change the subject! Or surprise them and make a positive comment about the situation. Help others see the positive qualities in everything through your conversations.

Call A Grandparent
Our grandparents are an important part of our culture and our history. Spending time with a grandparent is a great way to learn about your heritage, your family history and even about yourself.

Donate Old Textbooks
One of the most expensive parts of going to college can be purchasing the required textbooks needed for classes. Often one class will require multiple reading materials, and that adds up quickly when you are taking four or five classes.

Leave A Generous Tip
Next time you eat at a restaurant, leave a generous tip as a surprise for your waiter or waitress. Or next time you get coffee or ice cream somewhere, look for a tip jar and leave more than just the change from your transaction. Why not throw in an extra dollar or two? You are bound to make someone's day when you tip more than expected.

Hold The Door Open For Someone
Holding the door open for someone is something they just do in old movies, right? Guess again. Holding the door open is a polite and thoughtful act you can easily do for your family, friends and even strangers, every day. Whether youre at school, the grocery story, at work, or at home, those around you will certainly appreciate your good manners.

Obey Your Parents
Obeying your parents isnt always easy. It can be hard to stop and do something they have asked you to when you are in the middle of playing a video game or watching your favorite T.V. show.

Clean Up After Yourself
Whether you are at work, school, or home, cleaning up after yourself is a kind way to show your consideration of others.

Warm Things Up
Distribute hand warmers, wool socks, or Evac Kits to the homeless, especially in February when the holiday season is over but the need is the greatest.

Use Reusable Shopping Bags
When you go grocery shopping bring your own reusable shopping bags with you. These can even be plastic or paper bags that you got from a previous shopping trip; when you empty the bags at home save them and bring them with you the next time you go to the store. Or you can buy the canvas or clothe reusable shopping bags. Look for them at the entrance or check out lines at your local grocery store; most are selling them now at quite affordable prices, even as low as a dollar a bag.

Make Kindness Bookmarks
Sometimes all people need to be kind is a simple reminder.

Smile At 10 Strangers
Any check out line, any person at a cash register, or person behind a customer service desk. Make their day! They are people too, and all to often they are barraged with, irritated, hurried, harried shoppers, with them good things and smile!

Knit A Scarf
Knit something for a friend, family member, or cause! Scarves, mittens, hats, socks, and sweaters all make great gifts, and even more so when they are knit with love by a good friend. Knitting can be easy or challenging, which makes it a great activity for people of all ages, from kids to grandparents.

Talk With A Homeless Person
The next time you pass someone on the street asking you for spare change, take a moment to talk with them. You can give them change or share any snacks you may have, but also be sure to just say hello and speak with them for a while.

Beat The Heat Wave With Fruit
On a hot afternoon, bring a nutritious summer-time snack like watermelon or fruit juice to your local park or to a less fortunate neighborhood's park near you!

Donate A Book
Help us celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Todays idea will require a bit of investigationtry to secretly find out what your teacher's favorite book is, and then buy a copy to donate to your school library. Surprise your teacher afterward with a card explaining what youve done!

Become An Organ Donor
In the United States alone there are over 100,000 people waiting for an organ donation. By becoming an organ donor, you can literally help save lives. When you are old enough to get your license, you should think about signing up as an organ donor, and offering multiple people a second chance at life.

Reach Out To Someone You Haven't Talked To In A While.
We all get busy with our own lives. Sometimes we get so busy that we let friendships fade. Today, take a few minutes to reconnect to someone you haven't talked to in a while. Write them a quick postcard or letter to let them know you were thinking about them. They will appreciate the gesture and it will make their day.

Cook A Healthy Meal
Next time you make dinner for your family, make it extra special by keeping it healthy. We tend to get so busy in life that we think we don't have time to make a healthy meal; instead we think that it is easier to stop on the way home and grab something, or to throw some snacks together at home. However this is just not true!

Take Care Of Your Body
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.- Jim Rohn

Laugh Often
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
Laughter makes everything better. Having a sense of humor lightens your burdens, connects you to others, inspires hopefulness and offers a new perspective.

Return Emails Promptly
Returning emails promptly is a great way to show someone respect. When you return an email right away, that person knows that they matter to you. This is a great thing to do with both work and home/personal emails.

Pick Up Your Toys
If youve ever stepped on a LEGO that was left on the floor, or tripped over a Barbie doll, you know how something as simple as putting away a toy can make a big difference.

Adopt A Star
This is a great way to let a loved one know they are special to you: adopt a start in their name! There are numerous organizations that provide this service, but a couple of them are non-profits and the fee you pay to adopt the star will actually go to supporting scientific research on the stars you adopt.

Compliment Someone
Whenever you see someone wearing a nice outfit or jewelry, give her/him a compliment. This always brings a smile to their face and gives you a nice feeling. It's a little thing but can really light up someone's day when they are feeling down.

Host An International Student
There are numerous international study programs at both high schools and colleges around the world. Some programs last two weeks, others are for a whole school year. While some are summer programs, others are semester-long. If there is an option at your school to host a foreign student, why not volunteer?

Give Away Your Parking Spot
Next time you are in a crowded parking lot and you spot a great parking space close to the entrance of the building, let it go. Let someone else have that parking spot.

Let Someone Go In Line In Front Of You
With technology becoming more and more advanced, as a society we get used to doing everything as quick as possible and getting everything we want instantaneously. When were caught up in the face-paced world of today, we often forget to stop to notice those around us. So next time youre in a hurry in public, slow down and go out of your way to be courteous to everyone around you. When youre standing in the checkout line, waiting to pay for your food at the grocery store or waiting to order your drink at a coffee shop, offer to let the person behind you go in front of you.

Say Something Nice About Someone
How often do you find yourself in a situation where people are saying mean things about someone else, behind his or her back? It might happen at school, during your soccer or baseball practice, or when youre playing at a friends house.
Kindness To Co Workers
I know 5:00 am is early but I kind work and a smile will make someone's day take time to smile and be friendly to those you work with and maybe some cookies to sweeten their day! As co-works we need each other so be kind and smile,smile, smile

Measure Your Carbon Footprint
Do you know how your personal choices can influence how the environment behaves? Do you have habits you can change in order to help the environment?

Straighten Things Up A Bit
No part of a store is more hectic than a toy department. While you or your child browses, take a few moments to put things back where they belong.

Start A Kindness Journal Or Blog
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." -Aesop

Pay Attention In Class
School can be a fun place for you to interact and play with your friends, but the main reason your parents send you to school is so you can learn.

Make Kindness A Priority
No matter how old you are, where you live, or what you do, we all have the opportunity to make kindness a priority: to see the positive in a difficult situation, to encourage others, to listen to our friends and family, to treat others with respect and to volunteer our time, energy, and resources to help make this world a better place.

Offer Someone A Piece Of Gum
Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference in someones day. And sometimes its the smallest gestures that have the greatest impact on someone. Whenever you help yourself to some gum, offer a piece to whoever is nearby you. Whether it be to a classmate youre friends with, the stranger sitting next to you on the bus or the homeless man standing next to you as youre waiting to cross the street, give him or her a smile as you hold out a piece of gum.

Read To A Child
Giving your full attention to children is a simple way to show them they are loved. Reading together can also be a very relaxing way to bond with a child you care about.

Send A Handmade Card To Someone
Sometimes the simplest gift will also be the most treasured one.

Help Someone Learn
Do you have a classmate who struggles in class? Or a younger friend or sibling who might not know how to read or do arithmetic very well? Or a grandparent who doesn't like to use the Internet? Use your skills to help others! Offer to help someone learn something you do well. Maybe there is something they can teach you in return!

Embrace Your Mistakes
"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." ~John Powell
Does it frustrate you when you do something wrong? Next time you make a mistake, instead of being hard on yourself, ask yourself what you can learn from it. It won't help anyone to dwell on your mistake and feel guilty about it. Acknowledge that it happened, make amends if necessary, and move forward!

Help A Child Learn
When you look back at your own childhood, you can probably name several key people who taught you some of the most important things you know today. You too, can be an influential force in a childs life by spending time helping him or her to learn. You can help a child master a subject he or she is struggling with in school, teach him or her to play a sport or learn another skill.

Renew A Friendship
Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life." - Dior Yamasaki

Be Kind To Someone You Dislike
"Knowing what paint a painter uses or having an understanding of where he was in the history of where he came from doesn't hurt your appreciation of the painting." -Jodie Foster
Make an effort to be polite to someone you don't get along with. Go out of your way to say hello or have a conversation with them. Getting to know and understand him or her better might help you appreciate your differences. Before you know it you might actually have a new friend!

Be Polite On The Road
Practice kindness on the road by being polite to other drivers. When a driver tries to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile. Or, if another driver makes you angry, try to let it go, instead of retaliating.

Eat Locally
Recently people all over the world have regained an interest in where their food comes from. Not only the processes used to create the food, but also literally how far the food has to travel to get to their dinner plates.

Help Keep Your Classroom Clean
Let your teacher know how much you appreciate him or her by helping to keep your classroom extra clean this week. Make it a habit to always leave a room looking nicer than you found it! Your teacher will appreciate your willingness to help, as will the cleaning staff.

Do A Household Chore For Someone
Many households develop routines and responsibilities over time. Often those responsibilities are not volunteered for as much as they just "fall" on someone to do. Offer to do a chore or just do it anonymously.

Make Your Office Peaceful
Create a peaceful and approachable space in your office. Be that person that others can come to to talk about a problem, or share ideas and receive inspiration.

Lend A Pencil To Someone
At some point or another, most of us have felt the pressure of arriving to a class or a test and realizing that we dont have a pencil handy!
Listen Well To Everyone Around You
listen well to everyone around you because if you listen well to somebody alse, that person will be happy that you listen to his or hers story.
Turn A Child's Tears Into Laughs
When at the store or restaurant and a child is screaming/crying, instead of thinking or saying "can't she/he shut that kid up" or "what is wrong with the child/ mother" why not ask the parent if there is anything you can do to help, or try talking to the child or making silly faces at him or her! It will take the child's mind off of whatever was upsetting them! Then you have helped yourself, the child, the child's parent, and everyone else in the establishment!!

Share Inspirational Quotes
Have you ever been in a situation where you were unhappy or discouraged? Sometimes all it takes to be revived is a little encouragement from someone who recognizes that you need it, someone that can help you get away from whatever is bringing you down.

Introduce Yourself To A New Classmate
Have you ever been new at a school? Then maybe you know what it's like to be in a new environment, around new people. Being the new kid can often be stressful or even scary. Some kids have a hard time adjusting to new schools because they are shy or aren't very good at making new friends.

Create A Giant Thank You Card
Bigger is better, right? Well, at least in the world of thank you notes, that phrase rings true! This week is Teacher Appreciation Week--why not let your teacher know how much you appreciate him or her with a giant thank you card? You could buy one at the store, or make one out of poster board. Pass it around to your classmates at lunch or during a free period along with some markers and present it to your teacher at the end of the day!

Take Out The Trash
Take out the trash without being asked. Sometimes the smallest and easiest tasks are the most meaningful.
Leave A Used Book On Public Transport
A book you have read and enjoyed - leave on a train/bus for someone else to enjoy on a long journey, perhaps even write in it that you have left it for them and they should leave it when they have finished :)

Read A Book
Did you know that your brain needs exercise just as much as the rest of your body? Although physical exercise like running or biking can be good for your brain, its just as important to give your brain mental exercise, like reading a book or doing a puzzle.
Post It Kindness
Stick sticky notes on every locker in your school with something nice written on it like "you're beautiful" or "smile" or "you make a difference".
Take The Middle Seat
If you are going to no-show for a flight, book the middle seat for yourself. then the people sitting on either side get a free seat between them. Particularly when it is a non-refundable ticket.

Spend Time With Someone
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away -Unknown
Its easy to just let time to fly by, without stopping to realize that your life is happening right before your very eyes. If you have the tendency to work extremely hard or commit yourself to many activities outside your family and friends, you may not even realize youre not spending as much time as youd like with the people you love. Take some time every week to spend with your loved ones, no matter how busy your life is.

Go Running
As important as it is to take care of others, we must also take care of ourselves. A great way to be kind to yourself is to go on a run and give your body some exercise. Running is also a great way to clear your mind.

Ask Before You Borrow
How you treat others says a lot about you as a person. One way you can show respect to your friends, family, classmates and teachers is by respecting their personal belongings.

Return A Shopping Cart
There are many small things we can do in our daily lives that make other peoples lives easier. An example of this is to serve those who serve us.

Clean Your Friend's House
Offer to help clean your friend's home. Perhaps they are busy with two jobs and three kids and just haven't had time to clean. Make the decision to go over to their home one day and vacuum, do the dishes and laundry, or clean the bathrooms.
Say It Forward
The Mission of Say It Forward is to inspire, share, and connect with people of all ages, races ,and backgrounds. Bringing people together face-to-face using the power of social media to produce inspirational by-products to Say it forward.

Let Someone Go In Front Of You
Nearly everyday we encounter a situation where we are required to wait in line. Whether it is at home, school, work or in town, go ahead and let someone in front of you.Waiting in line can often be a frustrating and tedious situation that causes people to become irritable and impatient. Most people experience this while driving. Letting another driver go in front of you when they need to change lanes or make a turn can really make a big difference. Being patient and letting someone in, puts ease to the irksome situation, makes that persons day a little better, and is simply a considerate gesture.
"Hey Let Me Pick Up The Tab."
I have always believed that action speaks louder than words. What if the next time you're standing in line for that coffee drink that you surprise a stranger.
Make New Friends
Everyone loves having friends. When you introduce yourself to somebody new they'll feel warm inside too. Share the love, the fun and the laughs!

Return Lost Belongings To The Owner
A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living - Rudolf Steiner
Free Cake
Buy a variety of cake. Then with a group of friends turn up unexpectedly ( like a flashmob) at a public place, eg. shopping mall. Then hand out FREE cake to anyone you see. :)

Pick Flowers For Someone Special
Share the beauty of nature with a loved one by picking a special bouquet of flowers for them. The fact that you picked out the flowers yourself with them in mind will add a lot of meaning to this gift, rather than just sending store-bought flowers. This is a great activity whether you are an adult or child, and what better way to show someone how much you love them!

Share A Toy Or Game
"Sharing is caring." This phrase may sound a little silly, but there's a lot of truth to it! Sharing can be a very simple act of kindness, but it will really make the person you share with feel valued.

Teach Someone A Language
Do you have a friend neighbor or classmate who is from another country and doesnt speak very much English? Or perhaps you are from another place and speak a language other than English. Offer to help someone else learn to speak or read in your language. Meanwhile, you'll be able to learn a little of their language or more about the culture they come from.

Help A Coworker
If you know that one of your coworkers has a huge work load or big project to finish, offer to help. Be a team player! You could review and edit the work they've already completed or offer to take some work off their shoulders and help run reports or finish a presentation. You will be amazed how quickly the work will get done with both of you working on it!

Leave Quarters At Laundromat
The next time you do your laundry at the Laundromat, leave a couple of quarters behind for the next person. You could even leave them on top of the machine with a note saying "Have a great day!"

Arrive On Time
Whether you're at school, at home or at play, using good manners will make people enjoy being around you! And what better way to display good manners than arriving on time wherever you are meant to be?

Speak Kindly
Practice speaking in a kind way. For one day, keep every negative thought, frustration or complaint to yourself and only share your positive comments with others. And every time you do have a negative thought, counter it out loud with a positive one. See the silver lining in the cloud in every situation.

Offer Your Seat On A Plane
Air travel can be quite frustrating these days with long lines at security and over-booked flights. You can help make someone's experience better. If your flight is over-booked, volunteer to take the next one.

Turn Off The Lights
Turn off the lights when you leave the room, and you will be joining millions of other environmentally conscious individuals around the world. While turning off the lights is something you should practice every day, you could also do it simultaneously with the rest of the world when you celebrate Earth Hour. To read more about this global movement, visit their website!
Be A Holiday Cra Ker....
Id like to tell you about Rosie. Rosie works in a garage on an A road in Oxfordshire that I pass by at least once a week (very early in the morning!) on my drive to the office. Every time I pass the garage I stop in and buy a large cup of tea for my journey. It wasnt long before I started to notice that the delivery of my tea was getting quicker each time I requested it. Until one day I noticed that as I stepped out of my car, Rosie had already seen me and started preparing my tea. Good morning! she would shout as I walked in. Large tea today madam?. This little gesture made such a huge difference to my day. With a small child and a long commute, I was quite often very tired and not bouncing up and down at the idea of going to work. However, being noticed and feeling like a valued customer of that garage made me lift my head and feel ready for the day. Arriving at work in a great mood, ready to be my best.
As a strong believer of Random Acts of Kindness, when I went on maternity leave I took Rosie a small gift and wrote her a card to tell her how she had positively impacted my day and how grateful I was for her doing this. I am now back at work and visiting Rosie once more. She continues to spot me when I arrive ensuring I leave every time with a cup of tea and a smile on my face. Im still just as grateful for her gestures.
Rosie mentioned to me this week that she would be working on Christmas Day, sadly for her. This made me think about all of the people who will be working on Christmas Day to keep the world ticking over while we celebrate the holidays: cab drivers, garage assistants, healthcare workers, carers, police men and women, airline staff etc All of these people deserve a massive thank you for keeping things going while we sit at home and stuff our faces with the treats of holiday cooking.
So here is my idea, take a minute away from your family and friends and reach out to someone whose working. Id really like everyone to think of someone working on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Take them a card or a mince pie or a shiny toffee anything to say thank you, I appreciate who you are and what you do. Go on, commit a CRAKer. Happy holidays.
Help In The Heat Of Summer
Cold Water for the Mail Carrier
A Healing Touch
I have a coworker who has a teenage son with autism. Every evening he bathes his son, who loves how "daddy" massages his back.
His vocation as a father is a very thankless one. So I got him the gift of a healing massage to return the physical act of love he gives to his son. He had never had a massage before. I was more excited than he was!
No One Should Eat Alone...
Ask a stranger to sit with you for a meal.

Share Your Umbrella
The next time you are stuck in a rain shower take a peak out from under your umbrella and see if there is anyone walking in the same direction as you without an umbrella. Lift up your umbrella a little higher and offer to hold it over them as well. Invite in as many people as will fit under your umbrella.

Take Shorter Showers
The average American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than a typical person in a developing country slum uses in a whole day, according to the 2006 United Nations Human Development Report. For those of us who live in the United States, its easy to forget how precious certain resources are. Water is an example of one of the many resources we often take for granted. Preserve the world around you by using less water in your daily life. One way you can do this is by taking shorter showers.

Study With A Classmate
Education is a great privilege that many people across the world don't have access to. But those who do have means to go to school often find it to be very stressful.

Send A Note Of Appreciation
Take a few minutes out of your day today to write a note of appreciation to someone you haven't thanked in a while. You can send it to your spouse, significant other, sibling, parent, child, best friend, coach, teacheranyone who you feel needs a bit of a pick me up. You can even make a list for your loved one highlighting all of the different reasons you appreciate him or her. Once youve brainstormed your thoughts, write them neatly in card youve chosen, or just send an email. No matter how you decide to share a note of appreciation, be sure to do it today!

Organize A Carpool
Driving can be a stressful activity, especially when you live in a high-traffic area or do a lot of driving during rush hour.

Wear A Seat Belt
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, seat belts save over 11,000 lives each year.
In addition to being able to save your life, safety belts can also keep you from getting serious injuries in a car accident. The facts related to wearing seat belts are hard to ignore. Wearing your seat belt when you are riding in a car is essential to your safety. It takes you less than 10 seconds to fasten your seat belt, make sure you do it!

Clean Out Your Closets
As seasons change and styles change many of us have items in our closet that no longer fit our body or our wardrobe! Make an effort to find unused items in your closets and drawers and donate them to a local shelter or charity organization.

Ask If You Can Help
Many people find it quite difficult to ask someone for help. They feel that they are inconveniencing the other person or "unloading" on them. The next time you see someone who looks down or frustrated, offer to help them. Simply ask how you could help make a situation better.

Praise Your Coworkers
Its always kind to thank your coworkers when they do something nice for you or offer you their support, but you can really go the extra mile by acknowledging when they do something well that doesnt necessarily impact you. Be the person who recognizes others for their achievements.

Start Now!
Procrastination is killer. Literally. Putting off an upcoming task only makes the task itself grow and grow in your mind until it gets beyond bearable, beyond tackling. Sometimes it is even something we are looking forward to, or excited about: pursuing a new career or visiting a long lost friend.

Write A Letter To Someone Who Made A Difference In Your Life
"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." -Albert Schweitzer.

Be Polite Online
Remember to be respectful of others when you are on the internet. Whether you are writing an email or chatting online or writing on someone's Facebook or My Space page, remember to be kind, as you would if you were speaking to them in person.

Wash A Car
Wash a car for a friend or family member for free! Has a friend of yours recently returned from a long trip with a filthy car? Offer to wash it for them! Or surprise your parents by washing their car for them while they are out of the house. Do you know someone who is trying to sell their vehicle? Offer to wash it for them to help them sell it.

Say Something Nice To Someone
Just as despair can come to one another only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings. Elie Wiesel

Smile At Five Strangers
Smile at 5 strangers today! A sincere smile can really make a positive difference in someones day.· Without saying a word you are letting that person know that you see them and that they matter. People appreciate being noticed and acknowledged! ·As Plato once said, Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Encourage five strangers today by giving them each a smile!

Leave Change In Vending Machine
Next time you pass a vending machine or gumball dispenser, check your change purse. If you have enough change to buy a soda or snack, tape the change to the side of the vending machine with a note saying "Snack's on me!"

Learn About A New Holiday
Don't know the significance behind a certain holiday celebration? Ask someone! Google it! Take the time to learn about a holiday celebration different from your own this year. Ask you classmates, coworkers, family members, neighbors and friends why the celebrate the holidays they do, and what those holidays mean to them.

Help Someone With Their Job Search
Trying to find a job can be extremely challenging, especially for someone who has been out of the job market for a while. If you recently found a job yourself, you might have some great insight for a friend who is out of work.

Bring A Treat To Your Neighbor Or Your Co Workers
Bring a treat to work, to school, or to your neighbor today! Surprise your coworkers with a homemade treat, coffee, donuts, fresh fruit, or cookies.·Bringing a small treat like homemade bread or cookies for your coworkers, classmates, and neighbors will really make them feel valued and appreciated. ·If youve got the time to bake, great! If not, make a quick stop on your way to work or school and pick up some goodies, or invite your neighbor over for coffee!

Share A Positive Blog Post
When you turn on a television, open a newspaper, or check your e-mail, chances are you'll hear negative news of some sort. It's easy to let all the negative news in the world bring us down. So strive to be a source of positive information for others by going out of your way to share fun or inspirational blog posts or online articles with your friends and family.

Say "Bless You" When Someone Sneezes
Though it is a common courtesy to say "Bless you!" when someone sneezes, people rarely do unless it is someone they know. The next time you hear or see someone sneeze, offer those kind words regardless of whether or not you know them. And if you have a tissue on hand, offer that, too!

Hand Out "Help Coupons"
Make your own coupons that can be redeemed for free help and then hand them out to your family and friends! Make a coupon for free dish-washing, vacuuming the house, a homemade dinner, free pet-sitting, or babysitting, etc. Tailor them to fit your friends' needs! If your best friend hates to do laundry, give him or her a coupon for one free load of laundry. Pick it up, take it to the laundromat, fold it and bring it back!

Note Of Recommendation
The next time an employee goes out of their way to help you solve a problem or locate an item in a store, make a mental note to send a letter of praise and recommendation to their boss.
A Day Of Fun And Relaxation
My ideal of kindness . I would like to get my neices and nephews together. Take them for ice-cream or somewhere to eat and then the park. then a few hours later take them back to there parents.That way the parents get a few hours of relaxation and the children get to have fun.
Cd I Made
I made a CD of songs I compiled of love, peace, joy and forgiveness. These are songs that everyone would know from famous artists. I make copies and give them to random people or leave them where they can be found. I let the Universe inspire me in this venture.

Be A Role Model
Be a good role model for your friends, classmates and siblings. Being aware of your actions will help you set a good example to those who look up to you.

Give The Benefit Of The Doubt
Make it a practice to always give someone the benefit of the doubt. In the world of law, people remain innocent until proven guilty. Shouldn't that also be the case with our loved ones?

Create Your Family Tree
It is often said that you can't know where you are going unless you know where you are from. Creating a family tree helps you know where you come from. And a framed family tree makes a wonderful gift and life-long possession for loved ones.
Pay It Forward
When in line at a restaurant/coffee shop, etc., show your kindness by randomly paying for your own order AND the order of the person in line behind you, and expect nothing in return. This will make a person's day, and will hopefully motivate that person to pay this act of kindness forward.

Small Change
During the evening or night, tape coins to various places on a playground, and let the kids discover the hidden fortunes the next day.

Write A Thank You Note
When someone does something nice for you, return their generosity with a pleasant thank you note to let them know you appreciated their kindness. In this day of technology many people will send emails or text messages. Be different! Think about sending an old fashioned snail-mail type of thank you note. Dig out your stamps and address book and send a note in the mail! It will be an added delight for your friend or family member to get physical mail.

Help Someone Load Or Unload Their Groceries
As people grow older, their body begins to slow down and they become less mobile and lose their muscle strength. Simple tasks like carrying groceries or walking up and down the stairs often become a struggle for them.

Do some early spring cleaning today and fill some boxes with gently used toys, clothes, and books to bring to a local donation center. If you've already cleaned house recently, think about donating your time or money to a cause that is dear to your heart this week. Make it a priority to do it today!
Give A Random Stranger A Gift From Their Amazon Wishlist
Find a public wish list on Amazon.com and send a gift to a stranger.

Be A Genuine Person
Make an effort to be a genuine person. When you say you will do something, do it. When you ask someone how they are doing, wait for them to answer and really listen to them.

Play A Sport With A Child Or Teen
Playing sports or simply just getting exercise outdoors can be an important part of many kids' lives. But for many children, there isn't an adult figure to initiate this in their lives or someone who will teach them the skills necessary to play sports or other outdoor activities.

Send Holiday Cards
It's never too late to send holiday cards! If you weren't able to get them out before Hanukkah or Christmas, don't despair! You can send some out in January with a "Happy New Year" flair. Don't feel like buying or ordering cards? Try downloading some of our kindness themed holiday cards! You can print them yourself on special paper, put them in an envelope and send them on their way! And don't stop with just your family and friends; leave some on your neighbor's doorstep or send some to your local fire station or post office. Let all those around you know that you appreciate all they do!

Pay The Tab For The Person Behind You
Have you ever experienced kindness from someone you dont know? Knowing that someone else noticed you can make your day a thousand times better, especially if youre feeling down. Celebrate those around you by doing random acts of kindness for strangers, just for the sake of making someone else happy. Pay the tab for someone behind you in line at the grocery store, gas station or the drive-through. It doesn't have to be costly, just friendly.

Pay Someone's Toll
We've all been there: waiting in a long line of cars at a toll booth, sometimes for up to an hour or more, simply waiting to pay our toll so we can get on to our destination. Traffic on a summer weekend or during the holidays can be awful. Why not make someone's experience a little more pleasant and pay their toll for them?

Dog Leash
Keep an extra dog leash in you car and when you see (and you will) see someone looking for their dog or trying to get their dog home without a leash, stop an give them your spare. They will truly feel like a miracle has just happen.

Write A Positive Note To A Classmate
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you will help them become what they are capable of becoming."- Goethe

Include Others In Decisions
The next time you need to make a decision make a conscious effort to include all those who will be affected by the outcome in the decision-making process. Whether your decision is something small, like what to have for dinner, or something big, like which neighborhood to move to, be sure to ask everyone involved if they have an opinion and would like to help you make the decision.

Obey The Rules At School
Sometimes it might seem like there are too many rules everywhere - at home, at school, in the games we play.

Make Someone Laugh
Youve probably heard the saying laughter is the best medicine. Well, there's a lot of evidence that this saying is actually true!
Knit For Babies
Knitting or crocheting baby blankets, hats, booties and sweaters can be a wonderful hobby and donating them to hospitals will brighten up families with newborns. Hand knit blankets have an extra warmth because of the love and care that was put into knitting them.

Complain Less
If you enjoy the company of someone whos positive, versus spending time with someone who complains, youre not alone. You have probably experienced how being around someone who complains all the time can be draining and sometimes downright frustrating. But how often do you, yourself complain? If you find yourself complaining constantly, it can be an extremely hard habit to break. But when you do overcome it, youll be surprised at how much happier you and those around you will be.

Cook A Healthy Meal
This idea is a fun onetake time to plan out and cook a healthy meal. Visit your local grocery store or market for fresh ingredients, take time to prepare the meal and enjoy cooking. When you're done, eat slowly and savor every bite. You'll feel great eating a nutritious meal and have fun preparing it as well.
Buy A Coffe For The Person Waiting Behind You At The Coffee Shop
A gentleman buying his coffee at Starbucks told the cashier he was buying coffee for him and for the rest of the line coffee this morning. We were all so greatly surprised! Actually I was having a bad morning, but this act made my day. I thought that I will do the same tomorrow, maybe not for the whole lane, but for the person waiting in line. It would be great if this keeps passing on. Is not the value of the coffee, is just the kindness that make you feel special and brings a big smile to your face
Pay It Forward
Wendy's by my house offers 99cents small frostys. If i go through the drive through, i will order a chocolate or vanilla one for the person behind me. They usually accept with a smile.

Organize A Lunch
Organize an appreciation lunch for your child's teacher. Have all of the parents chip in for a gift card to a local favorite lunch spot and present it to your children's teacher as a way of saying thank you for all they do for your children each day.

Help An Unemployed Friend
If youve ever been out of work and had a hard time finding a job, you can probably sympathize with those who are unemployed. Struggling to find a job can often make other things in your life fall apart. For many people, being unemployed means not being able to afford health insurance, child care, or even have the means to provide their family with regular meals.
Sponsor A Child From Another Country
There are many organizations through which you can sponsor a child from another country who is in need of the basic necessities as well as a role model. It is so rewarding to see him or her bloom into a confident young person who has dreams of achieving great deeds.

Be Generous With Compliments
Youve probably experienced what it feels like when someone else says something nice to you or compliments you. Even a very simple compliment can brighten your day, and make you feel better about yourself.

Fly Less
The invention of the airplane was one of the most amazing innovations in the history of the United States. Not only have airplanes enabled people to see and understand the world, but they have also been a tool to help unify many different cultures.

Share A Snack
Many people have the mindset that sharing is something you only do in kindergarten and grade school. Once youve reached a certain age, you no longer need to be generous with your belongings, your food, or your money. The truth is that being able to share with others is a habit you should put into practice for the rest of your life. To remind yourself of the importance of sharing, start with something small, like sharing your snacks with your classmates or coworkers, or even with a homeless person on the street.

Use Your Vacation Days
Do your friends, co-workers, and family a favor and be sure to use all of your vacation days from work this year. Too often we think work is too important and we shorten a vacation or meet our family halfway through the week so we don't have to take a full week off.

Be Spontaneous
Sometimes all we need in life is a little spontaneity. Make a conscious effort to act on every single thought of generosity that arises in your heart. Being kind is being happy!

Make A New Friend Today
Introduce yourself to a stranger and strike up a conversation. Or, perhaps there is someone you've seen occasionally on the bus or in the neighborhood. Ask them how they're doing.

Write A Poem For Someone Special
Sometimes its hard to put into words how much we care about someone. A poem can be a great way to express just how you feel.

Have A Charity Day At Work
Organize a charity day at your office. Ask your coworkers to bring food and clothing items to donate to the needy. Or organize a Saturday service project in your community: rake leaves for your office's neighbors, host a bake sale, or pick up litter in a nearby park. Your coworkers will enjoy the chance to help others too.
Making The World A Better Place!
People around the world could do a random act of kindness instead of buying gifts for the new Prince William. Then send or post what, where, and how they did their kindness in honor of Prince William. I have made this same request for my birthday from friends & family. It is amazing the stories I get back of things that were done and how the recipients reacted. Once collected, these stories of kindness would be a wonderful memoir for Prince William and a tribute to Princess Diana for all the kindness she extended to people throughout the world.

Give Event Tickets
Be generous to both friends and strangers. Give someone a pair of tickets to a baseball game or concert. It will make their day a memorable one! Or invite someone to go with you for free. If you have two event tickets and someone else backed out at the last minute, call up a friend or co-worker and see if they can go with you. Sometimes spontaneity leads to the best times with friends and family.

Bring Someone A Souvenir
When you take a trip, bring a souvenir home for someone who doesn't expect it. Even the smallest trinket will remind them that you care about them.

Stay On The Trail
A great and easy way to respect the environment while hiking is to remain on the trail at all times. If you stay on the trail you don't disturb the beautiful nature that surrounds you.
Create A Collage Of Kind Faces
I believe that a kind / compassionate face has a soothing effect on a person. There are some people with kindness written all over on their faces and a good number of us have some measure of kindness beaming out at times. I have been personally inspired by seeing the kind facial expressions of some people and it has made my day positive.

Help Other Shoppers
People come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes we are too short to reach the item on the top shelf, and sometimes we are too tall or inflexible to reach the items on the bottom shelf. The next time you are shopping take notice of the other shoppers around you. Is someone having difficultly reaching an item? Help them.

Put Gas In Someone's Car
The next time you borrow a friend or relative's car, fill it up with gas for them before you give it back. Or if you are on a road trip with your friends and you're taking their car, when you stop to fill it up, offer to pay for the gas. This is a thoughtful and generous thing to do.

Praise Your Boss
Employees often get recognized for putting effort into their job. It is common for companies to offer employee of the month awards to improve employee morale and keep them happy, but how many companies do you know that recognize the hard work bosses put into their job? Why not try to boost your bosss spirits by honoring him or her with a boss of the month award?
Tip Big
Give a tip that makes the waitress/waiter do a double take.

Adopt A Family
There are many families out there that are in need, living week to week and hoping for enough food and money to get by. For these families, every week is a struggle, but the holidays are even more of a struggle. Every parent wants to be able to buy presents for their children, to surprise them with a gift.
Little Things
Pass around little cards at your school or work...

Help Your Teacher By Working Harder In School
Its safe to say that all teachers want their students to be successful and to do well in school.

Eat A Healthy Snack
The next time you are hungry for a snack skip the soda, chips, or candy bar and eat a healthy snack like a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or some vegetables. Eating healthy is a simple way to be kind to your body; it's a great way to get the energy you need to pay attention at school and work or enjoy to yourself doing something you love outside. Be kind to your body and eat healthy snacks!

Give Affection
Sometimes all it takes is a hug, a touch on the arm, a kiss on the cheek, or a squeeze of the shoulders to make someone's day. So when you are with your loved ones, don't hold back on affection.

Call Or Visit Someone Who Is Sick
Being sick is no fun. It can be frusterating because you are not able to do the things you normally do. Not being able to socialize with people you normally see can also make being sick very lonely. Call someone who you know is sick and ask them how they are. Or, surprise them with a visit and bring flowers or a card. Knowing that someone cares about you is often the best medicine!

Give Directions To Someone Who Is Lost
New cities and towns can be confusing. We've all been lost before! Whether you've just moved into a new neighborhood or you are visiting a city for the first time, it is easy to get overwhelmed and confused. So when someone stops you to ask you for directions, take a minute to help them out. Even if you are busy or running late, at the end of the day you won't regret taking an extra minute to help someone in need.

Bake Someone A Cake
You never know when someone else needs to be uplifted. Most of us have been in a situation where we felt unappreciated, or maybe felt like no one cared about us.

Click For A Cause
Did you know that even if you do not personally have any money to donate, you can still contribute financially to a cause you are passionate about? For some causes, all you have to do is click on their website and they will receive funds.

Let Them Merge
We all get frustrated in traffic at one time or another. However, simply because traffic is moving slowly doesn't mean that we can't let another driver into our lane. One additional car in front of you isn't going to make you arrive any earlier or later than you already would have. So the next time someone is waiting and waiting and waiting to merge, but the kind person who let's them in.

Forgive Someone
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. ~Lewis B. Smedes
We all make mistakes. The next time someone wrongs you, forgive them without hesitation. Carrying anger and resentment with you is bad for your health and your relationships. Learn to let it go and forgive others. Both you and the one you forgave will benefit from this act of kindness. You will be amazed at how much lighter you feel when you forgive someone!

Drink More Water
Here's a cool fact: Your body is nearly 70% water. The water in your body helps carry nutrients and oxygen into cells, it helps moisturize the air in your lungs, it helps protect your vital organs and helps regulate our body temperature. It is often an easy and quick fix to a headache, too! Headaches often occur due to dehydration. Drink more water and have less headaches! The bottom line is: Drink more water! It is essential to your health. And when you are healthy and energetic it is easy to be kind!

Make A Positive Comment On A Website Or Blog
Let someone know how they helped or inspired you with their website or blog. Praise them for their work by leaving a kind comment. So often we are willing to leave a comment if something upsets us; start thinking positively! The next time you read something that really encourages or motivates you, let them know!

Send Someone An Ecard
Not only is technology a great information resource, it can be a wonderful communication tool. Computers and the Internet have made it easy for you to remind someone you are thinking of them with a click of a button!

Take Someone To The Movies
For many people going to the movies is luxury that rarely occurs. For some it is the cost that hinders their ability to go. For others it is the lack of time, energy, or transportation. Make sure all of your friend's needs are met, then plan a time to treat your friend, neighbor, or lonely relative to the movies.

Give Someone A Hug
Have you hugged someone recently? Hugs can communicate a number of things: A hug is a great way to let someone you care about them; It can be a way to comfort someone who has experienced loss; or it can be a way to say "hello" to a friend.

Say "Good Morning"
Saying hello to someone, even if you don't know them, is a common courtesy. It means you are acknowledging their presence; you are saying that they are a person, too, and that they are important enough for you to say hello to.

Talk With Sales Clerk
When you are purchasing your items in the check out line, take a moment to speak with the employee or clerk helping you.

Start A Piggy Bank For A Cause
Keep your spare change in a piggy bank and when it is full, donate it to a cause or charity of your choice.

Rub A Loved One's Back
After a long day at work or tiresome load of homework or housework, being able to relax with another person is often the best thing that can relieve you. Just making contact with someone else can be relaxing, whether that is simply having a conversation with someone, giving them a hug, or even taking the time to rub their back.

Help Someone Find A Job
Looking for a job can be overwhelming and frustrating, which is why when someone offers to help you it means so much! If a friend or colleague recently lost their job or is looking to re-enter the job market after a number of years away, offer to help!
Email Compliment
Include a compliment in the next email you write.

Bring Your Coworkers A Special Treat
Small surprises and tokens of your appreciation spread throughout the year help the people in your workplace feel valued all year long. Surprise your coworkers with donuts, cookies or a homemade treat.

Invite Someone Over For The Holidays
Invite someone to celebrate the holidays with you! Make them feel welcome in your home. For a lot of people, this is a difficult time of year. Perhaps it brings back painful memories or perhaps they simply don't have a lot of family or friends to enjoy the holidays with. If you know of someone who fits that description, call them today and invite them to celebrate with you. Have them over for dinner, invite them to your New Year's Eve party, or bring them some goodies and stay and chat with them for a while.

Use Less Plastic
Plastic is so commonly used in packaging food and beverages, it seems nearly impossible to avoid it. But consider the effects it has on the environment, and even our communities around the world.

Plant A Garden
Want a fun and simple way to give back to the community you live in and the earth that surrounds you? Are you interested in an activity that could bring your family closer together? Are you looking for a new way to relax? Then why not consider taking advantage of the nature in your own backyard by planting a garden?
My Encounter With Kindness
I was working (Los Angles Police Sergeant) at the scene of a fatal traffic collision near UCLA, when I was approached by a attractive female who ran out of vehicle and handed me Au bear and the kindness card. I was completely taken off guard and appreciative for this act of kindness. This definitely put a smile on my face because as a police officer we very seldom get the appreciation for our daily sacrifice. I read this card and had to respond, thank you for your kind thoughts.
sincerely, Steven Smith

Give Someone A Vacation
Give someone the gift of rest and relaxation. Do you have a co-worker who needs a break? Arrange for them to use one of your personal vacation days. Has it been years since your sister had a quiet weekend away with her spouse? Offer to watch their kids and buy them a gift card to their favorite hotel. Help someone you care about relax and get away.

Clean Your Room
Pick up your bedroom without being asked by a parent. Your parents will be proud of your responsibility! And chances are, you'll enjoy having a clean room!

Promote Tranquility At Home
Whether you have a tiny studio apartment, a cabin in the woods, a dorm room, a house in the suburbs or a large home with plenty of rooms to get lost in, work hard to make your home a peaceful and tranquil place. Everyone needs somewhere to go where they can be themselves and relax after a long day of work or school.

Give Affirmation
Words can heal, they can bless, they can bring comfort and they can transform lives. So choose to be an affirming person. Offer encouragement freely to your friends, co-workers, and family, and without any expectation of anything in return. You can always find something positive to say in any situation, it just depends on your perspective. Be generous with your words of affirmation to all those around you, and most importantly, to yourself.

Encourage Someone
Encourage someone who needs it. Whether its a friend, sibling, parent, child or coworker, a little recognition could make a world of difference in their lives. Let them know that you are thankful for them and that you appreciate having them in your life. You can encourage someone with words, a hug, a gift or even an email or phone call. It is so simple to do; act now and go encourage someone!

Cheer On A Teammate
Sometimes we all need a little encouragement! Especially athletes during a difficult practice or challenging game. Whether you are on the field with them or sitting the bench make an effort to cheer your teammates on. Tell them they are doing a great job! Encourage them and motivate them to try their best and applaud them when they do.
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