25 Wonderful Gangster Tattoos CreativeFan

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Gangsters and tattoos are so synonymous with each other that it is difficult to dissociate them and talk about the history of the body art without bringing in the sordid chapter of criminals and gangsters. The gangster tattoos have a long account of being prevalent among the thieves and thugs. The tattoo was in fact, a mark of identity, which showed their allegiance to a group or gang. The negative connotation that we hear of today, is because of the fact that criminals wore them. Though things have changed a lot but even today some parents object to their children getting tattoo because of their relation with gangsters.

The gangster tattoos are no longer so popular these days and even criminals do not flaunt them as openly as they did in the past but they are there in their pristine form. Some of the symbols that are very well-known among the outlaws are the spider, skull, flame, gun, script, lettering, etc. If you are curious to know more on the subject, then have a look at this post that will show you images of 25 gangster tattoos. We are sure you would love to watch them. Enjoy.

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Bald Gangster Tattoo

This man has got his body as well as face tattooed with different images that look quite fascinating.

Bald Gangster Tattoo

Bald Gangster Tattoo

Half Sleeve Tattoo

The blazing design carved on the arm of the gangster goes with his lethal personality that he flaunts with pride.

Half Sleeve Tattoo

Half Sleeve Tattoo

Armband Tattoo

Cool tattoo framing the arm of the gangster that has a skull surrounded in flames; a symbol of pain that comes from leading the life of an outlaw.

Armband Tattoo

Armband Tattoo

Gangster Knuckles Tattoo

The letters carved on the knuckles of the gangster indicate towards his resilient and brave spirit.

Gangster Knuckles Tattoo

Gangster Knuckles Tattoo

Funny Gangster

Really, amazing old gangster with tattooed body and having a pot belly who does not arouse fear but brings smile on our lips.

Funny Gangster

Funny Gangster

Gang Master Tattoo

The man shows off his tattoo carved on his stomach, chest and arms that are symbols of his gang membership.

Gang Master Tattoo

Gang Master Tattoo

Gangster With Daughter

Gangster father has got his forearm tattooed with different images and makes a pose that smacks of protection for his daughter.

Gangster With Daughter

Gangster With Daughter

Gangster Back Tattoo

The woman controlling a yak, carved on the back of the gangster, symbolizes his desire to be regulated by love so that he can himself reformed in future.

Gangster Back Tattoo

Gangster Back Tattoo

Cool Chest Tattoo

One Man Army carved on the chest along with grenade is a symbol of the gangsters high status and the fact that he acted alone.

Cool Chest Tattoo

Cool Chest Tattoo

Badass Gangster Tattoo

The grim reaper along with other design, created on the forearm of the gangster, represent the fearless and bold attitude of the man.

Badass Gangster Tattoo

Badass Gangster Tattoo

The Gangster Hunk

A fabulous body looks more charming when it has got different tattoos, sitting on the robust biceps and bulging chest; even if it belongs to a gangster.

The Gangster Hunk

The Gangster Hunk

Tattooed Gangman

Now that no part is left to be tattooed, this tattoo loving gangster must be worried though he does not seem to be so.

Tattooed Gangman

Tattooed Gangman

Gangsters With Tattoos

The trio of gangsters pose together showing off their tattoos, a mark of membership to a particular gang.

Gangsters With Tattoos

Gangsters With Tattoos

Old Gangster

Wearing a hat and holding a cigarette in his hand, the old gangster with his tattooed body makes for a cool portrait.

Old Gangster

Old Gangster

Forearm Tattoo

This gangster with a knife in his hand and tattooed forearms paints an evil picture that can scare anyone.

Forearm Tattoo

Forearm Tattoo

Shouting Gangster

Skulls, flames and tribal design are the favorite symbols of gangsters as they represent the risky and frightening lifestyle the gang men lead.

Shouting Gangster

Shouting Gangster

Oscar Thief Caught

The tattooed gangster behind the Oscar statue theft has been caught and here he is surrendering to the cop.

Oscer Thief Caught

Oscar Thief Caught

Gangster RIP Tattoo

Neck tattoo of gangster with RIP lettering is an indication that the man has a heart that cares and longs for his dear ones who are no more.

Gangster RIP Tattoo

Gangster RIP Tattoo

Gang Head Tattoo

King Country carved on the chest is a symbol of the fact that the man was the head of his gang.

Gang Head Tattoo

Gang Head Tattoo

Gangster With His Booty

This gangster having tattoos on his arms proudly shows off his exploits that relates to ecological treasure.

Gangster With His Booty

Gangster With His Booty

Gangster Neck Tattoo

The name of the gangster along with the date on which he was set free from the prison is a tribute his new life.

Gangster Neck Tattoo

Gangster Neck Tattoo

Chinese Gangster

This Chinese gangster has got a script tattoo in his own language on the forearm that means something special to him.

Chinese Gangster

Chinese Gangster

Japanese Gangster Back Tattoo

The geisha portrait and the cherry blossom flowers give away the nationality of the prisoner though his face is hidden.

Japanese Gangster Back Tattoo

Japanese Gangster Back Tattoo

Stylish Gangster

The spiky haircut and the solo tattoo resting on the arm of this handsome gangster make him look more appealing.

Stylish Gangster

Stylish Gangster

Upper Back Tattoo

This is a creative gangster tattoo that symbolizes the murder of a woman this guy committed but feels repentant about it.

Upper Back Tattoo

Upper Back Tattoo

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