Latin Word Tattoos - Tattoo designs Lower back tattoos

Latin word tattoos not only look awesome, they have a romantic sound, which makes them a very popular choice for a tattoo word phrase. As with any tattoo, make sure you do your research before you commit to the ink.

The Original Romance Language

Latin is an extinct language, but was once the universal language thousands of years ago. Many modern day words and languages are based on Latin root words, so they have a familiar ring to them. Latin is also the original romance language, so it's not surprising the modern day romance languages of Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian and Portuguese all share some Latin sounding words. Even the English language uses many Latin root words.

Latin Words

Although a number of people are very familiar with Latin phrases and words, not many people speak Latin today. Use of the language is limited to instances such as memorizing Latin prayers, or for those in the medical professionthe use of Latin phrases such as "primum non nocere," which translated into English means "first, do no harm." If you are in the legal arena you will have heard the Latin phrase, "habeas corpus," which means the right to petition the court. Other Latin words and phrases that we commonly use in the English language are:

  • Me: Me
  • Bona fide: Good faith
  • Quid pro quo: Something for something or tit for tat
  • Ad hoc: For this purpose
  • Et cetera or etc.: The rest or continuation
  • Villa: House
  • Antigua: Antique
  • Terra: Land
  • Prima: First
  • Provincia: Province
  • Sub: Under
  • In: In
  • Herba: Herb

Surge in Latin Tattoo Popularity

Latin tattoos have had a surge in popularity due to celebrities getting their favorite Latin phrase inked. Latin tattoos are so popular amongst teenagers that schools are seeing a high interest and increased enrollment in Latin language classes.

Latin Word Tattoo Ideas

  • Alls grave nil: Nothing is heavy to those with wings
  • Luceat lux vestra: Let your light shine
  • Carpe diem: Seize the day
  • Carpe noctem: Seize the night
  • Veni, vidi, vici: I came, I saw, I conquered
  • Temet nosce: Know thyself
  • Veritas lux mea: Truth is my light
  • Vive ut bivas: Live so that you may live
  • Alis valat propiis: She flies by her own wings
  • Tempus neminem manet: Time waits for no one

Famous Tattoos in Latin

Celebrities are trailblazing the Latin word tattoo craze, here are a few:

  • Angelina Jolie: actress, has a lower abdomen Latin tattoo: "Quod me nutrit me destruit." English translation, "What nourishes me also destroys me."
  • David Beckman: football player, has a tattoo on his lower left arm referring to his wife: "Ut Amem Et Foveam." English translation, "So that I love and cherish."
  • Danielle Lloyd: model and actress, has a Latin tattoo on her left shoulder that is grammatically incorrect according to experts. The Latin tattoo is, "Quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus." Her intended meaning was, "To diminish me will only make me stronger," however what she has inked in Latin really means, "As who am I wearing myself away for myself."
  • Colin Farrel has a tattoo on his left forearm: "Carpe Deim" or "Seize the Day".
  • Keith Urban: country singer, has "Omnia Vincit Amor," or in English, "Love Conquers All," on his right wrist.

Before You Tattoo

Before getting your Latin word tattoo, make sure you have the correct spelling and words for your tattoo. It would not be cool to have a permanent tattoo that is incorrect. Native Latin speakers are no longer in existence, but there are plenty of Latin scholars, experts and resouces on the Latin language. Double check your Latin phrase before it is permanently etched onto your body.

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