Martial Arts Certificate Semi-custom Design / Kanji Tattoo

> Customizable / Personalizable
Semi-custom certificate Design Service allows for customization of any or all of the following information:

Semi Custom Certificate Articles
click to sample image

d_bluName of Award Recipient (B)
d_blu Here this should be translated into Japanese Katakana name cause this is the proper way to write English names in Japanese style certificate.
d_bluObtained Rank (C)
d_bluDate of Award (E)
d_bluOrganization name / Style of Martial Arts / Name of School/Dojo (F)
d_bluConferrer Name/Rank/Title (G)
d_blu Here the conferrer's name should be translated into Japanese Katakana name cause this is the proper way to write English names in Japanese style certificate.
d_bluHanko Seal Images - School/Dojo (H1), Conferrer Surname (H2)
NOTICE: In semi-custom certificate design service, the award text is specified as blow and unmodifiable.
"This is to recognize that the person mentioned above is hereby licensed to rank in the grade of the specified rank of (Style of Martial Arts) in recognition of the great progress that he or she has made by the diligent study of the Art"
> Fine Quality Acrobat(.PDF) Data
This service is available in Acrobat (.PDF) format. You'll get printable PDF file archived in ZIP format via e-mail. After decompression, just open it in your favorite application that can handle PDF, and print it on to high-quality printer paper.
> Fine and Accurate Japanese Translation
Our products are provided by professional translators and designers, who's been in the very thick of English to Japanese translation and graphic design business.

>> Accuracy and Guarantee

> Come with Digital Hanko Seals
If you don't have your Hanko seals yet, we'll make Digital Hanko Seal images, and stamp them digitally onto your certificates design for free.

Japanese Style Digital Hanko Seal for Free (If needed)

> Discount for additional / multiple orders with the same design
If you need to award additional certificates with the same design to other students/ranks after the initial order, you can order partially modified certificates at discount price. In this service, following portions of the initial design are modifiable;
d_bluName of Award Recipient
d_bluObtained Rank
d_bluDate of Award
NOTICE: Additional order service is available for six (6) months after the latest order for the certificate design with the same template, and will be expired automatically if no additional order has been made during that period.
> Optimized Layouts
Our certificate designs are individually optimized for each paper format. For better printing result, please select the most suitable layout for your purpose.

4 major standardized paper-sizes

d_blu Letter format - print for 8.5 x 11(inch) / 216 × 279(mm)
d_blu Tabloid format - print for 11 × 17 (inch) / 279 × 432(mm)
d_blu A4 format - print for 8.3 × 11.7 (inch) / 210 × 297(mm)
d_blu A3 format - print for 11.7 × 16.5 (inch) / 297 × 420(mm)


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Kanji Trival Tattoo DesignSemi-custom DesignKanji Trival Tattoo Design$22.95 USDKanji Trival Tattoo Design>> Click to Order

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