Small feminine tattoos, small tattoo designs, girly

Tattoo ideas for girls

lower back butterfly tattoo

There is a constantly growing demand for designs of small feminine tattoos. Since the body art revolution in the late nineties, women have begun adorning themselves with more than just jewelry.

Design your own tattoo

Women have started to embrace the idea of permanent wearable art in the form of tattoos. There are some that have taken the idea to the extreme and inked their entire body. Most, however, have chosen modest tattoo designs to begin with.

While there isn't a set standard for girly tattoos, there is a list of the most popular choices. These small tattoo designs can be used by themselves as a tattoo or can be combined and/or embellished as desired. Here are the most common tattoo ideas for girls.

Favorite small tattoo designs

foot tattoos

Flower/Rose Flowers, with roses being one of the most common, are easily one of the most commonly tattooed designs on women. They are easily sized to fit anywhere and can be whatever color a person chooses. They are an excellent choice for first small feminine tattoos.

free butterfly tattoo designs

Insects This includes butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs and many other small bugs. Even (eek!) spiders. These are seen quite often in small places like feet, toes and behind ears. And these designs are also very versatile with color choices.

heart tattoo designs

Hearts Hearts are generally seen incorporated with other designs or with names inside. A child's name is seen most often, although there are some brave ladies who will get their spouse/partner's name permanently inked on their body.

crosses tattoo art

Angels/Crosses Religious tattoos can be sized to make them small tattoo designs and easy to place in a location where the person can reflect on it or make their belief system known to others.

fairy moons and star tattoos

Celestial Bodies The sun, moon and especially stars are another frequently chosen group of designs for small feminine tattoos. They can be tattooed all together or individually, or any combination chosen and placed anywhere on the body.

cute fairy tattoos

Fantasy/Mythical Creatures Fairies, leprechauns and even hobbits can be adorable girly tattoos. Generally, these tattoos are vibrantly colored and quite detailed, even the smaller versions.

hummingbird tattoos

Animals The collection of animals seen in small tattoo designs is far too varied to list. The most popular are dolphins, birds, cats and dogs wild and domestic. It is also popular to get paw prints as they can be small or large and can be incorporated into tribal designs as well.

foot tattoos

Children Women often get tattoos dedicated to their children. These can be as simple as names and dates of birth or as complex as a portrait of the child's face. It is also common to see the babies foot or hand prints done in black ink with the name and date of birth for the child.

tattoo designs of zodiac signs

Zodiac Sign With the Zodiac having simple glyphs along with elaborate designs to represent each sign, it is easy to create small tattoo designs with a persons star sign.

tattoo names

Lettering There are many different lettering styles to choose from and tattoo ideas for girls can be created with a favorite phrase, quote or motto. Some choose a single word they feel sums up exactly what they wish the tattoo to represent.

Girly tattoos are small and delicate

With so many choices, finding small tattoo designs as a form of artistic expression can be a fun process. There are also some very interesting locations where these tattoo designs can be located, including around the belly button, behind the ear and even on the toes or feet.

If you have a picture of your small feminine tattoos and would like to see them on this site, use the contact form to submit your pictures. We would love to share them as long as they are clear pictures and not offensive in any way.

Small Feminine Tattoos to Tattoo Styles
Small Feminine Tattoos to Tattoo Designs Of All Kinds

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