What are Koi Tattoo Sleeve Designs? Japanese Tattoo Gallery

The Japanese koi tattoo with lotus flower design pierced on arm.There is a special kind of fish called the Koi (also Nishikigoi) which holds great cultural importance in Japan. The fish is revered to a great extent and is known to symbolize strength, courage and success. These fishes are also very attractive, because of their vibrant colours and their intriguing designs. It is this reason that makes the koi a preferred choice for koi tattoo sleeve design.


Why is the koi fish so considered in Japan? One may ask. The answer to this is that it wasnt the Japanese that turned the fish into a cultural symbol, it was actually the Chinese that did so, some 2000 years ago. However, it was the Japanese that brought it to the forefront and popularized it, so much so that is now very widely used, especially for koi tattoo sleeve designs. According to the legend, the fish is an epitome of bravery. This is because when this fish is caught and placed on a chopping board, these fish do not wriggle and fidget to free themselves like all others. Instead, these fishes fearlessly lie still, fully prepared for death, to be cut into pieces. This is the strength that gives the fish such a high status.

An amazing Japanese koi fish tattoo sleeve design for men.Modern Perception

When it comes to the popularity of the koi fish, the modern world especially that of the west, has picked on a different angle of the koi; that is its design. As explained above, the koi has striking designs on them and are done so with very vivacious colours. This is why it is a popular symbol used in tattoos, specially the koi tattoo sleeve designs. Other areas of the body are also popular favorites for koi fish tattoo designs including arms, legs, back etc. but the koi tattoo sleeve designs remain to be the most preferred ones. The reason for this is the fact that the sleeve gives a lot of room for design, so bigger and more interesting koi tattoo sleeve designs can be drawn on it. In fact, the simple koi can also be drawn with other designs such as flowing water or leaves to symbolize various other things.

How and Where to Draw

The manner in which the koi tattoo sleeve designs are drawn also has a huge impact on the meaning that they depict. For example, a fish is shown to be swimming upstream shows someone who achieved success in life and has managed to overcome all adversities and obstacles that came his way. On the other hand, a fish swimming downstream shows that the person is struggling to achieve something in life and are still in the process of learning and overcoming hurdles. So as a general rule, the meaning of a particular koi tattoo sleeve design is extracted by looking at the direction of the koi and the background detailing. However, this is just an idea, not a rule of thumb. People get tattoo designs that are fit for their liking. So what another person perceives of it doesnt matter as much.

To further elaborate our point, lets see two widespread viewpoints on what the koi symbolizes:

    The Japanese view- as explained above, the Japanese perceive the koi to symbolize strength, endurance, courage and success. Perhaps because of the famous legendary story which says that the koi fish swims upstream until it reaches the gates of heaven and then transforms into a magnificent dragon.

    The Buddhist view- the Buddhist take a slightly different approach. For them also it symbolizes courage, but the courage isnt a heroic one, rather the one that even we humans face in our daily lives as we swim through the oceans of life.

Masculine man shows his black and red koi tattoo on sleeve at the tattoo parlor.

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