Welcome To Clear Creek
Our Mission Statement : Principal: Shirley Kenmochi |
School Hours are: M/T/W/F 9:10am-3:25pm
Thurs 9:10am -1:55pm
Breakfast is served from 8:45am-9:05am
Conference Days are 9:10am-11:45am with no lunch served
(March 16 & 17)
Moving? When you register your child at their new school please have them fax a "request for records" to our Archives department @ 360-662-9271. If you have questions for the records department please call 360-662-9270. We wish you all the best at your new school!
Food Services:
Elementary meal prices:
Full price breakfast - $1.75
Free/Reduced breakfast (K-6) - FREE
Full price lunch - $2.75
Free (K-6) - FREE
Reduced (K-3) - FREE
Reduced (4-6) - $.40
Milk is $.75
Juice is $.50
To apply for Free/Reduced meals please go to
A new form must be completed each year. If you received
free or reduced meals last year, you have 30 days to complete a
new application for the current school year (please be aware it
takes 2 weeks to process the applications).
Upcoming Events:
January 14th - Mrs.
Osborne & Mrs. Davis to the Seattle Aquarium 9:15 - 4:45
January 14th - McTakeover
- Silverdale McDonalds 5:00 - 7:00pm
January 19th - Martin
Luther King Jr. Holiday - No School
January 21st - Band &
Orchestra concert @ CK Jr. High 6:00pm
January 21st - PTA General
Membership meeting @ 6:00
January 26th - Non-Student
day - No School
January 28th - Mrs. Quam &
Mrs. Reynolds to the Seattle Aquarium 9:15 - 4:45
January 29th -
Mismatch Day - Wear mismatched clothing (ASB Spirit Day)
February 13th - Non-Student
day - No School
February 16th - Presidents'
Day Holiday - No School
February 26th - Tie
Day (ASB Spirit Day)
March 13th - Non-Student
Day - No School
March 16th & 17th - Spring
conference days - 11:45 dismissal, no lunches will be served (Please contact
your students' teacher if you wish to set up a conference time)
March 26th - Neon
Day (ASB Spirit Day)
April 6th - 10th - Spring
break - No School
April 30 - Fancy
Day (ASB Spirit Day)
May 25th - Memorial Day -
No School
May 28th - Favorite
Color Day (ASB Spirit Day)
June 16th - Last day of school - 11:45 dismissal, no lunches will be served
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