Children's Sermons from Sermons 4 Kids Object Lessons

A few days ago, I saw a friend of mine eating a cookie.

"What kind of cookie is that you are eating?" I asked.

"These are Oreo Creme filled Chips Ahoy cookies," she said.

"Are they good?" I asked.

"Good? They are delicious," she answered. "Here, taste one and see how good they are," she said as she offered me a cookie.

Mmmm, Mmmm! They were good! They were so good that I couldn't wait to tell you about them. In fact, I wanted to share some with you. I have a whole package of them this morning so that you can taste them and see how good they are. (Pass the cookies around for the children to try.)

Don't you agree that those are really good cookies? That is why my friend couldn't wait to share them with me and I couldn't wait to share them with you.

Have you ever found something so good that you couldn't wait to share it with a friend? This morning I want to tell about a man named Philip who couldn't wait to tell a friend about something good that he had found. What Philip found was much more important than cookies. Philip had met Jesus. When Phillip met Jesus, he knew that Jesus was the Savior that God had promised, and he became one of Jesus' disciples.

After Philip met Jesus, he couldn't wait to tell his friend Nathanael. He found Nathanael and told him, "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

"Nazareth? Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Nathanael asked.

"Come and see," answered Philip. Then he took Nathanael to see Jesus and Nathanael also became a follower of Jesus. That is how the good news of Jesus is spread. Friends telling friends!

When we find a really good cookie, we can't wait to tell a friend about it. Shouldn't we be even more anxious to tell our friends about Jesus? The Psalmist said, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34:8) Surely we want our friends to know how good he is!

Dear Father, nothing can compare to the Good News of Jesus. Help us to share the Good News with others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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