CELEBRITY TATTOOS - P and Q :: Tattooed celebrities

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Celebrities whose LAST names begin with the letters P & Q. Tattooed celebrities, tattooed rock stars, movie stars, sports stars, Kings, Queens, even super models all proudly displaying their body art, are on this list of names. Some you already know about, and some that just may surprise you.Some of the most popular tattooed celebrities on this page are:Pink, Katy Perry, Danica Patrick,Alex Pettyfer &Audrina Patridge


PLAST NAME, First name Celebrity Type, Tattoo Description, Location PICSpadukonePADUKONE, Deepika Bollywood actress has a small RK on the nape of her neck PICSpaleleiPALELEI, Soa (The Hulk) Mixed martial arts fighter has Tongan style tattoo down his right arm, an arm band tattoo on his left bicep, others? PICSpalickiPALICKI, Adrianne Actress has tattoo down her spine, tattoo on the underside of her upper right arm, others? PICSpalinPALIN, Sarah Alaskan Governor & US Vice Presidential candidate is rumored to have her lipstick liner tattooed on cosmetically & a Big Dipper constellation tattoo on her ankle PICSpaltrowPALTROW, Gwyneth Unknown design tattooed on her shoulder, the letter C (for her husband Chris Martin) on her upper right thigh PICSpaparoachPAPA ROACH Band members have various different tattoos PICSpanettierePANETTIERE, Hayden Hero's actress has small Leo symbol on her ankle, the Italian words "Vivere Senzarimipianti" down her upper left ribcage that means "to live without regrets" the last word is misspelt with an extra i after the letter m PICSpaquinPAQUIN, Anna Actress has small curly A on inside of her right ankle PICSlouisePARKER, Mary-Louise Actress in TV show WEEDS - her character Nancy Botwin has a U-Turn sign tattooed on her upper left butt cheek PICSparisiPARISI, Hugo Brazilian Olympic diver has the Olympic rings and a map of South America on his back PICSparkerPARKER, Tony NBA player has the word NINE (his number) tattooed on his right hand, matching the one his wife Eva Longoria has PICSparksPARKS, Corey Musician has many tattoos all over her body including a very large one on her stomach PICSpartonPARTON, Dolly Country singer has an angel tattoo on her upper left arm (her "gardian angel" she says), a butterfly with a bunch of flowers tattooed on her chest, possibly one on her ankle PICSpasdarPASDAR, Adrian Actor has tattoo on his right arm of a bobcat (for his film company) and a Chinese symbol for strength, an anchor with his children's names on it on his other arm PICSpastorelliPASTORELLI, Robert Actor had dragon on right bicep, several others PICSpatersonPATERSON, Jodi Ann Playboy model has small hot chilli pepper on butt cheek, pierced belly button PICSpatrickPATRICK, Danica Race car driver has a flag tattoo on her lower back that is half American flag and half checkered flag, she has added stars and angel wings PICSpatrick_teraPATRICK, Tera Adult film star has flaming heart on outside of right ankle PICSpatridgePATRIDGE, Audrina Actress has a large tattoo on the back of her neck, fake Chinese characters on the inside of her left forearm for Ashton Kutcher's show Pop Fiction PICScaseyPATRIDGE, Casey Actress has a large tattoo on her upper chest, full sleeve on left arm, tattoo above thumb on right hand, skull tattoo on her upper right leg, several tattoos on right arm, many others... PICSpaulaiPAULA, Ana Model has butterflies (large and small) on her back, preying mantis on pelvis PICSpeggPEGG, Simon English actor has a sun tattoo on his right shoulder, stars on his left forearm and another small design on his left shoulder PICSpeldonPELDON, Courtney Actress has two wings on her lower back PICSpeluPELU, Piero Italian singer has a tribal arm band on right bicep, a skull and other designs on left shoulder PICS pennPENN, Sean Actor has a few tattoos on his arms including a Kanji for Sword or Power on his left forearm. He had some temporary tattoos for the movie Mystic River PICSperrettePERRETTE, Pauley Actress has 9 tattoos including a large cross on her lower back and two stick figure angels on her shoulder blades PICSperrineauPERRINEAU, Harold Actor has small Kanji symbol on his lower right stomach PICSdonnaPERRY, Donna Model has a small tattoo on lower stomach PICSperryPERRY, Joe Musician has a band tattooed around left bicep with the words BILLIE PAULETTE - his wife's first and middle names PICSperry-katyPERRY, Katy American singer, songwriter, actress has the word JESUS on the inside of her left wrist, a small strawberry with a face just below her left ankle, a Sanskrit tattoo that reads Anuugacchati Pravaha, meaning Go With The Flow on her inside right arm that matches Russell Brand's PICSperry_rachelPERRY, Rachel VH1 host has large flower design on her lower back, a bird (swallow) on each hip PICSperschPERSCH, Jonas Member of boyband LMNT has an armband tattoo with feathers hanging down on right bicep  PTGPETER THE GREAT Russian leader from the late 1600's had a tattoo in an unknown location PICSpetroulakiPETROULAKI, Eleni Model has Devil's head on right butt cheek PICSAlex PettyferPETTYFER, Alex English actor and model has a cross tattoo on his right upper chest and some words tattooed on his right shoulder and inside forearm, Kanji symbols on his lower stomach PICSpfeifferPFEIFFER, Dedee Michelle's sister has two cupids kissing on left butt cheek, faint tribal design across lower stomach PICSphelpsPHELPS, Michael American Olympic Gold medal swimmer has two tattoos just below his pelvic bones. He broke Mark Spitz's record of the most gold medals earned in one Olympics (he won eight), has the Olympic rings and the letter M for Michigan, the state where he trains PICSphoenixPHOENIX, Joaquin Actor has circle on his inner forearm (poorly done) PICSphillippePHILLIPPE, Ryan Actor has symbol on right inner forearm, a large phoenix rising from the ashes on his left forearm, a cross shaped tattoo on left calf and a small ladybug tattoo on his right foot for his wife Reese Witherspoon PICSphillipsPHILLIPS, Bijou Actress, model has the word DADDY tattooed on her right butt cheek, a frog tattoo on right ankle PICSphilippoussisPHILIPPOUSSIS, Mark Tennis star has a tattoo of Alexander the Great on his right shoulder  padukonePIAZZA, Mike Baseball player has DB (initials of ex girlfriend) tattooed on ankle, a few others PICSpicklerPICKLER, Kellie Country singer/Americal Idol alumnus has a tattoo on her right foot that says "Faye" (name of her grandmother that raised her) with a halo on top, two stars on her left arm, she has her navel pierced.  piercePIERCE, Mary Tennis player has tattoo on upper left side of her back PICSpiercePIERCE, Paul NBA player has large tattoo on his back "The Chosen One" PICSpinkPINK Singer has shooting star and angel on back of left shoulder, "what goes around comes around" on right wrist "tru luv" a little higher up, tattoos on upper left thigh "Mr. Pink", oriental style dragon, cartoon cat lower stomach & barcode from album Missundaztood just below hairline at back of neck, frog on left foot, kanji for luck/happiness on right ankle, infinity sign on her hip, red star on hand, dad and brother's army dog tags on left foot, portrait of her dog Elvis, several others... PICSpiperPIPER, Billie British actress has a tattoo that says Mr FOX 31 - 12 - 07 (her wedding date) on the inside of her left forearm (wich she now calls "VULGAR"), a small star shaped tattoo on the inside of her right wrist PICSpippinPIPPIN, Scottie Basketball superstar has small tattoos on biceps and legs PICSbrad_pittPITT, Brad Actor has a tattoo of a piece of Arabic script on his lower back left side, several lines on his lower back right side, a small line of text "Absurdites de l' existence" & the outline of  Oetzi / Ötzi, the Iceman on the underside of his left forearm, under this he has a line of words in French translates to "life is absurd", he has Angelina Jolie's birthday 06/4/75 written in Khmer on his lower stomach & fake tattoos for the movies Ocean's Eleven & Snatch PICSpittPITT, Michael Actor has tattoo of black panther and the word "NOEL" on his lower stomach PICSpodP.O.D. Payable on Death band members all have tattoos  PointerPOINTER, Anita Singer has a flower tattooed in an intimate location PICSpoloPOLO, Teri Actress has a large tribal style lower back tattoo, crescent moon & star on back of left ankle, symbol on left breast PICSpontiusPONTIUS, Chris Actor & Jackass crew member has both shoulders tattooed PICSportnoyPORTNOY, Mike Heavy Metal musician has an amazing assortment of tattoos, his children's footprints on his back, an AA sobriety coin on his hand, tributes to the bands that influenced him, his kids artwork and many more... PICSpotentePOTENTE, Franka German actress has large tribal design tattooed around her belly button, a dragon on right shoulder PICSpottsPOTTS, Sarah-Jane Actress has kanji tattoo on her left bicep, a tattoo on the small of her back, others... PICSpowterPOWTER, Susan Fitness expert has large tribal style design on her upper left chest, small figure over her belly button, others? PICSpresslyPRESSLY, Jaime Actress has a tattoo on her lower back, a symbol representing her horoscope sign LEO PICSfrancisPRICE-FRANCIS Amy Canadian actress has small animal shaped tattoo on the back of her right shoulder blade PICSjordan-pricePRICE, Katie Supermodel has pink bow tattoo on her lower back, another pink bow and ribbon with two small hearts on the top of her right foot, a crown and word PRINCESS (for her daughter) on the underside of her left wrist, hearts for her two boys and husband on her right wrist, several others PICSprice-lindsay-lindsaydukonePRICE, Lindsay Actress has  star tattoo on the inside of her right wrist PICSprincebernardPRINCE BERNARD (Netherlands) A Staff of Asclepius tattoo on his lower left arm (a single serpent encircling a staff). He got this after he almost died from acute laryngitis when he was young.  Prince CharlesPRINCE CHARLES
(England) Rumoured to have a tattoo acquired while in the Navy PICSprincefrederikPRINCE FREDERIK
(Denmark) This royal has the word "Pingo" (nickname) upper left arm, a shark on lower right leg for service in Danish elite forces  waldemarPRINCE WALDEMAR (Denmark) (1858-1939) Unknown tattoo in unknown location PICprincerudolphPRINCE RUDOLPH
(Austro-Hungary) Crown Prince of Austria ( 1858-1889) had a protective ISIS snake tattoo PICSprincessmonacoPRINCESS STEPHANIE
(Monaco) She has many tattoos, flowers, dolphins, chain, A DANIEL POUR LA VIE...  padukonePRINCE of WALES
(England) A tattoo of a Jerusalem Cross PICSprinze_jrPRINZE Jr, Freddie Actor has dragon tattoo on his left shoulder  puckettPUCKETT, Kirby Baseball player has the word "Kirby" on arm PICSpuffdaddyPUFF DADDY (P. DIDDY) Musician, producer, clothing designer has both upper arms tattooed, BAD BOY, a cross with writing under, chest has tattoo, several others PICSpugetPUGET, Jade AFI guitarist has at least 6 tattoos, including roses and the word COMMITTED on his stomach PICSpulverPULVER, Jens UFC Lightweight Champ has a tribal band - sun on left arm, several others PICSpurcellPURCELL, Dominic Actor has his 4 children's birthdates tattooed on his left forearm Joseph (08.12.99), Audrey (01.30.01) and twins Lily-Rose and Augustus (07.07.03), one around his right wrist that says "family is life" several others QLAST NAME, First name Celebrity Type, Tattoo Description, Location PICSqueen_latifaQUEEN LATIFA Rapper, model, actress has a small tattoo in the middle of her back  OLGAQUEEN OLGA (Greece) (1851-1926) Tattooed in unknown location  VictoriaQUEEN VICTORIA
(England) (1819-1901) Tattooed in unknown intimate location PICSQuintoQUINTO, Zachary American actor has a small 3 armed swirl like design on his left shoulder PICSquiversQUIVERS, Robin Actress and Howard Stern regular has a Kanji symbol tattooed on her right breast to Celebrity Tattoos - R


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