Michelle Renee
Michelle Renee has been writing and researching topics of all genres for many years, specializing in marketing, talent management and promotion. She is also professional in the food/beverage, restaurant/catering and nightclub industries. Her interests in body modification led Renee to participate in a tattoo and body-piercing apprenticeship in 2004.
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By Michelle Renee, eHow Contributor
Many tattoo enthusiasts and supporters of cancer research and prevention are acquiring tattoos featuring cancer ribbons. These tattoos can represent efforts to raise awareness of cancer issues, or commemorate loved ones who are fighting—or have lost—the battle against various forms of cancer. No matter what message you would like to present in your body art, custom cancer ribbon tattoo ideas can express your support and inspire others.
Self Dedication Ribbons
Many courageous individuals who have defeated cancer and are in remission or are struggling to overcome the disease choose to display a cancer ribbon dedicated to their battle. Ribbon designs in various sizes are available at most tattoo parlors and can be custom-altered to have colors that represent specific forms of cancer. Incorporate inspirational messages that relate to your personal experience, such as, "Believe, Fight, Win" or "Survivor."
"Rest in Peace" Tattoos
Sadly, thousands of people have lost or will lose loved ones to cancer. Honor your loved ones by getting a tattoo dedicated to their memory that may also raise cancer awareness by displaying a ribbon. One popular idea for memorial tattoos is to design a portrait tattoo based on a photo of a lost loved one and incorporate a cancer ribbon into the design. Simpler cancer ribbon tattoos often include a small ribbon with the name of your loved one and dates that correspond to her life. The phrases "Rest in Peace" and "In Memory of" are typical text inclusions in tattoo designs of this nature.
Incorporate Images
When you'd like to subtly display your message rather than make the focal point your cancer ribbon itself, you can incorporate a small ribbon as a part of a bigger piece of artwork, or have the tattoo designed as a ribbon wrapped around a decorative object. Hearts with ribbons wrapped around them are popular for cancer awareness tattoos, as are birds and butterflies carrying ribbons.
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