"Information resources on swine in biomedical research "

"Information resources on swine in biomedical research "

Information Resources on Swine in Biomedical Research

The staff of AWIC would like to acknowledge the contributions of M. Michael Swindle, D.V.M. Director of the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources and Professor and Chair of the Department of Comparative Medicine, at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Swindle's expertise in swine anesthesia and surgery is world renowned. He is the recipient of the distinguished Smithy Research Award from the American Heart Association and the VonRecum Award from the Academy of Surgical Research. He has published and lectured extensively on swine anatomy, anesthesia, analgesia and surgical techniques. His sharing of resources and expert review of this project is greatly appreciated.

We would also like to thank the editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science for permission to load the previously published article Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig authored by M. M. Swindle, D.V.M. and A. C. Smith, D.V.M., to this online resource.

Special thanks to Barbara Buchanan for editing and loading the final documents.

Swine have increasingly become utilized as biomedical research models in the last two decades. This increased use as an animal model is not only a result of regulatory pressure on other large animal species, but also because swine are recognized as a suitable animal model for human disease based upon their comparative anatomy and physiology. Swine are used as general surgical models of most organs and systems, for cardiovascular research including atherosclerosis, for digestive system models, and in recent years in transplantation and xenografic research.

They are being explored as models in many other systems because of the widespread availability of both domestic and miniature breeds. Hand-in-hand with this increase in the number of swine in research, have come technical developments in surgery, anesthesia, husbandry and handling techniques. These technical advancements have made it easier to use this species in research and have also improved the humane care and use of swine by research institutions worldwide.

This resource was developed to provide investigators, laboratory animal veterinarians, technicians, and others, using swine for biomedical purposes with access to baseline literature on common models and procedures. As the resources available on laboratory swine continues to expand, investigators are encouraged to review multiple publications and to find information that supports their particular research needs.

This document is divided into three major sections: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig; Bibliography; and Web Resources on Swine.

Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig

This article provides information on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the porcine cardiovascular, digestive, dermal and urinary system. Differences between farm and miniature breeds are discussed. Comparisons and similarities between swine and human anatomy and physiology are also reviewed. The article is followed by a list of reference citations.


The bibliographic section of this document is divided into 29 subsections. Subsections range in topic from anatomy, anesthesia, surgical procedures, body systems, common biomedical models, and husbandry of laboratory swine. Citations in each subsection were compiled from a variety of medical, agricultural, and biological databases and other resources.

Citations were also generously contributed from the personal files of laboratory swine expert, M. Michael Swindle; D.V.M. Citations include NAL call numbers for sources available at the National Agricultural Library (NAL). Information on how to request materials that are included in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) may be found on the the Request Library Materials page at http://www.nal.usda.gov/borrow-materials.

Web Resources on Swine

This section contains links to World Wide Web resources organized into eleven different categories: Articles, Pamphlets, and Handbooks; Bibliographies; Books; Courses/Learning Modules/Techniques; General Swine Sites; Genetics and Breeding; Journals; Proceedings; Literature Databases; Model Research; and Organizations. Emphasis was placed on information that would be helpful to researchers, laboratory animal veterinarians, and technicians. Web addresses were current as of August 1, 2000.

To: Top of Document | Acknowledgements | Introduction | How to Use This Document | Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig
Bibliography | Web Resources on Swine

Abstract | Introduction | Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems | Digestive System | Urogenital System
Musculoskeletal System | Integumentary and Lymphatic Systems | Central Nervous and Ophthalmic Systems
Discussion | References


Swine, Sus scrofa domestics, are widely used in research and testing. Most of the animals are small domestic farm breeds, but miniature swine such as the Yucatan, Hanford and Gottingen are widely used for chronic studies where the significant growth of the domestic breeds would be an issue. They share anatomic and physiologic characteristics with humans that make them a unique and viable model for biomedical research. The cardiovascular anatomy, physiology and response to atherogenic diets have made them a universally standard model for the study of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and general cardiovascular studies. Their gastrointestinal anatomy has some significant differences from that of humans, however, the physiology of their digestive processes has made them a valuable model for digestive diseases. The urinary system of swine is similar to humans in many ways, especially in the anatomy and function of the kidneys. Swine are also a standard model for skin and plastic surgical procedures and have been developed as models of transdermal toxicity. The anatomy and physiology of organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidney and heart have also made this species the primary species of interest as organ donors for xenografic procedures. This manuscript reviews the anatomy and physiology of swine as it relates to biomedical research.


Swine have been used extensively in biomedical research and the most relevant models have been reviewed in a series of technical proceedings and books in the last two decades (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1992; Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996).

All swine commonly used in research and testing are Sus scrofa domestics, whether they are farm or miniature breeds. The main difference between breeds is size at sexual maturity. Domestic breeds typically reach 100 kg by 4 months of age and miniature breeds typically range from 25-50 kg at the same age. The predominant breeds of miniature swine used in research are the Yucatan, Hanford, Göttingen and Sinclair Hormel, although dozens of other breeds have been utilized in the scientific literature (Swindle et al, 1994).

The predominant porcine systems studied in biomedical research are cardiovascular, digestive, dermal and urinary. However, a smaller number of models have utilized other systems. This manuscript reviews the relevant anatomy and physiology of the pig as it applies to biomedical research. The discussion is organized by systems with the glandular and endocrine structures discussed with the anatomically associated organs.

Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems

The heart of the pig is anatomically similar to humans with a notable exception being the presence of the left azygous (hemiazygous) vein, which drains the intercostal system into the coronary sinus (Swindle et al, 1986). The coronary system is similar to 90% of the human population in anatomy and function. There are no preexisting collateral vessels in the myocardium (Bloor et al, 1992). The heart of a 40-50 kg miniature pig is approximately the same size as an adult human heart. The heart is approximately 0.5% of the body weight at sexual maturity in miniature swine, however, the heart decreases as a percentage of body weight in domestic swine as the animal grows and is approximately 0.3% at the same age as the miniature swine. Differences in heart weight between species of miniature swine have been noted with the Yucatan having a significantly larger heart than the Hanford at the same age (Smith et al, 1990; Swindle et al, 1988). The blood supply to the conduction system is from the posterior septal artery and thus is predominantly right side dominant like the human (Gardner & Johnson, 1988). There are large numbers of adrenergi cholinergic fibers in the AV node and right and left bundle branches. However, nerve cells are sparse in the fibers. The endocardium and epicardium are activated simultaneously because of differences in the distribution of the conduction system. The Purkinje system has large subendocardial fibers. These characteristics give the pig a more neuromyogenic conduction system than the human. However, other species used in cardiac electrophysiology also have anatomic and functional differences in the conduction system from humans as well. Conduction system rates decrease as the animal matures, but in general are more rapid than for humans of equivalent maturity (Gardner & Johnson, 1988); (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986).

The aorta of swine contains a vaso vasorum like humans. It also has a comparable histologic anatomy. However, blood vessels and the atria in swine tend to be more friable than other species, especially in neonates. The blood vessels are also more prone to vasospasm during manipulation. The external jugular vein and sheath are at approximately the same depth as the ventral surface of the cervical vertebrae. The jugular furrow may be visualized running from the ramus of the mandible to the point of the shoulder by pulling the forelimb caudally while the pig is in dorsal recumbency. Many of the peripheral blood vessels are located relatively deep in the tissues compared to other species, however, vascular access may be readily obtained with standard sized needles from the cephalic, external and internal jugular, auricular, anterior abdominal, saphenous and femoral veins with practice. All of these vessels as well as internal abdominal and thoracic vessels may be chronically catheterized surgically (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998; Swindle et al, 1986; Swindle et al, 1988).

Hemodynamically, swine have been demonstrated to be similar in cardiac function to humans. There are variations between breed and age of swine that need to be taken into consideration. For instance, the Yucatan micropig has a significantly higher pulmonary vascular resistance at the same age as the Yucatan and Hanford miniature breeds. The Hanford has a higher systolic blood pressure than either Yucatan under equivalent conditions. When reproducing studies between laboratories, caution should be taken in comparing hemodynamics between different breeds. Animals should be age and weight matched (Smith et al, 1990; Swindle, 1998). The development of atherosclerosis occurs both spontaneously and by experimental induction in swine feed an atherogenetic diet. The metabolism of lipoproteins is similar to humans. Endothelial damage with balloon catheters can be utilized to localize the site of development of the atherosclerotic plaque, however, the distribution of the atherosclerotic plaques will be similar to humans if allowed to develop spontaneously over time. The histology and pathogenesis of the plaques appears to be similar to humans as well (Gal & Isner, 1992; White et al, 1992) .

Swine do have congenital cardiovascular anomalies including ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect, patent foramen ovale, patent ductus arteriosus and tricuspid dysplasia. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also has a spontaneous occurrence i n some breeds of domestic and miniature swine (Swindle et al, 1992). The model of VSD has been developed as a genetically reproducible model which has been shown to be analogous to human infants with VSD and failure to thrive syndrome. It consistently develops the various morphologies of high membranous defects and may be useful for the study of interventional closure of the defects. Congenital shunts may also be created by use of angioplasty balloon techniques. If shunts are reopened in neonates with balloon catheters they will remain open and develop volume overload hypertrophy. They also develop pressure overload hypertrophy following banding of the great vessels of the heart like other species (Swindle, 1998).

Most of the cardiovascular models in swine (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1998) are related to testing of interventional catheter devices (Gal & Isner, 1992; Swindle, 1998), atherosclerosis White et al, 1992), myocardial infarction (Bloor et al, 1992; (Gardner & Johnson, 1988), coronary blood flow (Bloor et al, 1992; (Gardner & Johnson, 1988), intracardiac electrophysiology (Brownlee et al; (Smith et al, 1997) and cardiovascular surgery (Swindle, 1998; Swindle et al, 1986), predominantly with the implantation of biomechanical devices (Gal & Isner, 1992; Mehran et al, 1991).

The characteristics that have led to the use of swine over other species for these models are related to the anatomic and physiologic characteristics described above. The porcine model develops an infarction pattern like the human and develops arrhythmogenic activity with reperfusion. The canine model of infarction already has an existing collateral blood supply, but may represent the portion of the human population which has slowly developed collateral circulation due to gradual occlusion of a coronary artery. Gradual occlusion may be created in swine by causing endothelial damage with an angioplasty balloon and feeding an atherogenic diet of 2% cholesterol. The pattern of infarction and healing of the myocardium is almost identical to humans (Bloor et al, 1992; (Gal & Isner, 1992; (Gardner & Johnson, 1988); (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1998; White et al, 1992).

Likewise, the wound healing characteristics in the cardiovascular system mimic these in man following implantation of some devices, such as intracoronary stents. Unlike other models they develop coronary restenosis syndrome (Swindle, 1998; White et al, 1992). For intravascular healing, investigators may be required to use multiple models since no single species is exactly analogous to humans. The pig has the advantages of predictable size and platelet function, unlike the dog. Even the primate models are not exactly analogous. Wound healing in the myocardium has typically used swine, dogs and sheep. The myocardial wound healing characteristics of swine are more analogous to humans than sheep models since ruminants healing is characterized by the formation of collagenous scars (Mehran et al, 1991); National Institutes of Health, 1985; Von Recum, 1986).

The lungs are composed of apical, middle and diaphragmatic lobes with an additional accessory lobe for the right lung. The interlobular fissures are incomplete. The larynx is prominent with a large vestibule and lateral and middle ventricles that create a caudal narrowing of the structure. The trachea courses from approximately C3-4 into the thorax. The apical lobe of the right lung has a bronchus that stems from the trachea cranial to the tracheal bifurcation which supplies the other lobes of the lung. The bronchial tree divisions are typical of other species (Swindle, 1998). Functional studies of the airway, including neurochemical anatomy and smooth muscle function, make them useful in models of acute respiratory distress syndrome and asthma. The neonatal development of the lungs and airways is useful for extrapolation to humans (Brown & Terris, 1996). The thyroid gland is located on the ventral surface of the trachea at the thoracic inlet rather than near the larynx. The thymus gl and is located in the cranial thorax and neck coursing along the trachea. The paired parathyroid glands are located near the cranial thymus rather than the thyroid (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998).

Digestive System

The digestive system of swine has anatomic differences from humans fig. 2, fig. 3, fig. 4, however, the physiology of digestion remains similar to humans. Swine are true omnivores.

The dental formula for swine is 2(I 3/3, C 1/1, P 4/4)=32 for deciduous teeth. For permanent teeth it is 2(I 3/3, C 1/1, P 4/4, M 3/3)=44. A full set of permanent teeth is usually present by 18 months of age (Swindle, 1998).

The salivary glands of the pig are large and consist of paired parotid, mandibular and sublingual glands. The parotid duct enters the oral cavity opposite the juncture of the premolars and molars. The mandibular and sublingual glandular ducts enter t he floor of the mouth near the frenulum. Buccal glands are located opposite the cheek teeth. The parotid gland is serous, the sublingual glands are mucous and the rest are mixed for glandular secretions. The tonsils are embedded in the oropharynx (Schantz et al, 1996).

There is a pharyngeal diverticulum dorsal to the larynx in the caudal portion of the nasopharynx. The muscular layers of the esophagus are mainly composed of smooth muscle until its termination cranial to the esophageal sphincter when it becomes partially striated muscle. The stomach is typical of monogastric animals with the exception of the torus pyloricus, which is a muscular outpouching near the pyloric sphincter. The small intestine is long and located mainly in the right side of the abdomen. The mesenteric vessels form a vascular arcade in the subserosa rather than in the mesentery as in other species. Mesenteric lymph nodes are prominent. The majority of the large intestine is located in the spiral colon in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. it consists of the cecum, ascending, transverse and a portion of the descending colon coiled tightly into a series of centripetal and centrifugal coils. The outer coil contains two tenia. The descending colon passes caudally along the left abdominal wall to the rectum and anal sphincter. Neither a true sigmoid flexure nor an appendix are present. The pigs intestinal length is approximately 30 times its body length (Schantz et al, 1996).

The liver contains six lobes and a gall bladder. The lobules of the liver are separated by fibrous septae. The common bile duct enters the duodenum separately from the pancreatic duct caudal to the pylorus. The pancreas is extensive and the tail follows the lesser curvature of the stomach from the spleen to the proximal duodenum. The body encircles the superior mesenteric vein and extends dorsally to the left kidney. The pancreatic ducts in the tail and body join at the juncture of the two lobes to enter the duodenum distal from the bile duct. The islet cells are relatively indistinct histologically. Functionally, both the liver and pancreas are similar to humans (Mullen et al, 1992; Pennington & Sarr, 1988; (Schantz et al, 1996).

In spite of the anatomic differences, the pig has been used extensively as a gastrointestinal model. Most of the classical models involving the digestive system have been related to nutritional studies to study digestion of the pig and for studying human digestive phenomena. They will readily ingest such test substances as alcohol in its various forms. The metabolic functions, intestinal transport times, and characteristics of absorbtion of nutrients have made them useful in basic nutritional research. Other specific functional characteristics of swine that relate directly to humans include ion transport and motility, neonatal development of the gastrointestinal tract and splancnic blood flow characteristics. Development of host defenses and endotoxi c shock studies have made them useful as biomedical models in these areas. Like the human, these physiologic characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract are probably due to the omnivorous diet that they consume, unlike that of carnivores, ruminants, rabbits and rodents (Brown & Terris, 1996; Reeds & Odle, 1996; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996).

More recently endoscopic and laparoscopic surgical models have been developed and used extensively in the pig. The size and function of structures such as the biliary system and pancreatic duct make them amenable for studying human sized equipment an d biomaterial implants. Surgical modifications have made the intestinal tract amenable to the study of surgical and chronic fistulation procedures ( Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988).

Swine have a similar cytochrome P450 system to humans except for the absence of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 (Skaanild & Friis, 1997). However, metabolically the liver functions similar to humans and has been used for xenoperfusion protocols for humans in hepatic comas (Collins et al, 1994; Swindle, 1998).

Urogenital System

The female reproductive system has a bicornuate uterus with torturous fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes of an adult female are the same diameter as those of humans, however they are much longer. The sow has an estrous cycle of 2021 days rather tha n a menstrual cycle. Domestic farm breeds have larger litters, usually of 8-12 pigs, than miniature pigs which typically have litters of 4-6. The numbers are variable depending upon the breed and the parity of the sow. The gestation period of 112-114 days allows sows to have up to three litters per year. Uterine placentation is diffuse epitheliochorial. There are typically 12-14 paired mammary glands on the ventral abdomen (Swindle, 1998; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996).

The sow has been used in studies of fetal surgery to create models that mimic the human situation. Even though the placentation is unlike humans, the physiologic characteristics of transplacental transfer of antiarrhythmics has been shown to be more similar to the human situation than the traditional ewe model. This transplacental transfer of therapeutic agents may make the sow a predictable model of teratogenicity and efficacy of pharmaceutic agents (Wiest et al, 1996).

The male reproductive system has the same structures as humans, however, the accessory sex glands which predominate are different. The scrotum and testicles are located in the perineal region. The penis is fibromuscular with a sigmoid flexure on the ventral abdomen. The penis has a corkscrew shaped tip. The prepuce is located caudal to the umbilicus and has a preputial diverticulum which contains foul smelling urine and secretory material. The accessory sex glands are: vesicular glands, prostate gland, and bulbo urethral glands. The, vesicular glands are prominent and located at the neck of the bladder. The prostate and bulbourethral glands are relatively small. The shape of the penis and the preputial diverticulum make it impossible to catheterize a male pig through the penile opening. Catheterization has to be performed in the perineal urethra percutaneously (Swindle, 1983); Swindle, 1998).

The kidneys of the pig are more like humans in anatomy and function than most other species of animals. The left kidney is cranial to the right and both are located ventrally to the transverse processes of LI-4. The adrenal glands are located near the cranial poles of both kidneys and the right gland is intimately associated with the wall of the postcava. The kidneys are multirenculate and multipapillate like humans. The blood supply to the kidney divides transversely between the cranial and caudal poles rather than longitudinally like most species (Brown & Terris, 1996), Pennington, 1992; Sachs, 1992; Terris, 1986).

The bladder is thin walled, but functionally is similar to other species. The innervation is derived from S2-4. The pelvic urethra courses along the ventral floor of the pelvis. The female urethra opens on the ventral floor of the vagina about 1/3 of the distance to the cervix. The male urethra courses through the penis as described above (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988).

Swine have been used in studies of developmental and pediatric urology because of the unique anatomy of the kidneys which allows them to develop vesicoureteral and intrarenal reflux (Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Terris, 1986). The kidney has also been used extensively in transplantation biology, including xenografic studies (Institute of Medicine, 1996; Pennington, 1992; Sachs, 1992; Swindle, 1998).

The anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the porcine kidney may make it useful for the study of pharmacologic agents since the anatomy of the kidney is more similar to humans than even primates. Swine can be utilized in studies of renal hypertension and can be developed as a model of intact renal DOCA salt induced hypertension or as surgical ablation models of renin induced hypertension (Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Terris, 1986).

Musculoskeletal System

The skeletal system of the pig is massive with relatively thick cortical bone. This is consistent with the support of a rapidly growing animal with a relatively small stature. The Vertebral formula for swine is C7, T14-15, L6-7, S4, Cy2O-23. There ar e 7 sternal and 7 asternal ribs. If a 15th rib is present, it is floating. The principle digits of the pig are III and IV. Digits 11 and V are vestigial and form the dewclaws. Swine are considered to be ungulent or hooved animals. The long bone epiphyses close by 3-4 years in domestic farm breeds and generally 1-2 years earlier in the miniature breeds (Adams, 1988; Donovan et al, 1993; Swindle, 1998).

The muscles of the pig tend to be massive which is consistent with its primary use as a food source. The muscles have a predominance of Type IIB fibers with lesser numbers of Types IIA and IIC. The quadriped locomotion of swine is different from humans and the muscles reflect this characteristic in their morphology like other quadrupeds (Adams, 1988).

Because of the massive nature of the musculoskeletal system and the quadriped locomotion characteristics, swine have rarely been used in studies of these systems. Recently, there has been increased interest in the model for temporomandibular joint studies as well as bone healing and grafting techniques (Adams, 1988; Bermejo et al, 1993; Donovan et al, 1993; Swindle, 1998).

Integumentary and Lymphatic Systems

Swine are relatively hairless animals with a fixed skin tightly attached to the subcutaneous tissues like humans. Overall, the skin is thicker and less vascular than humans, however, the cutaneous blood supply characteristics are similar. Apocrine sweat glands are absent. Fat cells may be located in the dermis. As the animal grows a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat is deposited. The skin tends to be thicker on the neck and dorsum of the animal (Bolton et al, 1988; Chvapil & Chvapil, 1992; Kerrigan et al, 1986; Montiero-Riviere & Riviere, 1996).

The lymph nodes of the pig have a unique histologic structure. The typical cortex and medulla are reversed with the germinal centers being located in the interior of the gland (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998).

The anatomy and physiology of the cutaneous blood supply and the wound healing characteristics have made the pig a standard model for plastic surgical and wound healing studies (Kerrigan et al, 1986; Mertz et al, 1986). Recently interest has developed in the pig as a model of dermal and transdermal toxicology Montiero-Riviere, 1986); Montiero-Riviere & Riviere, 1996; Riviere et al, 1986). Besides the anatomic similarities swine are equivalent to primates for percutaneous absorbtion studies and have similar lipid biophysical properties, epidermal turnover kinetics and carbohydrate metabolism in the skin Montiero-Riviere & Riviere, 1996).

Central Nervous and Ophthalmic Systems

The brain is encased in a cranial vault formed by the massive cranial bones. The brain is relatively large with structures typical of those of other species. The spinal cord terminates at S2-3 with the origin of the cauda equina. The anatomy of the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord is similar to humans. A stereotactic atlas of the pig brain has been published (Stodkilde-Jorgensen, 1986; Swindle, 1998).

The eye contains a nictitating membrane, Bowman's membrane and Descemet's membrane. Draining for the lacrimal glands is by either one or two puncta in the conjunctiva. The nictitating membrane contains a Harder's gland. The globe is relatively deep i n the orbit with seven extraocular muscles. The eye has an open field of vision with a pupil and retina that resembles humans. The tapetum is absent (Adams, 1988).

Relatively little work has been performed to study the function of the central nervous system in this species. Because of the massive bone structure, surgical access to the brain and spinal cord is difficult. However, the brain development of swine a nd the similar topical, histologic and vascular anatomy make them useful as general mammalian models. Hypophysectomy and cannulation techniques have been described (Swindle, 1998).


This review of the anatomy of the pig details the unique characteristics that differentiate it from other species. It also describes characteristics that are significant when using the animal as a biomedical model for humans. More detailed descriptio ns of the anatomy are available (Getty, 1975; Gilbert, 1966; Leman et al, 1992; Poppesko, 1977; Sack, 1982).

The anatomic and physiologic characteristics of swine have made them a valuable animal model of human diseases as well as a model for general mammalian physiology. The systems that are most often studied experimentally are the cardiovascular, digestive, integumentary and urinary ((Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1992; Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996). Interest in the development of models using other systems is rapidly increasing because of the decreased availability and rising costs of other species such as nonhuman primates and dogs. It is likely that comparative descriptions of other systems will appear increasingly in the literature. The interest in swine as xenografic transplant donors is also likely to increase their characterization physiologically and at the molecular level (Institute of Medicine, 1996; Swindle, 1998).

Swine can not replace all other large animal models in biomedical research, however, they are at least as similar to humans for many types of studies which use species such as ruminants and dogs. Consequently, they can be selected as a general mammalian model unless other models have been shown to develop unique physiologic responses to experimental manipulations.


Adams, RW: Musculoskeletal system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, pp. 10-41, 1988.

Adams, RJ: Opthalmic system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, pp. 125-153, 1988.

Bermejo, A, 0 Gonzalez & JM Gonzalez: The pig as an animal model for experimentation on the temporomandibular articular complex. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path 75(l): 1823, 1993.

Bharati, S, M Levine, K Shoei, S Huang, B Handler, GVS Parr, R Bauernfeind & M Lev: The conduction system of the swine heart. Chest 100(l): 207-212, 1991.

Bloor, CM, FC White & DM Roth: The pig as a model of myocardial ischemia and gradual coronary artery occlusion. In Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 163-175, 1992.

Bolton, LL, E Pines & DT Rovee: Wound healing and integumentary system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease, pp. 1-9, 1988.

Brown, DR & JM Terris: Swine in physiological and pathophysiological research. In: Tumbleson, ME and Schook, LB (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 5-6, 1996.

Brownlee, RR, MM Swindle, R Bertolet & P Neff: Toward optimizing a preshaped catheter and system parameters to achieve single lead DDD pacing. PACE.

Chvapil, M & TA Chvapil: Wound healing models in the miniature Yucatan pig. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 265-288, 1992.

Collins, BH, RS Chari, JC Maggee, RC Harland, BJ Lindman, JS Logan, RR Bollinger, WC Meyers & JL Platt: Mechanisms of injury in porcine livers perfused with blood of patients with fulminant hepatic failure, Transplantation 58(11): 1162-1171, 1994.

Donovan, MG, NC Dickerson, JW Hellstein & LJ Hanson: Autologous calvarial and iliac onlay bone grafts in miniature swine. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 51: 898-903, 1993.

Gal, D & JM Isner: Atherosclerotic Yucatan microswine as a model for novel cardiovascular interventions and imaging. In Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 118-140, 1992.

Gardner TJ & DL Johnson: Cardiovascular system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease, pp. 74-124, 1988.

Getty, R (ed.): Sisson and Grossman's The anatomy of the domestic animals porcine, Vol. 2, Philadelphia, PA. W.B. Saunders, 1975.

Gilbert, SG: Pictoral Anatomy of the Fetal Pig, 2nd ed. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1966.

Institute of Medicine: Xenotransplantation: Swine, Ethics & Public Policy, Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1996.

Kerrigan, CL, RG Zelt, JG Thomson & E Diano: The pig as an experimental animal in plastic surgery research for the study of skin flaps, myocutaneous flaps and fasciocutaneous flaps. Lab Anim Sci, 36(4): 408-412, 1986.

Leman, AD, BE Straw, WL Mengeling, S D'Allaire & DJ Taylor: Diseases of Swine, 7th ed. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1992.

Mehran, RJ, MA Ricci, AM Graham, K Carter & JF Smyes: Porcine model for vascular graft studies. J Invest Surg 4(l): 37-44, 1991.

Mertz, PM, PA Hebda & WH Eaglstein: A porcine model for evaluation of epidermal wound healing. In: Tumbleson, ME (ed.), Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, pp. 291-302, 1986.

Montiero-Riviere, NA & J Riviere: The pig as a model for cutaneous pharmacology and toxicology research. In: Tumbleson, ME and Schook, LB (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 2, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 425-458, 1996.

Monteiro-Riviere, NA: Ultrastructural evaluation of the porcine integument. In: Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, Tumbleson, ME (ed.). NY. Plenum Press, pp. 641-655, 1986.

Mullen, Y, Y Taura, M Nagata, K Miyazawa & E Stein: Swine as a model for pancreatic betacell transplantation. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 1634, 1992.

National Institutes of Health: Guidelines for blood-material interactions. Report of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Working Group. Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, NIH Publication 85-2185, 1985.

Pennington, L & MG Sarr: Liver transplantation. In: Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease. Swindle, MM, RJ Adams, (eds.) Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins. 294-295, 1988.

Pennington, LR: Renal transplantation in swine. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 35-43, 1992.

Poppesko, P: Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Vol. 1, (2nd ed.) Philadelphia: W B Saunders Company, 1977.

Reeds, P & J Odle: Pigs as models for nutrient functional interaction. In: Tumbleson, ME and Schook LB (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 2, NY: Plenum Publishers, pp. 709-711, 1996.

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Bibliography | Web Resources on Swine


  |   Anesthesia  |  Atherosclerosis  |  Cardiopulmonary Bypass  |  Cardiovascular 
 Central Nervous System  |  Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery  |  Fetal  |  Gastrointestinal 
 General  |  Head and Neck  |  Hemodynamics, Cardiovascular Catheterization and Electrophysiology 
 Husbandry  |  Immunology  |  Kidney and Urology  |  Liver  |  Malignant Hyperthermia  |  Musculoskeletal 
 Obstetrics and Gynecology  |  Ophthalmology  |  Pancreas  |  Pediatrics and Neonatal  |  Physiology  |  Pulmonary 
 Reproductive  |  Skin and Wound Healing  |  Surgery  |  Transplantation  |  Xenografic Transplant


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NAL call number: RB125.C68 1985

Schantz, L.D., K. Laber-Laird, S. Bingel, and M. Swindle (1996). Pigs: Applied anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract. In: Essentials of Experimental Surgery: Gastroenterology, S.L. Jensen and H. Gregersen (eds.), NY: Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 2611-2619, ISBN:3-7186-5496-2.

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NAL call number: RD29.5.S94S944 1998

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NAL call number: 500 N484


Updated information - AWIC Special Reference Brief: Swine Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2000-2010 (PDF | 2.17MB)

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NAL call number: SF77 F54 1996

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NAL call number: 41.8 Z5

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NAL call number: 41.8 D482

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Gelman, S., E. Dillard, and E.L. Bradley (1987). Hepatic circulation during surgical stress and anesthesia with halothane, isoflurane, or fentanyl. Anesthesia and Analgesia 66(10): 936-943.

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NAL call number: 41.8 AC87

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NAL call number: 410.9 P94

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NAL call number: 410.9 P94

Hughes, J.M., J.C. Sill, M. Pettis, and D.K. Rorie (1993). Nitrous oxide constricts epicardial coronary arteries in pigs: evidence suggesting inhibitory effects on the endothelium. Anesthesia and Analgesia 77: 232-240.

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NAL call number: SF601 V535

Kamal, G.D., E.L. Dove, D.J. Tatman, and S. Puzhankara (1995). Estimating transient physiologic responses to rapid changes in inspired anesthetic agent concentration: A new approach using mathematical models. Anesthesiology 83(3A): A439

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NAL call number: SF405.5 A23

Ko, J.C., B.L. Williams, E.R. Rogers, L.S. Pablo, W.C. McCaine, and C.J. McGrath, (1995). Increasing xylazine dose-enhanced anesthetic properties of telazol-xylazine combination in swine. Laboratory Animal Science 45: 290-294.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94

Ko, J.C.H., B.L. Williams, V.L. Smith, C.J. McGrath, and J.D. Jacobson (1993). Comparison of Telazol, Telazol-Ketamine, Telazol-Xylazine and Telazol-Ketamine-Xylazine as chemical restraint and anesthetic induction combination in swine. Laboratory Animal Science 43(5): 476-480.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94

Koblin, D.D., R.B. Weiskopf, M.A. Holmes, K. Konopka, I.J. Rampil, E.I. Eger, L. Waskell. (1989). Metabolism of I-653 and isoflurane in swine. Anesthesia and Analgesia 68(2): 147-149.

Kohn, D.H., S.K. Wixson, W.J. White, and G.J. Benson (1997). Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, Academic Press, New York, NY 426p.
NAL call number: SF996.5 A54 1997

Kyle, O.C., S. Novak, and H. Bolooki (1979). General anesthesia in pigs. Laboratory Animal Science 29(1): 123-124.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94

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Nishimura, R., H. Kim, S. Matsunaga, K. Hayashi, H. Tamura, N. Sasaki, and A. Takeuchi (1993). Sedative effect induced by a combination of medetomidine and midazolam in pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 55: 717-722.
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Swindle, M.M., D.B. Wiest, A.C. Smith, S.S. Garner, C.C. Case, R.P. Thompson, D.A. Fyfe, and P.C. Gillette (1996). Fetal surgical protocols in Yucatan miniature swine. Laboratory Animal Science 46(1): 90-95.
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Cruzado, J.M., J. Torras, M. Riera, N. Lloberas (July 1998). Effect of a platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor antagonist on hyperacute xenograft rejection; evaluation in a pig kidney-human blood xenoperfusion model. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 113(1): 136-144.

Fiane, A.E., V. Videm, T.E. Mollnes, K. Hogasen, T. Hovig (1999). Inhibition of platelet aggregation by the GPIIb/IIIa antagonist Reopro does not significantly prolong xenograft survival in an ex vivo model. Transplant International 12(5): 323-333.

Fishman, J., D. Sachs, and R. Shaikh (1998). Xenotransplantation: scientific frontiers and public policy. New York, NY: New York Academy of Sciences, 251p.
NAL call number: 500 N484 v.862

Fuchimoto, Y., K. Yamada, A. Shimizu, A. Yasumoto, et al. (May 1999). Relationship between chimerism and tolerance in a kidney transplantation model. Journal of Immunology 162(10): 5704-5711.

Grinyo, J.M., J.M. Cruzado, and J. Torras (Feb-Mar 1999). Hyperacute rejection models: ex vivo xenoperfusion systems. Transplantation Proceedings 31(1-2): 970-971.

Gullotto, C., C. Daggett, W. Casey, J. Platt, and R. Davis (Oct. 1997). Physiologic considerations in swine-to-primate pulmonary xenotransplantation. Circulation 96(8 Suppl.): I565-I566.

Hammer, C. (1998). Physiological obstacles after xenotransplantation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 862: 19-27.
NAL call number: 500 N484

Institute of Medicine (1996). Xenotransplantation: Swine. Ethics and Public Policy, Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Kalter, S.S. and R.L. Heberling (1995). Xenotransplantation and infectious diseases. ILAR Journal 5(37): 31-37.

Kaufman, C.L., B.A. Gaines, and S.T. Ildstad (1995). Xenotransplantation. Annual Review of Immunology 13: 339-367.

Kerr, S.R., A.P. Dalmasso, E.V. Apasova, S.S. Chen, M. Kirschfink, and A.J. Matas (Feb. 1999). Mouse-to-rabbit xenotransplantation: A new small animal model of hyperacute rejection mediated by the classical complement pathway. Transplantation 67(3): 360-365.

Lin, S.S. and J.L. Platt (1996). Immunologic advances towards clinical xenotransplantation. In: Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, M.E. Tumbleson and L.B. Schook (eds.), Vol. 1, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 147-162.
NAL call number: RB125.A36 1996

Macchiarini, P., R. Oriol, A. Azimzadeh, V. De Montpreville, et al. (1999). Characterization of a pig-to-goat orthotopic lung xenotransplantation model to study beyond hyperacute rejection. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 118(5): 805-814.

Matthews, P.J. and G.W. Beran (1996). Assessment of public health aspects of porcine xenotransplantation. In: Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research , M.E. Tumbleson and L.B. Schook (eds.), Vol. 1, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 163-170.
NAL call number: RB125.A36 1996

Meyer, C., P. Wolf, N. Romain, C. Ravanat, et al. (Jan. 1999). Use of von Willebrand diseased kidney as donor in a pig-to-primate model of xenotransplantation. Transplantation 67(1): 38-45.

Michaels, M.G., J.P. McMichael, K. Bransky, S. Kalter, R.L. Peters, T.E. Starzl, R.L. Simmons. 1994. Screening donors for xenotransplantation: the potential for xeonozoonoses. Transplantation 57(10): 1462-1465.

Michaels, M.G., and R.L. Simmnons (1994). Xenotransplant-associated zoonoses: strategies for prevention. Transplantation 57(1): 1-7.

Munitiz, V., P. Ramirez, Q. Hernandez, M. Loba, et al. (1999). Hematologic and hepatic function profile comparison between pig and baboon in an orthotopic liver xenotransplantation model. Transplantation Proceedings 31(6): 2641-2642.

Nishida, S., T. Komokata, S. Ogata, A. Ikoma, et al. (1998). Small bowel rejection in isolated small bowel transplantation and in multivisceral transplantation: A comparative study in a large animal model. In Vivo 12(2): 259-266.

Norman, J.C., C.A. Saravis, M.E. Brown, and W.V. McDermott, Jr. (1966). Immunochemical observations in clinical heterologous (xenogeneic) liver perfusions. Surgery 60(1): 179-190.

Pinkert, C.A. (1994). Transgenic porcine livers reduce liberation of humoral mediators during xenoperfusion with human blood. Transplantation Proceedings 28(2): 772-774.

Prentice, E.D., I.J. Fox, R.S. Dixon, D.L. Antonson, and T.A. Lawson (1994). History, donor considerations and ethics of xenotransplantation. In: Research Animal Anesthesia, Analgesia and Surgery, A.C. Smith and M.M. Swindle (eds.), pp. 25-36.

Public Health Service. 1996 Draft Public Health Service Guideline on Infectious Disease Issues in Xenotransplantation. Federal Register 61(185): 49920-49932.

Pursel, V.G., M.B. Solomon, and R.J. Wall (1996). Genetic engineering of swine. In: Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, M.E. Tumbleson and L.B. Schook (eds.), Vol. 1, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 189-206.
NAL call number: RB125.A36 1996

Ramirez, P., R. Chavez, M. Majado, et al. (1999). Study of xenograft rejection in a model of liver xenotransplantation from unmodified pig to primate. Transplantation Proceedings 31(7): 2814-2817.

Robson, S.C., V.K. Young, N.S. Cook, R. Mettrernich, W. Kasper-Konig, B.A. Lesnikoski, R.N. Pierson III, W.W. Hancock, D. Candinas, D.J. White, and F.H. Bach (1996). Thrombin inhibitionin an ex vivo model of porcine heart xenograft hyperacute rejection. Transplantation 61(6): 862-8.

Song, Z., L. Wennberg, W. Bennet, B. Sundberg, C.G. Groth, and O. Korsgren (Feb-Mar 1999). FK 506 prevents islet xenograft rejection: a study in the pig-to-rat model. Transplantation Proceedings 31(1-2): 981.

Storck, M., D. Abendroth, R. Prestel, G. Pino-Chavez, J. Muller-Hoker, D.J. White, and C. Hammer (1997). Morphology of hDAF CD55 transgenic pig kidneys following ex-vivo hemoperfusion with human blood. Transplantation 63: 304-310.

Swindle, M.M. (1998). Considerations in xenografic and transgenic technologies. In: Surgery, Anesthesia and Experimental Techniques in Swine, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 283-290.
NAL call number: RD29.5.S94S944 1998

Swindle, M.M. (1998). Defining appropriate health status and management programs for specific-pathogen-free swine for xenotransplantation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 862: 111-120.
NAL call number: 500 N484

Swindle, M.M. (1996). Considerations of specific pathogen free swine (SPF) in xenotransplantation. Journal of Investigative Surgery 9(3): 267-271

Tector, A.J., J.A. Fridell, T. Watanabe, R.D. Forbes (Feb. 1998). Pulmonary injury in recipients of discordant hepatic and renal xenografts in the dog-to-pig model. Xenotransplantation 5(1): 44-49.

Terajima, H., Y. Shirakata, T. Yagi, S. Mashima, H. Shinohara, S. Satoh, Y. Arima, T. Gomi, T. Hirose, I. Ikai, T. Morimoto, T. Inamoto, and Y. Yamaoka (1996). Long-duration xenogeneic extracorporeal pig liver perfusion with human blood. Transplant International 9(Suppl.1): S388-391.

Terajima, H., Y. Shirakata, T. Yagi, S. Mashima, H. Shiohara, S. Satoh, Y. Arima, T. Gomi, T. Hirose, R. Takahashi, I. Ikai, T. Morimoto, T. Inamoto, M. Yamamoto, and Y. Yamaoka. (1997). Successful long-term xenoperfusion of the pig liver: continuous administration of prostaglandin E1 and insulin. Transplantation 63(4): 507-512.

Travis, D.L., A.W. Paulsen, and Y. Genyk (1996). Development of an in situ isolated porcine liver perfusion model for tightly controlled physiologic and pharmacologic studies. Journal of Investigative Surgery 9(2): 131-147.

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Wu, A., N.F. Esnaola, K. Yamada, et. al. (Feb-Mar. 1999). Xenogeneic thymic transplantation in a pig-to-nonhuman primate model. Transplantation Proceedings 31(1-2): 957.

Xu, H., S.R. Gundry, W.W. Hancock, G. Matsumiya, et al. (June 1998). Prolonged discordant xenograft survival and delayed xenograft rejection in a pig-to-baboon orthotopic cardiac xenograft model. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 115(6): 1342-1349.

Ye, Y., M. Niekrasz, R. Welsh, S. Kosanke, C. Maxwell, N. Zuhdi, and D.K. Cooper (1994). A practical study of zoonoses that could complicate pig-to-man organ transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 26(3): 1312.

Ye, Y., S. Niekrasz, R. Kosanke, R. Welsh, H.E. Jordon, F.C. Fox, W.C. Edwards, C. Maxwell, and D.K. Cooper (1994). The pig as a potential organ donor for man. Transplantation 57(5): 694-703.

Yeatman, M., C.W. Daggett, W. Parker, G.W. Byrne (April 1998). Complement-mediated pulmonary xenograft injury: studies in swine-to-primate orthotopic single lung transplant models. Transplantation 65(8): 1084-1093.

To: Top of Document | Acknowledgements | Introduction | How to Use This Document | Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig | Bibliography | Web Resources on Swine

Articles, Pamphlets and Handbooks

Is Outdoor Housing an Enriched Environment for Pigs?
   From the article Environmental Enrichment for Dairy Calves and Pigs by Julie Morrow-Tesch, Ph.D.

Recognition of Pain in Farm Animals
   Article by James E. Breazile, M.A., D.V.M., Ph.D. in the Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter Special Issue on Farm Animals in Research and Teaching.

Research Articles on Pigs
   A listing of articles compiled by Temple Grandin, Ph.D., expert in livestock handling and facility design.

Swine Care Handbook
   The purpose of this handbook is to provide pork producers with current information on swine care practices that are recommended for safe, humane, and efficient pork production. Subjects covered include: husbandry, handling, breeding, environmental management, facilities and equipment, feeding and nutrition, and herd health management. Produced by the National Pork Board and revised in 2002.

Welfare Concerns for Farm Animals Used in Agricultural and Biomedical Research and Teaching
   Article by Janice C. Swanson, Ph.D. in the Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter Special Issue on Farm Animals in Research and Teaching.


Selected bibliographies produced by the staff at the USDA National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC). For a complete listing of bibliographies available from AWIC online visit http://awic.nal.usda.gov/nal_display/index.php?info_center=3&tax_level=1&tax_subject=187.

For selected farm animal publications including policies and guidelines visit

Anesthesia and Analgesia for Farm Animals: January 1989 - January 1995
   400 citations in English from the AGRICOLA database. Search page for swine terms (swine, pig, piglet, sow).

Animal Models in Biomedical Research: Swine - 1994
   Contains citations regarding the use of swine as biomedical models compiled from a variety of scientific and agricultural sources dating from January 1980 to September 1990.

Information Resources for Livestock and Poultry Handling and Transport: 1990 - December 1998
   Reference guide to information available on the handling and transport of farm animals. Separate section on swine references and videos.

Environmental Enrichment Information Resources for Laboratory Animals: 1965-1995
   Articles and bibliographic citations included on a variety of laboratory species including swine.

Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Swine: January 1991 - January 1995
   306 citations compiled from the AGRICOLA database.

Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Swine: January 1991 - January 1994
   244 citations compiled from the AGRICOLA database.


Amazon.com Pig Books
   Browse a number of swine books available for purchase online.

Handbook of Animal Models in Transplantation Research
   Surgical handbook that provides detailed information concerning the transplantation of a variety of tissues in experimental animals, including swine.

The Laboratory Swine
   Addresses the biology, husbandry, management, veterinary care and research application of the laboratory swine.

Swine Nutrition, Second Edition
   A comprehensive reference that covers all aspects of the nutrition of pigs. Also suitable as an advanced undergraduate or graduate textbook.

Surgery, Anesthesia, and Experimental Techniques in Swine
   Practical technical guide for the use of swine in biomedical research.

Swine as Models in Biomedical Research
   Publication based on the proceedings of the Seventh Charles River International Symposium. Recognized experts in the use of swine as biomedical animal models present overview talks in their areas of interest.

Courses/Learning Modules/Techniques

Bleeding and Intravenous Techniques in Pigs
   Teaching materials from the Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives.

Farm Animals as Models for Biomedical Research VSC 443/543 - Fall 2002
   Basic notes on the use of swine and other species as models for biomedical research.

IACUC Learning Module: Swine
   Notes on swine health, mating, gestation, and parturition, standard laboratory procedures, and euthanasia.

Swine Animal Models for Human Disease and Research Uses. I. Introduction
   Notes on comparative anatomy and disease models of swine.

General Swine Sites and Related Links

NETVET Swine Links
   Veterinary and animal related. Very comprehensive with many links.

Pig Health Website
   Searchable website which includes information on pig health, swine welfare, hogs management, pork safety, etc.

Swine Resources
   Provided by the Oklahoma State University, Animal Science Department Virtual Library.

Genetics and Breeding

Pig Genome Mapping
   Hosted by the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Breeders' World Livestock Directory on Swine
   Complete online livestock directory.

Review of Swine Genetics in the U.S.
   Article by Larry D. Young, USDA-ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center Clay Center, Nebraska.

Swine Breeds
   An educational and informational resource on breeds of swine thoughout the world. Provided by the Oklahoma State University, Department of Animal Science.

US Pig Gene Mapping Coordination Program
   Links provided to swine gene databases, swine gene maps, and species comparative gene maps.


Current Veterinary Serials
   Provided by the Faculte de medecine veterinaire, Universite de Montreal. Includes over 160 veterinary journals with the tables of contents added daily upon the receipt of new issues.

The Pig Journal on CD
   Originally known as the Proceedings of the UK Pig Veterinary Society.

Lab Animal
   Lab Animal is a peer-reviewed journal for professionals in animal research, emphasizing proper management and care.

Laboratory Animals
   Journal dedicated to the advancement in laboratory animal science, technology, and welfare.

Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science
   Published by the Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science (Scand-LAS) whose aim is to further the progress of Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) in the Nordic countries.

Swine Health and Production
   Refereed journal published bimonthly by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.


Literature Databases

MinipigBase Literature Database
   Consists of references on the use of miniature pigs in biomedical research.

Selected Databases for Biomedical, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Animal Science Resources
   Descriptive listing of free and for fee based databases.

Model Research

Ronald O. Ball, Ph.D.
   Research interests in amino acid metabolism in swine and humans. Developed a unique surgically prepared piglet model for enteral and parenteral nutrition.

Institute of Experimental and Transplantation Surgery
   Selected publications listed on small bowel and liver allotransplantation in the pig.

Sinclair Research Center
   Provides research facilities and services to the human health and biomedical industries. Swine models developed for research in diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and other areas.

John G. Webster, Ph.D.
   Conducts research on electrode design for cardiac tachyarrhythmia ablation. Swine are used as models.


Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) International
   Contains complete information on AAALAC's accreditation program along with other news and resources for the animal care and use community.

American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS)
   Forum for the exchange of information and expertise in the care and use of laboratory animals.

American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV)
   An educational professional society organized to increase the knowledge of veterinarians in the field of swine medicine, practice, etc.

American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM)
   Organization of board certified veterinary medical specialists who are experts in the humane, proper and safe care and use of laboratory animals. Also establishes standards of education, training, experience and expertise necessary to become qualified as a specialist and recognizes that achievement through board certification.

American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners (ASLAP)
   Promotes the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, ideas, and information among veterinarians and veterinary students having an interest in laboratory animal practice.

Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science (CALAS/ACSAL)
   Composed of a multidisciplinary group of people and institutions concerned with the care and use of laboratory animals in research, teaching and testing.

Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)
   Information on primary goals and many publications online. The page is in English and French. Includes full text of CCAC Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals, Livestock Codes of Practice, transgenic animals, etc.

Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association (FELASA)
   Composed of independent European national and regional laboratory animal science associations.

International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS)
   An international scientific organization dedicated to advancing human and animal health by promoting the ethical care and use of laboratory animals in research worldwide.

Intstitute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR)
   Prepares and makes available scientific and technical information on laboratory animals and other biological research resources to the scientific community, the federal government, and the public.

   Includes veterinary and animal related information. Very comprehensive with many links.

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Updated September 12, 2011

"Information resources on swine in biomedical research "

Information Resources on Swine in Biomedical Research

The staff of AWIC would like to acknowledge the contributions of M. Michael Swindle, D.V.M. Director of the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources and Professor and Chair of the Department of Comparative Medicine, at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Swindle's expertise in swine anesthesia and surgery is world renowned. He is the recipient of the distinguished Smithy Research Award from the American Heart Association and the VonRecum Award from the Academy of Surgical Research. He has published and lectured extensively on swine anatomy, anesthesia, analgesia and surgical techniques. His sharing of resources and expert review of this project is greatly appreciated.

We would also like to thank the editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science for permission to load the previously published article Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig authored by M. M. Swindle, D.V.M. and A. C. Smith, D.V.M., to this online resource.

Special thanks to Barbara Buchanan for editing and loading the final documents.

Swine have increasingly become utilized as biomedical research models in the last two decades. This increased use as an animal model is not only a result of regulatory pressure on other large animal species, but also because swine are recognized as a suitable animal model for human disease based upon their comparative anatomy and physiology. Swine are used as general surgical models of most organs and systems, for cardiovascular research including atherosclerosis, for digestive system models, and in recent years in transplantation and xenografic research.

They are being explored as models in many other systems because of the widespread availability of both domestic and miniature breeds. Hand-in-hand with this increase in the number of swine in research, have come technical developments in surgery, anesthesia, husbandry and handling techniques. These technical advancements have made it easier to use this species in research and have also improved the humane care and use of swine by research institutions worldwide.

This resource was developed to provide investigators, laboratory animal veterinarians, technicians, and others, using swine for biomedical purposes with access to baseline literature on common models and procedures. As the resources available on laboratory swine continues to expand, investigators are encouraged to review multiple publications and to find information that supports their particular research needs.

This document is divided into three major sections: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig; Bibliography; and Web Resources on Swine.

Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig

This article provides information on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the porcine cardiovascular, digestive, dermal and urinary system. Differences between farm and miniature breeds are discussed. Comparisons and similarities between swine and human anatomy and physiology are also reviewed. The article is followed by a list of reference citations.


The bibliographic section of this document is divided into 29 subsections. Subsections range in topic from anatomy, anesthesia, surgical procedures, body systems, common biomedical models, and husbandry of laboratory swine. Citations in each subsection were compiled from a variety of medical, agricultural, and biological databases and other resources.

Citations were also generously contributed from the personal files of laboratory swine expert, M. Michael Swindle; D.V.M. Citations include NAL call numbers for sources available at the National Agricultural Library (NAL). Information on how to request materials that are included in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) may be found on the the Request Library Materials page at http://www.nal.usda.gov/borrow-materials.

Web Resources on Swine

This section contains links to World Wide Web resources organized into eleven different categories: Articles, Pamphlets, and Handbooks; Bibliographies; Books; Courses/Learning Modules/Techniques; General Swine Sites; Genetics and Breeding; Journals; Proceedings; Literature Databases; Model Research; and Organizations. Emphasis was placed on information that would be helpful to researchers, laboratory animal veterinarians, and technicians. Web addresses were current as of August 1, 2000.

To: Top of Document | Acknowledgements | Introduction | How to Use This Document | Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig
Bibliography | Web Resources on Swine

Abstract | Introduction | Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems | Digestive System | Urogenital System
Musculoskeletal System | Integumentary and Lymphatic Systems | Central Nervous and Ophthalmic Systems
Discussion | References


Swine, Sus scrofa domestics, are widely used in research and testing. Most of the animals are small domestic farm breeds, but miniature swine such as the Yucatan, Hanford and Gottingen are widely used for chronic studies where the significant growth of the domestic breeds would be an issue. They share anatomic and physiologic characteristics with humans that make them a unique and viable model for biomedical research. The cardiovascular anatomy, physiology and response to atherogenic diets have made them a universally standard model for the study of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and general cardiovascular studies. Their gastrointestinal anatomy has some significant differences from that of humans, however, the physiology of their digestive processes has made them a valuable model for digestive diseases. The urinary system of swine is similar to humans in many ways, especially in the anatomy and function of the kidneys. Swine are also a standard model for skin and plastic surgical procedures and have been developed as models of transdermal toxicity. The anatomy and physiology of organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidney and heart have also made this species the primary species of interest as organ donors for xenografic procedures. This manuscript reviews the anatomy and physiology of swine as it relates to biomedical research.


Swine have been used extensively in biomedical research and the most relevant models have been reviewed in a series of technical proceedings and books in the last two decades (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1992; Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996).

All swine commonly used in research and testing are Sus scrofa domestics, whether they are farm or miniature breeds. The main difference between breeds is size at sexual maturity. Domestic breeds typically reach 100 kg by 4 months of age and miniature breeds typically range from 25-50 kg at the same age. The predominant breeds of miniature swine used in research are the Yucatan, Hanford, Göttingen and Sinclair Hormel, although dozens of other breeds have been utilized in the scientific literature (Swindle et al, 1994).

The predominant porcine systems studied in biomedical research are cardiovascular, digestive, dermal and urinary. However, a smaller number of models have utilized other systems. This manuscript reviews the relevant anatomy and physiology of the pig as it applies to biomedical research. The discussion is organized by systems with the glandular and endocrine structures discussed with the anatomically associated organs.

Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems

The heart of the pig is anatomically similar to humans with a notable exception being the presence of the left azygous (hemiazygous) vein, which drains the intercostal system into the coronary sinus (Swindle et al, 1986). The coronary system is similar to 90% of the human population in anatomy and function. There are no preexisting collateral vessels in the myocardium (Bloor et al, 1992). The heart of a 40-50 kg miniature pig is approximately the same size as an adult human heart. The heart is approximately 0.5% of the body weight at sexual maturity in miniature swine, however, the heart decreases as a percentage of body weight in domestic swine as the animal grows and is approximately 0.3% at the same age as the miniature swine. Differences in heart weight between species of miniature swine have been noted with the Yucatan having a significantly larger heart than the Hanford at the same age (Smith et al, 1990; Swindle et al, 1988). The blood supply to the conduction system is from the posterior septal artery and thus is predominantly right side dominant like the human (Gardner & Johnson, 1988). There are large numbers of adrenergi cholinergic fibers in the AV node and right and left bundle branches. However, nerve cells are sparse in the fibers. The endocardium and epicardium are activated simultaneously because of differences in the distribution of the conduction system. The Purkinje system has large subendocardial fibers. These characteristics give the pig a more neuromyogenic conduction system than the human. However, other species used in cardiac electrophysiology also have anatomic and functional differences in the conduction system from humans as well. Conduction system rates decrease as the animal matures, but in general are more rapid than for humans of equivalent maturity (Gardner & Johnson, 1988); (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986).

The aorta of swine contains a vaso vasorum like humans. It also has a comparable histologic anatomy. However, blood vessels and the atria in swine tend to be more friable than other species, especially in neonates. The blood vessels are also more prone to vasospasm during manipulation. The external jugular vein and sheath are at approximately the same depth as the ventral surface of the cervical vertebrae. The jugular furrow may be visualized running from the ramus of the mandible to the point of the shoulder by pulling the forelimb caudally while the pig is in dorsal recumbency. Many of the peripheral blood vessels are located relatively deep in the tissues compared to other species, however, vascular access may be readily obtained with standard sized needles from the cephalic, external and internal jugular, auricular, anterior abdominal, saphenous and femoral veins with practice. All of these vessels as well as internal abdominal and thoracic vessels may be chronically catheterized surgically (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998; Swindle et al, 1986; Swindle et al, 1988).

Hemodynamically, swine have been demonstrated to be similar in cardiac function to humans. There are variations between breed and age of swine that need to be taken into consideration. For instance, the Yucatan micropig has a significantly higher pulmonary vascular resistance at the same age as the Yucatan and Hanford miniature breeds. The Hanford has a higher systolic blood pressure than either Yucatan under equivalent conditions. When reproducing studies between laboratories, caution should be taken in comparing hemodynamics between different breeds. Animals should be age and weight matched (Smith et al, 1990; Swindle, 1998). The development of atherosclerosis occurs both spontaneously and by experimental induction in swine feed an atherogenetic diet. The metabolism of lipoproteins is similar to humans. Endothelial damage with balloon catheters can be utilized to localize the site of development of the atherosclerotic plaque, however, the distribution of the atherosclerotic plaques will be similar to humans if allowed to develop spontaneously over time. The histology and pathogenesis of the plaques appears to be similar to humans as well (Gal & Isner, 1992; White et al, 1992) .

Swine do have congenital cardiovascular anomalies including ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect, patent foramen ovale, patent ductus arteriosus and tricuspid dysplasia. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also has a spontaneous occurrence i n some breeds of domestic and miniature swine (Swindle et al, 1992). The model of VSD has been developed as a genetically reproducible model which has been shown to be analogous to human infants with VSD and failure to thrive syndrome. It consistently develops the various morphologies of high membranous defects and may be useful for the study of interventional closure of the defects. Congenital shunts may also be created by use of angioplasty balloon techniques. If shunts are reopened in neonates with balloon catheters they will remain open and develop volume overload hypertrophy. They also develop pressure overload hypertrophy following banding of the great vessels of the heart like other species (Swindle, 1998).

Most of the cardiovascular models in swine (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1998) are related to testing of interventional catheter devices (Gal & Isner, 1992; Swindle, 1998), atherosclerosis White et al, 1992), myocardial infarction (Bloor et al, 1992; (Gardner & Johnson, 1988), coronary blood flow (Bloor et al, 1992; (Gardner & Johnson, 1988), intracardiac electrophysiology (Brownlee et al; (Smith et al, 1997) and cardiovascular surgery (Swindle, 1998; Swindle et al, 1986), predominantly with the implantation of biomechanical devices (Gal & Isner, 1992; Mehran et al, 1991).

The characteristics that have led to the use of swine over other species for these models are related to the anatomic and physiologic characteristics described above. The porcine model develops an infarction pattern like the human and develops arrhythmogenic activity with reperfusion. The canine model of infarction already has an existing collateral blood supply, but may represent the portion of the human population which has slowly developed collateral circulation due to gradual occlusion of a coronary artery. Gradual occlusion may be created in swine by causing endothelial damage with an angioplasty balloon and feeding an atherogenic diet of 2% cholesterol. The pattern of infarction and healing of the myocardium is almost identical to humans (Bloor et al, 1992; (Gal & Isner, 1992; (Gardner & Johnson, 1988); (Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1998; White et al, 1992).

Likewise, the wound healing characteristics in the cardiovascular system mimic these in man following implantation of some devices, such as intracoronary stents. Unlike other models they develop coronary restenosis syndrome (Swindle, 1998; White et al, 1992). For intravascular healing, investigators may be required to use multiple models since no single species is exactly analogous to humans. The pig has the advantages of predictable size and platelet function, unlike the dog. Even the primate models are not exactly analogous. Wound healing in the myocardium has typically used swine, dogs and sheep. The myocardial wound healing characteristics of swine are more analogous to humans than sheep models since ruminants healing is characterized by the formation of collagenous scars (Mehran et al, 1991); National Institutes of Health, 1985; Von Recum, 1986).

The lungs are composed of apical, middle and diaphragmatic lobes with an additional accessory lobe for the right lung. The interlobular fissures are incomplete. The larynx is prominent with a large vestibule and lateral and middle ventricles that create a caudal narrowing of the structure. The trachea courses from approximately C3-4 into the thorax. The apical lobe of the right lung has a bronchus that stems from the trachea cranial to the tracheal bifurcation which supplies the other lobes of the lung. The bronchial tree divisions are typical of other species (Swindle, 1998). Functional studies of the airway, including neurochemical anatomy and smooth muscle function, make them useful in models of acute respiratory distress syndrome and asthma. The neonatal development of the lungs and airways is useful for extrapolation to humans (Brown & Terris, 1996). The thyroid gland is located on the ventral surface of the trachea at the thoracic inlet rather than near the larynx. The thymus gl and is located in the cranial thorax and neck coursing along the trachea. The paired parathyroid glands are located near the cranial thymus rather than the thyroid (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998).

Digestive System

The digestive system of swine has anatomic differences from humans fig. 2, fig. 3, fig. 4, however, the physiology of digestion remains similar to humans. Swine are true omnivores.

The dental formula for swine is 2(I 3/3, C 1/1, P 4/4)=32 for deciduous teeth. For permanent teeth it is 2(I 3/3, C 1/1, P 4/4, M 3/3)=44. A full set of permanent teeth is usually present by 18 months of age (Swindle, 1998).

The salivary glands of the pig are large and consist of paired parotid, mandibular and sublingual glands. The parotid duct enters the oral cavity opposite the juncture of the premolars and molars. The mandibular and sublingual glandular ducts enter t he floor of the mouth near the frenulum. Buccal glands are located opposite the cheek teeth. The parotid gland is serous, the sublingual glands are mucous and the rest are mixed for glandular secretions. The tonsils are embedded in the oropharynx (Schantz et al, 1996).

There is a pharyngeal diverticulum dorsal to the larynx in the caudal portion of the nasopharynx. The muscular layers of the esophagus are mainly composed of smooth muscle until its termination cranial to the esophageal sphincter when it becomes partially striated muscle. The stomach is typical of monogastric animals with the exception of the torus pyloricus, which is a muscular outpouching near the pyloric sphincter. The small intestine is long and located mainly in the right side of the abdomen. The mesenteric vessels form a vascular arcade in the subserosa rather than in the mesentery as in other species. Mesenteric lymph nodes are prominent. The majority of the large intestine is located in the spiral colon in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. it consists of the cecum, ascending, transverse and a portion of the descending colon coiled tightly into a series of centripetal and centrifugal coils. The outer coil contains two tenia. The descending colon passes caudally along the left abdominal wall to the rectum and anal sphincter. Neither a true sigmoid flexure nor an appendix are present. The pigs intestinal length is approximately 30 times its body length (Schantz et al, 1996).

The liver contains six lobes and a gall bladder. The lobules of the liver are separated by fibrous septae. The common bile duct enters the duodenum separately from the pancreatic duct caudal to the pylorus. The pancreas is extensive and the tail follows the lesser curvature of the stomach from the spleen to the proximal duodenum. The body encircles the superior mesenteric vein and extends dorsally to the left kidney. The pancreatic ducts in the tail and body join at the juncture of the two lobes to enter the duodenum distal from the bile duct. The islet cells are relatively indistinct histologically. Functionally, both the liver and pancreas are similar to humans (Mullen et al, 1992; Pennington & Sarr, 1988; (Schantz et al, 1996).

In spite of the anatomic differences, the pig has been used extensively as a gastrointestinal model. Most of the classical models involving the digestive system have been related to nutritional studies to study digestion of the pig and for studying human digestive phenomena. They will readily ingest such test substances as alcohol in its various forms. The metabolic functions, intestinal transport times, and characteristics of absorbtion of nutrients have made them useful in basic nutritional research. Other specific functional characteristics of swine that relate directly to humans include ion transport and motility, neonatal development of the gastrointestinal tract and splancnic blood flow characteristics. Development of host defenses and endotoxi c shock studies have made them useful as biomedical models in these areas. Like the human, these physiologic characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract are probably due to the omnivorous diet that they consume, unlike that of carnivores, ruminants, rabbits and rodents (Brown & Terris, 1996; Reeds & Odle, 1996; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996).

More recently endoscopic and laparoscopic surgical models have been developed and used extensively in the pig. The size and function of structures such as the biliary system and pancreatic duct make them amenable for studying human sized equipment an d biomaterial implants. Surgical modifications have made the intestinal tract amenable to the study of surgical and chronic fistulation procedures ( Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988).

Swine have a similar cytochrome P450 system to humans except for the absence of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 (Skaanild & Friis, 1997). However, metabolically the liver functions similar to humans and has been used for xenoperfusion protocols for humans in hepatic comas (Collins et al, 1994; Swindle, 1998).

Urogenital System

The female reproductive system has a bicornuate uterus with torturous fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes of an adult female are the same diameter as those of humans, however they are much longer. The sow has an estrous cycle of 2021 days rather tha n a menstrual cycle. Domestic farm breeds have larger litters, usually of 8-12 pigs, than miniature pigs which typically have litters of 4-6. The numbers are variable depending upon the breed and the parity of the sow. The gestation period of 112-114 days allows sows to have up to three litters per year. Uterine placentation is diffuse epitheliochorial. There are typically 12-14 paired mammary glands on the ventral abdomen (Swindle, 1998; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996).

The sow has been used in studies of fetal surgery to create models that mimic the human situation. Even though the placentation is unlike humans, the physiologic characteristics of transplacental transfer of antiarrhythmics has been shown to be more similar to the human situation than the traditional ewe model. This transplacental transfer of therapeutic agents may make the sow a predictable model of teratogenicity and efficacy of pharmaceutic agents (Wiest et al, 1996).

The male reproductive system has the same structures as humans, however, the accessory sex glands which predominate are different. The scrotum and testicles are located in the perineal region. The penis is fibromuscular with a sigmoid flexure on the ventral abdomen. The penis has a corkscrew shaped tip. The prepuce is located caudal to the umbilicus and has a preputial diverticulum which contains foul smelling urine and secretory material. The accessory sex glands are: vesicular glands, prostate gland, and bulbo urethral glands. The, vesicular glands are prominent and located at the neck of the bladder. The prostate and bulbourethral glands are relatively small. The shape of the penis and the preputial diverticulum make it impossible to catheterize a male pig through the penile opening. Catheterization has to be performed in the perineal urethra percutaneously (Swindle, 1983); Swindle, 1998).

The kidneys of the pig are more like humans in anatomy and function than most other species of animals. The left kidney is cranial to the right and both are located ventrally to the transverse processes of LI-4. The adrenal glands are located near the cranial poles of both kidneys and the right gland is intimately associated with the wall of the postcava. The kidneys are multirenculate and multipapillate like humans. The blood supply to the kidney divides transversely between the cranial and caudal poles rather than longitudinally like most species (Brown & Terris, 1996), Pennington, 1992; Sachs, 1992; Terris, 1986).

The bladder is thin walled, but functionally is similar to other species. The innervation is derived from S2-4. The pelvic urethra courses along the ventral floor of the pelvis. The female urethra opens on the ventral floor of the vagina about 1/3 of the distance to the cervix. The male urethra courses through the penis as described above (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988).

Swine have been used in studies of developmental and pediatric urology because of the unique anatomy of the kidneys which allows them to develop vesicoureteral and intrarenal reflux (Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Terris, 1986). The kidney has also been used extensively in transplantation biology, including xenografic studies (Institute of Medicine, 1996; Pennington, 1992; Sachs, 1992; Swindle, 1998).

The anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the porcine kidney may make it useful for the study of pharmacologic agents since the anatomy of the kidney is more similar to humans than even primates. Swine can be utilized in studies of renal hypertension and can be developed as a model of intact renal DOCA salt induced hypertension or as surgical ablation models of renin induced hypertension (Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Terris, 1986).

Musculoskeletal System

The skeletal system of the pig is massive with relatively thick cortical bone. This is consistent with the support of a rapidly growing animal with a relatively small stature. The Vertebral formula for swine is C7, T14-15, L6-7, S4, Cy2O-23. There ar e 7 sternal and 7 asternal ribs. If a 15th rib is present, it is floating. The principle digits of the pig are III and IV. Digits 11 and V are vestigial and form the dewclaws. Swine are considered to be ungulent or hooved animals. The long bone epiphyses close by 3-4 years in domestic farm breeds and generally 1-2 years earlier in the miniature breeds (Adams, 1988; Donovan et al, 1993; Swindle, 1998).

The muscles of the pig tend to be massive which is consistent with its primary use as a food source. The muscles have a predominance of Type IIB fibers with lesser numbers of Types IIA and IIC. The quadriped locomotion of swine is different from humans and the muscles reflect this characteristic in their morphology like other quadrupeds (Adams, 1988).

Because of the massive nature of the musculoskeletal system and the quadriped locomotion characteristics, swine have rarely been used in studies of these systems. Recently, there has been increased interest in the model for temporomandibular joint studies as well as bone healing and grafting techniques (Adams, 1988; Bermejo et al, 1993; Donovan et al, 1993; Swindle, 1998).

Integumentary and Lymphatic Systems

Swine are relatively hairless animals with a fixed skin tightly attached to the subcutaneous tissues like humans. Overall, the skin is thicker and less vascular than humans, however, the cutaneous blood supply characteristics are similar. Apocrine sweat glands are absent. Fat cells may be located in the dermis. As the animal grows a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat is deposited. The skin tends to be thicker on the neck and dorsum of the animal (Bolton et al, 1988; Chvapil & Chvapil, 1992; Kerrigan et al, 1986; Montiero-Riviere & Riviere, 1996).

The lymph nodes of the pig have a unique histologic structure. The typical cortex and medulla are reversed with the germinal centers being located in the interior of the gland (Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1998).

The anatomy and physiology of the cutaneous blood supply and the wound healing characteristics have made the pig a standard model for plastic surgical and wound healing studies (Kerrigan et al, 1986; Mertz et al, 1986). Recently interest has developed in the pig as a model of dermal and transdermal toxicology Montiero-Riviere, 1986); Montiero-Riviere & Riviere, 1996; Riviere et al, 1986). Besides the anatomic similarities swine are equivalent to primates for percutaneous absorbtion studies and have similar lipid biophysical properties, epidermal turnover kinetics and carbohydrate metabolism in the skin Montiero-Riviere & Riviere, 1996).

Central Nervous and Ophthalmic Systems

The brain is encased in a cranial vault formed by the massive cranial bones. The brain is relatively large with structures typical of those of other species. The spinal cord terminates at S2-3 with the origin of the cauda equina. The anatomy of the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord is similar to humans. A stereotactic atlas of the pig brain has been published (Stodkilde-Jorgensen, 1986; Swindle, 1998).

The eye contains a nictitating membrane, Bowman's membrane and Descemet's membrane. Draining for the lacrimal glands is by either one or two puncta in the conjunctiva. The nictitating membrane contains a Harder's gland. The globe is relatively deep i n the orbit with seven extraocular muscles. The eye has an open field of vision with a pupil and retina that resembles humans. The tapetum is absent (Adams, 1988).

Relatively little work has been performed to study the function of the central nervous system in this species. Because of the massive bone structure, surgical access to the brain and spinal cord is difficult. However, the brain development of swine a nd the similar topical, histologic and vascular anatomy make them useful as general mammalian models. Hypophysectomy and cannulation techniques have been described (Swindle, 1998).


This review of the anatomy of the pig details the unique characteristics that differentiate it from other species. It also describes characteristics that are significant when using the animal as a biomedical model for humans. More detailed descriptio ns of the anatomy are available (Getty, 1975; Gilbert, 1966; Leman et al, 1992; Poppesko, 1977; Sack, 1982).

The anatomic and physiologic characteristics of swine have made them a valuable animal model of human diseases as well as a model for general mammalian physiology. The systems that are most often studied experimentally are the cardiovascular, digestive, integumentary and urinary ((Stanton & Mersmann, 1986; Swindle, 1983; Swindle, 1992; Swindle, 1998; Swindle & Adams, 1988; Tumbleson, 1986; Tumbleson & Schook, 1996). Interest in the development of models using other systems is rapidly increasing because of the decreased availability and rising costs of other species such as nonhuman primates and dogs. It is likely that comparative descriptions of other systems will appear increasingly in the literature. The interest in swine as xenografic transplant donors is also likely to increase their characterization physiologically and at the molecular level (Institute of Medicine, 1996; Swindle, 1998).

Swine can not replace all other large animal models in biomedical research, however, they are at least as similar to humans for many types of studies which use species such as ruminants and dogs. Consequently, they can be selected as a general mammalian model unless other models have been shown to develop unique physiologic responses to experimental manipulations.


Adams, RW: Musculoskeletal system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, pp. 10-41, 1988.

Adams, RJ: Opthalmic system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, pp. 125-153, 1988.

Bermejo, A, 0 Gonzalez & JM Gonzalez: The pig as an animal model for experimentation on the temporomandibular articular complex. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path 75(l): 1823, 1993.

Bharati, S, M Levine, K Shoei, S Huang, B Handler, GVS Parr, R Bauernfeind & M Lev: The conduction system of the swine heart. Chest 100(l): 207-212, 1991.

Bloor, CM, FC White & DM Roth: The pig as a model of myocardial ischemia and gradual coronary artery occlusion. In Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 163-175, 1992.

Bolton, LL, E Pines & DT Rovee: Wound healing and integumentary system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease, pp. 1-9, 1988.

Brown, DR & JM Terris: Swine in physiological and pathophysiological research. In: Tumbleson, ME and Schook, LB (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 5-6, 1996.

Brownlee, RR, MM Swindle, R Bertolet & P Neff: Toward optimizing a preshaped catheter and system parameters to achieve single lead DDD pacing. PACE.

Chvapil, M & TA Chvapil: Wound healing models in the miniature Yucatan pig. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 265-288, 1992.

Collins, BH, RS Chari, JC Maggee, RC Harland, BJ Lindman, JS Logan, RR Bollinger, WC Meyers & JL Platt: Mechanisms of injury in porcine livers perfused with blood of patients with fulminant hepatic failure, Transplantation 58(11): 1162-1171, 1994.

Donovan, MG, NC Dickerson, JW Hellstein & LJ Hanson: Autologous calvarial and iliac onlay bone grafts in miniature swine. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 51: 898-903, 1993.

Gal, D & JM Isner: Atherosclerotic Yucatan microswine as a model for novel cardiovascular interventions and imaging. In Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 118-140, 1992.

Gardner TJ & DL Johnson: Cardiovascular system. In: Swindle, MM and Adams, RJ (eds.), Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease, pp. 74-124, 1988.

Getty, R (ed.): Sisson and Grossman's The anatomy of the domestic animals porcine, Vol. 2, Philadelphia, PA. W.B. Saunders, 1975.

Gilbert, SG: Pictoral Anatomy of the Fetal Pig, 2nd ed. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1966.

Institute of Medicine: Xenotransplantation: Swine, Ethics & Public Policy, Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1996.

Kerrigan, CL, RG Zelt, JG Thomson & E Diano: The pig as an experimental animal in plastic surgery research for the study of skin flaps, myocutaneous flaps and fasciocutaneous flaps. Lab Anim Sci, 36(4): 408-412, 1986.

Leman, AD, BE Straw, WL Mengeling, S D'Allaire & DJ Taylor: Diseases of Swine, 7th ed. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1992.

Mehran, RJ, MA Ricci, AM Graham, K Carter & JF Smyes: Porcine model for vascular graft studies. J Invest Surg 4(l): 37-44, 1991.

Mertz, PM, PA Hebda & WH Eaglstein: A porcine model for evaluation of epidermal wound healing. In: Tumbleson, ME (ed.), Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, pp. 291-302, 1986.

Montiero-Riviere, NA & J Riviere: The pig as a model for cutaneous pharmacology and toxicology research. In: Tumbleson, ME and Schook, LB (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 2, NY: Plenum Press, pp. 425-458, 1996.

Monteiro-Riviere, NA: Ultrastructural evaluation of the porcine integument. In: Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, Tumbleson, ME (ed.). NY. Plenum Press, pp. 641-655, 1986.

Mullen, Y, Y Taura, M Nagata, K Miyazawa & E Stein: Swine as a model for pancreatic betacell transplantation. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 1634, 1992.

National Institutes of Health: Guidelines for blood-material interactions. Report of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Working Group. Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, NIH Publication 85-2185, 1985.

Pennington, L & MG Sarr: Liver transplantation. In: Experimental Surgery and Physiology: Induced Animal Models of Human Disease. Swindle, MM, RJ Adams, (eds.) Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins. 294-295, 1988.

Pennington, LR: Renal transplantation in swine. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 35-43, 1992.

Poppesko, P: Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Vol. 1, (2nd ed.) Philadelphia: W B Saunders Company, 1977.

Reeds, P & J Odle: Pigs as models for nutrient functional interaction. In: Tumbleson, ME and Schook LB (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 2, NY: Plenum Publishers, pp. 709-711, 1996.

Riviere, JE, KF Bowman & NA Monteiro-Riviere: The isolated perfused porcine skin flap: A novel animal model for cutaneous toxicologic research. In: Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, Tumbleson, ME (ed.). NY: Plenum Press, pp. 657-666, 1986.

Sachs, DH: MHC-homozygous miniature swine. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 3-15, 1992.

Sack, WO: Essentials of Pig Anatomy. In: Harowitz/ Kramer Atlas of Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Pig, Veterinary Textbooks, Ithaca, NY, 1982.

Schantz, LD, K Laber-Laird, S Bingel & M Swindle: Pigs: Applied anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract, In: Jensen, SL, Gregersen, H, Moody, F and Shokouh-Amiri, MH (eds.), Essentials of Experimental Surgery: Gastroenterology, NY. Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 2611-2619, 1996.

Skaanild, MT & C Friis: Characterization of the P450 system in Göttingen minipigs, Pharm Toxicol 80(Suppl 11): 28-33, 1997.

Smith, AC, B Knick, M Swindle & PC Gillette: A technique for conducting non-invasive cardiac electrophysiology studies in swine. J Invest Surg, 10(1-2): 25-30, 1997.

Smith, AC, FG Spinale & MM Swindle: Cardiac function and morphology of Hanford miniature swine and Yucatan miniature and micro swine. Lab Anim Sci. 40(l): 47-50, 1990.

Stanton, HC & HJ Mersmann: Swine in Cardiovascular Research, Vol. 1 & 2, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1986.

Stodkilde-Jorgensen, H, J Frokiaer, HJ Kirkeby, F Madsen & N Boye: Preparation of a cerebral perfusion model in the pig: Anatomic considerations. In: Tumbleson, ME (ed.), Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1, NY. Plenum Publishers, pp. 719-725, 1986.

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Swindle, MM, AC Smith, K Laber-Laird & L Dungan: Swine in biomedical research: management and models ILAR News, 36(l): 1-5, 1994.

Swindle, MM, PJ Horneffer, TJ Gardner, VL Gott, TS Hall, RS Sturat, WA Baumgartner, AM Borkon, E Galloway & BA Reitz: Anatomic and anesthetic considerations in experimental cardiopulmonary surgery in swine. Lab Anim Sci 36(4): 357-61, 1986.

Swindle, MM, AC Smith & BJS Hepburn: Swine as models in experimental surgery. J Invest Surg. l(l): 65-79, 1988.

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Swindle, MM, RP Thompson, BA Carabello, AC Smith, C Green & PC Gillette: Congenital cardiovascular disease. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 176-184, 1992.

Terris, JM: Swine as a model in renal physiology and nephrology: An overview. In: Tumbleson, ME (ed.) Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. II, pp. 1673-1690, 1986.

Tumbleson, ME: Swine in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1-3, New York, NY, Plenum Press, 1986.

Tumbleson, ME & LB Schook: In: Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, (ed.) Vol. 1-2, Plenum Press, New York, NY, 1996.

Von Recum, AF (ed.): Handbook of Biomaterials Evaluation. NY: Macmillan Publishing, 1986.

White, CJ, SR Ramee, AK Banks, D Wiktor & HL Price: The Yucatan miniature swine: An atherogenic model to assess the early potency rates of an endovascular stent. In: Swindle, MM (ed.), Swine as Models in Biomedical Research, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 156-162, 1992.

Wiest, DB, MM Swindle, SS Garner, AC Smith & PC Gillette: Pregnant Yucatan miniature swine as a model for investigating fetal drug therapy. In: Tumbleson, M and Schook, L (eds.), Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research, Vo l. 2, p. 629-635, 1996.

To: Top of Document | Acknowledgements | Introduction | How to Use This Document | Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Pig
Bibliography | Web Resources on Swine


  |   Anesthesia  |  Atherosclerosis  |  Cardiopulmonary Bypass  |  Cardiovascular 
 Central Nervous System  |  Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery  |  Fetal  |  Gastrointestinal 
 General  |  Head and Neck  |  Hemodynamics, Cardiovascular Catheterization and Electrophysiology 
 Husbandry  |  Immunology  |  Kidney and Urology  |  Liver  |  Malignant Hyperthermia  |  Musculoskeletal 
 Obstetrics and Gynecology  |  Ophthalmology  |  Pancreas  |  Pediatrics and Neonatal  |  Physiology  |  Pulmonary 
 Reproductive  |  Skin and Wound Healing  |  Surgery  |  Transplantation  |  Xenografic Transplant


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Frandson, R.D. (1981). Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, 3rd ed., Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
NAL call number: SF761.F8 1981

Frandson, R.D. and T.L. Spurgeon (1992). Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, 5th ed., Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
NAL call number: SF761.F8 1992

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NAL call number: SF761.S65 1975

Gilbert, S.G. (1966). Pictoral Anatomy of the Fetal Pig, 2nd ed. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Popesko, P. (1977). Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Vol. 1, 2nd ed., Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
NAL call number: SF761.P63 1977

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NAL call number: RB125.C68 1985

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NAL call number: SF761.S65 1975

Swindle, M.M. (1998). Biology, husbandry, handling, and anatomy. In: Surgery, Anesthesia and Experimental Techniques in Swine, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, pp. 3-32.
NAL call number: RD29.5.S94S944 1998

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Updated information - AWIC Special Reference Brief: Swine Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2000-2010 (PDF | 2.17MB)

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NAL call number: SF601 V535

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NAL call number: SF604 J342

Nishimura, R., H.Y. Kim, S. Matsunaga, K. Hayashi, H. Tamura, N. Sasaki, and A. Takeuchi (1994). Effects of medetomidine-midazolam on plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in laboratory pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 56: 559-561.
NAL call number: SF604 J342

Nishimura, R., H.Y. Kim, S. Matsunaga, K. Hayashi, H. Tamura, N. Sasaki, and A. Takeuchi (1994). Cardiopulmonary effects of medetomidine-midazolam and medetomidine-midazolam- atipamezole in laboratory pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 56: 359-63.
NAL call number: SF604 J342

Nishimura, R., H. Kim, S. Matsunaga, K. Hayashi, H. Tamura, N. Sasaki, and A. Takeuchi (1993). Comparison of sedative and analgesic/anesthetic effects induced by medetomidine, acepromazine, azaperone, droperidol and midazolam in laboratory pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 55: 687-690.
NAL call number: SF604 J342

Nishimura, R., H. Kim, S. Matsunaga, K. Hayashi, H. Tamura, N. Sasaki, and A. Takeuchi (1993). Sedative effect induced by a combination of medetomidine and midazolam in pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 55: 717-722.
NAL call number: SF604 J342

Nishimura, R., H. Kim, S. Matsunaga, M. Sakaguchi, N. Sasaki, H. Tamura, and A. Takeuchi (1992). Antagonism of medetomidine sedation by atipamezole in pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 54: 1237-1240.
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Nishimura, R., M. Sakaguchi, M. Mochizuki, N. Sasaki, H. Takahashi, H. Tamura, and A. Takeuchi (1992). A balanced anesthesia with a combination of xylazine, ketamine and butorphanol and its antagonism by yohimbine in pigs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 54: 615-620.
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Nishimura, R., M. Sakaguchi, N. Sasaki, H. Tamura, and A. Takeuchi (1991). Medetomidine-ketamine and medetomidine-butorphanol-ketamine anesthesia in pigs. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Veterinary Anesthesia, L.W. Hall (ed.), pp. 177-200.

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NAL call number: QL750 A6

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Articles, Pamphlets and Handbooks

Is Outdoor Housing an Enriched Environment for Pigs?
   From the article Environmental Enrichment for Dairy Calves and Pigs by Julie Morrow-Tesch, Ph.D.

Recognition of Pain in Farm Animals
   Article by James E. Breazile, M.A., D.V.M., Ph.D. in the Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter Special Issue on Farm Animals in Research and Teaching.

Research Articles on Pigs
   A listing of articles compiled by Temple Grandin, Ph.D., expert in livestock handling and facility design.

Swine Care Handbook
   The purpose of this handbook is to provide pork producers with current information on swine care practices that are recommended for safe, humane, and efficient pork production. Subjects covered include: husbandry, handling, breeding, environmental management, facilities and equipment, feeding and nutrition, and herd health management. Produced by the National Pork Board and revised in 2002.

Welfare Concerns for Farm Animals Used in Agricultural and Biomedical Research and Teaching
   Article by Janice C. Swanson, Ph.D. in the Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter Special Issue on Farm Animals in Research and Teaching.


Selected bibliographies produced by the staff at the USDA National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC). For a complete listing of bibliographies available from AWIC online visit http://awic.nal.usda.gov/nal_display/index.php?info_center=3&tax_level=1&tax_subject=187.

For selected farm animal publications including policies and guidelines visit

Anesthesia and Analgesia for Farm Animals: January 1989 - January 1995
   400 citations in English from the AGRICOLA database. Search page for swine terms (swine, pig, piglet, sow).

Animal Models in Biomedical Research: Swine - 1994
   Contains citations regarding the use of swine as biomedical models compiled from a variety of scientific and agricultural sources dating from January 1980 to September 1990.

Information Resources for Livestock and Poultry Handling and Transport: 1990 - December 1998
   Reference guide to information available on the handling and transport of farm animals. Separate section on swine references and videos.

Environmental Enrichment Information Resources for Laboratory Animals: 1965-1995
   Articles and bibliographic citations included on a variety of laboratory species including swine.

Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Swine: January 1991 - January 1995
   306 citations compiled from the AGRICOLA database.

Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Swine: January 1991 - January 1994
   244 citations compiled from the AGRICOLA database.


Amazon.com Pig Books
   Browse a number of swine books available for purchase online.

Handbook of Animal Models in Transplantation Research
   Surgical handbook that provides detailed information concerning the transplantation of a variety of tissues in experimental animals, including swine.

The Laboratory Swine
   Addresses the biology, husbandry, management, veterinary care and research application of the laboratory swine.

Swine Nutrition, Second Edition
   A comprehensive reference that covers all aspects of the nutrition of pigs. Also suitable as an advanced undergraduate or graduate textbook.

Surgery, Anesthesia, and Experimental Techniques in Swine
   Practical technical guide for the use of swine in biomedical research.

Swine as Models in Biomedical Research
   Publication based on the proceedings of the Seventh Charles River International Symposium. Recognized experts in the use of swine as biomedical animal models present overview talks in their areas of interest.

Courses/Learning Modules/Techniques

Bleeding and Intravenous Techniques in Pigs
   Teaching materials from the Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives.

Farm Animals as Models for Biomedical Research VSC 443/543 - Fall 2002
   Basic notes on the use of swine and other species as models for biomedical research.

IACUC Learning Module: Swine
   Notes on swine health, mating, gestation, and parturition, standard laboratory procedures, and euthanasia.

Swine Animal Models for Human Disease and Research Uses. I. Introduction
   Notes on comparative anatomy and disease models of swine.

General Swine Sites and Related Links

NETVET Swine Links
   Veterinary and animal related. Very comprehensive with many links.

Pig Health Website
   Searchable website which includes information on pig health, swine welfare, hogs management, pork safety, etc.

Swine Resources
   Provided by the Oklahoma State University, Animal Science Department Virtual Library.

Genetics and Breeding

Pig Genome Mapping
   Hosted by the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Breeders' World Livestock Directory on Swine
   Complete online livestock directory.

Review of Swine Genetics in the U.S.
   Article by Larry D. Young, USDA-ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center Clay Center, Nebraska.

Swine Breeds
   An educational and informational resource on breeds of swine thoughout the world. Provided by the Oklahoma State University, Department of Animal Science.

US Pig Gene Mapping Coordination Program
   Links provided to swine gene databases, swine gene maps, and species comparative gene maps.


Current Veterinary Serials
   Provided by the Faculte de medecine veterinaire, Universite de Montreal. Includes over 160 veterinary journals with the tables of contents added daily upon the receipt of new issues.

The Pig Journal on CD
   Originally known as the Proceedings of the UK Pig Veterinary Society.

Lab Animal
   Lab Animal is a peer-reviewed journal for professionals in animal research, emphasizing proper management and care.

Laboratory Animals
   Journal dedicated to the advancement in laboratory animal science, technology, and welfare.

Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science
   Published by the Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science (Scand-LAS) whose aim is to further the progress of Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) in the Nordic countries.

Swine Health and Production
   Refereed journal published bimonthly by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.


Literature Databases

MinipigBase Literature Database
   Consists of references on the use of miniature pigs in biomedical research.

Selected Databases for Biomedical, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Animal Science Resources
   Descriptive listing of free and for fee based databases.

Model Research

Ronald O. Ball, Ph.D.
   Research interests in amino acid metabolism in swine and humans. Developed a unique surgically prepared piglet model for enteral and parenteral nutrition.

Institute of Experimental and Transplantation Surgery
   Selected publications listed on small bowel and liver allotransplantation in the pig.

Sinclair Research Center
   Provides research facilities and services to the human health and biomedical industries. Swine models developed for research in diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and other areas.

John G. Webster, Ph.D.
   Conducts research on electrode design for cardiac tachyarrhythmia ablation. Swine are used as models.


Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) International
   Contains complete information on AAALAC's accreditation program along with other news and resources for the animal care and use community.

American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS)
   Forum for the exchange of information and expertise in the care and use of laboratory animals.

American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV)
   An educational professional society organized to increase the knowledge of veterinarians in the field of swine medicine, practice, etc.

American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM)
   Organization of board certified veterinary medical specialists who are experts in the humane, proper and safe care and use of laboratory animals. Also establishes standards of education, training, experience and expertise necessary to become qualified as a specialist and recognizes that achievement through board certification.

American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners (ASLAP)
   Promotes the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, ideas, and information among veterinarians and veterinary students having an interest in laboratory animal practice.

Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science (CALAS/ACSAL)
   Composed of a multidisciplinary group of people and institutions concerned with the care and use of laboratory animals in research, teaching and testing.

Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)
   Information on primary goals and many publications online. The page is in English and French. Includes full text of CCAC Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals, Livestock Codes of Practice, transgenic animals, etc.

Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association (FELASA)
   Composed of independent European national and regional laboratory animal science associations.

International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS)
   An international scientific organization dedicated to advancing human and animal health by promoting the ethical care and use of laboratory animals in research worldwide.

Intstitute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR)
   Prepares and makes available scientific and technical information on laboratory animals and other biological research resources to the scientific community, the federal government, and the public.

   Includes veterinary and animal related information. Very comprehensive with many links.

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Updated September 12, 2011

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