CELEBRITY TATTOOS - S :: Tattooed celebrities, historical

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Celebrities whose LAST names begin with the letter S. Tattooed celebrities, tattooed rock stars, movie stars, sports stars, Kings, Queens, even super models all proudly displaying their body art, are on this list of names. Some you already know about, and some that just may surprise you.Some of the most popular tattooed celebrities on this page are:Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Steve-O, Zoe Saldana &Ryan Sheckler


SLAST NAME, First name Celebrity Type, Tattoo Description, Location PICSsabatoSABATO, Antonio Jr. Actor has a Batman logo on his lower back, yin-yang symbol tattoo on one arm, moon/stars right arm, others... PICSsackhoffSACKHOFF, Katee Actress has tattoo at base of her neck, words on the inside of right forearm  PICS st. jamesSAINT JAMES, Susan Actress has a tattooed ankle bracelet on her left leg PICSsafinSAFIN, Marat Russian tennis player has Kanji character for monkey tattooed on his left bicep, sun tattoo on his upper back, an eye and a barcode? on his right shoulder PICSsaighSAIGH, Kim LA INK star tattoo artist has a flower on her left shoulder, a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm, others PICSsailor-jerrySAILOR JERRY World famous early American tattoo artist Norman Keith "Sailor Jerry" Collins obviously had many tattoos PICSsaldanaSALDANA, Zoe American actress has a panty line tattoo, a left ribcage tattoo & a tattoo on each foot PICSsalverySALVERY, Ivan Mixed Martial Arts fighter has a large tattoo of a fighting cock on the right side of his upper body PICSsamboraSAMBORA, Richie Musician has tattoos of a guitar with wings in background on right arm, a cross & roses with GOD above and FAITH below on left upper arm, small star on right hand, others PICSsandovalSANDOVAL, Sonny Singer for group P.O.D. has heavily tattooed sleeves,  many others PICSsantangeloSANTANGELO, Mara Italian tennis player has a tattoo on back of her neck:  jeet' - which means victory or win in Hindi PICSsantarelliSANTARELLI, Elena Italian model/actress has a butterfly tattoo on the back of her right shoulder PICSsarandonSARANDON, Susan Actress has the initials of her children Eva, Jack and Miles inked onto her back, three intertwined gothic-style letters start with "M" at the top, which links to an "E" in the middle and finally "J" further down. One around her wrist reads 'E' and 'A' (which stands for Eva Amurri). PICSsaturnSATURN, Perry Wrestler used to have many small tattoos on his arms and chest, "Saturn" on stomach and tribal drawing of planet Saturn on upper back. Most are now covered with new tattoos; dragon heads on chest, talons on arms, and tribal designs that cover both arms, back & head PICSsawaSAWA, Devon Actor has a devil tattoo on right upper arm, a cross surrounded by flames on his left bicep PICSsawantSAWANT, Rakri Bollywood actress has butterfly on her lower right stomach and a heart tattoo on her right arm PICSschubertSCHUBERT, Przemek Male model has an oriental style dragon tattoo on his right shoulder, a tribal design on his inside left forearm  schultzSCHULTZ, George P Former US Secretary of State has tattoo of tiger on his butt in tribute to his alma mater, Princeton PICSschulzeSCHULZE, Matt Actor has a Native American Thunderbird design on left shoulder, Asian inspired designs on his right shoulder PICSschumacherSCHUMACHER, Michael F1 racing car driver has tribal arm bands PICSscott_ashleySCOTT, Ashley Actress has a large phoenix on her lower back PICSbon-scottSCOTT, Bon Rocker had tattoos of a bird of prey, lion on left arm; snake and dagger, others... PICSemily scottSCOTT, Emily Australian commercial, lingerie and glamour model has a koi fish tattoo on her right wrist, a small flower and swallow are there as well PICSscottSCOTT, Seann William Actor has small tattoos on his lower stomach and wrist PICSsebeliaSEBELIA, Jeffery Clothing designer has several tattoos including a neck tattoo that reads "Harrison Detroit l'amor de la mia vita." It is his son's name, along with the phrase "is the love of my life," in Italian. PICSsedgwickSEDGWICK, Kyra Actress has large design tattooed on the small of her back PICSseguraSEGURA, Andres Spanish male model has the name Lucia tattooed over his heart on the left side of his chect PICSseiffertSEIFFERT, Lisa Ford supermodel has tribal sun design on front of left shoulder, 3 small symbols beside right breast, others? PICSseinfeldSEINFELD, Evan Biohazard band member and actor has more than 2/3 of his body tattooed with elaborate designs PICS senSEN, Sushmita Bollywood actress from Goa has a tatoo on her left wrist that reads 'Soli deo glory' (A Latin term which means Glory to God alone), one on her right arm that reads 'temptation' the 'T' is written with a symbol of a dagger, "I Am" is tattooed on her right wrist and another unknown design on her lower back. PICSsetzerSETZER, Brian Singer has many assorted tattoos PICSseymourSEYMOUR, Stephanie Ford supermodel has band of flowers tattooed around her right ankle PICSshaddixSHADDIX, Jacoby Papa Roach band member has the words BORN TO ROCK at the top of his chest and is covered with many tattoos PICSshakiraSHAKIRA Singer had henna tattoos and fake for her album promotion PICSshakurSHAKUR, Tupac Rapper had many assorted tattoos including: THUG LIFE on stomach, OUTLAW on left arm, others... PICSshankarSHANKAR, Anoushka Sitar playing musician has a star shaped tattoo on her lower back that matches one her half-sister Norah Jones has (their father is Sitar master Ravi Shankar) PICSshawSHAW, Suzanne British TV personality & singer has a Kanji symbol for STRENGTH on her stomach PICSshecklerSHECKLER, Ryan American skateboarder and reality TV star has his last name in HUGE letters across his upper back, several other words and letter related tattoos on his arms and elsewhere PICSsheehanSHEEHAN, Billy Bass guitar player has tattoos on his left arm & shoulder PICSsheenSHEEN, Charlie American actor has at least 13+ known tattoos (there is a partial list with the pics) the newest are "winning" on his left wrist and on his chest he has the words "Death from Above" and an apple with what appears to be dripping blood. The star explained its significance during his radio rant on "The Alex Jones Show." "[It's] the banner from the death card that Kilgore [from 'Apocalypse Now'] is throwing on his victims, but there's also falling from it, the apple from The Giving Tree. There's my life. Deal with it." PICSshellshockSHELLSHOCK, Shifty Crazytown singer has many, many tattoos PICSblake sheltonSHELTON, Blake American country singer has a line of deer tracks in between two strands of barbwire around his left forearm PICSshevchenkoSHEVCHENKO, Andriy  Ukrainian soccer player has a Chinese dragon tattooed on his left shoulder PICSshieldsSHIELDS, Brooke Actress has the dog from cartoon MUTTS just below her belly button, others PICSshiffletSHIFLETT, Chris Musician has at least 7 known tattoos, small Foo Fighters symbol on middle finger, heart on right arm, LUST FOR LIFE on stomach... PICSshimizuSHIMIZU, Jenny Model, actress has a pin-up girl straddling a crescent wrench on her right arm, words over left breast, right hip and upper thigh tattooed PICSshockeySHOCKEY, Jeremy NFL player has large American flag and eagle on his right upper arm, several others in a growing collection PICSsideshow_bobSIDESHOW BOB Simpson's cartoon character had "Die, Bart, Die" (Bob: "No, that's German for 'The Bart, The"), "Ouch Man!" (Bart's head on a skateboard), a skull and crossbones "LUV" (on one hand) "HT" (on the other hand - with a macron over the 'A') PICSsilvaSILVA, Andres Bayron Uruguayan Olympic track athlete has a large set of Olympic rings on his upper back PICSsilverSILVER, Josh Type O Negative keyboardist is heavily inked with an  impressive back piece and many others PICSsilveriaSILVERIA, David Korn drummer: on upper right arm he has a face with a drum stick through its tongue, on his upper left arm a Cheshire cat, on his back the Korn logo & wife's name PICSkimora lee simmonsSIMMONS, Kimora Lee American fashion model and author has a butterfly tattoo on the top of her right foot PICSsimpsonSIMPSON, Ashlee Singer has a star on the inside of her left wrist, LOVE 3 on inside of her right wrist, cherries on right ankle, a peace sign on her right middle finger, a peony on left wrist, a small heart on her wedding ring finger PICSsisqoSISQO Singer has tiger on his upper left chest, musical note on right arm, tribal sun around belly button, others... PICSsixxSIXX, Nikki American bassist, author, photographer, and the main songwriter for the heavy metal band Motley Crue is heavily inked, large sun tattoo on back, full sleeves & many, many more PICSskarsgardSKARSGÅRD, Alexander Swedish actor and director has a small green bird tattoo on his leg that was drawn by his brother PICSskyeSKYE, Ione British actress (daughter of 1960's singer Donovan) has word or name tattoo on her left elbow PICSslashSLASH Rocker has "SLASH" and caricature of himself on his right arm, a skull, some roses and other various guns and roses symbols, below is the letters D.T.U.D (drink till you drop) and underneath that it says "forever until" tattooed on his left bicep,  left shoulder: Slash's Snakepit Logo, right shoulder: Lips with a cigarette in them, lower back: 'London' (his son's name), upper abdomen: 'Cash' (his other son's name), right lower abdomen: Cat wearing a top hat smoking a cigarette, left forearm: rose and wife Perla's name, right forearm: girl from the cover of contraband (VR debut album) PICSslaterSLATER, Christian Actor has two lions with a cross behind on right shoulder PICSslayerSLAYER Metal band members have many assorted tttoos PICSslipknotSLIPKNOT Masked band members have many tattoos PICSsluyterSLUYTER, Monique Centerfold model has a red heart on left shoulder PICSsmashmouthSMASHMOUTH Band members have various tattoos PICSambersmithSMITH, Amber Model, actress has a red headed woman tattooed on the front of her left upper thigh PICSsmithSMITH, Anna Nicole The late model, actress had tattoos on her lower leg and ankle, mouth holding a red rose on her lower back (now part of nude pin-up cover-up), several other tattoos PICSsmith_coralSMITH, Coral Actress has large spider on top of her right foot PICSjr_smithSMITH, J.R. NBA player has a growing collection of tattoos, including several tribal design and the words Death Before Dishonor on his left calf PICSlouis-smithSMITH, Louis British Olympic gymnast has a winged cross with the words, "What I Deserve I Earn" above on his back PICSsmithsonSMITHSON, Carly American Idol contestant has large Oriental sleeve on her right arm PICSsnowSNOW, Brittany Actress has a ladybug tattoo on her wrist, Tibetan Sanskrit design on her right ankle PICS snowSOMERHALDER, Ian Actor has one tattoo on his arm that reads, Here and Now in Latin, a sage reminder to live in the moment PICSsopranoSOPRANO, Tony TV character has a tiger tattoo on his right shoulder PICSsossamonSOSSAMON, Shannyn Actress has 3 tattoos including a flower inside an S on back of right shoulder, "Believe" and eyes on lower back PICS soulja boySOULJA BOY DeAndre Cortez Way, better known by his stage name Soulja Boy, is an American rapper and record producer who is heavily tattooed PICSspadeSPADE, David Actor has a tattoo of Calvin (of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip) on his upper arm done by Sean Penn PICSsparxxxSPARXXX, Lisa Adult film star has a large lower back tattoo of a star and flames around it, possible tattoo on her upper arm PICSspearsSPEARS, Britney Singer, actress has tattoos of a fairy tattoo on her lower back, small daisy circling second toe on right foot, butterfly leaving a vine on left foot, flower with Chinese symbol for mystery in middle on lower stomach. 3 Hebrew characters on back of her neck, pair of pink dice inside left wrist (recently changed), small star on her right hand,  red & pink lips on wrist, a black, white & pink cross on lower hip.... Also has pierced belly button & right nipple PICSspellingSPELLING, Tori Actress has seven lines of script tattooed on the left side of her ribs. They are husband Dean McDermott's wedding vows to her.The second part of the quotation comes from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.'For my bounty is as boundless as the sea and my love as deep.'The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.'and a couple other small tattoos, one is a small flower on her left ankle PICSspencerSPENCER, Carlos New Zealand rugby player has large tribal design on his left arm as a tribute to his grandmother PICSspiezioSPIEZIO, Scott MLB player has large tattoo of a blonde woman pulling down her shorts on his left upper arm PICSsprakerSPRAKER, Sara Model has tribal tattoo on her lower back, a symbol for strength on the back of her neck, bracelet on right wrist, old English "S" on inner left wrist, flowers on foot, stemmed rose on ankle, butterfly in bikini area PICSstaffSTAFF, James British Olympic cyclist has a mechanical style tattoo on the outside of his left lower leg PICSstaindSTAIND Band members have various tattoos PICS staiteSTAITE, Jewel Canadian actress has a large unicorn on her lower back  stalinSTALIN, Josef Russian leader had a Death's head tattooed on his chest PICSstalloneSTALLONE, Sylvester American actor has a large portrait of his wife Jennifer Flavin with three roses (for their daughters middle names) tattooed on his right shoulder. His left should is covered with a large tattoo done by  Mario Barth PICSstamSTAM, Jessica Model has Japanese kanji characters on her right foot  stamosSTAMOS, John Actor's left bicep has a small tattoo PICSstanleySTANLEY, Paul KISS band member has red rose on right shoulder PICSstappSTAPP, Scott Musician has a large cross tattoo on his upper right arm  starrSTARR, Ringo Former Beatle has a half moon and shooting star tattoo PICSstearnsSTEARNS, Jeff Actor has tattoos on both arms, one a sun design PICSsternSTERN, Howard Shock jock radio personality, actor has a dragon tattoo cover-up of a Capricorn sign on upper right arm, small tattoo on his right pinkie finger, the letter B for Beth Ostrosky on his ring finger PICSstewart_kimSTEWART, Kimberly Rod Stewart's model/actress daughter had "Daddy's Little Girl" tattooed on her right hip. It was changed to "Daddy's Little Girl Loves Cisco" then "Daddy's Little Girl Loves Disco" and now reads "Daddy's Little Girl Loves Discounts". She has "This too shall pass" tattooed on her left forearm. PICS Kristen StewartSTEWART, Kristen Kristen Jaymes Stewart (born April 9, 1990) is an American actress who is best known for playing roles such as Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga. She has two small tattoos, one of 4 lines on her left wrist and a small infinity symbol on her right wrist. PICSstewart_rodSTEWART, Rod Singer has tattooed right arm with a Scottish thistle, his left arm has a Scottish lion tattoo PICSstevensSTEVENS, Rachel S Club 7 band member has a small butterfly tattoo on right side at her panty line PICSstevensonSTEVENSON, Warwick BMX bike racing star has an Oriental scene & tribal sun tattoo on his right arm, others PICSsteve-o_1STEVE-O Jackass crew member has many "dumb" tattoos PICSstillerSTILLER, Ben Actor had old school tattoos for the movie Tropic Thunder PICSstipeSTIPE, Michael  REM singer has 1920's cartoon characters Ignatz Mouse and Krazy Kat tattooed on underside of right upper arm, small brick design on right hand below thumb PICSstoneSTONE, Joss Singer has small shooting star tattoo along with some flowers and a small cross on the outside of her right foot just under the ankle, a flower design behind her left ear PICSstoudemireSTOUDEMIRE, Amare NBA player has many tattoos including one on his neck that reads BLACK JESUS PICSGPSSt. PIERRE, George Canadian MMA fighter (UFC) has a line of Kanji on his upper chest and Fleur de Lis tattoo on the back of his right calf PICSstraitSTRAIT, Steven Actor had fake flame tattoos for the movie "Sky High" PICSstrattonSTRATTON, Casey Musician has 4 tattoos including one on his right forearm that shows a stylized backward treble clef PICSstroupSTROUP, Jessica American actress and model has a small wing shaped tribal tattoo on the underside of her left wrist and one on the back of her neck that is an African symbol called Sankofa. It looks similar to a heart with swirls inside PICSash stymestSTYMEST, Ash British model has several skull tattoos, scrolls with writing on his forearm PICSsublimeSUBLIME Band members have many assorted tattoos PICsugarcultSUGARCULT Some of the band members have tattoos PICSsugarraySUGAR RAY Band members have many tattoos PICSSGSUICIDE GIRLS Most of the girls in the Suicide Girls' community are heavily inked PICSsulemanSULEMAN, Nadya (Octomom) Mother of octuplets and six other children has at least 8 tattoos, a cherub with ribbons on her upper left shoulder, Mickey and Minnie Mouse in an undisclosed location PICSsursokSURSOK, Tammin Australian actress / singer has a line of words on her lower left stomach that say "Mind Body Soul" PICSsutherlandSUTHERLAND, Kiefer Actor has the Chinese symbol for strength, barbwire armband, crest and sword, Celtic crest with the Sutherland clan armband, Our Lady of Guadalupe on his left forearm, "I Trust You to Kill Me" written in Icelandic Runes on his right forearm, others... PICSsutraSUTRA, Karmen Model has large angel tattoo on her lower stomach, a feathered Indian princess under her left armpit PICSsuvariSUVARI, Mena American actress, model and fashion designer has a number 13 tattoo between her breasts and a large tattoo of a lion with the words Word, Sound, Power underneath on her upper back PICSsvensonSVENSON, Janna Swedish model / actress has tribal armband right bicep PICSsweetSWEET, Aimee Adult actress has a tribal spade on her stomach PICSswiftSWIFT, Taylor Country music star had a fake heart tattoo on her left foot for her first album cover. PICSszohrSZOHR, Jessica Actress has a word tattooed along the outside of her left foot just by the heel to Celebrity Tattoos - T


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