Roman Numeral Tattoo Ideas eHow - eHow How to

Megan Shoop

Megan Shoop has Bachelor of Arts in English literature and is proficient in both AP and MLA styles. As an editor of her college newspaper for one year, she assisted with copy editing, proofreading and layout design. She also wrote art and movie reviews and articles about campus events.

By Megan Shoop, eHow Contributor

Before the Arabic numerals were adapted into the number system used today, much of the ancient world used Roman numerals, including most of the Mediterranean and Persia. These numerals told the time, informed nobles and monarchs how much gold was in their treasuries and marked the dates of important events. Often, these numerals were carved into stone or scraped into wax and clay tablets.
Today, Roman numerals can just as easily be imprinted on skin in the form of tattoos. People get tattoos for many different reasons, the most common of which being self-expression. Roman numerals are an artistic and bold way to express yourself.

  1. Important Dates

    • There are many important dates in people's lives. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduation dates, dates you were awarded something and even important historical dates. Instead of getting these dates tattooed in regular numbers, use Roman numerals. They stand alone easily or incorporate well into an existing tattoo collection. You could get your loved ones' birthdays tattooed on your back in the form of a family tree or get your children's birthdays and graduation days successively tattooed on your shoulder or down your ribcage. You could get your spouse's birthday or the date of your wedding tattooed around your left ring finger or on your left wrist. You could also honor deceased loved ones with a tattoo representing the day of their death and angel wings or a dove on the back of your neck, on your ankle or on the inside of your arm.

    Lucky Numbers

    • Many people have numbers that "follow them around," numbers that they see all the time and use constantly when they play the lottery or do other kinds of gambling. Others study numerology, the study of numbers and patterns and how they fit into your life. Those with lucky numbers may want to get them tattooed in a discreet place like the wrist, behind an ear, on an ankle, on the webbing of a hand or on the nape of the neck, using Roman numerals. Numerology enthusiasts may want to get a series of numbers that represent their names tattooed across the knuckles of one hand or foot, vertically on their ribcage or around a bicep. Numerologists may also want to tattoo important dates and astrological numbers on their spines, around an ankle, or on the lower back.

    Historical Events

    • Many people love history and have their favorite historical heroes or events. You could get one or several significant dates tattooed in Roman numerals as a form of self-expression. For instance, you could get 1776 tattooed below three stars or a small representation of the American flag. 1066 A.D. could be a good tattoo for someone that loves Celtic history or holds William the Conqueror in high regard. December 7, 1941 could serve as a memorial tattoo for those that died at Pearl Harbor. You could get a partially unrolled parchment scroll tattooed on your ribcage with the date June 28, 1919 on it to commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. You could also get countless dates in ancient Renaissance or colonial history as tattoos to show homage to great rulers and architects, inventors, explorers and historical discoveries.

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