Cowboy Tattoo Designs: Cowboy Hat Tattoos, Cowboy Skull

Looking for your own cowboy tattoo design? Maybe you've been riding in the rodeo for years and you want to commemorate your time on the circuit. Or maybe you've just been drawn to the Wild West your entire life. Either way, you're looking for a tattoo and want it to be a cowboy tattoo. Now you just need a unique cowboy tattoo design.

There are many options for cowboy tattoo designs, much of which can be found on the internet. First think about what represents the West to you...why do you want to get this cowboy tattoo design on your body? Are you a lover of horses and/or western riding? Then you'll definitely want to get a cowboy tattoo design that includes a cowboy or a cowgirl riding a horse, maybe something similar to the first picture shown here? Or you could leave the cowboy or cowgirl out of the cowboy tattoo design and go with a simple horse in the desert. A bucking broncho or a running wild stallion are perfect for cowboy tattoo designs.

So you don't necessarily want a horse in your cowboy tattoo design. Think about getting a cowboy skull tattoo. These are simple - a skull with a cowboy hat and maybe a bandana around the neck makes for a bad-*ss cowboy tattoo design anytime. You can choose a scary skull or more of a sugar-skull design and slap a cowboy hat on top and yeeha! You have yourself a unique cowboy skull tattoo, that is all your own.

What if I'm not into skulls, you might be asking. Simply pick your favorite cowboy or cowgirl, either from Westerns or from history and get that as your cowboy tattoo design. Here's some suggestions/ideas: Annie Oakley, Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Clint Eastwood, Buffalo Bill, John Wayne. If you're a big Elvis fan, get an Elvis cowboy tattoo design. Make your cowboy tattoo design fit your personality and memorialize what you find so special about the West or being a cowboy/cowgirl.

If all else fails, use cowboy or Western symbology. Lucky horseshoes, cowboy hat tattoos, western steer, Indians, guns, etc. Pick your favorite western symbols and use them in your cowboy tattoo design.

Good luck finding your cowboy tattoo design and happy trails.

Article written and copyrighted © by Kitty the Dreamer (May Canfield), 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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