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  • Also, oopsie hardware releases aside, how would a "supposedly" early software build of iOS5 end up in the prototype phone of some guy in South East Asia? Hardware production is outsourced to Asia, yes, but software would be held pretty damn closely. Maybe I'm wrong?

    BS- IMHO this is a shamster.

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  • I just saw that it is a free update to aperture owners.

    AWESOME!! thanks apple!

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  • I wasn't gonna bother going but curiosity got the better of me. I go past that way on my way home from work anyway. Got there around 5:45 or 5:50 I think and the queue was all the way down Hanover Street, along Hanover Square and about 2/3 of the way down Princes St :eek:

    I wasn't gonna queue as I was just interested to see the crowds and thought I'd pick up a copy of Leopard at a later date - but then I stood at the back of the line and tried to get online... and just thought I'd see how quickly the queue moved.

    Didn't feel like long but actually didn't make it in to the store until about 6:15 - yeah, just after I made that previous post. Wow, chaos! Just grabbed my copy along with a wireless keyboard and didn't feel like hanging around.

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  • As an American so you have no idea what conservative or liberal really means. Those words have been distorted by your politics over the last half century. Conservative is supposed to mean "balance the budget and pay down the debt" through prudent spending cuts and no unnecessarily raising of taxes.
    which oddly was a Liberal trademark in the pre-Harper days.

    What your so-called conservatives have done is cut taxes for the rich only, increased spending in the military industrial complex and refused to pass healthcare reform that could potentially save billions of dollars per year. The US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country but it has the worst healthcare per capita than any other country in the world. Even Cuba has better healthcare.

    Being a conservative is not about having no social programs but rather it is about being fiscally responsible with tax payers money and spending on social programs that serve the majority of citizens and help promote a strong and healthy workforce. The workforce is the engine of the economy.

    Tax cuts are not a bad thing but they should only be done when the government is certain that the budget will be balanced or when they are needed for economic stimulus and they should be across the board or to people on the bottom end.

    I suspect the Conservative govt we have seen in the past few years will look nothing like the next few. Their true colours are about to be revealed. Not quite Tea Party but still fairly unsavoury.


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  • lol @ comparing the MBP 15" to the Dell XPS 15 ... haaaahahahaha :D

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  • Anybody seen any of the DFW apple stores receive and begin selling iPads during the day or have they been holding them for sale at the beginning of the next day? Trying to see if it's worth going to Northpark or Knox bright and early on Saturday morning or if it's best to just keep calling around throughout the day...

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  • Oklahoma, $3.61 for 87 with alcohol, costs me just under $50 to fill up the tank on my Accord.


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  • Gas at Mobile is at around $3.95 today. I paid $3.89 two days ago at a different station.

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  • Good Job Redeye, just installed 0,4B and it's great! Keep it up!! BTW, can we link to this thread in our text below?


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  • I just got one, what a great deal!

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  • I set my NAS boxes up with a static IP address, then mount them automatically (using login items) and they've never had a problem connecting....sounds like your NAS's IP adress might have changed (using DHCP means they won't necessarily get the same IP address every time) from when you set up the login item to the next time you tried to mount it.


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  • At this point, I will believe it when I see it. I think that the only thing all these Darn rumors say is how much everyone in general would love an apple phone. Done right, an iphone could easily replace most peoples phones and ipods. Add into that the possibility of home on ipod and WiFi, and I see a winner. But this is all speculation... ill belive it when i see it
    My personal dream phone would be simple yet packed:
    sleek flip phone, simple design, WiFi and Video chat capable
    I think this would really push forward communication, and make video chat a real thing. imagine if people were also using their phones at home with iChat for windows. apple sells ichat forthe PC as well, and everyone intercommunicates flawlessly where ever they are. Kind of like waht the ipod did for music the iphone could do for communication

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  • On my way home last night from a wedding I noticed gas anywhere from 3.49 to 3.66 for 87 octane.


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  • Originally posted by dricci
    P4s can't go Dual. It's sorta like the G3, it's just not designed to do that. It wouldn't work.
    That is what the Pentium 4 XEON is for. So yes, P4s can go dual, in the Xeon configuration.

    Edit: Hell, it can do 4-way or more. Quad G4 Macs? In your dreams...

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  • However, one question that intrigues me is Europe's mini-USB adoption with cell devices. How will this factor in?

    that's exactly what i was wondering about! i don't know if EU regulations apply to the ipad, but they certainly do apply to the iphone. and i think, apple has to include a miniUSB port (standardized charger) to the iphone 5 if they want to sell it here in europe. a simply dock connector just won't do.


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  • Push updates seem intermittent today, they were working well yesterday!!

    I agree; intermittent today for some reason. I'm only getting some alerts, but not all. And the sound which was working yesterday has stopped today.

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  • So, how much can I sell this for?


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  • That, and my neurosurgeon is dreamy. :D
    No, it's the anethesist who is is dreamy, the neurosurgeon is a cut-up.

    Wait, maybe the neurosurgeon is sharp and the anethesist is a gas...

    Just bought one here locally. 328 otd after taxes. I was waiting for the 2, but could not pass this up.

    Single source hardware is an asset to server reliability, not a detriment. Compare linux uptimes to AIX, Solaris, or HPUX, and there's no contest. Having 1 company on the hook for everything helps make things run way more smoothly. The trend towards linux in the data center is a detriment that mirrors wall street, with short term costs overruling long term benefit.

    That's debatable. Apple's reputation in business/enterprise support has never been stellar. Meanwhile, Google literally Velcro together their server farms, using cheap hardware that is vulnerable to failure at single points but is collectively resilient and efficient.

    These are extreme ends of the spectrum that I'm using as examples, though.

    Here's the gist of the problem: too generous state worker union pensions. I wouldn't be surprised that these pensions are extensively re-done to drastically cut its cost in order to reduce state budget deficits.

    So, the bad guys are the teachers, firefighters, police, tax collectors, engineers, paper pushers, etc... who are employed by the government? So, it's their fault that corporations and individuals aren't paying (or avoiding paying) sufficient taxes to pay for the spending that was enacted by elected officials?

    Good to know who you blame for not being able to afford things like more oil subsidies, tax breaks for companies like GE, and lowering estate taxes on high value estates.

    Not that surprising considering the efforts to now radically cut programs for the poor, sick and elderly.

    (edit) How many BILLIONS of dollars in bribe money have been "lost" or "misplaced" or "stolen" in Iraq and Afghanistan? Billions with a B. Enough to fund the 14-16 billion dollar cost of extending unemployment 14 more weeks? In the past three years, over $3 billion in CASH was flown out of Kabul reports the Wall Street Journal. Officials dont know exactly who got what, but have a general idea: U.S. investigators believe top Afghan officials and their associates are sending billions of diverted U.S. aid and logistics dollars and drug money to financial safe havens abroad. Thats still $9 billion less than what was lost in Iraq. Not quite enough, but close.

    Much easier said then done. Remember, it takes 60 votes to get anything done in the Senate and the Republicans obstructed virtually ever bill brought up.

    i though the budget was not allowed to be fillibustered. It has its own rules in place on it.

    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device

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