Angel Wings Tattoos Tattoo Art - Free Tattoo Designs

tattoo designsWings are often considered a distinctive angelic symbol and are emblematic of divine beauty and innocence. Angel wing tattoos are often expressed as a symbol of spirituality. Angel wing tattoos doesnt particularly have to pertain to religious themes, as angel wings can have personal significance to the individual wearer. For instance, wings signal the swiftness of flight which can represent freedom and aspiration. Angel wings can symbolize a child-like purity which could add an element of playfulness and innocence to your tattoo. Looking at a pair of wings evokes feelings of majestic calm and harmony.

Angels are associated as messengers, guardians, comforters, and provide an element of spiritual emotion. With angels in mind, angel wings can portray protection, power, generosity, purity, love, wisdom, guidance, and intelligence. Artists of ancient Egypt used angel wings as symbols of might and majesty.

angel wing tattoosThere are several options of how you can wear your angel wing tattoo. Angel wings can be seen on hearts, halos, animals, letters, flowers, a cross, and cherubim and seraphim figures. Angel wings can be attached to anything you desire! A popular design is a memorial tattoo with angel wings attached to initials or a name of a dearly departed loved one. The portrayal of heavenly wings with the name of a lost loved one signals that person who died is now among the angels or is your own personal guardian angel.

A pair of angel wings on the shoulder blades as if a wing is actually joined to the shoulder is rapidly becoming popular. Celebrities like Kelly Osbourne and Nicole Richie are part of this trendy movement of adorning angel wings on the shoulder blades. Wings are versatile enough to be applied anywhere on the body such as an arm, ankle, calves, lower back, or anywhere else.

It is not unusual to see angel wings in various colors. Although white wings symbolize purity and are the standard color, remember that your tattoo is a reflection of who you are and to choose the color you desire. Black wings symbolize danger and can represent fallen angels which are popular among the Gothic community. The color or varied colors of your wings lend an element of beauty and personal exquisite taste.

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