"Healthy Body, Healthy Mind" (2003) - Episodes cast

Season:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | unknown
Year:2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | unknown

Season 1

Season 1, Episode 1: Nutrition & Exercise

24 December 2003
In the premiere episode of the Healthy Body/Healthy Mind series, leading expert states, "I look at diet as a four letter word. It's a matter of making healthy food choices and that should be for the rest of your life." Through this Nutrition & Exercise program, viewers will learn how to prevent health problems such as heart disease and diabetes and make healthy lifestyle choices.

Season 1, Episode 2: Travel Medicine

Travel, for business or pleasure, can bring with it a life time of memories, but for the unprepared it may also lead to unexpected yet preventable health problems. In this episode Travel Medicine experts prepare viewers for pleasurable overseas trips.

Season 1, Episode 3: Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a blood born disease affecting over 5 million Americans. Dangerously, most people infected aren't even aware they've contracted it. On this program, Infectious Disease Specialists discuss the latest scientific & clinical data including treatment options and their side effects. We visit with real people who for years were unaware they were carrying the virus, found out, sought proper treatment and now live virus free.

Season 1, Episode 4: Psoriasis

Although more than 4.5 million adults in the United States suffer from the physical and psychological effects of Psoriasis, most people don't understand it and even think it's contagious. In this episode you'll learn that Psoriasis is an immune system disorder, it's not contagious and how new breakthrough 'Biologics' are successfully suppressing the Psoriasis gene.

Season 1, Episode 5: Peripheral Arterial Disease

21 January 2004
Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD is an often misdiagnosed vascular disease which causes leg pain due to poor circulation, sometimes resulting in years of discomfort for many patients. This program raises awareness of PAD and simple diagnostic testing. If detected in the early stages, patients can be treated successfully and once again, live their lives pain free.

Season 1, Episode 6: Allergies & Hay Fever

21 January 2004
What do dust, cat hair, and pollen have in common? They are common allergens, insignificant to most people but not for those who have Allergic Rhinitis (AR) also known as Hay Fever. For these folks, dust, cat hair, and pollen trigger itchy eyes, closed lungs, and lots of sneezing. This can either be seasonal or year round. This program explains that you don't have to suffer year round. Learn how you can bring AR under control.

Season 1, Episode 7: Obesity

28 January 2004
Approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million obese, and 9 million severely obese. Obesity is a complex, multi-factorial chronic disease involving environmental (social and cultural), genetic, physiologic, metabolic, behavioral and psychological components. It is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. In this episode we define people at risk and detail some of the Nutritional solutions to help people stay healthy.

Season 1, Episode 8: Prostate Cancer

4 February 2004
Are you a man age 40 or older and haven't had a PSA test for Prostate Cancer? Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, after skin cancer. It is estimated that approximately 230,110 men in the United States will be diagnosed with the disease this year, and about 30,000 men will die from it. PSA or Prostate Specific Antigen is a simple blood test that can save your life. In this episode, patients and doctors explain what the PSA test is and how it can be used to identify cancer at its earliest stage. Remember, no man should die from Prostate Cancer. Get the facts.

Season 1, Episode 9: Going to the Hospital

11 February 2004
Healthcare is experiencing some of its most challenging times, and with the challenge, comes opportunity. This program focuses on the importance of hospitals who place Patient Centered Care first. The concept of patient-centered care is nothing new. It's been gathering momentum in the United States for two decades. Patient Centered hospitals are different from the inside and out; the lighting is incandescent; floors are carpeted; original artwork lines the walls; fresh flowers grace the tabletops; patient rooms, all rooms are private and set back from the hallway; etc. However, Patient Centered Care doesn't mean that all hospitals must make expensive renovations to keep up. The core philosophy is about empowering patients and treating them like human beings. In Patient Centered Care hospitals, patients and families have access to information so they can become more active participants in medical decision making, exercising autonomy, and having considerable control over the choice of medical therapies.

Season 1, Episode 10: Heart Disease

18 February 2004
Heart Disease is the number one killer of both men and women in America today, but as this episode clearly states, if you know your risk and are aware of the symptoms, you can avoid falling victim to this devastating disease. Coronary Artery Disease or CAD is often a silent disease and in about half of the people with CAD the first sign of a problem is either a heart attack or sudden cardiac death. Fortunately it doesn't have to be the end of the story, but can be the beginning of new life.

Season 1, Episode 11: Diabetes

26 February 2004
Diabetes is a common condition that can seriously affect your quality of life. The good news is it's possible to take charge and stop Diabetes in its tracks, and maybe keep it from developing in the first place. In this episode find out how to manage, control and possibly prevent Diabetes.

Season 1, Episode 12: Ulcers/GERD

1 April 2004
More than 50 million people living in the US experience occasional heartburn, but for more than 25 million people, heartburn has become an annoying part of life. If this sounds familiar, your 'heartburn' may be a symptom of a serious digestive disorder called GERD or Gastro Esophageal Reflux disease. Another digestive disorder identified as peptic ulcers is attributed in many cases to a bacteria found in the stomach called h-pylori. Doctors believe that the h-pylori bacteria has evolved with humans over the past 5 million years. In this episode, we take an in depth look at GERD/Ulcers and all the options currently available to treat these disorders.

Season 1, Episode 13: Understanding Mental Illness and Schizophrenia

18 March 2004
Mental Illnesses are complex diseases of the brain affecting thoughts, moods, and coping ability. There are many diseases you can see, feel and understand, but there are others that aren't as easy to comprehend. Education and compassion are key. Untreated mental illness costs Americans more than 100 billion dollars each year. Fear of Mental Illness and the lack of understanding prevent millions of people from seeking much needed treatment. Meet some of these people in this episode.

Season 1, Episode 14: Healthy Eyes

25 March 2004
The eyes are known as the 'windows to our souls.' Our eyes not only process the sights around us, they project our emotions and silently, yet powerfully communicate them to the world. So, when our eyes are diseased, it not only impacts our ability to see, but can also severely interfere with the quality of our lives. In this episode, we'll show you how to protect your eyes.

Season 1, Episode 15: Bi-Polar Disorder

1 April 2004
Bipolar Disorder, aka, manic depression is misunderstood and, sadly, sufferers from this disease are often ostracized by their family and friends. Our program demystifies this disorder by introducing research advancements, new treatments and proves conclusively with patience and support people can live productive, fulfilling lives.

Season 1, Episode 16: Advanced Colon Cancer

8 April 2004
Cancer ... it is a six-letter word that can strike fear the minute it's heard or spoken. is A Colon Cancer diagnosis can be devastating, but it's a disease that should be rare. Doctors believe if people knew how to decrease their risk we would have a lot less of this disease to deal with. Thanks to advances in early detection, treatments and therapies, cancer isn't the automatic death sentence that it was a generation ago. There are ways to manage and control this condition. Find out how by tuning in to this episode.

Season 1, Episode 17: Cataracts

15 April 2004
The word cataract literally means, waterfall. What's the connection? We'll visit with four people from different backgrounds that had their lives transformed after receiving ground breaking cataract surgery. The best cataract surgeons perform delicate surgery and lens replacement procedures in this episode. The recipients of these procedures are featured, before, during and after their surgeries. Watch and see how vision can be restored.

Season 1, Episode 18: Epilepsy

22 April 2004
It's a condition that's been documented for centuries, but those living with epilepsy don't have to fall victim to disabling prejudice. If you have epilepsy, you already know that it's not a mental disorder. It can be caused by anything that affects the brain. In this episode, learn how people with epilepsy live happy, productive, fulfilling lives.

Season 1, Episode 19: PHN: Post-Herpetic Neuralgia

29 April 2004
For Millions of Americans, the pain is constant, relentless, and unlike any other. It results from a virus many people are exposed to in childhood. The virus that causes chicken pox also causes shingles and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia, the pain that follows shingles. In this episode, we explore the affects of PHN and how to treat and possibly prevent the disease.

Season 1, Episode 20: MDS/Leukemia

5 May 2004
It can begin as a harmless case of fatigue but can lead to a blood transfusion or possible bone marrow transplant. It's a disease virtually unknown to the general public and often not diagnosed by medical caregivers. Mylodysplastic syndrome, or MDS, is a disorder of the bone marrow and can lead to leukemia and eventually death. In this episode, success stories abound as researchers struggle to find answers.

Season 1, Episode 21: Patient Safety

12 May 2004
Research shows that patient involvement can greatly increase the safety of a hospital stay. When patients arrive at the hospital, they are in a new and strange environment. It can be overwhelming: operations, anesthesia, IV's, treatments, and medication. With so many people interacting and many new and complicated procedures, it's no surprise something may go wrong. This program will help you understand the importance of taking an active role in your (hospital) healthcare decisions. Learn from leaders of the Patient Safety Movement and increase the safety of your next hospital stay.

Season 1, Episode 22: PI: Primary Immunodeficiency

19 May 2004
When people are born with a faulty immune system, they are said to have a Primary Immunodeficiency. PI diseases were once thought to be rare, mostly because only the more severe forms were recognized. Today physicians realize that PIs are not uncommon. They can occur in teenagers and adults as often as in infants and children. Because of advances in our medical understanding and treatment, individuals who would not have survived childhood are now able to live normal lives.

Season 1, Episode 23: Arthritis

2 June 2004
"One in three adult Americans suffer from arthritis or chronic joint symptoms. Also, nearly 300,000 children have arthritis." Aching joints, pain and swelling so bad it prohibits people from exercising or just walking. These may not be signs of aging; they could be symptoms of arthritis. Untreated it can affect everyday activities and impact your way of life. In this episode, we uncover the early warning signs of arthritis and provide an understanding of a patients options.

Season 1, Episode 24: Glaucoma

2 June 2004
The gift of eyesight is something many of us take for granted, but slowly, silently, your vision can be lost without any warning signs until it's too late. Glaucoma is an eye disease that gradually steals sight with few if any symptoms, and for African Americans, it is the leading cause of vision loss. Glaucoma can be treated if caught in time, but once vision is lost, restoration is impossible. In this program, we take a look at warning signs and risk factors.

Season 1, Episode 25: Diabetic Foot Infections

9 June 2004
Arrhythmias are problems that affect the electrical system of the heart muscle, producing abnormal heart rhythms that can cause the heart to pump less effectively. Arrhythmias may cause the heart rate to be too slow or too fast or the heart rhythm to be erratic. Arrhythmias can also be life threatening, in this program we explore the cause of arrhythmias and the different treatment options available.

Season 1, Episode 26: Curing Cancer: Understanding Cancer Clinical Trials

16 June 2004
Aging can have a profound effect on both our physical and emotional well-being. Healthy aging is about finding a lifestyle strategy that makes it possible to grow old gracefully. As you'll see in this program, finding that strategy begins with understanding the changes that occur as part of the natural process of aging, as well as what disease states we can control or forestall with early detection, medical intervention, and lifestyle changes.

Season 2

Season 2, Episode 1: Cancer Patients and Anemia

1 September 2004
Anemia (an abnormally low number of red blood cells) is a common condition in cancer patients that may occur either as a direct result of the cancer or as a side effect of the cancer treatment. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and blood loss during surgery are all common causes of anemia in cancer patients. But, as you'll see in this program, anemia can be successfully treated, and patients can go on to beat their cancers and live healthy lives.

Season 2, Episode 2: Kidney Disease

8 September 2004
When kidney disease occurs it can have detrimental effects on the body. It can lead to complete kidney failure requiring the need for dialysis treatments or a kidney transplant to stay alive. Knowing the symptoms of kidney disease can help doctors detect it early enough to get treatment; those with diabetes and high blood pressure should be tested yearly. Find out the other risks and warning signs in this program.

Season 2, Episode 3: Spinal Degenerative Disc Disease

15 September 2004
As we age, our discs lose their flexibility and the ligaments that surround the disc become brittle. By age 60, this disease is an expected finding on a MRI scan. However Degenerative Disc Disease also affects many young adults. MRI scans have documented that approximately 30% of 30 year olds have signs of disc degeneration even though they have no back pain symptoms. But people don't have to live with back pain, there are options that can help control the pain and, in some cases, completely eliminate it.

Season 2, Episode 4: Post Heart Attack/Heart Failure

22 September 2004
Many people fear that after a heart attack, life will never be the same; they'll suffer heart failure and have to live the rest of their lives in fear. Nothing could be further from the truth. New treatments and medical therapies are helping heart failure patients live healthy, normal lives. Despite the ominous sounding name, Heart Failure doesn't have to be a death sentence.

Season 2, Episode 5: Sleep Disorders

29 September 2004
Over 40 million American adults suffer each year from a variety of chronic, long-term sleep disorders. There are more than 70 different sleep disorders that are usually classified into three major categories: lack of sleep, or insomnia; disturbed sleep, such as obstructive sleep apnea; and too much sleep, known as narcolepsy. Learn more about sleep disorders and how they can be easily managed once they are diagnosed.

Season 2, Episode 6: Colon Cancer

6 October 2004
Colon cancer is an abnormal (or malignant) growth arising from a specific cell type (polyps) in the lining of the large intestine. It is graded according to how it looks under a microscope and how far it has spread. The grading helps determine the patients' chance for cure or for survival if cure is not possible. In this program, we'll details the treatment advances that are helping oncologists cure many more people with colon cancer, we'll see how new cancer therapies work and why they are easier on the patient, and their families.

Season 2, Episode 7: DVT

13 October 2004
A deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in a deep vein, usually in the leg. DVT is a very common condition, which affects about 2 million Americans every year. Certain genetic risk factors as well as acquired risk factors make a DVT more likely to occur. If a deep vein thrombosis is suspected, tests will be needed to confirm the diagnosis. But DVT can lead to a life threatening condition, called Pulmonary Embolism, a blood clot in the lungs. See how DVT can be detected and treated early, and how Pulmonary Embolism can be avoided.

Season 2, Episode 8: Smoking Cessation

20 October 2004
In this country alone, about 48 million people smoke cigarettes, but most smokers are either actively trying to quit or want to quit. According to the 2004 Surgeon General's Report, smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reducing the health of smokers in general. In this program, we try to motivate the millions of addicted smokers to quit and facilitate access to cessation programs that have evidence of effectiveness.

Season 2, Episode 9: Pain Management

27 October 2004
Suffering with acute or chronic pain that just won't go away, or pain that frequently comes and goes, makes life miserable. It usually affects work, sleep, family, hobbies and the ability to enjoy life. Many chronic pain patients take prescription drugs to improve their quality of life, while others find relief at multidisciplinary pain management centers. Surgery is occasionally an option for individuals suffering chronic pain. But surgery is often viewed as a last resort. We'll explore the many options for pain patients in this program.

Season 2, Episode 10: Melanoma

3 November 2004
Melanoma is one of the most common forms of cancer, affecting more than 53,600 Americans each year. No one knows the exact causes of melanoma and doctors can rarely explain why one person gets melanoma and another does not. However, research has shown that people with certain risk factors are more likely to develop melanoma than others. People who are concerned about developing melanoma should talk with their doctor about the disease and the symptoms to watch for.

Season 2, Episode 11: Chronic Care

10 November 2004
A chronic condition is a long-term or permanent illness with no known cure. Since managing a chronic illness can be tough to do alone, family members and other caregivers should participate in the development of a realistic chronic care plan. This program can help those who are dealing with a chronic illness in themselves or in a loved one make some very important decisions.

Season 2, Episode 12: Heart Rhythms: Arrhythmia

17 November 2004
Arrhythmias are problems that affect the electrical system of the heart muscle, producing abnormal heart rhythms that can cause the heart to pump less effectively. Arrhythmias may cause the heart rate to be too slow or too fast or the heart rhythm to be erratic. Arrhythmias can also be life threatening, in this program we explore the cause of arrhythmias and the different treatment options available.

Season 2, Episode 13: Healthy Aging

24 November 2004
Aging can have a profound effect on both our physical and emotional well-being. Healthy aging is about finding a lifestyle strategy that makes it possible to grow old gracefully. As you'll see in this program, finding that strategy begins with understanding the changes that occur as part of the natural process of aging, as well as what disease states we can control or forestall with early detection, medical intervention, and lifestyle changes.

Season 3

Season 3, Episode 1: Chronic Kidney Disease

2 February 2005
More than twenty million Americans, one in nine adults, have chronic kidney disease, making it the ninth leading cause of death in the United States. What's more alarming, is that about twenty million others are at increased risk for the condition, largely due to climbing rates of diabetes and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, most Americans don't know anything about this silent epidemic until it's too late and won't discover their own kidney problems until they experience life-threatening symptoms.

Season 3, Episode 2: Advanced Prostate Cancer

9 February 2005
The diagnosis of Advanced Prostate Cancer can be devastating, and often is deadly. However, new breakthroughs in the care and treatment of advanced prostate cancer offer hope that patients can live with the disease for a longer period of time without sacrificing their quality of life.

Season 3, Episode 3: Prostate Cryotherapy

16 February 2005
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, and the second most fatal. While a diagnosis of cancer is always bad news, the treatments for this particular form of cancer can be frightening and confusing. In this program we take a look at one of the treatments for prostate cancer that has recently gained much national attention. Cryosurgery: a minimally invasive procedure that uses cold gasses to literally freeze the prostate gland and kill the cancer is becoming more and more popular at the foremost medical institutions around the country. We'll hear from the pioneers of this procedure, as well as from patients who are ten-year survivors.

Season 3, Episode 4: IBS

23 February 2005
Next to the common cold, Irritable Bowel Syndrome accounts for the most days of work missed. Additionally, 40% of all visits to gastroenterologists are for symptoms related to IBS. In this program "Taking Control of IBS", leading researchers and clinicians will debunk the myths and misconceptions of IBS and will show definitive proof that IBS has a physiological cause. In addition to this groundbreaking research, new treatments will be explored that include, medications, lifestyle modifications and how cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis are now helping people take control of their IBS.

Season 3, Episode 5: Colon Cancer

2 March 2005
"The hardest battle to fight is the one that should be the easiest but isn't." - Priscilla Savary, colon cancer patient educator It begins as a polyp, a tiny ball of tissue that forms in your intestinal lining. Polyps are not cancer, but a certain percentage can become cancerous if left in place. That equation means if you do not already have colon cancer, the odds are in your favor of successfully avoiding it. Screening and removal of polyps can stop the cancer before it begins. And yet colon cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in America, claiming some 56,000 victims each year. This show looks at the arc of colon cancer -- from screening options and education, to the stages of cancer, to treatment options, to a new horizon of treatment and prevention - through the eyes of three patient/interview subjects and the health and medical experts that are our guides through each story. In some cases those medical experts are the actual physicians treating our patients. In other cases they are experts who can offer a look at the bigger picture of this disease.

Season 3, Episode 6: Insomnia

9 March 2005
Leading experts are now speaking out about the importance of a good nights sleep. It helps with memory and an overall feeling of well-being. Conversely, chronic insomnia can lead to depression, time lost from work, a decrease in a person's quality of life, and an increase in injuries. But for some, a good night's sleep is elusive. They simply can't fall asleep. Others can fall asleep, but they wake a few hours later; and stay awake for several more hours and drag through the day. In this program, we'll investigate the clues scientists have discovered to help understand what's behind chronic insomnia and take a look at natural remedies, as well as medications available to help. In addition, we'll discuss a certain "sleep hygiene" people with insomnia can develop to help them learn better sleeping habits.

Season 3, Episode 7: Angina

16 March 2005
"Strangling of the Heart", is the Latin phrase describing a symptom of heart disease called Angina. It's a pain that occurs when the heart is not getting enough oxygen, usually because of blockages in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Angina is common, more than six million people in the United States have it but many may not know it. Angina can sometimes resemble other conditions like indigestion, back pain, or shoulder arthritis, and it's not uncommon for people to dismiss their pain and discomfort as nothing to worry about. While angina may not cause long-term heart damage, in many cases it can be a first sign of heart disease and the first alert for patients to change their old habits for a heart-healthy life.

Season 3, Episode 8: Hyponatremia

23 March 2005
Physicians and researchers are placing greater focus on this life-threatening condition that commonly afflicts not only ailing patients but also supremely conditioned athletes. The human body has a limited threshold for salt concentrations and serious health consequences can result if the sodium level in our body falls too far below normal. In this program we'll detail the procedures to diagnose hyponatremia and discuss the three most common forms. Treatment options for patients with hyponatremia have been limited and not entirely effective. However some medical experts believe that may be on the verge of changing, thanks to the development of promising new therapeutic agents that can dramatically improve the treatment of hyponatremia.

Season 3, Episode 9: Parkinson's Disease

30 March 2005
More than 1.5 million Americans currently have Parkinson Disease. It's a condition that affects men and women from all areas of the world and walks of life equally. The outward effects are quite recognizable, with patients experiencing shaking limbs, slow movement and muscle stiffness. But the impact on quality of life can be equally challenging for patients, family and caregivers. This program will help provide a better understanding of the disease, diagnosis and treatments, while offering a look at the future of preventing and managing Parkinson's disease.

Season 3, Episode 10: Migraines

6 April 2005
Migraine headaches afflict about 24 million people in the United States, and are listed by the World Health Organization in the top 20 reasons for missed work days world-wide. They can last up to 24 hours and in some cases several days. They are debilitating, throbbing pain and the sensitivity to sounds and light taking over the lives of sufferers. Through the stories of migraine sufferers, we will piece together a picture of what life is like during migraine attacks. Through interviews with leading medical experts, viewers will understand the physiology and the possible treatments of migraine headaches. More than most shows, this one will center on the idea of the patient/physician working as a team. We will put viewers into the patient/physician dialogue that leads to successful migraine treatment.

Season 3, Episode 11: Atrial Fibrillation

13 April 2005
You know the signs...rapid heart beat... shortness of breath... panic! Sounds like a heart attack, or panic disorder. More often, it is Atrial Fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat disorder than can cause the heart to beat more than 300 times a minute. More than 2 million people have Atrial Fibrillation. Here's what happens: because of a problem with the electrical wiring in the heart, the two small upper chambers, the atria, quiver instead of beating effectively. This quivering causes the discomfort the patient feels, and can cause the blood to pool and clot. If a piece of blood clot leaves the heart and becomes lodged in an artery in the brain, a stroke results. About fifteen percent of strokes occur in people with Atrial Fibrillation. There are effective treatments for Atrial Fibrillation including medication and a minimally invasive surgery.

Season 3, Episode 12: Osteoporosis

20 April 2005
You know the signs...rapid heart beat... shortness of breath... panic! Sounds like a heart attack, or panic disorder. More often, it is Atrial Fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat disorder than can cause the heart to beat more than 300 times a minute. More than 2 million people have Atrial Fibrillation. Here's what happens: because of a problem with the electrical wiring in the heart, the two small upper chambers, the atria, quiver instead of beating effectively. This quivering causes the discomfort the patient feels, and can cause the blood to pool and clot. If a piece of blood clot leaves the heart and becomes lodged in an artery in the brain, a stroke results. About fifteen percent of strokes occur in people with Atrial Fibrillation. There are effective treatments for Atrial Fibrillation including medication and a minimally invasive surgery.

Season 3, Episode 13: Macular Degeneration

27 April 2005
Age-related macular degeneration is becoming an all too common condition that is devastating to the quality of life of its victims. Those suffering from it lose sight in the center of their field of vision, often losing the ability to read, drive, or even recognize faces. However, this program illustrates that with the help of preventative measures, new technology, and adjustments to daily living, this diagnosis does not have to be a sentence to life without vision.

Season 4

Season 4, Episode 1: Epilepsy: Latest Advancements

8 June 2005
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder marked by sporadic, often unpredictable seizures which may be embarrassing and disruptive during normal daily activities. While medications have helped many control their seizures, they often have side effects which can compromise the quality of life. Now, new alternatives are providing people with effective control of their seizures. In this program, we meet three people who have had epilepsy for many years, hear their struggles and share their victories as they learned to live with this often mysterious condition.

Season 4, Episode 2: MDS

15 June 2005
Myelodisplastic Syndromes, once little known blood disorders, are now among the most common blood cancers. In fact, these very serious conditions often result from previous cancer treatment. But MDS can be treated, managed and sometimes cured. In this program we take a look at current therapies and treatments that offer much promise for the future.

Season 4, Episode 3: Hepatitis B

22 June 2005
Hepatitis B is the most common Hepatitis virus affecting more than a billion people world wide. Unfortunately many of the people who carry the virus don't even know they're infected. As a result the infection continues to proliferate. But there is a serious effort to eradicate this virus, through treatment and vaccine programs. The important first step is for those in the "at risk" categories to be tested. In this program we hear first hand accounts of what could happen if the infection remains untreated for many years.

Season 4, Episode 4: Pressure Ulcers

29 June 2005
Pressure ulcers sound like an innocuous condition, but in fact they can be extremely dangerous, especially to those who are physically challenged, have diabetes or who live in long term care facilities like nursing homes. In fact, actor and activist Christopher Reeves untimely death at age 51 was attributed to a pressure ulcer. In this program we explain what pressure ulcers are, see how they develop and how they can be prevented. We also examine an innovative therapy that is helping to heal pressure ulcers quickly and painlessly.

Season 4, Episode 5: Cholesterol

6 July 2005
Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in America and high cholesterol numbers are a major risk factor for both heart attacks and strokes. In this program we offer information about lifestyle changes that can help keep cholesterol numbers in the normal range, plus we see how changing the diet and adding exercise can lower high cholesterol. Also, we examine the various medications used to treat high cholesterol, explain what side effects could occur and help patients understand why in some cases, medication may be their friend.

Season 4, Episode 6: Women and Heart Disease

13 July 2005
Heart disease used to be thought of as a man's disease, but the reality is more women die from first heart attacks than men. In addition, heart disease can have different symptoms in women than the classic chest pain that has been so well publicized. In this program, we explain why women are equally at risk for a heart attack as men; we look at how hormone therapy can increase that risk, and hear from patients who've discovered ways to lower their risk of having a heart attack.

Season 4, Episode 7: Stroke

20 July 2005
One of the most feared conditions in the world is a stroke, also known as a brain attack. Suddenly, often without warning, people can lose their ability to see and speak, and they may be paralyzed on one side of the body. In fact, strokes are the number one cause of disability in the United States. In this program, we take a look at the warning signs of stroke, see what factors can increase a person's risk, and underscore the importance of getting to the hospital as soon as possible after a stroke has occurred.

Season 4, Episode 8: Diabetes: Common Condition

31 August 2005
While most people have heard of diabetes, many of us truly don't understand how dangerous this common condition is. The facts speak for themselves: diabetes is a major risk factor for both heart attacks and strokes, is a leading cause of kidney disease and blindness, and the reason for most non-traumatic amputations. However, the complications of diabetes can be prevented. Lifestyle changes, like changing the diet, and adding exercise can help many patients with diabetes slow down the negative effects of the disease or even reverse them entirely. In this program, we'll take a look at the latest research.

Season 4, Episode 9: Chronic Pain

3 August 2005
Millions of people live every day in chronic pain, but they shouldn't have to because there are treatments that can help. In this program, we explore what causes pain in our bodies and look at how it can be effectively treated through exercise, alternative therapies and medications.

Season 4, Episode 10: Dental Health

10 August 2005
A beautiful, bright smile is one of the most obvious signs of good health to many people, but that smile might be hiding a host of health problems. In this program, we examine the connection between gum disease and cardiovascular diseases, and other conditions including pre-term labor and delivery. We also take a look at some of the latest innovations in cosmetic dentistry and dental implants.

Season 4, Episode 11: Influenza

17 August 2005
The word "flu" sounds innocent enough, but thousands of people every year die from influenza, also known as the flu. In this program, we take a look at how it is spread and how it can be prevented. In addition, we examine some of the most effective treatments.

Season 4, Episode 12: Osteoarthritis

24 August 2005
Today, arthritis is one of the most common causes of debilitating pain in many older people, and osteoarthritis is by far the most prevalent form of this disease. While many consider it to be an inevitable part of aging, that's not necessarily true. In this program we learn about the risk factors for osteoarthritis and investigate the best treatments available, including which patients may benefit from surgery.

Season 4, Episode 13: Low Back Pain

27 July 2005
Millions of Americans live their lives with low back pain. This condition can often be seriously debilitating and interfere with a person's quality of life, but they don't have to live with the pain. In this program we discuss how to treat low back pain and offer suggestions on how to prevent it in the future.

Season 5

Season 5, Episode 1: Hernia: More Common Than You Think

5 October 2005
This episode looks at the latest advances in hernia-repair operations, the most common surgery performed in the United States. In addition to seeing where and why hernias form, viewers will learn about advances in mesh materials that are leading to less pain and faster recoveries for patients who undergo hernia-repair operations. New surgical techniques are also lowering the odds of recurrent hernias.

Season 5, Episode 2: Living with Prostate Cancer

12 October 2005
Prostate Cancer - In 2005, over 232,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and over 30,000 men will die from it. American men are 33% more likely to develop prostate cancer than an American woman is to develop breast cancer. In fact, prostate Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer in the United States. We'll look at the severity of this disease, how it is diagnosed, and the treatments available.

Season 5, Episode 3: New Hope for Hepatitis (B&C)

19 October 2005
While new cases of hepatitis B & C are declining in the U.S., deaths are expected to increase over the next decade, as patients who contracted the infections years ago via infected blood transfusions and the drug abuse related sharing of syringes, begin to develop liver failure or liver cancer.

Season 5, Episode 4: COPD: The Struggle to Breath

26 October 2005
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is an umbrella term used to describe patients with Chronic Bronchitis and/or Emphysema. The condition causes shortness of breath and can restrict mobility, making simple tasks like walking to the car seem almost impossible.

Season 5, Episode 5: MDS: A Menace in the Blood

2 November 2005
MDS, or Myelodysplastic Syndrome, is a preleukemic blood disorder. In this case, the mutated cells live along side normal cells. But once the number of mutated cells grows to the point where they begin to crowd out the normal cells, leukemia develops. Once that happens, life expectancy is about 3 years. There are new therapies to stem the tide of this disease, and research is underway via clinical trials to improve treatment

Season 5, Episode 6: Organ Transplant: Making a Match

9 November 2005
About sixty years ago, successful organ transplants for humans began to show signs of success. Since then, organ transplants have saved millions of lives worldwide. More than 65,000 Americans are waiting for an organ transplant. While each day about 57 Americans receive a transplant, about 13 will die because not enough organs are available. Once a transplant has been completed, preventing the body's rejection of the transplanted organ can be an ongoing challenge. The body's attempt to destroy the transplanted organ; usually occurs in the first year after transplant. Rejection occurs when the body tries to attack a transplanted organ because it reacts to the organ or tissue as a foreign object and produces antibodies to destroy it. Anti-rejection (immunosuppressive) drugs help prevent rejection.

Season 5, Episode 7: Kidney Cancer: The Silent Destroyer

16 November 2005
In the United States, kidney cancer accounts for approximately 3% of all adult cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, about 32,000 new cases are diagnosed and about 12,000 people die from the disease annually. Kidney cancer occurs most often in people between the ages of 50 and 70, and affects men almost twice as often as women. There is a trend to move away from more toxic treatments that have fewer side effects, like oral medications now being used. Other forms of treatment continue to make an impact on this disease.

Season 5, Episode 8: Asthma: Catching Your Breath

23 November 2005
Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for millions of Americans. Asthma leads to 2 million emergency room visits and 5,000 deaths per year in the U.S. And although many cases of asthma go undiagnosed, health officials estimate that at least 20 million people in the U.S. have asthma, including 6.3 million children. Although there is no cure yet, it can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental "triggers".

Season 5, Episode 9: Overcoming Acne

30 November 2005
Acne affects more than 90 percent of people at some point in their lives. It can begin soon after puberty and continue into adulthood. Often, acne clears on its own but for some people if left untreated, acne can leave years of physical and emotional scars. In this episode we'll take a look at the causes of acne and explore treatments that are helping patients overcome the condition and get back their confidence.

Season 5, Episode 10: Revolutionizing 'Chemo'

7 December 2005
Chemotherapy has a tough reputation, but enduring the treatment isn't what it used to be. Advances in the control of side-effects are making "chemo" more tolerable. Traditionally, some patients were forced to quit or delay therapy because of these side effects... in turn, making them more vulnerable to their cancer. Today, advances in chemotherapy are making treatments more effective with fewer side effects and more often then not, allow patients to work and be active during their treatment. There's hope with today's Chemotherapy.

Season 6

Season 6, Episode 1: Bladder Disorder

19 April 2006
Interstitial Cystitis, or IC, is a bladder disorder that is often confused with "Over-Active Bladder or OAB" syndrome - millions suffer from it. The symptoms often start with frequency and urgency of urination but as the disease progresses over time, chronic pelvic pain starts to develop. The preliminary symptoms of IC can also vary widely with pain emanating from different areas of the torso from just above the knees to just below the navel. This can make accurate diagnosis more challenging, and many patients have had to wait years while doctors sort through a variety of possible causes.

Season 6, Episode 2: Lung Disease

26 April 2006
Pulmonary Fibrosis is a set of diseases that cause progressive scarring inside the lungs. Over time the lungs are slowly replaced with scar tissue, which causes airways to restrict airflow, making it difficult to breath and to get enough oxygen. Doctors, patients and researchers are hoping clinical trials will lead to a drug that prevents lung function from worsening ultimately allowing patients to live longer.

Season 6, Episode 3: Diabetes Management

10 May 2006
Diabetes is a progressive and currently incurable condition that can strike at any age. According to the Centers for Disease and Control, there are nearly 21 million people in the United States who have diabetes. And due to the obesity epidemic, more children are developing the disease. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial. If blood glucose levels are not carefully controlled, the disease may lead to serious health problems. The message to remember: Most diabetes-related complications can be prevented if individuals successfully manage their disease.

Season 6, Episode 4: Life After Heart Attack

17 May 2006
Each year, more than 1 million men and women suffer a heart attack. This event suddenly and dramatically changes the person's life forever, but studies show if the sufferer is able to get to a hospital quickly, more than 90% will survive the attack. Life After a Heart Attack explains what every man and woman needs to know in order to recognize the signs of a heart attack - which can differ between men and women - so early and critical medical intervention can be done to minimize the damage. Heart attack sufferers have their lives unexpectedly changed. But through determination, targeted medications and lifestyle modifications they can return to a productive life.

Season 6, Episode 5: Targeted Cancer Therapy

24 May 2006
For dozens of years, the most common forms of cancer treatments included traditional chemotherapy, radiation and possibly surgery. Now newer medications are emerging, thanks to advances in science. Research has brought about a better understanding of cancer on a molecular level. This understanding is resulting in medicines that zero in on properties unique to cancer cells, allowing those medicines to selectively affect cancer with the potential of less collateral damage to healthy cells in the body. This episode, "Targeted Cancer Therapy," describes how targeted therapies work, and introduces patients and families who are finding hope and healing where there once was none.

Season 6, Episode 6: Learning About RA

31 May 2006
Morning stiffness of the hands and swelling of knuckles... these can be more than the toll of hard work; they can be the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis. This inflammatory disease is caused by the body's own immune system attacking itself. Doctors and patients alike understand that the pain won't go away on its own. This disease requires constant attention and a disciplined treatment plan to help patients regain control of their lives.

Season 6, Episode 7: Living with RA

7 June 2006
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis can suffer immense pain, swelling, stiffness of the joints and fatigue. Once the disease sets in it can involve many joints, be more persistent and cause more disability. Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, experts believe no single reason is responsible and researchers are currently looking at gender and genetics. Rheumatoid arthritis can be a debilitating, crippling disease if not treated, but there is good news. There are new life-changing treatments available to patients today than ever before. Today's new medications, are giving advanced patients a higher level of treatment, ultimately improving their quality of life. In this program we'll hear from patients who've been struggling with pain and fatigue for more than ten years and now have real hope for the future.

Season 6, Episode 8: Super Staph

14 June 2006
For the past 60 years, antibiotics have rescued countless lives from potentially deadly bacterial infections -- but the germs are learning to fight back. Infections that don't respond to traditional antibiotics are on the rise across the country. One of the most common of these mutant pathogens is known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA. Unlike common staph infections, MRSA cannot be treated with methicillin, amoxicillin or many related antibiotics. MRSA can strike anyone, although hospital patients are the most vulnerable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that in intensive care units, 65 percent of all staph infections are now caused by MRSA. While researchers scramble to create new antibiotics, experts are stressing steps to prevent MRSA from spreading -- in both hospitals and communities nationwide.

Season 6, Episode 9: Aspects of MS

21 June 2006
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is considered an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. A fatty tissue called myelin, surrounds and protects the nerves in the central nervous system, helping nerve fibers send electrical messages to the entire body. While the exact cause of this disease is still unknown, most scientists agree that several factors are involved, including: genetics, gender, or environmental triggers such as a virus or bacteria. Researchers have long been searching for an infectious agent that may trigger MS. While many viruses and bacteria have been studied, nothing has been confirmed. In recent years, disease modifying medications have been shown to slow down the progression of MS, its rate of relapse and the body's overall disability.

Season 6, Episode 10: Breast Cancer: Early Detection

28 June 2006
Breast cancer is probably one of the diseases women fear the most, but in the past 30 years there have been tremendous advances in the treatment and detection of breast cancer. In this program, we'll examine the new forms of treatment designed to help women fight breast cancer and lower the risk of the disease returning in the future. Also, we'll highlight some of the targeted therapies that are changing the way doctors approach breast cancer and are giving women much higher survival rates. Plus, we'll see how mammograms can be made digital, allowing the experts to get a closer look at what could be cancer in its earliest forms. And we'll see why detecting the cancer in its earliest stages offers women the best chance for a cure.

Season 6, Episode 11: Spinal Disease

5 July 2006
Bending, leaning, lifting, stretching... these are some of the benefits of a healthy spine, and what most of us consider being the essence of an active lifestyle. But for over half a million people suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis, these routine activities become limited due to inflammation and arthritic pain of the spine. Advancements have been made that aid doctors in detecting and treating this disease early, allowing patients to maintain a more active lifestyle.

Season 6, Episode 12: NSAID Options

12 July 2006
People who live with chronic pain often find themselves in a catch-22. The very medications that ease their pain can damage their stomachs and, in some cases, lead to life-threatening complications. The American College of Gastroenterology estimates that 14 million arthritis patients regularly use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS. This includes the popular pain relievers aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. Up to 60 percent of people who use NSAIDS regularly experience some type of gastrointestinal distress, such as heartburn, stomach pain or nausea, and a smaller percentage develop ulcers. Bleeding ulcers and other gastrointestinal complications send 100,000 NSAIDS users to the hospital every year and cause up to 10,000 deaths. Now there are new strategies to help patients with chronic pain protect their stomachs without giving up NSAIDS.

Season 6, Episode 13: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

19 July 2006
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer among men and women alike, claiming more lives than breast, colon and prostate cancer combined. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of this disease, accounting for 87 percent of all lung cancers. Because lung cancer has usually spread throughout the body before it is discovered, the survival rates for patients are quite poor. But new therapies and advances in imaging studies that could lead to earlier detection are serving as beacons of hope for patients and their families.

Season 7

Season 7, Episode 1: Living with Alzheimer's

23 August 2006
Imagine your spouse of 40 years has been missing for hours, when he finally comes home, he has no idea where he was or what he was doing. This can be a defining moment, when you know something is wrong. Alzheimer's disease gradually destroys a person's ability to reason, remember, imagine and learn. And over time, cognitive abilities -- like being able to process information, or have abstract reasoning and problem solving skills--significantly decrease, leaving patients unable to perform simple tasks and function on their own. While there is no cure, Alzheimer's disease doesn't have to mean the end of a patient's independence. Getting treatment early and staying active may allow patients to continue doing things they've always enjoyed.

Season 7, Episode 2: Colon Cancer: Early Detection

30 August 2006
Most health problems typically respond best when they are diagnosed and treated as early as possible. This is especially true for colon cancer, the fourth most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the U.S. and the nation's second leading cancer killer. In this program we will explore the lives of colon cancer patients, and speak to leading medical experts about screening, diagnosis, and treatment. They will explain that both men and women are at risk for colon cancer, which usually develops in individuals age 50 and older. We'll discover that in many cases, early screening can actually prevent colon cancer. And if cancer is present, earlier detection means a much better chance for a longer life.

Season 7, Episode 3: Overcoming Infertility

6 September 2006
Fertility Difficulty in conceiving a child is becoming an increasingly common problem for many couples. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infertility affects more than 6 million men and women in the United States. As you'll see in this program, infertility can be frustrating, mysterious and difficult to handle. But, with the advances in assisted reproductive technology many couples are able to achieve their dream of starting a family.

Season 7, Episode 4: Identifying Pulmonary Hypertension

13 September 2006
Pulmonary Hypertension is a rare, complex disease of the heart and lungs. It most commonly strikes women in childbearing years, though it can affect all ages, races and both sexes. This program will identify what pulmonary hypertension is, and how it is treated. Though there is not yet a cure for this illness, treatments have emerged over the last decade, giving patients hope for a longer, healthier life. Meet patients who are living with pulmonary hypertension and demonstrate how to improve your quality of life. We'll also outline the genesis of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association, and illustrate the power people can have to organize, draw attention to a cause and work to improve the lives of patients and families coping with serious illnesses.

Season 7, Episode 5: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A Silent Killer

20 September 2006
Most smokers know they are at risk for lung disease and heart disease, but few know they are damaging the most important artery in the body, the aorta. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms give patients little to no warning signs that pressure is building in the aorta and causing a very serious condition. Undetected, the aneurysm can rupture causing internal bleeding and sending patients quickly into critical condition. However, if diagnosed in time, patients can be successfully treated... and also; saved from a potentially fatal outcome.

Season 7, Episode 6: Living with Multiple Sclerosis

27 September 2006
There are few things in life as frightening as the prospect of losing control over one's body, and in turn, one's independence. That's what makes a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis so devastating - the possibility that one-day you might not be able to walk anymore, see clearly, or hold on to anything in your hands. But what makes MS really insidious is its unpredictability. People with MS don't know what their condition might be from hour to hour, let alone from week to week, or year to year. The good news is that treating MS has come a long way over the past ten years, and is expected to go even further over the next ten... The bad news is that life with MS is still a crapshoot. Yet, as we'll see, no matter how bad MS can become, the first step towards beating it starts with re-discovering hope through a new life that's still worth living.

Season 7, Episode 7: BPH: A Growing Problem

4 October 2006
For many men, issues surrounding health are not ones they typically like to discuss. That's especially true when it comes to health issues that have to do with urological and sexual functions. But oftentimes, these issues will need to be faced. For men over the age of fifty, the odds are high that they may eventually experience Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH. In simple terms, BPH is a male urological condition caused by the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. In this program we will explore the reasons and results of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, and learn about the latest treatments that can help men live much more comfortably with this condition.

Season 7, Episode 8: Inflammatory Bowel Disease

11 October 2006
Inflammatory Bowl Disease, or IBD, is an umbrella term for several different gastrointestinal illnesses, by far the most prominent and serious being Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). Of the 1.2 million Americans currently estimated to have Inflammatory Bowel Disease, about half will have developed the condition between childhood and their 20's. But IBD can strike at any age; it targets both sexes equally; and, presently, there is no cure - although in life-threatening cases, removing the colon will effectively "end" Ulcerative Colitis. In this program we'll meet patients who have had IBD for some time, and young people who are just learning to deal with the limitations. We'll visit a camp in California that plays host to kids with Crohn's and Colitis for two weeks every summer. And we'll hear from leading medical experts at the Mayo Clinic and Cedars Sinai Hospital, on the latest efforts in the diagnosis and treatment of IBD.

Season 7, Episode 9: Diagnosing Depression

15 November 2006
Depression: Treatments that Work It won't show up on a blood test or x-ray, but it is a leading cause of disability during the prime of life. It is depression and according to experts, depression actually affects more people in the U.S. than coronary artery disease, cancer or AIDS put together. However, the good news is treatments today are far more successful and wide ranging. This program highlights the latest breakthroughs in treatment and diagnostic tools spotlighting several people who have suffered with depression their entire lives, but are finding relief through a combination of treatment strategies and lifestyle changes.

Season 7, Episode 10: Epilepsy: In Search of Effective Therapies

22 November 2006
The Future of Epilepsy More than a third of the 2.7 million epilepsy patients in the US have persistent seizures using existing therapies. Many others tolerate serious side effects, including diminished cognition, as a price for seizure control. New therapies introduced over the last decade offer fewer side effects but have done little to bring effective seizure control to the significant population living with active and uncontrolled epilepsy. As such, this episode is designed to not only to raise awareness of this unmet need but to encourage the discovery of future therapies. Patients and their families with share their compelling stories describing how they deal with these issues and hope for changes.

Season 7, Episode 11: Understanding Glaucoma

29 November 2006
There are an estimated three million Americans with glaucoma, a condition that if left untreated can often lead to blindness. The real tragedy is that half of these people don't even know they have the disease - although testing for it is quick, easy and painless - and they probably won't know until it's too late. To be sure, understanding glaucoma has come a long way over the past 20 years. What we thought we knew about it has evolved a great deal, and our knowledge of how to identify and treat it has grown in sophistication and effectiveness as well. But, the sad fact is that many people still don't get tested in time to prevent it, and when they are diagnosed, they often allow themselves to ignore their condition and descend into blindness. As such, this episode is designed to not only examine what glaucoma is and how to treat it, but to encourage our viewers to get tested for it. Moreover, the episode will also serve as a testament to the extreme importance of self-care and the celebration of life - for 10% of the time, even when glaucoma is diagnosed and treated early, it still causes blindness. However, given the power of the human spirit, even that is a condition that can be overcome.

Season 7, Episode 12: Learning About Crohn's Disease

6 December 2006
Imagine a disease so potentially debilitating, that going to work, having a relationship or attending a school creates a daily challenge. This is a reality for the nearly half million Americans living with Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic disorder that causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It affects males and females equally, and may occur in people of all ages, including children and the elderly. But Crohn's disease is primarily a condition of adolescents and young adults, between the ages of 15 and 35. In this program, viewers will understand what Crohn's disease is, learn how doctors diagnose the disorder, and meet amazing patients who are living full lives while coping with the condition. The program will also show how physicians and scientists are working to help patients and their loved ones have a better quality of life with Crohn's disease.

Season 7, Episode 13: Weight and Cardio Metabolic Risk

13 December 2006
Understanding the role a persons weight plays on their chances of developing a cardio metabolic disease such as heart disease, hypertension, and type-2 diabetes is what this program is about. The focus is particularly on the "visceral" fat around the body's midsection and the adverse effect it has on cardio metabolic risk and what you can do to "trim" the fat.

Season 8

Season 8, Episode 1: Living Well with Parkinson's Disease

4 January 2007
Many times, it can be a difficult task to cope with Parkinson's disease. The primary symptoms of Parkinson's, like tremors and body-rigidity, may be the most obvious but are not always the most disabling. Slowness, stiffness and difficulties with balance can affect a patient's well-being and quality of life as well. In this program, we'll discuss the challenges patients and their families face in dealing with Parkinson's disease. However, by taking a pro-active approach, working with experienced physicians, and cultivating good self-management skills, patients can develop the confidence they need to live well with Parkinson's disease.

Season 8, Episode 2: Cholesterol: Raising the Good and Lowering the Bad

18 February 2008
By now, most people have heard the term HDL - good cholesterol, and LDL - bad cholesterol. But do you know what makes good cholesterol good and bad cholesterol bad? And how does the wrong combination of these lipoproteins affect the risk of heart disease? Today's program will delve into these important questions.

Season 8, Episode 3: Unmasking the Mystery of Acromegaly

1 February 2007
Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that results when the pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone in adults. The name acromegaly comes from the Greek words for "extremities" and "enlargement" and reflects one of its most common symptoms, the abnormal growth of the hands and feet. The symptoms of acromegaly can vary and they develop gradually over time; therefore, a diagnosis of this condition may be difficult. Once recognized, acromegaly is treatable in most patients, but because of its slow onset, it frequently is not diagnosed correctly. If left untreated, acromegaly can lead to serious illness - including cardiovascular disease and diabetes - and premature death.

Season 8, Episode 4: Electronic Health Records & Patient Safety

15 February 2007
Patients, and providers alike, strive to make patient safety a priority. Whether it's ensuring prescriptions are written and dispensed correctly, monitoring patients from a distance, or diagnosing patients in rural areas of the country, there are many ways to affect a patient's safety. This episode will highlight some important work of health information pioneers and show how programs such as electronic health records can help make healthcare both safer and more efficient.

Season 8, Episode 5: Epilepsy Defined

1 March 2007
For thousands of years, seizures have been blamed on everything from evil spirits to mental illness. Now groundbreaking technology is revealing the true nature of epilepsy, a brain disorder that affects more than one percent of the population. Today doctors can often pinpoint the source of seizures within a patient's brain, using sophisticated imaging and brain wave tests. This helps determine the best treatment strategy, with options ranging from medication to a type of pacemaker for the brain. In some patients, brain surgery can even offer a cure.

Season 8, Episode 6: Testosterone Replacement Therapy

15 March 2007
The Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) program discusses a problem that for years had been considered a natural and inevitable part of the aging process for men. But today, men don't have to feel ashamed and hide their private suffering. TRT can not only bring vitality and passion back to life for the millions suffering from it, but as research is beginning to support, treating low testosterone levels may actually have a positive benefit on other serious medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Season 8, Episode 7: Lung Cancer: A Risk for Smokers and Non-Smokers

29 March 2007
In the United States approximately 170,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer annually. In this program, we'll explore the challenges patients living with lung cancer face everyday. While smoking is a major risk factor for many patients with lung cancer, non-smokers are also at risk. With advancements in chemotherapy and targeted therapies many patients with lung cancer are living longer fuller lives - making the goal of reaching and surpassing the 5-year survival mark more of a reality.

Season 8, Episode 8: Winning the Battle Against Prostate Cancer

12 April 2007
Thanks to a blood test called prostate specific antigen, or PSA, the quest to discover prostate cancer early is made easier. As a result of early detection, over eighty percent of patients with prostate cancer can be cured. Researchers now believe that prostate cancer cells grow in part due to a failure of the body's immune system to recognize and react to these cells. However, there are new ways to help the immune system recognize prostate cancer cells, and hopefully destroy them.

Season 8, Episode 9: Kidney Cancer: A New Approach

26 April 2007
Most people have two functional kidneys which help regulate electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Kidney tumors may change these important functions and can lead to a diagnosis of kidney cancer. On this program we spend time with courageous patients who are coping with their kidney cancer by seeking A New Approach.

Season 8, Episode 10: Treating Primary Immune Deficiency

10 May 2007
Each year, several hundred children are born with faulty immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to every germ they encounter. Thousands of adults also have primary immunodeficiency, but don't know it. Unlike the "boy in the bubble" 30 years ago, people diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency today can often be successfully treated or even cured. Unfortunately, many cases are being missed - particularly in patients without primary care physicians. In this program, we'll explain why.

Season 8, Episode 11: Low Back Pain

24 May 2007
Whether the source is injury, aging, or illness, the effects of lower back pain can be devastating. But doctors and researchers are working on better back pain diagnosis, and more effective treatment that aims to improve the quality of life for those suffering from back pain. This episode contains patient stories of searching for the right treatment plan, and finding success in a combination of remedies that can work for each individual patient. With perseverance and patience, doctors say most people who suffer from lower back pain can find relief and live a better life.

Season 8, Episode 12: Thoracic Disease

7 June 2007
The weakening of the body's principle artery, the aorta, under high blood pressure can, over time, cause a ballooning effect that, if left untreated, could lead to a fatal rupture. In an effort to head off this problem, clinicians and researchers are promoting more preemptive screenings for people 50 years of age and older. They also continue to improve on new endoprosthesis to surgically treat aneurysms. This Healthy Body Healthy Mind program explores the relationship between thoracic aneurysms in the chest area, and aortic aneurysms near the abdomen.

Season 8, Episode 13: Living with Diabetes

21 June 2007
The earliest known record of diabetes dates back to 1552 BC on Egyptian papyrus, written by a physician who mentions frequent urination as a symptom. In the summer of 1921, insulin was produced and proven helpful for a dog that was diabetic. And though the overall symptoms and treatment of diabetes still holds true today, the developments of modern science continue to help us better understand this disease. All these discoveries lead to a community of experts and patients who educate and raise awareness of the diabetes epidemic.

Season 8, Episode 14: Lung Ablation: New Hope for Lung Cancer

28 June 2007
Combining the latest image-guided radiological and surgical techniques, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) uses a thin wire probe, inserted directly into tumors, to heat and kill cancer cells with electrical current. Employed successfully for years in liver, kidney and bone cancers, RFA has only recently been tested in lung cancer cases, with positive results. This fascinating episode of "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind" features Dr. Damian Dupuy, who has pioneered the use of ablation to treat lung cancer in the United States.

Season 8, Episode 15: Adult ADHD: Regaining Focus

5 July 2007
It is not diagnosed by any blood test or x-ray and it has even been dismissed as nothing more than laziness or a lack of focus. But for millions of adults, Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder, (ADHD) is a real, life altering condition. Once thought to be just a childhood issue, ADHD is now found in many stages of life, and effects men and women equally. In Adult ADHD: Regaining Focus patients describe how ADHD has altered their lives, and share how they have worked to overcome its effects. Leading medical experts in the field explain how the human brain misfires in people with ADHD and what new treatment options are helping adults finally gain control over this condition.

Season 8, Episode 16: Surgical Weight Loss

12 July 2007
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity affects approximately 60 million adults in the United States, and over the past 25 years the proportion of obesity in adults has nearly doubled. The health effects associated with obesity can contribute to as many as thirty serious medical conditions, putting millions of lives at risk. For those who experience morbidly obese circumstances - where diet and exercise don't result in successful or sufficient weight reduction - hope remains. Surgical weight loss is a breakthrough treatment that has given these patients the ability to reverse this dangerous trend, resulting in healthier, more satisfying lives.

Season 8, Episode 17: Helping Patients Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome

19 July 2007
Millions of people with a condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) suffer from chronic or long-standing abdominal discomfort. Despite enormous research, a clear cause of IBS remains a mystery. This episode of Healthy Body, Healthy Mind explores the advances being made in treating IBS symptoms, which can range from constipation to diarrhea. One highlight is a look at how beneficial microorganisms called probiotics are making a big difference for patients.

Season 8, Episode 18: Menopause

26 July 2007
It's a challenge every woman will face one day - menopause. For many, it leads to serious medical issues such as brittle bones, mood disorders or sexual dysfunction. Hormone replacement therapy remains a popular, though controversial remedy. In this edition of Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, we examine the latest findings on possible links between HRT and the risk of cancer and heart disease. We also explore alternatives to HRT.

Season 8, Episode 19: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

2 August 2007
It may come as a surprise to hear that children can suffer from arthritis... but researchers estimate 1 in 1000 children in the United States and around the world are affected by this disease. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, formerly known as Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, is the most common form of arthritis affecting children. It is a disease involving the immune system, which can cause painful inflammation in the joints. Other areas of the body, especially the eyes may also show signs of the disease. There are several different forms of JIA, and each has its own treatment method. The good news is treatments are more advanced and abundant for JIA patients now, compared to a decade ago.

Season 8, Episode 20: Osteoarthritis

20 September 2007
For older Americans, Osteoarthritis needs no introduction - this painful inflammation of the joints is the number one disabling disease among men and women age 40 and up. But, while the causes and cure still elude doctors, there has been much progress made in managing both the condition and the discomfort. This informative episode of "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind" looks at the latest options in surgery, drugs, and physical therapy - including an injection that not only reduces pain and swelling, but actually increases natural joint lubrication.

Season 8, Episode 21: Narcolepsy

16 August 2007
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate the correct times for sleeping and the correct times to be awake. At various moments throughout the day, people with narcolepsy experience sudden urges to sleep. If the urge becomes overwhelming, they may do so for periods lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. The condition is profoundly disabling, interrupting life's basic day to day activities, including working, driving, even conversing with others. Narcolepsy affects about 1 in every 2,000 Americans.

Season 8, Episode 22: Hepatitis B: After Diagnosis

23 August 2007
As much as ten to twenty percent of Asian Americans carry a virus that can cause devastating liver damage. The virus is Hepatitis B, and there are ways to slow or stop its steady attack on the liver. Yet only a fraction of those who know they are infected get the treatment they need. In this edition of Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, we look at what's keeping patients from seeking treatment and why it truly is a matter of life or death.

Season 8, Episode 23: Improving the Lives of Patients and Families with Alzheimer's

30 August 2007
There are now more than 5 million people in the United States living with Alzheimer's disease, a progressive brain disorder without any cure. This number is expected to skyrocket as America's Baby-Boomers reach age 65 and older, affecting millions of patients and family members alike. While the affects of Alzheimer's disease is eventually debilitating, it's important to realize it is a chronic disease that people can successfully live with for many years. This episode will examine ways to help Alzheimer's patients and their families, cope with the changes that occur as they experience this journey together.

Season 8, Episode 24: Advances in Cataract Surgery

6 September 2007
Cataracts can affect people of any age, but are more common in the elderly. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. Cataract removal is one of the most common operations performed in the United States. It's also one of the safest and most effective types of surgery. About 90 percent of those who have cataract surgery experience better vision. This program will concentrate on advances in the quality of vision and quality of life due to modern cataract surgery.

Season 8, Episode 25: Nocturnal GERD

13 September 2007
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, commonly known as "acid reflux") is hard to miss, or ignore - especially if you're one of the 15-20 million Americans who suffer from this chronic, potentially dangerous condition every day. But did you know that you can have GERD and not be aware of it? Nocturnal GERD occurs when you're asleep - you might have no symptoms at all during the day - and may be tied to other sleep disorders. Learn the warning signs on this eye-opening episode of "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind".

Season 9

Season 9, Episode 1: Drug-Resistant Pneumonia

3 January 2008
Deaths from pneumonia plunged when antibiotics first came on the scene. But the germs that cause the lung infection are evolving, creating new strains that don't respond to conventional drugs. In this program, we tour a lab where super-bacteria are identified. We also learn what's being done to fight drug-resistant pneumonia, and why serious cases can put doctors in a race against time.

Season 9, Episode 2: Preventing Eye Infections

10 January 2008
Whether it's from contact lens use, eye surgery, bacteria or viruses, millions of people around the world have had to deal with eye infections. Some infections are common, and treatable with medicine, including conjunctivitis, which is known as "pink eye." Other infections may be more serious and in a matter of hours, actually threaten to steal a patient's eyesight. This episode will feature patient stories sharing experiences with some of the most common eye infections, offer ways to treat and prevent complications with infections, and give a look at what's on the horizon related to eye infection research.

Season 9, Episode 3: Understanding Fibromyalgia

17 January 2008
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition affecting 10-12 million Americans. This condition, which manifests in symptoms such as pain throughout the body, memory problems, sleep disturbances, and bowel and bladder irritability, is seriously under diagnosed, often being mistaken for a psychological condition. On this program, experts discuss how patients can be properly diagnosed, explain the possible causes of fibromyalgia, and identify the lifestyle changes and treatment methods that can assist patients in living healthy and fulfilling lives. The future is bright, as medical research continues its focus on investigating the precise causes of the condition and discovering more options for treatment.

Season 9, Episode 4: Managing Chronic Pain

24 January 2008
Everyone feels physical discomfort at some point in their lives. But for 50 million Americans, pain is an agonizing part of each day. Chronic pain can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or race. It can also have numerous causes. Described by experts as a silent epidemic, chronic pain is the leading cause of adult disability in the United States. But with the help of caring specialists, patients can learn to manage their pain and regain control of their lives. Plus medical breakthroughs are leading to novel therapies, providing even more hope for people with chronic pain.

Season 9, Episode 5: Rheumatoid Arthritis: Real Hope for the Future

31 January 2008
The pain can be so severe that it can leave you helpless and dependent on others if left untreated. Rheumatoid arthritis affects 2.1 million Americans, 1.5 million of which are women according to the Arthritis Foundation. Today's advances in biological therapies are giving most patients living with rheumatoid arthritis real hope for the future. In fact early, aggressive treatment may prevent further deterioration of an affected joint, and possibly reverse the progression of the disease...a new approach that is showing real success.

Season 9, Episode 6: Chronic Kidney Disease: Are You at Risk?

7 February 2008
Chronic kidney disease may not get as much attention as diabetes, but it's nearly as common - affecting one out of every nine adults. In today's program, we discover who is most at risk and trace the progression of the disease from onset to life-threatening kidney failure. We also hear first hand what life is like for patients who depend on dialysis.

Season 9, Episode 7: Preventing Flu and Pneumonia

Nearly everyone has heard of "flu season." It's a time of year when forms of the influenza virus are more likely to infect people. Flu and another lung disease, Pneumonia, can be debilitating and deadly. According to the American Lung Association, flu and pneumonia together are ranked as the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. But there are steps people can take to prepare and try to prevent these conditions. This program outlines the basics about flu and pneumonia and offer physician recommendations on the best ways to prevent these diseases.

Season 9, Episode 8: Coping with Restless Leg Syndrome

Millions of men, women and children with a condition known as Restless Leg Syndrome - or RLS - experience irresistible and unpleasant urges to move their legs. The disorder often disrupts their sleep, creating a domino effect that severely impacts work, relationships and health. But lifestyle changes and medications can help many people cope with RLS.

Season 9, Episode 9: Surgery 101: What Everyone Should Know Before Going Under the Knife

28 February 2008
Almost every one of us will have surgery at least once during our lives. So how can we ensure the best possible outcome if and when we do? See the basics that every potential patient should know about surgery - before, during and after.

Season 9, Episode 10: The Mystery of Multiple Sclerosis

6 March 2008
The Pacific Northwest has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. Our crew heads to Seattle to learn more about this mysterious and unpredictable illness, which can interfere with anything from muscle control to vision to concentration. While no one is sure what causes MS, researchers have determined how it inflicts its damage. This discovery has sparked exciting new strategies for slowing the progression of MS.

Season 9, Episode 11: Von Willebrand Disease

13 March 2008
Most people wouldn't give a second thought to a minor cut. But for individuals with von Willebrand disease, bleeding is often a cause for concern, particularly when it involves a serious injury or surgery. Von Willebrand disease is a hereditary condition, making it the most common bleeding disorder. It afflicts men and women, as well as children. Though incurable and often challenging to diagnose, there are numerous medications that can be used to effectively control and manage this condition.

Season 9, Episode 12: Advance Care Planning: Preferences for Care at the End of Life

20 March 2008
In our society where so much attention is devoted to the immediacy of daily life, issues like serious illness and death are never easy to think about or discuss. But ignoring these topics can have devastating consequences. A growing number of people - both young and old - are taking a proactive role through a process known as Advanced Care Planning that includes completing a living will, a medical power of attorney and considering organ-donation options.

Season 9, Episode 13: Precocious Puberty: The Too-Soons

This program focuses on young children who inexplicitly go through puberty early and the struggle their parents face while their young battles these early hormonal changes. It affects girls before the age of eight and boys before the age of nine. The good news is that there are effective treatments available to help these little girls and boys retain and enjoy their childhood years.

Season 10

Season 10, Episode 1: IBS in Women

29 May 2008
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, affects approximately 46 million American women. IBS is both a biological and psychosocial issue for many people. And because symptoms are not always the same for everyone, doctors can have a difficult time in accurately diagnosing IBS, adding to the complexity of the disease. IBS is not inherently different in women than men, but it presents in women by a rate of three to one. As you will see in this program, no single treatment works the same for everyone, answers do exist for women affected by IBS, allowing them to greatly improve their quality of life.

Season 10, Episode 2: Understanding Hemophilia

5 June 2008
Bleeding due to a cut or wound can be a little scary at times, especially if your child is a hemophiliac. Hemophiliacs lack specific blood proteins known as clotting factors that our bodies need to control bleeding following an injury. Fortunately, there is far more hope than ever before for these young patients. This episode features individuals with hemophilia who are successfully managing the disease in a manner that allows them to enjoy active and productive lives.

Season 10, Episode 3: Treating and Preventing Osteoporosis

A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis can be devastating especially since the condition can affect people in many different age groups. But while the disease is well-known there is much still misunderstood about the condition. In this program we explore the many ways to manage MS, including the latest treatments available. Plus we'll hear the encouraging news from doctors who believe that MS is very treatable if therapy is started early.

Season 10, Episode 4: Pediatric GERD

19 June 2008
In infants less than 12 months of age, the occasional upset stomach is common and usually no cause for alarm. But when babies and school-aged children have ongoing symptoms of persistent regurgitation, frequent overnight coughing and abdominal pain, they may be experiencing gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. In this program, we will discover that pediatric GERD often presents differently than adult GERD, and can go unrecognized by parents and pediatricians. In addition, some children may not outgrow their problems with GERD. Most children however, are able to decrease these reflux problems with lifestyle modifications, diet alterations, and medical treatment.

Season 10, Episode 5: Weighing in on Diabetes

26 June 2008
It's no surprise that we have an obesity epidemic in America. Temptation to over-eat bombards us everywhere. This, combined with our sedentary lifestyles, has helped us pack on the pounds. Obesity also increases the risk of type II diabetes. Nearly two of three adult Americans are overweight or obese. Experts say patient education, along with advances in research about genetics, human physiology, plus effective medications and surgeries are making a huge difference in shrinking this growing epidemic.

Season 10, Episode 6: Dealing with Degenerative Disc Disease

7 July 2008
Each year, over sixty million Americans suffer from lower back pain and by the age of fifty, eighty-five percent exhibit some disc deterioration of the spine. With age, those little shock absorbers between each vertebra simply wear out from Degenerative Disc Disease. In this episode we'll learn about new physical therapy techniques and surgical breakthroughs, similar to artificial knee technology, that often reduce or eliminate the pain.

Season 10, Episode 7: Science and Sleep

12 July 2008
While the necessities of life are food, water, and shelter, many forget that sleep is just as important to survival. Humans spend one third of their lives sleeping, but when something disrupts the ability to sleep, quality of life suffers. It's estimated that 50-70 million Americans don't get enough sleep on a daily basis. Research has found that chronic sleep deprivation has been associated with a range of health-related consequences. However, by understanding the brain and sleep correlation, researchers have been able to develop behavioral and medical treatment options that help people with sleep disorders live a more restful and healthy life.

Season 11

Season 11, Episode 1: The Truth About Flu Vaccines

October 2008
Most of us know what influenza is, and many of us have stood in line, or visited the doctor to get a flu shot. But what you may not know is how important getting the vaccine is to your friends, co workers and loved ones. In this program we correct the myths and misconceptions surrounding flu vaccines. Plus we look into the science behind the flu shot and examine who is most at risk for serious complications after a bout with the flu.

Season 11, Episode 2: The Mysteries of Multiple Sclerosis

18 September 2008
Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease that often strikes its victims in the prime of life. Some MS patients have learned to manage the disease and live well with it. But for others multiple sclerosis can be devastating. In this program we meet several patients who cope with the different forms of MS and hear their stories of tragedy and triumph.

Season 11, Episode 3: Patient Safety: Protecting Yourself in the Hospital

25 September 2008
Hospitals should be places of help and healing but it doesn't always work out that way. Health care providers and patients need to work together to make the hospital a safer place. In this program, we help people understand what could go wrong in the hospital, how they can reduce the risk of contracting a hospital-acquired infection and what information they should get before they head home after a hospital stay.

Season 11, Episode 4: Thoracic Aneurysms: Dangerous and Deadly

October 2008
They've been called "silent killers': aneurysms that lurk in your body without you having a clue that they're there. The problem is if these aneurysms rupture, the result can be life threatening. In this program we take a close look at aneurysms that begin in the chest cavity....called thoracic aneurysms. We highlight the risk factors and symptoms that might lead a person to suspect he has an aneurysm and the treatments that could defuse that "ticking time bomb."

Season 11, Episode 5: Antibiotic Resistance: Stopping the Superbugs

10 September 2008
Antibiotics was once seen as super drugs. They rapidly disarmed pneumonia and many other previously fatal bacterial conditions, and had relatively few side effects. But the bacteria weren't ready to surrender yet. Strains emerged that were resistant to the world's most potent medicines and now we're facing a world-wide crisis. In this program we see how the problem developed and what the experts believe we need to do to win the battle.

Season 11, Episode 6: Interstitial Cystitis: Private Pain

16 October 2008
Imagine a urinary tract pain far greater than a simple bladder infection, one that may prevent you from wearing certain clothes, even enjoying a normal life. That's interstitial cystitis: a mysterious condition that may at first appear to be a bladder infection that won't go away, but becomes something much more debilitating. In this program we meet patients who have this condition and are managing to live comfortably with it. We also hear from the doctors who give them the hope of a pain-free future.

Season 11, Episode 7: Living with Psoriasis

23 October 2008
To many, psoriasis is a simple skin condition that may be unsightly, but isn't really serious. But the truth is psoriasis is often a severe, inflammatory disease that can wreak havoc with a person's health and his or her quality of life. In this program, we meet people who have learned to live well with psoriasis. Also, experts highlight the latest treatments that are making a big difference in how patients cope with this condition.

Season 11, Episode 8: Preventing a Stroke

30 October 2008
Strokes are the number one cause of disability in America today...and the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. A major stroke can hit without warning and leave a broken body and a damaged mind in its wake. But there are ways to prevent strokes in those who are at risk. In this program we take a look at anti coagulation and its role in preventing strokes and other devastating conditions. We see how doctors highlight who might be at risk for a stroke and how certain treatments can prevent blood clots from forming that might otherwise make their way to the brain.

Season 11, Episode 9: New Weapons to Fight Multiple Sclerosis

6 November 2008
Multiple sclerosis is a mysterious condition that can rob a young person of his ability to walk, or her ability to speak or think clearly. But doctors and researchers have new weapons to better see the lesions in the brain that cause MS. And the hope is as they see these lesions more clearly they understand them better and can treat them more efficiently. In this program, we head into the MRI lab to see the latest tools in the fight against MS and meet some of the experts who are on the front lines in the battle against this debilitating condition.

Season 11, Episode 10: The Future of Hepatitis C

12 December 2008
Hepatitis C has long been characterized as a wasting incurable disease. But this serious, chronic inflammation of the liver no longer carries that fearsome reputation. Today, many people live well with Hepatitis C because of new medicines that keep the virus suppressed and allow the liver to function normally for decades. In this program we highlight the progress made in treating hepatitis C over the past several years and look ahead to even more success against the virus in the future.

Season 11, Episode 11: Alpha-1 Deficiency

20 November 2008
Most people have never heard of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency but it is one of the most common hereditary disorders in the world. It's been found in all populations yet it's been widely misdiagnosed as asthma or some other lung condition. And an estimated 25 million people are undetected carriers of the gene that causes Alpha-1. The problem is, left untreated, Alpha-1 can lead to serious liver disease in children and adults; may destroy the lungs and lead to the need for lung transplants. The good news is it can be identified through a simple blood test and there are treatments available that can help. In this program we take a look at Alpha-1 deficiency and help viewers to understand what they need to know about this serious and sometimes life-threatening condition.

Season 11, Episode 12: Treating Insomnia: Steps to Successful Sleep

27 November 2008
We've all had trouble sleeping from time to time but when those occasional sleepless nights become chronic insomnia more than just your ability to get out bed in the morning is at stake. Insomnia can impair memory and lead to decreased concentration and functioning during the day. A very real danger of insomnia is falling asleep on the road and getting into a vehicle wreck. Studies suggest drowsy driving is nearly as dangerous as drunk driving. But living a sleep deprived life doesn't have to be the only way to go. In this program we'll highlight the ways to improve sleep by developing healthy sleep habits called "sleep hygiene". We'll visit sleep clinics to see how they help those whose sleep-deprivation is substantially interfering with their quality of life. And we'll take a look at medications available that may be able to help people with debilitating insomnia get a good night's sleep.

Season 11, Episode 13: Dangerous Infections

13 November 2008
There's probably never a good time to get sick but these days there are so many bacteria lurking in hospital corridors that some patients come out of the medical center sicker than they were when they went in. The biggest problem is resistant bacteria which exist in the community as well as hospitals, but there are so many more opportunities for the bacteria to invade a hospitalized patient's body and do damage. In this program we'll highlight some of the ways patients who are in hospitals can protect themselves from dangerous bacterial infections. Plus we'll see what hospital personnel are doing to keep their patients safe.

Season 12

Season 12, Episode 1: The Mysterious Syndrome Called CAPS

16 April 2009
C-A-P-S it's a simple word but the syndrome that it describes in medicine is extremely complex. CAPS is the acronym for a group of rare, inherited, auto-inflammatory disorders known officially as Cryoprin-Associated Periodic Syndromes. These diseases are characterized by recurrent rashes, fevers, joint pain and fatigue. They can last a lifetime and are can be triggered by everything from stress to exercise to cool temperatures. But there are treatments available that can help. In this program we take an in-depth look at these mysterious conditions and offer hope to the people who deal with them every day.

Season 12, Episode 2: ITP: The Hidden Blood Disorder

23 April 2009
ITP- idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura is a bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot because of a low number of blood cells called platelets. While ITP is surprisingly common, it is little known and poorly understood and many people with ITP feel isolated and don't know where to turn for help. These problems are made worse by the fact that many health-care providers don't know much about ITP. The established treatments involved either a serious operation or strong medications with often severe side effects. In this program we'll take a look at the newer treatments that researchers have discovered that can people with ITP live healthy lives

Season 12, Episode 3: Saving the Spine: New Treatments for Vertebral Compression Fractures

30 April 2009
While conditions like cancer and heart disease can be life-threatening there are other diseases that are "quality-of-life threatening" like osteoporosis. Especially osteoporosis where there have already been fractures of the spine. But there are effective treatments for osteoporosis and new surgical techniques to repair the spine with far less pain and suffering than traditional surgeries. In this program we explore the treatments available for people who have had a vertebral compression fracture and see how innovative surgical procedures are allowing them to live well with osteoporosis.

Season 12, Episode 4: GERD: More Than Just Heartburn

7 May 2009
Heartburn, everybody gets it and it's not a big deal right? Well, not quite. Many people suffer with heartburn and don't recognize that it's a treatable condition and one that can have serious consequences especially when heartburn is actually acid reflux disease known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD. Gerd can lead to Barrett's esophagus which is a pre-cancerous condition and painful esophageal strictures which make it difficult to swallow. In this program we take a look at the many effective treatments that take the discomfort out of GERD and lower the risk of long-term damage and debilitating disease.

Season 12, Episode 5: Hyponatremia: A Serious Sodium Deficiency

14 May 2009
Sodium is everywhere and most of us have to restrict our use of salt to prevent cardiovascular disease. But there is a condition called hyponatremia where the sodium concentration of the blood is too low. It's been called Water Intoxication because it can happen when poorly trained weekend warriors-athletes drink too much water during an athletic event. Several people have died from exactly those circumstances. But hyponatremia can also occur during treatments for diseases or for other reasons. And when it does it can be a life-threatening situation. If the sodium levels in the blood drop too low the brain can swell which leads to coma and sometimes death. In this program we'll take a look at the circumstances that can lead to hyponatremia and explore the latest treatments.

Season 12, Episode 6: Japanese Encephalitis: A Hidden Danger for Travelers

21 May 2009
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is a potentially severe viral infection that is spread to humans by infected mosquitoes. JE is found throughout rural areas in Asia and some transmissions have occurred near urban areas in developing Asian countries. Travelers to Asian countries must take precautions to avoid mosquito bites but there are vaccines available that can protect those at risk. In this program we see why its important travelers especially those to Asian countries learn how to protect themselves from Japanese Encephalitis.

Season 13

Season 13, Episode 1: Deadly Blood Clots: The Dangers of Venous Thromboembolism

6 August 2009
The dangers of blood clots are well known: they can cause heart attacks, strokes and other potentially fatal conditions. But there's another medical hazard that occurs when the blood clot lives quietly deep in the veins of the legs. And when a part of this blood clot breaks off and travels to the lung the result can be almost instantaneous death. This type of blood clot is called deep vein thrombosis and when it travels to the lungs its called pulmonary embolism. And these are two manifestations of the condition known as venous thromboembolism. In this program we will examine the symptoms and risk factors of venous thromboembolism, see who should be tested for clotting disorders and highlight the latest treatments. We will also take a look ahead to see what discoveries can help people with this condition in the future.

Season 13, Episode 2: Type II Diabetes

13 August 2009
With more than a million people diagnosed every year with type II diabetes in the United States you might think there are standard treatments that work just about the same way for nearly everyone. But as you'll see in this program the treatments available for people with Type II Diabetes work differently with each patient and depend largely on the patient's specific needs. You'll also see how important it is that type II diabetes be effectively managed in patients over the long haul and we'll have solid information on how people with type II diabetes can achieve that long-term management goal.

Season 13, Episode 3: Treating Primary Immunodeficiency

20 August 2009
Primary Immunodeficiency is a long name for a complicated condition where a person's immune system cannot adequately protect against the normal threats in our environment. Usually PI as it is known has a hereditary cause and in some cases it can cause those with the condition to live almost in isolation for fear of coming into contact with harmful diseases or bacteria. But in this program we'll highlight the treatments that scientists and researchers have developed that can help people with PI live nearly normal lives. We'll also meet patients who have been living with this condition for many years and see how they manage day to day. Plus, we'll take a look into the future to see what advancements may be coming soon.

Season 13, Episode 4: Understanding Hereditary Angioedema: A Mysterious Out-of-Control Immune Response

27 August 2009
Its called Hereditary Angioedema and its so rare popular television shows have used it as one of their mystery diagnoses. But for the people who suffer with this condition the drama associated with an episode of hereditary angioedema is anything but entertaining. It can be harrowing and horrifying because a person's face or knees or other parts of the body that once looked normal suddenly takes on grotesque proportions due to an unusual amount of swelling. This condition baffled scientists and researchers for many years but today there are new treatments for hereditary angioedema that are helping people with this condition live healthy normal lives. In this program we'll hear what the experts have discovered about hereditary angioedema, see why it is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed and explore the new approaches to therapy.

Season 13, Episode 5: Advances in Managing Gout

3 September 2009
Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis among men. It can cause dramatic disabling painful episodes but also if inadequately treated causes chronic disability & documented loss of quality of life. Inadequate treatment, unfortunately, is very common due to a poor understanding of both diagnosis & treatment needs. In this program we'll see that much of the misunderstanding & poor outcome of people with Gout can be addressed by educating both physicians and the general public about effective treatments available for Gout.

Season 13, Episode 6: Insomnia: Waking Up at Night

10 November 2009
Most of us have had trouble falling asleep on occasion. But imagine a scenario where you fall asleep easily and then after a few hours you wake up and stay up. You're not rested, you know you need more sleep but it just doesn't come. Now imagine that scenario repeats itself almost every night. A prominent expert referred to that type of sleep pattern, known officially as nocturnal awakening as a "nightmare". And that nightmare affects millions of people every year and contributes to danger on the highway from drowsy driving, as well as lost productivity at work and an overall poor quality of life. But there is help available. In this program we explore the problem of nocturnal awakening and see what can be done to treat it. We speak with the experts who discuss the scientific aspects of sleep disorders and patients who share their secrets to getting a good nights sleep.

Season 14

Season 14, Episode 1: GERD and Obesity: What's the Connection?

1 October 2009
Anyone who has had a big meal late at night knows that inescapable feeling of acid reflux going up into the esophagus and making you miserable. But did you know that being obese can actually put you at risk not only for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease but also cause you to suffer more frequent and severe symptoms and put you at risk for more serious complications. And you might be very surprised at how close "clinical obesity" is to your ideal body weight. In this program we take a closer look at reflux disease and its connection to obesity and other medical conditions. Plus we discuss the latest treatments and therapies to help bring this condition under control. The important message is patients should get into to see their doctors so they can take advantage of the latest research.

Season 14, Episode 2: Exploring New Ways to Repair a Hernia

8 October 2009
More than one million hernia repair operations are performed in the United States every year. While the majority of these operations are very successful, there are still many patients who experience long-term, post-surgical discomfort. But that doesn't have to happen. In this program we explore innovative surgical techniques that can offer patients shorter recovery times and smaller incisions. Plus we look at the advancements over the years in the material surgeons use to actually repair the hernia. We'll see how modern mesh products have improved since the first ones were introduced in the 1950's and hear about the difference these new products can make in patients' lives.

Season 14, Episode 3: Targeting Primary Immunodeficiency: The Search for a Cure

15 October 2009
Primary Immunodeficiency is a mysterious genetic condition where patients are born with holes or defects in their immune systems that make them vulnerable to many different diseases and infections. While there are more than 150 different primary immunodeficiencies the treatments have largely remained the same over the years. But today scientists and researchers are discovering new and more innovative ways to not only treat these conditions...but also new more convenient ways for patients to receive their treatments which can vastly improve their quality of life. In some cases, the only life-saving treatment is a stem cell transplant which replaces a patient's entire immune system. We'll see how these treatments are working in patients today and meet people who are living well with primary immunodeficiency.

Season 14, Episode 4: Back to Full Stride: Knee Replacement Surgery

22 October 2009
It's become all too common...people not exercising, taking it easy because "my knees are shot". You can see it in the Baby Boomer generation: men and women who were once active and vibrant, now sidelined with arthritis and debilitating knee pain. But it doesn't have to be that way. New techniques and advancements in knee replacement surgical techniques and materials are giving many of those baby boomers their active lives back. In this program we'll meet surgeons who are experts in knee replacements. Plus we'll hear from their patients who will detail what lead them to opt for knee replacement operations and see what a difference these replacements have made in their lives.

Season 14, Episode 5: Breath of Life: Living Well with COPD

29 October 2009
It's an extremely common condition and if not properly treated it can be devastating...chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: COPD. The major symptom is shortness of breath upon exertion...and to avoid that symptom...many people just stop exerting themselves and resign themselves to a much poorer quality of life. But there are effective therapies that can literally give these patients their breath back! Treatments can improve the function of the lungs and reduce the debilitating symptoms. In this program we'll help people understand more about the therapies for COPD, how the disease can be managed and how some of the complications can be prevented.

Season 14, Episode 6: Hope for the Future: New Treatments for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

5 November 2009
Lymphoma, cancer of the lymphatic system was once a rapidly fatal disease. But today there have been significant improvements in treatments and therapies for this type of cancer that are making a real impact in patients lives. In this program, we examine what Lymphoma is and explore the latest treatments and therapies that are offering hope and life to both patients and their loved ones. We'll also take a look into the future and hear about innovative therapies that are coming in next several years.

Season 15

Season 15, Episode 1: Talking About Your GI Health: Improving the Dialogue with Your Doctor

3 December 2009
Would you want to talk about diarrhea, gas and other bowel problems, even to your doctor? Probably not right? And you're not alone. While that's understandable reluctance to discuss gastrointestinal problems isn't doing anyone any good...especially not you. In this program, GI experts explain the importance of patients speaking up about their symptoms especially if those symptoms are interfering with their daily lives. Also this program will help patients prepare to talk with their physicians prior to appointments, and to identify the most important questions to ask.

Season 15, Episode 2: Angina: New Ways to Treat Chronic Chest Pain

10 December 2009
It's one of the scariest medical symptoms for people who are generally healthy: a tightening, painful feeling in the chest known as Angina. In some cases this chest pain can be a serious warning that requires immediate treatment. But for the millions of people with chronic, stable angina the discomfort is something that can be readily managed with a variety of treatments. In this program we take a look at what generally causes angina, what can be done to prevent it and how it can be effectively treated with lifestyle changes, innovative drug therapies and medical procedures.

Season 15, Episode 3: What You Should Know About Gout

17 December 2009
"He has the gout" sounds like something you might hear in a movie about Henry VIII or some other character in history but in fact gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis in men today. Throughout the centuries gout was associated with the high life...eating rich food and drinking heavily, but that's not the case anymore. Gout is associated with some foods, notably shellfish and some beverages, specifically beer but it's unfortunately no longer limited to the wealthy. In this program we'll highlight the symptoms of gout, identify what can cause gout attacks and explain the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

Season 15, Episode 4: Back on Your Feet: The Benefits of Hip Replacements

24 December 2009
When people suffer with arthritis in their hips virtually every step they take can be pain-filled and agonizing. This can seriously impair their quality of life of course and this pain can interfere with their ability to make a living. There are many treatments to help alleviate the pain but eventually some people opt for a surgical procedure to replace their hips. In this program we take a look at hip replacement surgery today and see how it has changed over the years. We also meet patients who decided that hip replacement was the right choice for them and hear about their lives before the surgery, the operation itself, their recovery afterwards and how it has changed their lives.

Season 15, Episode 5: Neuroendocrine Tumors

31 December 2009
Neuroendocrine tumors are a group of cancers that can originate from neuroendocrine cells throughout the body. In this program we take a look at this mysterious form of cancer and the astonishing success scientists have had recently. With the latest advancements in research doctors have been able treat these tumors and increase the 5 year survival rate by 50 percent.

Season 15, Episode 6: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: New Treatments and New Options

1 January 2010
In this program we explore pulmonary arterial hypertension, a relatively rare disorder that attacks a patient's heart and lungs. But with this disease there are specialized PH centers that educate patients and their families about this condition, offering information on the availability of research studies that might be beneficial and helping to connect them with support groups in their area. While this is an extremely serious disease, there are new treatments that have become available. This program will help Patients educate themselves about all of the options available to them.

Season 16

Season 16, Episode 1: Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk

1 April 2010
The epidemic of Obesity has lead to a rise in Type 2 diabetes and this has been become a major health crisis in the United States. Type 2 Diabetes is responsible for a number of significant health conditions including kidney disease, lower limb amputation, blindness and cardiovascular disease that can result in heart attacks and strokes. But the good news is that there are ways to prevent type 2 diabetes in some people, and for those who have already been diagnosed there are ways to keep patients from developing those potential devastating complications. In this program we'll explore the science of the obesity/diabetes/cardiovascular disease connection. Plus we'll see how newer approaches to treatments, diet plans and exercise routines can help patients better manage their disease.

Season 16, Episode 2: Advanced Prostate Cancer and Bone Loss

8 April 2010
In this episode we discuss the treatments for Advanced Prostate Cancer, with a focus on bone loss associated with this disease. Through first hand accounts from patients who are in treatment right now we will help the audience understand how patients can make informed choices so patients and care givers can work together with their doctors, and be partners in their own care. We will also discuss emerging treatments that are being developed for prostate cancer. Plus we'll examine therapies to help men suffering with the bone loss that can accompany advanced prostate cancer.

Season 16, Episode 3: Gaucher Disease: A Mysterious Genetic Disorder

15 April 2010
An inherited metabolic disorder known as Gaucher disease was first described by the French physician Philippe Gaucher in 1882. It is the most common of a class of diseases called lysosomal storage diseases. Gaucher disease is characterized by a wide array of symptoms and the severity of the disease ranges from undetectable to lethal. This devastating disease can affect any ethnic group; however the most common form of Gaucher disease is seen in people of eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish descent. In this program we will explore the history of this condition and meet patients who talk about their struggles with Gaucher Disease. We will also highlight the new treatments that are offering hope for people living with this mysterious condition.

Season 16, Episode 4: The Science of Multiple Sclerosis

1 April 2010
A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis can be devastating especially since the condition can affect people in many different age groups. But while the disease is well-known there is much still misunderstood about the condition. In this program we explore the many ways to manage MS, including the latest treatments available. Plus we'll hear the encouraging news from doctors who believe that MS is very treatable if therapy is started early.

Season 16, Episode 5: Living with Migraines: Managing Migraine and Cluster Headaches

29 April 2010
At some point of our lives, we all seem to get what we feel is a headache or a migraine, but for some- migraines can be a debilitating condition that has daily complications. In addition to the pain and discomfort migraine headaches can keep sufferers up in the middle of the night, making them feel tired and lethargic the next day. A more intense type of headache called "cluster headaches"...sometimes known as suicide headaches because of the withering nature of the pain...are far less common but much more debilitating. In this program we explore the many types of treatments for these headaches...some have been around for a while, and others are fairly new: one class of newer treatments is commonly known as triptans. These medicines have been effective in relieving the symptoms associated with migraines and cluster headaches. But as you'll see, migraine patients often have to search to find the most effective treatment for their particular type of headache. The good news is today patients have newer options and better patient care.

Season 16, Episode 6: Uncontrollable Emotional Outbursts: Could This Be Happening to You?

6 May 2010
This program will explore the little-known condition called pseudobulbar affect (PBA), or emotional liability. PBA is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary and unpredictable episodes of crying, laughing, or other emotional displays. It affects people with underlying neurologic conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, or even Alzheimer's disease. The program will discuss how to recognize the symptoms of PBA, and it will encourage patients to see if they could be suffering from this condition and talk to their physicians about ways to manage it.

Season 17

Season 17, Episode 1: Coping with Chronic Pain

24 June 2010
Millions of Americans suffer everyday from chronic pain, ranging from mild to severe. These symptoms can interfere with the quality of their everyday lives. In this episode we will empower patients by educating them about the fundamental obstacles associated with treating chronic pain, as well as some of latest and most effective treatment options available. We will also talk about clinical trials and the continued ongoing research into safer and more effective treatments. Our goal with this program is to educate patients about the importance of being proactive and a partner in their own health-care. We believe by working together with their providers patients may help to improve the outcome of their condition.

Season 17, Episode 2: Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs

1 July 2010
Alcoholism is a chronic medical disease of the brain and as with many other chronic diseases it needs lifestyle changes, psychological and nutritional counseling and medication to be most effectively treated. In this program we'll explore the latest research that highlights the differences between the brains of alcoholics and the brains of social drinkers. We will show you why a comprehensive approach to treating alcoholism is the best approach to getting the disease under control. We will highlight the benefit of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and through patient stories offer hope to those who are dealing with alcohol addiction and alcoholism.

Season 17, Episode 3: Innovations in Liver Transplantation

8 July 2010
In this program we will highlight the advances in Liver Transplantation surgery over the years. The Hepatitis C, epidemic has fueled an international need for liver transplantation and innovations in surgical treatments and anti rejection therapies are helping more and more people to live healthy lives with a new liver. The liver's unique ability to regenerate is the reason behind one of the most exciting operations: the living donor liver transplant. Through patient stories and interviews with experts we'll see how liver transplantation today can save lives and bring health and healing to families around the world.

Season 17, Episode 4: Dyslipidemia: Getting Your Cholesterol Under Control

15 July 2010
Dyslipidemia occurs when there are abnormal amounts of lipids (fats) or lipoproteins (cholesterol) in the blood. This program will educate the audience about Dyslipidemia and Cholesterol Management and will focus on risk assessment (blood test, family history, imaging, etc.). The program will also discuss what patients can do to better assist their physicians in managing their high lipid levels and reducing their risk for cardiovascular and other diseases, including improving their diet, adding regular exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. The main goal of the program is to educate the audience on the treatment options available to them, and offer guidance about lifestyle changes that can help them lower their risk for serious diseases in the future.

Season 17, Episode 5: The Science of Treating Atrial Fibrillation

22 July 2010
The goal of the program is to educate viewers about the problem of Atrial Fibrillation and the advancements being made in the diagnosis and treatment of it. Atrial Fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder and it's a very important a health issue. Left untreated it can lead to an increased risk of stroke and heart failure. But there are many effective treatments including surgical ablation and many different drug therapies. In this program we will take the viewer inside the operating room to see surgical treatments for Atrial Fibrillation and through patients stories and expert interviews highlight the improvements in quality of life once Atrial Fibrillation is properly treated.

Season 17, Episode 6: Anaphylaxis: What You Should Know About an Allergic Emergency

29 July 2010
Up to 12 million American may suffer from Anaphylactic Allergies, allergies that can kill. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that involves a number of body systems and can be fatal within minutes. It is caused by allergies to certain foods, insect stings, medications, latex or other allergens. There are up to 2,000 episodes of anaphylaxis per every 100,000 people in the U.S. each year. In this episode we will highlight ways to prevent anaphylaxis, see how it is diagnosed and discuss the available emergency treatments that can truly be life-saving.

Season 18

Season 18, Episode 1: Relieving Low Back Pain

4 November 2010
One of the most common conditions in America is low back pain. It can happen in young people, older adults and everyone in between. And because it is so prevalent many may not think of it as serious. But anyone who has lived with chronic low back knows how much it can affect all aspects of one's daily life. In this program, we meet experts who can educate viewers on what low back pain is the impact it can have on a person's quality of life and highlight the latest developments in our understanding of optimal care for back pain. We'll also hear from patients who discuss their therapies including non-invasive treatments and other programs of excellence in low back pain care.

Season 18, Episode 2: Treating Insomnia: The Importance of Getting a Good Night's Sleep

11 November 2010
Most of us have had trouble getting to sleep once in awhile but for some people that "once in awhile" is every night. They have insomnia, a common condition for which there are many different types of treatments that work very differently. But before sufferers can be effectively treated they bring their condition to the attention of a medical professional. This program will educate viewers on how insomnia can make people gain weight, increase their risks for serious diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, negatively affect their relationships and their overall quality of life. But in most cases the experts believe insomnia can be managed effectively. We'll hear from internationally known sleep specialists and from patients whose lives have improved dramatically because they are now sleeping well.

Season 18, Episode 3: Post-Stroke Spasticity

18 November 2010
When a person has a stroke there can be severe physical consequences and side effects. But one side effect that many people don't think about is called spasticity. And it often shows up several weeks, even months after the stroke. And it can be both painful and debilitating. In this program we explain what post stroke spasticity is, see what treatments are available to manage it and hear from patients about their struggles to regain their quality of life.

Season 18, Episode 4: Breakthroughs in Advanced Prostate Cancer

25 November 2010
It is the most common cancer diagnosed in men and the good news is the vast majority of men with prostate cancer can be cured of the disease. Many men with prostate cancer don't even need to be treated. But prostate cancer can relapse in about a third of men who are treated. In this program we highlight many of the treatments for prostate cancer even advanced prostate cancer and see how these treatments are helping men to live longer.

Season 18, Episode 5: Type 2 Diabetes: New Hope New Treatments

2 December 2010
Although Type 2 Diabetes is extremely common it is also a very dangerous condition that puts people at risk for potentially life threatening conditions like heart attacks and strokes. But it is also a disease that can be very well managed. And research shows that if patients bring their blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol under tight control they can lower their risks. In this program we explore what makes people vulnerable to developing type 2 Diabetes and see what can be done to effectively treat it.

Season 18, Episode 6: Understanding Ulcerative Colitis

9 December 2010
Ulcerative colitis is a painful condition that can have an effect on a person's emotional well-being, relationships with family and friends and everyday life. But there are ways to treat and manage this inflammatory bowel disease. And in this program we'll explain what these treatments are, explore how they work and see how these treatments can help patients gain long term control over the disease.

Season 19

Season 19, Episode 1: Stopping a Stroke: Limiting the Damage Done

3 February 2011
Time Lost is Brain Lost...when it comes to a stroke...that's an important concept. As soon as a stroke occurs the clock starts ticking and the sooner the person having a stroke can get medical attention the better the chance for a good outcome. In this program we take a look at the various ways to intervene and limit the damage from a stroke...including clot busting medications, and mechanical and surgical interventions.

Season 19, Episode 2: The Dangers of Neutropenia

10 February 2011
Let's face it...not many people have heard of Neutropenia unless they have it or they work in a medical office or hospital. It sounds like a rare and probably deadly condition. But as viewers will see in this program Neutropenia is a blood disorder that arises from an unusually low number of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. And it can often happen after cancer or other treatments. Experts will discuss advancements made in the past 10-20 years, and the breakthroughs that are allowing for better treatment of this condition. Viewers will meet patients who have been treated for Neutropenia and see what these patients are doing to help them get back to living their lives.

Season 19, Episode 3: Cushing's Disease: Unraveling a Medical Mystery

17 February 2011
The goal of the program is to educate viewers on the mysterious condition known as Cushing's disease. We will discuss why the diagnosis is often delayed: many patients can have it for five or-ten years before they are correctly diagnosed. The reason is the symptoms of Cushing's Disease are similar to those of other conditions. But as viewers will hear from experts Cushing's Disease can be treated and in some cases a full recovery is possible. In this program we will also explore the history of Cushing's Disease which is named for Harvey Cushing considered by many to be "the father of modern neurosurgery".

Season 19, Episode 4: Saving Lives with the Total Artificial Heart

24 February 2011
Heart transplantation is often the last resort for a person who has a diseased heart. Unfortunately, the number of people who would benefit from a donor heart exceeds the number of donor hearts available. To help balance this reality, innovative medical professionals have been working for decades to develop the Total Artificial Heart, to be a "bridge to transplant", and keep patients alive until that donor heart becomes available. In this program, we'll discuss how a normal heart works, how heart failure can develop, and when the total artificial heart is needed. We'll take you behind the scenes of how the Total Artificial Heart works, and hear success stories from the patients who have received the total artificial heart.

Season 19, Episode 5: Treating Dupuytrens Contracture: A Debilitating Hand Deformity

3 March 2011
Dupuytrens Contracture is a slowly developing hand deformity that affects the connective tissue under the skin of the palm. In many cases the fingers affected by the disease can't be straightened and that can make even simple things like shaking hands, putting your hands in your pocket, or putting on gloves very difficult. But there are treatments that can help people with Dupuytrens get their hands...and their lives back. In this program we'll meet patients who developed this deformity and see how the condition can be successfully treated.

Season 19, Episode 6: Hepatitis C: The Silent Epidemic

10 March 2011
Hepatitis C is a chronic viral infection of the liver that can lead to liver cancer, liver failure and even death. Millions of Americans are believed to be infected by the virus and the shocking fact is that many don't even know it. In this program viewers will hear stories from patients who had no idea they had Hepatitis C, and how they discovered their condition. We'll also hear from experts about the importance of seeing out a specialist to discuss medical options after a patient is diagnosed. Viewers will learn why anyone who is at risk for the disease should see a health professional and be tested.

Season 19, Episode 7: Bone Metastases in Cancer Patients

17 March 2011
Advanced cancer and multiple myeloma patients are at risk for a series of complications from their disease...including skeletal-related events like fractures and other problems with bone. The goal of this program to help educate people on what happens when disease spreads to the bone and offer help on how to manage these bone complications.

Season 20

Season 20, Episode 1: Conquering Silence: Restore Hearing

19 May 2011
In this program we examine some of latest treatments to help people get their hearing back. More than 31.5 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss, and an estimated three out of every 1,000 children in the US may be born with hearing loss. Whether it's present at birth, or happens suddenly or gradually over time, hearing loss can leave a person feeling isolated from friends and family. Some hearing loss can be treated with traditional therapies like hearing aids, while other degrees of hearing loss may require more advanced treatments. We talk with patients who have lived with hearing loss and see how their lives have changed for the better since they were able to treat their hearing loss.

Season 20, Episode 2: Managing Myelofibrosis

26 May 2011
Myelofibrosis is a mysterious blood disorder that can seriously undermine a person's quality of life. People with myelofibrosis offer suffer with enlarged organs, profound fatigue and are often so debilitated that they can't participate in the regular activities of daily life. But there is hope. In this program we explore fascinating new treatments that are giving patients the ability to get back to a normal life. We take a look at the science of the condition and see how breakthroughs in this area can have a significant impact on both the treatment of myelofibrosis but also on other much more common blood conditions.

Season 20, Episode 3: Understanding Triple Negative Breast Cancer

2 June 2011
Breast cancer is probably the disease many women fear the most. But in many cases breast cancer is not the automatic death sentence some people perceive it to be. There are effective treatments that can stop the cancer from growing. But when a woman is diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer many of those treatments don't work so researchers have to find other options. In this program we meet women who were diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, see what treatments are working to stop the cancer and hear how women can live healthy, productive lives after being diagnosed and treated for Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

Season 20, Episode 4: Management of Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

9 June 2011
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia is a particular type of blood cancer that generally affects older patients...but it can occur at any age. While it is not a common cancer, it can have devastating effects on patients. In this program we highlight a particular type of CML that involves the Philadelphia Chromosome. We delve into the science involved in both the diagnosis and treatment of this condition and meet patients who have battled PH+ CML and are now living full healthy lives

Season 20, Episode 5: Hereditary Angioedema (HAE): A Potentially Life-Threatening Condition

16 June 2011
Hereditary Angioedema isn't something that everyone has heard of...even though it's been the subject of popular television medical series. But this mysterious condition is very well-known to people who treat disorders of the immune system. It's an out of control inflammatory response that can cause a person's face, arms, and legs to swell for no apparent reason. It may also cause the person's airway to swell and can be fatal. Fortunately HAE is rare but there are treatments for this condition...in this program we meet people who have lived successfully with HAE. We will hear about treatments that are working to help them manage the disease and live successful, normal and even healthy lives.

Season 21

Season 21, Episode 1: The Danger of Bone Metastases: When Cancer Spreads to the Bones

28 July 2011
Advanced cancer is among the most frightening conditions in modern medicine. But when common cancers like tumors of the breast, prostate and lung spread, they often spread to the bone called bone metastasis. And some cancers like multiple myeloma begin in the bone marrow. When cancer goes into the bones there are often debilitating complications like excruciating pain and decreased mobility. But there are ways to treat these complications to help cancer survivors live a healthy life. In this program, we will highlight the advances made in managing bone metastasis, see why clinical trials are so important and encourage all cancer patients to work closely with their health care team.

Season 21, Episode 2: Treating Hypogonadism: Healing a Hormone Deficiency

4 August 2011
Hypogonadism occurs when the body doesn't make enough sex hormones, in men there's not enough testosterone, in women not enough estrogen. People of any age can experience hypogonadism which can begin before puberty, or during adulthood. Symptoms can include sexual difficulties and infertility. But there are treatments that can help. In this program we will help viewers recognize the signs and symptoms of hypogonadism and see what therapies are available to manage it. Armed with a better understanding of the condition, patients and their families can work together with their health care team to find the most effective treatment plan.

Season 21, Episode 3: Precocious Puberty: When Puberty Comes Too Soon

11 August 2011
Puberty usually occurs during adolescence when children develop physically and emotionally into young men and women. Usually this starts to happen around 10 years of age for girls and age 12 for boys. But what if a younger child...say a 7 year old girl, or a 9 year old boy begins showing signs of puberty? This is called Precocious Puberty and it can be both physically and emotionally difficult for children. It can also be the sign of an underlying health problem and affect the child's development in the long term. In this program we will help viewers better understand precocious puberty, the history, the symptoms and the advances made in treating it.

Season 21, Episode 4: Understanding Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technology

18 August 2011
Ultrasound imaging which uses high frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body can be used diagnose and treat conditions and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and soft tissue throughout the body. In this program we will explore musculoskeletal ultrasound technology, show viewers how it works and see how it is being used as an important diagnostic tool. We will also highlight the benefits of musculoskeletal ultrasound images for both patients and physicians and take a look into the future of this technology.

Season 21, Episode 5: Bone Marrow Transplants: Serious Anti-Cancer Therapy

25 August 2011
A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that can be used to cure diseases once thought incurable especially certain cancers of the blood. Since its first successful use in the late 1960s thousands of people have undergone bone marrow transplantation. Today, though, most "bone marrow transplants" are actually stem cell transplants with stem cells either donated by a matched donor or collected from the patient's own blood. In this program we take an in depth look at how these transplants work to treat diseases like Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Hodgkin's Disease and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. We will explore the different types of transplants, talk with patients who have had these transplants and hear their advice to others who may be considering this potentially life-saving procedure.

Season 22

Season 22, Episode 1: Preventing Preterm Birth

24 November 2011
Having a happy, healthy baby is the dream of many couples around the world but a preterm birth can turn that dream into a nightmare. When a baby is born too early or; preterm, defined as less than 37 weeks gestation there can be potentially serious short term and/or long term consequences on the babys health and development. Although in most cases the cause is unknown, as we see in this program, there are some risk factors that may make it more likely that a woman will deliver preterm. Scientists have developed different treatments that may help a woman stay pregnant for a full forty weeks. We will speak with women who have delivered preterm and the doctors who treated them to hear some of the ways to help reduce the risk of preterm birth.

Season 22, Episode 2: Getting Gout Under Control

1 December 2011
Gout once thought to be a disease of Kings and Aristocracy is now considered one of the most common inflammatory conditions. It can also be excruciatingly painful. According to the National Institutes of Health, gout is a kind of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in blood and causes joint inflammation. Often gout can be triggered by certain foods, lifestyle choices and other modifiable risk factors. In this program, we will raise awareness of the causes and symptoms of gout as well as the most effective treatments. We will stress the need for communication between patient and physician. We will hear directly from patients about how the treatments are working for themâEUR¦ and hear from physicians about the importance of sticking with those treatments long term.

Season 22, Episode 3: New Hope for People with Hepatitis C

8 December 2011
An estimated 4 million people in the United States have chronic Hepatitis C, most are unaware of their infection, and the majority of those infected are Baby Boomers (people born between 1946-1964). The word hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis C is a contagious liver disease that results from infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus. This virus is usually spread when infected blood enters the body. Many people became infected through the sharing of needles or other drug injecting paraphernalia in the distant past, as well as unsterile tattoo and piercing equipment. Patients who had blood transfusions or organ transplants prior to 1992 may also be at risk for Hepatitis C. There are vaccines available for Hepatitis A and B, but there is no vaccine available for Hepatitis C. While there is no cure for Hepatitis C, research reveals that chronic hepatitis C may be curable in some patients who undergo therapy. In this program we will meet the scientists and the sufferers who have done battle with Hepatitis C and hear their stories. WeâEUR(TM)ll see why there is may be new hope for people with Hepatitis C!

Season 22, Episode 4: Catching a Killer: Preventing Meningococcal Disease

15 December 2011
Meningococcal Disease is serious infection with a dangerous and often well-deserved deadly reputation. Meningococcal disease which can cause a lethal form of bacterial meningitis as well as septic shock can strike quickly often without any warning at all and leave the patient dead or seriously impaired in a matter of hours. But there are ways to prevent meningococcal disease. The goal of this program is to educate viewers about meningococcal disease and the vaccines that are available to prevent it. We will hear from a patient who had the condition, see why it wasn't discovered by the ER physicians who initially treated her and find out what telltale symptom lead her doctor to give her lifesaving treatment. We will highlight the importance of immunization and booster shots for children and teenagers and encourage parents to be more proactive in their children's healthcare and work collaboratively with their own physicians and their children's pediatricians.

Season 22, Episode 5: Saving Lives: Stopping Anaphylaxis, an Allergic Emergency

22 December 2011
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction: a true Allergic Emergency. It can occur within seconds or take up to an hour, but once the reaction begins it can involve the entire body and be rapidly fatal. The most common triggers include drug reactions, food reactions and insect stings. In this program we will meet both doctors and patients who fight allergic emergencies on a daily basis. We'll hear what the risk factors for anaphylaxis are as well as the early signs and symptoms. We'll see how patients live their day-to-day lives knowing that exposure to a particular allergen could send them, or their child to the emergency room or worse. We will highlight how to avoid an allergic emergency and what actions must be taken during an allergic emergency that can save lives.

Season 22, Episode 6: The Multiple Sclerosis Revolutions

29 December 2011
As many as 400-thousand Americans have multiple sclerosis and it is believed to affect as many as two and a half million people worldwide. While the condition is relatively common it is also a mysterious illness that can strike seemingly without warning and have lifelong devastating consequences. But there have been many recent breakthroughs in the understanding of MS. This new knowledge has dramatically transformed the way MS is viewed and understood by the medical community. In this program we'll see how these new insights are leading to the development of new treatments and the promise of a better quality of life for patients

Season 23

Season 23, Episode 1: Actinic Keratosis: The Link Between Chronic Sun Damage and Skin Cancer

5 April 2011

Season 23, Episode 2: Clearing Up Rosacea

12 April 2011
Rosacea is a skin condition that's been around for decades but is still misunderstood even today and often mistaken for acne or other diseases. While rosacea is not a life-threatening disease...since it appears on the face and other areas people who have this condition may try to hide it or treat it with over the counter acne products that simply don't work. In this program we'll clear up some misperceptions about rosacea and give viewers the information they need to better understand this condition...and seek out experts who can help them manage it.

Season 23, Episode 3: Fighting Gout

19 April 2012
It's estimated that more than 8 million adults in the United States suffer from a condition called gout. As many of these individuals know all too well, when gout flares up - the pain can be almost unbearable. In this program we take a look at what triggers gout, and see how through a change in diet, effective use of medications and other therapies gout patients can bring this fiery condition under control. We also speak to both male and female gout patients to see how they've learned to manage this condition.

Season 23, Episode 4: Photodynamic Therapy: Powerful Anti-Cancer Light Treatment

26 April 2012
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) has been around for many years but today it is becoming more popular as a powerful anti-cancer treatment. It uses a photosentizing chemical and a laser light to literally destroy cancer cells and give patients a better quality of life. In some cases PDT can eliminate some early tumors completely. But more often PDT is used as another weapon in the arsenal to help oncologists and other members of the health-care team battle the cancer. In this program we take an up close look at photodynamic therapy, go into the operating room with the surgical team as they use PDT and hear from patients and physicians about the benefits and risks of this procedure.

Season 23, Episode 5: Targeting GIST: Lifesaving Treatment & Hope for the Future

3 May 2012
GIST - Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor is a rare and dangerous form of cancer that affects the digestive tract and other structures in the abdominal area. But unlike many other cancers there are targeted treatments that work very well for some patients with GIST. In this program we meet doctors who are at the forefront of cancer research, see how they are implementing these targeted treatments and hear about what's on the horizon. We will also meet patients who were diagnosed with GIST who have benefitted from the latest research and hear their stories.

Season 23, Episode 6: Learning About Multiple Sclerosis

10 May 2012
Multiple Sclerosis is a mysterious condition that often strikes in the prime of life and seemingly comes out of nowhere. In this program our goal is to raise awareness and educate the audience about multiple sclerosis. We describe the impact on the quality of life when patients are diagnosed and the effect it may have on family members. We'll also highlight research that is leading to breakthroughs and the importance of clinical trials so patients may continue to lead full and healthy lives after diagnosis.

Season 24

Season 24, Episode 1: Cochlear Implants: Bringing Back the Joy of Sound

12 July 2012
An estimated one third of people between the ages of 65 and 75 and close to one half of those over 75 have some degree of hearing loss. And it's not just a problem for the elderly. One to three children out of a thousand are born with profound hearing loss...or they have no sense of hearing whatsoever. But today advances in research and technology, particularly involving cochlear implants may bring sound to those who have lost their hearing. In this program we'll meet both children born without hearing and elderly patients - one as old as 90âEUR"who lost their hearing over time and can now engage with their families, swim, dance and study thanks to their cochlear implants.

Season 24, Episode 2: Learning About Tuberous Sclerosis

19 July 2012
In the human body, there's a tiny structure that houses a huge amount of information: it's - the human gene. A gene is a length of DNA and helps to shape much of who we are. So, if something should go wrong with one of these smallest of elements, a giant-sized problem can result. And that's the case in the genetic mutation that causes a condition known as tuberous sclerosis, or TS. As you'll see in this episode Tuberous Sclerosis is a mysterious disease that causes lesions or tumors that can invade major organs. And though TS tumors are typically benign, they can bring on alarming consequences such as learning disorders, seizures, even autism.

Season 24, Episode 3: Restless Leg Syndrome: An Uncontrollable Urge to Move

26 July 2012
It's the end of the day, you're home relaxing, and getting ready for a good night's sleep, when an irresistible urge to move your legs creeps in and keeps you awake all night. This could be caused by Restless Leg Syndrome, a neurological condition that creates a deep urge in the legs; a force that drives a person to have to move. For those with RLS it is an everyday, or every night occurrence. And it can have a profound influence on the person's ability to get a good night's sleep. But as we'll see in today's program although there is no cure for RLS, there are a number of therapies available today to help control the symptoms.

Season 24, Episode 4: Healing Vertebral Compression Fractures

2 August 2012
Many older adults are concerned about breaking a hip, but in actuality spinal fractures are much more common. In fact vertebral compression fractures or VCF as they're known affect 25 percent of all post menopausal women in the United States. Unfortunately, often people don't attribute the sharp, agonizing pain in their backs to a fracture that can be healed, rather they blame arthritis or some other chronic condition they just have to live with. This leads to a poor quality of life because while the pain itself can be debilitating, fractures of the vertebra can also lead to deformities of the spine and difficulty with the most basic tasks of daily life. But there are treatments that can alleviate the pain almost instantly in some cases. In this program, experts will explain what puts people at risk for VCF and we will go into the surgical suite to watch as doctors perform procedures to heal the fractures.

Season 24, Episode 5: Saving Lives: Stopping Anaphylaxis - An Allergic Emergency

9 August 2012
A growing number of children and adults face the risk of life threatening allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis to foods, medications, insect stings, and even manmade substances like latex. Anaphylactic allergies start suddenly and involve several organ systems. Often children will have an anaphylactic response to peanuts or dairy or some other substance. But also adults who grew up allergy free can sometimes become anaphylactic later in life. In this program we will explore the science of allergies and anaphylaxis, see how to recognize an anaphylactic reaction, establish what should be done in case of an allergic emergency and meet families who've learned to cope with life-threatening allergies.

Season 25

Season 25, Episode 1: Treating Precocious Puberty

22 November 2012
Most adults can remember going through puberty...it's a normal part of growing up. But it becomes abnormal when it starts very early...when for example a 4 year-old child starts showing signs of body hair growth, breast development, or a six year old has a sudden growth spurt. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, precocious puberty, also known as early onset puberty occurs in approximately 1 out of 160 children. But as we'll see in this program there are effective therapies that can stop the progression. These treatments may also help the child avoid the consequences of precocious puberty.

Season 25, Episode 2: The Mysteries of Myelofibrosis

29 November 2012
Myelofibrosis is a type of chronic leukemia where bone marrow is slowly replaced with scar tissue. Depending on the severity of the scarring, there are consequences that can occur, such as anemia, weakness, and fatigue. But researchers are looking into a number of different therapies that may help people live longer with myelofibrosis. In this program we'll see how the condition is diagnosed; meet patients who are living with myelofibrosis and see what scientists think can be done to help manage the disease now and in the future.

Season 25, Episode 3: Lifesaving Options for Abdominal Aortic & Thoracic Aneurysms

6 December 2012
Aneurysms can form where there is a weakness in the artery wall, often in the chest or abdomen. These aneurysms can be extremely dangerous - because if they burst, or rupture they are most often fatal. There are risk factors, like high blood pressure but often aneurysms can form silently-without the patient knowing anything is wrong. In this program we'll take the viewers inside the surgical suite to see how aneurysms are discovered, diagnosed and ultimately repaired. We'll also show viewers new surgical techniques that are making repairing an aneurysm a much less invasive process.

Season 25, Episode 4: Controlling Irritable Bowel Syndrome

13 December 2012
It can appear in most anyone at any age, yet many people are reluctant to reveal they even have this common medical disorder. It brings on painful flare-ups that can alter work life, school life, and social life. It's called, irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. According to the National Institutes of Health, IBS-related symptoms may affect millions of Americans. Even so, it isn't the easiest subject for people to talk about. Likewise, it isn't an easy condition to understand, perhaps because there is no single cause. In this program we'll look at the very challenging condition of irritable bowel syndrome, learn what often triggers its symptoms, and hear how patients are learning to better control its effects on their lives.

Season 25, Episode 5: Learning About GIST: A Mysterious Rare Cancer

20 December 2012
GIST- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor is a rare disorder that in the past has been rapidly fatal. But researchers armed with the latest scientific breakthroughs are making great strides against this deadly cancer. In this program, we take you inside the laboratories to see how clinical trials are helping scientists better understand GIST and other cancers. And we'll hear from patients who are living with GIST about how they stay upbeat in the face of such a formidable foe.

Season 25, Episode 6: Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism: Dangerous Blood Clots

27 December 2012
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition where blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs. When parts of these clots break off they can travel to the lungs and cause a potentially fatal condition called Pulmonary Embolism or PE. These dangerous and deadly blood clots can form in anyone, but hospitalized patients, those who are on long airplane flights, or anyone who is sedentary for any length of time can be at risk. In this program, we'll see what can be done to prevent both DVT and PE. We'll also see how scientists working with public health experts are finding ways to help people lower their risks of both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Season 26

Season 26, Episode 1: New Ways to Manage MDS

28 March 2013
Myelodysplastic Syndromes-MDS-is the name given to a group of little-known conditions where the bone marrow does not produce enough normal blood cells for the body to function properly. This can result in the crushing fatigue that is characteristic of anemia and increased infections and bleeding because of low white cells and fewer platelets. The only way to cure MDS is with a stem cell transplant-but since the disease is frequently diagnosed in elderly people-a stem cell transplant isn't generally regarded as safe for that patient population. Over the last several years researchers have come forward with new, less intense treatments for this condition. In this program, we travel to Boston & Martha's Vineyard, Mass, Dusseldorf Germany and Florence Italy to hear about the latest treatments that can help many patients with MDS-even those who are in their 80s or 90s.

Season 26, Episode 2: The Lifesaving Work of Blood Platelets

4 April 2013
Immune thrombocytopenia, or ITP, is an autoimmune blood disorder that results in a lower than normal level of blood platelets in the body. In people with ITP, antibodies malfunction and begin to attack blood platelets as if they were foreign invaders and less platelets are made to make up for those that are lost. Since blood platelets help stop bleeding by triggering the clotting process in the presence of a wound, a lower number of platelets increases the risk of bleeding. But as we'll see in this program, for many patients with ITP, medical science has made impressive strides in helping them maintain proper levels of platelets, reducing the risks that can come with serious bleeding.

Season 26, Episode 3: Understanding Hemophilia and Hemophilia B

11 April 2013
Hemophilia refers to a group of bleeding disorders in which it takes a long time for the blood to clot. When you bleed, the body launches a series of reactions that help the blood clot. This process involves special proteins called coagulation factors. When one or more of these clotting factors are missing, there is usually a higher chance of bleeding. Hemophilia and hemophilia B is caused by a lack of specific clotting factors. In most cases, hemophilia is passed down through families. And it most often affects males. If hemophilia is severe it can be life-threatening. But there are ways to effectively manage this condition. In this program we'll head to a hemophilia treatment center to see what scientists have learned over the years about the disease and ways for patients and their families to bring it under control. As you'll see people with hemophilia and hemophilia b can live normal lives.

Season 26, Episode 4: Understanding the Mysteries of GIST: A Rare Cancer

18 April 2013
A Gastrointestinal Stomal Tumor, or GIST, is a fairly rare tumor of the digestive tract. Though there are other kinds of tumors that can originate in this part of the body, GISTs are different because they're created in different kinds of cells than other GI tumors. Though GIST can become life-threatening - as you'll see in this program - medical science has discovered new ways to alter the progression of this disease. Also in this program, we'll meet patients who are living with GIST including one man who had a fairly large GIST tumor, yet is approaching life actively and very optimistically.

Season 26, Episode 5: Neutropenia: The Importance of Healthy White Blood Cells

25 April 2013
Neutropenia is a term used to describe a lower-than-normal level of white blood cells also called neutrophils. White blood cells/neutrophils help the body's immune system fight off infection. When neutrophil levels are low, infections can spread uncontested, often resulting in harm to the body. In this program we'll see that a reduction in neutrophils is caused when cell production cannot keep up with the number of cells that die - either by natural occurrence, or by outside influences such as chemotherapy treatment. We'll also meet patients who have been living with neutropenia and their families and see how they're coping with this condition.

Unknown Season

Irritable Bowel Disease


Osteoarthritis: Finding Relief


Weight and Cardiometabolic Risk


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