The 80 Best Guerilla Marketing Ideas Ive Ever Seen

Ehennessy April 23, 2011, 4:43 PM

Ryan just tripped into your site raw entertainment.
Being a life-time, practitioner of Guerrilla Marketing was drawn to
to your headline & stuff.
Our focus is on applying Market Warfare fundamentals to our clients
business needs, with an emphasis on new market/vertical industry
devleopment, product launch campaigns, distribution channel development
& stimulation, competitive attack campaigns, etc.
The programs lend themselves to being fully, integrated with a blend
of disciplined/proven approaches and a strong dose of innovation (not outrageous though).
We authored a book titiled, Market Warfare: Leadership & Domination Over Competitors,
which was endorsed by Jay Conrad Levinson the Father of Guerrilla Marketing.
Figure that you are up-to-speed on Jays historical work and contributions.

Will keep an eye on your site for more exposure to cool stuff.

Good Hunting!

Ed Hawkeye Hennessy
Performance Marketing Group
The Market Warfare Guy

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