Angela Harris on HubPages

Personally, I've been married for a long, long time. My husband and I have 3 kids. All of them are pretty much grown. I homeschooled all of them.

The rest of the family consists of two mutts and three cats. I would own a zoo if I could, but they keep us pretty busy all by themselves.

Now my husband, youngest daughter, and I do a fair share of traveling around the USA due to his occupation. That has presented lots of opportunities to meet interesting people and give me experiences to share with others online.

I'm an online writer. The subjects that I write about include topics that are passions of mine, that I know well, or want to learn. Some of these subjects include cooking, alternative health, travel, music, books, animals, online businesses, pop culture, ancient history, homeschooling, and anything that makes me laugh.

I have really become fond of the Hubpages community. I enjoy writing and making money online and hope to turn it into a full-time income by the end of this year. Read along with me and give me some hints, tips, and suggestions for any articles.

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