Cherub Tattoos And Meanings-Cherub Tattoo Designs And

There are a few different meanings that can be associated to the cherub or baby angel tattoo. Anyone of these meanings can be used for the cherub. Keep in mind though, in the end, your tattoo represents what you want it too. In saying that, below are the meanings behind the cherub tattoo.

  • Guardian
  • Protection
  • Faith
  • Spirituality
  • Hope
  • Christianity
  • Angelic
  • Love

As you read earlier, the main meaning behind the cherub is "protection." The cherub has many task in this world and in Heaven, but its main job is to protect those who believe in God. Cherubs have not always been a top tier angel. Once upon a time, cherubs were only messengers. Most winged characters throughout history are messengers. One popular cherub that you may know is "Cupid." Cupid is the same character that is celebrated on Valentine's Day. Cupid is most commonly known for matchmaking. He would shoot his arrow at one boy and one girl. Afterward, they would fall in love. Cupid is another variation of cherub tattoo designs.

Cherub tattoos can be designed in various ways for various purposes. The cherub tattoo is often used as a memorial, to remember a young person that has passed away. This could include someone's child, grandchild, or a close young friend. Cherub tattoo designs for this purposes often include the person's name, date of birth, and date of death. The cherub is also viewed as a mischiveous character, one that often finds mischief due to their young age. Cherub tattoos can be designed to symbolize this exact meaning. Cherubs may portray bat wings or have two small horn on their forehead. Falling cherubs or baby angels can also be another cherub tattoo design variation. Flowers, doves, stars, and Christian symbols can all be portrayed in cherub tattoo designs. Cherubs are also associated to music, therefore, it may be designed with musical instruments or music notes. When it comes to baby angel tattoos, the possibilities are endless. Once again, please make sure you view all the different cherub tattoo designs so you can get an idea of everything that is available to you.

There are some important things that you should remember before you choose to get your cherub tattoo or any tattoo. Make sure that you take the time to research your tattoo. You want to make sure that you fully understand what your tattoo represents and stands for. Don't rush to get inked! If you are not completely sure about your tattoo, don't get it inked on. Men and women that rush to get their tattoo or get it on an impulse usually have regrets about it later on down the road. Remember, you are going to wear this for the rest of your life. If you feel that cherub tattoos are not for you or you want to view more tattoos, please feel free to follow the links below. As always, thank you for your visit.

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