Tattoo Ideas for Women With Children eHow

Amy Pell Glasgow

Amy Pell Glasgow has been a freelance writer since 2001. She writes for various websites and niche blogs. Pell holds an Associate of Arts in business from American InterContinental University, where she is pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in marketing and sales.

By Amy Pell Glasgow, eHow Contributor

It is not uncommon for women with children to seek ways to honor their children in special ways. Tattoos are growing increasingly popular among women with children. Getting "inked" is one of the most intimate ways to share your love and pride for your child. Whether you are a new mom or a seasoned mother, tattoos allow any mom to show her pride for her baby (big or small). Get creative with your tattoo ideas.

  1. Children's Names

    • Name tattoos are very simplistic . You can customize this tattoo to add some of your own personality and flare. Add designs around the name, like butterflies, flowers, four-leaf clovers or angel wings. You can also choose a design that has a banner through, under or over it, to hold the name of your child. These tattoos can be placed anywhere on your body that you wish. You can choose to keep it in an intimate spot for only you to see, or on places like your wrist, shoulder blade and lower back. If you have more than one child, you will need to take into consideration the additional space needed.

    Baby Footprints

    • A common tattoo type for many women with children is the replica of your child's feet as a newborn. Tattoo artists are able to create a duplicate copy that will transfer the footprints onto your skin as an outline for the tattoo. Many experienced artists can capture the unique lines and whorls in your baby's footprint. You can add the birth date and name of your child surrounding the print. This tattoo is unique to you and your child.

    Portrait Tattoo

    • Though this tattoo is a bit more involved, a portrait tattoo is the ultimate honoring of your child. Bring in a photo to a tattoo artist and he will make a copy to transfer onto your body. This tattoo will require a decent amount of space to work with like the back and upper arm. This tattoo looks great in color or black and white. This tattoo may be accompanied by a birth date, name or simply the portrait itself. Portrait tattoos are generally more involved and may require more than one session to complete.

    Zodiac Sign

    • Your child's zodiac sign is a small and simple token of love and admiration. This tattoo is generally small in size and can be placed virtually anywhere on the body. If you have more than one child, this is a great type of tattoo as they take up less room. Add the birth date or name of your child to further customize your tattoo. Zodiac sign tattoos are basic and should require less sitting time. This is a great tattoo for those who are getting their first.

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