30 Majestic Viking Tattoos - SloDive - Tattoo Ideas

One of the most common tattoos in the world, Viking tattoos have been a hot favorite with many celebrities. Anyone who has read the Celtic history knows that Vikings were the real heroes who wore tattoos. A Viking design depicts strength, courage, loyalty, pride and heroism.

The Vikings left few written records behind them but their surviving artwork shows they had many important designs and symbols, which are used as tattoos in the present times of fashion. The original meaning of most Viking symbols are a mystery that has not been solved even with passage of hundreds of years since their origin.

Cool Viking Tattoo

A must have for men, this tattoo depicts a Viking, who is determined to take revenge from all his enemies.

Cool Viking Tattoo

Cool Viking Tattoo


Viking Dot Style

The symbol of courage and bravery, this was the Vikings fighting gear that showed his belief in himself.

Viking Dot Style

Viking Dot Style

Viking Hero

The heroic Viking face shows courage and zero tolerance of anything wrong, a must have for all no-nonsense people.

 Viking Hero

Viking Hero

Freehand Viking

A care-free Viking who is ignorant of the surroundings but the real hero will not take any nonsense.

Freehand Viking

Freehand Viking

Viking Tattoo Ray

The original Viking tattoo, this one is a classic depiction of strength and bravery.

Viking Tattoo Ray

Viking Tattoo Ray

Realistic Viking Tattoo

The tattoo looks as real as a human and shows a handsome and strong Viking daring you to show your courage.

Realistic Viking Tattoo

Realistic Viking Tattoo

Hand Viking Tattoo

A lady Viking is the ideal design for a tattoo for all the women who want to fight it out in the male-dominated world.

Hand Viking Tattoo

Hand Viking Tattoo

Viking Art

Another symbol that depicts a man ready to fight it out for justice and freedom.

Viking Art

Viking Art

Simple Viking

A simple Viking face on the hand is the ideal example of courageous deeds and thoughts.

 Simple Viking

Simple Viking

Viking Warrior

An angry Viking warrior bearing a do not mess with me look, showing a tough attitude.

Viking Warrior

Viking Warrior

Viking Landing

A sitting Viking giving up or surrendering to a particular situation in life.

Viking Landing

Viking Landing

Custom Wizard

A tattoo representing the magical powers associated with the Celtic period when a real man was supposed to fight it out.

Custom Wizard

Custom Wizard

Viking Berzerker

A tattoo for true winners as a Berzerker Viking fighting art was the deadliest in which you learn how to defeat anyone, anytime and anywhere.

Viking Berzerker

Viking Berzerker

Viking Warrior Tattoo

This one is for the real fighters who do not give up come what may.

Viking Warrior Tattoo

Viking Warrior Tattoo

Viking Warrior

An angry Viking warrior was considered the most dangerous person as he would never relent until the enemy was finished.

Viking Warrior

Viking Warrior

Viking Landing

An ideal symbol for surrendering to the power of the enemy and giving up.

Viking Landing

Viking Landing

Old Viking

Do not mistake an old Viking to be weak, this design depicts the spirit of never giving up your courage.

Old Viking

Old Viking

Viking Helmet

A symbol of bravery as a Viking helmet was only awarded to a true hero in those times.

Viking Helmet

Viking Helmet

Angry Viking

An angry Viking will not spare any evil or wrongdoing and was the deadliest person to fight with.

Angry Viking

Angry Viking

Milosch Viking

A quality set of Viking designs from the master of black and grey realistic tattooing.

Milosch Viking

Milosch Viking

Odin And Thor

The Viking gods of wisdom and hard work, these two combined is the perfect example of hard work and success.

Odin And Thor

Odin And Thor

Manchester Viking

The UKs oldest and largest Dark Age re-enactment society, these vikings were known to be a dangerous lot.

Manchester Viking

Manchester Viking

Viking After Me

A Viking in a light mood would take anything but hated cowards and liars.

Viking After Me

Viking After Me

Viking Celtic Tattoo

The real warrior, Viking Celtic tattoos were worn only by the courageous in the olden days.

Viking Celtic Tattoo

Viking Celtic Tattoo

Viking Symbols

Do not mistake the small size, the Viking is as courageous and dangerous as a real hero.

Viking Symbols

Viking Symbols

Shaved Viking

The real man look, a shaved Viking feared none and this tattoo is the true depiction of the masculine man.

Shaved Viking

Shaved Viking

Been Waiting

The look on the Vikings face depicts a wait for the real fight and ambition in life.

Been Waiting

Been Waiting

Thor Viking Tattoo

Thor was the Viking god of thunder and lightning and so this tattoo depicts the superpower.

Thor Viking Tattoo

Thor Viking Tattoo

Viking Skull

A Viking skull is the true depiction of life after death and ghosts in real life.

Viking Skull

Viking Skull

Leg Viking Tattoo

The Viking tattoo in the leg is an impressive symbol and a great fashion trend for girls.

Leg Viking Tattoo

Leg Viking Tattoo

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