Best Hand Tattoo Designs Our Top 10 - Welcome to

Tattoos have been around since ancient times. They hold an important significance in various cultures all over the world, especially in the tribal culture. Many of them hold religious and spiritual beliefs and are inked on various parts of the body like the arm, hand, leg, torso, shoulders etc.

The hand and arm are used as portraits for tattoos as they are easily visible. And having  tattoos on hand has become quite popular over the years. Lets take a look at some of the best hand tattoo designs.

Hand Tattoo Designs

Humming bird sleeve tattoo 1. This is probably one of the most beautiful and intricate of hand tattoo designs. The pattern consists of two humming birds, which depict life and freedom. The flowers and the branches are spaced around well so that the design does not look messy. The vibrant hues of colours add depth and beauty to this design. The pattern covers the arm with the tattoo design extending till the shoulders.

flower tattoos for hands 2. This design has a very feminine look with the extensive use of flowers, leaves and creepers. It covers the entire arm, but the shoulder is left empty so that the design does not look very congested. A full bloom hibiscus along with 4 smaller ones dominates the design along with lots of buds. This is ideal for girls around the age of 20-30. This definitely a good choice of tattoo designs for girls on hand.

falcon tattoo design

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3. The falcon tattoo in hand is popular especially among men. It depicts fierceness, audacity and freedom which are some of the dominant qualities of a falcon. This tattoo depicts that a number of birds combine to form the single mighty falcon, depicting strength and valour. It covers only the forearm and is made only with the black ink.

religious symbols tattoos 4. Religious symbols used as tattoo designs were popular since ancient times. Nowadays many Bollywood as well as Hollywood celebrities have been flaunting these tattoos. This design gives a modern touch to the symbol by adding some colours to it. It depicts the persons devotion and faith in god.

sun design tattoos 5. The sun design is one the most popular and trendy designs among both men and women. There are a number of sun tattoo on hand designs like the celestial sun, the swastika sun, the tribal art sun etc. In many mythologies, the sun is considered as the source of strength and will power. Therefore many people opt for this sun tattoo design. You can also add different motifs like faces, patterns, symbols to add an individualistic touch to your design.

depicts women tattoo

[ Read: Tribal Tattoo Designs for Women ]

6. This tattoo design depicts a womens portrait but adds a funky touch to it. The bright coloured wig and eyes depicts the various shades in a persons life that he or she undergoes. The eyes are the window of a persons heart and thus this design also has very expressive eyes. Such kinds of tattoo designs are popular among women around the age of 30-40.

Another popular design 7. Another popular tattoo design, the angel tattoo signifies love, protection and serenity. This tattoo in hand is a design can be worn by women of all ages. One can use a lot of colours in the angel pattern to make it look vibrant and full of life. Cupid, the angel of love is another type of angel tattoo design which is popular amongst young girls. This particular deigns shows the guardian angel, drawn in complete black ink.

butterfly tattoo designs 8. The butterfly tattoo is a universal favourite among women of all age groups. This particular design is quite feminine and delicate, depicting the desire and freedom to fly. The beautifully placed sparkles make the design look more elegant.  The butterfly design tattoo can be inked using lot of colours and motifs to create an individualistic look.

3d tattoo designs 9. The 3-D tattoo designs are gaining popularity globally. The design appears to pop out of the hand, thus giving a 3 dimension look. Any desired pattern or motif can be selected for the 3-D tattoo. This can be worn by both men and women of any age group.

[ Read: Angel Tattoo Designs ]

henna tattoo designs 10. This is our very own desi version of tattoo the henna tattoo. Many international celebrities have been seen spotted sporting the henna tattoo on various occasions. There are different designs and patterns of the henna tattoo like the Rajasthani design, the Arabic design, the Pakistani design etc. One needs to select the design she likes and get started. However henna tattoos are not permanent like the other tattoos and stay for a few days.

Image source: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10

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