Celtic Tattoo pictures. World renowned Celtic Tattooist

We specialize in fixing old Tattoos. We can cover up your old Tattoo.
We will make you NEW again.
Fixing and Re-Coloring faded or improperly executed art is our favorite thing.
Call me 401-846-4488

Trinity Knot, also known as a Triquetra.

Triple strength Dragons Tattoo

Custom Firemans Cross Tattoo by Captain Bret

Custom Celtic & Tribal Tattoo by Captain Bret

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)


Sailor Jerry  Birds. We do CUSTOM Traditional Tattoos also

Custom Celtic Back Cross by Captain Bret

Very Large Custom Celtic Cross Tattoo by the Capitan

Knurley Tree of Life Tattoo design Download


Tree of Life - Beginning and End - Continuity of Life

Click for Tree of Life page. History, Information, Downloads

Tree of Life Tattoo idea

Celtic  Hounds  " Dogs"  Tattoo

 Custom Claddagh Tattoo with Tree of Life center

Celtic Life Circle with Tribal Band by Captain Bret

Celtic Triquetra with anachrid by Captain Bret Tattoo Shop, Newport

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)

Mystic River Tattoo

Sean Penns    Back Tattoo

Tattoo that Captain Bret Designed that was used in Clint Eastwood's movie "MYSTIC RIVER" staring Sean Penn as the character "Jimmy Markum" a South Boston Irish mobster with this Celtic styled cross Tattooed on his back

We bury our sins, we wash them clean.

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)

click for my Facebook

Custom Drawn Triple Celtic Dragons Tattoo by Captain Bret

Irish Pride Heritage shamrock Tattoo

Celtic Cross Tattoo by Captain Bret

Nice Tribal and Celtic Sun

Celtic Irish Harp Tattoo

Celtic Dragons Tattoo by Captain Bret

Custom Shamrock Tattoo by Captain Bret with a "Star of David" in center

Celtic Dog "In memory of" Chase, the police dog

Ladies, come get a HOT Celtic Tattoo Like this from us at

Celtic Lion Tattoo

celtcircle2.jpg (23986 bytes)        keltcircle105.jpg (27998 bytes)

Celtic Infinity of Life Earth Circles

Cover up an old cross with a new cross

celtic&tribaltripledragons.jpg (50376 bytes)

Custom Drawn Triple Celtic Dragons Tattoo by Captain Bret

tribal-celtic bear claw.jpg (22534 bytes)

Tribal Strength Celtic WOLF Claw

We also have in our store a   Celtic   BEAR  CLAW

click to download this Tattoo

dragonwristband1a.jpg (15107 bytes)

Dragon Wrist band

a big celt band.jpg (11238 bytes)

Large Celtic arm band in green

click to download Celtic  armbands

Celtic Knot work Shamrock Design

circlecross.jpg (35188 bytes)

Celtic Surfers Cross

celtband107.jpg (14780 bytes)

Celtic  Warrior Spike Band

click to download this Warrior Band Tattoo

1-22-03.jpg (19390 bytes)

Tribal and Celtic Fusion Tattoo

Boston Strong Tattoo

modtreelife.jpg (125146 bytes)

Another cool TREE of LIFE Tattoo

Infinity        four seasons      four points

Tree of Life Tattoo by Captain Bret


Tree of Life Tattoo on a foot, cool

Very large Celtic cross on leg

celt dogs new.jpg (16930 bytes)

Custom Celtic dogs back piece Tattoo (Viking origin)

Viking Tattoo Thors Hammer with Celtic Knots

Claddagh Tattoo

Shamrock and Claddagh Tattoo

Custom St. Patricks Cross with snakes interwoven

Custom Celtic Cross by Captain Bret

 CLICK To download a Celtic Cross

Ogham Celtic Lettering Tattoo design

Custom Large Celtic Arm Tattoo Designs by Captain Bret

flagshamrock1a.jpg (36402 bytes)

Nice Irish Flag Colored Celtic Shamrock By Captain Bret

click to download   Celtic  Shamrocks

The Tree of Life

Coolest Celtic Cross     Click to download this Tattoo pattern

celticlion1a.jpg (48158 bytes)

Celtic Strength Lion

click to  download  this   Lion  Tattoo

coolcross.jpg (42854 bytes)

Cool Celtic Black & Grey Celtic Cross by Captain Bret

click to   download   Cross  Designs

celtcirclesun3.jpg (28279 bytes)

Blazing Kool Celtic Infinity Sun Design

swirl2.jpg (24001 bytes)

Celtic Trinity Knot Swirl Tattoo

Triple Dragon Celt Trinity

click to   download   this  great  Tattoo

newageceltic.jpg (14841 bytes)

Celtic Strength Symbol

Celtic Trinity Dragon - Click to download

Large Celtic Back Tattoo design

Skin&Ink Tattoo magazine article about Captain Bret's Celtic Tattoos

My article and picture in Harley Davidson 100 year Anniversary Book

dolphins.jpg (15873 bytes)

Celtic Dolphin Spiritual Weave

click to download   Dolphin   Tattoo Design

All Tattoos at my shop are done by the owner/artist Captain Bret

No flunkies, or apprentices allowed near your skin !

Captain Bret at work Tattooing a Custom Design

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)

Viking Tattoo

click to download Viking Tattoos

Shades of Ireland green Celtic Cross designs by Captain Bret

click to download this Celtic Cross Tattoo

Custom Tattoo by Captain Bret

largesleaveceltarm.jpg (192077 bytes)

firemansceltcross4.jpg (43330 bytes)

Firemans Cross

dragon&tribalarm2.jpg (24894 bytes)

Double Strength Tribal & Celtic Dragons


Get in line for a Tattoo by Captain Bret

celtcompassrosecross.jpg (18010 bytes)

Celtic Compass Rose - Find your Direction & course in Life!

celthugeflagshamrock.jpg (11372 bytes)

Irish American Shamrock

Tree of Life Tattoo


Custom Tribal and Celtic Fusion Tattoos by Captain Bret

celticeagle&knot.jpg (51994 bytes)

Celtic Eagle

bluecelticswirly.jpg (35334 bytes)

Celtic Cosmic Swirl

firemancrossceltic.jpg (26694 bytes)

Firemans Cross Shielded by Lucky Shamrock

Buy this Tattoo NOW !

Buy & Download unique custom Tattoo designs in our online store

buytattoos now.jpg (12211 bytes)

celtkroossback.jpg (27223 bytes)

Large Ancient Celtic Cross Custom Design

celtskull4.jpg (26682 bytes)

Screaming Tribal Celtic Warrior Skull

celtcladdagha1.jpg (35546 bytes)


keltlizardcustom.jpg (114718 bytes)

Keltic Lizard Tattoo

peacocka1a.jpg (19518 bytes)

Kelt Peacock

tree#1.jpg (23223 bytes)

Click to   download   Tree  of  Life    Tattoos

Irish Warrior Pride Tattoo Design

Viking Tattoo

skull2.jpg (21755 bytes)

celtsimoleshamrock&knotsa.jpg (8814 bytes)

cross&doubldragn.jpg (24576 bytes)

Ancient Cross and Protective Dogs

shamrock#1.jpg (19344 bytes)

Lucky Celtic Shamrock Knot

lgcltcrsback.jpg (36214 bytes)

Huge Celtic Cross on back

Buy these designs at our Tattoo store

buytattoos now.jpg (12211 bytes)

celtcircle17a.jpg (19269 bytes)


reddogcelt.jpg (26639 bytes)

Celtic Blood Tattoo

Circle of Irish Warrior Pride Shamrock Tattoo


claddaghflag.jpg (15531 bytes)

Claddagh with Irish Flag Colors

'In a symbol lies concealment or revelation'

celtic heart1.jpg (14464 bytes)

Celtic Lovers Heart

click to download Celtic tattoos

a new celt dogs large back 4.jpg (21294 bytes)

Interwoven  Large Celtic Dogs on Back

keltgirlyheart.jpg (16496 bytes)

Keltic Girly Heart

celtic griffin.jpg (15541 bytes)

Celtic Griffin Tattoo

a new celt cross aa.jpg (17514 bytes)

Click to Download    Custom Celtic Cross Tattoos

a new celt eagle.jpg (14808 bytes)

Large Back sized Celtic eagle

click here to    download   this EAGLE

a new celt green dog.jpg (16079 bytes)

Elaborate Celtic Knotwork Hound

celtictriangledogs.jpg (20862 bytes)


cross#2.jpg (25365 bytes)

dragonharp1.jpg (29250 bytes)

Celtic Dragon Harp

Buy these designs at our Tattoo store

buytattoos now.jpg (12211 bytes)

hearttauruscelt.jpg (16698 bytes)

keltletercircle.jpg (23894 bytes)

crosscircle.jpg (29861 bytes)


a new celt spiral a.jpg (11160 bytes)

Book of Kells Spiral with custom Tribal on lower back

a new celt dog & bird b.jpg (11199 bytes)

Celtic dog with Peacock

shamrock celt weave 2.jpg (11922 bytes)

Womans Lower  Back Claddagh Tattoo

rearendceltic.jpg (20040 bytes)


a new celt back piece.jpg (12600 bytes)

Large Custom Celtic Back Tattoo

a celtic sea horse.jpg (17898 bytes)

Celtic Sea Horse

circledog1.jpg (20620 bytes)              circledog2.jpg (20990 bytes)

Celtic Circle Earth Dogs

Skin&Ink Tattoo magazine article about Captain Bret's Celtic Tattoos

celticbird.jpg (25000 bytes)

Celtic Bird & Art Tribal

keltKross100.jpg (26990 bytes)

click to download   Black Irish Kelt Kross

double dragons.jpg (15838 bytes)

Celtic Double Strength Spirit Dragons

circular shamrock weave.jpg (23925 bytes)

Good Luck Irish Faith Circular Weave Shamrock

celtcircletribal.jpg (15109 bytes)

Tribal and Celtic Tattoo

click to download Celtic arm bands

dog32.jpg (24866 bytes)

Celtic Hound

celtdragonharp.jpg (21392 bytes)



celtswirl1a.jpg (22754 bytes)                    tripleknot100.jpg (87419 bytes)

Irish Celtic Back Tattoo by Captain Bret

Ancient Celtic design

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)

Warrior strength Tattoo armband design

boston.jpg (124847 bytes)

doublrdragon101.jpg (22468 bytes)

celticlion2a.jpg (65275 bytes)

Celtic Lion

celtbabies.jpg (24877 bytes)

celticeagle3.jpg (17466 bytes)

claddaghshamrock.jpg (10072 bytes)

mermaidankleband.jpg (7677 bytes)

Celtic mermaid Tattoo

celtweave.jpg (12217 bytes)

irishmancrossflag.jpg (24149 bytes)

celtblue.jpg (26803 bytes)

celtcircle.jpg (12167 bytes)

celtdragon55.jpg (18721 bytes)

Cltic Dragon- Viking Origin

celtarmname.jpg (25241 bytes)

firemancross.jpg (23840 bytes)

celticfiremanshield.jpg (41259 bytes)

Celtic Fireman's Shield

celtcirclecross.jpg (22917 bytes)

keltdragon1a.jpg (20534 bytes)            stonecrosscelt.jpg (10913 bytes)

niceshamrock1.jpg (160424 bytes)

download this Shamrock

People with flying birds Tree of Life Tattoo

Celtic Mother Daughter Tattoo

dog.jpg (17884 bytes)   keltickross45.jpg (34225 bytes)    celtgriffin.jpg (21758 bytes)

logo_sun_aa.jpg (10366 bytes)    red_celt_knot.jpg (10533 bytes)   a new celt harp.jpg (12879 bytes)   a new celt circle aa.jpg (10860 bytes)

celtictribal_sun.jpg (13688 bytes)     aanew_celtshamrock.jpg (5914 bytes)      aanew celtshamrock.jpg (13869 bytes)     crows.jpg (9923 bytes)

Stop  -   Click and Buy something Please

buytattoos now.jpg (12211 bytes)

armband 2.jpg (10110 bytes)

click to download Warrior Strength Armband

Sailor Jerry  Birds. We do CUSTOM Traditional Tattoos

Links to Download Designs     Celtic Crosses   Celtic Arm bands   Custom Celtic designs   Shamrocks   Dragons   Lions   Tree of Life   LETTER SETS  Tribal Arm bands  Custom Tribal Designs    Suns    Animals   Lions   Dragons   Letter Sets

Hills of Ireland Celtic Cross

sox.jpg (37569 bytes)

Boston Irish Man   Red Sox  Tattoo Design

elaboratecladdaghaa.jpg (215732 bytes)

Custom Celtic Shamrock Armband by Captain Bret

anotherceltband.jpg (55019 bytes)

Buy Celtic Tattoo Designs on CD

elaboratecladdagha.jpg (62057 bytes)         yingyangceltic.jpg (10873 bytes)

celtsaw.jpg (31295 bytes)

purplceltcircle.jpg (43416 bytes)

Buy Celtic Tattoo Designs on CD

triangle band a.jpg (14250 bytes)

Celtic well being arm band

download arm bands

a new celtic with tribal band.jpg (7806 bytes)

Celtic design with Tribal

tribalcalddagh.jpg (11547 bytes)

treelife2coloredaaa.jpg (32266 bytes)


celtic interwoven double dragons.jpg (11437 bytes)

      treelifeknot.jpg (12372 bytes)


buytattoos now.jpg (12211 bytes)

We do ALL Tattoo styles, NOT JUST Tribal & Celtic

firemancelt.jpg (26384 bytes)

Celtic Fireman Cross

celtdragons2cross.jpg (17521 bytes)        celtcirclecrossunderarm.jpg (22314 bytes)          wickedlgharp.jpg (69330 bytes) 

pentagramkelta.jpg (154037 bytes)

Celtic Pentagram Tattoo

Skin&Ink Tattoo magazine article about Captain Bret's Celtic Tattoos

My article and picture in Harley Davidson 100 year Anniversary Book

crosselbow.jpg (23077 bytes)   

  greenkeltkrossarm.jpg (18516 bytes)

blakcros1a1.jpg (74589 bytes)       shamrockcross2aaaa.jpg (20808 bytes)        crossgray.jpg (21470 bytes)

click to download Cross Tattoo designs at our store

crackedcross1.jpg (17200 bytes)    oldceltcrosscracked2.jpg (23166 bytes)     celtcrosscracked3.jpg (17814 bytes)   


celticcross.jpg (18568 bytes)  stonecroscrakd.jpg (65605 bytes)      claddaghcrossa1a.jpg (97857 bytes)     shamrockcladdaghharp.jpg (80315 bytes)   dragondoublecross3aaaa.jpg (22185 bytes)


Celtic Dragon Tattoo Design by Captain Bret

uzi.jpg (4774 bytes)

oldenglishback100.jpg (24729 bytes)

Tattoos by Captain Bret

click to DOWNLOAD    HUGE collection of    Old English letter  SETS

stomachname.jpg (5645 bytes)

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)

thug-life_jpg.jpg (11437 bytes)

onlygod.jpg (18672 bytes)

Only god can judge me


familia.jpg (16466 bytes)

Old English Letter Stomach Tattoo

   Large Old English Letter Style Name On Back Tattoo

click to DOWNLOAD    HUGE collection of    Old English letter SETS

a new pride.jpg (21637 bytes)

oldengname.jpg (20015 bytes)

Captain Bret

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)

Fancy Old English letters CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

tribalpirateskull.jpg (24721 bytes)

sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)



sub-logo2.gif (5089 bytes)





So many custom Tattoo design at our shop - It will bust your brain box

click fore mail



buytattoos now.jpg (12211 bytes)

We do ALL Tattoo styles, NOT JUST Tribal & Celtic

Captain Bret's Tattoo Shop - 2 Collins St.   Newport,  Rhode  Island 

Next door to Newport Police Department  


skull2.jpg (21755 bytes)


Click for Home Index Page


Celtic Tattoo Photos           Tribal Tattoo Photos

Miscellaneous Tattoo Photographs


The Book of Kells   (Pagan Celt   Viking  &  Pict  Influence  on  Art)

Celtic   Tattoo   History   Page  #1      Page  #2      Page  #3

Tribal Tattoo History  Page #1      Page #2      Page #3

Celtic Mythology  Page #1     Page #2     Page #3

Tree of Life      Designs   and   History



A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community

Body  Parts  (Or  Modern  Mutations)

Current   Tattoo   Trends

How Tattoos Work


Directions     Hours     Discount     Coupon     F.A.Q.s

Pictures of Tattoo Shop & All our Tattoo Designs

Tattoo Care Instructions

Design Service

These designs, pictures, Photographs, JPG,s,Gifs, files, logos, Tattoos, images, content are used exclusively by Captain Bret's Tattoo Shop Inc. and represents our company, they are our intellectual property 1981 All rights reserved. 

All designs and images/content/compilation herein are Copyright 1981.  Trade Mark-Service Mark protections exist. Said Copyright, Copyrights, Service Marks, Trade Marks may be filed, owned, by all, some, or individually by the following,  Bret A. Lohnes, Captain Bret's Tattoo Shop Inc. and www.tribal-celtic-tattoo.com
copyright 1981



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