How to Transfer Tattoo Designs Onto Your Skin eHow

David Hill

David Hill began writing professionally in 2008. He has written for communities at Seneca College, where he studied the art fundamentals. Hill also studied art fundamentals at Sheridan College.

By David Hill, eHow Contributor

Tattoo artists create intricate artwork on skin, accurately and to scale, by transferring a guide, traced from the original design, applied to the body. Transferring a tattoo design is considered one of the most important steps of the tattooing process. A skilled artist, using a transfer, can make sure your tattoo looks exactly the way you want it.

Things You'll Need

  • Ballpoint pen

  • Carbon paper

  • Paperclips

  • Paper

  • Antiseptic

  • Disposable razor

  • Design

  • Roll-on deodorant

  • Alcohol

  • Scissors

    • 1

      Choose a design, based on personal preferences, to be inked by a tattoo artist. Selecting a design or artwork in advance, with clear line art, will help the artist create a higher-quality transfer and reduce waiting time. Schedule appointments in advance to allow sufficient time for the artist to do good work.

    • 2

      Place a piece of paper on a dry, clean table or counter top. Place a sheet of carbon paper, ink side down, atop the blank piece of paper, and place the design on top of that. Fasten all three sheets together with paperclips. Check the positions of each layer to be sure the design will be centered on the blank paper, to avoid creating an incomplete copy.

    • 3

      Trace the line art of the design using the ballpoint pen. Avoiding adding any shading, to prevent mistakes when inking the tattoo. Remove the paperclips and inspect the copy for any marks or inaccuracies that will compromise the final product. Use the scissors to trim and remove excess paper around the design.

    • 4

      Use the disposable razor to shave the patch of skin the design will be transferred to and wipe the shaved skin with alcohol or other disinfectant. Wait for the skin to dry, and apply the rollon deodorant liberally to the area. Discard the razor and deodorant to avoid infection.

    • 5

      Press the carbon-copied design, with the ink side facing the skin, against the body for several minutes. Peel the paper off in a fluid motion from one side to the other. Check the placement and clarity of the transfer. Correct any mistakes or botched transfers by removing the design with alcohol and applying a new transfer.

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